What are the Basic Tips for the Microsoft OneNote Beginners? Microsoft Office is the great productivity software which increases the productivity of the computer user. This software is used by all the students, employees, employers, businessmen’s, officer’s and housewife’s. This software can install through office.com/setup. Its applications are MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and MS Outlook etc. All these applications have its own features. It is very easy to use and offers user friendly interface. It is used in all the devices like Window OS, Mac, Computers, Laptops and Android Phones. Microsoft OneNote is the digital version of a physical notebook and it is used to capture and organize digital notes. You can also add images, diagrams, audio, and video content. You can use OneNote on your desktop or mobile devices. Basic Tips for the Microsoft OneNote Beginners: 1. Create Notebooks: For this, you have to select the Show Notebooks button. Then at the bottom of the page, you have to select Add Notebook. After this, you have to enter a name for the new notebook, and then you have to select Create Notebook. 2. Add or Move Notebook Pages: For this, you have to add a page, and select the Add Page button which is at the bottom of the left side of the screen. If you want to move a page from one section to another, then you have to drag the title of the page to the section which you want. 3. Type or Write Notes: You have to enter the notes by typing or writing with a digital stylus.
4. Create Sections: You have to create sections for better customization and organization. Now, to create a section, you have to select +Add Section or +Section which is at the bottom of the sections list. It is located on the left side of the window. 5. Tag and Prioritize Notes: For this, you have to select any line of text. And then you have to select the To Do tag just to add a check box to the line. After this, you have to select the arrow which is next to the To Do icon if you want to choose another tag, like Important, Question, or Remember for Later. 6. Include Images, Videos, and Audio Document: If you include images, video and audio document, this will help you to convey your idea better to others when you share in OneNote. For this, you have to Insert Tab to add files and objects. 7. Delete or Recover Notes: You should be careful while deleting notes, but if you remove one, you can be able to recover it. 8. Use One Note Mobile App or Free Online App: You can use OneNote with mobile apps made for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. You can also use the Microsoft's free online version. 9. Sync Notes Among Multiple Devices: First you have to select the Navigation button and then you have to select the arrow which is next to the name of the current notebook. Then you have to rightclick the notebook which you want to sync. At the end, you have to select Sync and choose Sync This Notebook. If you still have any kind of doubt, then you can call the customer expert anytime or you can go to its official website for details that is Www.office.com/setup.