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The Independent Student Newspaper of Emory University

Volume 95, Issue 28


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Every Tuesday and Friday



Committee Releases Results of Dept. Changes Review Board of Bylaws Need Revision but Forman Did Not Violate Them, Report Says By Arianna Skibell Editor-in-Chief The Process Review Committee (PRC), which formed last spring to investigate the decision-making process that determined the department changes announced in September 2012, has concluded that College Dean Robin Forman and his predecessor Robert Paul did not violate College Bylaws, according to a PRC report released yesterday. However, the official report, released to College faculty via email, also says that the current College Bylaws “do not contain clear and sufficient procedures for the closing, changing or reorganizing departments or programs.” The committee also concluded that communication errors occurred between the College

administration and the affected departments and programs. The report detailed several recommendations for moving forward, including a revision of the Emory College Bylaws to delineate a clear procedure for future department or program changes and a call for more transparency. In September 2012, the University announced the “phasing out” of the Visual Arts Department, the Division of Educational Studies and the Journalism program, as well as the suspension of admission to a few Laney Graduate School programs. Many students and faculty reacted to the announcement with rallies, the formation of #EmoryCuts and the filing of several appeals and grievances, which detail alleged Bylaw violations and discuss the position cuts and

departmental reassignments that will result from the plan. The PRC, which was established on March 19, 2013 after faculty voted at a meeting to create an independent committee last January, included five faculty members: Matthew Bernstein, professor and chair of the Department of Film and Media Studies; Oded Borowski, professor of Biblical Archaeology and Hebrew; Scott Lilienfeld, professor in the Department of Psychology; Fred Menger, Charles Howard Candler professor of Chemistry and Gordon Newby, Goodrich C. White professor of Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies and Chair of the PRC. According to the official report, the PRC attempted to evaluate the role of the Emory College Governance Committee (GovCom) as well as


the College Financial Advisory Committee (CFAC) — the committee that helped Forman determine which departments and programs would be affected — by interviewing deans, members of the affected departments and programs, reviewing public records and minutes and reviewing written communications to the committee. “The committee worked very hard on its reports, and as a member of the committee, I participated in its interviews, deliberations and the production of the report,” Borowski wrote in an email to the Wheel. “Thus, needless to say, I am satisfied with the report and the conclusions included in it.” The Committee members said in the report that they attempted to look at both the pros and cons of the

department changes process in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of the process and recommend a more effective system for the future. “If anything has become clear to us,” the report says, “it is that greater faculty participation in governance and clearer, more effective communication between the Emory College Faculty and the College administration will alleviate, it not forestall, future difficulties of the sort we have recently experienced.” Although Forman wrote in an email to the Wheel that a balance must be struck between public and private discourse when making hard and important decisions. “The process we followed was

See PRC, Page 5


University Course Initiative Launches By Brandon Fuhr Senior Staff Writer Graduate and undergraduate students are sitting in the same classroom this semester to learn about the war on poverty, disease, America’s health care system and cross-cultural communications as part of four new courses this semester, offered through the University Course program. The University Course initiative is offered through the Center for Faculty Development and Excellence (CFDE), a program to support and develop faculty members. According to the CFDE website, the idea behind the University Course program is that faculty and students from all the schools at Emory come together to learn and discuss an issue of common concern. The University Course started in 2011 with the course Methland and has since grown to include four new courses. The courses offered for spring 2014 include “Sick: Healthcare in the Modern Era;” “The War on Poverty and its Legacy: Assessing Fifty Years of Social Policy in America;” “Translating ‘America,’ Translating the ‘Other:’ CrossCultural (Mis)communications in an Age of Globalization;” and “The Commercial Neglect of Treatable Disease: A Global Health Perspective on Neglected Disease and Drug Development.” Donna Troka, Associate Director of the CDFE, wrote in an email to the Wheel that her office chose these four courses because they engaged various schools on campus and were on the cutting edge of academia. Some of the classes extend beyond the boundaries of the classroom. According to Troka, the students in the class about the War on Poverty will attend several field trips to differentiate poverty in urban, suburban and rural settings. While about 15 students attend each course, the professors will open up some events and class sessions to the larger Emory community, Troka wrote. Karen Stolley, professor of Spanish, is the convener for the new course about cross-cultural miscommunications. According to the course

See STOLLEY, Page 5

Hanbo Hu/Staff


tudents perform a dance routine at the Atlanta Spring Festival Gala, which took place this Saturday in Glenn Memorial Auditorium. The gala brought together talented Chinese students and scholars from the Atlanta area and included Kung Fu, dancing, professional band music, comedy and several other acts.


Trustees Adds Two Members By Nick Sommariva Associate Editor

Shantella Carr Cooper and Timothy Rollins will join Emory’s Board of Trustees for six-year terms, the University announced last week. Cooper will be the Board’s newest alumni trustee and Rollins the newest term trustee. The Board of Trustees — which consists of 34 term trustees and up to Shantella 11 alumni trust- Carr Cooper ees — governs the University by (top) and Timothy establishing policy and exercising Rollins, fiduciary responwill join the sibility, accordBoard of ing to the board’s website. Trustees Cooper is the current vice president of Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company and general manager of the company’s Marietta, Ga. facility. She serves as the aeronautics company’s vice president of business ethics and has occupied this position since 2011. Rollins graduated from Boston University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. He is the current vice president of the Rollins Investment Company in Atlanta. Before being appointed, Rollins served on the Emory Board of Visitors. According to Allison Dykes, vice president and secretary of Emory University, the Governance, Trusteeship and Nominations Committee of the Emory University

See DYKES, Page 5


Greek Life Adds 577 New Members School of Nursing to By Lydia O’Neal Greek Beat Writer Almost 500 female students, a nearly 9 percent increase from last year, braved the cold, lining up eagerly outside of Sorority Village for Intersorority Council (ISC) recruitment during the last two weekends. The Interfraternity Council (IFC), however, saw the number of recruitment participants drop from 408 to 332 students — about a 19 percent decrease — between 2013 and 2014. Of the 251 fraternity bids given, 180 students accepted them, down 18 percent from last year, when 322 bids were given and 223 were accepted, according to College senior and IFC President Jason Stern. New fraternity members may receive up to three fraternity bids — or invitations to join a particular chapter — while new sorority members may receive only one bid per student. “Although recruitment numbers were lower than in years past, I believe that most chapters are happy with the quality of their new member classes,” Stern wrote in an email to the Wheel. Numbers aside, 2014 IFC recruitment was an overall success, Stern said. “Run the Row was extremely successful again this year,” he wrote. “The fraternities always get very

excited, and we appreciate a strong showing from the sororities and the surrounding Emory community.” Run the Row is an event where new fraternity members run to their chosen houses at once. Stern added that each fraternity hosted two Sunday Night Dinners during the course of the semester, which “provided good opportunities for fraternities to meet freshmen students and for the guys to get a sense of what each chapter is like.” Participants of ISC recruitment, on the other hand, received a total of 403 bids, up about five percent from last year, when 385 bids were given. Nearly 400 accepted bids this year. About 81 percent of sorority recruitment participants were given bids, down about two percent from last year. Despite the increase, ISC Vice President of Recruitment and College senior Rebecca Rosen said she thinks the addition of a seventh sorority, returning chapter Sigma Delta Tau (SDT), could “even out” the disparities between pledge classes this year. “Overall, it will likely be a oneto-one ratio,” Rosen said, referring to the number of “bigs” and “littles” paired within each chapter this year, as opposed to multiple sorority members being assigned two “littles.”

Offer New Degree


By Stephen Fowler Asst. News Editor

Participants 332 408 Bids extended* 251 322 Bids accepted** 180 223

SPRING ISC RECRUITMENT 2014 2013 Participants Bids extended Bids accepted

499 470 403 385 397 ***

*Bids extended: a single male student can receive up to three bids each one from a different fraternity. **Bids accepted: a single male student can only accept one bid to join a fraternity. ***Information not reported

SDT’s national chapter halted the Emory chapter’s recruitment last year because of its small chapter size, vacating Eagle House F as members graduated. During the fall 2013 semester, however, the chapter engaged in a recruitment revamp in an effort to fully participate in 2014 ISC rush and reestablish SDT at Emory, according to Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life President Megan Janasiewicz. “I think that they’re a really strong

See ISC, Page 5

The Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing is launching a new Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP) program in fall 2014, the only one of its kind in the state of Georgia, according to a Jan. 17 University press release. NNPs are a special group of registered nurses who are trained as primary, acute and critical care advanced practice nurses, said Terri Marin, interim specialty coordinator for the program. The School of Nursing previously offered a similar NNP track until 1998, when a lack of faculty forced the program to close, according to Marin. The program is four consecutive semesters in length and requires 780 hours of clinical practice at all Emory-affiliated neonatal intensive care units and outpatient clinics, according to the University press release. Registered nurses who graduate this specialty master’s program become skilled in performing comprehensive assessments, diagnostic evaluations and symptom and disease management for babies and infants up to age two, according to Marin.

NEONATAL NURSE PROGRAM The program is the only one of its kind in Georgia

PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS - four semesters - 780 clinical hours In addition to those responsibilities, the NNP program focuses on health promotion, ethical considerations, parental counseling and education to promote optimal infant and toddler development, Marin said. According to the program website, students learn multiple aspects of advanced nursing practice from an evidenced-based approach, including the roles of educator, researcher, consultant and advocate. Marin said a combination of workforce needs, community needs and national assessment led to the rebirth of the track. “Statistics show a supply to demand deficit [in NNPs] that is only growing larger,” Marin said. “The opportunity for NNPs to fill this void neonatal care is evident.”

— Contact Stephen Fowler at smfowle@emory.edu













...PAGE 6









NEWS ROUNDUP National, Local and Higher Education News =• Ukraine’s justice minister threatened to call for a state of emergency if anti-government protesters continued to occupy her ministry on Monday. Olena Lukash, whose ministry was seized Sunday night, told local media she would ask the National Security and Defense Council to carry out the measures. Protesters set up barricades with bags of snow outside the Kiev building late Sunday. Militants have even attacked buildings in eastern areas of the country, which traditionally have closer ties with Russia, a key ally of the current Ukrainian government under President Viktor Yanukovych. • On Sunday, U.S. Defense officials tried to establish whether an airstrike in Somalia killed the intended target, a suspected militant leader with ties to the Somalia-based alQaeda branch known as al-Shabab. The strike, aimed at a vehicle in a remote area of southern Somalia, was meant to hit a senior leader in two organizations. However, a rebel leader told the Associated Press that the missile killed al-Shabab leader Sahal Iskudhuq, who was close to the head of the organization.



Tuesday, January 28, 2014

the 19-year-old who shot dead two employees at a Columbia, Md. mall on Saturday. The journal contained enough information to worry a county police officer before he became aware of the shooting. Aguilar, who had no criminal record and purchased the shotgun legally, brought two homemade bombs to the mall in his backpack. At Zumiez, a skating store, Aguilar fired six to nine shots, killing 21-year-old Brianna Benlolo and 25-year-old Tyler Johnson before killing himself. • At the 56th Grammy Awards on Sunday night, Daft Punk took home four prizes, including album of the year for Random Access Memories and record of the year for their song “Get Lucky.” Macklemore and Ryan Lewis also won four awards, including best new artist. Lorde, a 17-yearold New Zealander, won song of the year and best pop solo performance for “Royals.”

— Compiled by Senior Staff Writer Lydia O’Neal

• Police discovered a journal in the home of Darion Marcus Aguilar,

Corrections The Wheel reports and corrects all errors published in the newspaper and at emorywheel.com. Please contact Editor-in-Chief Arianna Skibell at arianna.skibell@emory.edu.

THE EMORY WHEEL Volume 95, Number 28 © 2013 The Emory Wheel

Dobbs University Center, Room 540 605 Asbury Circle, Atlanta, GA 30322 Business (404) 727-6178 Editor-in-Chief Arianna Skibell (404) 727-0279 Founded in 1919, The Emory Wheel is the financially and editorially independent, student-run newspaper of Emory University in Atlanta. The Wheel is a member publication of Media Council, Emory’s organization of student publications. The Wheel reserves the rights to all content as it appears in these pages, and permission to reproduce material must be granted by the editor in chief. The Wheel is published twice weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays during the academic year, except during University holidays and scheduled publication intermissions. A single copy of the Wheel is free of charge. To purchase additional copies, please call (404) 727-6178. The statements and opinions expressed in the Wheel are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Wheel Editorial Board or of Emory University, its faculty, staff or administration. The Wheel is also available online at www.emorywheel.com.

This Week In Emory History

POLICE RECORD •On Jan. 15 at midnight, the Emory Police Department (EPD) responded to a call regarding an underage individual under the influence of alcohol at Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity. A friend brought the individual back to her residence hall. The individual’s resident advisor was notified. • On Jan. 15 at 6:29 p.m., EPD responded to a call regarding an odor of marijuana at Harris Residence Hall. Officers could not locate an odor of marijuana at the location. The complainant wanted to remain anonymous, and EPD left the area after checking. • On Jan 17 at 1:15 p.m., EPD received a call from a male student regarding suspicious activity.

The student said someone in a white Chevrolet followed him from the traffic circle in Emory Village to Longstreet-Means (LSM) residence hall. As the student was entering the traffic circle, the subject gave the impression that he was going to park, so the student drove around the vehicle. The subject then followed the student’s vehicle to LSM. As the student parked at LSM, the subject threatened the student with violence and profanity. The subject then drove off. The case has been turned over to an investigator.

EPD arrived. The male subject said he was trying to leave the location and that he had an argument with the female student. There were no signs of physical fighting. Campus Life was notified and the incident was turned over to an administrative process.

— Compiled by Crime Beat Writer Brandon Fuhr

• On Jan 20 at 12:28 p.m., EPD received a call from a student on Clairmont Campus regarding a domestic issue. DeKalb Police Department was on the scene when

Jan. 30 1990 Multiple arrests and the arrival of at least four Dekalb County Emergency Medical Service ambulances forced the Interfraternity Council (IFC) to close post-Pledge Day festivities in January 1990. According to IFC Vice President Eric Rosenberg, the celebration had been marked by “general mayhem.” No security was present at each of the fraternity houses, where underage students were served alcohol. The IFC consequently “shut down the Row” at 11:30 p.m. At least three students required medical attention.

EVENTS AT EMORY TUESDAY Event: Breaking the Gender Bias Habit Time: 9-11 a.m. Location: E334 DUC Event: Emory Woman’s Club Meeting Time: 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Location: Houston Mill House

Location: White Hall 103 Event: Bisexual / Pansexual Discussion Group Time: 7-8 p.m. Location: 232E DUC


Event: Copyright & Your ETD Sciences/Health Sciences Focus Time: 2:30-3:45 p.m. Location: Woodruff Health Sciences Library Classroom Event: Interviewing Skills Workshop Time: 3-4 p.m. Location: Career Center Conference Room

Event: Toastmasters@Emory Club Meeting Time: 8-9 a.m. Location: Old Dental Building

Event: Gilman/Scholarship Advising Time: 4-5 p.m. Location: Candler Library 200

Event: Mini Summer Study Abroad Fair Time: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: DUC Coke Commons

Event: Scholarship Information Session Time: 5-6 p.m. Location: Candler Library 216

Event: Interviewing Skills Workshop Time: 2-3 p.m. Location: Career Center Conference Room

Event: Summer Study Abroad Open House Advising Hours Time: 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Location: Candler Library 200

Event: Queer Students of Color Time: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Location: 232E DUC

Event: AntiquiTEA Time: 4-5 p.m. Location: Carlos Museum Reception Hall

Event: Interviewing Skills Workshop Time: 12-1 p.m. Location: Career Center Conference Room

Event: Faculty Response Forum XIII: The Humanities and the Nature of Evidence Time: 5:30 p.m. Location: Carlos Museum Reception Hall

Event: Interviewing Skills Workshop Time: 4-5 p.m. Location: Career Center Conference Room

Event: Dr. Daniel Weissman - The effect of gene interactions on evolution - University of California at Berkeley Time: 2:30-3:30 p.m. Location: Mathematics & Science Center E300

Event: Les Enfants du Paradis (Children of Paradise, 1945), Screening Time: 7:30 p.m. Location: White Hall 208

Event: “A Cell Autonomous Loss of Muscle Stem Cell Function during Aging” Time: 12-1 p.m. Location: 5052 Rollins Research Center

Event: Study Abroad in China Panel Discussion Time: 4:30-6 p.m.


Event: Immortality, Immorality, and the Price of Progress Time: 7-8 a.m. Location: Emory University Hospital Auditorium Event: Copyright & Your Electronic Thesis or Dissertation Time: 10-11:15 a.m. Location: Woodruff Library 314 Event: The Regulatory Network Coordinating Natural Competence for DNA Uptake in the Human Pathogen Vibrio Cholerae Time: 12-1 p.m. Location: Whitehead Building, Ground Floor Auditorium Event: Summer Study Abroad Open House Advising Hours Time: 3-4 p.m. Location: Candler Library 200 Event: 2013-2014 Awards & Honors Reception Time: 3:30-5 p.m. Location: Governors Hall, MillerWard Alumni House



Tuesday, January 28, 2014



Tuesday, January 28, 2014





Tuesday, January 28, 2014




Sequestration Cuts Continue to Affect Winship Cancer Institute Oxford College Opens New Organic Farm By Harmeet Kaur Health Sciences Beat Writer

Sequestration, a series of federal budget cuts to defense and domestic spending, is continuing to negatively impact funding of Emory’s Winship Cancer Institute since taking effect last year, according to Executive Director Walter Curran. Legislators unveiled a new spending bill on Jan. 13 that mostly leaves sequestration in place, only partially restoring some funds that were cut. The bill increased funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to $29.9 billion for 2014 — a $1 billion increase from the previous year. However, when disseminated across various research institutions throughout the country, this increase falls short of what many health professionals had hoped for, according to a Jan.

our most promising investigators,” he 15 Huffington Post article. “Winship is committed to con- wrote. “There have been no signifitinuing its high priority research cant staff reductions at Winship nor is programs — prothis anticipated due grams which can to sequestration.” lead to real progBefore the ress against cancer,” “Winship is committed deal was reached, Curran wrote in an to continuing its high Curran estimated email to the Wheel. that Winship would priority research “While some of experience a $5 milprograms.” these programs lion loss in funding will be reduced this for cancer discovery year, if sequestra— Walter Curran if the sequester contion continues, 2015 Winship Cancer Institute tinued throughout will be the most difexecutive director March 2014, accordficult year.” ing to an article pubRegardless of lished by Atlanta’s the funding cuts, Curran wrote that NPR affiliate, WABE. sequestration did not impact the fac“All research centers, such as ulty and staff at Winship. Winship with high levels of feder“Winship has been fortunate to al grant support, will be adversely have generous private supporters affected this year and next if sequeswhose support has ‘bridged’ some of tration continues,” Curran wrote.


SGA Agrees to Fund Lunar New Year Banquet By Stephen Fowler Asst. News Editor The 47th Legislature of the Student Government Association (SGA) passed a bill yesterday evening to fund the Lunar New Year Banquet as a part of Chinese Cultural Week. College junior and SGA Executive Assistant Justin Nie presented the bill, which called for $4,400 total in funding for both the Jan. 31 banquet and the Atlanta Spring Festival Gala, which took place on Jan. 25. Vice President for Finance and College senior Calvin Lee reported that the bill passed the finance committee unanimously, which he said is rare. “This is a large-scale event that is co-sponsored by several graduate and undergraduate organizations,” Lee said. “This level of cooperation is unprecedented.” Several SGA legislators took issue with $400 in funding for the Gala, citing a rule prohibiting retroactive funding for events. College sophomore and SGA Representative-At-Large Raj Tilwa

raised concern over the $400 and how it would be spent considering that the event already occurred. College sophomore and SGA Sophomore Representative Ami Fields-Meyer proposed an amendment to strike the $400 in funding that was retroactive. The legislature voted unanimously in favor of the amendment on a 24-0-0 decision. Laney Graduate School Representative Laura Mariani proposed an amendment to shift the $400 to the Sino-Emory Newsletter’s (SEN) account to help alleviate their payment toward the Lunar Banquet. The legislature approved the amendment on a 14-4-3 decision. The updated bill passed 20-0-1. Nie said he was excited for the cultural week and hopes that SGA funding for this year will help the event grow in years to come. “Next year, we want to institutionalize it, along with other cultural celebrations such as Diwali,” Nie said. “We want to do our part to make the campus more vibrant with culture.”

—Contact Stephen Fowler at smfowle@emory.edu

Curran noted that Winship “weathered the period of sequestration with difficulty.” Additionally, he wrote that if the planned sequestration cuts are not reduced or eliminated, these effects would escalate in 2014 and 2015. “Some of our funding cuts have resulted in the downsizing of certain research terms, and this is a very difficult process,” Curran wrote. The sequester totals approximately $1.2 trillion in federal spending cuts and is part of the Budget Control Act of 2011, which was mandated by Congress after lawmakers were unable to agree on how to reduce the federal deficit. The funding cuts went into effect in 2013 and are scheduled to end in 2021, according to a Sept. 12, 2013 Washington Post article.

— Contact Harmeet Kaur at hbhagra@emory.edu

Stolley Says Program Will Create ‘Intellectual Community’ Continued from Page 1 syllabus, “This course will ask: How do others in the world understand the U.S.? How do Americans imagine “Others” in the world, and how do those “Others” imagine the U.S. in turn?” “The course really grew out of the conversations from some of the chairs of foreign language and linguistics departments about the importance of translingual and transcultural competency in today’s globalized world,” Stolley said. As part of the goal to include the entire Emory community in the program, the new course taught by Stolley will include a film festival related to the topic of the course. Various films

will be selected that deal with issues of cross-cultural communication and miscommunication. “The idea is that you are creating particular kinds of intellectual community and synergy by having a place where undergraduate, graduates, med students, law students and faculty come together for a discussion,” Stolley said. According to Stolley, discussions with third-year law students and someone doing a M.A. in film studies and Spanish majors is a really great conversation. “These are people who usually don’t sit in the room together,” Stolley said. — Contact Brandon Fuhr at brandon.spencer.fuhr@emory.edu

By Elizabeth Howell Student Life Co-Editor Oxford College has established a new organic farm adjacent to its campus in order to produce organic food and provide new educational opportunities, Dean and CEO of Oxford College Stephen Bowen said. The farm, made possible by an 11 and a half-acre donation from an Emory alum, will produce revenue by its third year and sustain itself financially, Bowen said. He added that it will produce thousands of pounds of food, some of which the Oxford dining hall will serve. Additionally, Bowen said students will have the opportunity to choose from work study assignments on the farm. Professors also intend to integrate the farm into coursework and develop research programs. Bowen said that the farm was characteristic for the Oxford community. Because Oxford attracts students with a variety of interests, he expects students to become involved in the development of the farm. “The idea is to engage students with their food and where it comes from,” professional organic farmer and leader of Oxford’s new farm Daniel Parson said. Parson said he foresees a variety of disciplines — including ecology, biology, business and sociology — being able to integrate the farm into their curriculum. Parson, who has previously created two other organic farms in the Southeast, is a leader in the organic farming community, Bowen said.

He was chosen from a pool of 50 applicants. “He is the perfect person to do this,” Bowen said. “[He is] extremely confident, a good people person, so he’s going to work very well with the education part of the program.” Parson is currently working to improve drainage, build a barn for storage and prepare to plant cover crops, which will improve soil fertility. He will plant the first crops midsummer for the fall harvest. “[I] will be growing things right away,” Parson said. “There’s no way I can have land and not put seeds in the ground.” The farm will primarily grow fruits and vegetables. It will grow at least 100 different crops, which will rotate annually, Bowen said. After each crop has been harvested, a cover crop will take its place in order to restore soil nutrients. According to Bowen, this rotation will allow the farm to support a variety of crops. While it is currently in its beginning stages and will cultivate only two or three acres in its first year, Bowen said he expects the farm to grow to about five acres by its third year. Additionally, Bowen said that the farm was not solely an Oxford College project but also an Emory project. Faculty members at the Atlanta campus have supported the farm and contributed to its planning. He added that food from the farm could possibly be served on the Atlanta campus in the future. —Contact Elizabeth Howell at ehowel5@emory.edu

PRC Recommends New Bylaws to Account for Future Department Changes Continued from Page 1 largely designed by the Faculty Governance Committee with the explicit understanding that the best decisions would result from a process in which many fundamental conversations would be confidential,” he wrote. “The report recognizes that we made decisions about process with the best interests of the college at heart, and with the best of intentions, but the committee believes that the process would have been improved with more of an emphasis on transparency. I take that recommendation very seriously.” The report states that the Committee was unable to access some “potentially important areas of information” and so employed their “best judgment” concerning the process based on the available information. More specifically, the PRC attempted to interview members of CFAC unsuccessfully, the report says. Although CFAC members sent the PRC a memo outlining aspects of their process, they declined to an interview on the basis that they have “grave concern over the precedent established by creating a faculty committee to ‘review’ the work of another duly created faculty committee...” and the “limits afforded by our promise to keep our conversations and advice to Deans Paul and Forman confidential,” according to the official report. Associate Professor of History Matthew Payne, who proposed the creation of the PRC — also known as the Payne Committee — wrote in an email to the Wheel that the report illustrates a lack of transparency, “as many of us suspected,” as well as a breakdown in communication between administrators and affected programs and departments. “Clearly, the Emory Bylaws are so murky on this subject that it is impossible to say whether they were or could be contravened by the way the

administration acted,” Payne wrote. Still, David Armstrong, senior lecturer in the Journalism program, said, “it’s a shame that the committee didn’t bother to become more familiar with the facts.” Armstrong is one of the faculty members who has signed appeals and a grievance against the University’s decision to not renew his contract as a result of the department changes. “They did not take advantage of the opportunity to speak to many people who are most familiar with these matters despite numerous offers,” Armstrong said. “They are also wrong on many of the basic facts of the case.”

that they did not see the department changes coming and that Forman’s University-wide email announcement was the first they had heard of any impending changes. Although College administrators conveyed to the PRC during interviews that they feel they communicated adequately with the affected departments and programs, the PRC found that affected faculty staunchly disagreed. “We believe that the lack of transparency in some of the decisions has contributed to a lingering sense of resentment in the affected programs, as well as an understandable sense of trepidation in many non-affected programs...” the report states.

Faculty and the Department Cuts

The PRC’s Recommendations

The PRC expressed in the report an understanding of the delicate and emotional nature of the matter at hand. They explain their attempt to account for and control potential “hindsight bias” by recognizing that there is no easy way to “implement major cuts that do not displease many faculty members.” The College administration made difficult decisions in “good faith and without malevolence,” the PRC concluded, while attempting to reduce the embarrassment of affected faculty members and lecture-track faculty. However, the PRC is not certain the strategy employed was the most efficient or transparent. “From our interviews,” the PRC states in the report, “we sense that an enormous residue of resentment remains, and many or most affected department/programs believe that they were treated unfairly.” They state that the College administration chose to “[pull] the BandAide off quickly” rather than allow the news of the department changes to sink in slowly during a longer period of time. Many affected members said in previous interviews with the Wheel

The lack of transparency in the process led the committee to delineate four central recommendations for future interactions between the College and the College administration. The PRC recommends that more concrete Bylaws be written to clearly outline the criteria — who, when, why and how — used to evaluate a department or program. The Bylaws should explicitly state whether or not faculty members should be consulted prior to major department or program changes, according to the report. The report also states that these Bylaws should also determine whether such department changes can be done in confidence, or to what extent the affected department or program should know about the procedure. The Committee stated in the report that the procedure for future department or program changes should include a clear step-by-step outline that dictates who evaluates a program, how the program should be consulted and notified, the length of time involved in the process and what criteria will be used to in these evaluations. In the case that a department or

program is cut due to inaccurate information, a clear process of appeals should be established. Ideally, the PRC states, under no circumstances should faculty in a department or program experience the surprise that was described during this review process. “If departments and programs are cut with little or no certitude of problems, this can inadvertently contribute to an atmosphere of fear and paranoia on campus,” the report says. Additionally, the PRC sees room for improvement between Emory College faculty and University faculty relations. Due to the job uncertainty and unequal avenues for appeal afforded to both non-tenured faculty and lecture-track faculty, the PRC recommends that College faculty find effective ways to connect University governance processes with College governance processes, according to the report. The PRC also thinks that a concrete understanding of Emory College’s vision for a liberal arts mission is essential. Forman, the PRC concludes, seems to have a clear, yet informal, vision of the liberal arts at Emory, as he lists Chinese Studies and New Media Studies as important parts of the College’s future. However, this vision has not been formally agreed upon and may not be shared by the rest of the College community. The PRC recommends that conversations continue with the aim to define what a liberal arts education entails. “Although we harbor no illusions that such a process will lead to complete agreement, we are confident that it will help us better understand our complex character as a liberal arts college in a major research university,” the report says. Executive Editor Jordan Friedman, News Editors Dustin Slade and Karishma Mehrotra and Asst. News Editor Stephen Fowler contributed reporting. — Contact Arianna Skibell at arianna.skibell@emory.edu

Dykes Says ISC Exec Elections Based Discusses SDT on Diversity Re-emergence Continued from Page 1

Continued from Page 1

Board of Trustees oversees trustee elections to the Board, and specifically the election process for term trustees. The Emory Alumni Board recommends the alumni trustees for election through a nomination process. Then, the Board elects its members. The final confirmation rests with the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference of The United Methodist Church, according to Dykes.

chapter,” ISC President and B-school senior Lauren Browning said of SDT. “They even had the national chapter president here, which is really big.” As for the impact of the addition of SDT on pledge class numbers, Browning said that “it will likely be very similar” to those of last year, due to the increase in bids. Rosen agreed that the extra chapter could in fact affect pledge class sizes.

— Contact Nick Sommariva at nicholas.sommariva@emory.edu

— Contact Lydia O’Neal at lmoneal@emory.edu


Tuesday, January 28, 2014 Editorials Editor: Priyanka Krishnamurthy

Our Opinion

CONTRIBUTE Email: pkrish4@emory.edu

Jenna Kingsley

This is Jenna’s first cartoon published in The Emory Wheel. She is a Goizueta Business School sophomore from Palm City, Fla.

ASA Boycott Limits Dialogue Hillel Response is Counterproductive Last December, 66 percent of the American Studies Association (ASA) voted to endorse a boycott of Israeli academic institutions, according to a statement on the ASA website. The ASA, an organization dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of American culture and history, launched the boycott to protest Israeli treatment of Palestinians. According to the statement, the boycott “is in solidarity with scholars and students deprived of their academic freedom, and it aspires to enlarge that freedom for all, including Palestinians.” The ASA further cites Israel’s violations of international law and human rights crimes as reason for the boycott. Although we take accusations of human rights violations very seriously, we do not feel that a boycott of academic institutions is the best avenue to take to address Israeli politics and action. By boycotting Israeli academic institutions, the ASA is not opening academic dialogue for more people but instead shutting down existing dialogue and preventing Israeli academic scholars, many of whom have played no role in policy making or human rights violations, from continuing international academic exploration. We understand the motive for ASA’s actions; however, we do not feel an academic boycott is the best means for the ASA to accomplish its goals. We challenge the ASA and other academic institutions supporting the boycott to find alternative routes: for example, publicly endorsing a human rights advocacy group that opposes Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. We feel that suppressing and limiting any academic institutions will do more harm than good. In addition, we strongly support University President James W. Wagner’s opposition to the boycott. Wagner released a statement on Emory’s behalf opposing the boycott, explaining that such actions violate the right of University faculty to engage in academic freedom. Emory is not the only American institution speaking out against the ASA’s action. So far, the presidents of more than 80 U.S. colleges have denounced the boycott. After the ASA’s boycott made national news, Emory Hillel Program Director Meira Kreuter sent an email to Hillel’s listserv rightfully decrying the boycott. In the email, she called the boycott “misguided at best, and anti-Semitic at worst.” The email also detailed a list of 18 Georgia professors and graduate students who supposedly voted in favor of the ASA boycott. This information was sent to Hillel by an outside source. However, when the Wheel contacted the names on the list, many denied being affiliated with the ASA. Anna Julia Cooper, a renowned black scholar mentioned in the email, died in 1964. Additionally, Hillel wrote in the email that it wanted students to be aware of the views of Georgia professors and graduate students, encouraging students to “be vigilant when choosing what classes to take and whose presence to enjoy.” While we understand Hillel’s impulse to send out an email decrying the ASA boycott, we are disappointed by some of the tactics employed. When disseminating information about individuals, it is essential to fact check. Although Emory Hillel Director Russ Shulkes said Hillel is happy to retract any wrongly named professor, it is upsetting that these names were not verified before the email was sent. Additionally, the ASA’s voting records are not available to the public, making the need for source-vetting imperative. Hillel is an important and influential organization on Emory’s campus. It is therefore troubling that it would implicate certain professors as aligning themselves with a campaign that is “anti-Semitic at worst,” as the email says, without first double-checking. To accuse academic scholars of voting in favor of a boycott that Hillel deems potentially anti-Semitic is a heavy accusation to levy, and one that should not be done without extreme caution and diligent fact-checking. Furthermore, by cautioning students against taking classes with certain professors, Hillel is retaliating against a boycott with a quasi-boycott of its own. We at the Wheel feel that this is not an effective course of action. We encourage Hillel to find a more productive way to speak out against the boycott. Given that we attend a liberal arts institution that values academic freedom and exploration, it is important to learn and debate with those that do not necessarily share one’s viewpoint. The open flow of information and ideas is an essential component of the academy. And we at the Wheel feel that the ASA’s misguided attack on academic freedom is a stance that should be contested. Regardless of one’s political views, the open flow of information should not be hindered. We hope that the Emory community, and all organizations within it, will continue to wrestle with these ideas and contemplate and discuss appropriate versus inappropriate avenues for protest. The above staff editorial represents the majority opinion of the Wheel.


Editorial Roundup College editorials from across the country Katrina Worsham | Staff

The Harvard Crimson Harvard University Wednesday December 18, 2013 In its staff editorial, “Campuses Hillels Should Make Their Own Choices” The Harvard Crimson argues that Hillel international shouldn’t impose their political ideologies on the other chapters of Hillel. Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Share on print More Sharing Services Last year, the Open Hillel movement formed after Harvard Hillel refused to host an organization that advocates the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions movement against Israel. Existing Hillel International policies ban organizations that advocate BDS or similar views that Hillel International frames as antiIsrael. Open Hillel seeks to make Hillel inclu-

sive of all political views concerning the state of Israel. In early December, Swarthmore’s Hillel became the first Open Hillel, officially opening its doors to speakers who oppose Israel. In response, Hillel International President Eric D. Fingerhut released a statement affirming that no organization that welcomes “antiZionists” will be permitted to use the Hillel name. This sentiment is consistent with Hillel International’s “Standards of Partnership,” but it denies individual chapters the freedom to define their communities as they see fit. Hillel International’s Israel Guidelines, adopted in 2010, stipulate that no Hillel chapter may host or partner with any individual or organization that opposes the existence of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state [...]

The Importance of Opinions Discourse Matters, and It Shapes Your Ideology

It’s important to have opinions. Of course, I’m a little biased considering that I’m the editor for the op-ed section of the Wheel. But let’s assume, for the argument’s sake, that I am speaking outside of this platform. I’m just another writer with another opinion, and my opinion is that it’s important to have opinions. This editorial idea stemmed from a common stance I see college students engaging in, and that stance is apathy. Be it in politics or merely as a general life philosophy, it seems as if the “cool” and “hip” thing to do nowadays is to be apathetic. HE MORY HEEL Oh apathy, what a fantastic way to jusArianna Skibell EDITOR-IN-CHIEF tify your laziness in keeping up with recent Jordan Friedman Executive Editor headlines and the ignorance inherent in such Lane Billings Managing Editor statements: “Why does it matter that I know Volume 95 | Number 28 all of the intricacies of what’s going on in Copy Chief Online Editor Sonam Vashi Ross Fogg Syria? It’s not like I can do anything to help.” News Editors Asst. Copy Chiefs Business and Advertising Dustin Slade “Do I really need to have an opinion about the Benazir Wehelie Karishma Mehrotra Harmeet Kaur Editorials Editor Akeel Williams BUSINESS MANAGER Affordable Care Act? It’s already happening, Asst. News Editors Priyanka Krishnamurthy Rupsha Basu so even if I did disagree with it, it wouldn’t Blaire Chennault Sales Manager Student Life Editor Stephen Fowler Jenna Kingsley matter.” “It’s great you’re talking about genAsst. Editorials Editor Maggie Daorai Design Manager Arts & Entertainment Editor Rhett Henry der inequality, but it’s not like you’re actually Emelia Fredlick Asst. Sports Editor Account Executives Sports Editor doing anything.” Zak Hudak Bryce Robertson, Lena Erpaiboon, Salaar Ahmed, Ryan Smith Associate Editors Christopher Hwang Przybylski, Annabelle Zhuno, Julia Stop and think. Think long, and think hard. Bennett Ostdiek Vincent Xu Photo Editors Leonardos It’s important to have opinions. Obviously Emily Lin James Crissman Business/Advertising Office Number Nathaniel Ludewig Thomas Han your opinions will change with time and (404) 727-6178 Nicholas Sommariva Features Editors that’s okay. You aren’t static — your opinions Nick Bradley Zoe Mesirow Ashley Bianco are always evolving because every second of every day, you’re experiencing new things The Emory Wheel welcomes letters and op-ed submissions from the Emory community. and that’s a basic part of living, the act of Letters should be limited to 300 words and op-eds should be limited to 700. Those selected educating yourself and learning anything may be shortened to fit allotted space or edited for grammar, punctuation and libelous content. about everything. It’s called being alive, and Submissions reflect the opinions of individual writers and not of the Wheel Editorial Board it’s pretty sweet. or Emory University. Send e-mail to askibel@emory.edu or postal mail to The Emory Wheel, I recently was in a situation where I felt Drawer W, Emory University, Atlanta, Ga. 30322. as if the things I do in college aren’t impacting anyone or anything. Yeah, sure, I write




articles, but are they really impacting people? The view was solidified when I was at a Feminists in Action (FIA) discussion. As the discussion progressed, we somehow landed on the topic of the act of revolutions. I realized there was a lot of miscommunication going on and someone alluded to the idea that discussions, such as the ones we have for FIA, don’t do anything. They were criticizing the common idea of “a step in the right direction,” a faulty justification “activists” use in order to make it seem as if they’re actually doing something. What does having open dialogue and discussing contrary opinions do anyway?

The Revolution starts from within. The Revolution starts now. A lot. It does a lot. We’re at the prime time in our lives. Being college students, this is our time to explore the dimensions of our mind and find out what our opinions can and should be. Ideology is shaped by your personal experiences which teach you how you want to interact with the world around you. Before you can engage in action, you must be ideologically sound in whatever way you find sufficient. There is no such thing as all or nothing. How wonderful would it be if I could close my eyes and the Marxist Revolution had debunked the free-market system overnight and the rich-poor gap dimin-

ished? Unfortunately, that’s not how the world functions. Opinions shape ideology, and ideology shapes action. We often hear the words “consciousness raising,” “stand-point epistemology” and the likes, especially in academic settings. But they aren’t buzzwords. They’re important. After all, consciousness is the best kind of high. So here’s my advice: tell people how you feel — tell them what they are doing is unethical under your moral code. Establish a moral code. Or not, because you think morality is subjective and should be decided on a caseby-case basis. It’s your opinion. But at least have an opinion. Show people that for once in your life, you care about something and that you will do whatever you can to enact change. Have dinner parties with your friends and talk about the American Studies Association’s boycotts against Israeli academic institutions and how you think they limit academic freedom; go to the cinema and afterwards tell your best friend how offensive you found that film; write an editorial about why you think the two-party system is failing and how the United States must establish a different kind of politic. Just say something. Find your opinions, express their contradictions and share them with the world. And once you’ve established your opinions, turn them into actions. Don’t be another statistic — you have the ability to change the world. The Revolution starts from within. The Revolution starts now. Editorials Editor and Feminists in Action President Priyanka Krishnamurthy is a College junior from Coppell, Texas.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014




Adding a Little Faith to the Military Uniform A new military policy has been gaining some attention from online news outlets over the past few weeks for allowing soldiers to incorporate religious dress as a part of their uniforms. This policy has drawn both criticism and praise from various groups, but could be viewed as a positive step for those whose only barrier to military service was an obligation to their religious teachings. The new policy, which was released by the Pentagon this past week, changed longstanding uniform rules, which almost universally disallowed religious alterations to the uniform, to allow soldiers to seek waivers on a case-by-case basis. Those waivers will allow soldiers to wear items of religious importance such as beards, turbans or yarmulkes as a part of their uniform so long as those additions do not have any “adverse effect on military readiness, mission accomplishment, unit cohesion and good order and discipline.” One of the religious groups that has been most positively affected by this change in policy would be Sikhs. Sikhism, a religion that was founded in India during the 15th century, boasts 25 million adherents worldwide. Certain Sikh teachings require practitioners to keep their hair (or beard) long and uncut, wear a turban and steel bracelet and carry other religious items as an aspect of living out their faith. As a result, despite the fact that many Sikhs could be interested in serving in the military, very few have actually been able to practice their religious teachings — only three Sikh officers currently serving in the United States military have been given permission to follow Sikh religious teachings on hair and dress. Religious leaders in the Sikh community have both praised the new policy for its openness and criticized it for its ultimate form, which still requires a case-by-case waiver. Amardeep Singh, a spokesman for the Sikh Coalition, told The Huffington Post that while it was the first time the Pentagon had expressed a willingness to work with soldiers and make accommodations, the fact that these

were ultimately case-by-case decisions was a troubling one. “What is disappointing [...] is that the presumptive bar on the Sikh articles of faith remains [...] A Sikh can’t just sort of enlist in the U.S. military and expect that they won’t down the line have to make the false choice between their faith and their service to the country.” On this point, Singh is absolutely correct. The Supreme Court has upheld the principle that the military’s authority to maintain discipline and order trumps the First Amendment rights of soldiers to freely exercise their religion by wearing religious apparel. The most noteworthy Supreme Court decision addressing this question is Goldman v. Weinberger, a 1986 case in which an Air Force officer, who was an ordained rabbi, had been penalized by his superiors for wearing a yarmulke while on duty. The officer sued, claiming that his First Amendment rights had been violated. The Supreme Court, however, disagreed and decided in favor of the military. In his majority opinion, Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist stated in part that “The desirability of dress regulations in the military is decided by the appropriate military officials, and they are under no constitutional mandate to abandon their considered professional judgment. [...] the First Amendment does not require the military to accommodate such [religious] practices in the face of its view that they would detract from the uniformity sought by the dress regulations.” Because of the Goldman decision, the military has absolutely no obligation to accommodate soldiers who wish to follow religious teachings on clothing or physical appearance while on duty. In contrast to the hard line won by the military in that case, this new policy suggests that the Pentagon now believes it can maintain military cohesion and still allow for more fluid forms of religious expression. Military leaders still, however, retain the ultimate ability to decide when those accommodations may still harm military discipline through


It’s Time For Economic Equality Solutions to Income Disparities Last week, Gallup released a poll that says 67 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with income and wealth distribution. 39 percent of those surveyed identified as “very dissatisfied.” Regardless of one’s political affiliation, something is very, very wrong here. Any reasonable person would say that there is a certain point in which wealth becomes too concentrated toward the top of the economic ladder and not only is it morally wrong, but it’s also bad economics. This point has certainly been reached, and if the fact that income inequality has reached its highest point since 1927 is no measure of this, it is hard to say what is. That is why it is necessary to have some form of a fairer, more level playing field in this country and therein lies the problem. The downside to being the world’s largest economy and having a strong national belief that hard work and perseverance result in financial success is that even the mention of “wealth distribution” is often highly simplified or distorted. Any change to the status quo is seen as redistribution and socialistic in nature. There seems something distinctly un-American associated with this, but such a change in the status quo is exactly what needs to happen if the United States wishes to continue leading the world economy and living up to its promise of social mobility. There needs to be less fear associated with such discussions — especially considering the contrast. The prevailing logic in the United States for decades now has been that the free market system is the model for how society should operate. In fact, this idea was practically the entire campaign premise for the 2012 Republican presidential candidate. Characteristic of the Republican Party, this type of thinking is purely ideological, not concerned with policy results and is responsible for the gross income inequality persistent in this country today. While a capitalist model is an essential part of the recipe for America’s success and generating wealth for people of all income levels, it is a pretty lousy prescription for solving societal challenges like education, environmental regulation and health care. With regard to such moderation between these ideas, in December, journalist and author David Simon wrote in The Guardian: “Labour doesn’t get to win all its arguments,

capital doesn’t get to. But it’s in the tension, it’s in the actual fight between the two, that capitalism actually becomes functional, that it becomes something that every stratum in society has a stake in, that they all share.” Is the solution to revive the top marginal tax rates of 70 percent that presided over the booming post-war economy? Certainly not. A massive expansion of the welfare state isn’t really the solution either. While limiting tax loopholes that benefit the wealthy and more regulation of the financial system needs to happen, the solution lies not so much in curbing incomes of the wealthy, but in instituting policy that benefits the poor and middle class. Perhaps the best example is the former Republican proposal now known as the Affordable Care Act, which reduces premiums that constitute a greater proportion of income for the lower classes than the wealthy while curbing rising costs of insurance. Talks of raising the minimum wage and tying it to inflation also show signs of progress for reducing income inequality, especially as some notable Republicans are also on board. Such a wage increase often translates to more money for many who work on an hourly wage. In fact, these are rather conservative proposals — if premiums are reduced and preventative care is prioritized, health-related expenditures decrease. Similarly, if people are paid better wages, the government will subsequently spend less money on food stamps, welfare and incarceration. Luckily, Paul Krugman is no longer the only mainstream public voice making a prescription for greater economic equality. Recently, public officials like Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio have made this their central cause in seeking office. And in some way, greater emphasis on creating more economic equality will become a political reality. Democrats and Republicans alike need not shy away from such an argument. In fact, in this era of political polarization, such ideas embrace both philosophies and offer common ground. This is the best route for political discourse in the imminent future. Online Editor Ross Fogg is a College senior from Fayetteville, Ga.

Mariana Hernandez | Staff

their ability to issue or revoke waivers. While this issue may seem trivial to some, it is of serious importance not only to those who actually wish to live out their religious teachings, but to society at large. America has gone through a significant period of adjustment over the past decade in dealing with how religious groups participate in the public

square, and issues have ranged from predictable topics like gay marriage and birth control to the more unexpected, such as whether or not churches may legally feed the homeless in some cities around the country. While the tendency as of late has been to restrict or limit the role religious groups can play, policy changes like these are a hopeful

sign for the faithful that while some doors may be closing, others have — within reason — begun to open. David Giffin is an Alumnus of the Masters program in Theological Studies at the Candler School of Theology and is currently attending law school at Wake Forest University. He is from Charleston, Ill.

From the Archives “Black History Disproves Jensen’s Theory” A Response to a Fall 2000 Article by Michael Polignano that advocated for a scientific basis for race and intelligence being connected sparking a campus-wide debate on “race realism.”

Talks of raising the minimum wage and tying it to inflation also show signs of progress ...

Herr_Hartmann | Flickr

I attended the recent Racial and Cultural Education Source forum which was organized to talk about “Diversity and racial controversy in the Year of Reconciliation.” College junior Michael Polignano asserted at the forum that studies which claim that race and intelligence are connected are relevant for the sake of progression in humanity. The black community, on the other hand, argues that studies like this inhibit the path of progress for [black people]. Progression presupposes history; [black people] should continue to rediscover theirs, and all others should realize there has been more black history than meets the eye. 600 years before Europe knew of the existence of the concept of civilization, Africans had developed civilizations. The world’s first two universities — Azhar and Timbuktu — were in Africa. Mali’s architecture influenced what became Spanish architecture: think Al-Hambra. Patronage of two African dynasties led to 200 years of golden age in Spain. East Africa mastered the concept of mercantile capitalism six centuries before Adam Smith. If civilization is the criterion of human settlements, then the African people were hundreds of years ahead of the rest of the globe. No European could say at that time that the Africans were less intelligent, without being laughed out of the city.

One thing to keep in mind is that science, in whatever age, has never really been objective. It has, if one studies history, always served the purpose of those who are in power, and attempted to reflect majority opinion. Sure, there have been new discoveries like Galileo’s, but when it has come to scientifically analyzing other people, cultures and races, science has been highly subjective. The Greeks, who are considered by Europeans to be the founders of science, worked in this way. In their texts, Greeks were the supreme people — or, in more contemporary words, were genetically better than all others. With the decline of the Greeks and the rise of Rome, it became those Romans who associated themselves to be racially, and thereby genetically [anachronistic], better than all other people, and they proved this scientifically as well. Later on, in the 17th Century, philosopher like Montesquieu [he wrote in the 18th C.] argued that white people were more peaceloving because a lighter color is an indicator of a cooler temper. Had he lived a thousand years earlier, he would’ve witnessed barbarian slaughters and war amongst the “lighterskinned” while witnessing civilization and peace amidst the darker. Power has always reinforced, scientifically, commonly held notions of race and supremacy. Dr. Arthur Jensen, Polignano’s source, is simply a scien-

tist serving power, not truth. Malcolm X said, “History is a people’s memory, and without a memory man is demoted to the lower animals.” What I have seen, in my classes, in contemporary culture, on TV, on this campus, has shown that black culture, nay, black existence, begins only when they were brought to Europe and America. Their civilizations, their philosophy, their medicine, their economics, their cultures have all been ignored before that point. The question, right now, is not whether [black people] have more or less intelligence, but that black history has been stolen right from their hands, and their efforts for recovery are not lauded. Though we should still hold [white people] accountable for the whole project of slavery, we have to work even harder to show to the rest of humanity, and most importantly, the Emory campus, the beauty and grandeur of African civilization. This is a challenge for the community. The challenge is not to argue against Jensen, because he can be easily cast aside as [a] subjective scientist. The challenge is to recover legitimate history, and not be seduced into believing that black history only begins when Europeans entered Africa. The challenge is to be demoted to lower animals. Ameer Shaikh was the president of the Muslim Students Association and wrote this as a college senior from Mobile, Ala. in 2000.



Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Crossword Puzzle Sudoku 1 4 8

14 15 16

17 18

20 22 23 24


28 29

31 33


ACROSS United rival, once Large number With 68-Across, prison where 36-Across spent 18 years Enjoy a repast Green land Philippine seaport with a reduplicative name Cockpit reading: Abbr. With 60-Across, 1994-99 role for 36-Across Yeats’s “___ and the Swan” Non-U.S. gas brand “Oh no!” Class of automobile inspired by the Ford Mustang In the back, nautically speaking Born: Fr. Predecessor of 36-Across and sharer with him of the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize Dog tail motions Abbr. at the end of a French business name Knot

35 36

42 43 44 46

48 51 52 54 55

57 59 60 63 65 66 67

68 69 70

1 2 3

The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 For Release Tuesday, January 28 Edited by Will Shortz No. 1224

Chicago White ___ Late political leader who wrote “Long Walk to Freedom” “___ a living” Hubbub ___-advised Father, in Xhosa, and a nickname for 36-Across Bygone policy in 60-Across Boycott Vote for Reads carefully River that can be seen from the Uffizi Gallery Geezer Zero ___ (near) See 18-Across Acid holder Rubbernecker Glitch Flight board posting, for short See 8-Across Watch like a wolf “Oedipus ___” DOWN Kind of party Be immersed by Barack or Michelle Obama, at the memorial service for 36-Across














18 20


Rules: •Each number can appear only once in each row. •Each number can appear only once in each column. •Each number can appear only once in each area. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE



34 37
















42 46

















53 57







54 58


59 62








4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Prepare to travel again Make known Unlimited latitude “___ of the D’Urbervilles” Finished with Corrida cry Skeletal Harsh, as winter winds Runs off, as Romeo with Juliet Checking account comeon Author Dinesen L’Oréal product


25 27 30 32 35 37 38 39 40 41 45 46

Enlistee with a chevron above an arc: Abbr. Some horns Having no depth, briefly Draw up new boundaries for Log chopper Saw logs Illuminated “Don’t go anywhere” Evolving Covers Estrange Mormons: Abbr. Fortunetelling decks Like many physicals




Battlefield procedure


Part of Attila’s legion


Low voices


Online greeting


Other, in Oaxaca




Rooster’s mate


Low-___ (for weight-watchers)



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SUDOKU Instructions: •Each row, column and “area” (3-by-3 square) should contain the numbers 1 to 9.









Arts&Entertainment Tuesday, January ,  A&E Editor: Emelia Fredlick (emelia.j.fredlick@emory.edu)


A Happy Awards Season to Everyone An Ode to the Oscars

The Grammys Take Over

I took the overnight train from Baltimore back to Atlanta when returning from winter break. I had my own adaptable, private sleeper car that comprised two train seats facing each other that would later become my twin bed. There was a well-camouflaged toilet that doubled as a coffee table, and a row of lights I could control like a soundboard that gave the room various tones of lighting: one harsh, one harsher, one dim, one black. I kept my room dark and watched through the wide window at the shadows that were Virginia, the Carolinas and rural, sprawling Georgia. The only light coming from my space was the glow of my laptop; it was the night of the 71st Golden Globe Awards, and I sat there with eyes keen and mind focused, my soul sold to Hollywood. I watched as Cate Blanchett and Matthew McConaughey and Alfonso Cuarón thanked the Hollywood Foreign Press gods and laughed along with those clad in Versace as Tina Fey and Amy Poehler made their dutiful jabs at what it means to be alive in 2014. I place a high premium on Awards Season, a premium higher than the first day of school, possibly higher than my birthday weekend. Like the NCAA is to my Duke-devoted dad, it’s something in which I can invest myself. I can memorize stats and make brackets and follow who is who, who is with whom and who is wearing whom. It’s a different kind of March Madness that’s in part about legs stepping out of limousines, and the ever-narrowing evolution of the skinny tie; but it’s also a madness that requires an appreciation of art, a celebration of creative minds and the obligation to leave our homes and share a communal experience up high on the screen, deep down in the maze-like multiplexes. When I was home this winter, I tried to verse myself in this year’s films as well as I possibly could. I frequented four different movie theaters, saw six films on the Hollywood Foreign Press’s list of nominees for the Academy Award for Best Picture and substituted around eight home-cooked dinners for airy, yellow popcorn. This exploration of film, which I shared with friends and parents and strangers in the rows of the theater, was one that was actually deeply personal. Martin Scorsese’s “The Wolf of Wall Street,” the Coen brothers’ “Inside Llewyn Davis” and Spike Jonze’s “Her,” despite their artistic disparities, kept me up at night think-

— Contact Ellie Kahn at elinor.kahn@emory.edu

Our picks for winners in Italics

Best Picture “American Hustle” “Captain Phillips” “Dallas Buyers Club” “Gravity” “Her”


“Philomena” “12 Years a Slave” “The Wolf of Wall Street”

Best Actor Christian Bale, “American Hustle” Bruce Dern, “Nebraska”

“Blurred Lines,” Robin Thicke

“Get Lucky,” Daft Punk

Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City, Kendrick Lamar

“Same Love,” Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

Kendrick Lamar

Night Train, Jason Aldean

Yeezus, Kanye West

Settle, Disclosure

“Get Lucky,” Daft Punk

Random Access Memories, Daft Punk

“Royals,” Lorde

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

Same Trailer, Different Park, Kacey Musgraves

The Heist, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

Random Access Access Random Memories, ” Memories, Daft Daft Punk Punk

The Heist, “Same Love,” Macklemore Macklemore and Ryan Lewis and Ryan Lewis

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

Red, Taylor Swift

Magna Carta... Holy Grail, Jay-Z

Random Access Memories, Daft Punk

By Saher Fatteh Contributing Writer DID YOU KNOW... Ella Yelich-O’Connor AKA ‘Lorde’ was the first woman in 17 years to top Billboard’s alternative chart at the young age of 16. DID YOU KNOW... M.A.A.D. in Kendrick Lamar’s Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City is an acronym with two meanings: “My Angry Adolescence Divided” and “My Angels on Angel Dust.” DID YOU KNOW... The members of Daft Punk have not allowed their faces to be photographed since May 1996. DID YOU KNOW... Calvin Harris is the highest-paid DJ in the world, having made $46 million in the past 12 months. DID YOU KNOW... Taylor Swift’s Red sold two albums every second during the week of Oct. 22.

Leonardo DiCaprio, “The Wolf of Wall Street” Chiwetel Ejiofor, “12 Years a Slave” Matthew McConaughey, “Dallas Buyers Club”

Best Actress Amy Adams, “American Hustle”

“Same Love” “Same Love” by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis is a song that criticizes homophobes and adamantly supports same-sex marriage. As someone with two gay uncles, Macklemore was inspired to write the song by his personal experience with the detrimental effects of legislation against same-sex marriage. This song, in particular, caused many to rethink their opinion of Macklemore. His blatant condemnation of the rap industry for demonizing gays was both necessary and extremely uncommon for someone in the industry. Written during Washington state’s campaign for legislation to legalize gay marriage, “Same Love” aided the movement at a social and personal level.

Cate Blanchett, “Blue Jasmine” Sandra Bullock, “Gravity” Judi Dench, “Philomena” Meryl Streep, “August: Osage County”

Best Supporting Actor Barkhad Abdi, “Captain Phillips” Bradley Cooper, “American Hustle”

Michael Fassbender, “12 Years a Slave” Jonah Hill, “The Wolf of Wall Street” Jared Leto, “Dallas Buyers

Best Supporting Actress Sally Hawkins, “Blue Jasmine” Jennifer Lawrence, “American Hustle”

Lupita Nyong’o, “12 Years a Slave” Julia Roberts, “August: Osage County” June Squibb, “Nebraska”

Best Directing David O. Russell, “American Hustle” Alfonso Cuaron, “Gravity” Alexander Payne, “Nebraska” Steve McQueen, “12 Years a Slave”

Martin Scorsese, “The Wolf of Wall Street”

“Blurred Lines” What at first seems like your average, extremely catchy pop song quickly turned into one of the most controversial and talked about songs of the year. The music video, featuring three topless women dancing around with a goat, sparked arguments between those who thought Robin Thicke was a complete misogynist and those who saw him as a liberator. Regardless of which side you support — check out the parodies.

— Contact Saher Fatteh at saher.fatteh@emory.edu


Slam Poet Bridges the Gap to Her Homeland By Farha Pirani Contributing Writer Last Thursday, Jonida Beqo, otherwise known as renowned slam poet Gypsee Yo, performed her onewoman show, “Harabel,” in Emory’s Mary Gray Munroe Theater. Written by Beqo herself, “Harabel” combined “theater, dance, and poetry” to tell Beqo’s personal story, from her childhood in war-torn Albania to her move to the United States. The show consisted of an assortment of stories from her life and the lives of other Albanians, blending truth and fiction to most accurately portray to the audience her experiences, which Beqo calls “magical realism.” The show began with Beqo silently working at a table with a sewing machine and an array of sewing supplies.

Courtesy of Gypsee Yo

Jonida Beqo, who also goes by the performance name Gypsee Yo, performed her one-woman show “Harabel” this Thursday. The set also included a clothing rack filled with coats and suits, a large chest, two elevated platforms and a group of mannequins. Suddenly, Beqo looked up with surprise, as if she had just noticed the audience’s presence. With a bright smile, she

Walk Off the Earth Covers, Creates

By Benazir Wehelie Asst. Copy Chief Before your time comes to walk off the earth, you absolutely have to listen to the folk-pop, experimental band Walk Off The Earth. The band’s organic and extraordinary videos are incredibly unique,

They play guitar too — all five of in one continuous shot. For LMFAO them playing one guitar at the same fans, watch “Party Rock Anthem” time, in fact — such as in their cover and rock on to your heart’s desire as of Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used you immerse yourself in this intense to Know.” rock-and-roll version of the song. Currently, the video has more than Maybe you’re loving Lorde right 156 million views on YouTube. now. But if you’ve already seen it, you If so, the incredibly well-synchroshould know it’s only a pre-requisite nized of “Royals,” with a continuous course to bigger and better things. stream of different instruments, is However, if you’re not already especially for you. one of the millions of viewers, don’t Sad that Adam Levine is engaged? worry. It’s not too late to enter the You will always have access to him world of Walk Off The Earth! via “Payphone,” where Walk Off The The band is currently on tour and Earth uses numerous instruments, will play Atlanta at the Buckhead some of which effortlessly fly directTheatre on Feb. 5. ly into their hands — perhaps similar To prepare, get your adrenaline to how you wish Adam Levine would rushing and heart pumping by watch- fly directly into your hands. ing “Red Hands,” a video with a puzzle effect and filmed out of sequence See A CONVERSATION, Page 10

exclaimed, “Welcome to the backstage!” Following a humorous spiel in which she confused the audience for patrons of the theater, Beqo proceeded to explain that as the actors

See BEQO, Page 10



containing both high production value and an undeniable homemade feel. They have music for both hard rockers and sensitive souls, and not only does the band create its own songs, it also covers a number of wellknown artists. So whether you recently participated in Greek life initiation or not, every one of you is now a participant in Walk Off The Earth initiation. Formed in Canada in 2006, Walk Off The Earth is a powerful force of creativity unlike any other, breaking barriers with its distinctive and idiosyncratic style. This five-member multi-talented band blends an intricate, harmonious mix of vibrant vocals, captivating keys and passionate percussion.


PREDICTION ing about the characters I’d met and the slices of their lives I had intruded upon and what it all meant about the big stuff like power and love and selfactualization. No film changed me in any long-term way, but each time, I entered the theater in one emotional state and left in another. Since the world of movies can have such a profound and often subliminal effect on how we feel and perceive the world, I find that each year at this time, I grow attached to one film in particular, that I start to view as my own and root for with everything in me. In the past few years, I’ve adopted “No Country for Old Men,” “The Fighter,” “The King’s Speech” and “The Descendants” and have watched closely as big names open little envelopes. This year, my heart is with “Nebraska,” directed by the infamous Alexander Payne, who directed the brilliant family dynamic piece “The Descendants” (2011) and older works like “Sideways” (2004) and “Election,” (1999) the latter featuring a pre-“Legally Blonde” Reese Witherspoon. “Nebraska” is a film everyone should see on the big screen. It’s consciously filmed in a clear, 35-mm black and white and illustrates a portrait of a sprawling, empty and wintery Nebraska, a place I’ve never visited or even seen on a fake ID. The piece introduces us to Woody (Bruce Dern, “Monster”), a deranged man non-accepting of his old age who is convinced he’s on his way to winning $1 million dollars in a magazine sweepstakes. His son David (Will Forte, “Saturday Night Live”), out of love, drives him from their home in Missouri all the way to Nebraska to collect his fortune. I thought about my own parents for days after watching this film and realized how beautiful and real this piece is. It’s about caring, and being cared for, and knowing that sometimes, what happens when driving someone somewhere for something is more important than the somewhere and the something. The 86th Academy Awards, which will air live on Sunday, March 2, will be a night everyone should experience from their apartments, or dorms or overnight train sleeper car twin beds, regardless of what films we’ve all seen or not seen, loved or despised. It’s a night for the industry to celebrate the world, but also a night for the world to celebrate the industry, and I’ll be the first to say that it’s one that deserves some serious celebrating.


DESERVING By Ellie Kahn Staff Writer




Parisian Art Hits The High Museum By Jasmine Tang Contributing Writer The High Museum of Art recently brought the gardens of Paris and their rich history to midtown Atlanta. The traveling exhibition, entitled “The Art of the Louvre’s Tuileries Garden,” showcased a mixture of sculptures, paintings and photographs. The wide range of works was created between the 17th and 21st centuries and chronicles the evolution of the Gardens and their legacy throughout time. The show ran at the High Museum from Nov. 3 through Jan. 19. It will continue on to Toledo through the

spring, and to Portland, Ore. in the summer. The exhibition opens with a selection of statues taken from the Tuileries Garden. As the exhibition explains, Catherine de Medici commissioned the Gardens during the mid-16th century for the Tuileries Palace. Though they began as a private space for French monarchs, they were eventually transformed into a public park during the French Revolution. They are now located near the Louvre Museum in Paris. The Gardens feature a wide range of sculptures, clas-

See HIGH, Page 10




Tuesday, January 28, 2013

A Conversation With Guitarist Ryan Marshall of Walk Off The Earth Continued from Page 9 Beat to the rhythms of B.o.B with marvelous beatboxing “Magic.” Feb. 9 marks the 50th anniversay of the Beatles’ first American television appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show,” so pay your tributes with the relaxed and joyful “From Me To You.” Finally, join Walk Off The Earth in their escape from the Sheriff and his deputy in “Gang of Rhythm.” Congratulations, you are now forever exposed to this powerful force of creativity where musical innovation will remain with you for the rest of your life. Welcome to the Gang of Rhythm, a group where, as Walk Off The Earth beautifully sings, “There’s no worries on the earth tonight, we’re all walkin’ off the world tonight.” Benazir Wehelie: Your album

R.E.V.O. is an acronym for Walk Off The Earth’s motto, “Realize Every Victory Outright.” What’s the meaning behind this motto? Ryan Marshall: Basically it’s saying to go all the way with whatever it is you are doing. Don’t half-a-- it,

don’t wait for someone else to do it for you. Give it all you got and then some. BW: You’ve utilized social media incredibly well. Why is it so important for you to be actively involved on social media? RM: We have always been connected with our fans. We like hearing their comments, and we want them to feel like they are part of our WOTE family because we consider them part of ours. BW: On the band’s Twitter, it says, “Making music is like a puzzle ... we like puzzles!” Do you do puzzles while on tour and what do you do to entertain yourselves through your long hours of traveling? RM: No actual puzzles have been put together on tour. We usually write songs or sleep. Sleep is probably the most exciting past time on tour! BW: You’ve covered many artists and made innovative music videos, such as Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used To Know” and Lorde’s

“Royals.” What is the creative process and inspiration behind the videos? RM: Typically one member will bring an idea to the band and then everyone adds some ideas to it and we just make it up as we go. We try not to over think a video and just let it go where it wants to go. BW: Which artists that you have not covered already would you like to cover? RM: It’s not really about the artist. It’s more about the song. We love covering songs that inspire us and that allow us to give them the WOTE twist, and give it a new sound and a new feel. BW: What is the major difference between performing for a live audience in comparison to creating music videos? RM: You get as many takes as you need when you record a video. Live is one shot and it needs to be your best. BW: How has being a multi-instrumental band impacted your music, and are there any other instruments you would like to learn how to play

Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Sarah Blackwood (left) and Ryan Marshall (right) of Walk Off the Earth perform together. Walk Off the Earth is known for its covers of pop songs, including “Somebody That I Used To Know” and “Royals,” as well as its original works. The group will perform in Atlanta on Feb. 5. and incorporate into your music? RM: None of us are necessarily professionals at one instrument, but we can all play a tune or write a song on pretty much any instrument you put in front of us. We love creating new sounds, and

sometimes, we don’t even play the instrument properly, but we are able to get what we want out of it for a new original and organic sound.

ences look forward to most about hearing you perform live? RM: One hell of a rock show.

— Contact Benazir Wehelie at benazir.wehelie@emory.edu

BW: You will be performing in Atlanta on Feb. 5. What can audi-


Woodruff Library Welcomes Seamus Heaney Exhibit Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Beqo Reveals American Beliefs, Prejudices Continued from Page 9

Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Woodruff Library will welcome the exhibit “Seamus Heaney: The Music of What Happens” in February. Irish poet Heaney developed a close relationship with Emory over the past three decades, and passed away in August 2013. By Emily Li Arts Beat Writer Words have the interesting characteristic of transcending time — even when authors are gone, their messages continue to live and touch the people that read them. Seamus Heaney, the late Irish poet and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, constantly continues to inspire readers, even after his passing in August 2013. On Saturday, Feb. 22, in the Schatten Gallery on the third level of the Robert W. Woodruff Library, Emory University will present the first major exhibition of Heaney’s life and work, titled “Seamus Heaney: The Music of What Happens.” The exhibition is separated into four sections. The first, “Excavations,” is partly inspired by one of Heaney’s most well-known poems, titled “Digging.” This section covers the fascinating background of a great poet, focusing on his humble origins and old friendships. The second, “The Word Hoard,” will speak to any visitors that write, as it examines Heaney’s creative writing process. It includes drafts of some of his poetry as well as a magnetic poetry board that anyone can play with and attempt to create their own Heaney poem masterpieces. The second section also includes a treat — a display of the surface of Heaney’s personal writing desk that he used in the 1980s. I actually had the honor of a sneak peek of the very

two oak planks where so much of his writing took place. Historically speaking, these were apparently a part of a bench seat in a lecture hall from the Carysfort College campus in Dublin where Heaney taught in the 1970s. Heaney created a makeshift writing space for himself with this wood, which he poetically described in a 2007 article in The Guardian as “oak whose grain had been polished by the soft shiftings of a century of student schoolmistresses.” The third section, “The Republic of Conscience,” looks at Heaney’s work from the perspective of the political arena in Ireland. During the earlier days of the ethno-nationalist conflicts occurring in Northern Ireland in the 1960s commonly known as “the Troubles,” Heaney was an advocate in the Nationalist party and continued to pay attention to global injustices thereafter. Included in this section is a comprehensive visual of two timelines — one explores Heaney’s own personal timeline and publication of pieces, the other follows the restless political atmosphere in Ireland. Gretchen Warner, the exhibit’s graphic designer, said: “In this way, visitors can see how events in his environment fed into his writing, reflecting the political injustices and unrest of this time.” The fourth section, “Listen Now Again,” mainly features a media space where visitors will be able to listen to recordings of his poetry. Readers include Heaney, as well as

other distinguished writers and artists, such as internationally acclaimed Irish actor Liam Neeson and novelist Sir Salman Rushdie. Despite the obvious success and talent of Seamus Heaney, the Emory University library exhibitions team was adamant in demonstrating how Heaney’s legacy also included elements of gentleness, generosity and charm. Ultimately, John Klingler, who prepared the exhibitions, said: “Despite his fame, he was downto-earth, and a very genuinely good guy.” Kathy Dixson, exhibition manager, added, “We’re really hoping that people not only appreciate his work but also who he was as a person [...] such a gentleman, no matter if he were at a pig roast or Nobel Prize ceremony.” What makes this exhibition particularly distinctive is that Heaney has a special connection to Emory University, which goes all the way back to 1981. Through the inaugural Ellmann Lectures in Modern Literature, classroom visits and poetry readings in the 1980s and 1990s, Heaney spent three decades involved with the university. Geraldine Higgins, director of the Emory’s Irish Studies Program and curator of the exhibition, said: “Many Emory students treasure memories of surprise visits from Heaney that enriched not just their Emory experience, but their appreciation for the life and liveliness of poetry.”

The Emory library exhibitions team mentioned that a main goal of the display was to pique the interest of Emory students — not only in this specific exhibition but also in the general resources that the Manuscripts, Archives, and Rare Book Library has to offer. Through this exhibition, the staff hopes that Heaney will continue to have a positive impact on Emory students, even without his physical presence. Klingler mentioned that many recent questions towards the longanticipated exhibition concerned whether anything would change with Heaney’s passing. After all, not long ago, Heaney had promised to attend the opening of the display. Though of course there will be a small section devoted to a memorial of his life, Klingler said that the overall exhibition would remain “true to the original vision, focusing on the celebrations of his life rather than on his death.” Ultimately, the hope is that visitors will come away from the exhibition with “a renewed sense of how Heaney’s poetry connects us to what matters in the everyday and the marvelous,” according to Higgins. She continued, “I hope too that they will be inspired to pick up a book of his poems and lose themselves in the music of his language.”

— Contact Emily Li at emily.li@emory.edu

client’s shallow obsession with fitting performed their show on stage, she, into the petite measurements of her the seamstress, had her own show mother’s wedding dress. backstage. As Albania suffered the afterThe lights dimmed, and a beauti- math of the Cold War, civil war ful, haunting voice began to sing in and ethnic cleansing, she encounAlbanian in the background. Slowly, tered Americans who were oblivious Beqo approached the chest and to this violence and cared only for opened it. themselves. She pulled out dresses, one by one, This theme was highlighted in and danced around the set, hanging her eye-opening slam poem about each dress, all symbols of her past, on watching her brother participate in different props. Albanian protests “on live Albanian As the music ended, she told the television.” audience the significance of each, With horror, she watched as hesitating as she picked up a tight red “another woman’s brother” got shot dress with a deep neckline. in the head. This dress, she explained, was Meanwhile, Americans could simproof that she had ply turn off the tele“mastered the art vision and carry on of fitting into tight with their lives. Beqo’s portrayal of her foreign languages” She ended her experiences in America and represented poem with warning suggested that her her struggle to words to her brother: adjust to American “We are not Egypt. immigration and culture. readjustment were not all No one is watching.” As the show In one of the final black and white, either. progressed, Beqo segments, Beqo switched back and revealed the sigforth between stories of her Albanian nificance of the play’s namesake, life and her American life. “Harabel,” which is the Albanian Among her accounts of her word for “sparrow.” Albanian childhood, startling images As a child, Beqo was “a sparrow of scattered body parts and kids of flying over a minefield.” her neighborhood driving a stolen Now, she has found happiness and army tank struck the audience. become a talented poet and performYet these moments of chaos were er, which she believes was due to the juxtaposed against Beqo’s moments grace of God. of happiness. In one story of her Beqo’s performance was met with Albanian life, Beqo spoke of her first a standing ovation and enthusiastic date with her future husband in a zoo reviews. abandoned and full of “empty cages” “I absolutely loved the perfordue to the war. mance!” College freshman Kritin In the background, machine guns Mehra said. “Probably one of the fired, which Beqo jokingly said most powerful and captivating pieces “made for terrible first date music.” of acting I’ve ever witnessed.” With a smile, she described their first College senior Denise Kootinkiss and how their “bodies careened Sanwu described the show as into an unconditional surrender.” “riveting.” Beqo’s portrayal of her experi“Her words were captivating and ences in America suggested that her liberating all at once,” Kootin-Sanwu immigration and readjustment were said. not all black and white, either. Beqo’s passionate performance Her charming imitation of the managed to weave a compelling story Southern accent and style, and her from fragments of two very different dance around the mannequins to worlds, enthralling her audience and reenact her wedding day, were con- making for an unforgettable night. — Contact Farha Pirani at trasted against her frustration, during farha.a.pirani@emory.edu her work as a seamstress, with her

High Museum Exhibit Features Impressionist, Mythological Pieces Continued from Page 9 sical in both style and subject matter. “Guillaume Coustou the Elder” (c. 1659-1744) is one of the many examples of classical, mythological sculptures contained in the gardens. These classical sculptures epitomize the origin of the gardens as a leisurely space for the monarchy to spend its time. The exhibit also included many paintings of the gardens themselves.

The featured paintings chronicle the changes seen in the Tuileries garden as the monarchy was destroyed. While earlier pieces — including the tapestry “After Charles Le Brun, Manufactured by Gobelins Royal Manufactory” (c. 1668-1680) — depict monarchs enjoying their private gardens, others show the gardens after the revolution. These remarkable images illustrate the gardens’ use as a recreational space for many families,

most notably those of the aristocracy. These families are depicted enjoying the impressive marble sculptures, gazing at a floating air balloon and gathering in a circle around a performance space. The exhibit also incorporates many paintings created during the Impressionist era. Renowned Impressionist artists such as Camille Pissarro and Edouard Manet have works in the exhibit. Both artists were able to capture the beauty of the gar-

dens with their loose brush strokes. Pissarro’s piece “The Tuileries Garden on a Winter Afternoon” entrances viewers with its pastel colors, thick applications of paint and dreamy lavender clouds. The most stunning part of the exhibit is the photographs. In 1870, after the defeat of Napoleon, the French army set fire to the Tuileries Palace, hoping to destroy any symbol of Napoleon’s reign. For a decade, the ruins remained, and the façade

was the only surviving element of the Palace. In a series of photographs taken after the sack of Napoleon, artists captured the beautiful yet ghostly walls that served as a reminder of France’s rich political history. These photographs serve as a striking end to an exhibition that fully captures the rich history of one of the oldest gardens in Paris.

— Contact Jasmine Tang at jasmine.christine.tang@emory.edu

THE ART OF THE LOUVRE’S TUILERIES GARDEN Next showing at the Toledo Museum of Art, Feb. 13 - May 11, 2014


agle xchange TUES 28

WED 29





FRI 31


vs. University of Chicago 6 p.m. WoodPEC

vs. Millsaps College 11 a.m. WoodPEC

vs. University of Chicago 8 p.m. WoodPEC

vs. Rhodes College 1:30 p.m. WoodPEC

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


On Fire

We put the On in On Fire.



vs. Sewanee 1 p.m. WoodPEC

Southern Mississippi Invitational Birmingham, Ala.

Southern Bob Pollock Mississippi Bob Pollock Invitational Invitational Invitational @ Birmingham, Clemson, S.C. Clemson, S.C. Ala.

Sewanee Indoor Invitational Sewanee, Tenn.

Courtesy of Emory Athletics

Junior Debora Adjibaba sprints to the finish line. She broke Emory’s women’s indoor 200 meter dash record last Sunday. Her squad came in second at the Emory Crossplex Invitational.

Women Drop Two UAA Games In Final Minute, Fall to 14-2 Continued from the Back Page of Castillo free throws put the team back within striking distance — 73-69 — with just over a minute to go. But the Eagles missed a trio of threes, and the Violets were able to secure possession and sink their free throws to put the game away. Castillo led the Eagles with 18 points in the game, while Whitmer paced the squad with 12 rebounds and senior point guard Savannah Morgan delivered seven assists. In their second game of the weekend, Emory once again fell behind early against Brandeis. However, they chipped away at the Judges’ lead till they pulled ahead 26-25 on a jumper from freshman guard Shellie Kaniut with just over three minutes left in the half. The layup was part of an 11-0 Eagles run that helped them go into the half with momentum and a 34-27 advantage. The Judges responded with a run of their own, quickly slicing the lead to 34-33. Emory gradually extended their lead to double digits and appeared to be in good shape entering the final eight minutes of the game, but

Brandeis scored ten consecutive points to pull ahead 62-60 with just under a minute to go. A wild ending ensued. Freshman guard Fran Sweeney missed a threepointer on the Eagles’ next possession, but Castillo secured the rebound and was fouled, sending her to the line for two shots. The senior drained the first but missed the second, leaving the Eagles down 62-61 with 40 seconds to play. The Judges were out of sorts on their next possession. They failed to inbound the ball against the Eagles’ press and had to call two consecutive timeouts. However, with the shot clock winding down they drained a three-pointer that sealed the game and sent the Eagles to their second straight loss. Castillo once again led the Eagles in scoring with 20 points, while Lilly led the squad with seven rebounds. Morgan again contributed seven assists. Emory now stands at 14-2 on the season and 3-2 in UAA play. The women will try to snap their losing streak on Friday when they return home to face the University of Chicago at 6 p.m. — Contact Ryan Smith at ryan.smith@emory.edu


Adjibaba Delivers Record Performance By Zak Hudak Asst. Sports Editor This past Sunday, the Emory men’s and women’s track and field teams finished ahead of all other Division III teams competing in the Emory Crossplex Invitational. The women’s team finished second overall to only Division I Georgia State University and the men finished third to Division I teams Lipscomb University and the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Sunior Debora Adjibaba led the Eagles, breaking the program’s indoor 200 meter dash record with a time of 25.34 seconds. Adjibaba already held the outdoor 200 meter dash record for the Eagles. It was the second fastest 200 ran by Division III a woman this season. She had little experience with the indoor 200 in the past, recently adding it to her arsenal after it was added as an event at indoor Nationals. “[Debora] is an exceptional young woman and a model athlete,” head coach John Curtin said. Adjibaba also finished first among Division III women in the 60 yard dash with a time of 7.71 seconds and fourth overall with her 4x400 meter relay with junior Electra Korn, senior Morgan Monroe and freshman Alexa Young. In the distance medley

relay, which is made up of a 1200 meter race, a 400 meter race, an 800 meter race, and a 1600 meter race, the Eagles’ team of senior Emily Caesar, sophomore Julie Williamson, junior Marissa Gogniat and junior Stephanie Crane ran the second-fastest race of all Division III teams in the country. Senior Edward Mulder shined as a men’s distance runner, finishing first overall in the mile with a time of 4:16.63. It can be difficult for teams returning from winter break, but Emory’s team was nonetheless able to take almost all their athletes to this competitive invitational. Adjibaba, who lives in Chambersburg, Pa., based her workouts around the weather. Snow often covered the outdoor track at a nearby high school, but that didn’t stop her from getting her work in. “If I didn’t have access to the track, I always made sure I was doing something,” she said. The Birmingham Crossplex boasts one of the best indoor track facilities in the country, featuring a track with hydraulically adjusted banked curves. This invitational presented exceptionally tough competition, attracting some professional non-collegiate associated runners, Curtain said.

The competition, including some Division III athletes on scholarships, did not phase the Eagles. “I don’t think our kids even think about what division they are. They just want to go out and compete,” Curtain said. Emory’s team, as a top Division III program, is comparable to a Division II team. “A lot of our kids are pretty intrinsically motivated and can compete on a high level,” Curtain said. Emory will compete in the Clemson Invitational at Clemson on January 31st and February 1st and in the Samford Invitational, again at the Birmingham Crossplex, Feburary 7th and 8th. Emory will be the only Division III team in either invitational and will be faced with even steeper competition than in this past one, but Curtis is confident in his athletes and even expects to see some of them in the in the early March Division III Indoor National Championships in Lincoln, Neb. “Mentally and athletically, I think this is the best squad we’ve had since I’ve been here. I think this is going to be a great season for us,” Adjibaba said. — Contact Zak Hudak at zachary.j.hudak@emory.edu

If our loyal readers of On Fire know one thing about us, it is that we hate rumors. We hate them with a fierce and violent passion - a passion perhaps only equalled by our love of buffalo wings. It is for this reason that we have taken it upon ourselves to be the ultimate rumor-dispeller in the world of sports. We have no toleration for groundless speculation, hypothetical situations, or really anything at all that is not 100 per cent rooted in hard, cold facts. It is for this reason that all of us at On Fire would like to give a big shout out to Tom Thibodeau, the head coach of the Chicago Bulls. If there ever was a man who embodied On Fire’s position towards rumors, it is Thibodeau. With their record standing at 22-21, this season has been unremarkable at best for the Bulls, and some of your On Fire correspondent’s colleagues in the media have speculated that this may be the last season that Thibodeau will coach in Chicago. Questioned on this idle gossip at a pre pre-game press conference last Friday, Thibodeau made his position towards rumors very clear. “I’m not going to comment on any rumors you guys [the media] start, and then you wait for me to respond,” Thidodeau said, giving the media the admonishment they deserve. But then he showed them (technically we should probably say us rather than them, but Thibodeau is well known as a leading supporter of On Fire so he is probably okay with the exception) that he can play their game. “Now the rumor about my date with Kate Upton, a rumor started by me, I’m not commenting on that either,” Thibodeau added. Well played, Tom Thibodeau, well played indeed. On an utterly unrelated note, have any of our loyal readers heard that your On Fire correspondent was spotted with Jennifer Lawrence at Maggie’s last weekend. Feel free to tell your friends. And, for those of you on the fence about applying for the On Fire internship (the deadline has been extended, and applications, which should include a resume, a cover letter, two recommendations, and the number of Dooley Dollars and meal swipes you have, can be emailed to bostdie@emory.edu), keep in mind that opportunities to mix, mingle, and club with celebrities are only one of the many opportunities that your experience with On Fire can bring you. Such as the opportunity to participate in serious, hard-hitting journalism. But that goes without saying.


Wade Phillips Live Tweets Job Search By Bennett Ostdiek Sports Editor As a native Houstonian, my sports life has been pretty rough lately. Two of my teams, the Texans and the Astros, have the number one overall pick in their respective drafts this year, and my third team, the Rockets, is stunningly mediocre. (There is a fourth team, the Houston Aeros of the American Hockey League, but they are a minor league team that plays a minor league sport, so are doubly not worth mentioning. Seriously, if hockey disappeared off the face of the earth, do you think you would notice? Maybe three years later you would say to yourself, “Wait a minute, I have not seen Barry Melrose on SportsCenter for a while,” but that is about it.) The point is, my life is rough. And everyone knows that the best thing to do when your life is rough is to irrationally place the blame on someone else’s shoulders and direct all of your hatred towards them. Someone such as Wade Phillips, the former defensive coordinator for my beloved Texans — the Texans organization vented some of their anger by firing him, and it seems only logical that I follow their lead and use him as a receptacle for my frustration and anger. But in spite of the utterly compelling logic of this argument, I cannot bring myself to hate Wade Phillips. Instead, my heart goes out to him. Why? Because of the stunningly moving account of his job search on his Twitter feed. There is a time and a place for a eloquent, insightful and definitive

commentary on the role of social media and the limits and possibilities created by 140 characters or less and the potential downsides to living out your life in the public arena. This is probably the place (where better than the sports page of the Wheel?) but now is not the time. Mainly b e c a u s e Wade’s tweets are just so darn funny, but also because I have only 140 more words left in my allotment for this week. Fired on Jan. 5, by Jan. 7 Wade had already gained some degree of perspective on the matter, realizing that there are more important things in life than a job. “They can take away your job but they can not take away your twitter friends — thanks for all the support #TFF,” he tweeted. (After consultation with our Arts and Entertainment Editor, Emelia Fredlick, I have determined that TFF stands for Twitter Friends Forever.) The next day, however, Wade’s thoughts turned darker. “Just looking for the Light,” he tweeted. Several weeks later, Wade had

moved through all the stages of grief, from anger to accept a n c e to the i r rat iona l hope that the future will be better. And he remembers the people to whom he should truly be grateful. “Thanks for the support I have had on Twitter. Next yr someone will need a better defense,” he tweeted. Wade, I hope someone does. But if they do not, please consider applying for the On Fire internship. Rumor has it that you might get to hang out with Jennifer Lawrence at Maggie’s. — Contact Bennett Ostdiek at bostdie@emory.edu

Courtesy of Flickr/Benjamin Cave

The Pro Bowl is played at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu, Hawaii. The Pro Bowl lacks intensity because of its emphasis on player safety and its lack of purpose.

Scheck: Replace Pro Bowl With Skills Challenge Continued from the Back Page football game where scoring is normally elevated since defenses must limit the natural intensity that gives them an edge. The second major reason why the Pro Bowl lacks intensity is the lack of purpose. The other sports have reasons for an all-star game. The winner of the Major League Baseball AllStar game gets home field advantage in the World Series. The National Basketball League and National

Hockey League All-Star games are a showcase for individual players. There is no incentive to win the Pro Bowl and less of an emphasis on the individual. The Pro Bowl is everything the NFL is not. Still the ratings are too good to give up the spot on television. The problem could be solved by adding what was excluded from this year’s Pro Bowl: the skills competition. The skills competition should replace the game itself. It would be more exciting to watch individuals

compete against each other in their respective drills than watching a useless game. The incentive could be to give donations to a charity of choice for the players that win each competition. This skills competition might not be a football game, but the Pro Bowl is barely a game as is. As for the ratings, any show with the word NFL associated with it is sure to get views on a Sunday night. All would benefit. — Contact Michael Scheck at michael.scheck@emory.edu


Tuesday, January 28, 2014 Sports Editors: Bennett Ostdiek (bostdie@emory.edu) and Ryan Smith (ryan.smith@emory.edu)



Squads Take on Crimson Tide By Catalina Marchant De Abreu Contributing Writer On Saturday afternoon, both the swimming and diving teams lost to the University of Alabama. The meet was held at the Don Gambril Olympic Pool in Tuscaloosa, Ala. Winners for the men’s team included sophomore Jared Scheuer, who won the 200-yard backstroke timed at 1:54.39. Junior Hayden Baker and senior Jake Stephens earned second place with a time of 3:20.44. For the women’s team, in the 100yard freestyle, junior Nancy Larson won first place, with a time of 52.97 seconds. In the 100-yard breaststroke, freshman Annelise Kowalsky obtained first place with a ‘B’ cut time of 1:04.29, while junior McKenna Newsum-Schoenberg won the 1000yard freestyle with a time of 10:21.36. Sophomore Ellie Thompson earned a second and third place victory with her 100-yard backstroke (57.37 seconds) and 200-yard backstroke (2:05.52), respectively. “Alabama was challenging because we had just had our Senior Meet the previous weekend, with lots of parents, alumni and others there to support, which really fostered a team support atmosphere,” she said. The Eagles didn’t receive the same support against the Division I powerhouse Crimson Tide. “Conference [championships are] held at Emory University this year, and everyone has been doing really well in practices and have had solid times for dual meets,” she added. Thompson also remarked on freshman Annelise Kowalsky’s outstanding performance at this Saturday’s meet. “Kowalsky has been swimming really well in all of our meets this year [...] she had a really fast split in the relay as well, and I have no doubt that she is going to kill it at Conference and Nationals,” she said. After the meet, the men’s team fell to 2-5 on the season while the women’s team now stands at 3-4. — Contact Catalina Marchant de Abreu at mmarch4@emory.edu

Swimming and Diving The men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams fell to Division I University of Alabama last Saturday. Sophmore Jared Scheuer, was the only Eagle man to finish first in an event, swimming a 1:54.39 in the 200-yard backstroke. Freshman Annelise Kowalsky finished first in the 100yard breaststroke, while junior McKenna Newsum-Schoenberg in the 1,000-yard freestyle, and junior Nancy Larson in the 100yard freestyle. Women’s Basketball Senior Savannah Morgan scored her 1,000 point as an Eagle last Sunday against the Brandeis Judges. She is of nine Emory players to reach this milestone. Emory lost the game 65-61. Men’s Basketball Junior Michael Florin led the Eagles to a victory over the Brandeis Judges last Sunday. His 26 points were the most in a single game of his career. The team is now 4-1 in University Athletic Association play.

James Crissman/Photo Editor

Sophomore Will Trawick, senior Jake Davis, and junior Alex Foster take the ball down court. Davis and Foster combined to score 41 points in last Friday’s game against New York University. The Eagles won that game and defeated Brandeis University last Sunday to improve their record to 12-4.

Eagles Win Two UAA Road Matchups By Ethan Morris Staff Writer In a pair of road University Athletic Association (UAA) conference games over the weekend, the men’s basketball team topped New York University on Friday and defeated Brandeis University (Mass.) on Sunday. After the two conference victories, the Eagles improved to 12-4 on the season, with an impressive 4-1 record in UAA games. On Friday afternoon, the Eagles matched up with the 11-3 NYU Violets for Emory’s first UAA road game. The game was closely contested, with both squads battling back and forth the whole way. Led by junior Alex Foster’s career-high 21 points and senior Jake Davis’ 20 points, the Eagles were able to squeak past the Violets, winning 86-82. In the first half, Emory rebounded from an early deficit to go on an 11-4 run and take a 41-32 lead. Davis and fellow senior McPherson Moore

scored 14 and 11 points, respectively, as the Eagles went into halftime with a 45-39 lead. In the second half, the Violets started off strong, capitalizing on strong offense and defense to go on an 11-1 run to take the lead 51-50. Down two with less than half of the period remaining, the Eagles used a run of their own, rattling off ten straight points to take a 71-63 lead with just over four minutes left in the game. The Violets quickly responded, scoring five straight points to cut Emory’s lead to three points, which would be the closest NYU would get for the rest of the game. Emory went on a 9-3 run, and was able to hold off the hard-charging Violets to win the game. The Eagles were effective shooting the ball in the affair, shooting 51.8 percent — led by Foster, who was 7-10 from the field. In addition to Foster and Davis, Moore scored 14 points while sophomore Davis Rao tallied 12 points. Defensively,

the Eagles held the Violets to 41.9 percent shooting in addition to forcing 11 turnovers. NYU controlled the boards in the game, grabbing 48 to Emory’s 31, some of which led to the Violets’ 28 second-chance points. Asked about his career-high scoring effort in the game, Foster wrote: “With our opponents keyed in on Jake Davis and McPherson Moore, there are opportunities for other guys to step up and knock down shots.” He continued, “on our team, we’ve got a bunch of players that could put up 20 on any given night. Friday night was my turn.” On Sunday afternoon, Emory played the 9-6 Brandeis Judges, who entered the game 1-3 in UAA play. On the road for the second straight game, the Eagles, led by junior Michael Florin’s career-high 26 points, were able to win another close game, this time winning 94-88. This victory for Head Coach Jason Zimmerman was a particularly special one as Zimmerman won his

103rd game as Emory head coach, tying the school record held by Brett Zuver (1998-99 through 2006-07). The first half was an offensive showcase for both squads, as Emory took the lead 52-51 behind 66.7 percent shooting from the field. Florin scored 16 of his 26 in the period, while Davis tallied 12 points on 5-7 shooting. The second half featured stronger defense from both teams, as Emory and Brandeis displayed the resilience that is characteristic of UAA opponents. With Brandeis up 75-73 with just over half of the period to go, the Eagles responded, scoring seven unanswered points to take a fivepoint lead. Up 82-79 with seven minutes remaining, the Eagles would not surrender another field goal the rest of the way, riding their strong defense to put away the tough Judges 94-88. Emory shot very well from the floor during the game, shooting 57.6 percent, led by Florin who was 13-19

from the field and Davis who shot 7-12 en route to 20 points, his fourth straight outing of 20 or more points. Also scoring in double figures was Moore with 18 and Foster with 11. Unlike the game at NYU, the Eagles controlled the boards, outrebounding the Judges 40-27. “My teammates encouraged me throughout the game and gave me confidence to score the ball,” Foster said of his breakout performance. Both Foster and Florin credited trust as one of the key factors that allowed them to win two close games on the road. “We all take pride in going on the road and beating teams on their home court,” Foster wrote. “It takes all 15 guys to do that. We all believe in each other and trust our teammates to deliver when their number is called.” The Eagles’ next game is this Friday at 8 p.m. in the WoodPEC against the University of Chicago. — Contact Ethan Morris at ethan.morris@emory.edu



The Problem With the Pro Bowl

NYU, Brandeis Spoil Perfect Season By Ryan Smith Sports Editor

Michael Scheck Every year players in the National Football League (NFL) are voted into an All-Star game called the Pro Bowl. Held in Hawaii, the Pro Bowl features the best NFL players who did not make the Super Bowl. Yet, even with the most athletic beings in the world, this talent showcase is a bore. There are two major reasons why the Pro Bowl lacks the intensity football is known for. The first major reason why the Pro Bowl lacks intensity is the amplified desire to protect player safety. Safe football is ironic.Everyone is obviously for player safety, but tackle football is popular because of the big hits that occur on a down-to-down basis. Without the big hits, the game loses meaning. Nevertheless, all NFL players understand the risk that any down could be their last, so the acceptance of extreme physical play still continues.

Courtesy of Flickr/simplistic.designs

Jerry Rice enjoys a cigar while playing golf. He coached his team to victory over Deion Sanders’ squad in the Pro Bowl. The Pro Bowl is different than a regular season game. Because the Pro Bowl means nothing, there is an undisputed standard to lessen inten-

sity to protect players from injury. The result is normally a scrimmaged

See SCHECK, Page 11

The women’s basketball team saw their undefeated streak come to an end over the Jan. 24 weekend, as the EMORY 71, s e ve n t h - r a n k e d NEW YORK Eagles dropped two UNIVERSITY 77 games after openJan. 26 ing the season 14-0. EMORY 61, Emory lost at New BRANDEIS York University UNIVERSITY 65 (NYU) 77-71 on Friday before dropping a 65-61 heartbreaker at Brandeis University (Mass.) on Sunday. The Eagles entered the game against NYU fighting for University Athletic Association (UAA) supremacy, as the Violets came in sporting a 14-1 record. The Eagles fell behind quickly and played catch-up until the 10-minute mark, when they took their first lead of the game on a three-point play from senior forward Gabi Whitmer. The two teams went back and forth for much of the first half. NYU answered Whitmer’s bucket with a three to tie the game at 14, and held

the lead until a layup from freshman center Patricia Mook gave the Eagles a 23-22 advantage with just over four minutes left in the half. The Violets responded with a 7-0 run and were threatening to pull away, but Whitmer jumper cut the halftime deficit to a manageable 33-28. NYU came out strong in the second frame, extending their lead to 41-32 at the 16-minute mark, but the Eagles responded with four straight three-pointers — two each from senior guards Selena Castillo and Hannah Lilly — to shrink the Violets’ advantage to 45-44. The Eagles kept at arm’s length until a Whitmer layup with just under nine minutes left gave them back the lead, 56-55. The Violets responded with a pivotal 12-4 run that lasted three minutes, putting the Eagles in a 67-60 hole with five minutes to go. A three-pointer from sophomore guard Khadijah Sayyid narrowed the deficit, but a pair of NYU layups pushed the lead to eight. The Eagles didn’t give in. A pair

See WOMEN, Page 11

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