What are the Steps You Should Take to Stop Online Tracking? W W W. W E B R O O T.C O M / S A F E
You must have noticed that whatever you search online, you get the ads related to that thing on your computer screen. This is not casual; this means somebody keeps on tracking you online. Online tracking is the practice which hackers use to follow, record, and store your internet history so that they can sale your information to third-parties. The advertisers also know exactly what you read and which ones you skip, which videos you watch, and which promotional emails you read, and what you like on Facebook or on other social media account. Webroot teams wants to aware you about online tracking. You can install this software through webroot.com/safe. In this blog, you will learn how you can stop online tracking.
Steps to Stop Online Tracking: 1: Install Adblock Plus: First of all you must install Adblock Plus in your device, and then you should change your filter preferences just to add Easy Privacy. For this you have to visit to the AdBlock Plus website and then you just click on the link to “Add EasyPrivacy to Adblock Plus”. This will show you the Adblock Plus options screen. Here you have to click on add option. This will block the ads.
2: Change Cookie Settings: When you exit from your browser you should set your cookies to expire and also you should disallow the third-party cookies. For this, locate the Chrome settings menu, and then go to “Settings” option. From here scroll to the bottom and then you should click on “Show Advanced Settings.” Now under the “Privacy” option, you have to click “Content Settings” option. Just Select “Keep local data only until I quit my browser / for current session”, and then you should check “Block third-party cookies and site data”. There will no unwanted cookies.
3: Turn Off Referers: This is sent by default but it gives a lot of personal information to websites. You just turn it off. For this, you have to install the extension Referer Control. After this, you just scroll down and then you should locate the text “default referer for all other sites” and then just click “Block”. You will see there are no more referers.
4: Install HTTPS Everywhere: You should install EFF’s browser and just add-on HTTPS Everywhere. Because of this you will use HTTPS more and it also ensure that your private conversation with websites is not leaked.
You must install Webroot antivirus in your device through www.webroot.com/safe as this will control and manages the network incoming and outgoing traffic. For more details, you can visit to the official website of Webroot antivirus.