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In Memoriam
Farewell to a valued colleague
MCCLELLAN JR. passed away on March 9 at Emory University Hospital. Following his medical studies at University of Alabama, Birmingham, McClellan trained in internal medicine at University of Pennsylvania and in renal medicine at University of California San Francisco. He also has an MPH degree from Rollins.
McClellan joined Rollins and the school of medicine as a full professor in 2005 after he retired from a successful medical practice in LaGrange. His long research career focused on racial and other disparities in health outcomes related to chronic kidney disease, end-stage renal disease, hypertension, and the quality of care for patients.
He combined strong expertise in clinical medicine, epidemiology, and health services research, and this was reflected in more than 240 publications and service to national and international advisory groups. In addition, he directly supervised 12 PhD students and mentored countless others. He is missed tremendously.