Emmett London in the USA

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Colin & FIESTA 10499 White Piccadilly Collar Shirt 11095 Blue Knitted Silk Tie

10844 Textured Blue Weave Shirt

White Piccadilly Collar Shirt 10499 Blue Knitted Silk Tie 11095

STEVEN 10498 White Lord Collar Shirt 11102 Forest Green Cashmere Tie

Prince of Wales Made to Measure Shirt Burgundy Knitted Silk Tie 11098

White Lord Collar Shirt 10498 Forest Green Cashmere Tie 11102

ALEX 10664 White Airtex Shirt 11106 Grey Cashmere Tie

10433 Soft-Collar Blue Shirt 11099 Royal Purple Knitted Tie

White Airtex Shirt 10664 Grey Cashmere Tie 11106

EMMETT LONDON emmettlondon.com Photography Megan Eagles Styling Leah Frackelton-Cooper With thanks to Colin, Steven, Alex & Fiesta

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