Prayer Focus Summer 2014

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Week Commencing 1 June James M Wells, Chief Executive, EMMS International

Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ (Matthew 25:34-36, NLT) This week we pray for the country of Malawi. We pray that the new government will work for the benefit of all Malawians and seek to strengthen institutions that will improve the health, education and economic situation across the country. We pray that civil society and government can work together to transform the country for the benefit of all. We pray for the health situation in Malawi. We pray for all those affected by the devastating impact of HIV, which contributes to almost 25% of the health burden in the country. We give You thanks for all those working to ensure people can live full lives despite having HIV. We pray for further treatment advances that will make affordable drugs easily available to all people. We pray earnestly that projects like Mziche will see an end to HIV within a generation. We give thanks for all staff and volunteers delivering essential healthcare in Malawi, and for those that lead and coordinate their work. We give thanks for the vision and leadership of colleagues like Mphatso Nguluwe, Sangster Nkandwe, Yoas Mvula, Ruth Shakespeare and Cornelius Huwa.

Week Commencing 8 June Asha Lal, Programmes Director, INF Nepal 1. We praise and thank the Lord for giving us this important project through EMMS International. The success of the project implementation will depend upon the three Officers specially planned for the project. May the Lord help us to recruit the most capable Officers for the project. 2. On the community side, success is dependent on mothers’ groups, female community health volunteers and local health institution staff. Hence, please pray that the Lord would grant his guidance, mercy and blessing to these people. 3. Finally, we should pray that the individuals and communities to be benefited by the project would know and praise the Lord for his love and kindness, directly and indirectly.

Week Commencing 15 June James M Wells, Chief Executive, EMMS International We continue to pray for the country of Malawi. We pray for all those living with terminal illnesses. We pray for strengthening of the small number of services that seek to ensure that people living with cancer and other terminal illness receive the care, support and treatment that they need to live the fullest possible lives. We pray for families and communities caring for people with terminal illnesses, and for those who are doing all that they can to support them. We pray for the work of Nkhoma Hospital, Mulanje Mission Hospital, the Mziche Project, Ekwendeni College of Health Sciences and the Palliative Care Support Trust. Pray for strategic direction for their work, and that the people that they serve will be blessed with improved healthcare. We ask for wisdom and perseverance in the details and for effective working relationships. We pray for mothers and babies being helped by our projects in Malawi. Give thanks that, as a result, more women and children are getting the care they need, in particular follow-up care, nutrition and vaccination of infants. We give you thanks for everyone who so faithfully supports our projects in Malawi. Thank you for the blessing of their gifts and prayers. We pray for continued support to improve the health and healthcare for the poorest and most marginalised Malawians.

Week Commencing 22 June Ann Thyle, Emmanuel Hospital Association Paliative Care, India Praise God for: 1. A new palliative care service starting at Chhatarpur Christian Hospital, Madhya Pradesh. There is a possibility that another new service will start at Madhipura Christian Hospital, Bihar this year. 2. New staff who have joined different palliative care teams: Nurse Kim Gangte and Multipurpose worker Nisha (Fatehpur); Dr Isihita, due to join GM Priya, Dapegaon, Maharashtra in September; Social worker, Arun Kumar (Lalitpur) and Nurse Mesren Davidson (Utraula). 3. For the good training that nurses Ankit Lyall and Asha Bara, the key team members at Chhatarpur Christian Hospital, received at St John’s Hospital, Bangalore. 4. Several new admissions in the Lalitpur palliative care ward, where patients and family members received excellent whole person care. Pray for: 1. The second basic course of the Indian Association of Palliative Care to be held at HBMH, Lalitpur from June 23-27. There are 16 participants (3 doctors and 13 nurses). Pray for some of the nurses for whom studying and doing an exam in English is a challenge. 2. Plans to start a training facility at GM Priya, Dapegaon. Pray for the renovation work and for Government recognition of the training.

3. Baptist Christian Hospital, Tezpur, Assam where we hope to train nurses from the wards to become ‘link nurses’ involved with palliative care patients in their respective work areas. 4. Dr Tony Biswas (Lalitpur) presently undergoing palliative medicine training by distance learning from Cardiff University. Dr Jerine Liankimi (Tezpur), that she will get admission to the Cardiff programme this year. 5. Safety and protection for the 7 palliative care teams as they do extensive home visits during the very hot summer months.

Week Commencing 29 June Ekwendeni College of Health Sciences, Malawi Give thanks for the new registered nursemidwife and clinical officer training courses about to be launched at Ekwendeni College of Health Sciences. Pray for those who are currently sick across the world and unable to find adequate medical support. Give thanks to God for medical professionals, for their gifts and dedication, for their ability to bring earthly healing. Give thanks that EMMS International has been given this opportunity to play such a significant role in training new nurse-midwives and clinical officers to serve the people of Malawi. Give thanks that the Scottish Government, Peter Jiskoot, Flemmings Nkhandwe, Jack, Alan and so many others are partnering with us to make this a success. Pray that further funders would hear about this need, come forward and be moved to pay for training for the final few nurse training places.

Week Commencing 6 July Dr Jaishri , GM Priya Hospital, Dapegaon, India We thank God that our Kanti Care Centre is getting a good response. Gradually the number of patients are increasing in both the in- and out-patient departments. We pray that, as word spreads locally, more people will make use of the centre when they need to, and that all who do will know love, care and healing. There are more cancer patients enrolling in the palliative care project. Please pray that they, along with their loved ones, will find the care and compassion they need. We are renovating part of the hospital to make room for a palliative care training centre. Pray that the government will give a positive response and support the training centre, and that, as a result, more people would have access to palliative care.

Week Commencing 13 July Gary Brough, Communications Officer, EMMS International A lot of work goes into encouraging support for the work of our partners overseas. Please pray for the staff and volunteers involved, that we will be wise, resourceful and dilligent in our work. Pray for the various publications of EMMS International, for the work that goes into preparing them. We give thanks for the amazing work of our partners, and an opportuinty to share it with others. We welcome opportunities to encourage others to get involved in our work and this summer we look forward to being part of Keswick and Argyll Conventions, among

others. Pray that people will be inspired to find out more about how they can get involved. We also pray for our stand at the International Christian Medical and Dental Association world congress this month. We’ll be promoting Inspiring Hope, the palliative care handbook for churches. Pray that more organisations will be encouraged to make use of this resource. We are in the middle of a project to re-launch the EMMS International website. Pray for everyone involved and that the result will be a blessing to the organisation and the people it serves, and an encouragement to those who visit it.

“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour.� 1 Timothy 2:1-3

Week Commencing 20 July Paul and Su East, India Give praise: For a really meaningful and challenging trip which we were leading for Tearfund UK with 10 prayer intercessors to Duncan Hospital, Raxaul & Madhipura Christian Hospital. We were in the hospital and community visiting some remote villages and tribal people as well as praying for them. (Both of these are EHA units that have partnership programmes with EMMS). For Paul’s trip to Uganda for Oasis Global, focussing on building the capacity of the national Board. For the School of Nursing at Herbertpur Christian Hospital - a very successful beginning to the first batch of nurses. Praise received from the State Inspectors. For opportunity to be in the UK & Canada this summer visiting children & grandchildren. Please pray: For the new Government that came to power this summer - that the transition will be smooth and that all of the population will enjoy equal human rights and improved healthcare. For our change of location from Delhi to Herbertpur (outside the Hospital) and a focus on the local church, to encourage local church leaders across Western Uttar Pradesh & Western Doon valley. For good health and safety in travel.

Week Commencing 27 July Hawthornbrae Trust, Edinburgh EMMS International operates the Hawthornbrae Trust. The fund provides respite holidays for those recovering from an illness or with an ongoing chronic condition. Pray that all the grant recipients will have an enjoyable, relaxing respite holiday. wPray w for those who benefit from Hawthornbrae holiday grants. Pray that they, and their carers, return home refreshed and renewed from a break from their daily routines. wPray w for those within Scotland who are suffering from chronic illnesses. Thank God that we are able to play a small role in easing their burdens. wGive w thanks for organisations who support and work with clients to arrange recuperative holidays – Waverley Care, Edinburgh Social Work Department, Headway, Family Solutions. wGive w thanks for Kate Harris, our volunteer who does the administration of the grants, and Dr Bill Campbell who reviews the grant applications.

Week Commencing 3 August Thomas Kurian, Chinchpada Christian Hospital, Maharashtra, India Please join us in praising God for: wHe w has sustained us and provided for us, even when there has been shortage of available resources. wGood w progress on the construction work. wOne w new Operating Theatre is functional. wPeaceful w voting taking place at Chinchpada during the recent election. wOur w staff, for their commitment and support.

wRoof w casting was done successfully for two buildings. wThe w gentle breeze we experience off and on to cool us down in this dry heat. wVery w critical patients admitted who have experienced divine healing in the past month. wPlacing w us in a remote area to be a blessing to many. We at Chinchpada Christian Hospital believe in prayer and value your prayers. Please join us in praying for: wOur w staff to be mature believers, to grow in their capacity to love and be loved, and to know deeply and fully the joy of God. wHospital w administration, that we would deal rightly with tax, finance and charity matters. wFor w the final stages of construction, including landscaping.

Week Commencing 10 August Madhipura Christian Hospital, Bihar, India We think of the sacrifices made by others to improve healthcare at Madhipura Christian Hospital. We give thanks for all staff at Madhipura; for their continued service in a difficult rural setting. We think of those who are living far from their families and in desperate conditions because they want to serve others. As rot spreads through their homes, pray for the staff at Madhipura – for health, rest and perseverance. Pray for new life at Madhipura hospital, that dormant facilities will be resurrected. We pray that services like the neonatal ICU, adult ICU and operating theatre will be returned to full service.

We pray for the new building project starting soon, that it will go smoothly, have all the resources needed, and provide the extra accommodation the hospital needs to grow. We give thanks for the generous gifts for Madhipura from the recent appeal, and pray that every need would be provided for.

Week Commencing 17 August Lakhnadon Christian Hospital, India Please pray with thanksgiving, for: wSustaining w the hospital thus far. wDr w Sunil Gokavi, who graciously spent a whole month with us to help improve systems and prepare for the future. wThe w senior management team, who have held on in spite of the huge challenge before them. Mr Daniel Dey, Dr Paneerselvam, Ms Harshlata, Ms Vanlal Muani, Mr Rao, Mr Uphar Jogi. wIncrease w in the patient numbers by 200 during Dr Sunil’s presence in the hospital, last month. Please also pray: wThat w we will be able to dispense our duties in faithfulness, unity, and with the spirit of the “Great Shepherd” who has called us to the task. wFor w the staff, that they will be one with the vision and the mission and will be encouraged deeply wherever they are placed and whatever they are called to do. wFor w a systematic and deliberate spiritual input from the right source equipped by the ‘Great missionary’- the Holy Spirit.

wFor w the medical team as we try to maintain systems and paperwork, keeping in mind the Clinical Establishment Act that is hovering over us. Thank you for being one with us in this great ministry the Lord has trusted us with.

Week Commencing 24 August Joe Cooney, Office Manager, EMMS International

So the people asked him, saying, “What shall we do then?” He answered and said to them, “He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.” (Luke 3:10-11 New KJV) Give thanks for all the supporters of our work. Following the example of Jesus Christ, we work with partners in some of the poorest communities of the world to transform lives through compassionate, effective and sustainable healthcare. Only through the continued support of individuals, Trusts and Church groups can we succeed. Many students of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Midwifery, and Physiotherapy are spending time on their electives at Mission hospitals overseas. Pray that they might have a blessed time and a safe and worthwhile elective placement, wherever they are working. Give thanks for the work of EMMS International’s office staff. Pray that, during this holiday period, they might be refreshed and renewed by some rest time.

Week Commencing 31 August Shalom Delhi, India Please pray for the strategic planning for Shalom and the ongoing evaluation of the Shalom Project. Pray for some of our newly enrolled patients who came to us very ill. Mohan Sharma who has pleural effusion and has been sick for a long time, has got better. Pray that he would recover fast and would be able to get back to work. Please uphold another patient who is from a Christian family – she is Sunita. She is presently admitted in Shalom and her husband is also HIV positive. Sunita has pulmonary Tuberculosis. Pray that she will be able to recover from her illness. For new families that are being sent from the government hospitals for further care at Shalom. Pray that, through the nursing care and medical care, we would reflect the love of Christ. Praise Points We praise the Lord for providing a new water purifier for the Shalom premises. We praise and give all the glory and honour to God for all the impact and transformation that is happening in the lives of the families and transgender people. For protection upon the field staff who go out in the sweltering heat. Praise God for three new churches which have shown interest in working with Shalom.

Changes to Prayer Focus Prayer Focus is the quarterly prayer diary of EMMS International. Many of you use it regularly to uphold the work of our partners in prayer, and for that we are very grateful. We want to do all that we can to keep you informed of how you can pray for the work of EMMS International and its partners. To that end, we are making some changes to our prayer resources later this year. Prayer Focus will become an annual publication, covering all of our active projects. You will find within it inspiration to pray as frequently as you wish. We need you to tell us if you want to receive this. For those who are committed to praying on a more regular basis, we are looking for Prayer Champions who will receive more regular updates by email or online. These will empower you to pray for the urgent and developing needs of our partners. We need you to opt-in to receive Prayer Focus or sign up as a Prayer Champion. You can do so using the form at the back of the Summer 2014 edition of Healing Hand, writing to us, or by emailing Thank you for your continued prayer support. Gary Brough Communications Officer, EMMS International

7 Washington Lane Edinburgh EH11 2HA Tel: 0131 313 3828 Email:

EMMS International is a charity registered in Scotland No SC032327. A company limited by guarantee. Registered in Scotland No SC224402.

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