What You Should Do If Your Information is On Dark Web? If you find that your personal information is on the dark web. It is natural that you got worried about your account info has been compromised. In this situation, it is possible that hackers take advantage of your information and scam you or login to your accounts without your account without your consent. You can still reduce the risk and prevent identity thieves from using your data for their benefit. Hence, Webroot team just want their user what immediate step they should take to reduce the risk. You can install this trusted security software in your device through www.webroot.com/safe. It scans the data on regular basis to protect your valuable data from all kind of external or internal threat. In this blog, you will read how to protect if you found your information on Dark Web.
Read Also – What You Should Do If Your Device Has A Virus? Steps You Should Take To Reduce Risk:
Change your Passwords:
In case, you found your email on the dark web then you should change your password. If you are using this email address to log into other websites then you must change those passwords as well. After this, you should create a strong, unique and hard-to-guess password for each account. And always keep different passwords for different accounts. Hacker cannot be able to access your account if you have a strong password. If is difficult for you to generate strong password then you can take help of Password Manager and store all the passwords in it. Contact your Financial Providers:
If you found your credit card number or bank account information on Dark Web, then you should immediately get in touch with your financial providers. The financial providers can close your accounts and also provide you new account numbers so that nobody makes purchases in your name. These providers can also monitor your accounts just to check the suspicious transactions. Report the Evidence:
It is very essential when you came to know that your information is hacked than you should report about the identity theft. You should contact to the relevant authorities in your area and report about the cybercrime. These authorities will prevent future instances of theft. Monitor your Finances:
You should regularly monitor your bank accounts and credit card statements. Because identity thieves wait for sometime before they makes purchases with other people’s money. You should look for any suspicious transactions, and if you found anything then inform your financial services provider quickly. Activate Two-Factor Authentication:
If someone trying to log into your accounts then you should activate twofactor authentication because password is not enough for securing your account. And 2FA adds a second layer of security to your account like an SMS code, for accessing your account. You must set up 2FA on your email account, bank and credit card accounts, social media profiles etc. Use Security Software:
You must install security software like Webroot antivirus via Webroot.com/safe in your device. As it detects, removes, and blocks malware in your device. It scans your data timely and control and manages the network traffic. It protects your devices against data theft. This method will reduce the risk and if you want more information then visit to the site of Webroot antivirus via www.webroot.com/safe.