IMPACT REPORT EMMS International Review
Celebrating your impact in 2013
Your Impact Report
On the 13th November 2013 hundreds of people attended The Livingstone Debate in Glasgow Cathedral. The event was a reminder of our continuing responsibility to people struggling in poverty and poor health.
That night saw the launch of the Mziche project. You can read in this report Memory’s encouraging story of how that project is helping. “Sympathy is no substitute for action.� This truth, attributed to Dr David Livingstone, is a stark reminder that hurting people need us to be moved by compassion to do something. This Impact Report celebrates people like you, people who are moved by compassion, and the life-giving fruits of their efforts. The stories shared here are your stories - they are the stories of every generous supporter and 2
every faithful healthcare partner. So, please join me in giving thanks for new life at Chinchpada with the building work now completed; for people receiving the care they need; and for lives being rebuilt. Thank you for the part you play in making this happen. I pray that you are encouraged to persevere at this good work. Every blessing, James M Wells Chief Executive
4 6 8 10 12 16
Life-changing: Memory’s Story New Life at Chinchpada Life-saving: Rushila’s Story Empowering People Life-giving: Seema’s Story Finance Report 3
Life-changing: Memory’s Story
Babies are being born without HIV thanks to your support of the Mziche project. Your help also means expectant mothers, like Memory, have someone to turn to for help when they are living with HIV.
She is like a mother to me, more than a friend. I thank her for my life.
‘Reality comes when the two lines on the test strip confirm you are HIV positive. I could not swallow the lump in my throat,’ said Memory Kaunda. Memory is 24 years old and lives in Mzenga, in the north of Malawi. She had three children when her husband left her to raise them by herself. When she fell pregnant again, she attended an antenatal clinic and it was then she found out she has HIV. The thought of being HIV+, divorced and pregnant tortured her. She considered herself useless, a failure and an irresponsible mother. “I needed someone to confide in but, with the stigma and discrimination, I couldn’t even tell my family. When Enisa came, a Mother Buddy, I told myself, ‘This is the friend you need’. I explained everything to her and she gave me the encouragement and advice I needed. “She used her own story to emphasise how important positive living is and why I should always be on antiretroviral therapy, especially now that I am pregnant. The thought of having an HIV negative baby like hers excited me and made me take responsibility.” Memory gave birth to a baby girl, she is awaiting the results of her HIV test. Thankfully, Memory knows that, whatever the outcome, she has a friend to lean on for the help she needs. “Even after the birth of my baby, Gertrude, Enisa has never stopped visiting me and giving me words of encouragement. She is like a mother to me, more than a friend. I thank her for my life”, concluded Memory. “I now know stopping taking ARVs was a journey to condemning my children to orphanhood and poverty. I sincerely thank Mziche for giving us friends like Mother Buddies.”
30 Churches
fighting stigma and helping people living with HIV.
Mother Buddies supporting other women.
New life at Chinchpada Thanks to your help, building works are now complete at Chinchpada Hospital and the local community has been given a fresh start. We celebrate the faithfulness of all involved in seeing this to completion. The team at Chinchpada is also being given new life, with the arrival of new doctors to lead work there. As the building reached completion, so did the long and faithful service of Drs Gahukamble. They have finally been able to hang up their stethescopes thanks to the kind gifts that have saved this 6
hospital. They leave a great legacy of care, and will be succeeded by another husband and wife team. Doctors Deepak and Ashita will be arriving in Chinchpada soon with their two children Arnav (9) and Tara (7). Ready for the challenge, they share their thoughts on moving to Chinchpada and the future there: “Moving to Chinchpada was easy in many ways as we have always wanted to be in a mission hospital, have worked there in the past, and know the people and the immense need there. It’s also difficult. We New operating theatre in action
were hoping to go back to the hospital in Tezpur. Now we have to let go of that beautiful place where we had spent seven years, and seen God’s goodness in its growth and ours during that time. “When we were asked if we would move to Chinchpada, we took some time, but eventually were convinced that this was where God wanted us to go. We feel the excitement in our hearts building up as our time to go there approaches. We know this is a gift from God. “The new facilities are very good. We are looking forward to starting with a clean slate and also to involvement with the community and the church. “The facilities will also add to the credibility of the hospital in the eyes of government authorities. Drs Gahukamble during renovation; Drs Deepak & Ashita with Arnav and Tara
It will be a welcoming sign for those who are sick, anxious and afraid those who need it most. “The staff and patients enjoy the bright, cheerful environment provided. It is now easier for us to maintain cleanliness and provide quality care, with a special focus on the poor and needy that we have the privilege of serving. “We would like to thank EMMS International’s supporters who have given generously for this cause. We hope that you will continue to pray for the work to flourish at Chinchpada hospital. Please pray especially that we will be sensitive and obedient to His leading and direction in all things concerning Chinchpada as we begin life there.” Thank you.
people, like Rushila, can now rely upon Chinchpada Hospital.
Patients and new facilities at Chinchpada
Life-saving: Rushila’s Story Your support has helped save Chinchpada Christian Hospital, so that people like Rushila have somewhere to go in their times of greatest need. Rushila was thrilled with the arrival of her baby daughter, but she didn’t have long to cherish those moments. She had given birth at home and lost a lot of blood. She was rushed to hospital. Struggling to breathe and with severe swelling across her body, this new mother was in desperate need of help. Just over 2 years ago, Chinchpada hospital was close to closure. Damp and derelict buildings were a threat to current patients and, without change, the doors looked set to close permanently. Thanks to your support, the hospital has been saved for the people in this remote area of Maharashtra. As such, when Rushila was rushed to Chinchpada hospital there was a dedicated team and clean new facilities there to look after her. Rushila was given a blood transfusion and the care she needed to get back to full health. She returned home six days later as a healthy and happy mother. Building on this, your help is needed at Madhipura Hospital where rotting buildings and a lack of staff put its future in jeopardy. Find out more at 9
Empowering People In Malawi there simply aren’t enough doctors and nurses to meet the country’s needs. Healthcare professionals and volunteers are the lifeblood of all of our projects.
Inspiring Hope Inspiring Hope equips churches and volunteers to provide much needed support for those who are terminally ill. Your generous support is making this happen. Produced by EMMS International, Inspiring Hope is a palliative care handbook. In communities without hospitals, hospices or health professionals, it helps those in need by helping them use the resources they do have - each other. Since its launch in September 2013, the handbook has had an amazing reach and has been downloaded in 16 countries. In his introduction to the book, Thabo Makgoba, Archbishop of Cape Town says, “In clear, tangible, down-to-earth ways, it assists church communities, leaders and members to understand more about palliative care and how we can best contribute.” To see Inspiring Hope for yourself, visit 10
16countries Malawi Rwanda Lesotho Sri Lanka China Hong Kong Thailand Indonesia Uganda Kenya Nepal Tunisia South Africa Swaziland Tanzania UK
2 languages English Chichewa
1,500 copies printed
Training Professionals In Malawi there is one doctor for every 40,000 people. Healthcare staff are in desperately short supply. Clinical officers and nurse midwives are critical to filling this gap in care. Clinical officers, with three years of medical training, are able to fulfill much of the role of a doctor, including carrying out caesarean sections. Your support, along with that of the Scottish Government, is providing more than 100 additional healthcare workers each year through new courses for clinical officers and registered nurse midwives at Ekwendeni College of Health Sciences.
Palliative care staff celebrating life
More than
20 clinical
registered nurse midwives
trained each year 11
Life-giving: Seema’s Story
Seema and a nurse from Lalitpur
Seema is one of many who rely upon the home care teams you are helping to provide. Thanks to your support, she has been given the chance to rebuild her life. Seema, 24, lives with her family near Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. Her brother farms and her mother makes and sells baskets to provide for the family. Their home is a mud hut that often needs repaired after the monsoon. Four years ago, Seema went to collect mud to repair the house. While she was bent over working, a large stone fell on her back, pinning her to the ground. When the rock was removed she was unable to move her legs. Her brother took her to hospital where she learned that she had fractured her spine and would never walk again. They visited numerous doctors, spent much of their savings and searched tirelessly for someone to say she would recover. They went home disheartened and overwhelmed, Seema would sit all day sewing clothes by hand. The home care team from Lalitpur visited. Seema shared her dreams and desires from before the accident. She told them of the daily struggle her family faced to make ends meet. They soon realised that she is very talented at sewing and gifted her a sewing machine that she can operate by hand. They also sourced a wheelchair so that she can get around the village on her own. A delighted Seema has found new hope and motivation. She helps to support her family. The visits, prayers and support from the home care team have brought light into a life that has looked so dark for the past 4 years.
a large stone fell on her back, pinning her to the ground
Thank you
Inspiring Fundraisers
vulnerable people helped directly Thanks to the kindness of
i n d iv i d u a l supporters including
Cycle runners, Malawi cyclists riders & rowers along with
churches & organisations 15
Finance Report Voluntary Income
How your pound was spent Individual Giving Individual Giving
For every £1 given in 2013, 86p 1 went to 2 healthcare projects.
Trusts Foundations Trusts &&Foundations Church && Community Church Community Fundraising Fundraising Overseas Events Overseas Events Other Events
Other Events Legacies
Legacies Institutional Funding Institutional Funding
Incoming Resources
Individual Giving Trusts & Foundations Church & Community Fundraising Overseas Events Other Events Legacies Institutional Funding Total Voluntary Income Rental income Other income Bank interest Investment income
Total Incoming Resources 16
14,682 200 234 100,021
15,809 395 440 118,090
315,443 231,442 45,026 203,977 44,603 40,541 142,982 63,753 15,885 7,127 113,187 199,863 66,004 £743,130 £746,703
Programme Expenditure 2013 Grants to India Emmanuel Hospital Association Renovation at Chinchpada Christian Hospital Palliative Care at Lalitpur, Fatehpur, Dapegaon and Utraula Shalom HIV and AIDS clinic Maternal Health project at Prem Jyoti Hospital EHA Development and HR Research Mental health phone line Maternal & Child Health Nurse Training Duncan Hospital Other EHA hospitals
£638,575 £351,239 £350,803 £109,852 £99,813 £75,216 £39,947 £10,183 £10,000 £3,483 £1,009 £1,300
Other Grants to India
Grants to Malawi
Mziche Project, Livingstonia Synod AIDS Programme College of Nursing (Supported by the Scottish Government) Primary healthcare and palliative care at Mulanje Mission Hospital Livingstonia Synod Health Director Palliative Care Support Trust Essential Healthcare Package at Nkhoma Synod Capacity building of Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Synod of Livingstonia Palliative Care Handbook Embangweni Hospital Laundry Facilities Shipping goods overseas Palliative care at Ekwendeni Hospital Other Grants to Malawi
Hawthornbrae Palliative Care, UK Student Elective Bursaries
£75,141 £49,119 £38,235 £24,426 £18,625 £18,598 £18,100 £12,111 £7,458 £4,362 £1,265 £1,000
£14,046 £4,850
NB While there were no active projects in Nepal during 2013, work began in earnest with International Nepal Fellowship to develop a project to help mothers and babies in the Dang district. We look forward to sharing the impact of that project’s launch in the next Impact Report.
Thank you The work celebrated in this report is your work. It is only possible because of your generous and faithful support. Whether given in time, money or prayer, your gifts are saving and transforming the lives of some of the world’s poorest people. Thank you. Our grateful thanks go to: All those who give of their own time to volunteer Every person responding to appeals for support Those who have committed to regular gifts, helping us to plan our financial commitments Prayer supporters who ensure all worker is held up before God Supportive churches and community groups, in particular those who have chosen to become Mziche Mission Partners Home money box supporters who diligently support our work penny by penny Individuals who gather together in support of improving healthcare, like The Friends of Broadwell Christian Hospital and Friends of Duncan Hospital 18
Passionate individuals who tell others about our work Enthusiasts and challengers who take part in events Those who have remembered EMMS International in their will. Trusts and grant-making organisations who partnered in our work this year: Scottish Government, Pollock Memorial Missionary Trust, The James McNab Trust, Medical Service Ministries, The St Lazarus Charitable Trust, Souter Charitable Trust, ECHO International Health Services, The Maple Trust, Radio Cracker Ballymena Ltd, Misses Robinson Charitable Trust, The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, Andrew Anderson Trust and Forest Hill Charitable Trust.
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EMMS International is saving lives through compassionate, effective and sustainable healthcare. Palliative Care | Fighting Disease and Disability | Maternal and Child Health
7 Washington Lane Edinburgh EH11 2HA Tel: 0131 313 3828 Email: Twitter: @emmsintnl Facebook: EMMSInternational
EMMS International is a charity registered in Scotland No SC032327. A company limited by guarantee. Registered in Scotland No SC224402.