Prayer Focus Autumn 2013

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PRAYER FOCUS Autumn 2013

Week commencing 2 September Mziche Project, Malawi We pray for the launch of an exciting new HIV infection reduction project launching this week in the Nkhata Bay region of northern Malawi. In particular we pray for: wThe w start-up process, that it would go well. This includes all necessary recruitment and training of volunteers, acquiring resources and building the relationships necessary to make the project a success. wThe w recruitment of 30 churches to deliver HIV awareness and counselling programmes. We pray church leaders would be open to working together and realise the opportunity to serve their communities. wThe w training of mother buddies; mothers living with HIV who will mentor and support pregnant women who are HIV+. wPray w that churches in the UK partner with the project.

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven� Ecclesiastes 3:1

Week commencing 9 September Joe Cooney, Office Manager, EMMS International To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. Ecclesiastes 3:1-22 (KJV) Give thanks for the development of Laundry facilities at Embangweni Hospital, Malawi. The bike riders who took part in the ride in 2009 helped raise funds for construction of a laundry, which was built soon after the event. After a few difficulties the laundry equipment is on its way to the hospital to be installed and commissioned. Pray for the staff and patients who will benefit from this work. EMMS International is developing its Environmental Policy. We pray for the millions whose lives and livelihoods have been, and are, afflicted by environmental ills and problems. We pray that we may find effective collective and personal ways to reduce humankind’s effects upon the earth, so that we may all play our part in caring for our earthly environment.

Give us the wisdom to act caringly and sensitively towards our environment. Our Chief Executive, James Wells, will be attending the African Palliative Care Association (APCA) conference in September in Johannesburg, along with Dr Jane Bates, Clinical Director at Tiyanjane Clinic in Blantyre, Malawi. APCA works to develop palliative care services across Africa. Pray for James and Jane, that they may develop new partnerships through the conference. Pray for the work of APCA as they work to bring palliative care to all who need it in Africa. A palliative care handbook for churches in Africa has been developed in partnership with EMMS International and Dr Jane Bates. “Inspiring Hope, Helping churches to care for the sick� will be launched at the APCA conference in Johannesburg in September. Pray that this handbook proves to be the valuable resource for care that it is intended to be. Pray for peace in the world. Pray that those countries in which EMMS International is working may be places of calm and progress. Pray for Nepal, that the peaceful transition to a democratic country continues; pray for India, that the different religions may learn to live and work together in harmony; pray for Malawi, as population growth, increasing pressure on agricultural lands, corruption, and the spread of HIV/AIDS pose major problems for the country.

Week commencing 16 September Dr Vijila Isac, Prem Jyoti Hospital, India Our dear praying friends “Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven. The Lord will indeed give what is good and our land will yield its harvest…” Psalm 85:11, 12 - in a land that is steeped in corruption, injustice and gross inefficiency, these verses give hope to the discouraged heart and we carry on. Pray for us at the throne of grace. wProtection w from malaria, snakes and other untoward incidents. wDr. w Manoj – as he goes back home to prepare in earnest for PG entrance exam. Pray for other doctors to fill his and other places. There are others who are willing, but are hindered by various obstacles – pray for breakthroughs. wOur w team members to stand up for Jesus and be sold out for Him. wOur w organisation, Emmanuel Hospital Association (EHA), as we seek to bring back spiritual focus in all that we do. wOur w 9 trainees in different places to get equipped and come back with zeal for the Lord. Pray for Mariam Nirmala Malto as she undergoes 5 months RCH training at Herbertpur. wUnity w & revival of the Malto church as it is plagued with division, backsliding & lukewarmth. Pray for the Malto leaders to be strong & passionate for the Lord and His Kingdom. wMigration w & human trafficking are new challenges in this area. Pray for us as we try to sensitize the community to fight this evil.

Week commencing 23 September James Wells, Chief Executive, EMMS International The last few months have provided us with further reminders of the challenges faced by our colleagues in India. wPray w for the people whose lives have been devastated following the severe floods around the Kosi River in Uttarakhand. Over 6000 people were killed and thousands more have last homes & livelihoods. Pray too for all those involved in the relief efforts. wPray w for several staff who are facing the threat of imprisonment for merely carrying out their duties. wPray w for a full recovery for Dr Sheba Eicher following recent emergency surgery. Pray too for her family and colleagues at Jeevan Sahara Kendra. wPray w for staff working in particularly rural areas, with poor roads and infrastructure. Pray that they will remain encouraged and sustained in their work. wPray w that more key staff will want to join Emmanuel Hospital Association. They especially need doctors, nurses, dentists, technicians and administrators. wGive w thanks for the new Christian Coalition on Health in India, which seeks to influence health policy at national level for the benefit of all Indians, with a particular focus on poor and rural communities.

“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.� 1 Corinthians 15:57

Week commencing 30 September Esau Kasonda, Ekwendeni College of Health Sciences Here at Ekwendeni College of Health Sciences, we are intending to start training registered nurses and clinical officers. Curricula for the two new courses have been developed and they will have to undergo scrutiny by the regulating bodies (Malawi Medical and Nursing Councils). We know that, without the help and leadership of the Lord, all these plans will come to nothing, and so we ask prayers for: We give thanks for the grant funding from the Scottish Government, and pray that all further details related to this go smoothly. We pray that the course curricula are received well and approved for teaching to begin. We pray for students who will enroll in these new courses, for their enthusiasm and commitment. We pray also for the practicalities for them in taking up studies, such as finance and accommodation. Pray also that we find people willing to sponsor students.

Week commencing 7 October Dr Ann Thyle, Palliative Care, EHA Praise God for: 1. Recognition of HBM Hospital, Lalitpur as a training centre for doctors and nurses by the Indian Association of Palliative Care. The first batch will enrol in November 2013 and training will run twice a year. 2. Increasing opportunities to care for those with terminal illnesses at Lalitpur, Fatehpur and Dapegaon, all of which are now known for this special service by local communities. 3. Other EHA hospitals who have started a PC service this year – Duncan Hospital, Raxaul; BCH, Tezpur and Prem Sewa Hospital, Utraula. 4. The purchase of a new jeep for the home care services at Dapegaon. Grateful thanks to EMMS International for the grant. 5. For numerous successful training programmes for EHA staff. Pray for: 1. Renovation of the old mission house (Bacon Bungalow) at Lalitpur as a training centre; to be done in phases as funds permit. As of now funds are available to renovate 3 bedrooms (for 3-4 occupants) with attached bathrooms. 2. Preparation of materials and faculty for the IAPC training course. 3. Strength, safety and support for the PC teams at the different hospitals. Access to villages is limited and treacherous during the monsoon months. 4. Plans for 2 more hospitals and 1 community project to start PC services: Chhatarpur Christian Hospital, Champa Christian Hospital and the CH Project in Bijnore, UP. 5. A symptom management workshop in October with faculty from the National Cancer Centre, Singapore. 6. Visits by external mentors, Dr Ed Dubland,

Canadian PC physician to Dapegaon in September, and Dr Debbie Watkinson, British PC consultant to Fatehpur in October. 7. Evaluation of the PC service at Dapegaon in September.

Week commencing 14 October Mphatso Nguluwe, Livingstonia Synod AIDS Project (LISAP) LISAP is thankful to God for the award of the three-year Girls and Boys Empowerment project funds by the Scottish Government. This project will change the lives of many children and in the long run families. I am thankful to the staff that work in LISAP, so selfless and dedicated to duty despite all the challenges and even though the remuneration is not that motivating. They teach me a real Christ-centred spirit. Pray that the communities that we work with will survive the year ahead. There has not been a good harvest this year due to erratic rains and also people whom LISAP works with are already vulnerable due to HIV and its impacts. PLHIV need a lot of food for them to tolerate the medications and food shortage is a great risk to them stopping ARV. Early this year we already had to provide emergency food relief as people were stopping ARVs and some died leaving children, some of who are also living with HIV.

Week commencing 21 October Stephen Alfred, Bethany Christian Hospital, Thane, India We have had the wettest monsoons for the last 50 years, and in the month of June we had as much rainfall as we usually expect for the whole season, ending in September. There has been a tragic loss of life, with massive floods and landslides in the north. Some estimates suggest as many as 50,000 people have lost their lives, although the government estimates are much lower. Margaret and Sam, who are in the north, are trying to get access to some of the remote villages which have been completely wiped out. The gentleman who helps with the security in the area in which we live, was in tears as he told me that his whole family had been wiped out in one night, along with all the people in his village. Do please pray that God would lead them as they start the process of rehabilitation in the lives of many who have lost everything. Also, that through this terrible tragedy many would come to know Christ as Lord and Saviour. We are excited with the plan for the new hospital extension. We are submitting the plans to the local council and are trusting and praying that the Lord will move their hearts and we will not have the struggles that we had last time. Much wisdom is required, and please do pray for us. The new extension will bring space for a cardiac facility, which we are currently lacking Abraham and Hannah are soldiering on in Dolkambh. What a delight to see 21 firstgeneration Christians baptized in May, mainly tribal people, many of whom are the only Christians in their families. They pay a heavy price for their faith, but are so strong, I often wish I had the simplicity of faith that they have. The church hall is overflowing, and the believers are such a blessing to us.

Joshua has his college exams this month, and he is already about to start his third year of medicine. Time has really flown by. Benjamin did really well in his entrance exams and has got admission into a medical college this year. It’s a real answer to prayer. He has got admission in Bombay, which is really great as at least we will be able to see him at weekends. He starts on 1st August and please do pray for him very specially. I am still struggling with my responsibilities in leadership in the church; I enjoy it, but at the same time am often overcome with a sense of spiritual incompetency. I am beginning to realise that it is not about good administration, but about being a servant and a shepherd. I am aware that it is the Lord’s Body and Bride and that often makes me nervous. Running a hospital and being involved in the leadership of a church are two very different things, which I need to keep reminding myself of. Thank you so much for your prayers.

“I thank God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers.” 2 Timothy 1:3

Week commencing 28 October Andi and Sheba Eicher, Jeevan Sahara Kendra, Thane, India Jeevan Sahara Kendra serves people who have HIV and their families in the Indian city of Thane (next to Mumbai). We thank the Lord that our 10 bedded in-patient centre is now operational – special thanks to support from EMMS International for the renovation! We urgently need trained, committed nurses to join us so that we can care for the very sick people with HIV who come for treatment. Please pray for an immediate answer to this long-standing need – and for those who come to stay and serve faithfully. Pray for our two new life skills clubs for young people from families affected by HIV. Please pray that these adolescents and young adults will break out of the behaviour patterns of their parents. Our staff were trained by the SHALOM Delhi folks for this. For the training of 20 grass-roots workers and church leaders from across North India in church-based HIV care. These key leaders are coming to Thane through the Christian AIDS/ HIV National Alliance (CANA) for a week long ‘Training of Trainers’. We are excited about our annual Family Bible Camp for our HIV Positive Friends in late October. Ask the Lord for real changes and renewal in the HIV-affected families we are working with. We are also looking forward to people with HIV who know the Lord ministering to others at this camp. Please pray for the on-going challenges that our home-based care team face when reaching out to people with HIV. Many people are struggling with alcohol addiction and damaged relationships. Pray for our Jeevan Sahara staff to keep being refreshed with God’s word and

joy to help these men and women see real transformation in their lives. Ask God to keep developing leaders among people with HIV – to be able to speak out about their experiences and sensitise the church to the on-going need for care. We have seen that God is able to touch hearts deeply when a person with HIV who loves Jesus tells others honestly about their story. Pray for our local churches to reach out to families affected with HIV, who face various kinds of troubles – and who at times are not easy to work with. But also pray that local fellowships will give opportunities for people with HIV to bless others! We are thrilled to see some people with HIV being used wonderfully by God to strengthen their local worshipping groups.

Week commencing 4 November Dr Saira Paulose, Shalom Delhi AIDS Project Pray for: wThe w travel of staff - long distances as well as traffic jams due to rains make it more difficult. wWaste w disposal is becoming difficult as the municipality workers do not come regularly to pick up the waste. wPray w that we as a team will continue the work in spite of all the challenges. wFor w all the churches who are partnering with us in various ways. Praise Items: wWe w are able to cater for a greater number of families and patients. wGood w rapport with the staff of government HIV clinics. wMore w churches open to caring for positive families, eunuchs and palliative care patients.

Week commencing 11 November Livingstone Debate We pray this week for the Livingstone Debate, being held on 13th November in Glasgow Cathedral. We pray for all of the people and preparation involved in putting this event together. As we ask ,“What would Livingstone be doing today?�, we pray for the invited panel of speakers in their preparations and delivery of their responses. For those who are attending, we pray that it would be an inspiration to get involved in tackling the injustice of global health issues at all levels. We pray also for the thanksgiving service being held on the same day in partnership with Scottish Bible Society, Livingstone 200 and Church of Scotland. This is a great opportunity to reflect on the life and work of David Livingstone and bring together Scottish and African churches to celebrate that legacy together. A number of political figures are expected to attend both events. We pray that they would gain a fresh understanding of the need to commit to supporting essential international healthcare.

Week commencing 18 November Palliative care at Mulanje Mission Hospital, Malawi We thank God for the continuing work at Mulanje, in particular the palliative care programme. We give thanks for: wThe w six palliative care clinics, two fulltime and four weekly, serving the various communities in and around Mulanje. Before, people were cycling 30km to access clinics. The fact that people can access free services closer to their homes

demonstrates an important contribution towards improving the delivery of health services in the district. wCooperation w between Mulanje Mission Hospital and the government District Hospital. wThe w 354 people who have been assisted through the project. Opening clinics has created demand for palliative care services. We pray for: wAdditional w staff and training needs to meet the demand for services. wFor w the current staff, that they will be encouraged by the success of their efforts to date and not overwhelmed by the work yet to be done. wFor w more engagement with church leaders, and partnership with churches in serving the people of Mulanje. wDevelopment w of home-based care; for the neccessary resources to care for people at home.Week commencing 25 November

Week commencing 25 November Cat Rawlinson-Watkins, Director of Fundraising, EMMS International As Advent approaches, our minds turn to Christmas, gift giving, family, friends and preparations. Thank you, Lord, that we live in a country where we are free to celebrate the coming of Christ. We ask for your help to explain the meaning of this season to those we speak to. We pray for opportunities to explain the joy of Advent and to keep you at the centre of our preparations. Advent is a time where we proclaim the good news about the arrival of God’s Son. We pray for those who are involved in sharing the news about the work of EMMS International, giving thanks for their efforts. We also pray for the upcoming Healing Hand and Prayer Focus, that they would be an encouragement to those who read them and that, through them, more people will support the work of our partners.

Thank You

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