Sunday's Child Advent Prayer Guide

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lease join us in prayer for those facing lifelimiting illness this advent. In particular we will remember children living with cancer and the committed and compassionate healthcare workers who care for them.

Advent is a time of anticipation of Christ’s arrival and the promises that brings. Fullness of life today and after death. So let’s pray for hope, joy and fullness of life as well as for people’s practical needs each day.

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Pray for Tadala, aged 2. That despite her cancer she will be freed from pain and fear to enjoy her childhood. Pray for Tadala’s mother, and all mothers, who carry the heavy burden of care for a child with cancer. Pray that families, like Tadala’s, will have the support they need to be able to enjoy the time they have together.

Give thanks for committed and compassionate healthcare workers who care for people when they need it most.


Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. – Galations 6:2

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Pray for a better supply of pain medication, currently people suffer unneccessary pain because of limited and erratic supplies.


Pray for nurses, like Mrs Kalonga, who offer specialist care but also friendship in the most difficult of times.


Pray for an improvement in cancer care in Malawi. There are currently only two oncologists and one hospital which specialises in children’s cancer care.


Give thanks for the local church. Pray that they will be able to reach out and care for their communities; caring for those who are sick and comforting those who mourn.

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80% of children who die in Africa die without even seeing a doctor. Pray that every child would get the care they need. Pray that more palliative care staff and volunteers are trained to meet the huge and growing need in Malawi.

Pray for the widows and children left with nothing because family members don’t leave a will. Ask for their protection, and that others would get the help needed to stop this injustice.


Pray for Dr Cornelius Huwa and his team at the Palliative Care Support Trust, our partner in Malawi, working to deliver more care and educate more specialist staff.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. – John 14:1


Pray for Mulanje Mission Hospital, Nkhoma Mission Hospital and Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (Blantyre), that they would be centres of excellence in palliative care, and a source of health and hope for those who rely upon them.

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Pray for the health system of Malawi, that it would be able to grow to meet the huge need. Pray for Gloria, aged 13. She has cancer in her bones and misses being at home with her friends.

Pray for Gloria’s aunt who has cared for her since her mother died. That she would have the help and support she needs.

Pray that Gloria would be able to enjoy the precious time she has left with friends watching her old netball team.

Pray for home care teams who provide care and support so people aren’t left at home in pain and fear.


He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain. -Revelation 21:4


Pray for families caring for a dying loved one, that they get the help they need so that they can continue to work and provide for themselves and don’t get pushed further into poverty.


Give thanks for the caring culture in Malawian village and family life, pray that we would all love and care for those who are ill in our communities.


his Advent prayer guide also acompanies our Advent Gift Calendar. To receive one yourself and save a life this Christmas please get in touch. Thank you for your prayers. You can also make a gift to help children with cancer at:

Sunday’s Child Prayer Focus


Pray that as patients are cared for they would know Jesus’ love and compassion.


For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. - Isaiah 9:6 Give thanks today for His marvellous lifegiving grace. In Him broken lives are made new. Celebrate Him and the life He gives!

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Care cannot stop when there isn’t a cure.

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