ORDINANCE No. _______ (DRAFT) ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ROSA ESTABLISHING STANDARDS AND COMMUNITY BENEFITS FOR PUBLIC EXPENDITURES ON GREEN BUILDING, GREEN ENERGY & EFFICIENCY RETROFITS AND OTHER “GREEN” PROJECTS TITLE: This ordinance shall be known as “THE GREEN CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ORDINANCE” WHEREAS, the City of Santa Rosa (the City) is a signatory to the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement, which commits the City to advancing the goals of the Kyoto Protocol through proactive leadership and action, striving to meet or beat the Kyoto Protocol greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 26341 was passed by the Santa Rosa City Council in 2004 adopting a target of 25% reduction in C02 emissions below 1990 levels by 2015; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 227001 was passed by the Santa Rosa City Council in 2007 adopting green building guidelines for all new construction to promote environmental protection through building and remodeling with a more sustainable approach; and WHEREAS, energyefficiency and renewable energy retrofits to residential, commercial, and municipal buildings are a critical strategy in achieving these emissions reductions; and WHEREAS, on September 30, 2009, the Portland, Oregon, City Council passed a resolution endorsing a groundbreaking Community Workforce Agreement that will lead to the creation of thousands of good jobs in the cleanenergy economy for lowincome workers. This resolution is replicable in other cities; and WHEREAS, in nearby Rohnert Park, a coalition of labor, housing, and environmental groups has reached an agreement to cooperate on labor standards, housing, regional impact of development and green building standards for the development of Sonoma Mountain Village; and WHEREAS, green jobs are a growing and vital component of the regional economy, comprising products, services, and labor related to green building, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. Such jobs must offer career ladders and pathways to prosperity, providing livingwage jobs throughout the community: and WHEREAS, the City may spend significant funds made available via its federal Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant allocations; and WHEREAS, the need exists for ongoing advancement of equity for historically disadvantaged communities, including lowincome households, people of color, and women, as a key 1/26/10
component of the region’s development, and the City’s past actions underscore its commitment to improving social equity; and WHEREAS, the Council recognizes that welltrained workers earning decent wages and benefits produce quality work as they contribute to the good of the community; and WHEREAS, Santa Rosa, as an active participant in the Sonoma County Energy Independence Program and Climate Action Plan, is a leading national model for saving energy, creating jobs, improving homes, reducing carbon dioxide emissions, and promoting equity by creating economic opportunities and green career pathways for historically disadvantaged populations; and WHEREAS, the City is committed to growing green businesses and a green economy that puts people back to work and provides new employment opportunities to disadvantaged communities; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to foster contracting, subcontracting, training, and employment policies that provide pathways to prosperity for all workers and offer livable/familysustaining wages that lead to lasting careers; and WHEREAS the City wishes to involve multiple stakeholders and community members in developing and enacting employment policies and processes that ensure accountability and provide for continuous evaluation of performance toward goals; and WHEREAS, the development of green economic activity in Santa Rosa has been marked by an extraordinary collaboration among, and contributions from, public, private, nonprofit, community, and labor institutions; and WHEREAS, a broad set of stakeholders have worked intensively to identify the ways in which publicly funded green projects can be successful while setting high standards for inclusive economic development and broad community benefits; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City hereby establishes the following standards and community benefits for public expenditures on green building, green energy and efficiency retrofits, and other green projects: 1) Local Hire: Not less than 60 percent of employees shall be hired from the local workforce. 2) Diverse Workforce: A high ratio of historically disadvantaged or underrepresented people, including people of color, women, and lowincome residents, shall be recruited. The total workforce shall comprise not less than 40 percent from this group. Where practical, contractors shall have a firstsource hiring agreement with qualified training programs to meet this goal. 1/26/10
3) Formerly Incarcerated: Formerly incarcerated individuals seeking new opportunities for responsible citizenship and economic selfsufficiency shall be presented with green employment opportunities. 4) Family Supportive Employment: Workers shall earn not less than the Sonoma County Living Wage Standard of $13.20/hr plus benefits, adjusted annually to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) when it rises. Wages shall not decrease if the CPI decreases. 5) Health Care: The City shall strive to ensure that employees in publicly funded green jobs have access to adequate and affordable health care, and shall provide support to small businesses to help ensure such coverage. 6) Diverse Business Participation: Businesses owned by historically disadvantaged or underrepresented people, including people of color and women–owned businesses, shall make up not less than 20 percent of the total number of entities contracting with the City for these projects. 7) Highly Skilled Workforce: Resources for continuing education and certification shall be made available for those coming into the industry as well as for those wanting to increase their opportunities for upward mobility within the industry through registered apprenticeship and other career pathway trainings in the region. Definitions “Green” shall mean a whole systems approach to the design, construction, retrofitting, and operation of buildings, structures, and systems that help mitigate the environmental, economic, and social impacts of construction, demolition, and renovation. A green practice recognizes the relationship between natural and built environments and seeks to minimize the use of energy, water, and other natural resources and to provide a healthy, productive environment. “Local” shall mean that an individual resides, or a business or organization is located, within the Santa Rosa City limits or no more than 25 miles outside the City limits. Severability Should any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in force and effective 30 days after its adoption and shall be published or posted as required by law.