Quick Way to Disable Click-to-Run in MS Office Microsoft Office Click-to-Run service is used to install and launch the Office products faster. And this will reduce the time which are required to install products and also you can use the product when the Office product is installing in the background. But sometimes users face issues in Click to Run services. So, in this blog you will read how to disable Click-to-Run service in MS Office. For more details, contact Microsoft team via www.office.com/setup. Method To Disable Click-To-Run in MS Office.com/setup:
1: Try to Repair Office Click-to-Run: First, you should press Windows + R keys on your keyboard to bring up the Run utility. Then, you should type “control” and then click on the OK button just to launch the Control Panel. If you want to change the view mode to Large icons, then this will ungroup all settings to one page, and you can access them easily. After this, you have to click on Programs and Features. Now, you should select Office suite which you have and then click on the Remove/Change button. Here, you can select which settings you want to keep, and then tap on Repair option. At last, check the issue solved or still present.
2: Download Office without Click-to-Run: You should visit to the website of Microsoft Office from which you have purchase the product. Then, you should click on your MS account and then find Office suite which you have purchased. After this, you should click on advanced download settings and then just select version which don’t want you to use the Q: drive. And this Office version will be without Click-to-Run. At last, you have to download and install Office again and then just check if you are still facing issues with Click-toRun. 3: Turn off Office Click-to-Run Service: For this, press Windows + R keys on your keyboard to bring up the Run utility. Then, just type “services.msc” and just click on the OK button to launch Services. After this, scroll down so that you find the Microsoft Office ClickToRun Service. Then, you have to right-click on it and then select “Properties” option. On the General tab, under Startup type, you should select “Disabled” option. This will stop running Click-to-Run service when you start your computer. At last, click on the OK button and then restart your device. 4: Uninstall Office Click-to-Run with Control Panel: Just press Windows + R keys to bring up the Run utility. Then, you should type “control” and press OK button to launch Control Panel. If in case, you want to change the view mode to Large icons. Then this will ungroup all settings to one page, so that you can easily access them. After this, click on Programs and Features. Now, you should select Microsoft Office Click-to-Run and then click on Remove/Change button. At this point, you should select Uninstall Click-to-Run option. When the uninstallation process completed, then just reboot your device. At last, check the issue. 5: Use Task Manager to Disable Office Click-to-Run Process: First, open the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys on your keyboard altogether and then select Task Manager. After this, you should right-click on empty space in your taskbar and then select Task Manager. Now, you should press Windows + R keys, and then type “taskmgr” in the field and just click on OK button. If in case, your Task Manager opened in compact mode, then click on “More details” button which is in the bottom-left side of the window. At this point,
you should scroll down to find the Click-to-Run process and then just select it. Now, you should right-click on the selected item and then choose the “Disable” option. At last, close the task manager and then again restart your computer system. If in case, the user is facing issues then contact to the support team of Microsoft via office.com/setup. Read More –
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