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PRODUCT – RANGE - DISTRIBUTION Statement of Intent Rationale (200 words) The majority of my aims for the next 6 weeks and beyond are to develop my visual skills. I am happy with the progress I am making with concept/idea generation and identifying problems but my progress has slowed when it comes to visualisation. Working with someone who had strong illustrative skills during the collaborative brief shed further light on this. I am very keen to strengthen my skills in drawing and image making in particular. Having worked on the type module I have learnt some technical skills to consider for layout and so although I would like to put into practise what I have learnt, I think this can only be strengthened by spending some time developing some of the basics, such as colour. I’m also interested in how hand made work can be combined with digital successfully, particularly within motion. And also how motion can be used for web. Web seems like a good opportunity to think about how audiences interact with work.
Statement of Intent (200 words) What do you intend to do in order for you to fulfil your rationale, creative intentions and individual ambitions? PRODUCT (what will you produce?) RANGE (what will the range of products be?) DISTRIBUTION (how will these relate to print and screen based distribution) What will you produce and what will you propose? I am using this brief as a chance to develop my image making skills and also investigate design for a specific space. I intend to re-organise the existing zones at the Natural History Museum, into areas that are more similar in nature. To do this I will produce way finding printed material in the form of a map. I will also produce one example of an information leaflet and propose the rest of the range. Due to scale and materials the majority of the way finding for the museum will be proposed. Also proposed will be designs for interactive screen to be placed in the museum, and an iPhone application.
BRIEF (200 words)
The three briefs I responded to initially were: 1. Environment/Type/Environment 2. Train at platform two 3. Current 1. Considering design for a specific environment 2. Idea of connections and journeys. From this I was interested in investigation the idea of cause and effect, and also chaos theory. Which then developed into thinking about the theory of evolution 3. Targeting those with a thirst for knowledge, using design to help those who want to learn rather than trying to persuade people From the three briefs these were the main points that got me thinking. On my initial wants and why list I wrote that I wanted a brief that gave me a chance to learn about history and biology, so the Natural History Museum appeared to be an appropriate choice for client.
Researching the content of N.H.M using their website Visiting local museums, and their use of way finding Contextual research into information graphics Printed material the museum give out, what information is included, what form it takes Researching into the subject matter of the museum i.e Natural History 4.
The main skill I will need to improve during this brief is my visualising skills. Since many of my deliverables will be proposed they need to be clearly understood through imagery. Practical development will therefore include drawing and using software such as illustrator. Documenting mock ups and finals will need to be photography based and so this is also key to practical development. 5.
I will be working on design sheets throughout the brief which will then be scanned and documented on my design practise blog. Any 3D pieces will be photographed and uploaded onto my blog as well. Contextual research will be documented on my design context blog. On going evaluation of the work will be done on the blog too. I aim to receive feedback from crits and if possible from my target audience. To help organise the progress of brief, I’m going to put together to-do lists so I know what needs to be done to further the brief and will then be able to measure my progress against them.
List key sources of research (texts, magazine articles, books and websites) that will inform your development. www.nhm.ac.uk www.visitlondon.com http://www.nationalgeographic.com
Dataflow – Book Diagrams – Book Way finding – Book Signs - Book
TUTOR’S Signature STUDENT’S Signature