Prayer Focus Summer 2013

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Week Commencing 3 June Gary Brough, Communications Officer, EMMS International We pray for the safety and security of our partners as they seek to serve communities in India, Malawi and Nepal. Some are posted in challenging locations and others face difficult commutes in order to get to work. In particular, we pray for Benjy who works for EHA in Delhi. He is recovering after being attacked, robbed and thrown from a train. We thank God that he was found safe, and is recovering well. Benjy shares his thoughts on the experience: “For me, the man lying along the side of the road was always a person who had one drink too much for his own good. Now all that has changed because I was that man for 3 days. Someone gave me a shirt to put on, and looking at the shirt, it looks like it was tailored for a poor man and in his poverty he covered my nakedness. It is now my most precious possession. I must pass his kindness and mercy to others in greater measure.” We remember also the Mulanje Mission Hospital community after a recent break in attempt. Sadly, the night watchman, Edson, was murdered. Pray for his family and the hospital community in their loss.

“I must pass his kindness and mercy to others in greater measure”

Week Commencing 10 June Jane Bates, Palliative Care, Malawi Thank God for successful completion of the first phase of support for district hospitals across the Southern Region of Malawi. All 13 districts now have some level of service in place for which both staff and vounteers have been trained. As we move into phase two, starting this month, we will aim to consolidate the support given as well as to increase the focus on children’s palliative care at all sites. Pray for wisdom and good relationships as staff from Tiyanjane and Umodzi travel on mentorship visits to the districts to give support and encouragement. Pray for the start of the long awaited refurbishment of a cancer and palliative care unit at Queens, which will eventually house the adult palliative care team (Tiyanjane). Work has been delayed for over a year but the building contract has now been signed with the work due to start and last 13 weeks. Pray for the adult (Tiyanjane) and children’s (Umodzi) palliative care teams which are undergoing a process of organisation review. Pray that God would help us to stay working closely together, despite changing times. Pray for the successful completion and launch of the EMMS International handbook called ‘Inspiring Hope’. Pray that it reaches the right people and that it will inspire many church leaders and members to play a full role in palliative care, finding creative ways to engage, wherever they are.

Week Commencing 17 June Saira Matthew, Shalom Delhi, India Praise Points wFor w the new building and also helping us to settle reasonably well. wFor w the protection of all staff in spite of long travel to the office as well as visiting families. wFor w the provision of necessary resources to complete the renovation of the Shalom premises. Prayer Points wcontinued w protection of staff as they travel in the heat to various places. wfor w the new patients who are coming to Shalom for treatment. wfor w the palliative care team as they interact with patients and family members. wpray w for the new staff who have joined, that they may imbibe the vision of Shalom and EHA as they work with us. wFor w EHA Regional General Body meeting to be held in July and also for all who will be attending the same.

Week Commencing 24 June Madhipura Christian Hospital, Bihar, India Praise Points We praise God for his sustenance and the healing granted to all the sick patients admitted at MCH. We praise God that we were able to start the ground work for the proposed training unit, accommodating 100 trainees at a time for community health and hospital. We praise God for the visit by Mr Prince David and his team from TEAR Fund, for facilitating the intervention on Human Trafficking at Madhipura District though the CH department.

We praise God that we were able to outsource our waste management and that we were able to implement the segregation of waste within the hospital with reasonable success. We praise God for enabling us to start the process for the implementation of new HMS (Hospital Management Software). Our old HMS crashed recently due to unrectifiable software errors. Restarting of cottage prayer meeting and a bible study for the youth. Prayer points For the master plan which is being made for the campus since the existing houses for the hospital staff are in a dilapidated condition. The process of upgrading our hospital HMS system (Hospital Management software) to new software. Pray for necessary wisdom and finance. There is a huge need for paediatric and obstetric care in the region and we need prayers for committed people to join the team. A new non-communicable disease clinic has been started in the hospital. We need your prayers for the effective functioning of the clinic. Please pray for the community radio project, a licence is still pending with the government of India. Please remember the internet radio programmes which are being planned and facilitated by the Community Health and Development project.

Week Commencing 1 July Joe Cooney, Office Manager, EMMS International “Yes, Father, for such was your gracious will. All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:26-30 Give thanks for the staff, trustees and volunteers of EMMS International as they enjoy some holiday time over the summer months. Give thanks for their talents and hard work, and pray that each of them enjoys a time of rest and relaxation, returning refreshed to the office. The summer months are traditionally the time that medical, dental and nursing students go off on their elective placements overseas. Pray for the students who are off on placement, that they may benefit from their time abroad, and have a safe, enjoyable time. Pray especially for the students who have received a Student Elective Bursary from EMMS International. EMMS International, through the Hawthornbrae Fund, provides small grants for recuperative holidays to residents of Edinburgh who are recovering from an illness, and who are unable to fund this for themselves. Please pray for all those who benefit from this fund, that they may enjoy a time of rest and recuperation.

“Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”

Week Commencing 8 July Stephen & Claire Alfred, Bethany Christian Hospital, Thane, India Please pray for the plans, permissions and finance for construction of a new building next to the present hospital. We hope to start in a few months time. We have prayerfully decided to set up a cardiac catheterisation lab and cardiac surgery unit. The completion of the renovation of JSK and that it will be used to its full potential. People to be saved at the Gospel meeting at the hospital. We have started a children’s club at the hospital on Sunday afternoons, mostly unbelievers from the slums. Please pray for this ministry.

Week Commencing 15 July David Dewhurst, Director of Finance, EMMS International Please pray for the Board and Senior Management Team of EMMS International, that they would lead the organisation as God would have them. Pray for the next Board meeting on 21st August and for the preparations already under way. Pray for the staff of EMMS International as they travel for training, conferences and to visit partners. We ask for their safety and security, and for their families while they spend time away from home. Please pray that their trips would be productive, particularly in building relationships. It has been great to see updates of the progress at Chinchpada and we pray that all who continue to see this project to completion will know God’s rest and encouragement.

Week Commencing 22 July Dr Ann Thyle, Palliative Care, Emmanuel Hospital Association, India Praise God for: 1. A wonderful time of rest and refreshment at the palliative care reporting and retreat meeting. This was held at a beautiful location in the foothills of the Himalayas. We were specially blessed with sessions on loving, listening and drawing out, being encouragers, managing stress, and committing to living as faith communities. 2. The 5 excellent palliative care teams working with many constraints at 4 hospitals and in Shalom, Delhi. Praise God that many lives are being transformed, patients are relieved of suffering, family relationships are mended and staff are trained to care better. 3. For the recognition of HBM Hospital, Lalitpur by the Indian Association of Palliative Care as a training centre for palliative medicine. The course will have up to 15 trainees every 6 months. Pray for: 1. More staff committed to caring for the terminally ill. All except the Lalitpur team need more full time nurses as the work increases. 2. Renovation of an existing building as a training facility at HBM Hospital, Lalitpur. The proposal has been submitted to the Canadian High Commission. 3. Leela Pradhan, Palliative Care Nurse, HBM Hospital, Lalitpur undergoing treatment for cancer. Pray for an early date for surgery, smooth recovery and on-going medical management. 4. Two more hospitals who have a desire to start palliative care services – Prem Sewa Hospital, Utraula and Duncan Hospital, Raxaul. Teams will visit the hospitals for planning and training.

Week Commencing 29 July David Gordon Memorial Hospital, Livingstonia, Malawi Give thanks for the recent completion of a phase of work at DGMH. Give thanks for the completed renovations of doctor’s, clinical officer’s and human resources manager’s houses. Pray that the improved accommodation will offer them a place to rest and be refreshed as they carry out their roles. The project also included linking four houses at Luwuchi Health Centre to electricity supplies. Thank God for His provision and that two additional houses were linked up using surplus materials. Pray that the local energy supplier will now connect the properties to the grid. Vehicles have been repaired and improved for use as part of the community based Maternal and Child health programme. Staff are aiming to have vehicle access all year round. Pray for the logistics of delivering care at DGMH. 140 mattresses have been purchased and delivered to the hospital. Thank God that patients can be cared for in improved comfort.

Week Commencing 5 August Dr David Livingstone’s Legacy We pray that the Livingstone Celebrations will increase the awareness of and support for Christian medical missions. We pray for the preparations for the Livingstone Debate, that all details will be covered and speakers confirmed. We pray for the publicity around the debate as we seek to get people talking about the healthcare challenges facing the world today. We pray that it will be an opportunity to show how EMMS International is already responding with compassion. We praise God for the life and example of Dr David Livingstone, and for those who continue to serve the most vulnerable in our world.

Week Commencing 12 August Paul and Su East, India Praise 1. For the new Church Planting initiative in Western UP (province) - EHA hospital at Herbertpur will be a key partner in the network as their catchment area is largely co-terminate with this. Paul & Su are directly engaged with 3 of the lead partner agencies. 2. For the EMMS Tour that took place in March/April led by us. Thanks for good health and safety - also new interest from the Australian couple on the tour. Pray 1. That there will be effective follow-up from the visit to Chinchpada. Paul is in continuing dialogue with Thomas Kurien of EHA who is overseeing this project, amongst others. 2. For us as we organise the visits of many people from Canada who come to India in October to serve the Children’s Homes.

Week Commencing 19 August Carol Finlay, Board Member, EMMS International When visiting the villages around Ekwendeni, Malawi in April this year, I saw the effect of a sporadic rainy season. Sometimes the maize was taller than me, stalks green and healthy with big fat maize cobs waiting to be harvested. Yet a short distance away it was only waist high, straggly, and dry way before the cob had matured. Over and over I was told the harvest was not going to last the whole year. The poor harvest will increase the challenge for our partners in Malawi. Adequate nutrition is essential for children to grow well, for people who are HIV positive and taking antiretroviral medication, for those who are pregnant or those recovering from illness. The effect of hunger on a community overshadows every other health programme. This situation will have an impact on individuals and families but also on the planning and delivery of healthcare, both in the hospital and in the community around Ekwendeni. There is enough food for all in the world, yet 1 in 8 still go to bed hungry each night. The Enough Food If campaign has brought this to the fore in the run up to the G8 summit. Pray for the staff at Ekwendeni Hospital, where they often work in times where many more than 1 in 8 goes to bed hungry: Kistone Mhango and the whole Primary Health Care Team. Esther Lupafya, the staff and volunteers of the HIV Programme. Esther Kawerama, Matron and all the nursing and ancillary staff in the hospital.

“Jesus said ‘for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat....when you do this to the least of my children, you do this to me.� Matthew 25:35,40

Week Commencing 26 August Mary Ellen Sellers, Duncan Hospital, India Please pray for completion of the new residential quarters for staff of Duncan Hospital. These new buildings will provide much needed housing for staff. Interviews for new students for the nursing school. Please pray that the best candidates will be identified so that we can begin to train a new class of young men and women to be excellent Christian nurses. Pray for the community development teams, that they would make a significant impact in the lives of individuals and that we would see transformation in the communities in which we work. The community teams include: wChetna w - rural community development wRoshni w - urban community development wACT w - working with people infected/ affected by HIV/AIDS wParicartan w - working with injecting drug users wSRHR w - helping women to access health services for reproductive health wCBR w - working with children with disabilities and their families. New staff: we are in great need of an obstetrician/gynaecologist. Two would be even better. With a busy obstetrics outpatient clinic and over 6,000 deliveries every year, there are opportunities to make a significant impact in the lives of mothers and newborn babies.

7 Washington Lane Edinburgh EH11 2HA Tel: 0131 313 3828 Email:

EMMS International is a charity registered in Scotland No SC032327. A company limited by guarantee. Registered in Scotland No SC224402.

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