The Team
Pamela Ibanez
Crystal Bannoute
Emma Piontek
Fanny David
MISSion For The New School’s current students, professors and alumni who fall short in exposing their artwork, music, writing, theater but need that extra nudge towards the right direction in order to expose their creativity in a memorable and tangible way. The New Magazine is a submission based quarterly independent print and digital magazine aimed to promote and expose students at the New School unlike a regular magazine or newspaper the New Magazine will help encourage alumni to connect with current students as well as professors at the New School by keeping up with the trends of society.
INSIGHTS We surveyed New School students to gage their interest in other students work, what kind of publications they read, if they preferred print to online forms, and how connected they felt to students in other schools
Over half of the students we talked to had never heard of any of The New School Publications. While some had heard of The New School Free Press, and a few knew of other literary journals 11 1/2 and 12th St. that are Lang student produced. No one know of any art or culture magazines and 100% percent of them expressed interest in learning about other students work. However, when asked if they would be willing to pay for the publication almost 90% said no. We asked students about other online and print publications that they read reguarally and whether they prefer online to print. While many of the students read magazines or newspapers regurally less than half visited or read blogs on a daily basis.
PRINT MAGAZINE Frequency Bi-semester
Media Scope Online & Print
Campus buildings
Cost Free
READERS Students who are interested in arts and culture and want to know more about what is going on at The New School and feel more connected to the school and their peers. Also anyone who is interested in the up and coming arts and culture scene in NYC. This includes professors and alumni who want to keep up with student work. Prospective students & parents who are curious about what type of projects students at The New School participate in and what they are interested in will also find The New Magazine of interest. The New Magazine Can be inspiring for prospective students and give them an idea of the types of projects they can expect to work on.
Male 28%
Age Range 16-25
Female 72%
WHERE? The New Magazine will be avalible for free at many buildings on campus and will circulate through the school based on the percentage of students in each school. Since many of the schools use the same buildings and classrooms there will be multiple points of exposure of the magazine to students.
Photoshoots and articles of New School student work and process. Including a range of work form students from all schools.
Interviews or profiles of notable New School professors or guest lecturers.
A map of Manhattan highlighting interesting art, music, academic, and other cultural events happening at the school or in the city.
Coverage and reviews of The New School concerts and theater performances. Including talks and interviews with musicians, actors, and directors who worked on the production.
Mannes students talk about their favorite musicians and albums that have inspired them or made an impact in the music world.
Articles or writing smaples from New School Students.
Love silvia coco
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Neni Panourgia anthropolgy professor, author, guest lecturer
How did you first become interested in anthropology? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed mazim conceptam omittantur ut, nostrud detracto percipitur ex pri. Vix malis numquam at, pro eu magna tacimates. Possit oblique ea nam, ceteros dolores delicata ad his, his id iudico tollit aliquid.
Anthropology is a very broad term, how would you define it?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed mazim conceptam omittantur ut, nostrud detracto percipitur ex pri. Vix malis numquam at, pro eu magna tacimates.
Did you see your career going where it is today? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed mazim conceptam omittantur ut, nostrud detracto percipitur ex pri. Vix malis numquam at, pro eu magna tacimates. Possit oblique ea nam, ceteros dolores delicata ad his,
Brute posse patrioque his an, eros latine labores nam no, ius erroribus mnesarchum.
You’ve done field work in places all over the world, is there any place that stands out as
being the most exciting? You’ve tought in some interest- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed ing places, any where you hope mazim conceptam omittantur ut, nostrud detracto percipitur ex pri. Vix to teach at one day? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed mazim conceptamut. Brute posse patrioque his an, eros latine labores nam no, ius erroribus mnesarchum eu. Pro homero disputationi ne.
malis numquam at, pro eu magna tacimates. Possit oblique ea nam ceteros dolores iudico tollit aliquid.
What was the hardest part about doing research for your
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How can people use anthropology in their daily lives?
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5. Lincoln Center 10 Lincoln Center Plaza
4. Richard Rodgers Theater 226 West 46th St.
2. Whintney 99 Gansevort St.
1. MoMa 11 tWest 53rd St. 7. & 8. Shelia C. Johnson Design Center 2 West 13th St. 5. & 6. Mannes Concert Hall 55 West 13th St.
3. Winter Jazzfest 7th Ave to Bowery
ART EXHIBITIONS 1. This is for Everyone: Design and The Common Good MoMA Closes Jan. 31 As we revel in this abundant possibility, we sometimes forget that new technologies are not inherently democratic. Is design in the digital age—so often simply assumed to be for the greater good—truly for everyone? From initial exploratory experiments to complex, and often contested, hybrid digital-analog states, all the way to “universal” designs, This Is for Everyone explores this question with works from MoMA’s collection that celebrate the promise—and occasional flipside—of contemporary design.
2. Frank Stella: At Retrospective Whitney Closes Feb. 7 Frank Stella is one of the most important living American artists. This retrospective is the most comprehensive presentation of Stella’s career to date, showcasing his prolific output from the mid-1950s to the present through approximately 100 works, including paintings, reliefs, maquettes, sculptures, and drawings. This exhibition features Stella’s best-known works alongside rarely seen examples drawn from collections around the world.
PERFORMING ARTS 3. Winter Jazzfest Various venues Jan. 13-17 A beacon of the New York jazz scene gathering musicians from around thet world for this spectacular four day event.
4. Hamilton Richard Rodgers Theater Lin-Manuel Miranda takes the stage as the unlikely founding father determined to make his mark on the new nation as hungry and ambitious as he is. From bastard orphan to Washington’s right hand man, rebel to war hero, a loving husband caught in the country’s first sex scandal, to the Treasury head who made an untrusting world believe in the American economy.
Alice Live! Lincoln Center Closes Jan. 16 To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the publication of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Dorothy and Lewis B.Cullman Center at Lincoln Center presents the free multimedia exhibition Alice Live! The exhibition will trace the history of Lewis Carroll’s beloved Alice stories in live performance from their first professional staging to the present day.
SCHOOL EVENTS 5. Faculty Recital: Faye Ellen Silverman, composer Mannes Concert Hall Feb. 1 8:00pm A stellar musical event. A concert showcasing the artistry of internationally acclaimed performers and distinguished faculty members at a leading New York conservatory.
6. Music Under Construction Mannes Concert Hall Feb. 7 8:00pm MUSIC UNDER CONSTRUCTION has been presenting contemporary music since 1993. This program will include new works by Mannes faculty and alum composers
7. Futurographies: Cambodia-USA-France Shelia C. Johnson Design Center Closes Jan. 10 This multi-media exhibition explores another set of parallel histories in which alternate futures were (and are) written, proposed and even determined. Featuring visual art, photography, music, performance, sculpture, installation, and text, it reveals the ways in which people imagine and generate futures in contexts most often represented as ones of crisis, disaster, and victimhood.
8. StereoType: New Directions in Typograpgy Shelia C. Johnson Design Center Closes Dec. 15 StereoType is a groundbreaking exhibition that presents works by an array of 14 established and up-and-coming designers from around the wold By exploring the opportunities at the intersection of technology and design, this new breed of artists is expanding the boundaries of traditional typography and integrating elements from the fields of animation, craft, performance, nanoscience, and graffiti into their work.
Photoshoots and articles of New School student work and process. Including a range of work form students from all schools.
Interviews or profiles of notable New School professors or guest lecturers.
A more detailed and frequently updated list of school activities and events going on in New York City.
Articles or writing smaples from New School Students.
A place where students can upload and edit their work to be reviewed by The NewMagazine staff.
A weekly playlist compiled to to inspire students and promote creativity.
All past and current issues of The New Magazine
Coverage and reviews of The New School concerts and theater performances. Including talks and interviews with musicians, actors, and directors who worked on the production.
COMPETITION Our competition includes any art orientated magazines, especially ones that focus on new emerging artists or the New York City art scene. It will also compete for student readership with other Parsons and New School publications such as The New School Free Press, Eleven and a Half Journal, 12th St. Journal, Parsons Re:D the alumni magazine, and a few others.
For perspective students our competition includes magazines from other art and design schools. Pratt has an arts magazine, The Prattfolio that showcases compelling work from students, teachers, and alumni and is avalible in print and digital form. FIT also has an online newspaper, the W27, each issue focuses on a particular aspect of the fashion industry, for example there most recent issue was focused on sustainability. SVA also comes out with the SVA Arts Magazine, which highlights student work and is heavily image based.
When students want to explore the arts scene more indepth they have a wide selection of monthly and independent publications as well as online resources and blogs they can turn to as well. Some of the major ones include; Wallpaper, Art in America, Aesthetica Magazine, The Creators Project, Colossal, and for New York Specifically publications like Time Out New York.
Our job is to make sure The New Magazine is offering something none of these other publications are and is easily accessable to our readership. We hope that by offering multiple free ways to acess The New Magazine and tailoring our content that is relevent and interesting to our readers we can gain a steady following.