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The Independent Student Newspaper of Emory University
Volume 95, Issue 10
Tuesday, October 1, 2013 ACTIVISM
Every Tuesday and Friday
Swoop’s Week Thrills Crowds
Group Holds Rally Over Candler Award Winner By Stephen Fowler Contributing Writer More than 40 people attended a rally Friday held in response to the conferral of the 2013 Distinguished Alumni Award to H. Eddie Fox (’62T), whom some members of the Emory community have recently described as “anti-gay.” The “Rally for an Inclusive Emory” was organized by the Candler School of Theology Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) advocacy group Sacred Worth. The three-hour demonstration began at 11:30 a.m. as protestors made signs for their march around the Candler building. The protest — which included students, faculty and alumni — coincided with the Distinguished Alumni Award luncheon, though Fox was not in attendance to receive his award. Members of Emory’s LGBT community are calling Fox, the world director of World Methodist Evangelism and the executive director of the Emory-based World Methodist Evangelism Institute, an “anti-gay” leader in the church. As a delegate to the United Methodist Church’s 2008 General Conference, Fox helped author a report stating that the church should maintain its official position on homosexuality. Fox’s committee rejected an amendment that acknowledged the debate over homosexuality
within the church. Members of Sacred Worth and the Candler community have expressed outrage and disappointment over the conferral of the award through open letters, Facebook posts and emails to senior administrators. Members of Sacred Worth and allies also met with several Candler administrators on Sept. 13 to discuss the matter. Jan Love, dean of the Candler School of Theology, then wrote an email to the Candler community last week, discussing the controversy as well as the reasoning behind the decision to confer the award to Fox. Friday’s rally was specifically held in response to the award and its effect on the LGBT community. The award to Fox leaves “questions of who we can trust,” Sacred Worth President and Candler student John Boyd said. During Friday’s event, protestors waved a variety of signs as they marched, including ”Really? Rethink! Retract,” and “Mr. Fox is Not Fantastic.” While in front of the building, protesters chanted phrases such as “AntiGay, Not OK,” “Open Minds, Open Hearts, Open Doors” and “Inclusion for Emory.” They also sang “This Little Light of Mine.” Sacred Worth Treasurer Anna Flowers led the crowd during the protest.
Robbie Jacobs/Contributor (top) and Erin Baker/Staff (bottom)
Danny Avila, electronic and house music DJ, and American rock band Dispatch took the stage on McDonough Field Friday night and Saturday afternoon, respectively. Both artists performed this year for the Student Programming Council’s first-ever Swoop’s Week.
See PROTEST, Page 4
Dispatch Ends Swoop’s Week McDonough Field Lights Up With Music, Fun Antics With DJ Danny Avila By Dustin Slade Asst. News Editor
Thomas Han/Staff
The LBGT community gathered to protest the conferral of the 2013 Distinguished Alumni Award to H. Eddie Fox (‘62T).
Dispatch, an American indie/roots band, performed on McDonough Field Saturday afternoon to conclude Emory’s first “Swoop’s Week,” the new name the Student Programming Council (SPC) has given to the former Homecoming Week. SPC estimates that more than 2,500 alumni and students attended
the concert, according to College senior and SPC Homecoming Co-Chair Chris Alfonso. The band, which most recognized for its song “The General,” entertained students and alumni for more than two hours with songs such as “Elias,” “Two Coins” and “Bang, Bang.” Many students said they feel
See SPC, Page 5
By Naomi Maisel Staff Writer DJ Danny Avila, 18, performed on Emory’s McDonough Field on Friday, Sept. 27 as part of Swoop’s Week, which was planned by Emory’s Student Programing Council (SPC). Avila attracted an enormous crowd who were “left screaming for more” at the end of the two-hour concert, according to SPC’s Co-Band Chair
and Collge senior Zachary Atlas. Avila was set up on stage in front of a large screen, which allowed audience members in the back to easily see him play. “The crowd was pretty friendly and the DJ seemed pretty enthusiastic,” College junior Nate Parker said. Some students on the other hand did not find Avila exciting, such as
See AUDIENCE, Page 5
WoodPEC Law School Alumni To Enhance Info Stolen From Emory Security In Spring By Rupsha Basu Asst. News Editor
By Karishma Mehrotra Asst. News Editor and David Ehrlich Contributing Writer The Woodruff P.E. Center (WoodPEC) will implement new security measures, such as turnstiles and a membership desk in the facility on the second floor next semester, according to Tim Downes, director of athletics and recreation. The management has been planning for these security measures for the past five years, Downes said. Turnstiles — gates that allow one person to enter at a time — will be installed at the spiral staircases on the second floor, Downes said. At these turnstiles, students will be required to swipe their Emory ID cards, similar to the Robert W. Woodruff Library’s security system, to enter the staircase. Students will not have to swipe their cards to exit the stairs onto the second floor. Instead of two student
See NEW, Page 5
Some Emory School of Law alumni’s personal information has been stolen from law school online databases and was then used to make loan applications to a private lender and request academic transcripts, according to emails sent to law school students this month. The Emory Police Department (EPD) is conducting an investigation on the matter. EPD has not released any information about how many students were affected by the breach and how the information was obtained. The security breach was discovered in early September by Emory Law School administrators, according to Senior Communications Officer Beverly Clark, who said she was also speaking on behalf of Emory Law School Dean and Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Law Robert Schapiro. “It initially came to their attention when it was discovered that a few members had transcripts taken out in their name that they had not requested,” Clark said. The School of Law has taken a number of steps to ensure the privacy of all students in the Class of 2013 and to prevent an incident of this
nature from happening again. The law school will provide access to identity protection and credit monitoring services for all 326 members of the Class of 2013 through Kroll, Inc., a firm that mitigates identity theft risk and provides credit restoration services, Clark wrote in an email to the Wheel. After the discovery of the breach, the Office of the Registrar, which is responsible for academic transcripts, required that requests for 2013 law student transcripts be made in person or by phone, Clark explained. Additionally, the law school has advised the Class of 2013 to monitor its credit reports and take extra precautions to protect their personal information, according to Clark. Since the breach, the Class of 2013 has received two emails explaining the issue, and University Technology Services has changed the passwords of all members’ Emory accounts. Earlier this summer, the University notified students that there had been a breach of its information technology infrastructure. As a result, students, faculty and staff with an Emory username were required to change their password. However, Clark said that there has
A Monk’s Challenging Journey to Education By Arianna Skibell Editor-in-Chief
If the price of an Emory education was not approximately $200,000, but rather the cost was running away from your family, embarking on a treacherous hike through the Himalayas and braving numerous encounters with Chinese and Nepalese police, it’s hard to imagine many students would find it worthwhile. This is not the case for Tibetan Buddhist monk Sonam Choephel. Sonam is one of the six Tenzin Gyatso Science Scholars beginning his studies at Emory University as part of the Emory-Tibet Science Initiative. After completing work in various courses, Sonam and the other monks will return to India to further the
Tibetan Buddhist community’s understanding of modern The first in a series science. of articles focusing Slight of staton the relationship ure, Sonam speaks between Emory slowly and delibUniversity and Tibet. erately. He has a shaved head, as is custom for Tibetan Buddhist monks, and wears the traditional deep-red colored robes.
See SONAM, Page 5
See EMORY, Page 5
Courtesy of Sonam Choephel
Tibetan Buddhist monk Sonam Choephel left his home in Tibet to pursue an education. He began his studies in the Emory-Tibet Science Initiative this fall.
NEWS ROUNDUP National, Local and Higher Education News • A series of 13 rush-hour car bombs in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad killed at least 42 people Monday morning. The majority of the blasts struck Shia neighborhoods, targeting groups of laborers gathering ahead of the workday. Though no one has claimed responsibility for the attacks, minority Sunni Muslim insurgents, who have frequently complained of political exclusion, have been blamed for more recent violence. • No passengers survived the crash of a business jet at the Santa Monica Airport on Sunday, Sept. 29 around 6:20 p.m. The twin-engine Cessna Citation ran off the right side of the runway, crashed into a hangar and caught fire. The hangar collapsed, making it too unstable for firefighters to enter and attempt to rescue the jet’s seven to nine passengers. Authorities could not immediately determine how many had boarded the plane, which departed from Hailey, Idaho. Witnesses noticed a popped tire, but
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
National Transportation Safety Board investigators were unable to reach the plane until Monday night. • The federal trial for BP’s massive 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico began its second phase Monday with an emphasis on the company’s response to the disaster. The first segment of the second phase explored BP’s methods of capping the well, while the second helped U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier determine approximately how much oil spilled from the well. The trial resumed with two hours of opening statements from BP lawyers, as well as from Gulf Coast residents and businesses claiming the spill cost them money. The trial’s first phase ended in April after eight weeks of testimony concerning the spill’s causes.
— Compiled by Staff Writer Lydia O’Neal
Corrections • In the previous edition of the Wheel, the article, “Faculty Vote to Uphold Grievance Rejection” originally stated that that the motion would consider the findings of the forthcoming report from the Process Review Committee in order to decide the merits of the grievance itself. The motion actually states that it would consider the findings from the Shared Governance Committee. The Wheel reports and corrects all errors published in the newspaper and at
POLICE RECORD • On Sept. 28, the Emory Police Department (EPD) received a call from the Kappa Sigma fraternity house located at 20 Eagle Row. According to the report, persons unknown entered the house and stole five fraternity paddles, one pennant, various trophies, an American flag and a Kappa Sigma flag. The items are valued at $250. There were no signs of forced entry. The incident is under investigation.
Volume 95, Number 10 © 2013 The Emory Wheel
Dobbs University Center, Room 540 605 Asbury Circle, Atlanta, GA 30322 Business (404) 727-6178 Editor-in-Chief Arianna Skibell (404) 727-0279 Founded in 1919, The Emory Wheel is the financially and editorially independent, student-run newspaper of Emory University in Atlanta. The Wheel is a member publication of Media Council, Emory’s organization of student publications. The Wheel reserves the rights to all content as it appears in these pages, and permission to reproduce material must be granted by the editor in chief. The Wheel is published twice weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays during the academic year, except during University holidays and scheduled publication intermissions. A single copy of the Wheel is free of charge. To purchase additional copies, please call (404) 727-6178. The statements and opinions expressed in the Wheel are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Wheel Editorial Board or of Emory University, its faculty, staff or administration. The Wheel is also available online at
reply after several attempts. While officers were evaluating him, the individual became belligerent and disorderly. According to the report, the person was disrespectful and used obscene language toward the officers. The individual was arrested and transported to DeKalb County Jail.
• On Sept. 28, EPD received 31 phone calls during the Fall Band Party. All the calls were in regard to noise complaints.
•On Sept. 27 at 5:09 a.m., EPD responded to a report of a student sleeping on the Quadrangle near Callaway Hall. The individual admitted to having consumed alcohol, and officers noted the individual seemed confused. The individual was transported back to his residence hall.
• On Sept. 27, officers responded to a report of an intoxicated student at the Clairmont Residential Center. They found the individual unable to
• On Sept. 22, EPD responded to an individual under the influence of alcohol. The individual said that he had more than 11 shots at both
the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity house located at 8 Eagle Row and the Kappa Sigma house located at 20 Eagle Row. • On Sept. 22, officers responded to a student who was down due to alcohol at Harris Hall. The individual said she was at a party at the Zeta Beta Tau house located at 8 Eagle Row. She said she had three shots, two beers, two mixed drinks and a Monster energy drink. The individual was transported to Emory Hospital.
— Compiled by Asst. News Editor Dustin Slade Editor’s Note: The police report was reviewed by Editorin-Chief Arianna Skibell due to Slade’s affiliation with Zeta Beta Tau fraternity.
Oct. 4 1994 In October 1994, the Executive Committee of the University Board of Trustees authorized funds for campus renovations. The University president’s Lullwater residence received $700,000 for the purpose of modernization, as well as $500,000 for other improvements. Initial work on the Callaway Memorial Center was scheduled to begin in June 1995, while construction on the Goizueta Business School was scheduled to begin in April 1995, thanks to the new funding authorizations. The board also authorized construction for the bridge between the Robert W. Woodruff and Candler Libraries for June 1995.
EVENTS AT EMORY TUESDAY Event: Guest Lecture by Dana Golan Time: 3-4 p.m. Location: Callaway Center N-116 Event: Guest Lecture by Navyug Gill Time: 4-5:30 p.m. Location: Bowden Hall 323 Event: Peer–Tutoren (Will Snyder) Time: 4-5 p.m. Location: Modern Languages 128
Please contact Editor-in-Chief Arianna Skibell at
This Week In Emory History
Event: Geertgen tot Sint Jans and the Gift of Painting Time: 5-6 p.m. Location: White Hall 200 Event: Queer Students of Color Discussion Group Time: 6-7 p.m. Location: 232E DUC Event: Unpack Your Study Abroad Experience! Time: 6-7 p.m. Location: B. Jones Center Event: “Kilowatt Ours” Film Screening Time: 6:30-8 p.m. Location: Harland Cinema Event: Peer Facilitator Training
Time: 7-8:30 p.m. Location: DUC Trustee Room Event: Dalai Lama Film Series Time: 7-9:30 p.m. Location: White Hall 208 Event: Around the World in Eighty Clays: A Folk-Pottery Travelogue Lecture Time: 7:30-8:30 p.m. Location: Carlos Museum Reception Hall Event: A Moving Exchange: Gyrokinesis® Movement Training Class Time: 7:30 p.m. Location: Dance Studio Schwartz Center for Performing Arts Event: “Latino Americans” Documentary Viewing Time: 7:30-10:30 p.m. Location: DUC E206
WEDNESDAY Event: Digital Learning: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Time: 10-11 a.m. Location: Woodruff Library 314 Event: Zotero Workshop Time: 3-3:50 p.m. Location: Woodruff Library 314
Event: TransForming Gender Time: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Location: 232E DUC
Thesis or Dissertation Time: 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Location: Woodruff Library 314
Event: Reception for “The Mind’s Eye” Exhibit: Reflections on Artistry, Spirituality and Community Time: 7-9 p.m. Location: Brooks Commons, Cannon Chapel
Event: “Quantifying native RNAprotein interactions in situ with single interaction sensitivity” Time: 12-1 p.m. Location: Whitehead Building, Ground Floor Auditorium
Event: Antichità, Teatro, Magnificenza: Renaissance and Baroque Images of Rome Lecture Time: 7:30-8:30 p.m. Location: Carlos Museum Reception Hall
Event: Grief & Loss Support Group Time: 4-5:30 p.m. Location: Emory Wellness Center 1762 Clifton Rd., Suite 1100
Event: “Trouble in Paradise” (1932), film screening Time: 7:30 p.m. Location: White Hall 208
THURSDAY Event: Pros/Cons of Robotic Surgery Time: 7-8 a.m. Location: Emory University Hospital Auditorium Event: Boren Awards Information Session Time: 10-11 a.m. Location: Administration 206 Event: Copyright & Your Electronic
Event: Queer Men’s Discussion Group Time: 6-7 p.m. Location: 232E DUC Event: Digital Identity: Using WordPress to Establish your Online Presence Group Time: 6-7 p.m. Location: Woodruff Library 215 Event: Emory Buddhist Club- weekly practice Time: 6-7:30 p.m. Location: Cannon Chapel 106
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Lex Gardner/Contributor (top left, center, bottom right); Khang Huynh/Contributor (left center); Erin Baker/Staff (bottom left, top right)
Many clubs and organizations marched at this year’s Homecoming Parade for Swoop’s Week on Eagle Row and Asbury Circle, including members of the 58th College Council (top left), members of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority (center) and residents of Longstreet-Means (bottom right). College seniors Misha Sharp and Hillary Li embraced after winning the Spirit of Emory award on McDonough Field before the Dispatch concert. Students also enjoyed a moonbounce (top left) provided by Student Programming Council (SPC) before watching Pete Francis (bottom left) and Dispatch perform later that week.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
SGA to Vote on Changes to Club Chartering Process Next Monday By Rupsha Basu Asst. News Editor The 47th Legislature of the Student Government Association (SGA) have revised the chartering bylaw process, which the entire legislature will vote on at next Monday’s meeting. The chartering bylaw process determines whether the University will charter a student organization and grant access to funds. Last spring, the 46th Legislature of SGA attempted to standardize the process in light of concerns that it took too long for clubs to receive a charter from the University. They changed the bylaws to standardize requirements for all divisional councils. However, some members of the 47th Legislature recently reviewed the bylaws for a second time to make the process clearer after complaints from Emory’s divisional councils that they did not have enough say over whether a club under their jurisdiction could be chartered. Each of Emory’s undergraduate and graduation schools have a
divisional council that oversees its respective clubs and affairs. SGA President and College senior Raj Patel, SGA Attorney General and College junior Chris Weeden, SGA Vice President for Finance and College senior Calvin Lee, SGA Governance Committee Chair and Goizueta Business School graduate student David Kaplan and Assistant Director for the Office of Student Leadership and Services Natasha Hopkins worked on the revision proposal. Kaplan and Weeden presented the proposal to the legislature and explained why the process needed to be clarified. “[The old bill] was a great step in the right direction,” Kaplan said. “One of the pushbacks [last year] was that there was no concern given to how divisional councils would feel about different clubs.” According to the proposal, the goals for the restructuring are clarity, speed and transparency. In the bill passed last spring, a club must have at least 10 members, a faculty advisor, a constitution and a mission statement to be char-
tered. Additionally, the clubs needed will make the final decision based approval of its representative divi- on SGA and divisional requirements. sional council based on its respective If the division approves the club, the requirements. division classifies the club in one of The new process retains the SGA two account types: a self-generated and University-wide requirements, account or an allocated account. but adds the timeA self-generated frame by which the account classificadivisional councils has room res“One of the push backs tion approve clubs. ervation rights, the After a club has [last year] was that there ability to rent equipmet the initial SGA was no concern given to ment and access to a requirements, the how divisional councils self-generated fund. requestor will fill However, it does not would feel about out an online form have access to supthat is sent to SGA plemental funding different clubs.” Attorney General, from the divisional who then forwards — David Kaplan, council or SGA. it to the appropriThis classificafull-time MBA student, SGA ate divisional countion costs clubs Governance Committee chair cil. The divisional $25. Once members council has 14 days pay the SGA busito make a decision. ness manager, they receive access to If the divisional council does not rooms. make a decision in two weeks, the An allocated account classificarequestor can contact the SGA attor- tion allows a club to request suppleney general, who will give the divi- mental funding from a divisional sion an extra three days to make the council or SGA. Divisional councils decision. If the division still has not may also provide initial funding at made a decision, the attorney general their discretion.
If a divisional council denies a charter, the club may appeal the decision. An appeal is sent to the SGA attorney general, who meets with the SGA Governance Committee. The committee decides to approve or reject the decision based on a two-thirds majority. If the governance committee denies the charter, it can be appealed again to the SGA legislature, which will hold a final vote also based on a two-thirds majority. For cross-divisional clubs comprised of only graduate students, the Graduate Student Government Association (GSGA) will review the charter based on its own standards. For cross-divisional clubs comprised of only undergraduate students, College Council (CC) will review the charter based on its standards. If a cross-divisional council is comprised of both undergraduate and graduate students, the club will be split under GSGA and CC. The divisional councils will oversee the yearly re-registration process. According to the proposal, this is
because it will “[allow the] division and SGA to stay on the same page in dealing with which groups have charters and funding.” Additionally, it will allow re-registration to coincide with when the division starts its year and ease the record-keeping process, according to Weeden. SGA Student Life Committee Chair and College senior Shaunesse Jacobs said that she liked the new version of the chartering process but was concerned that divisional councils would not approve charters on time. SGA Senior Representative and B-School senior Markbradley Kitay said that he was concerned that there would be no way to ensure a club had 10 members. Weeden responded that Emory’s online club forum, Community, will maintain a roster of club members. The legislature will vote on this bill at next week’s meeting. If it is approved, the changes will be effective Oct. 15.
— Contact Rupsha Basu at
Protest Lasts Three Hours Outside Rollins Continued from Page 1 Protestors expressed their disappointment that Fox was not present at the luncheon ceremony, at one point chanting, “We came out, and he should too.” Fox wrote in an email to the Wheel that he was unable to attend the ceremony because he was in Bulgaria commemorating the reestablishment of a Methodist Church that was closed and destroyed under Communist rule. The morning began with Flowers and other Sacred Worth executive board members going over ground rules for the protest, such as leaving doorways unobstructed and staying off the street. “Thanks to all of you that came out today,” Flowers told the crowd. “We are here to protest, but we will be respectful.” Flowers and Boyd then asked the crowd for a show of hands as to which Emory academic divisions were represented at the protest. Protesters from the College, School of Law, School of Medicine, School of Public Health and Candler were all present, as were Candler alumni. Following a brief prayer, the group gathered on the steps of the Rita Anne Rollins building, where the Distinguished Alumni Award luncheon was taking place. They started chanting and waving their signs. The protestors then moved to the window where the awards ceremony was taking place and began singing and chanting louder as part of what Boyd called “a responsibility to raise our voices to be heard.” While speaking at the awards luncheon, Love acknowledged the protest outside, inviting the luncheon guests to read her “Message to the Candler Community” to get a better grasp of the controversy. Love then invited all the guests at the luncheon to speak with the protestors outside following the ceremony in order to learn more about their concerns. “We are all one community of those who love Candler and need to listen carefully to each other,” Love said in her opening remarks. The protest ended with members giving testimonials regarding their experiences with the church and Candler, as well as pizza purchased by the Office of LGBT Life. Sacred Worth’s Chaplain and second-year Master of Divinity student Zebulun Treloar said he has high hopes for the outcome of rally. “I hope that the rally ensures that in the future the administration, and the alumni board will never again give another award to someone who is a vocal opponent to the full inclusion and equality of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities,” Treloar said. Love said she was pleased with the turnout of both events, especially the protest. “They are a legitimate and hopefilled sign of free speech on a university campus,” Love said. “We have lots of issues on which members of the community disagree, which in turn gives us remarkable opportunities for reaching across deeply held differences to create and enhance our community.” For Boyd and Sacred Worth, the rally did not end with cheerful hugs and warm goodbyes. “This is just the beginning,” Boyd said. “This has become a symbolic act of a campaign that has caught fire.”
— Contact Stephen Fowler at
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
New System Will Improve Oversight Sonam Was Determined to Go to India to Begin His Tibetan Education Of WoodPEC Facilities, Downes Says Continued from Page 1
Continued from Page 1 employees sitting on both ends of the second floor walkthrough, they will manage a membership desk across from the spiral staircase on the second floor. Downes said this desk will be the “heart” of the building by managing guests and relaying information. The second-floor staircases — located on the side of the gym that leads to the Peavine Parking Deck — with access to the pool and the third-floor offices will also have two turnstiles. “This is in the interest of security, tracking usage and ensuring proper access for our students and current WoodPEC members,” Downes said. “We need to have a better understanding of who is in the building and when.” Downes said people have always used the gym as a cross-through from Peavine to main campus and Dobbs University Center. Because of the added traffic, the facility has had a difficult time calculating exactly how many people are using their gym.
With this “more secure and foolproof” access system, Downes said, the management will be able to more accurately determine who is using the facility. Downes said the process has taken several years because his team maintains a list of facility projects. “When we are able to tackle those projects is largely dependent on when we are able to identify funding,” he said. College freshman Andrew Burnside said she supports this decision. “Swip[ing] your card takes two seconds, and if that means better protection for everyone’s stuff, it’s a good thing,” Burnside said. College sophomore Alan Bleiberg also said that this new system makes sense. “I think it’s a good idea because it will keep our gym safe,” he said. “An automated system will always be more secure than student workers.”
— Contact Karishma Mehrotra at and David Ehrlich at
The prevalent idea of strict unrelenting monks and nuns quickly fades away as soon as Sonam begins to speak. He makes jokes and laughs easily and frequently. Sonam was born in a small village in eastern Tibet called Wri. One of seven children, he spent his days leisurely. “My childhood was not very interesting,” he said. “I just spent the whole time in that small village just doing nothing at all ... just playing with my friends. No schooling or education.” As an adult, Sonam understands that the Chinese government’s control of Tibet led to the oppression of his family. But as a young boy, he was less aware of Tibet’s precarious situation. He recalls that his parents did have a photograph of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, but that it was hidden away. Less concerned with politics, Soman longed for an education; he was 14 and illiterate. “At that time we had many people leaving for India,” Sonam said. “We had heard that the Dalai Lama was in India and that there was education there.” Sonam’s uncle Yonten, whom Sonam felt very close to, was a monk in a local monastery. Although the monastery provided some education — in the form of Buddhist prayers and teachings — neither Sonam’s parents nor Yonten advocated that he join. “My uncle sometimes used to tell me that it is good to join a monastery in India because they have these education systems,” Sonam explained. The only way to receive a decent education, Sonam decided, was to travel to India and join a monastery. One fateful day in 1992 Soman was visiting his uncle Yonten at the local monastery when Yonten had to leave unexpectedly. “I don’t remember where he was,” Sonam said. “[But] I was alone in his monastic house.” At that moment, Sonam and his friend decided they should leave for India immediately. “My friend who was running away [with] me could write a little bit in Tibetan,” he said. “So when we left, I left a short note for my parents that I was leaving … and then I ran away.” Sonam and his friend embarked on what would become a treacherous
journey to India. First stop: Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. The trip to Lhasa was made primarily by foot and sometimes walking, Sonam said. Once they arrived in Lhasa, the two spent a couple months roaming around. When Sonam’s parents discovered he was in Lhasa, they sent a letter asking him to come home. “My father wrote in the … letter, if you don’t come back to home mother is very worried,” he said. “And she has already fallen sick worrying about you.” Although Sonam felt conflicted and saddened by this news, he was determined to find a way to India. Fortunately, the tide turned in his favor when his father sent a second letter. Not only was Sonam’s mother feeling better, but she and his father had also found a guide to assist Sonam on his journey to India. “So my father sent some money with [the guide] and also a letter saying I should go to India with him,” Sonam said. “I wanted to see His Holiness, I wanted to join a monastery [to] get some education.” Sonam and a group of 20 Tibetans began their journey by each paying the guide 500 Chinese dollars and boarding a bus to Shigatse. After six long hours, the group arrived in the city and spent the night. The next morning, they hopped into the back of a truck, which took them to a large forest. “It was still day time, so we stayed in the forest waiting for it to get dark,” Sonam said. “When it was dark we started our long journey walking.” The trek from the forest, through the Himalayas, to Katmandu, Nepal, took about a month on foot, Sonam said. And as they approached the border between China and Nepal, almost free, Sonam heard the sound of gunshots and dogs barking. The Chinese military personnel — security guards — had spotted them and were pursuing them with guns and dogs. Frightened, the group ran as fast as they could, hoping to escape. Luckily, the security guards were not as determined as the group. “We just ran and ran and finally got away,” Sonam said. “It was very scary.” This was not the last of the group’s run-ins with military officials.
Once they arrived in Katmandu, the group came across a Tibetan monastery in the outskirts of the city. “We reached there in the morning and the monks were very helpful,” Sonam said. “We were tired and hungry. They cooked us food and gave us some fresh new clothes.” A few nights later, Sonam and his traveling companions were dining in a very small town in a dark restaurant when of group of five to six men in uniforms appeared. The men said they were Nepal police and had come to send the group back to China. “[I was] very scared,” Sonam said. The police started to converse with each other, arguing between themselves about what to do with the Tibetan refugees. Sonam’s guide noticed that the men did not carry guns – a clear signal that these men were not police, but instead charlatans looking to be bought off. While the fake police were speaking amongst themselves, Sonam’s guide gathered his group to explain his realization. “Now get ready,” the guide said. “When I say run, everyone should run.” One of the fake police approached the group of Tibetans, saying that he took pity on them. If they paid the police, he would let them go. “Run!” the guide cried, and Sonam and his friends scattered. “We kind of shouted at these people [and ran],” Sonam explained. “They were just hoping to get some money.” However, the last time Sonam was stopped, he was not so lucky. “The third time we were ... caught by real Nepal police,” Sonam said. They were walking on a small road along the bank of a river. The river was on one side and a large rock wall on the other. When the police came upon the group, there was nowhere to run. “They had their guns and actually showed us their badges. They were real,” he said. Sonam laughed and said, “That time we had to pay them.” The Nepal police took what little money Sonam and his friends had, as well as their watches and some nice jackets. “Luckily, some money we hid in our shoes, so they didn’t find it,” Sonam explained. “Somehow they let us go.”
It was not long after that Sonam arrived at the Tibetan reception center in Nepal. He was soon on his way to Delhi, India, where freedom was waiting. Immediately upon his arrival, Sonam traveled to Drepung Loseling Monastery in southern India, where he took his vows to become a monk and began his life-long pursuit of education. “My grandparents really wanted me to join a monastery,” he said. “My uncle, he had much influence on me I think. I just wanted to become a monk. So I did it.” In the monastery, Sonam learned to read and write. He also became interested in science, participating in two science programs (Science Meets Dharma and Science for Monks), which prepared him for Emory. Many monks in Sonam’s monastery, and other monasteries across India, were eager to attend Emory as part of the University’s Emory-Tibet Partnership. Sonam was one of six selected. “I’m not sure how I was chosen,” he said. “I just got lucky.” Since arriving at Emory, Sonam has expanded his scientific knowledge base, as well as his understanding of American culture. “Here people keep a planner,” he said. “This is really interesting for me. We don’t do that. Personally I don’t have this habit to keep a planner or, you know, do things on time. So this is really very helpful.” There are many differences between Tibetan Buddhism and modern science, Sonam maintains, but also many similarities. “In one of the scriptures the Buddha said his followers shouldn’t just follow his concepts just because he is Buddha, because he is the teacher,” Sonam said. “His followers should analyze and examine his concepts. So this is, I think, a big similarity, which I find interesting.” In the next few years, Sonam and his fellow monks will continue studying modern science, examining the intersection of eastern and western thought. Although Emory’s environment is very different than what Sonam is normally used to, he is excited to delve more deeply and continue his education. “We are busy, but in a good way,” he said. “We are learning science.”
— Contact Arianna Skibell at
SPC Says Dispatch Event ‘Went Audience Really Well’ During Swoop’s Week Members Join Avila on Stage
free Dispatch CDs. Students ran from the stage to a the group put together a great booth at the back of the field to grab performance. them. College sophomore Meredith “I’ve never seen so many people Lerner said the band’s members — run away from the stage,” Corrigan Chad Urmston, Brad Corrigan and said. Pete Heimbold — displayed high Before the concert, Senior Vice energy and gave an entertaining President and Dean of Campus Life concert. Ajay Nair addressed the crowd and “I thought they were so good live, held the first annual Swoop’s Week and they seemed really excited to Coca-Cola toast. perform at Emory,” Lerner said. “I “I think this week was the start of was also really happy they ended up a wonderful tradition that students playing ‘The General.’” and alumni could enjoy for years This year, to come,” London Swoop’s Week wrote in an email aimed to serve as “I think this week was to the Wheel. “It a celebration of also illustrated how Swoop, Emory’s the start of a wonderful SPC is constantly tradition that students growing and setting athletic mascot, College senior and and alumni could enjoy the bar higher each SPC Homecoming year.” for years to come. ” Co-Chair Ashley The band London said in Dispatch came — Ashley London, together in 1996 a Sept. 6 Wheel College senior and SPC and article. remained Homecoming Co-Chair together for more “Ever ything went really well; than six years. there were no hicThe group cups throughout the announced a hiatus week,” Alfonso said. “SPC was able in 2002 that lasted a little less than to get everything set up on time and ten years. doors opened on schedule for the The band reunited in 2011, at events.” which time they announced a nationDuring the concert, the band al tour. members engaged with the audience Dispatch was a popular group in commenting on the unique nature the 1990s until they went their sepaof Emory. rate ways, London said in a Sept. 6 At one point, Corrigan comment- Wheel article. ed that it’s “pretty cool” that Emory She added that the band slighthas a “rock venue” in the middle of ly changed the kind of music they campus. played and became more popular Urmstom then took a second to among a new generation of college acknowledge the freshmen in the students. crowd. “All of my camp dreams have “I’d like to make a shout out to all come true,” College junior Evan Seti the freshmen here,” Urmston said. said. “I’ve been listening to them “You picked a great place to spend since I was young, and I finally got to the next couple of years.” see them live.” — Contact Dustin Slade at During the concert, the band offered students a limited number of
Continued from Page 1
Continued from Page 1 College sophomore Andrea Gamboa who said that she felt the concert itself wasn’t very memorable. College sophomore Apoorva Sharma thought Avila’s lighting was very prominent, changing throughout the show, if not somewhat annoying. SPC sought out Avila because their homecoming chair Chris Alfonso is a “really big fan of electronic music,” according to Atlas. The fact that Avila was already in town for the electronic music festival “TomorrowWorld” made his presence at Emory an easier feat, said Atlas, adding that his manager was very easy to get along with. SPC handed out glow sticks for students to wear and inflatable beach balls to pass around. A few audience members got onstage and danced in front of Avila. Avila and the audience seemed to be feeding off of each other’s energy, according to Atlas. Avila is quickly gaining musical fame according to Atlas and is about to accompany fellow musician Tiesto on a two-month tour this week. Many students at the concert said they were surprised and impressed to hear how young he is seeing how talented and successful he has become. Even with all of his success at such a young age, Atlas said that Avila was “super kind” and really enjoyed interacting with the crowd. After the concert, Avila stuck around to sign autographs and take pictures with students that approached him, according to Atlas. Atlas added that Avila even made an appearance at Maggie’s Neighboorhood Bar & Grill later on in the night to spend more time with his fans.
— Contact Naomi Maisel at
Emory Security Breach Possibly Linked to Broader Attacks Continued from Page 1 been no evidence of a connection between the two incidents. According to the Information Security Alert sent to the Emory
community, the first breach may be linked to cyber attacks against other large organizations and academic institutions. “I don’t think identity theft or security breaches are in any way
unique to Emory Law or Emory in general,” Matt Johnson (1L) said. “I’m sure the administration will do everything it needs to do.”
— Contact Rupsha Basu at
Tuesday, October 1, 2013 Editorials Editor: Priyanka Krishnamurthy (
Our Opinion
Max Cohen
Max Cohen’s cartoons have become a staple at The Emory Wheel. He is a second-year medical school student from Brooklyn, N.Y.
Administration Must Improve Transparency Continued Backlash Illustrates Need for Change The controversy regarding the department changes and the resulting position cuts has been ongoing since last year. By no means have these debates come to a close, as faculty members from affected departments recently filed appeals and grievances against the University’s decisions. In April, a group of lecture-track faculty filed an appeal over the terminations of their contracts, but the Lecture Track Faculty Promotion Committee rejected the appeal, saying it is comfortable with the University’s decisions. Then, the lecture-track faculty filed a petition to appeal that decision, gaining more than 25 signatures, which should have brought the appeal to a faculty vote. But the College Governance Committee (GovCom) declined to bring the matter to a College faculty vote at the Sept. 25 meeting, citing a bylaw that says the Lecture Track Faculty Promotion Committee only handles matters dealing with promotion, not employment terminations. But what has caught the attention of many faculty members is that both GovCom and the Promotion Committee based their decisions, in part, on a policy provision in the document that governs faculty employment — titled “Appointment and Review of Lecture-Track Faculty” (ARLTF) — that was added to the document in summer 2012. The provision takes the decision of whether to renew the faculty members’ employment out of the hands of a person’s department or program and gives it to the College. The lecture-track faculty, in addition to seven petitioners, have responded to GovComs rejection, alleging that the provision was added in secret without a faculty vote. The administration, however, has said that the provision did not require a faculty vote and was simply added to clarify existing policies and practices, used, for instance, in 2010 when faculty in the Department of Physical Education and Health had their contracts terminated. The policy at the heart of the controversy reads: “The department or program will be asked by the College early in the fall of the reappointment year whether the position should continue to be supported. If the answer is affirmative, and if the College plans to continue supporting the position, the review of the faculty member proceeds over the academic year, concluding by or near April 1.” The faculty say the phrase “and if the College plans to continue supporting the position” was not in the ARLTF document at the time the lecture-track faculty signed their employment contracts in 2010, nor when the department changes were decided on. The clause is essentially serving as the basis for the decision about why these faculty members will be forced to find jobs elsewhere. But we at the Wheel feel that such an important policy — one that is determining the future of lecture-track faculty members’ jobs — should have been changed in the actual document itself as soon as it was decided on. Members of the administration and former members of the Lecture Track Faculty Promotion Committee say that they are not sure of why the clause was not added immediately back in 2011. And Michael Elliott, the senior associate dean of faculty, told the Wheel that such documents are sometimes updated after multiple changes, as opposed to individual ones. It all boils down to transparency. Why wait so long to make an important change to a document, when the alteration in question directly impacts people’s livelihoods? The discrepancy makes it seem as if the administration is making decisions behind closed doors. Even up until the department changes were announced last September, GovCom and the LTFPC played a very small public role in the affairs of the University. All of a sudden, though, there is so much partisanship in faculty governance — some may even call it a mess, and this could possibly have been prevented. In general, the University should have effectively prepared for the backlash it is currently facing, not just in terms of updating that specific document, but informing the University beforehand of the bylaws and governing principles to which they claim to be adhering. In short, we at the Wheel feel that given the secretive nature of the process that led to the cuts, the amount of backlash the administration is facing is not surprising. Overall, there is clearly a disconnect between the administration and the rest of the Emory community. While the buzzword “transparency” gets thrown around a lot, it might be the only solution for this problem. In an April 23 Wheel article, Sheila Cavanagh, a professor of English and the chair of the Grievance Committee, told the Wheel that “the work of the Grievance Committee is confidential.” She had also written in an email to the Wheel that the Grievance Committee provided a copy of its decision “as a courtesy to the petitioners” but was not required to do so. This is another example of leaving faculty in the dark about decisions that affect their employment. That’s why we believe the University should show the public precisely why these layoffs are legitimate and not in violation of the bylaws, if that is indeed the case. It seems cruel to without such information under the banner of “confidentiality.” This situation sheds light on the question of the distinction between running a university like a community or a corporation. In a corporation, people losing their jobs do not need to be told why. Cuts are made without regard to a set of bylaws. In a community, any downsizing decisions should be made with regard to shared accountability and agreed-upon rules. From what we have been able to understand and from the information we have been provided, it seems to us that the process leading to the cuts was sloppy. Faculty deserve to know, in detail, the reasoning that led to the termination of their jobs, and it should not be left up to the faculty to sort through the muddle themselves. We would really like to trust that the University has made the right choices — those that benefit the community at large — but there’s something about this situation that is disconcerting. Rather than limiting the conversation about the department changes to faculty meetings, the University should answer the questions that have been raised in a public manner, perhaps by releasing a statement. We also invite GovCom and the Grievance Committee to write an editorial that explains and justifies their actions. The above staff editorial represents the majority opinion of the Wheel’s
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons | Flickr
U.S.-Iran Relations Improving
“Nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction have no place in Iran’s security and defense doctrine, and contradict our fundamental religious and ethical convictions,” Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani declared on Sept. 24 at the United Nations General Assembly. Following these remarks, President Obama once again made history by becoming the editorial board. For our opinion on Swoop’s Week, see first president in more than 30 years to contact an Iranian counterpart directly. They spoke on the phone for about 15 minutes, discussing Iran’s nuclear program, the troubled state of U.S.-Iran relations and even New York City HE MORY HEEL traffic. In an admirable display of respect, Arianna Skibell EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Obama signed off by saying to Rouhani the word “Khodahafez,” a common salutation in Jordan Friedman Executive Editor Persian and other Central and South Asian Volume 95 | Number 10 Lane Billings Managing Editor languages. The call was the first interaction between News Editor Features Editor Business and Advertising Nicholas Sommariva Nick Bradley American and Iranian heads of state since Editorials Editor Copy Chief Akeel Williams BUSINESS MANAGER former president Jimmy Carter spoke with Priyanka Krishnamurthy Sonam Vashi Sports Editor Blaire Chennault Sales Manager Associate Editors Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi in 1979, just Ryan Smith Justin Groot Maggie Daorai Design Manager Student Life Editor before the latter’s ousting. Vincent Xu Jenna Kingsley Emily Lin The subsequent radio silence between the Account Executives Arts & Entertainment Editor Nathaniel Ludewig Emelia Fredlick Bryce Robertson, Lena Erpaiboon, Salaar Ahmed, two nations has hindered relations, marking Online Editor Photo Editor Christopher Hwang Przybylski, Annabelle Zhuno, Julia Ross Fogg James Crissman more than three decades of misunderstanding Leonardos Asst. News Editors Business/Advertising Office Number and antagonistic rhetoric. Karishma Mehrotra (404) 727-6178 Dustin Slade The base assumption of most American Rupsha Basu rhetoric regarding Iran is that they are irrational and untrustworthy. From this starting point, the words of The Emory Wheel welcomes letters and op-ed submissions from the Emory community. Iran’s leaders are interpreted as misleadLetters should be limited to 300 words and op-eds should be limited to 700. Those selected ing and opportunistic — they tell the world may be shortened to fit allotted space or edited for grammar, punctuation and libelous content. what it wants to hear while secretly working Submissions reflect the opinions of individual writers and not of the Wheel Editorial Board counter to its public assertions. Consequently, or Emory University. Send e-mail to or postal mail to The Emory Wheel, Western powers like Israel and the United Drawer W, Emory University, Atlanta, Ga. 30322. States ignore persistent assertions, like the above quotation, that Iran’s nuclear program
is peaceful. However, this basis of intense wariness — as I have contended and continue to believe — is unfounded. Iran has given no real indication that it is pursuing a nuclear weapon or that it is generally deceitful.
President Rouhani metaphorically extended a hand to the U.S. in his speech at the United Nations. For argument’s sake, however, let’s assume that Iran not only has the capability to construct a nuclear weapon, but that they in fact possess one and use it against Israel. The latter would be devastated; countless lives would be lost (both Israelis and Iranian allies in Palestine), and historic sites would be irreparably damaged. Before the dust even cleared, though, the U.S. would be preparing for war. It would likely mobilize its own sublime nuclear stockpile, which is substantial enough to level every Iranian city at least 15 times over. If Israel was devastated, Iran literally would be wiped off the map. To say that Iran poses a legitimate threat to the U.S. or Israel, then, is to say that Iran is unconcerned about its own existence. This stance is both condescending and nonsensical. Why would Iran intentionally welcome the annihilation of its own country because of a dispute — real or imaginary — with Israel or any other country for that matter?
A much more logical and diplomaticallysound approach would be to wipe the slate clean with Iran. We have certainly had our differences in the past and each side has some reason to be cautious of the other. (After all, the CIA officially admitted to being involved in the Iranian Coup of 1953 just last month.) However, the Iranian people recently elected Hassan Rouhani, a moderate, in stark contrast to his predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Rouhani’s conversation with Obama, though hurriedly coordinated and brief, could be the beginnings of a turning point. While both sides must tread lightly in order to placate more radical and conservative domestic politicians, reopening communications is undoubtedly a good thing because it can only lead to an increase in mutual understanding and mutual trust. Furthermore, it might encourage a deviation from the trend of unsympathetic rhetoric currently expressed by most American and Israeli leaders. The history of U.S.-Iranian relations is rocky to say the least. A major hostage crisis, a proxy war, punitive economic sanctions, questionable civil and human rights practices and the continuing debate over the right to nuclear capabilities have defined interactions up to this point. However, now ought to be the time to turn over a new leaf. President Rouhani metaphorically extended a hand to the U.S. in his speech at the United Nations. It is now up to the U.S. to make use of the diplomatic process with Iran, finally turning this metaphor into a reality. William Hupp is a College junior from Little Rock, Ark.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
The Defeat of Due Process by the Administration JASON FRANCISCO Last Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2013, the Emory College faculty held its first regularly scheduled meeting of the year. The central item on the agenda was the decision by the College Grievance Committee to deny the collective grievance filed in April 2013. The grievance argued that the cuts to academic programs and curricula announced last year involved multiple violations of College and University bylaws, and of the Statement of Principles Governing Faculty Relations, known as the Gray Book. I was among the 18 signatories to the grievance. During the meeting, I introduced a motion to overturn the Grievance Committee’s decision and allow the full faculty to consider the merits of the grievance after the faculty receives the final reports of two ad hoc committees looking into the past and future of shared governance in the College. After brisk argument, a majority of those assembled rejected the motion, so the matter of the grievance is now dead. I lament this turn of events. I see the vote to kill the grievance as a turning point for the College faculty and a serious alteration in the balance of power between faculty and administration. At stake is nothing less than the integrity of the College and University bylaws, the common rules that allow us to work together fairly and effectively. The grievance cited bylaw violations of two principal types. First, it argued that the processes by which the cuts occurred contravened the faculty’s primary responsibility for curriculum, as delineated in the University bylaws. Second, it argued that the process violated the primary responsibility of the Governance Committee (GovCom) to represent the faculty in core governance matters, as delineated in the College bylaws. The record makes clear that GovCom had no real understanding of the administration’s intentions until after the fact. It was not until Sept. 6 of last year, just days before the cuts were announced publicly, that GovCom was informed of the decisions made by the
Nir Levy | File Photo
College Office. Simply put, the administration made curricular decisions and informed GovCom about them afterward. The College bylaws are crystal clear on the importance of transparent communication: “The administration shall consult with the Governance Committee on all matters pertaining to the College and to the faculty of the College. This consultation shall include but not be limited to proposals for the development and modification of College programs and the setting of priorities and goals for the College” (Article V, Section 1A). For consultation, the administration turned to the College Financial Advisory Committee (CFAC), a subcommittee of GovCom. The truth is that CFAC was a subcommittee in name only. It operated behind closed doors and was, in practice, not accountable either to GovCom or to the faculty at large. CFAC was established to give financial advice. Neither GovCom nor the faculty explicitly authorized CFAC to lay plans for
curricular and program cuts, and very few members of the faculty — essentially only the members of CFAC itself — knew it to be engaging in that work. How do we know this to be true? GovCom’s own minutes show clearly that it received infrequent, scant and misleading reports from its own ostensive subcommittee. The grievance argued that the dean’s reliance on the deliberately secretive work of CFAC was in no way a legitimate substitute for the consultation required under the bylaws. The Grievance Committee’s responsibility under the bylaws is to “investigate and hear grievances ... [relating to] improper administration or application of policies.” It did not do so. To hear and investigate would have meant requesting additional information or clarification from the grievants, interviewing members of GovCom (particularly those concerned about CFAC’s lack of transparency), interviewing members of CFAC and relevant administrators in the College Office and
consulting faculty governance experts. Most importantly, it would have meant addressing each of the violations cited in the grievance. The Grievance Committee refused to do any of that. A mere 10 days elapsed between the time the grievance was filed and the Grievance Committee’s denial. For several of those days, the grievance sat unclaimed in the mailbox of the committee chair. According to its own report, the Grievance Committee held a single meeting at which it met with the chair of GovCom, and it consulted minutes of a GovCom meeting from Oct. 2012, after the cuts had been made. That’s all. The resulting report denied the grievance without addressing the specific bylaws violations we cited. It simply ignored them. So doing, it failed the grievants, the entire faculty and the very concept of accountability itself. For her part, in the faculty meeting of Sept. 25, the chair of the Grievance Committee invoked strict confidentiality. She implored
the faculty simply to trust that the committee did its work fairly, and that its members — based on their high academic rank in the university hierarchy — acted in the best interests of the faculty. Based on the facts, I reject that call for blind faith. Indeed, the Grievance Committee’s own words reveal how flawed its decision was. In rejecting the grievance, the Grievance Committee wrote: “Since the Governance Committee has already deliberated and ruled on the issues contained within this complaint, the College Grievance Committee finds no cause to pursue this matter further.” However, there is no record of GovCom ever deliberating on bylaws violations such as those cited in our grievance, much less ruling on them. Further, GovCom has no authority to sit in judgment of such violations in the first place. That responsibility belongs to the Grievance Committee. In effect, the Grievance Committee shirked its responsibility by deferring to the non-existent authority of GovCom to sit in judgment of itself, ignoring obvious conflicts of interest. The most accurate word to describe bureaucratic logic of that kind is Kafkaesque. In upholding the botched report of the Grievance Committee, it appears that a great many members of the faculty believe that secrecy, non-transparency and pettifogging denial of due process for aggrieved members of the faculty are in the best interests of the institution. Their victory in the faculty meeting of Sept. 25 opens the door for the administration to pursue whatever predatory agenda it wants with impunity. I see things differently. Whatever differences have become evident through the tumult of the last year, effective and robust shared governance is essential to us all. Likewise, a non-functional grievance mechanism is a serious matter for everyone, especially when the issue pertains to fundamental bylaws violations. Jason Francisco is an associate professor in the Visual Arts Department. The extended version of this article can be found at www.
VINCENT XU Chimp Learn Good | Flickr
Mo and His Special Delivery
The Dawning of Medicine 2.0 DAVE MATHEWS The first generation Indian immigrant and son of an Indian nurse has some limited career options: Doctor. Doctor. Engineer ... maybe. Mostly Doctor. The archetype I developed was an older white man, with a large patient file in his hand, a long white-coat draped around him, in an office full of old medical tomes, solving complex puzzles and saving lives. Today’s doctor looks radically different. For one, The AAMC indicates that the physician workforce has undergone a healthy feminization and is currently at a sort of steadystate. Additionally, while it doesn’t reflect our population, the number of non-white physicians is growing as well. I can tell you from the inside of my lecture hall at the Emory School of Medicine, the diversity is meaningfully apparent. With a variety of skill-sets and life experiences, both cultural and technical, we educate each other as colleagues in more important ways than our pathology texts can. The health care environment we’re inheriting is a novel situation. It always is (that’s what science will do, see). The introduction of the affordable care act, a pervasive conscientiousness of sustainability (financial, environmental and otherwise), the advent of Big Data and more importantly, the ability to make meaning of Big Data is reinventing medicine in ways only Jules Verne would’ve guessed. The Wall Street Journal recently published a piece on the introduction of a new FDA approved device, Sedasys made by J&J, that makes the presence of an anesthesiologist at outpatient colonoscopies unnecessary. That’s right, robots over anesthesiologists. This pissed a lot of my anesthesiologist friends off. If this is reminding you of Ken Jennings vs. Watson, you’re on the right track. Watson wasn’t created to beat people at Jeopardy though. In February 2013 IBM entered into an agreement with Sloan-Kettering that will make Watson’s prodigious natural language processing skills and artificial intelligence available for doctors. Given a patient presenta-
tion, Watson will provide potential diagnoses and treatment steps, with a confidence score. Reportedly, Watson has all the knowledge of a second year medical student and has been mulling over millions of patient records fed to him by the folks at Sloan-Kettering. Interestingly, Sloan made a name for himself as the leader of GM with his pioneering work in planned obsolescence during the 1920s-1950s. His legacy lives on in a more pervasive, subtle and powerful way than even he might have guessed. A few months ago I started following Lisa Fields on Twitter. Apart from being a TEDMED moderator, she manages evening Twitter conversations with the hashtag #HCLDR (health care leader). Discussions often revolve around topics like patient-champions, physician error and personalized medicine. Physicians represent just a part of the conversation but it’s largely driven by patients, tech nerds, non-profit folks, members of large foundations, policy analysts, dedicated hospital social media reps and important folks in allied health. These people are engaging in a national dialogue about the current state and future of health care. It’s reflective, prognostic and solution-oriented. This is the health care milieu we’re about to own. And I haven’t even given you the demographics of the aging population and obesity — suffice it to say The Huffington Post isn’t the only group worried about our parents and our kids. So here’s what I’m predicting: Physician 2.0 will need to look more like project manager and less like a boutique artisan. Her time will be dedicated to providing the human touch to a largely automated, preventivehealth oriented care delivery model. She will be very much a team-player and constantly reminded of managing the health of a population versus that of a single patient. She will need to have a developed emotional acumen, along with a savvy for operating and interacting with machines. Her thinking will have to be bigger than an algorithm — she will provide the creative, out-of-the box solutions and diagnoses the machines won’t quite capture. She will inform the artificial intelligence of machines execut-
ing health care duties through clinical trials and acquisition of new knowledge. Her ability to coordinate teams of people in the management of care will supersede the need for her time to see patients one-on-one. The things that physicians have built specialty practices around via pattern recognition, particularly putting together a constellation of lab findings and physical exam signs, or even just picking up patterns on imaging or sample staining will largely be the job of quickly-adapting algorithms. Physicians will be around to catch the mistakes. For now, surgery may still prove to be an area where human decision making and the fine motor skills of the human hand are preserved, but machines will probably do your appendectomy in 100 years. The DARPA Robotics Challenge will see to that. People get scared sometimes when we throw around ideas of machines taking work from us. Will we become obsolete? That’s like saying, well, now that we have automated weapons, we don’t need police, or now that trains can drive themselves we don’t need operators. As a former grunt at a software company, I recognize that any system built by humans will be prone to failure. But it’s exciting to think that our machining and technical advancements will one day produce an environment where those failures are fewer. Where human life is prolonged to it’s healthiest extent. But we’re still playing catchup in ethics, empathy and economics in an unprecedented way. Our diverse cultural, social and technical characteristics as caregivers is the one source of hope I hold on to. I look around at the engineers, the former Teach for America corp members, the artists, the linguists, the speech therapists in our Med School class, and it gives me hope. Hope that we will be nimble and willing to adapt to our patient’s needs and our nation’s needs. Hope that we will be meaningful participants in reducing the cost, improving the quality and expanding access. This is the age of Medicine 2.0, let’s see if we can develop some Physician 2.0s to provide the care we need. Dave Mathews is a second-year medical school student from Atlanta, Ga.
They say an athlete dies twice, and Mariano “Mo” Rivera’s actual passing may just as well end up not surpassing his first. Mo’s season-long wake came to an end last Thursday evening. The Yankees were not clinging to a lead that night against the Rays, or even trying to preserve a tie ballgame, when Rivera entered with one out and two on in the eighth inning down four runs. The Yanks had also been eliminated from playoff contention days earlier, so apologies all around to the tri-state diehards who fantasized Mo’s final bullets would be spent blowing up bats in Game 7. (Actually, the removal of any stakes heightened the realization that holy smokes this is it.) He didn’t even finish the game, but that was to set up the moment. It was a nice touch when longtime comrades Derek Jeter and Andy Pettitte emerged from the dugout to remove Rivera with two outs in the ninth, like two schoolyard chums calling their friend back home after a long, but eventful day at the park. When Mariano handed off the ball to Pettitte, his fellow retiree, he embraced Pettitte and burrowed his face into Pettitte’s right shoulder. The brim of Mo’s cap obscured our vision, but everyone knew what was going on. Well, to an extent. Blessed with a buzz saw cutter, the kind of pitch where foreknowledge of its delivery often meant diddly-squat, all Mariano had to do was toss it in high and tight. After boring the league and its bats for ten years or timothy Appnel | Flickr so, some slight adjustments were made, and Mariano then began locating low and away. But it is true he was a cog, albeit one with In all seriousness, Mariano’s career was much a vicious bite, for a business valued well over more than toeing the mound, working that a billion dollars. Jeter and Pettite? Two other magic grip and rearing back. Don’t forget he competent and visible cogs who have worked is coming back from a torn ACL at the age in tandem for an unusually long period of of 42, making the 2013 time as the on-field campaign seem like an product. effortless full recovery. Collectively they I’ll stop waxing The point is we witnessed a spe- provided ideologicallypoetic over his greatsafe drama and intrigue cial (Mo) moment last week. for the tri-state area, ness before readers confuse this for a triband the nation for that ute piece. No, the point matter. Millions of fans is we witnessed a spevicariously rose and cial (Mo) moment last week. fell with each victory or loss, contests that do One wonders what Mariano was expe- not (should not?) have any real stake in their riencing during those moments of genuine respective lives. The results of said contests emotion. Joe Girardi may have enhanced it provide conversational fodder and are a reposa bit with his Jeter-Pettitte pageantry, but the itory of emotional allegiance in exchange for outpouring of emotion was genuine. money, a stimulating sporting escape. Perhaps he was overwhelmed by the conPicture the sneering anti-fan: “Sports are clusion of a lifetime of work, “sweat and dumb.” blood.” Yet seeing Mariano smile in surprise as Perhaps he felt blessed to be able to play Jeter hobbled to the mound while Pettitte a sport he loved as a (very handsomely) paid played manager and motioned for another vocation. relief pitcher, with rookie catcher J.R. Murphy Yes it is sad that his historic run of excel- dumbly looking along as the Legends conlence has come to an end, that an end-game ducted their stately affairs, one can’t help constant is no longer constant. (We’ll overlook but feel a moment of meaning watching the the fact he played for baseball’s money colos- guy cry. sus, a title which has since been swallowed up Associate Editor Vincent Xu is a College by the Dodgers.) senior from Central, N.J.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
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Arts&Entertainment Tuesday, October , A&E Editor: Emelia Fredlick (
Listening to the Legendary Heart of ‘Glass’ By Meredith Stedman Contributing Writer With the recent performances by Paul Simon and His Holiness the Dalai Lama soon to arrive, it’s hard to imagine that our campus could attract any more inspiring guests. However, among all these icons, I was most excited about the Sept. 25 arrival of renowned American composer Philip Glass. Throughout his three-day visit to Emory, Glass interacted with students and faculty in the music, dance and film departments. Among other events, Glass delivered a “creativity conversation” and a full performance with accompaniment from violinist Tim Fain, best known as the violinist onscreen and on the soundtrack of the 2010 feature film “Black Swan.” During his creativity conversation with Richard Prior, senior lecturer in the music department and conductor of the Emory Symphony Orchestra, Glass shared his sage advice with an air of brusque wit. He recounted his days as a student in Paris studying under his grant from the Fulbright Scholar Program. This led to a slew of amusing and motivating anecdotes, which often led to a tangent. His deep, crumbly voice and pleasant disposition engaged the audience of Emory’s biggest art aficionados. Glass’ music is typically described as minimalist, a genre that entails sustained rhythm, very gradual change and the frequent use of musical motifs. However, despite this label, he said that by 1981, the music he produced
Learning From Women of The Amazon By Emily Li Contributing Writer
speculated that it might be because of its intensely emotional background. Though Glass’ ideal day entails composing for hours, before the creation of “String Quartet No. 5” the death of a loved one prevented him from composing for a month. This kind of deep, personal connection to his work is what makes Glass’ music so unforgettable. That same memorability was proven at his sold out showcase in
There are only two ways the movie “Troy” could have been improved. One, if Brad Pitt had several identical twin brothers. Or two, if the producers had chosen to stay true to the original myth by including the dangerously beautiful, beautifully dangerous Amazonian women that fought fearlessly alongside the Trojans. Last Friday, the Michael C. Carlos Museum, free to Emory students, hosted a lecture titled “Warrior Women: Amazons in Ancient Greek Art.” The lecture was presented by Bonna Daix Wescoat, professor in the art history department. To be honest, I’d never been much of an art history person, so I wasn’t sure what to expect when I entered the lecture hall. Soft murmurs of conversation around me ranged from the early history of American art, a neighbor’s security system going off yesterday morning and recent coupon deals. Now and then I would hear a hushed whisper: “I’m so excited for this.” A garden of pearlgrey sculptures surrounded me: casts of lions baring their teeth, intricate floral designs that could have been growing into the wall, scenes of violence and love from ancient histories. Surrounding me were stories with
See GLASS, Page 10
See FINDING, Page 10
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
World-renowned American composer Philip Glass spent three days at Emory last week, during which he participated in a creativity conversation with senior lecturer Richard Prior and performed a concert with violinist Tim Fain. was hardly minimalist. In fact, when asked what kind of music he composes, he simply responded “theater music,” which refers to his work on operas, ballets and major motion pictures such as “The Illusionist” in 2006. According to Glass, the average person seems to resonate with his collaboration on films more than his other work. “I’m not going to say I write string quartets,” Glass joked. “I mean, what is that?” Glass said that 75 percent of his music is written for
dances, films and operas. Glass reminded Prior as well as the audience that music is about listening, especially during the creation process. “The fundamental activity of the composer is to listen,” he said. According to Glass, with a trained ear, listening happens after, during and even before a note is played. “Degrees are easy to get. The technique is harder,” Glass said while speaking about his earliest experiences with composing. He then com-
mented that one can only develop personal style after he or she has mastered the technique. Much of Glass’ advice could be applied to more than just the music majors in attendance. After receiving a degree, it is up to the student to gain experience. Only half-jokingly Glass assured his audience that with enough desperation, you will eventually accomplish something. Prior also inquired as to why Glass’ “String Quartet No. 5” had garnered so much recognition. Glass
‘Prisoners’ Surpasses Standard Thriller Film By Charles Kimball Contributing Writer Director Denis Villeneuve’s new film, “Prisoners,” is both refreshing and gripping in more than one way. The movie tells the story of two eightyear-old girls who go missing on Thanksgiving night and the parents and police officers who are caught in the aftermath. As one might expect, “Prisoners” is marked by unrelenting tragedy and hopelessness, managed by avoiding melodrama and superfluous theatrics (with the exception of a gunshot suicide). Watching the film, it feels as if the events on screen are real, the characters believable and the conflict heart wrenching: qualities that any movie should encompass but are scarcely found. Hugh Jackman is surprisingly well-cast as the film’s central character, the father of one of the girls. Over the years, Jackman’s acting career has become synonymous with his role in the “X-Men” franchise, where his hackneyed superhero character, Wolverine, is emotionally limited. In “Prisoners,” however, Jackman’s portrayal of a Pennsylvanian father willing to do anything to recover his daughter is remarkably authentic. Unlike in most action thrillers, Jackman’s actions are not justified by the end he pursues, nor is he an obvious anti-hero. Rather, the audience is intentionally made to feel unsure of each character’s respective morality and motives up until the end. The film does not hinge on formulaic plot twists akin to an Agatha
Christie novel. Additionally, Jake Gyllenhaal’s (“Brokeback Mountain”) performance as the detective handling the case was anything but stereotypical. The film’s intricate dialogue worked brilliantly in developing his character, who becomes more and more invested in the case as the plot progressed. In addition to the acting, “Prisoners” succeeds by setting itself apart from any specified genre and its cinematography is laudable. “Prisoners” and similar titles, such as “Zodiac,” have emerged as a subgenre of mystery: dramas that are well executed and void of a definitive quality that reminds you you’re watching a movie. Good movies exhibit genuine acting and a plot that is tethered to some version of reality — relatable, yet fantastic in the emotions and ideas they convey. “Prisoners” encompasses all of these basic qualities and is well-executed. Roger Deakins (“Skyfall”), the film’s cinematographer, understands how to set the mood and triumphs during the rare moments characters are not on screen. In one scene, the camera moves forward through the woods on ground level as a search party looks for the missing girls. The feeling of despair is tangible in the surrounding darkness, as if we too are becoming lost. The camera then pans overhead in full view of police flashlights that fail to illuminate the enveloping night. In this way, “Prisoners” adopted a
See PRISONERS, Page 10
Theater Emory Play Questions Gender, Identity By Sierra Cortner Contributing Writer Fervently-played fiddles followed by funky, discotheque beats filled my ears last Saturday night as Emory’s thespians graced the Schwartz Center’s Theater Lab clad in greyon-grey ensembles paired with black ballet flats and canvas low tops. At the center of this musical intro stood College senior and the evening’s DJ, Cody Read, blasting a unique introduction to I am not that I play (gender and disguise), a Shakespeare-meets-modern performance adapted and directed by Chair and Professor of Theater Studies Tim McDonough.
I am not that I play (gender and disguise), which opened on Sept. 26 and runs through Oct. 6, examines the deception of past Shakespearean performances, which granted the roles of women to men. It toys with this idea so that the leading ladies of Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It, Twelfth Night and Cymbeline mask their genders beneath boyish jackets, ill-fitting Elizabethan bottoms and, to the great amusement of the audience, a jock strap. And what is this gender reversal for? Why, for these brawny women to obtain an insider’s scoop on their lovers. Both wives suspicious of their husbands’ affections and women suffering from unrequited love take center stage, as do the symbolic rings that each of them possess. In a ploy of espionage, the ultimate truth (both external and from within) is revealed as Shakespearian female protagonists Julia, Portia, Rosalind, Viola and Imogen embark on a journey that goes far beyond the superficial composition of one’s body and their lovers’ treatment of each of their
Courtesy of Theater Emory
College senior Jake Krakovsky (left) and College freshman Carys Meyer (right) in Theater Emory’s I am not that I play (gender and disguise). The production was directed by Theater Studies Chair Tim McDonough. rings: the grander journey involves learning where you stand in a society built on the dominance of one’s outer being. The ability to stray from the prim and proper behavior bestowed and expected of Elizabethan ladies provides a segue to this ultimate, as well as home-hitting, truth. Though the modernity of the musical interludes ranged from Nat King Cole’s “L-O-V-E” to the background of LMFAO’s “Party Rock Anthem,” the dances were Elizabethan. The cast received instruction from Associate Professor John Ammerman, an Elizabethan movement coach, and Atlanta-based
choreographer Susan Eldridge, an Elizabethan dance instructor, in preparation for the public performances. This era-faithful guidance shone through with each side step, twirl and curtsy performed by the cast. As College freshman Carys Meyer, the fresh face of The Merchant of Venice’s Portia, described the show’s creation: “Tim [McDonough] had a distinct vision for the play but allowed us to discover our characters on our own.” It was that distinct vision that allowed the cast of I am not that I play (gender and disguise) to break the fourth wall and enter the audience in a manner that incorporated
the viewer in the play. Mere feet away from my seat, thespians firmly cried out their lines. The annunciations left me breathless. And the emotion beneath each Shakespearean stanza re-envisioned the plain pages of early English literature. And, alas, after the denouement, this breaking of the fourth wall led to an open invitation for audience members to join the flamboyant, Elizabethan-attired actors onstage. The performance space became an exhibition of their well-rehearsed dance moves, the colorful beams of
See I AM, Page 10
Nothing Will Be the Same With Drake’s New Album By Jordie Davies Staff Writer WARNING: This article contains sensitive material. At least, that’s Twitter’s general consensus on Drake’s new album, Nothing Was the Same. With strong beats, a slow, soulful sound and sappy
subject matter, Drake has truly hit his stride with this third studio album. The album opens with “Tuscan Leather,” a bold, six-minute track that starts with Drake quickly getting all the ego business out of the way — he’s the best, everyone knows it. But the song goes a bit deeper: Drake isn’t just rapping, he wants people to
understand he’s changing the game, living his dream and doing what he wants despite his haters. He raps about his success as if it’s a given: “This is nothing for the radio, but they’ll still play it though / ‘Cause it’s that new Drizzy Drake, that’s just the way it goes.” The song has no chorus, no hooks, no catchy beat, but Drake
knows the fans want it anyway. “Tuscan Leather” ends with a quote from soul legend Curtis Mayfield’s 1987 performance in Montreux, Switzerland. Mayfield explains: “We’d just like to close off with something a bit inspirational. Hopefully something a bit relevant to us all having the same fears, shedding
similar tears and of course, dying in so many years. It don’t mean that we can’t have a good life. So we’d like to just maybe close out with something, some food for thought.” That introspective, sensitive vibe on “Tuscan Leather” sets the tone for the rest of Nothing Was the Same. Drake is certainly giving his fans
something to think about, and it may be their exes. In his song “Furthest Thing” he addresses leaving a love behind for his music — and “nothing was the same.” But Drake doesn’t regret what he’s left behind, as he is making huge strides in his career,
See DRAKE, Page 10
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Glass Looks Back, Moves Forward in Concert to experience. Glass played “Wichita Vortex the Emerson Concert Hall on the Sutra” with the recorded voice of evening of Sept. 27. Glass played Ginsberg. some of his most recognizable works, The performance elicited a few including the beautifully haunting chuckles, followed by a standing ova“Metamorphosis No. 4” and “Etude tion from the audience. No. 2.” It was an amazing and unique Curved over the piano, with pos- experience to hear such an accomture that suggested countless hours in plished musician play his own origithis same position, Glass was in his nal work. All of Glass’ composielement. His piano tions possess a similar solos were poweremotional quality. Both artists’ bodies ful and lingering, moved seamlessly with After each last note and his duets with resounded, there was Tim Fain resem- the composition, feeling a moment of silence bled a carefully the intensity of the piece before the audience chor e og r aphe d in individual yet compli- erupted into applause. dance. Both artOnce there was time mentary ways. ists’ bodies moved enough for a man in seamlessly with the front rows to utter the composition, feeling the intensity the word “beautiful” before the crowd of the piece in individual yet compli- applauded. mentary ways. Glass played each of his pieces The audience could see Glass’ stunningly, but beyond that, he openpersonality and sense of humor creep ly appreciated the performances by into the showcase. In the 1980s, Glass Fain, nodding his head in satisfaction collaborated with his late friend, the as Fain played. famous poet Allen Ginsberg, on “That guy can play violin,” Glass “Wichita Vortex Sutra.” remarked with a grin as Fain left the The piece was an artful melding stage. of Glass’ poignant piano composition At the close of the showcase, when and Ginsberg’s excited and humor- Glass announced that he and Fain ous recitation of an original anti-war would each be playing once more poem. piece, the man sitting to my left When Ginsberg died in 1997, actually clenched his fists in delight Glass said that for a long time he and muttered a hushed exclamation could not imagine performing the of victory. piece without him. Needless to say, Glass has an However, he eventually found the enthusiastic and devoted fan base vitality to share the brilliance of the here at Emory. — Contact Meredith Stedman piece again, a development that the at Emory crowd was fortunate enough
Continued from Page 9
Courtesy of Wikipedia
Drake’s latest effort, Nothing Was the Same, was released on Sept. 20. This is Drake’s third album and features work with artists such as Sampha and Jay-Z.
Drake Returns, Both Unapologetic and Sensitive Continued from Page 9 and the song (as well as much of this album) switches between these two concepts. In addition to the deep, introspective tracks, Drake includes the radioready “Started from the Bottom” with its catchy, energizing hook. “All Me” and “The Language” are also sure to give other rappers a run for their money. These tracks are more of Drake’s nonchalant nod to his greatness, with him rapping “I don’t even really know how much I made, I forgot” on “All Me,” and declaring
that all he does is “smoke and f--k” on “The Language.” While Kendrick Lamar calls out other rappers in his verse in Big Sean’s song, “Control,” Drake is kicked back, relaxed and accepting success as it comes. But “Pound Cake/Paris Morton Music 2,” the product of Drake’s collaboration with Jay Z, is the strongest song on the album. The track is cool and complicated, opening with a line from Jimmy Smith that asserts “Only real music is gonna last / All the other bulls--t is here today and gone tomorrow.” Drake is truly working on his art
with this album, as well as addressing his personal issues. Jay Z’s verse talks about “cake,” referring to money, but also referencing Rihanna’s song “Birthday Cake.” It’s common knowledge that Drake and Rihanna once had a relationship, so perhaps this song is his way of reaching out to her. Drake challenges the idea that he doesn’t deserve his success on “Pound Cake/Paris Morton Music 2,” saying “F--k all that happy to be here s--t that y’all want me on.” Drake is unapologetic about his chart-topping career, no matter what the haters say.
Nothing Was the Same is Drake’s ode to those who say he’s never struggled, never worked hard for his spot in the rap game. At the same time, the album is a message to an exlover, sweet and sad about what was lost. Listeners will enjoy the mix of bravado and sensitivity we’ve come to expect from Drake. And remember kids: if you’re going through a breakup or missing your ex, listen with caution, and heed Twitter’s advice: never Drake and drive. — Contact Jordie Davies at
‘Prisoners’ of Villeneuve’s Work Address Internal Conflict, Consider Human Reactions Continued from Page 9 unique aesthetic style, proving that a murder-mystery or a heart-wrenching thriller can be so much more than a sensory experience. Rather, “Prisoners” is less concerned with engaging the audience in a superficially thrilling way and focuses more on painting a remarkably vivid picture of events that deal with the core workings of the human condition. On an interpretive level, “Prisoners” is concerned with exploring the nature of human instinct and reaction, shadowed by a heavily religious subtext. Jackman is immediately demarcated as a protective paternal figure whose mission in life is to protect himself and his family. When perceived obstacles, such as the legal system, get in his way, Jackman takes matters into his own hands. It’s not difficult to empathize with his character, but the core issue here is that he seems to take things too far. But it is only in doing so that he gets closer and closer to uncover-
Courtesy of Alcon Entertainment
Jake Gyllenhaal (far left) plays Detective Loki, who is charged with the task of recovering the daughter of Keller Dover, played by Hugh Jackman (far right) after she is kidnapped. Directed by Denis Villeneuve, ‘Prisoners’ was released worldwide on Sept. 20. ing the truth about what happened to his daughter. Jackman can protect his family or cleave to the moral principles established by society and organized religion — but not both. “Prisoners” presents this dilemma in a highly sophisticated way; the film ends with a false sense of
resolution because the moral implications of Jackman’s actions throughout the movie have not been confronted but merely steamrolled by an evolving plot line that finally reaches fulfillment. The film also asserts that the way in which we spontaneously react to
different situations determines who we are. Despite preventative efforts to protect his family and be prepared for anything, the audience sees the true nature of Jackman’s character when he is actually forced to do just that. This reality, while arguably pre-
dictable, challenges our notions of what it means to be a good father and, by extension, a good person. “Prisoners” succeeds because its authenticity works not only to present a realistic story but to challenge Hollywood norms as it consistently distinguishes itself from other titles
in similar genres. It doesn’t exactly break any barriers and it’s not a revolutionary work of art, but it’s about as good as dramas get, and worth the lengthy two hours and 25 minutes.
— Contact Charles Kimball at
Finding Truth in the Legend of the Amazons Continued from Page 9
Courtesy of Theater Emory
Amanda Camp plays Viola/Sebastian in Shakespeare’s classic comedy Twelfth Night, one of the five plays woven into I am not that I play (gender and disguise).
I am not that I play Blends Shakespearean and Modern Themes Continued from Page 9 light playing across the stage while hip-hop beats guided the audience’s painfully non-choreographed steps.
I am not that I play (gender and disguise) is a casual showstopper, playing off the concept of gender roles and their adamant strain on modern-day society. Yet, it avoided the overbearing
demeanor to which many plays with larger-than-life notions seem to fall prey. With casual attire playfully paired with Elizabethan garb and humorous verses, this play takes a unique approach to such a pressing topic as gender societal norms. Still, it remained relatable as well as memorable.
In fact, during my trek from the nighttime showing to my homestead at Longstreet, I couldn’t help but hum a classic feministic tune with a tiny, Shakespearean twist: “I am woman, hear me ... hear ye.” Welcome to Shakespeare reborn.
— Contact Sierra Cortner at sierra.briana.cortner@emory. edu
pasts, and now I felt like I was in one, sharing in the legend. A screen at the front of the room flashed a picture that dominated the topic of the lecture: a third-century Roman mosaic, featuring scenes from the Trojan War. Legend tells that during this war, Menelaus and all of Greece waged war on the Trojans, supported by their Amazon allies, in order to take back the beautiful Helen. As Jasper Gaunt, curator of Greek and Roman art, said, “The subject matter could hardly be richer; it dives right into the heart of Greek mythology.” The mosaic displayed on the screen featured a moment in the war that transpired directly outside the great walls of Troy, when Trojan soldiers rushed to aid the Amazonian women, bearing the brunt of the attack against the Greeks. The warrior women in this mosaic are well-armed, gripping their distinctive double-edged battle axes and crescent-shaped shields, beautiful even in the face of defeat. Wescoat discussed the evolution of the Amazons’ wardrobe, describing how they were initially represented in traditional Greek hoplite armor. In the later fifth and sixth centuries, they began to adopt the dress of Thracians and Scythians. I doubt anyone could pull off leather pointed caps, pattern body stockings exposing one breast, richly decorated wool tunics and leather animal skin boots quite as well as they did. According to legend, Wescoat explained, the Amazons’ prowess in battle was matched only by their beauty (and, apparently, fashion sense). Wescoat said that though the Amazons are not physically monstrous, they are quite conceptually monstrous, because they threaten the
Courtesy of Michael C. Carlos Museum
ancient Greek very-male concept of the ordered cosmos. She explained further that “their subversion comes not from being women, but in being women who assume the roles of men.” Wescoat mentioned that Thales, a respected pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, discussed three blessings he was grateful for: “First, that I was born a human being and not one of the brutes; next, that I was born a man and not a woman; thirdly, a Greek and not a barbarian.” Though this is a polar concept that may be laughably antiquated, it’s striking how prevalent that kind of thinking remains in our society. As Elizabeth Wallace, a second year Emory Law student, commented after the lecture: “There’s really not that much art or literature which really prominently features females.” Too often, we separate these pieces of history into black and white, straight and gay, men and women. Though this separation is not as obvious now, it’s still an issue that needs to be addressed in our generation, and we can partly assess how we’re doing based on the kind of ideas our art represents. Another absorbing topic was a scene that also spoke to artists and sculptors of the time period. The scene is captured in a variation of the same Roman mosaic. As the battle rages around them, Achilles lifts Penthesilea — the Amazonian queen – from the ground. Wescoat
told how some stories say as he struck the dying blow to her breastplate, he removed her helmet and fell in love with her beauty. On the other hand, some say Penthesilea was already mortally wounded when Achilles arrived. Thus, the scene captures him searching the battlefield in vain. This tender moment in the face of the chaos and fury of the Trojan War was a favorite among artists, scholars and sculptors. It’s easy for the average Emory student to brush off such a lecture as distant and inapplicable to his or her life, but this feeling can be solved by simply studying the mosaic a little closer and realizing the fantastic stories spun around a scene frozen in time. We can all strive to be as passionate and furious in what we do that we occasionally flip a Greek warrior onto his head. We can all try to be as alluring as Penthesilea, winning the greatest Greek warrior of myth over with a single dying glance. We can all appreciate the Amazons for challenging the assumptions and stereotypes of ancient Greek society and inspiring young women to pursue their goals with the same disregard for the status quo. We can all be inspired by the Amazons. But unfortunately, we can only try to pull off animal print body stockings.
— Contact Emily Li at
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
agle xchange TUES 1
“I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it. And I was really... I was alive.”
1. We at On Fire Are Stupid Case in point: your current On Fire correspondent only made it through about one and a half seasons of “Breaking Bad” before Sunday’s finale. He/she/it watched the finale anyway, and it was beautiful.
vs. Carnegie Mellon & New York University 10:30 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. Greater Louisville Classic 10:45 a.m. Louisville, Ky. Greater Louisville Classic 11:30 a.m. Louisville, Ky.
2. We at On Fire Are Masochistic
Courtesy of Emory Athletics
Senior Sarah Taub (back) approaches the ball. Taub helped lead the Eagles to a sweep at the Emory Tournament last weekend.
Andrejchak, Price Come Up Eagles Go Unbeaten at Emory Tournament Clutch In Close Victory Continued from the Back Page
Continued from the Back Page said. “Games like that can sometimes build more confidence than a game where the team is playing really well and you win by three goals.” Emory Head Coach Sonny Travis was impressed by the play from both teams. “Our scouts said this is one of the better Millsaps teams in a long time,” he said. “They have three foreign players who are all very dangerous. They came in and gave us a good battle.”
Millsaps’ Head Coach Steve Voltz was similarly encouraged. “It was a good game between two good teams,” Voltz said. Despite ranging emotions, this win brought the team’s record to a strong 7-3, and that win was made bigger by its placement in Swoop’s Week. “You always want to win your homecoming game,” Travis said. “We got a gut check and rose to the occasion.” — Contact Zak Hudak at
with double-digit kills. Erwin continued her outstanding defensive efforts, posting 18 digs. Emory’s opponent for the Saturday afternoon game was the 6-10 Lynchburg Hornets. This match proved to be much easier than the morning game, as the Eagles won in three straight sets (25-17, 25-16, 25-18). Holler finished with a .556 hitting percentage, registering 11 kills. Emory led in just about every major category, leading in hitting percentage .333 to .053, blocks 9.0 to 4.0, and digs 45-40.
By winning this match, Emory extended its winning streak to eight games, going undefeated in the past two weekend home tournaments. Emory finished first in the tournament, going 4-0, while Cornell College finished second at 3-1, then Randolph-Macon in third at 2-2 and Lynchburg at 1-3 with Brenau finishing last at 0-4 on the tournament. For their outstanding performances, three Eagles took home honors for the weekend: Holler and Erwin each earned a spot on the All-Tournament Team, while sophomore Sydney Miles won MVP. In addition, McDowell praised senior Sarah Taub.
“[She was] fantastic all weekend,” McDowell said. “She is doing a great job of leading the team both on and off the court. She is a winner and her competitive spirit is infectious.” McDowell also praised this year’s freshman class. “It will be fun to see what the eight of them can accomplish over their careers,” she said. Emory takes its 18-1 record on the road next weekend as the team begins University Athletic Association (UAA) conference play at the UAA Round Robin on Oct. 5-6 at Case Western University in Ohio. — Contact Ethan Morris at
Women Win Two, Improve to 7-2-1 On Season Fleischhacker Leads Squad At Charlotte Invitational
Continued from the Back Page
maintain a shutout throughout the game. Together, Arnold and Pelura engineered the Eagles’ third-straight shutout, and fourth shutout overall in the season. In their following game, Emory took on Centre. The win buffered the Eagles’ record to 7-2-1. Emory had possession of the ball for the majority of the first half, with 13 shots to show against none for Centre. With only a minute left of play in the first half, senior defender Lauren Drosick was able to gain possession of the ball in her own defensive end and advance it all the way down to the opposite end of the field. As she reached Centre’s 18-yard box, she found Rodriguez, who finished the play, firing a shot into the lower right corner of the net. This goal marked Rodriguez’s
second goal of the season, and put Emory in the lead as the first half concluded. Scoring with seconds left in the half was no new feat for Rodriguez, who the day before also scored with 35 seconds left in a half. As the second half unfolded, Centre was able to quickly answer Emory’s lead. After Arnold made a save, the Colonels controlled the rebound and proceeded to shoot and score off the play to tie the game at 1-1. Almost 20 minutes later, the Eagles took back the lead off of a corner kick. Rodriguez took the kick to find senior center-midfielder Kelly Costopoulos, who then redirected the ball for junior center-midfielder/ forward Meredith Doherty. Doherty eventually found the back of the net for the first goal of her career. Six minutes later, Rodriguez again converted a corner kick into a scoring opportunity when she assisted sopho-
more midfielder Jordan Morell. This counted as Rodriguez’s second assist for the day and Morell’s first goal of the season. The score stood at 3-1 for the rest of the game. Emory totaled 37 shots to Centre’s five, including an 18-2 shots-on-goal advantage in favor of the Eagles. In their two weekend home wins, the Eagles recorded a total of 73 shots over their opponents’ combined 10 shots. “It was a good game because it was the first time that our opponent came back after we scored the first goal,” Patberg said after the win. Next, the Eagles will host their first University Athletic Association game of the season when they face off against third-ranked rival Washington University in St. Louis (Mo.) at home on Oct. 6 at 1:30 p.m. — Contact Zoe Elfenbein at
Continued from the Back Page out of 48 in the 8k. In first place, junior Patrick Crews had a time of 27:12 while freshman Austin Hunt followed with a time of 27:21 and Jake Schlessinger rounded out the top three with a time of 27:35. Great runs from sophomore Andrew Drumm and freshman Sam Cohen accounted for Emory’s win at 15 points. The Emory women’s team, ranked 33rd in Division III finished with 127 points out of 17 teams. Columbus State claimed first place with 78 points followed by UNC-Pembroke in second place with 96 points. Senior Emily Caesar had a personal-best 6K time of 22:32 giving her the ninth spot out of 117 numbers. Junior Marissa Gogniat finished with a time of 22:41 placing 11th and junior Elise Viox and fresh-
man Sophie Cemaj contributed to the team’s score. In the Green Division race, the Emory women cinched first place out of three teams with 17 points. Junior Ashley Stumvoll finished first for the Eagles and third overall out of 43 contestants with a 6K time of 23:35. “We had around 10 PRs,” sophomore runner and Wheel reporter Lydia O’Neal said. “Overall, we ran really well, but we didn’t place as well as we should have.” O’Neal continued: “Our top five is solid, but six to 10 up in the air.” Emory competes again this Saturday, Oct. 5 at Greater Louisville Classic, one of two meets before the Eagles travel to Pittsburgh, Pa. for the University Athletic Association (UAA) Championship races. — Contact Liza Atillasoy at
Team Opens Season With ITA South Region Championships By Alexander Del Re Staff Writer The women’s tennis team opened up its 2013 fall season this weekend at the United States Tennis Association (USTA)/Intercollegiate Tennis Association (ITA) South Region Championships. The Eagles traveled to Sewanee University in Sewanee, Tenn. “We have been playing well considering we have only had a couple weeks of practice,” Head Coach Amy Bryant said. “I am pleased with our performance and our competitive spirit. I’m also pleased with the great team dynamic.” The Eagles had 11 entrants in the singles draw and six pairs competing in the doubles tournament. Sophomore Beatrice Rosen was seeded first out of 45 players in the singles draw. Making her college debut, Michelle Satterfield received the second seed in the draw. “I think we are definitely trying to set the tone as far as our team dynamic goes and the way we compete,” Bryant said. “We are setting our team identity.” The Eagles were dominant on the first day of play with all of their entrants advancing through the draw. Bryant was very happy with her team’s performance. “Everyone has done a nice job just getting through the first day of the tournament,” Bryant said. “We had 11 singles players and six doubles teams enter, and we did not lose a single match the first day ... It shows the focus we have as a team.” After a first round bye, Rosen
On Fire
Gordin Intercollegiate TBA Columbus, Ohio
didn’t drop a game in her season debut, besting Sarah Carter of Covenant College 6-0, 6-0 in the second round. Satterfield was perfect as well, winning 6-0, 6-0 against Molly McElvogue of Centre College (Ky.). Gordon and freshman Melissa Goodman both advanced after their first round byes. The Eagles were solid throughout doubles play as well. Senior Brenna Kelly and Goodman advanced to the quarterfinals with an 8-0 win a first round bye. Doubles partners Rebecca Siegler and Satterfield earned an 8-3 win. After the second day of competition only Eagles remained standing. All four singles semifinalists and both final doubles pairings were Emory athletes. “The four players who made it to the semi-finals — Madison Gordon, Beatrice Rosen, Melissa Goodman and Michelle Satterfield — all really did a nice job,” Bryant said. Satterfield won a pair of matches on the final day of play to claim the USTA/ITA South Region championship. She would later win the doubles championship with Siegler. There were only Emory entrants on the final day of play. The first semifinal match was between Goodman and Rosen. Bryant said she was not thrilled by the idea of an all-Emory final. “I do not think it is ideal to play against your teammates by any means,” Bryant said. “We would much rather play against other strong competitors. If playing our teammates is going to give us the best competition possible, then we are willing to
Case in point: your former On Fire correspondent — who would be writing this column if he/she/it were not overseas — is a diehard Houston Astros fan. The Astros just finished the 2013 season with a record of 51-111, including a 15-game losing streak to end the year, good for a .315 winning percentage. You, your two best friends, the seven dwarfs and Cookie Monster could play 162 games against professional baseball teams and would probably win more than 31.5 percent of them. The Astros have been this bad for approximately five million years now, and many have taken the liberty of branding them the worst team ever. You current On Fire correspondent, however, presents a counterpoint: his University of South Florida Bulls. In the college football world, USF serves as the Astros to Alabama and Oregon’s New York Yankees (On Fire has been informed that the Yankees did not make the playoffs this season. There are no playoffs to make in college football, so the metaphor stands). The Bulls are 0-4 this season and have not even been close to being close to winning a game. In these four contests, the Bulls’ offense has scored 41 points. Opposing defenses — defenses — have scored 44 points against them. If the USF football team played in a bizarro alternate reality where opposing offenses could never come onto the field, they would still not win a game. Even the Astros have yet to discover a way to score runs on themselves, and for that, USF takes home the title of Worst Team Ever. Yet your On Fire correspondents continue to support the aforementioned teams because we probably have deep, unresolved commitment issues. 3. Inside USC On the subject of bad things, USC Head Coach Lane Kiffin was fired last weekend. Kiffin earned the special honor of being so incredibly poor at coaching football that the university decided it would be better to cut ties with him midseason, essentially forfeiting the rest of 2013, than to spend eight more games with him as coach. He also gained the honor of getting absolutely torn to shreds by USC beat writer Scott Wolf, who goes by the Twitter handle @InsideUSC. It appears that Kiffin may have killed Wolf’s puppy as a child, because as soon as the news went public the latter sent out a non-stop string of about 500 tweets absolutely slaughtering the coach from every angle possible, some more ridiculous than others. Examples: “I haven’t come across a #USC player yet who is sorry over Lane Kiffin news” “If you want specifics, Lane Kiffin was fired right outside Landmark Aviation terminal at LAX #USC” “A party last year at Lane Kiffin’s house in Manhattan Beach backfired when players found opulent nature of house a turn off #USC” Nine hours later, Wolf is still sending tweets. Calm down, Scott. All dogs go to heaven. 4. Playoffception
Courtesy of Emory Athletics
Sophomore Beatrice Rosen prepares to return a serve. Rosen reached the semifinals of the ITA South Region Championships last weekend. do it, and it makes us better.” Goodman advanced to the finals with a three-set victory over her topseeded teammate Rosen, 3-6, 6-1, 6-4. The other semifinal pitted Satterfield against Gordon. Satterfield fought hard to win this marathon match, lasting four hours and 40 minutes, 7-6 (1), 4-6, 7-6 (3). Despite the short turnaround Satterfield was victorious in the championship, winning in straight sets against Gordon, 6-3, 6-2.
Satterfield became the first freshman to win an USTA/ITA Fall South Region Championship since 2004. “Our two goals for this year are teamwork and toughness, and I think we did a great job of striving towards those goals this weekend,” Kelly said. In the lone doubles match Satterfield and Siegler defeated Goodman and Kelly in an 8-2 to win the draw. “I think that everyone on our team is serious about making everyone bet-
ter,” Bryant said. “Our ultimate goal is to be the strongest team we can be, and that comes from pushing each other day in and day out.” Satterfield and Siegler will advance to the USTA/ITA Small College National Championships in Fort Meyers, Fla. from Oct. 10-13. The rest of the squad will resume action at the Southern Shootout in Piedmont Park from Oct. 11-13. — Contact Alexander Del Re at
In case you thought the world made sense, tonight the Texas Rangers will be playing the Tampa Bay Rays in a playoff for the right to be in a playoff to decide who goes to the playoffs. Major League Baseball is a Christopher Nolan movie. 5. How does On Fire feel about the use of “Swoop’s Week” versus “Homecoming”? It’s a sensitive subject. 6. Goldfish Ranked 1. The snack 2. The fish 3. The fish as a snack
Tuesday, October , Sports Editor: Ryan Smith (
Alex Greven Recent Emory College graduate (‘12C) Alex Greven, a fouryear member of the Emory basketball program, will continue his career this fall when he competes professionally overseas. Greven, who played for the Eagles from 2009-2013 will be playing for Great Britain’s Tess Valley Mohawks, a Division I member of the English Basketball League. A lifelong basketball player, Greven has been looking forward to this moment for a long time. “Since I was a little kid, it’s always been a dream of mine,” he explained. He played a total of 97 games during his Emory career, starting 72 of them. A First Team AllUniversity Athletic Association performer, after making secondteam acclaim his sophomore and junior years, he finished with 1,268 points making him Emory’s No. 6 spot on the alltime chart. Asked about his time at Emory, Greven said, “Wow, I just loved everything about it, as terribly vague as it is. Just being a part of a team where everybody cares about each other. It was just like a second family.” Along with winning the UAA last year and making the NCAA Tournament as a senior, he had 66 double-figure scoring games with 17 games of 20 or more points. He has also been named UAA Player of the Week on four occasions and has the school’s second-longest streak with at least one three-point shot in 39 straight games. Preseason for the Mohawks has started, with the regular season set to start on Oct. 26. Academically, Greven majored in neuroscience and behavioral biology with a gradepoint average of 3.78. He is currently back home in WinstonSalem, N.C., training while he waits for his travel plans to be confirmed.
Christine Hines/Staff
Junior forward Charlotte Butker corrals the ball. Butker had three shots in the Emory’s 3-1 victory over Centre College (Ky.) on Sunday. The Eagles beat both Centre and Rhodes College (Tenn.) at home over the weekend.
Eagles Win a Pair Over the Weekend By Zoe Elfenbein Contributing Writer The women’s soccer team triumphed over Rhodes College (Tenn.) and Centre College (Ky.) to extend their home winning streak to an impressive 27 games. On Saturday, the squad won 5-0 against Rhodes and continued their efforts on Sunday, beating Centre in a 3-1 match. “In previous games during the sea-
son, we’ve had a difficult time finding the back of the net, but this weekend we scored a total of 8 goals,” Head Coach Sue Patberg said. Emory conquered Rhodes on Homecoming Day, where the Eagles tallied a season-high five goals. Within the first 15 minutes of play, junior forward Charlotte Butker established the aggressive offense when she scored the first goal of the day. Soon after, freshman forward
Cristina Ramirez followed up with a goal before the conclusion of the first half. Emory finished the half with a total of 18 shots, while Rhodes attempted just a single shot. The score remained 2-0 as the game entered its second frame of play. The Eagles did not let up after halftime. Senior forward Veronica Romero added a goal to the lead after taking the ball to the net unassisted
See WOMEN, Page 11
Squad Keeps on Rolling, Moves to 18-1
Men Finish In Third Place
By Ethan Morris Contributing Writer
By Liza Atillasoy Staff Writer
for the final shot and goal of the game, fastening the score at 5-0. The goal marked Bleiweis’ first assist of her career and Rodriguez’s first goal of the season. In total, Emory outshot Rhodes 36-5, additionally leading 15-0 in shots on goal. Sophomore goalkeeper Liz Arnold and junior goalkeeper Gabrielle Pelura split time in net to
On Saturday morning at the Charlotte Invitational, the Emory men’s cross country team won third place and the women’s team won fourth. Both teams competed in the College Division of the gold race with the Emory men’s team competing in a 16-team field, scoring 96 points. First place was Division II team Columbus State at 80 points followed by Georgia Regents with 82 points. Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) claimed fourth place at 145 points and University of North Carolina Pembroke rounded out the top five with 156 points. Emory senior Alex Fleischhacker led the team with his personal-best 8K time of 25:56, finishing 10th place out of 115 runners. Senior Eddie Mulder finished after Fleischhacker with a mark of 26:28 and 18th place overall. Freshman Michael McBane finished 22nd overall with a time of 26:41 while senior Hank Ashforth (26:48) and junior Tyler Cooke (26:49) also scored points for the Eagles. Freshmen Michael Sisario and Brandon Cromer also had strong performances. In the College Division Green Race, the Emory men’s team finished with three first-place finishes
within the first two minutes of the second half. Butker contributed another goal during the 55th minute of play after receiving assists from Romero and junior midfielder Claudia Rowe. The Eagles led 4-0 in the match, but maintained their offensive mindset up until the final minute of the game. In the last series, senior centermidfielder Samantha Bleiweis assisted junior forward Karina Rodriguez
Hanbo Hu/Staff
Senior forward Andrew Jones races an opponent for the ball. Jones had two shots in the Eagles’ 1-0 win over Millsaps College (Miss.)
Defense Key in One-Goal Win By Zak Hudak Contributing Writer On the last day of Swoop’s Week, the men’s soccer team beat Millsaps College (Miss.) 1-0 in a homecoming game that was scoreless into the last 10 minutes. Freshman forward Jason Andrejchak scored the winning goal on a cross from junior Dylan Price. It was Andrejchak’s third goal and ninth point of the season. The Emory defense allowed 14 shots from Millsaps, only two of which were on goal. Sophomore goalkeeper Abe Hannigan turned in a strong performance en route to his third shutout of the season. Post-game emotions among the players varied. “I think we played well,” Millsaps midfielder Lukas
Elmhammar said. “We could have put in a few and so could they. We made a mistake, and they scored.” Emory defender and midfielder Carl Credle was not completely satisfied with the win. “We played like absolute crap today,” Credle said. “We’ve got to come back really hard next game.” Still, the game didn’t fully rally the crowd at any point. The stands were loudest when the swim team ran out of the Woodruff P.E. Center wet and in swimsuits, cheering and banging their kickboards on the railing. “It was kind of a gritty game,” Emory midfielder Michael Rheaume said. “Neither team, for whatever reason, was able to get any sort of rhythm going.” Rheaume stressed that in low-
scoring games, both teams are under more pressure to take possession of the ball and attack the goal so they have as many chances as possible to score. When neither team is playing particularly well, the team that works harder usually gets the win. After a strong start to the season followed by tough loses to Oglethorpe University, Centre College (Ky.) and Berry College, this game may have been what the Emory team needed. “This last win meant a lot to the season because it was really one of the first games that we won simply because we put that extra little bit of effort into the game instead of being more talented or just playing better than our opponent,” Rheaume
The volleyball team continued its winning ways this weekend at the Emory Tournament, earning the victory all four of their matches against tough competition. The No. 4-ranked Eagles won 11 of 12 games on the long homestand and now stands at a superb record of 18-1 for the season. The Emory Tournament, which occurred Friday and Saturday, featured Randolph-Macon College (Va.), Brenau University, Lynchburg College (Va.) and Cornell College (Iowa) in addition to Emory. In the first game of the tournament, the Eagles faced off with the 10-5 Randolph-Macon Yellow Jackets, who threatened to end Emory’s winning streak at four games. The two teams, which fought to five games earlier in the season when Emory emerged victorious, battled back and forth, alternating set victories. The match came to a decisive fifth set, which the Emory squad won 15-11 to extend its winning streak to five games and evade an upset. The competitive match was a defensive clash, as Emory was limited to a .128 hitting percentage, while holding Randolph-Macon to a paltry .096 hitting percentage. Sophomore Taylor Erwin led the Eagles’ defense with a team-high 24 digs, along with junior Cat McGrath’s five blocks. Juniors McGrath, Leah Jacobs and Kate Bowman each finished with double-digit kills, while Bowman had her sixth double-double of the season, finishing with a dozen digs. Emory’s second match Friday night featured the Brenau Golden Tigers, who stood at 5-7 entering the game.
The Eagles’ high-flying offensive attack, bottled up against RandolphMacon, was fully unleashed against the Golden Tigers, as the squad cruised to a straight-set victory (2513, 25-15, 25-15). The Eagles led in hitting percentage at .423 to Brenau’s .074, led by McGrath’s impressive .750 hitting percentage. McGrath and Jacobs each finished with double-digit kills. The Eagles’ defensive effort was also strong, as Emory led Brenau in digs 31-21. With this match victory, the Eagles extended their win streak to six games. Saturday’s slate featured more tough competition for the Eagles, as Emory began the day with a morning match against the 12-2 Cornell Rams. After winning the first set, the Eagles lost the next two to the Rams, before winning the fourth to send it to another fifth set. The volleyball squad again displayed its prowess in pressure situations, capturing the fifth set and another exciting match victory against a feisty Cornell team. Coach Jenny McDowell lauded her team’s ability to win close matches. “I continue to be impressed by our teams ability to handle pressure situations, stay calm and play their best in the fifth game,” McDowell said. She continued: “Playing all these matches will pay dividends for us during the NCAA tournament. We are being tested and responding like champions.” The Eagles held a close edge in hitting percentage .217 to .202, but during the last two sets, the Eagles outhit the Rams .346 to .060. Leading the comeback was the junior trio of Jacobs, Bowman and Jessica Holler, who each finished
See EAGLES, Page 11