Healing Hand Winter 2013

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THE HEALING HAND/ The Newsletter of EMMS International

Health for Today, Hope for Tomorrow



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CONTENTS 4 7 8 10 12 14 18 20 21

New life at Chinchpada

Why I support EMMS International Reflection: Livingstone Debate

Inspiring Hope: Palliative Care Handbook Your Overseas Experiences Christmas Appeal: Mziche Project Report: Cycle Malawi 2013 Dates for your diary Supporter Update


NEW LIFE AT CHINCHPADA Your generosity, making a difference

Clean, new, hygienic. A hospital ward you would be happy to be treated on.

Images: New surgical wards and some of the team involved.

5 Cat Rawlinson-Watkins, Director of Fundraising at EMMS International, writes:

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I struggle to put into words the emotional rollercoaster that has been the rebuilding of Chinchpada Christian Hospital. We’re not there yet, the building work is due to be completed in March 2014, however we are so much further on than I could possibly have imagined on my last trip there in March this year. I constantly return to one of my favourite passages in Ephesians: “to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine… to him be glory”. The updates from Chinchpada really do say more than I could possibly have asked or imagined. One of the many things that horrified me about the hospital was the state of the staff quarters - trained health professionals who have dedicated their lives to serving others, living with their full families in a two roomed mud hut, no bathroom, an open fire for cooking indoors, no privacy, no facilities to speak

of. God calls us to serve with a servant heart and the staff clearly did, but I felt compelled to support them in their work and improve their living conditions. The photographs of the new staff quarters lift my spirits no end. The male surgical ward, previously condemned due to water coming in through the ceiling and covering the floor, now looks clean and new – a hospital ward you would be happy to be treated on. Bathrooms are now hygienic, with good toilets, showers and washing facilities. Other images show the creation of the new water system - improved irrigation, septic tanks and clever use of water do two important things. They will save the hospital structure from the destruction brought about by the annual

This young girl, diagnosed with extensive pulmonary tuberculosis, had developed a heavy cough with bouts of bleeding. She was brought in unconcious. She was immediately resuscitated and stabilized. She has fully recovered and is eagerly waiting to return to school. The family is ever so grateful for the care given at Chinchpada. Modern theatres, wards and emergency rooms help make a small, simple Christian hospital, located in a remote central Indian state, as good as any state run or private hospital.

6 The doctors Gukhambles...have served long and well in this hospital and have finally made the move towards taking a well-earned rest. monsoon rains and will save people from coming into contact with malaria-carrying mosquitos, so prevalent in this area. Other changes are not structural, but owe their existence to the feeling of renewed hope. Simple but critical changes, such as the creation of a CRASH cart, will save the lives of unknown numbers of people. There continue to be challenges, change is never easy. Surgery is currently being conducted in the labour room as the surgery ceiling is not yet complete. This is manageable but cumbersome. Builders and building work continue to dominate the campus which, as anyone who has ever had to live or work in these circumstances knows, makes for a challenging and stressful environment. The doctors Gukhambles, ‘Auntie Doctor and Uncle Doctor’ as they are affectionately known, have retired. They have served long and well in this hospital and have finally made the move towards taking a well-earned rest. This said, doctors

Images: Work continues on the doctors’ accomodation and the main operation theatre.

rarely retire completely and they continue to play an active role in the onsite school. The new doctors are due to take up their posts in March and we continue to pray for everyone involved during this period of transition. Financially, this project has been blessed with many generous supporters. The initial figure has risen (don’t all building projects?). Income now stands at an inspiring £267,000 and the amount needed is £298,500. Gifts are still being gratefully accepted for this project. We are so close to completing this project and I am so excited about what the future may hold for the people who work in and are served by Chinchpada Christian Hospital. To those who have contributed in any way, I say to you, on behalf of those whose lives you have saved and improved, those who you do not know but care about anyway, and on behalf of EMMS International, thank you.

Why I support EMMS International 7 How do you train for them?

Training takes a lot of time and dedication, especially through the cold Aberdeenshire winters. I make sure I do plenty of cycling, walking my dog, keep fit, gym sessions and gardening to help prepare for the mission. How do you raise the funds year after year?

Evelyn Cook, 75, of Aberdeenshire, or the ‘Intrepid Granny’ as she likes to be known, has completed 16 treks and cycles for EMMS International since 1998, in Malawi, Israel and Nepal. In total, she has raised over £67,800. This year she received the Volunteer Fundraiser award at the Institute of Fundraising Scotland awards. What is the best part of the overseas bike rides?

We don’t get unless we give, and I have benefited beyond imagining from my travelling experiences. I’ve shared fun, fellowship and exceptional comradeship. At the hospitals, I see first-hand how our sponsorship helps the work being undertaken, and the healing and compassion given in the name of Christ.

My biggest success has been organising 10 of my own bike rides over 10 years, attracting between 50-70 cyclists. I also make and sell jams, marmalades and chutneys, organise candle parties and garden parties, go bag-packing, and host coffee mornings. The support of my friends, church and family, who are always on hand to help, is humbling and very much appreciated. How did it feel to receive the Volunteer Fundraiser award?

I feel totally undeserving, humbled, yet proud to receive the award, and I could not have done what I did without my team of helpers, faithful sponsors and so many people rooting and praying for me. I feel SO blessed....God is good! Any final words?

I want to say a BIG thank you to EMMS International for giving me the opportunity to travel, to raise money for very worthwhile causes, to keep biking and to keep fit! Well done Evelyn!


God’s purposes in our generation A reflection on the Livingstone Debate from James M Wells, Chief Executive of EMMS International. Last night EMMS International hosted the Livingstone Debate (LivingstoneDebate.org) at Glasgow Cathedral, as part of the Livingstone 200 celebrations. We posed the question: “If David Livingstone was alive today, what would he be doing?” We heard four passionate arguments from a panel of experts from across the world for the fields of HIV & AIDS, palliative care, mobilising church

action and ending human trafficking & advancing healthcare. At the end of the evening, I think most people in the audience wished they could have voted for all four arguments. It is difficult to know what Livingstone would have done today, but what was clear was that the motivation behind his work was as important as what he did; namely, that he sought to serve God’s purposes in his generation. Purposes that in 2013 would include challenging the injustice of poor health, the inequality of health systems and structures that exist for the benefit of profit or other vested




interests, and reaching out to the poorest and most marginalised people. In the service that preceded the debate, a choir of primary schoolchildren sang a song based on Livingstone’s life, with a chorus that he “answered Jesus’ call”. We also heard how he is often criticised in the UK, but is loved and respected across many parts of Africa and beyond. This fact was not lost on Clapperton Mayuni, Director of the Bible Society of Malawi, who reminded us that a prophet is often criticised in his hometown (Luke 4:24). We can’t change the past, but we can change the present and the future. Livingstone tried faithfully to do that, and in following the purposes that God laid on his heart, he ended slavery on Lake Malawi, challenged inequality, and promoted the notion of economic development by Africans for Africans. That’s not a bad CV. We would do well to reflect on this and ensure that we don’t use embarrassment of our colonial past to stop us reaching out to our global neighbours today. Image: Audience and speakers at the event

In closing the event, I asked the audience to reflect on what God was laying on their hearts, and how they should respond to his purposes in their generation. If we all respond, imagine what we can achieve. Imagine if our generation’s CV said that we were the generation that ended human trafficking, ended HIV, ended suffering by making pain relief available to everyone who needed it and achieved access to health care for all, and that we were part of a global church, transforming lives for good, locally, nationally and internationally. God has a future planned for us that is bright, full of hope and potential. Let’s not dim it through our inaction. Thanks to Mphatso Nguluwe, Dr Mhoira Leng, Rev CB Samuel & Sir Ken Calman for contributing so much to the debate, and the Rt Rev Lorna Hood, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, for chairing the debate.


INSPIRING HOPE: HELPING CHURCHES TO CARE FOR THE SICK I t was exciting to see the interest in the new EMMS International publication, ‘Inspiring Hope’, during the recent launch at the African Palliative Care Association in Johannesburg in September.

Many people involved in palliative care are either people of faith or closely linked to church based groups and they were keen to utilise this new resource to encourage churches to play their role. From the initial print run, some six hundred copies of the book were distributed, which have now travelled far and wide across the continent and beyond! The next steps will be to extend distribution and to follow up on some of the impact of the book. From Malawi : the book has opened the opportunity to preach at a local

Baptist church alongside a palliative care nurse, herself suffering from both HIV and cancer of the oesophagus. She spoke powerfully from her own experiences of how learning about palliative care changed her practice from quantity to quality: ‘We need to be loved, we have material needs. You need to see yourself as a person - the same as before you were sick. There are many things that can be done to help someone living with a palliative care condition’ From a doctor working in rural Congo : ‘I have just used one of the reflections in the book at our Diocesan morning prayers, translating it into French. It was much appreciated! I am hoping to also use the reflections on the weekly palliative care broadcasts we do on a local radio station as I am sure they will be helpful to folk.’


What about your church or church group? Would you like to spend an afternoon or evening using some of the tools in the book? There are role plays, bible study materials, case studies and discussion topics to inspire, enlighten and educate. There’s a simple planning tool to help summarise your group’s responses. Patient stories in the book will help you to understand more about the kind of work in other parts of the world which you support by giving to EMMS International. Hope is a precious commodity these days, but as followers of Jesus we are called to hope, both for this life and the life to come. Be inspired as you read!

WANT TO FIND OUT MORE? The handbook is available online at www.emms.org/inspiringhope. A limited number of print copies are available for a donation of £8, to cover print and postage costs. We would be interested to hear from those looking to use the handbook as part of a programme. For any enquiries relating to Inspiring Hope please email info@ emms.org or telephone 0131 313 3828.



EMMS International has a long history of supporting healthcare through students taking up placements overseas. We asked for your stories, and here are some of them:

Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society students, 1937 Dear EMMS,

It was a privilege to be able to respond to the Lord’s clear call to the Duncan Hospital in North India. In most places, needs will be so great that “time off” might be limited. Adjustments have to be made to cope with a different climate, food and language. Having had experience of medicine in many settings - the most exciting and rewarding was an Emmanuel Hospital Association mission hospital (India)! Dr Matt Peacock Dear EMMS, I have worked at Berampore Hospital Orissa, India (as a volunteer) and at the Nazareth Hospital in Israel, both of which were life-changing experiences. I wished

I had done this at an early age, like most of the medical/nursing/other healthcare professionals on their electives. It would probably have shaped my nursing/ midwifery at an earlier age. (I always enjoy hearing about young students going overseas on their electives). Barbara Ford Dear EMMS, I worked as a student at the EMMS Hospital Nazareth in 1977/78. This was a wonderful spiritual and clinically empowering experience. I wish to see this generation of medical students enabled to experience electives in EMMS International hospitals. Treated first case of Diabetic Keto Acidisis and Bacterial Pericardial Effusion myself then. Geoff Dobson.


Dear EMMS, I spent my medical elective at Chogoria Hospital, Kenya, which was a tremendous introduction to a Christian-run hospital and another culture. Subsequently, my husband and I plus our two children were at Ekwendeni Hospital for 5 years. These experiences have enriched my life and have a continuing impact on all the family, their interests and involvements. Ishbel Dorward Dear EMMS, I worked in Zambia for 1 year in 1971 and in Malawi for 1 month in 2006. African time is different but they get there. You can’t save every life and death is part of life. You will learn a lot, about yourself as well as those you work with. Africa gets into your blood and stays for life. You gain so much from the experiences. Beatrice Grant Dear EMMS, I worked after retirement from the NHS with Church of Scotland as a Public Health Tutor at Agogo Training College in Ghana for 7 1/2 years. As a mature person with no family commitments or worries about finding employment on my return, it was an amazing, wonderful experience. Living with the young student nurses who were so keen to learn was a great experience for me. A time I have benefited so much from, I would encourage any older person to volunteer. It is indeed life-changing. A M Paton


“I feel that I now have a much clearer understanding of the reality of what working in a resource-poor setting entails. I also feel more confident about starting work next year, and feel that I have benefited hugely from being given the opportunity to manage both acutely ill patients and more routine cases, while feeling supported by those around me.” Naomi Howard, after completing an elective placement at Mulanje Mission Hospital in Malawi. Naomi is one of 15 students who have been on elective placements supported by EMMS International this year.




Gary Brough, Communications Officer at EMMS International, recently visited the Mzenga community in northern Malawi, for the launch of the Mziche Project. He writes: HIV can be an isolating disease, particularly in Mzenga, where stigma still prevents people from accessing the care they need. Prevalence is high, with around 11% of people living with HIV.


“If there is no intervention, disease will grow. We are looking at wiping out a community if no one intervenes.” Mphatso Nguluwe, Director Livingstonia Synod AIDS Programme

Maria lives in a nearby area. When her family found out she was HIV positive, her uncle set fire to her house. While things are improving, there is still a long way to go. Stigma is one of many issues which are allowing HIV to spread. Lack of access to testing centres and inadequate care for pregnant women are also issues, particularly in remote areas like the Mzenga community. The Mziche project, recently launched by EMMS International in partnership with Livingstonia Synod AIDS Programme, looks to prevent parent to child transmission of HIV and improve the quality of life for people living with HIV. Left unchecked, HIV decimates communities, leaving children orphaned and robbing parents of their children. It doesn’t have to be that way.

I met mothers living with HIV, who have given birth to healthy, HIV-free babies; fathers who are standing up for their families and going for HIV testing; and churches who are going the extra mile to combat stigma and serve their communities. There is a great deal of hope for this community if they are given the support they so desperately need to fight the spread of HIV. One such source of hope is church HIV support groups. I had the privilege of joining a support group for people living with HIV at Lweya Church within the Mzenga community in Northern Malawi. Members actively encourage one another to live healthily. Issues like drug adherence, balanced diet, and safe sex are important in living a long and full life with HIV and stopping it from spreading. The groups are also a place for offering spiritual and emotional support. Martha shares with the group, “ You aren’t


There are an estimated 770,000 AIDS orphans in Malawi. worried. By yourself you can become frightened, and fear death but when you come together you encourage one another and have more hope. We also get spiritual encouragement from the Bible.” “We also grow and share food, in particular milk, so we do not have to travel too far to get the food we need. We eat together at the group.” shares Emi, who found out he was HIV positive in 2005 when he became severely ill and his weight dropped to 53kg. The group tend a small vegetable garden and share the produce at their meetings, and with others who are in need. A stable, accessible food supply is essential when taking HIV medications. Support groups also take responsibility for looking after AIDS orphans. When members of the group die, and leave children, the group looks after them. Many of them are also living with HIV and caring for younger siblings, so visits and food parcels from the group are

essential to their survival. The groups already take part in programmes to educate the community about HIV. They share in schools, church, they go to peoples homes. They even educate people about HIV at funerals, not just of those who died of AIDS related infections. There are an estimated 770,000 AIDS orphans in Malawi. The burden of this disease is crippling families, villages and a nation. The Mziche project is working proactively through 30 churches in Malawi to stop the spread of HIV. Mziche is a local Tonga word which means “brother or sister”. Jesus tells us, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” These words encourage us to love one another, in whatever way we can. Give today, pray today and find out more about church partnership.

We need to raise £250,000 to support this project over the next three years. You can give a child a life without HIV - give at emms.org/mziche, on 0131 313 3828, or using the form at the end of this issue.


How does it work? The Mziche project takes a broad approach to tackling HIV. In particular it aims to: Help more HIV positive mothers to give birth to HIV-free babies through the support of “Mother Buddies�. Mother buddies are HIV positive women who have given birth to babies without HIV. Encourage more fathers to test for HIV. At present only 5% of men are tested during pregnancy screenings with their wives. Equip 30 local churches to educate the community and offer practical support for people living with HIV.



I was lucky to be part of Cycle Malawi 2013 and I joined 29 others pedalling to Mulanje Mission Hospital. We rode along the shores of one of the world’s deepest lakes, across parched savannah and climbed a set of steep hairpin turns to reach what was once considered the greatest view in the whole of the British Empire. This year marks 200 years since Dr Livingstone was born. Back in his day, slavery was the scourge of Africa which he sought to eradicate and now EMMS International is working towards alleviating some of the modern day afflictions, including Catherine Airlie, bike ride child mortality, maternal complications, and HIV. participant and freelance Two of Livingstone’s great-great-granddaughjournalist. ters, Moira Barkley and Ishbel Murdoch, joined the cycle ride. We cycled along the tarmac road that snaked along Lake Malawi and took us up Zomba Plateau, the old Colonial capital. That was on our third day of cycling, which included clocking up 4,000 feet of altitude up-and-down over hills and over

19 joyful giggles as we attempt to greet them in their native Chichewa. There wasn’t a dry eye in sight when we reached the finish line, just shy of Mulanje hospital. Women wearing colourful chitenjes sang and danced to the rhythms set by drummers. As each of us crossed beneath the hand-made banner strung across the road, the women bounded towards each of us to wrap us in a warm hug. The welcome was amazing after an incredible and exhilarating five days of cycling. The Cycle Malawi team comprised of teachers, doctors, bankers, policemen, and church ministers. The age range spanned almost half a century. That’s with me being the youngest as I rode side by side with Evelyn Cook who, has clocked up something close to 6,400km! We stayed in some stunning places: ridges, also known as “undulations”, a woke up to terrific sun rises over Lake word used by Henk our trusty guide, Malawi and saw a family of hippos as he tried to dampen our grazing on the lawns. My fears of a difficult ride ahead! HERE WASN’T trip was made possible He gently supported and A DRY EYE IN by a generous donation encouraged each and every SIGHT WHEN from Mr Jack Dawson one of us on the roads, WE REACHED who, while he wasn’t able building our confidence and to take part in the cycle THE FINISH LINE breaking the route down in a ride this year, has a strong way that allowed us all to complete the commitment to Malawi after spendchallenge. ing nearly a decade teaching there. A stronghold of children lined the My grateful thanks go out to him, and roads for pretty much the entire route all the rest of the Cycle Malawi team, on day two of Cycle Malawi as we for creating such a worthy challenge. clocked up over 100km. They ran from Together we raised over £83,000 for their homes and fields to wave and Mulanje Mission Hospital. cheer us on. “Mzungu, Mzungo, how Join us next year for Cycle are you? Muli bwanji?” Some are brave enough to high-five us. They break into Nepal. Find out more on page 20


or at emms.org/cyclenepal


DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Conquer Mt. Kilimanjaro! 13-23 March 2014 (and 18-28 September) 13-23 March (and 18-28 September) 2014 Are you ready for the climb of a lifetime? Get on top of the world by climbing the highest mountain in Africa in this timeless challenge brought to you by Classic Tours. Cost: £350 registration fee and £3,000 sponsorship pledge for EMMS International.

Malawi Supporters’ Visit Week beginning 5 May 2014 See first-hand the work of our partners in South Malawi, while experiencing the iconic landscapes and spectacular wildlife. Please note your interest as soon as possible and we’ll keep you updated as the itinerary develops. Cost: circa £1,800

Cycle Nepal 8-17 November 2014 Our 30th overseas challenge is our most exciting event yet. Cycle the foothills of the Himalayas in 6 days, take in the sensational scenery while supporting mother and child healthcare projects in the mid-western region of Nepal. This event is not to be missed! “Without doubt the most enjoyable experience in 20 years of cycling!” Previous Cycle Nepal participant Sponsorship pledge of £2,850. Early bird offer until 31st January 2014. www.emms.org/cyclenepal. To enquire about any of these events please contact us on 0131 313 3828 or events@emms.org.


Supporter Update Bike and Hike

The 4th Bike and Hike event took place in Kirkcaldy presbytery, Fife on 7th September, with 23 churches opening their doors to local walkers and cyclists. Ron Steedman of Bennochy Church in Kirkcaldy was happy to take part again. Starting at Auchtertool Church, Ron visited 18 churches in total and covered a distance of 43 miles before returning to Dysart. ‘I enjoy the bike and it is a challenge I look forward to. I got a lot of sponsors and because of that the ride has to be done whatever the weather.’ Bike and Hike has raised over £2,300 so far this year for EMMS International and local church projects.

Edinburgh Night Rider

14 cyclists braved the cold Edinburgh weather to take on the Edinburgh Nightride in September. The 50 mile night ride started at 10.30pm at Meadowbank Stadium and took in the sights, including Arthur’s Seat, the

A round-up of news from EMMS International and supporters Royal Observatory, Holyrood Palace and more. Over £5,000 was raised by supporters through taking part in this event, although the stew served at 1am was the highlight for many!

At times the route was somewhat confusing. Ewan Pitcairn said, ‘I rolled in after 47.2 miles having got turned around a few times coming through the centre of town, but it was a good night and a thoroughly enjoyable experience.’

EMMS Big Weekend 2013

Numerous supporter events were held as part of the EMMS Big Weekend in September, including office cake and coffee mornings, two dinner parties, an art exhibition in Perth organised by Ernie Bruce raising £1900, and a church concert held in John Knox Church in Stewarton, Ayrshire organised by Marion and Roy Graham raising £850, as well as the annual Bike and Hike event in Fife.

22 Great Scottish Run

Neil Murray, from Glasgow, wanted to draw attention to himself when he took on the challenge of doing the Glasgow Great Scottish Run’s half marathon in September dressed in a morphman suit, raising over £600 for his efforts!

Lap the Lough

Janet Wilson, who this year took part in Cycle Malawi, and her friends Robin and Debbie Thompson completed a gruelling 85 mile cycle around Lough Neagh, N. Ireland this summer and raised £400.

Nepal Spin Class Challenge

Lifescycle in Edinburgh hosted 26 brave keep fit fanatics who took part in a special one hour spin class on 17th November to launch next year’s Cycle Nepal challenge. They endured some huge climbs but were rewarded with Sunday brunch style coffee and croissants afterwards.

A final thought

Going off with a bang!

A fireworks and bonfire party organised by Angus McLeod of Alloa, and held at his home, raised £700 for our Mziche Project in Malawi. 85 people enjoyed the family friendly light show.

Thank you for your amazing support!

We greatly appreciate the various ways you help us to transform lives in Malawi, India and Nepal. We are particularly grateful to those who chose to leave a gift in their will to EMMS International. Gifts from legacies are gratefully received and make a longlasting difference in the communities we serve. If you would like to find out more about how to leave a gift in your will to EMMS International, please contact us on 0131 313 3828 or email us at info@emms.org.



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* I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer. I confirm that I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax each tax year that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify.

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Cycle Nepal 8-17 Nov 2014

Cycle 350km

in 6 days


“Expect to do what you do not believe you can.” 2013 Bike Rider

7 Washington Lane Edinburgh EH11 0NU Tel: 0131 313 3828 Email: info@emms.org Twitter: @emmsintnl Facebook: EMMSInternational

EMMS International is a charity registered in Scotland No SC032327. A company limited by guarantee. Registered in Scotland No SC224402.

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