Unable to Start PowerPoint For Mac! How to Resolve it? PowerPoint is the very useful app of MS Office and it is used to create presentation which is used in schools, colleges, hospitals and for business purpose. You can enjoy this application by installing MS Office through www.office.com/setup. But sometimes user encounters issue when PowerPoint is unable to Start for Mac. Hence, in this blog you will read the solution of this issue. Cause Of the Error “Unable to Start PowerPoint For Mac” – office.com/setup The causes of this error are when PowerPoint preferences are corrupted, when the program which runs in the background are interfering with PowerPoint, if Application files are corrupted and also if the user account profile is corrupted. Solution To Fix If Unable to Start PowerPoint for Mac: – Www.office.com/setup
1: Quit all Applications and Close all Windows: For this, in the Apple menu you should click on Force Quit. After this, you have to select an application in the “Force Quit Applications” window. Now, you should click on Force Quit. Here, you have to repeat the above steps till you quit all active applications. After you finished this process, you should click on the red button which is located at the upper-left side of the computer screen, and then just go to Force Quit Application Window. 2: Remove PowerPoint Preferences:
First, you should quit all Microsoft Office for Mac applications. Then, in the Go menu, you should click on Home. After this, you should open Library and then just open the Preferences folder. Here, you should look for a file which is named com.microsoft.powerpoint.plist. In case, you find the file, just move it to the desktop. After this, you should start PowerPoint and then check the problem still occurs or not. But if you cannot be able to locate the file, then the application is using the default preferences. If the issue is still there, then you should quit PowerPoint and after this, just restore the file to its original location. If you see the problem is resolved, then you should move the com.microsoft.powerpoint.plist file to the trash. 3: Perform a clean startup It is highly recommended that you should perform a “clean startup” just to check whether the background programs are interfering with Office for Mac. After the clean startup, in case the problem persists then you should move to the next step. Read Also – What are the Causes and Solution to Fix Excel File Not Loaded Completely?
4: Create New User Account: Sometimes the user’s information gets corrupted and this stops installation process, startup, or use of some applications. If this is the issue, then you should log on to the computer just by using a different or new user account, and then check the application. 5: Use “Repair Disk Permissions” option: For this, you should visit to the Go menu, and then click on Utilities. After this, you should start the Disk Utility program. Then you have to click on the primary hard disk drive of your computer system. Now, you have to click on the First Aid tab. At last, you should click on Repair Disk Permissions. 6: Remove and Reinstall Office: If the above solutions do not work, then it is advised that you should first uninstall MS Office from your device and then again try to install Office to solve the issue. The above method will help you to solve “Unable to Start PowerPoint For Mac”. In case, the customer needs any help or support then they can anytime contact to expert of MS Office via office.com/setup.