What are the Best Work From Home Security Tips ?

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What are the Best Work From Home Security Tips?


Today, because of pandemic most of the people are working from home. So, McAfee team has given some security tips for the employees who are working from home. The user can install this security software via www.mcafee.com/activate. In this article, you will read the best work from home security tips.


1. Maintain Close Contact with Employer: The employees, who are working from home, should maintain close contact with their Employer. Because, employees should be aware of the new policies which the company is making as this will keep their company workers and business safe from threat.


2. Use Company’s Tech Toolbox: As you all know that hackers are keen interested in stealing the valuable data of the companies. Hence, it is advised that the employees must use the tech tools which are provided by the companies whether they are working from home or from offices. Employees should use the company provided laptops as they contain the firewall, McAfee antivirus software, VPN and 2 factor authencation which will protect your company’s data from external and internal threat.


3. Invest in McAfee Security Software: It is advised you should install McAfee antivirus software in your gadgets through www.mcafee.com/activate as this will protect your device from virus and malware. This software gives you regular updates and secures your device against the emerging threats. It safeguards your data and device against phishing attacks and tech support scams.


4. Increase Security of Home Router: If the employee is working remotely then they must strengthen the security of their home router. You should start this, by creating a strong password for your Wi-Fi network. It is advised you should not use the automatic password which comes with your router. Through this way, it becomes difficult for hackers to gain access to your home’s Wi-Fi network. You should also protect your Wi-Fi network through network encryption. This is important because if hackers gain access to your home network, they can easily gain access to your work devices. For help, go to mcafee.com/activate.


5. Stay Current on Software Updates and Patches: If the user gets reminders to update the software updates of your computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile device then you should not ignore this. You should immediately update your software. Remember, you can also set your devices to update automatically. Updates are important because it helps to fix the security flaws of your device and simply secure your data. Keep in mind updates gives new features for the protection of your devices and also remove the outdated ones.


6. Keep your VPN Turned on: When you work from home, you should use VPN i.e. virtual private network which helps to protect the data which you send and receive from your device. This helps to maintain a secure link between employees and the company by encrypting data. When you use VPN, hackers cannot be able to see what you are doing online. For more protection, you can use Two factor authentication, as this make difficult for hackers to access your account.


Visit Here for more blogs https://mcafee.com-activate.com/blog/how-you -can-prevent-phone-hijacking-mcafee-com-acti vate/ https://mcafee.com-activate.com/blog/how-youcan-stay-secure-on-public-wi-fi-with-mcafee/ https://mcafee.com-activate.com/blog/how-you -can-be-stay-safe-while-running-apps/ https://mcafee.com-activate.com/blog/how-mca fee-quick-clean-tool-optimizes-your-pc-perfo rmance/ https://mcafee.com-activate.com/blog/how-to https://mcafee.com-activate.com/ resolve-mcafee-error-code-507/

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