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Connecting with the community
The Rollins-teer Day tradition continues
Community engagement starts on Day One at Rollins. Each year, as part of the school’s fall orientation, students, faculty, and staff fan out across the city, lending their time and their talents to help local organizations that focus on poverty, homelessness, disease prevention, and environmental health.
Since Rollins-teer Day started in 2007, more than 5,000 Rollins students have worked with more than 60 area organizations, including the Atlanta Hospitality House, Community Farmer’s Market and Learning Garden, Friends of Disabled Adults and Children, International Women’s House, Jerusalem House, MedShare International, Open Hand, and the Park Pride Nature Preserve. Students provide physical labor in improving parks, grounds, and facilities, packaging and distributing food, providing assistance to refugee families and victims of domestic violence, and supporting those in drug rehabilitation and families affected by AIDS and chronic medical conditions. n
The photos on these pages represent more than a decade of Rollins’ service in the community. Cutlines for these photos— and more photos—are available at emry.link/Rollinsteerslideshow.