Since 1919
Emory University’s Independent Student Newspaper
Sterk, Faculty Clash Over ‘Sanctuary’ Label By JuliA munSlow Exective Editor
By Alex KlugermAn Staff Writer
More than 200 University faculty members called University President Claire E. Sterk to designate Emory a “sanctuary campus” and institute a policy to protect the rights of undocumented students in the third set of requests in less than three months asking the University to demonstrate support for undocumented students. The Feb. 1 petition, signed by 221 Emory faculty members, calls for the University to create a policy that would uphold undocumented students’ ability to study on campus without fear of detainment or deportation and to protect students’ information regarding their immigration status. It also asks Emory to act as a moral leader in the South — to take a stand against the deportation or detainment of undocumented students as it did against segregation in the 1960s. Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Lynne Huffer, who was involved in drafting and gathering signatures for the petition, sent the petition via email to Sterk, Interim Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Stuart Zola
University President Claire E. Sterk reaffirmed Emory’s prior commitment to supporting its undocumented students but will not label the University as a sanctuary campus in response to an Emory Sanctuary Coalition letter calling for Emory to adopt such a designation. Sterk’s Jan. 31 response to the Coalition — a group of students, faculty and alumni — came almost two weeks after the group sent her the letter requesting the designation and for the school to enact three policies that would demonstrate its commitment to its undocumented students. The term “sanctuary campus” remains undefined, Sterk wrote in her response, noting that such a designation “lacks substantive meaning for policy and practice.” Sterk acknowledged that the University’s reluctance to declare itself a sanctuary campus has been a “point of contention” among community members, and wrote that the interpretation of the term varies nationwide. Such a declaration “could have the collateral effect of reducing funding for teaching, education and research,
See ADmin., Page 3
See SAnCTUARy, Page 3
Christine song/staff
Rollins School of Public Health students listen to demonstrators share personal narratives of how President Donald J. Trump’s executive order on immigration affected them. The demonstration took place Feb. 2 between Asbury Circle and the Dobbs University Cener (DUC).
By AliShA Compton Emory Life Editor “No hate, no fear. Refugees are welcome here,” about 60 Emory students — the majority of whom were Rollins School of Public Health (RSPH) graduate students — shouted during a Feb. 2 demonstration to “stand up” and “speak out” against President Donald J. Trump’s executive order on immigration. Trump’s Jan. 27 executive order bans citizens of seven Muslimmajority countries from entering the United States for 90 days and indefinitely bars refugees from entering the
country. Organized by eight RSPH graduate students, the demonstration included speeches urging the crowd to support those affected by the executive order, and featured personal stories from Emory Muslims, immigrants and refugees. The event occurred in the area between Asbury Circle and Dobbs University Center (DUC). Students walked from the RSPH bridge at 3:45 p.m. and began the demonstration at 4 p.m. The protest included a moment of silence for the six individuals who died in the Jan. 29 Quebec mosque shooting, an open mic and
chants that denounced Trump’s order — “From Palestine to Mexico, border walls have got to go” and “No ban, no registry, f*** white supremacy.” Students from the Candler School of Theology Jewish-Christian-Muslim Dialogue class presented poems and personal narratives about how the immigration ban impacted Emory students. Assistant Professor in the Practice of History of Religions and Multifaith Relations Deanna Ferree Womack gave her class a half-hour break to attend and participate in the
See PRoF., Page 3
By Seungeun Cho Contributing Writer The executive director of Freedom University Georgia, an organization that advocates for and provides free college-level education and resources for undocumented students in Georgia, criticized Emory’s decision to not designate itself as a “sanctuary campus as “a public relations strategy” in a panel discussing civil and human rights Thursday night. The panel, titled “Activism and Inclusion: The Struggle for Civil and Human Rights at Emory,” attracted more than 150 students and faculty to Harland Cinema. It featured Freedom U Executive Director and Emory alumna Laura Emiko Soltis (12G), Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Lynne Huffer and Freedom University Georgia Board Member Charles Black. Soltis disagreed with Sterk’s, arguing that a “sanctuary campus” designation would be a concrete measure in protecting undocumented students. “A sanctuary campus is more than a symbolic gesture: it protects real human beings from unjust treatment,” Soltis said. According to Soltis, Emory Sanctuary Coalition — a group of students, faculty and alumni — will hold
NEWS StudentS InItIate
PetItIon to Create Korean Major at eMory ... PAGE
By Alex KlugermAn Staff Writer
ruth r eyes/Photo editor
Freedom U Executive Director Emiko Soltis, Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Lynne Huffer and Freedom U Board member Charles Black speak about human and civil rights Feb. 2. a walkout in the Quadrangle during Sterk’s Feb. 8 presidential inauguration at 10 a.m. to urge Emory to designate itself a “sanctuary campus.” The Coalition asked Jan. 18 that Sterk sign its letter demanding University policy changes to support undocumented students by her presidential inauguration. Even if Sterk signs the letter by then, the Coalition will still host the walkout as a “celebration” of the poten-
tial policy changes and the undocumented students at Emory, Soltis said. “We’ve helped changed the policies at Emory,” Soltis said, referring to the University’s 2015 decision to provide institutional financial aid to undocumented students with DACA status. Soltis said she hopes that Freedom U, which supports the Emory Sanctuary
See WALkoUT, Page 2
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University President Claire E. Sterk,with 47 other college presidents, signed a letter Feb. 2 denouncing President Donald J. Trump’s recent executive order on immigration. Sterk’s endorsement of the letter, which deemed the order a threat “to both American higher education and the defining principles of our country,” drew ire from student group Emory College Republicans (ECR). Sterk explained her decision to sign the letter in a Feb. 6 all-Emory email, writing that Trump’s action “hinders Emory’s ability to be a global research university and curtails our global impact.” She also reaffirmed that she would support all students and faculty members regardless of their faith or nationality. Some departments and faculty members also condemned the executive order by sending statements to University administration and signing an online petition. ECR President and College senior Christian Zimm denounced Sterk’s decision to sign the letter in a Feb. 2 statement on the group’s Facebook page, citing her action as part of
‘rIngS’ revealS ItSelf aS a frIghtfully horrIble floP ... PAGE 11
University administration’s “continued alienation of conservative students on campus.” College junior and ECR executive board member Julia Skyhar and Zimm said that Zimm’s statement, which defends Trump’s order as a temporary and necessary action to protect the country from terrorists, represents the ECR stance on the Feb. 2 letter. “The school administration is taking it upon themselves to impose their political beliefs,” Zimm said in an interview with the Wheel. “It’s quite hypocritical for the University to discuss diversity without really taking into account opinions that are different than [its] own.” Trump’s executive order bars Syrian refugees from entering the country indefinitely and suspended the immigration of citizens from seven Muslimmajority countries for 120 days. The letter by the university presidents’ characterizes it as “unfairly target[ing] seven predominantly Muslim countries in a manner inconsistent with America’s best principles and greatest traditions.” A Seattle federal judge indefinitely
See CoLLEGE, Page 3
SPORTS PatrIotS rally
to defeat falConS In SuPer bowl lI ... Back Page
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Compiled By Richard Chess emory Student ContrACtS tB EmoRy – A Goizueta Business School student was recently diagnosed with active tuberculosis (TB) and is currently undergoing treatment. The student is healthy enough to continue the treatment at his off-campus home instead of at a hospital, according to Executive Director of Emory Student Health Services Michael Huey. The University worked with DeKalb County Board of Health to find, contact and test individuals who may have come into contact with the student. The results of those tests have not yet been determined. Testing is being provided by Emory Student Health Services at the Goizueta Business School. TB can only be spread when the infected individual is within close proximity, Huey said. Senior Administrator for Emory University’s Office of Critical Event Preparedness and Response sent a Feb. 7 email strongly advising some students to receive a test to screen for tuberculosis today at the Coca Cola Commons. u.S. SenAte ConfirmS deVoS WASHinGTon, D.C. – The U.S. Senate confirmed Betsy DeVos as the U.S. secretary of education Tuesday in a 51-50 vote, according to The New York Times. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence cast the final vote to break the Senate’s deadlock, the first time a vice president cast a tiebreaking vote in a Cabinet
confirmation, The Washington Post reported. Senate Democrats contested DeVos’ nomination due to her limited experience with the public school system, The Post reported. Democrats also questioned her suitability due to her support for vouchers, which allow students to spend federal funds on private and religious school tuition, The Times reported. CAl. proteStS turn Violent BERkELEy, Calif. – A peaceful protest in anticipation of a speech by far-right commentator and Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos became violent when approximately 150 “radical protesters” began destroying property and punching people at University of California at Berkeley last Wednesday, according to The Daily Californian. Student group Berkeley College Republicans had invited Yiannopoulos to speak that night, but the University canceled the event after protests turned violent. A Feb. 1 campus-wide email estimated that protesters caused $100,000 in damages by setting large fires and breaking windows, the Daily Cal reported. President Donald J. Trump threatened on Twitter to cut U.C. Berkeley’s federal funding for not allowing free speech. Yiannopoulos announced Saturday in a Facebook post that he planned to reschedule his speech within a few months.
— Contact Richard Chess at
The Emory Wheel Volume 98, Number 16 © 2017 The Emory Wheel Dobbs University Center, Room 540 605 Asbury Circle, Atlanta, GA, 30322 Business (404) 727-6178 Editor-in-Chief Zak Hudak (404) 727-0279 Founded in 1919, The Emory Wheel student-run newspaper of Emory University in Atlanta. The Wheel is a member publication of Media Council, Emory’s organization of student publications. The Wheel reserves the rights to all content as it appears in these pages, and permission to reproduce material must be granted by the editor-in-chief. The Wheel is printed every Wednesday during the academic year, except during University holidays and scheduled publication intermissions. A single copy of the Wheel is free of charge. To purchase additional copies, please call (404) 727-6178. The statements and opinions expressed in the Wheel are those of the authors and Wheel Editorial Board or of Emory University, its The Wheel is also available online at
Last week’s editorial “Wary of ‘Sanctuary’ Status’ incorrectly stated that Obama’s executive order was enacted 2011 and gave legal status to undocumented students. It was enacted in 2012 and confers undocumented students with a temporary immigration benefit. The editorial also originally stated that Emory provides undocumented students with campus resources. Emory only provides financial aid to undocumented students with DACA status. Last week’s “SGA Splits Into Two Branches” misidentified SGA as USGA.
Compiled By Monica Lefton On Jan. 31 at 7:21 p.m., Emory Police Department (EPD) responded to a call regarding a theft at the Dobbs University Center (DUC). An Emory student reported her backpack stolen from the second-tier dining area. She left her backpack at a table at 5:25 p.m. to get food and returned around 5:30 p.m. to find other students sitting at the table and the bag missing. After searching the area, she was unable to locate it. The backpack, a green and blue L.L.Bean bag embroidered with her name, contained a MacBook, textbooks and a pair of Beats headphones, valued at $650 total. The case has been assigned to an investigator. On Feb. 4 at 5:32 p.m., EPD responded to a call regarding a theft at the Woodruff P.E. Center. An Emory student reported his silver iPhone 6s missing. He left his backpack behind a goalpost and played basketball on the first floor courts from 2 p.m. to 4:14
The Emory Wheel
p.m. When he retrieved his backpack around 4:15 p.m., the front pocket was unzipped and his phone was missing. The phone is valued at $600. The case has been assigned to an investigator. On Feb. 4 at 8:09 p.m., EPD responded to a call regarding public indecency at the Oxford Road Building Starbucks. An Emory student told officers that she arrived at Starbucks at 5 p.m. and sat inside. A black male of medium build who was approximately 40 years old and wearing a blue sweater, glasses and a black baseball hat, was sitting across from her. Later, he stood up, moved closer to her and exposed his penis to her. The Emory student scolded the individual and he apologized for his actions. She then told Store Manager Kieira Rogers about the incident, and the subject left Starbucks. Rogers told officers the subject is a regular customer and usually stays in the store for an extended period of time. Officers searched the surrounding area but were unable to locate the subject. The case
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— Contact Seungeun Cho at
directly harming our students, patients and the beneficiaries of our research,” she wrote. The University president reiterated that Emory would obey all federal and state laws in its efforts to support its undocumented students, and that student records containing private information would not be shared without a subpoena. Sterk thanked the Coalition for its advocacy for undocumented students. Before Sterk responded to the Coalition’s Jan. 18 letter, posters calling f0r her response appeared across campus. The posters included a copy of the letter adjacent to a photo of Sterk holding a sign that read, “I’m an unafraid educator with and for undocumented students.” The Coalition requested that Emory pledge lawful non-cooperation with federal immigration authorities, admit all academically qualified undocumented students regardless of their social status and guarantee support for undocumented students and students from mixed-status families. The Coalition had expressed dissatisfaction at Sterk and University
also said the DUC-ling is on schedule to open Summer 2017. FACE Co-chairs and College seniors Samantha Goodman and Katarina Bartel described changes to campuswide dining locations. The new food options include Dobb’s Market dining stations and Ray’s Pizza locations at the George and Irene Woodruff Residential Center and Cox Hall. At Dobbs Market, “Pasta Johns” replaced the “Global” section; the “Comfort” station is renamed “Southern Mains” but serves similar comfort food; the “Grill” now serves curly fries and mashed potatoes; the “Authentic” station serving traditional international food is at the former “Vegan” station; and the “Vegan” station is now next to
“Southern Mains.” Goodman and Bartel also said that Ray’s is the only on-campus dining location that delivers food daily to any building on Emory’s Atlanta campus from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m., noting that there is a $15 minimum delivery order. After receiving comments that the new DUC stations tasted better than last semester’s stations, as well as some criticism that Highland Bakery did not provide adequate amounts of avocado in its sandwiches and that Ray’s Pizza at Woodruff needed more healthy meal-swipe food options, Goodman and Bartel thanked attendees for their comments and said they would inform dining representatives of the concerns. FACE and Emory Dining collabo-
Coalition’s efforts to increase Emory’s support for its undocumented students according to a Jan. 19 Facebook post, will once again impact Emory. Huffer, who helped create a Feb. 1 faculty petition calling for Emory to adopt the sanctuary campus designation, urged white activists to listen to people of color. “As white people, we have a certain kind of racial privilege that puts us in a position of not listening, so I think that it’s especially important for white people to listen,” Huffer said. During the panel, Black, who was chairman of the Atlanta Student Movement between 1961 and 1962, encouraged the audience to unite against modern-day segregation. College freshman Adric Tenuta attended the panel to learn more about participating in activism. “I wanted to come so I could understand the nuances and intricacies of civil disobedience and peaceful protest so that I could participate appropriately as both an ally and a stakeholder within protest movements,” Tenuta said.
has been assigned to an investigator. On Feb. 5 at 1:56 p.m., EPD responded to a call regarding a theft in Raoul Hall. Officers met with an Emory student who reported a red envelope containing four $100 bills missing from a safe in his room on Raoul’s fourth floor. He last saw the envelope Jan. 30, and noticed it was missing Feb. 3. The room and safe were reportedly left unsecured for the majority of the week. Campus Life was notified. The case has been assigned to an investigator. On Feb. 6 at 1:14 a.m., two EPD officers patrolling a walking trail behind the Michael C. Carlos Museum found a yellow coin purse on the ground near the Mizell Bridge. The purse contained a plastic bag with a green leafy substance smelling of unburnt marijuana. The officers placed the purse and its contents in evidence at the EPD station.
— Contact Monica Lefton at
administration’s Jan. 18 refusal to declare Emory a sanctuary campus despite a Nov. 21 petition signed by more than 1,500 community members. After receiving the petition, Emory administration developed a Progress Report outlining initiatives to provide legal and administrative support and resources to undocumented students, in addition to financial aid and University-wide dialogues on the topic. Coalition members did not respond to requests for comment. The Wheel confirmed that Executive Administrative Assistant Dan Tucker sent Sterk’s response on behalf of the Office of the President via email Jan. 31 at 5:16 p.m. The Coalition had not responded directly to Sterk’s Jan. 31 email as of Thursday night, according to Seideman. The Coalition plans to host a campus-wide walkout during Sterk’s Feb. 8 presidential inauguration to urge Sterk to declare Emory a sanctuary campus. Julia Munslow reporting.
— Contact Alex Klugerman at
By riChArd CheSS Staff Writer Food Advisory Committee at Emory (FACE) fielded student concerns regarding food truck location blunders, and informed students about new campus-wide food options at Emory Dining this semester at its first Spring 2017 meeting Feb. 2. “Pasta Johns” moved from Cox Hall to Dobbs Market, and the “Authentic” section in Dobbs Market began offering traditional international dishes, due to student survey feedback asking for both more pasta and authentic food in Dobb’s Market. Emory Dining made the changes over winter break, Executive
Campus Chef Michelle Reuter told about 30 people in Winship Ballroom. Meanwhile, DUC-ling construction prompted food truck location changes. A student voiced concerns that food trucks weren’t parking in their designated locations. Associate Director of Campus Dining Chad Sunstein said fewer food trucks will be parking in their usual location near the Freshman Quad, due to difficulty of maneuvering through the DUC-ling construction site. Trucks will park near Harris and Complex Halls, Sunstein said. The Dobbs University Center (DUC) will be demolished over the summer, and Emory Dining is currently searching for a new venue for Mama Tiger, Sunstein said. The associate director
rate to implement the changes students suggest from FACE meetings and survey responses from undergraduates, Sunstein said, adding more than 2,000 students answer each annual survey. Goizueta Business School junior Josh Patashnik said he attended the meeting because he wants Kaldi’s Coffee to serve pumpkin bread yearround instead of seasonally. “I feel passionately about getting pumpkin bread at Kaldi’s,” Patashnik said. “I thought [the recent dining changes] were incredibly nice, and I can’t wait to see updates on pumpkin bread.”
— Contact Richard Chess at
Continued from Page 1 By AnweShA guhA Associate Editor A petition requesting Emory College of Arts and Sciences to create a Korean major has garnered 165 signatures in the last two weeks. College senior Chaesun Lee wrote and shared the petition on her personal Facebook profile and in Emory class Facebook groups about two weeks ago, along with a survey to gauge student interest in specific topics of Korean courses. Lee realized last year that no Korean major was offered, and hopes the addition of a Korean major would make Emory a more diverse intellectual community and provide more options for future students. “It’s not just about promoting Korea itself, but it’s really about expanding the view of liberal arts that Emory [boasts],” Lee said. “I think adding Korean as a major could be one [piece of] evidence to show other communities that Emory is promoting that [diverse community].” Currently, students can take Korean language and cultural courses, and declare a minor in Korean in the Russian and East Asian Languages and Culture (REALC) Department. Of the four languages offered through REALC — Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Russian — only Korean is not offered as a major. The Korean minor at Emory started in 2013, according to REALC Department Korean Language Program Coordinator Bumyong Choi. Should a Korean major be offered in the College, it is likely that more Korean classes would be offered and more faculty members hired, Choi and Kim said in a discussion with Lee. Choi and Korea Foundation Assistant Professor Sun-Chul Kim both expressed support for Lee’s initiative. Since its 2007 inception, the Korean Program at Emory has a “long-term goal” to gradually increase the number of both its faculty members and courses to make a Korean major feasible, Choi said. REALC Department Chair Julia Bullock met with Interim Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Michael A. Elliott Tuesday to inform him of the petition, Lee said. Lee said she wants to collect 500 signatures before presenting the petition to Elliott. She, Choi and Kim hope to gain those signatures and formally
Continued from Page 1 suspended Trump’s order nationwide Feb. 3, ruling that states faced “immediate and irreparable injury” in enforcing the ban, according to The New York Times. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals heard appeals from U.S. Department of Justice attorneys Tuesday evening and will decide the immediate fate of the order sometime this week. The Emory College Faculty Senate passed a Jan. 27 motion condemning the order on immigration, according to College Senate President and Professor of Pedagogy Christopher Beck. More than 200 Emory faculty members, including Interim Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Michael A. Elliott, also denounced Trump’s executive order on immigration by signing an online petition entitled “Academics Against Executive Immigration Order.” The petition, supported by more than 30,000 academic professionals and 62 nobel laureates as of Tuesday night,
Wednesday, February 8, 2017 3
The Emory Wheel KOREAN
send the petition to Elliott in April or May of this year, Lee said. She plans to publicize the petition more during Korea Week in late March, during which the Korean Undergraduate Student Association (KUSA) organizes various events throughout the week to celebrate Korean culture. “[I plan] on doing demo classes where speakers or even students can choose a topic and they can do a quick workshop — several hours — to see if people are actually reacting to it or not and give them a taste of what it would be like if Korean was a major at Emory,” Lee said. The survey Lee released alongside the petition measured student interest and explored which specific concentrations students would want to pursue should the Korean program expand. Of the approximately 100 responses in the survey, the most favored topics include Korean politics, Korean women’s history and Korean literature, according to Lee. A number of students commented online on both the survey and the petition to express support for Lee’s initiative. “There’s a significant number of Koreans at Emory and as a result the Korean culture and heritage is prevalent on campus,” College junior Kristi Yu said in an interview with the Wheel. “It’s disappointing that the College’s curriculum doesn’t reflect the students’ backgrounds.” Choi said that the University ought to offer Korean as a major at Emory because of the Emory’s special ties to Korea. The first international student to attend Emory was from Korea, and former University President James T. Laney was a missionary in and U.S. ambassador to South Korea from 1993 to 1996, Choi said. The professor added that there has been a more than twofold increase in enrollment in Korean classes at Emory since 2011, which demonstrates the student demand for Emory to offer more Korean courses, thereby hiring more Korean faculty members. “In 2011, we [had] around 70 students and five language courses,” Choi said. “Now, there are more than 20 classes, including language and content courses, [and] more than 300 students are taking Korean courses.”
— Contact Anwesha Guha at
deems the order “discriminatory and detrimental to national interests.” Elliot told the Wheel that he believes the executive action imperils the University’s mission to recruit the best students staff and faculty globally. “I believe there’s a consensus among College faculty that restricting immigration from particular countries will make it harder to afford our mission of producing knowledge and educating students,” Elliot said. “I think there are for sure faculty who are affected directly by the travel ban because their own family or friends are; there’s a great deal of anxiety.” Elliot said that he’s glad that the University is acting in the interest of its current students, faculty and staff. “I think we’re being aggressive [in making] the case to the larger public about why this [order] does imperil our mission,” Elliot said. The College dean said he received statements denouncing the order from faculty members in the Environmental
and Senior Vice President and Dean of Campus Life Ajay Nair. Huffer declined to name the other faculty members who drafted and coordinated the petition. Sterk received the letter by email Feb. 1, according to Associate Vice President for Media Relations Nancy Seideman. Nair replied to the letter in a Feb. 1 email, stating that he believed Sterk would respond to the petition directly and thanking the professors for their advocacy. The dean’s email included a link to a page detailing the University’s initiatives to support its undocumented students, but did not address the request for a “sanctuary campus” designation. Huffer and Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor Eric Weeks, the Physics Department chair, told the Wheel that Sterk emailed more than 10 faculty members who had signed the petition late Thursday night to call a Friday meeting in the Robert W. Woodruff Library. The president met with less than 10 faculty members to discuss how universities — including Emory — are responding to political issues such as President Donald J. Trump’s executive order on immigration, Huffer said. Sterk and the faculty members at the meeting also discussed the relationship between University administration and faculty members, as well as how the two parties could work together in a more productive, less divided manner, according to Huffer. The petition came up at the meeting, but the conversation revolved around broader issues, Huffer said. The meeting was constructive, Huffer said, adding that some faculty members had rearranged their schedules to meet with Sterk. Seideman told the Wheel Friday morning that the president would meet with faculty members to discuss the petition later that day. The next day, Sterk insisted that she had not done so, writing in an email to the Wheel that she regularly meets with “key members of the Emory community,” but had not called a meeting to discuss the petition. The president confirmed Monday that she held a meeting with faculty members Friday, but said the faculty petition had only been a subtopic.
Science Department and the Department of Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies. Goodrich C. White Professor and Environmental Sciences Department Chair Uriel Kitron said that some Environmental Sciences department faculty members felt the executive orders — including that on immigration — placed America in “uncharted waters” and that students, faculty and staff are worried about the country. “[The orders] call for a very strong response,” Kitron said. “Even though universities now are not directly targeted, we are very much on the lens. But beyond that, things we believe in are being threatened. And I think universities should be at the forefront of responding to them.” Julia Munslow and Leigh Schlecht contributed reporting.
— Contact Alex Klugerman at
“Certainly the petition came up and was discussed, but it was not the focus of the meeting. The focus was better communication between our administration and our faculty members,” she said in a statement via Seideman. The University administration’s response to the call for a “sanctuary campus” has been insufficient thus far, Huffer said. “There’s some movement around legal resources but nothing really concrete,” Huffer said. “It feels more like the ‘this is what we’re going to do’ stage.”
“Solidarity is not just simply empty rhetoric but complete action.” — Abdullahi Ahmed AnNa’im, Charles Howard Candler professor of law
Nair said Friday in a statement to the Wheel that the University has not adopted the designation “because of its connotation that we are willing and able to defy the law.” A few faculty members, including Huffer, conceived and drafted the petition early January, Huffer said. She declined to name other faculty members involved, and said that the group of faculty members spoke with Emory Sanctuary Coalition, an organization that has been asking for a “sanctuary campus” designation at Emory since late January, to develop the ideas behind the petition. Huffer sent the petition to other faculty members she thought would want to sign, and it “snowballed” from there, spreading by word of mouth, she said. “The faculty are central to what the University does,” Huffer said. “So it’s important for us to speak as a faculty.” Faculty members’ future advocacy efforts depend on what happens next at Emory and across the nation, Huffer said. The faculty petition came 22 days after the University’s decision to not designate itself a “sanctuary campus” despite its pledge to support its undocumented students. It follows both a Jan. 18 letter drafted by Emory Sanctuary Coalition calling on Sterk to designate
the University as a “sanctuary campus” and a November 2016 petition signed by more than 1,500 students, faculty, staff and alumni requesting that Emory protect its undocumented students. The signatures on the faculty petition accounted for about 7 percent of the University’s most recent full-time faculty count of 3,122. Of the 221 signatories, 157 were based in the College; 20 in Rollins School of Public Health; 16 in the School of Medicine; 11 in Candler School of Theology; eight in the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing; and one in the Goizueta Business School. No Oxford College professors signed the petition, but Huffer said that it had not yet spread to the Oxford campus. “Institutions like Emory who make commitments and that proclaim themselves as human communities when affected by those values must come into practice,” said Charles Howard Candler Professor of Law Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im, who signed the faculty petition. “We cannot just keep talking about inquiry and progressive forward-looking this and that when it comes to actual people’s lives … Solidarity is not just simply empty rhetoric but complete action.” Emeritus Asa G. Candler Professor John Lucchesi also signed the petition, citing Trump’s executive order as an “absolute lack of due process” and a “completely unthought-through gesture that needed to be counteracted.” “Emory has a vested interest in being an international university and having international connections and we … have a number of students who come from the Middle East and they should not feel threatened,” Lucchesi said. Sterk signed a Feb. 2 letter to Trump alongside 47 other college presidents and chancellors calling on the commander-in-chief to “rectify or rescind” his Jan. 27 executive order on immigration. The executive order on immigration, the letter reads, “threatens both American higher education and the defining principles of our country.” Michelle Lou and Alex Klugerman contributed reporting.
— Contact Julia Munslow at
Prof. Lets Students Attend Protest During Class Continued from Page 1 demonstration. RSPH second-year Shannon Clauson said she appreciated one student’s reflection about how the story of her parents — who fled from Vietnam to the United States during the Vietnam War — would be different if it took place today because of the executive order. “[The student] became very emotional as she … thought about what would happen if [her parents] had been turned away at the border,” Clauson said. “She is at one of the [top] universities in the country; she is studying public health … She is here to make our communities and our country better, and if her parents had been turned away at the border that’s one more person that wouldn’t be making America great.”
Laney Graduate School student Mohamed Amgad said that the “widespread empathy” expressed at the event compelled him to speak about the positive economic impact immigrants can bring to any country, including the United States, through their hard work and innovative ideas. All eight event organizers declined to comment. One day after the demonstration, a Seattle federal judge ruled Friday that two parts of Trump’s executive order — barring refugees and citizens of seven countries from entering the United States — could not be enforced nationwide. Seungeun reporting.
— Contact Alisha Compton at
The Emory Wheel
Faculty ‘Sanctuary’ Petition is Misguided Last week, the Wheel published an editorial praising Emory’s decision not to designate itself a “sanctuary campus.” This past week, 221 Emory faculty members signed a petition calling for the opposite. Additionally, Emory Sanctuary Coalition organized a walkout, set to take place this morning during President Sterk’s inauguration, in response to her rejection of the “sanctuary campus” title. Regardless, the facts haven’t changed — the “sanctuary campus” designation is still an empty label and adopting it would do more harm than good. Students and faculty are calling for Emory to adopt this label as a sign of solidarity against discriminatory policies toward undocumented students upheld by both the state of Georgia and President Donald Trump. However, some undocumented students themselves oppose the designation. Though well-intentioned, the petition’s call to adopt a politically charged label devoid of legal meaning may endanger current Emory students and turn the school into a target for Trump’s executive power. In their petition, faculty members claim the sanctuary designation must be adopted “to uphold Emory as a place of safety in which all of its members can pursue higher learning without the fear of discrimination or persecution.” However, rejecting the sanctuary label does not threaten
Emory’s ability to protect its undocumented students; Emory already protects them. Indeed, it is actually the decision to become a “sanctuary campus” that risks losing Emory’s state funding and jeopardizes the quality of all students’ education, documented and undocumented alike, the very “human right” the petition aims to safeguard. The faculty petition goes on to equate the current situation to Emory’s stand against segregation more than five decades ago, a misguided and dangerous comparison. Emory produced a petition signed by 250 faculty members opposing the closure of public schools in the wake of federally-mandated public desegregation in 1958 and fought Georgia state laws denying tax exemption to integrated private schools in 1962. While these were concrete actions with powerful ramifications, the “sanctuary campus” moniker is only a hollow symbolic gesture that would subvert the ultimate goals of both the University and its students. Faculty intervention on behalf of undocumented students is laudable. But the University and President Sterk have already vowed, on multiple occasions, to continue supporting qualified undocumented students. If activists want more protection for undocumented students, Emory’s administration should not be their target.
On Jan. 30, Emory Professor and Holocaust historian Deborah Lipstadt published an article in The Atlantic titled “The Trump Administration’s Flirtation With Holocaust Denial” that begins, “Holocaust denial is alive and well in the highest
quickly dismantles this idea, as no other group was as wholly and systematically sent to their death. Lipstadt believes this response by White House members can easily lead to more blatant denials of the Holocaust. If no one critiqued the White House response, their next open letter might imply less Jews were involved than thought, eventually leading to denial of the Holocaust entirely. It is possible that, as with any fact presented to the White House, Trump would not admit his error, and instead created excuses to justify his mistakes. But when the President of the United States cannot accept facts, it is the role of individuals with platforms, like Lipstadt, to hold him accountable. While Emory should not take a political stance as an institution, Emory faculty members must use their resources to challenge lies and misinformation, especially those promulgated by White House
faculty and peers when blatantly false presumptions are set forth by any government body. The article followed the Trump administration’s response to criticism of its Holocaust Remembrance Day press release omitting both Jews and antiSemitism. Reince Priebus asserted on NBC’s Meet The Press that he did not regret the word choice because not only Jewish lives were lost during the Holocaust. In a literal understanding, Priebus is correct that Roma, homosexuals, the disabled and others also perished in the Nazis’ camps, but his refusal to agree that anti-Semitism was central to Nazi ideology is troubling. Priebus’ interview ends by stating, “If we could wipe it off the history books, we would.” Lipstadt calls this kind of erasure “softcore denial.” When Priebus failed to mention the systematic annihilation of Jewish people during Holocaust, he attempted the de-Judaization of the Holocaust. White House Director of Strategic Communications Hope Hicks characterized the statement as “inclusive” to all lives lost. Yet Lipstadt
Lipstadt’s criticism was necessarily provocative. Steve Bannon, Chief Strategist for the Trump administration, has repeatedly called for the preservation of “American nationalist values.” Lipstadt’s response not only provided Jews in the United States with a platform to criticize cultural erasure, but also with a model for similar criticism to follow suit. Emory’s faculty must follow in Lipstadt’s style of open criticism, or erasure of history might become commonplace.
The above editorials represent the majority opinion of the Wheel’s Editorial Board. The Editorial Board is comprised of Anthony Chau, Annie Cohen, Duncan Cock Foster, Zachary Issenberg, Jennifer Katz, Josh Khalif, Madeline Lutwyche, Shemlah Naphish, Boris Niyonzima and Tarrek Shaban.
The Emory Wheel Zak hudak editor-in-Chief Julia Munslow exeCutive editor elana cates Managing editor Hayley Silverstein
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Volume 98 | Number 16
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Grant Osborn Days ago, pending Milo Yiannopoulos’s speech at the University of California, Berkeley, an event arose more controversial than any so far in the free speech debate. In lieu of standard protesters, launched projectiles and shattered windows. Per their wishes, Yiannopoulos’s speech was cancelled. Berkeley is the very institution that only half a century ago viciously fought for the right to free speech on college campuses. It is cruelly ironic that an event at this institution has, at least ostensibly, illuminated the demise of that same right. Though I have always been skeptical of the far-left, the word “fascist,” a term frequently promulgated by the right, seemed like a cop-out for people who only want to sling around provocative diction without any real meaning attribacceptable to use such a word. Protests are the tool of those seeking change through the spread of ideas, who confront their opposition head-on, and defend their ideas. Riots are the tool of fascists who want dissenters to be silenced; if they intend to gain any semblance of credibility, they not with tyrannical suppression. From the opposite perspective, Republicans just elected two weeks of his term enacting executive orders so nationalist that they would have seemed inconceivable just two years ago. It has become clear that those of us who occupy neither the far-left nor the far-right are now engaged in a two-front war to defend the rights enshrined within the very fabric of this country’s existence. I’ll leave the exploration of the far-left’s threat to free speech to the right, who will undoubtedly address this issue ad nauseam. Unfortunately, the very same far-right poses many of the same threats, perhaps not as brashly, but nonetheless sinisterly. The Wisconsin legislature, for instance, threatened to cut funding to University of WisconsinMadison for offering a voluntary program entitled “Men’s Project,” which “aims to explore masculinity and the problems accompait.” The legislature’s rationale? It “declares war on men,” as per Wisconsin State Senator Steve Nass. Surely Wisconsin has the right to pull funding, as do (private) far-left colleges which have made a habit of pulling speakers, but if this program truly amounts to a “war on men,” such a conclusion must be realized through vigorous debate. It should never be unilaterally decided by legislature and forced in a top-down fashion upon nonconsenting universities designed to be the very places where these debates occur. Groups such as Turning Point USA, which runs the McCarthian “Professor Watchlist,” now have a presence at our own university. Professor George Yancy of Emory’s philosophy department gained notoriety for his claim that “racist poison is inside of [Americans].” Agree or not, this quote was drawn from an op-ed asking for and demonstrating humility: in his own words, “I am often ambushed by my own hidden sexism.”
Certainly, Professor Yancy is an unabashed liberal, but the bulk of the evidence that he is dangerous and closed-minded towards conservative students comes from an out-of-context quote in an article in which he takes great pains to point out his own biases. The philosophy of suppression exists among the political right at all levels of engagement, as demonstrated by the ideas that Dennis Prager, notable conservative thinker, has propagated. Regarding high school reform measures, he suggested that clubs related to ethnicity, race or sexual orientation ought not be permitted; that classes devoted to racism, sexism, Islamophobia, homophobia, tobacco, global warming or gender identity ought not be taught; and that students should be forced to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. rectly in the face of well-established constitutional law, but they are contrary to free speech itself — only through conversation can the best ideas spread, because the only way to ensure that the best ideas win is by encouraging all ideas to be heard. Notably, Prager proposed that the topics to be excluded from high schools are those which increasingly archaic beliefs. The solution to such issues is not to avoid them, but to embrace and combat them head on; if Prager is right, then his ideas should, in the end, win out. These very same people on the right are often those who complain about the pervasiveness of political correctness and the harm it renders to open dialogue. But stretched to its philosophical extreme, these complaints waged against the left are, in the end, self-mutilating. Per Public Policy Polling, more conservatives are offended by the “P.C.” phrase “Happy Holidays” than liberals are by its counterpart, “Merry Christmas.” A similar parallel arose last year, when many conservatives decried the 2015 Starbucks Christmas Coffee Cups as an assault on Christmas by the politically correct left. In 2016, with the return of reindeer to their cups, unsurprisingly, there was a lack of corresponding outrage by those advocating for political correctness. Emory University students are no exception to this trend. Last year, during the Trump chalkings incident, no group advocated more incessantly (and correctly) than the Emory College Republicans that the importance of diverging opinions trumps that of sensitivity. Yet, only two months ago, the same group moved for the resignation of Dean Ajay Nair on the grounds that he was insensitive to those affected by 9/11 after comparing the moods of Emory campus postTrump election and the University of Virginia campus post-9/11. Waging a war of ideas on an ing. But in any war of ideas, only through extensive dialogue can ay idea can be rigorously tested for ments on rights and for judgements But on both sides of the issue, many resorted to playing ostrich or attacking others’ First Amendment rights. If we intend to move forward as a country and a people, we must recognize the valid philosophical foundations of those with whom we disagree. Grant Osborn is a College soph-
The Emory Wheel
Andrew Kliewer On Jan. 7, under a spitting sky with crowds of supporters cheering him on, Donald J. Trump faced Chief Justice John Roberts and swore to faithfully execute the ofStates. As the 45th president uttered the phrase, “so help me God” and lowered his hand, a new era dawned in American history and politics. While former President Barack Obama, who minutes ago had been the most powerful man in the world, sat behind him, Trump rebuked not only his legacy but also his entire governing philosophy. Painting a dire picture of a country in decline, Trump claimed that the federal government and politicians worked against the interest of the American public. “Their victories have not been your victories, and their triumphs have not been your triumphs,” he declared. “That all changes starting right here and right now.” While Trump’s victory shocked into the narrative set by recent events. A tidal wave of far-right populism swept across Europe this summer, with referendums and elections leading to the rise of farright parties which threaten the European Union’s very foundation. The same beliefs that animated the rise of these European parties — a distrust of international institutions, belief that global trade has nationalistic rhetoric — contributed to Trump’s election. As candidates once considered extreme gain support, centrist parties have
Anzar Abbas You may not think about him much, but Nicolaus Copernicus changed your life 500 years before you were born. Before Copernicus, people still thought the earth was the center of the universe. Copernicus rearranged the solar system and put the sun in the center, with all the planets orbiting around it. After Copernicus, Earth became just another planet. Did Copernicus rush out he roam around the streets of 16th-century Poland declaring his revolutionary remapping of the solar system? Nope. He kept it between himself and a handful of his colleagues for 30 years. Copernicus only saw time as he lay on his deathbed. Copernicus knew the Church would not tolerate his work. He knew that he lived in a Europe that would never believe the Earth belonged anywhere but the center of the universe. He knew the persecution he would face if he ever tried to remove Earth from where the Church believed it to be. Today, when we talk about the history of science, we refer to the period following Copercan Revolution. His remapping of the planets transformed our perception of who we are and what our place is in the universe. We don’t talk as much about the ignorance of the Church anymore, though there was plenty. We don’t talk as much about the resistance that Copernicus faced. In the end, the Church lost. Ignorance of science and reason lost. History is unforgiving to those on the wrong side of it. And history is a most reassuring consolation when we are surrounded by unrestrained, unreasonable and willful ignorance. The Trump administration is boasting ignorance towards science as we speak. It is denigrating scientists’ work beyond
found themselves squeezed by both the far left and right. Platforms such as Twitter and Facebook enable people to surround themtheir beliefs and aided the rise of a new generation of web-driven media outlets who favor quantity over quality and high click counts over fact-based reporting. Mainstream media sources have followed suit, increasingly resorting to sensationalism instead of facts While the crime-ridden, jobless, corrupt country that Trump described in his address may not exist in reality, it certainly seems real for those who receive their news from sources such as Breitbart, which has published headlines ranging from “Hillary Clinton Received Secret Memo Stating Obama Admin Support for ISIS,” to “Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy.” Trump embraced these sources, re-tweeting articles with questionable accuracy and even appointing Breitbart’s former head Steve Bannon, who recently stated the media should “keep its mouth shut,” as chief strategist and a replacement for top generals on the National Security Council. Meanwhile, he repeatedly threatened outlets investigating him, dismissing The New York Times as “fake news,” revoking the access of Washington Post reporters to his campaign and insulting reporters who stood feet away from him at rallies. Trump subscribes to an alternate vision of American politics, where electthe media rather than vice versa. This distorts Americans’ views and prevents necessary policy dis-
cussions and debates to address serious problems. Contrary to Trump and his supporters’ beliefs, the United States is not a nation in decline. Under the Obama administration, the U.S. saw a record 75 months of job growth, climbing from one of the worst recessions in history to full employment. The rate of uninsured Americans dropped to a new low, crime rates fell and the United States continues to spend more on its military than the next eight nations combined, in contrast to Trump’s claims of a “depleted” military. The facts don’t support Trump’s alarmist rhetoric on refugees or immigrants either. Since 2009, the total number of illegal immigrants in the US remained largely constant, and those here are no more likely to commit crimes than US citizens. In the past 40 years, the number of fatal terrorist attacks in this country by foreign refugees remained at a steady zero. This is not to say our country faces no problems. Income inequality is at record levels, leading to the wealthiest one percent of Americans controlling the greatest percentage of US wealth since 1928. A combination of international trade and automation led to the decline of American manufacturing jobs, with 5 million disappearing since 2000. However, it is far from clear that the knee-jerk reaction of slapping tariffs on foreign goods and withdrawing from trade agreements leads to better outcomes. International trade caused rises in living standards for the vast majority of Americans, boosting the US economy by over $1 trillion since 1945. Across the world, trade gains become even more pronounced.
their imagination. Evidence and reason are no longer of value. Our new administration, it seems, wants to ignore facts and instead believe whatever makes it feel most comfortable. administration put the Environmental Protection Agency in a chokehold. The EPA is barred from awarding any new contracts or grants, and its scientists are forbidden to communicate with The same goes for the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of the Interior – all are told to limit their engagement with the public when it comes Such behavior is unconscionable and unwarranted for a 21st-century administration. Perhaps this would be acceptable when the 16th-century Catholic church imprisoned Galileo, but a 21st-century government ignoring basic truths is appalling. Climate change does not care for your comfort. Rising sea levels will not displace fewer people because we are uncomfortable with the idea of it. If we do not vaccinate our kids, it will put their lives in danger – along with the children around them. That is a fact. I am scared about what will happen to the environment in the immediate future. I am worried for the millions who will have to relocate because of the effects of climate change. I care for the children that might fall fatally ill because their parents refuse to vaccinate them. I will stand up for – and alongthemselves at a disadvantage because of this administration. cause I know what became of Copernicus. I know what Galileo is remembered for, and I know what the – is remembered for. I know that no matter what an ignorant administration may throw at science and reason, it will prevail. It always has. Anzar Abbas is Graduate School from Karachi,
Laney Student Pakistan.
Joshua Lewis A thriving middle class is central to how most Americans think about our country, but stagnant middle class wages and soaring economic inequality belie this self-perception. Politicians are bitterly divided over whether and how to address these problems. Lost in this debate is a vitally important piece of our history: the middle class was largely created, supported and, ultimately, allowed to dissipate by the federal government. In fact, extreme income inequality is probably the “natural” state of things — what the economy would always look like without the heavy thumb of the government resting on the scale. Before World War II, the nation’s wealth was concentrated in the hands of men who owned indusAndrew Carnegie and J.P. Morgan. There was no middle class; most Americans toiled in factories or on farms for a pittance. This changed quite suddenly in the late 1930’s. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected with a mandate to end the Great Depression. The eruption of World War II gave his administration even greater authority to intervene in the economy, including directly setting wages in much of the private sector. Roosevelt utilized this powtion, giving large raises to the most poorly paid workers. To fund the war, taxes on the wealthy were raised to astronomical levels, peaking at 94 percent. The Roosevelt administration also supported labor unions, which further boosted wages for low-income workers. The result was a sudden, massive collapse of income inequality and the birth of the middle class. Economists refer to this extraordinary
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
The rate of international extreme poverty was halved between 1990 and 2010, in large part due to trade liberalization. While trade and the economy as a whole, more action is needed to insure the gains are distributed to the subset of middle class workers whose manufacturing jobs were outsourced or automated. Ultimately, as more and more low-skilled jobs are replaced by technology, innovative policies to address the growing inequality this creates must be implemented. Ironically, despite the hyperpartisan media environment that enabled his rise, Trump may be in a better position than any previous U.S. president to reach across the aisle and pursue solutions. Unlike the Washington insiders Trump criticized in his speech, he showed a genuine ability to connect to voters this election, bringing together a coalition ranging from die-hard conservatives to disaffected Bernie Sanders supporters. His ideas for increased infrastructure spending and belief in universal health plans, show a willingness to buck traditional Republican ideology. Trump won the election by seemingly breaking every political rule and defying commonly held beliefs. If he listens to policy experts, Trump could leverage his populist power to address problems from crumbling infrastructure to bankrupt entitlements to a broken tax code traditionally seen as third rails in Washington politics. This is the route our president would take if he truly wants to “Make America Great Again.” Unfortunately, this looks closer to a pipe dream than reality.
period as “The Great Compression.” For a generation, middle class incomes grew rapidly, and the gap between the super-rich and the rest was small. Incomes of the wealthiest Americans were taxed at 70 percent or greater. Labor unions were strong. Then things changed. America once again elected a president, Ronald Reagan, with a mandate to end an economic crisis.
Lost in this debate is a vitally important piece of our history: the middle class was largely created, supported and, ultimately, allowed to dissipate by the federal government. In fact, extreme income inequality is probably the “natural” state of things ...
Like FDR before him, Reagan 1970s as an opportunity to reshape the economy. He cut taxes on the wealthy, initiated an era of union busting and ended a generation of robust government support for the middle class. Median wages for white males, which doubled in the previous 30 years, are still stalled at pre-Reagan levels. Thankfully, racial minorities and women have continued to catch up to white males, but they still haven’t closed the gap. Prosperity in the middle class ended and income inequality returned to pre-Roosevelt levels. Why, after decades of stagnant middle class wages and a dramatic explosion of income inequality, is there no serious dis-
Trump appears content to bask in the glory of his victory, continuing his tirade of Twitter insults while pursuing deeply divisive policies such as his wall and refugee ban that scapegoat the most vulnerable members of our society instead of addressing real issues. Meanwhile, an emboldened Republican majority in Congress pushes through partisan bills such as a repeal of Obamacare and a gutpolicies disproportionately benharming the same middle-class demographic Trump claims to care so much about. This country and its citizens deserve better than that. If Trump supporters truly wish to create the positive changes they believed their candidate would bring about, they must pressure our president, whether through protests or the social media platforms values so much, into abandoning his dispecting the media instead of waging war on it and pursuing actual solutions to America’s problems instead of distractions that only serve for good optics on Twitter. This may seem like too much to ask for. But for a president who promised to upend politics, serve as the people’s voice and cut through the gridlock and partisanship in Washington, it is the only option. Those who opposed Trump may be tempted to sit back and cynically observe events instead of pushing for real reform. But those people ignore a critical reality: Trump is our president for the next four years, and his failure is our failure. Andrew Kliewer is a College freshman from Dallas, Texas.
cussion of returning to pre-1980 policy on taxes and labor unions? Under-informed and misinformed voters are a large part of the problem. Republican voters are divided on raising taxes on the wealthy, but support raising taxes to 50 percent when reminded that taxes were this high under President Reagan. This speaks to a larger truth: most of us aren’t aware of our own history. Most voters don’t realize how tightly linked wage growth and income inequality have been over the last 80 years. This problem cannot be solved without sustained, active voter education by journalists. Every time a politician appears on television to talk about their tax proposals, journalists should be forcefully articulating this context to viewers. Another substantial problem is that both Democratic and Republican politicians depend on wealthy individuals to fund their campaigns. The wealthy would not look kindly on politicians who favor doubling their taxes. Replacing our corrupt campublic-only funding is best way to address this problem. President Reagan famously said that government isn’t the solution to our problems; government is the problem. Our history tells us otherwise. A thriving middle class depends on the government counteracting inequality. When politicians debate taxes, labor unions or the middle class, we need journalists to provide us with historical context. We need voters to punish politicians whose policies exacerbate rather than mitigate concentration of wealth. Only then will we confront economic inequality in the United States. Joshua Lewis is a Laney Graduate School Student from Athens, Georgia.
The Emory Wheel
A lishA Compton/Emory lifE Editor
Students at Emory find that they could allocate their Dooley Dollars more effectively.
nAfimul hudA/stAff
Rafi Ahmed, Eminent Scholar of the Georgia Research Alliance and Director of the Emory Vaccine Center, presents his lecture titled “It’s All About a Mouse” to a crowd of more than 200 people in the Winship Ballroom Tuesday.
Goizueta Scholar Shares Shoe-Flipping Experience By Niraj Naik Staff Writer College freshman Devin Gu is one of Emory University’s newest Goizueta Scholars. Gu intended to follow his family’s footsteps and become a doctor until his junior year of high school, when an investment banker mentored him about the world of business. Since high school, Gu channeled his passion for sneakers into “shoeAfter selling shoes at just his high school, he and his friends realized how much they could make if they expanded their operation. With the help of a twitter account, Gu started re-selling shoes to buyers nationwide. Devin Gu, College freshman and Goizueta Scholar
CourtEsy of dEvin Gu
While each pair generated roughKanye West’s highly sought-after Adidas Yeezy’s brought him $1,000 By the end of high school, Gu estimates that he made roughly $2,000. However, Gu does not credit this experience as the reason for his becoming a Goizueta Scholar and instead points to his unorthodox perspective on business. An amateur boxer, Gu believes
the skills and values he learned from the sport translate directly into business. “In boxing you’ll be knocked down to your knees, but you have to be able to have grit, the ability to always get back up no matter what and it’s the same with entrepremake startups or an app that completely fails, it doesn’t matter to them. They believe in themselves and they always get back up and to other people it’ll seem like you’re crazy but that is what it takes someGu said that this grit inspires his involvement on Emory’s campus. Gu is a brother of Alpha Kappa Psi, Emory’s business fraternity, and a member of Emory Impact Investment Group, an organization that gives loans to small business owners in the Atlanta area. He is also a member of Goizueta Energy and Environment Group, an organization that promotes clean energy practices among businesses. ute to Emory and the surrounding volvement in these service-oriented business groups. reconcile his desire for personal success with his goal of helping people. Citing the Goizueta Business School grading curve as an example Gu believes drive is different in the real world. “Only certain people can make A’s [at the Goizueta Business School] but in the real world, no one wants to work with people who are out for other people, who only want
“You want to see it as a competition with yourself, to improve yourself … You’re always trying to do better than what you know you’re capable
Citing the Goizueta Business School grading curve as an example if Emory, Gu believes drive is in different in the real world. Gu is planning to major in Finance and Computer Science, and is excited for the prospects of his college career. “I’m proud to be able to say I’m at this school with so many smart people who constantly push me and [encourage] me to be able With more than three years left at Emory, Gu shows no sign of slowing down. He said that he knows himself better than most other people and continues to capitalize on his strengths. “I think that an important thing for other people to know is that one of the most valuable skills to have is to know yourself really well, to know where your skills lie, know where your talents are and know where your weaknesses are and really focus on your skills and not on “That’s what I think really differentiates really successful people — Contact Niraj Naik at
Dooley Dollars Done Right By aditya Prakash Staff Writer Dooley Dollars, to some an excellent way to balance out the dreariness of D.U.C. meals, but to others an accursed tool that if used inappropriately becomes the gateway to an uncontrollable Kaldi’s addiction. Like all things in life, Dooleys need to be used in moderation to extract maximum value. Through these basic guidelines, cal responsibility. CommaNdmeNt 1: sChedule your triPs to Cox hall “Preferably four times a month, College freshman, Benjamin Hammond tries to live by. As freshmen have a particularly scarce source of Dooley Dollars, imposing a well-regulated schedule can provide you with the optimal number of trips to Cox Hall. After all, it is the scarcity of visits of Cox Hall that makes it so valuable. Juxtaposing your week of monotonous D.U.C. food with a hot meal, be it sushi at Maru or a thali bowl at Bhojanic, can seriously invigorate you for the coming week or reward you for your hard work. If you are currently addicted to Cox (never say this in public), there with strict Dooley Dollar regulation. Start by changing up what you eat at the D.U.C. Normally stock up on fries and pizza? Try mashed potatoes and a sandwich for once. Naturally, this food swapping is limited in scope but will all be worth it when you can still enjoy a Twisted Taco durNote that freshmen have approximately $9.30 to spend every week on their Dooley Dollar program. On average, a meal at Cox costs anywhere between $7 and $10. Unless you are as disciplined as a monk, you will probably have other random expenditures within the week. So keep in mind that “once a If you can avoid Cox Hall altogether, you will have a lot more autonomy with your late night Depot expenditure.
CommaNdmeNt 2: if all you seek from Coffee is CaffeiNe, limit your Visits to starBuCks It is 8:10 a.m. and you’re running to calculus. Maybe you spent all of last night studying for a quiz, or perhaps you were out on Eagle Row. Regardless, you are exhausted to the point that anything and everything on which you lay your head can conceivably be a suitable place of rest. You need caffeine, and you need it fast. “Okay, time to get a trente organic GMO-free Vanilla Chai Superfood rior alternative — .D.U.C. coffee. Does it taste like dishwashing liquid? Yes. Is it free with unlimited meal swipes? Absolutely! Although nearly impossible to drink when not doused in sugar (and perhaps ice) D.U.C coffee becomes an instant revitalizer that is far easier on the Dooley wallet than a Starbucks drink. The former may not be as tasty, but from a purely economic lens, it is the most elegant way to cut back on Dooley Dollar expenditure. CommaNdmeNt 3: saVe uP early oN iN the semester. As the semester progresses, optimism dies and appetites grow. While you might see yourself living a relatively healthy lifestyle early in the semester, as your workload grows and your hair falls out, you will see yourself gluttonously gorgdi’s more often than you are willing to admit. While your senses are still intact, avoid eating at Kaldi’s as much as possible (perhaps replace these meals with free food from various club meetings until time kills their optimism, too). CoNClusioN mon to control.However, if you can impose even the slightest amount of austerity onto your spending habits and plan for the occasional stress-induced meal, then you will surely have a gastronomically satisfying semester. — Contact Aditya Prakash at
The Emory Wheel ADVICE
Doolino Knows Best: Don’t Go Breakin’ My Heart
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
As we march towards Valentine’s Day, it seems different members of the student body have different concerns regarding the holiday: couples want cute places to explore in Atlanta, a picture of which would probably get them upwards of 200 likes on Instagram, frat boys ponder elaborate rituals for the new pledges to undergo Feb. 14, and happy revenants like me hope to make use of a Domino’s Valentine’s Day discount for a meal for one. No matter what your plans are, with a little help from your friend Doolino, you can enjoy the memorable week ahead. Dear Doolino,
K ArissA dzuriK/sEnior stAff WritEr
The signature French toast served at Inman Park’s Folk Art comes in four slices topped with pecans, powdered sugar, icing, syrup and additional maple syrup on the side. This breakfast treat stuns customers with its decadence.
tine’s Day! I thought I was guaranteed that said there were hot Russian tered my credit card details and gave them the password to my email account, my screen went them again. What do I do now? From Bankruptured Heart Dear Bankruptured Heart, First off, please freeze all of your bank accounts and check for suspicious activity. The most logical of people can eventually be brought to destruction broken down by through the irrationality of their desperation. That is, unfortunately, what has become of you. What people need to realize about Valentine’s Day is that it is just another day on our a calendar. one else to share this day with is a plan doomed to fail because you are not allowing yourself to naturally interact with others. Whoever you spend the night with, be it a hot Russian single or someone you meet at a party (which are not mutually exclusive phenomena), simply becomes an instrument to declare your perceived societal superiority: to not Day. You are more than the person you screw on the evening of the 14th. If you want to avoid a very awkward evening, then do not force yourself to do anything bashfully. From Doolino Dear Doolino, I don’t have any interest in cause I am not in a relationship right now. I just want to chill out out thinking too much about what others around me are doing. What do you recommend I do to pass the time? From (A)Lone Ranger Dear (A)Lone Ranger, to chill evening as it embodies all the qualities of independence I value the most. Domino’s, with its overt unhealthiness and economical price and far more comforting than any other soul. and addictiveness, substitutes the warmth of another human’s hand. It is the perfect combination to survive the night. Alternatively, you could do something even more fun than
going on any date: hang out with your friends. You can gather with a group of friends and watch something together (but do not consume any alcoholic beverages for that not only is that illegal if you are under the age of 21, but it is also forbidden inside all residence halls regardless). Perhaps, if you crave something fancier, you can order something a little bit more upscale than Domino’s as a group, like some authentic Mexican food from Taco Bell. Regardless, remember that you are a sage in your awareness and that you need not spend time with someone romantically to enjoy the 14th of February. From Doolino Dear Doolino, Okay, so I’ve been dating my now. We met at orientation and then Halloween. One thing lead to another and, well, here we are. I was thinking about proposing to her in the resmantic meal together: the WoodREC. there and they said that they would even be willing to hide the ring in her chicken tenders. nious plan? Dear Diamond in the Woodruff, You and your girlfriend are living embodiments of trash, but if that is how you roll, then I have no objections. My only issue with your plan is that by asking me, you have revealed your plan publicly. Given that the only people who actually read my shitshow of a column must themselves be trashy, I have a feeling that your girlfriend is onto your scheme. Good job, idiot. From Doolino For your day-to-day qualms and minor life crises, send anonymous questions to doolino.emory@
By karissa dzurik Senior Staff Writer
folk art inmAn pArK
eggs such that the white is cooked while the yolk is just barely set to provide the perfect combination of textures. This column, much like its namesake, strives to provide the perfect balance of early morning sustenance and Atlanta culture. If you are familiar with anyone on the Food Network, chances are, it’s Guy Fieri. Restaurateur, author and TV personality, he is funny, endearing and just as knowledgeable about great food as his hair is spiky. Fieri’s popular Food Network show, where he travels the U.S. tasting the best dishes from classic diner-type restaurants. In 2015, Fieri traveled to Inman Park in Atlanta to taste all that local restaurant, Folk Art, has to offer. Although the show did not feature any breakfast items, a few of the burgers and sandwiches on the brunch menu were shown, including chef-owner Jason Hill taught Fieri how to make on-air. Folk Art’s menu displays the series’ logo next to the items that were featured, in case you are considering touring the country in a quest to taste everything Fieri did (which I honestly consider on the daily). My trip to Folk Art included a lot less cameras, but was not any less delicious. One thing to know about Folk Art
is that it is a staple of the Inman Park neighborhood, well-loved by locals and by quite a few who travel to try. That means you’re in for a bit of a wait, no matter the time. Folk Art does not take reservations. Their brunch menu is served from
The decor is charming — each wall is covered in signs of all sizes and materials. Some are old Georgia license plates, some vintage advertisements, some from local artists’ 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday and until 4 p.m. Sunday. I ordered a cup of coffee and two eggs, scrambled, but was there with a group. Thankfully, my friends and I decided to splurge on an order of their cinnamon pecan sticky bun French toast for the table, which the waitress recommended. A mouthful in so many ways. Folk Art serves Lakehouse Coffee, an Atlanta coffee supplier found across the southeast. It was flavorful and strong; I think I had five cups. My egg breakfast was really tasty — the highlight was the grits. Folk Art’s grits came with pieces of corn in it, something I was not used to. The corn added a bit of texture, but the grits were just as creamy and savory as I would have hoped. The breakfast also comes with a choice of meat. I went for the turkey sausage: cooked well with a host of seasonings. It rounded out the standard two-
egg breakfast. The French toast served as the perfect dessert. It came topped with pecans and powdered sugar, drizzled with icing, in a syrupy sauce which puddled around the pieces of toast in addition to a side of maple syrup. The toast itself was fairly typical, but let me tell you — it was sweet. The waitress’ recommendation of just ordering one to taste and split was perfect; I could not have eaten more than a few bites without heading straight to the dentist. The brunch menu is large, featuring everything from cheesy appetizers to burgers to waffles to salads. Some highlights include three variations of sweet potato pancakes, whiskey peach compote and six variations of eggs benedict, including one with lobster and spinach. Folk Art opened in 2013, revitalizing an old grocery store. It has a trendy atmosphere, with exposed brick, large windows and natural lighting. The decor is charming — each wall is covered in signs of all sizes and materials. Some are old Georgia license plates, some vintage advertisements, some from local artists’. It gives you a feeling of nostalgia and pride for the city, in theme with the historic feeling of Inman Park. Early on a Sunday morning the place was filled with families, young couples and groups of hungry brunchers excited to taste of one of Hill’s creations. It was a fun place to eat, not only because of the endless coffee and delicious eats but because of the welcoming atmosphere and charm. — Contact Karissa Dzurik at
The Emory Wheel
The Emory Wheel
The Emory Wheel
| A&E Editor: Brian Savino (
Mayer Goes Back to Basics for Squares (2001). “Love on the Weekend” can be characterized as a pop song, good for Right before I left for college, John easy-listening on a Sunday afternoon. Mayer wrote me a letter on a plane. Though I believe this song falls short, The story is less interesting than it the wave as as whole is by no means a sounds, but it’s still one of my favorites regression for Mayer. “I am not done changing/Out on to tell. It is my go to “fun fact” when I’m forced to play an icebreaker game, the run, changing/I may be old and one that either elicits dropped jaws or I may be young/But I am not done reinforces people’s preconception of changing,” Mayer sings in “Changing,” who I am because, yes, I am from Los which serves as the incorporeal thesis Angeles and no, seeing Gwen Stefani statement for the album as a whole, at the frozen yogurt shop down the one about searching and moving road from my childhood home every onwards. The song is simple in its acoustic sound, layered with his raspy so often is not a big deal. He was sitting in seat 7A on an vocals, but is ultimately too rudimentary to have a American Airlines strong effect on f light from its listener. Charlotte to Los At 40, it is doubtful that In “Moving Angeles, wearing Mayer has reached the end on and Getting a suit and black of his search, but perhaps Over,” which is aviators. I was in seat 14F, wearing for him, riding each of life’s riddled with faland elecan Emory t-shirt waves one at a time is the setto tric guitar riffs, and leggings. I spent the first only way to not drown in its Mayer reaches a state of letting go. two hours in the complexity. In “You’re Gonna air writing him a Live Forever in letter about leaving for college, riddled with questions Me,” Mayer sings “Life is full of sweet about nostalgia and confusion around mistakes/And love’s an honest one to growing up, thanking him for being make.” The lyrics are tender, begging the only artist that my family of six and ultimately achieving the listencan always agree to listen to during er’s compassion for the long-lasting effects of love. It is the strongest in long car rides. I gave the letter to the flight atten- this release, exposing the audience to dant. She gave it to him. Not for one a vulnerable side of Mayer not usually passing moment did I think that he associated with his music. Since he first entered the public eye, would ever write back, but he did, and I walked off the plane, my hand hold- Mayer’s reputation has been complex ing onto to the thin, ivory Moleskine and multifaceted. In the past, he estabpaper covered in his signature all-caps lished himself as a celebrity womanizer, an ego-maniac who self-barred handwriting. A month later I watched him head- interviews for a while and maintained line Music Midtown.I suppose the crux a sporadic social media presence. Mayer seems to have turned a new of this story resides in the fact that he was traveling to Los Angeles to start leaf, focusing on his fans and his music as well as honing in on his talent (Eric writing his new album. He tweeted the next day that he was Clapton deemed him a “master guitar“back to the blues,” returning to work ist”). In this album, Mayer asks the big on creating the sound that defines questions and explores what it means his most critically acclaimed album, to adapt and move on, to fall in love and then “get over” someone, and to Continuum (2004). Two-and-a-half years after we have an enduring presence in someboth walked off the plane at LAX, one’s life. In his letter, Mayer told me to “get Mayer’s 10th album — The Search for Everything (2017) — has been anxious,” to “get calm,” to “dance” and released. Kind of. Mayer has so much “to know it is all for a good cause.” “I’m content that he is releasing the album 36, and I’m still searching,” Mayer in waves. Each wave consists of a four- signed at the end of the letter, remindsong installment released every month ing me that though I was about to of this year, an unconventional pro- move away from home and embark duction choice making his music more on a new journey, it was better that I accessible to listeners. “If you don’t didn’t have all the answers. At 40, it is doubtful that Mayer like these, don’t get the next four. But if I’ve engendered some kind of trust that has reached the end of his search, but you think I’m onto something, get the perhaps for him, riding each of life’s next four, and come along with me on waves one at a time is the only way to every single wave,” Mayer said, in an not drown in its complexity. The first installment from The interview with Rolling Stone. The album’s first single, “Love on Search for Everything is available on the Weekend,” establishes a light, iTunes and Spotify. summery feel, evocative of the songs — Contact Hannah Conway at that made Mayer famous when he released his first debut album, Room By hannah conway Associate Editor
Courtesy of Warner Bros. PiCtures
Will Arnett voices Lego Batman in ‘The Lego Batman Movie,’ the newest major blockbuster in the Lego Movie franchise.
‘Lego Batman’ Builds Big Laughs By Katherine Mcclure Contributing Writer Grade: B I never thought I would see Voldemort in a Lego Batman movie, and I never thought that movie would be good. In fact, the notion of an entire movie about Legos was beyond me. However, I heard good things about The Lego Movie (creative titles, right?), and The Lego Batman Movie did not disappoint. The Lego Batman Movie follows Batman (voiced by Will Arnett) in his battle with the Joker (voiced by Zach Galifianakis) and his emotional struggle with his fear of being part of a family again after losing his parents as a child. A new police chief, Barbara Gordon (voiced by Rosario Dawson), causes trouble for Batman when she explains her desire for the police to lawfully work with Batman rather than have Batman patrol Gotham by himself. When the Joker teams up with villains including Voldemort and other fictional characters, Batman must work with the police force, Police Chief Barbara, his butler Alfred and his adopted child Robin to defeat the Joker. Arnett delivers a satisfactory performance as Batman, lending him a very deep, gravelly voice that doubles as hilarious when he says something that contradicts his masculinity, like commenting about his favorite romantic comedy. In The Lego Batman Movie Batman
is different from any other rendition I have seen: he makes fun of his own flaws, such as his narcissism and inability to permanently capture any of the villains he fights. By animating the movie with Lego pieces, children who play with Legos can feel as though they are playing with real characters, not just their plastic renditions. With time and skill, Lego users could theoretically recreate The Lego Batman Movie at home — there’s some imaginative merit to that. In a meta moment, the film acknowledges that its characters and surroundings are Lego: at one point, the characters remove their plastic hair caps and clip onto each other — head to foot — to create a long ladder.
‘The Lego Batman Movie’ uses its unique animation style and medium as a key to its success rather than an obstacle to overcome. The Lego Batman Movie uses its unique animation style and medium as a key to its success rather than an obstacle to overcome. The soundtrack contributes to the movie’s animation as well. Many wellknown songs and artists were played in the soundtrack as well as some original comical songs. Some of the most recognizable songs featured include Michael Jackson’s “Man in the Mirror”
(performed by Alex Aiono), Alesso’s “Heroes (We Could Be),” and DNCE’s “Forever.” These songs add a sense of modern popular culture, making the scenes they accompany more upbeat. The original songs, on the other hand, are less motivational and more humorous. A heavy metal song entitled “Who’s the (Bat)Man” (performed by Patrick Stump) includes lyrics like “Who has the coolest gadgets? Batman!”and “Who does the sickest backflips? Batman!” It makes the characters feel more real while incorporating aspects of comedy and pop culture. The Lego Batman Movie is essentially a respectful satire of the original Batman films, so while it is strong in comedy, it is less effective in plot. The characters are distinct from the real Batman series; Batman laments his loneliness, Robin routinely rips off his tight pants and Alfred sets parental control locks on Batman’s TV. The Lego Batman Movie is best suited for a younger audience, but still contains enough adult humor to make it enjoyable for a mature audience. While the original characters add a unique dimension to the story The Lego Batman Movie falls short in plot, lacking the same originality in its conflicts — Batman trying to save his city from the Joker — as in its characters. However, despite the deficits in plot and somewhat offputting animation style, The Lego Batman Movie is worth seeing for its comedy alone. — Contact Katherine McClure at
Wednesday, February 8, 2016
The Emory Wheel HORROR
which feel like a tease of what could have been. Of course, the main draw of any Ring film is seeing what kind of mayGrade: F hem Samara Morgan will wreak, so Like this film’s iconic curse, the this movie has to at least deliver on inevitable plague of January horror that front, right? Well, get ready to be disappointfilms finally captured my attention. Bluntly, Rings is a terrible movie: it’s ed, because she’s hardly in the movie predictably plotted, blandly shot and beyond fleeting cameos for the obligaboring. Whereas the previous holder tory jumpscare sequence. Instead, of the January 2017 crown for Worst we’re saddled with a pointless origin Horror Movie, The Bye Bye Man, was story that completely demystifies her at least intriguing in its ineptitude, character. Rings falls into the all-too-common Rings is so pedestrian it will have you wishing Samara would pop out from trap of modern horror remakes of trythe screen and put you out of your ing to answer questions that shouldn’t be answered. The fear we derive from misery too. When college professor Dr. Gabriel horror movie villains is the fear of (Johnny Galecki) stumbles upon the the unknown and incomprehensible. infamous VHS tape, he begins an We don’t need to know why Michael experiment on his campus to explore Myers or Jason Voorhees love hacking up horny teenagers — the afterlife and the we let our imagination existence of the soul. fill in the gaps. Even With several of his ‘Rings’ just worse, Rings gives students as test subshouldn’t exist. Samara a needlessly jects, he continues the convoluted backstory, curse by having each student convince others to watch it. which is hackneyed to the point of selfOne student, Holt (Alex Roe), seeming- parody and doesn’t even offer the tanly vanishes, arousing the suspicion of gential enjoyment of an original story. Perhaps the most horrifying part Holt’s girlfriend, Julia (Matilda Lutz). Julia tracks down Holt and discovers of the movie is Lutz’s acting. She can’t a video within the video. Guided by seem to portray anything resembling visions, Julia and Holt work together a personality and is so cookie-cutter to discover Samara’s origin and stop she makes your average 1980s slasher movie character seem nuanced. her curse once and for all. Back in the last days of VHS and Johnny Galecki, basically playing analog media, the original Rings and Leonard from The Big Bang Theory, its remakes fed into the urban legend is criminally underused in his roughly craze of the late 90s and early 2000s. 40 minutes of screentime, robbing Add in the “spooky chain emails” and us of the only remotely interesting Internet curses that were all the rage character. Rings just shouldn’t exist. It’s a and you had a great template for a horcompletely unnecessary sequel to an ror movie. However, in an age where near- irrelevant series. At two hours long, ly everything is digital and eas- the film’s narrative lacks any deparily debunked, these concepts seem tures from formula that can justify its dated. Rings falls into the trap of not padded-out plot. I probably shouldn’t be surprised acknowledging these changes in media consumption and feels like a retread that a January horror film was this of something no longer relevant in a terrible. However, I’m frustrated it doesn’t embrace the clearly better nardigitally connected world. In the era of YouTube, Vine and rative that would address just how Twitter, why are social media and horrifying Samara’s evil would be in online videos not the film’s focal point? our interconnected digital world. For Ironically, the only moments when the shame. film even bothers to acknowledge that — Contact Vikrant Nallaparaju at it takes place in 2017 and not 2002 are in the opening and closing scenes, By ViKrant nallaParaju Film Critic
Courtesy of night sChool studio
Alex (voiced by Erin Yvette, r ight) and her stepbrother investigate the island’s watchtower in hopes of contacting the mainland.
By Daniel ParK Contributing Writer Grade: ANowadays, video games seem so focused on creating pristine graphics indistinguishable from reality. These 3D models of people and stunning environments allow game developers to create film-like narratives in which players can immerse themselves, (i.e. recent release Resident Evil 7: Biohazard) with choices that supposedly affect the game’s ending. However, great graphics and a movielike storyline do not necessarily make for a good game. In recent years, simpler games have exemplified what a video game should actually be. Night School Studio’s Oxenfree is one such example, combining a sprawling storyline and multiple endings with a more abstract art style of dark green and blue tones that complement the game’s science fiction storyline. In Oxenfree, you are Alex, a teenager accompanied by her new step brother Jonas and best friend Ren to an overnight party on a small island. As the night progresses, Alex and Co. uncover portals to another dimension. They struggle to leave the island while escaping time loops, hallucinations
and what appear to be the ghosts of a genocide that took place on the island. The platforming gameplay is smooth as the player navigates Alex and her companions through two point five dimensional levels (think Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door) to save her friends and attain items that allow her to escape the island. The levels feel three-dimensional with their slopes and curves as the characters traverse mountains or take different forks in their paths. This creates a platformer structure within the game and allows the player to roam freely. Moreover, Night School Studio adds an inventive element to the gameplay by giving Alex and the player a pocket radio to solve puzzles. Setting the radio to the proper frequency reveals Easter eggs and unlocks doors. The innovative gameplay is accompanied by haunting visuals. The picture-book-esque art style is reminiscent of a theatrical set with characters standing out against it. This imbues the game and its storyline with a levity that others lack. Hyper-realistic graphics and storylines often create a game that takes itself far too seriously. Oxenfree is clearly not such a game. The neon glow in darker scenes do enough to provide a sense of the paranormal: the crystals of the cave are
awe-inspiring and the florescent green tempered by the night set a terrifying scene when one of the characters drowns. Like many recent games, Oxenfree’s strength lies in characterization. Erin Yvette shines in her depiction of Alex, providing the character with a sarcastic voice masking an intense anger and sadness due to personal loss in her character’s past. My one criticism is that, at times, background or non-essential dialogue that provide the characters with their rich backstories are confusingly intertwined with plot-essential events. Or worse, as a plot-heavy cutscene begins, non-player characters will continue speaking over the exposition until their scripted conversation is complete. With 10 possible endings, Oxenfree is extremely replayable, as you can return to see how the smallest decisions (to help one person over another, for example) impact the timeline. Ultimately, while Oxenfree is no groundbreaking redefinition of a video game genre, it defies ongoing clichés and submits a solid entry to the industry that seems to have forgotten what a video game actually is.
ments built into halftime shows, and they expected no less of this year’s performer.
tary, she picked her songs strategically, creating a fierce and inclusive medley representing all types of Americans. With Vice President Mike Pence in the audience, who is often associated with being against LGBT rights, she sang “No matter gay, straight or bi, lesbian, transgendered life, I’m on the right track” from her 2011 hit, “Born this Way.” This is not to say she lacked the extravagant production aspects typical of the Super Bowl. Gaga spent the first three minutes of her performance on wires, making incredible jumps and somersaulting through the air. With dozens of dancers backing her up, she sang until
— Contact Daniel Park at
By nicole SaDeK Social Media Editor Along with an unprecedented Patriots comeback Sunday, Lady Gaga’s halftime performance at Super Bowl LI generated national buzz. The popstar, known for her catchy lyrics and outrageous costumes (most notably her 2010 “meat dress”), kicked off the performance with an ode to America, singing the opening line to Woody Guthrie’s, “This Land is Your Land,” just days after President Trump’s executive order on immigration. Super Bowl fans have become accustomed to loud political state-
[Lady Gaga] sang until she was breathless and showcased the quirky moves fans have come to expect. Gaga is a vocal advocate and spokesperson for LGBT rights and, although she made no explicit political commen-
she was breathless and showcased the quirky moves fans have come to expect.
down with “Million Reasons,” playing the piano amid thousands of audienceheld candles before transitioning into “Bad Romance.” Under colossal red flames, she ended her night with a mic drop. Gaga didn’t bash President Trump and she didn’t wear a dress made from raw meat, but her performance was compelling nonetheless. From her beginnings as a singer in dive bars to performing at America’s favorite sporting event, Gaga has made quite a name for herself. She was slated to impress — and she did.
Courtesy of a ssoCiated Press
In the packed NRG Stadium, all eyes were on Gaga. She slowed things
— Contact Nicole Sadek at
The Emory Wheel
The Emory Wheel
W Declarations of candidacy for editor-in-chief are due Thursday, Feb. 9, by 11:59 p.m.
Michelle lou/News editor
Food Advisory Commitee at Emory (FACE) Co-chairs and College seniors Samantha Goodman (Left) and Katarina Bartel (R ight) present about the Emory Dining changes in Winship Ballroom Feb. 2.
Candidacy is open to any Emory student.
Email Zak Hudak at
ruth r eyes/Photo editor
Students, faculty and staff members rearticulate the 13 demands from the group Black Students at Emory and discuss updates and future initiatives at the Feb. 3 Racial Justice Retreat in Winship Ballroom.
christiNe soNg/staff
Rollins School of Public Health (RSPH) students listen to demonstrators share stories Feb. 2 about how President Donald J. Trump’s travel ban affected their lives.
The Emory Wheel
EaglE ExchangE @ WashU (Mo.) 9 p.m.
@ University of Chicago (Il.) 1 p.m.
@ WashU (Mo.) 7 p. m.
@ University of Chicago (Il.) 3 p.m.
@ Samford Invitational (Ala.)
@ UAA Championships (Il.)
@ UAA Championships (Il.)
@ Samford Invitational (Ala.) & @ tiger Indoor Invite (tenn.) @ UAA Championships (Il.)
vs. rhodes College (tenn.) 10 a.m.; Averett University (Va.) 2 p.m.
vs. rhodes College (tenn.) 12 p.m.; Averett University (Va.) 2 p.m.
vs. Sewanee (tenn.) 1 p.m.
vs. Sewanee (tenn.) 11 a.m. & 2 p.m.
Continued from Page 16 “Brandeis was able to take a lead because of our rebounding and we did not capitalize on turnovers,” Kaniut said. “We let them get too many second-chance points.” thomaskutty also thought the team’s rebounding struggles led to their defeat. “We did not play consistently and well,” thomaskutty said. “I thought Friday night’s game we were beaten on the glass. We have to finish plays and box out to get the rebound.” After the devastating loss against Brandeis, the Eagles anticipated a victory for the second consecutive week against NYU. Emory jumped out to an early lead, outscoring NYU 23-20 in the first quarter. the Eagles’ lead was as high as eight points in the quarter, but to the squad’s dismay NYU cut it down to only three points by the time the quarter ended. NYU completely had their way with Emory in the second quarter, outscoring the Eagles 22-10. the Eagles’ lead quickly vanished and the Violets rose to 42-33 at the half. Emory’s offense and defense both struggled in the quarter and created a deficit.
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
the third quarter yielded even poorer results for Emory. NYU scored at will and continued to amass a commanding 16-point lead for Emory to overcome in the fourth quarter. Emory charged back in the final quarter, pulling within two points of NYU. Kaniut suggested that the team’s
“We just didn’t play personnel correctly and we let their best shooter be wide-open at times. I feel like we didn’t dig in on the defensive end.” — Christy thomaskutty, Head Coach stronger defense brought them closer to their opponents in the fourth. “We finally started to play some defense,” Kaniut said. “I think we eventually started digging in and paying attention to personnel and figuring out who was hot.” Down only two points with less than one minute to go, Emory ran out
of gas. NYU shut Emory out in the final minute and held on for a 67-61 win. thomaskutty thought the team’s defense led to their loss. “the defense really let us down,” thomaskutty said. “We just didn’t play personnel correctly and we let their best shooter be wide-open at times. I feel like we didn’t dig in on the defensive end.” Kaniut and oldshue were Emory’s two most reliable players in the game. together they scored 46 of Emory’s 61 points. Kaniut had a massive offensive performance of 27 points, including three baskets from beyond the arc. Emory will play their next game on the road against Washington University in St. Louis (Mo.) Friday, Feb. 10. Washington (18-2) sits atop the UAA standings and enters Friday’s game on a six-game win streak, their last loss coming at the hands of then No. 23 rochester University (N.Y.). Chicago (14-6) will be yet another test, as they sit just behind Washington at No. 2 in the UAA standings.
— Contact Stephen Mattes at
By stephen mAttes Senior Staff Writer
No. 2 Pittsburgh Penguins (33-13-5)
With highly effective play from their star forwards and goaltender Braden Holtby, the Washington Capitals are red-hot. their impressive play once again earned the club from our nation’s capital the place of No. 1 team in the NHL. Holtby won ten straight starts and star forward Alexander ovechkin continues to score goals with ease. Add offensive threats like forwards t.J. oshie, Nicklas Backstrom and Evgeny Kuznetsov to the equation and it’s clear just how lethal the Capitals are on offense. Despite Washington’s dominance, the pittsburgh penguins and Columbus Blue Jackets, continue to nip at Washington’s heels for the Metropolitan division lead. out West, two teams are taking hold of their division races. the Minnesota Wild maintains their grip on the Central Division, and in the pacific Division, the San Jose Sharks are enjoying recent contributions from NHL veteran forward patrick Marleau and arguably the league’s best defenseman, Brent Burns. the following rankings are based on play to date.
pittsburgh remains one of the most daunting match-ups in the NHL. proving their talent, the penguins defeated the Nashville predators tuesday, Jan. 31. Led by forward patric Hornqvist, who scored two goals in the match-up, pittsburgh boasted a 4-2 victory. Facing the speedy Columbus Blue Jackets Friday, Feb. 3, the game went into overtime. F orward phil Kessel scored his second goal of the game, stuffing in a rebound off a shot from defenseman Kris Letang to score the game-winning goal in overtime. Kessel’s strong hands and ability to slide into the dirty areas paid dividends for pittsburgh in the 4-3 victory. In a more defensive game Saturday, goaltender Marc-Andre Fleury helped his penguins march to victory, giving up only one goal to the St. Louis Blues. Forward Sidney Crosby scored his league-leading 30th goal in the game.
No. 1 Washington Capitals (36-11-6) over the past week, the Capitals have scorched their competition. Beginning Wednesday Feb. 1 against the Boston Bruins, the Capitals displayed their superior talent. Five different players scored in their 5-3 win. ovechkin, the Capitals’ leading goalscorer, marked his 25th goal of the season with a strong wrist shot that found the back of the net on the powerplay. on Saturday Feb. 4, the Capitals defeated goaltender Carey price and his Montreal Canadiens squad, with three different players scoring to give the Capitals a 3-2 victory. one day later the Capitals hosted the Los Angeles Kings, who were hot off a five-game winning streak. Capitals back-up goaltender philipp Grubauer made 38 saves for his third shutout of the season. Forward Marcus Johansson also had two points in the game with a goal and a primary assist.
No. 3 Minnesota Wild (34-12-5) the best in the west, the Minnesota Wild continued their strong play last week. playing the Edmonton oilers tuesday, the Wild tallied five goals to Edmonton’s two. 23-year-old forward tyler Graovac had a strong performance, scoring his fifth and sixth goals of the season. Wild backup goaltender Darcy Kuemper also had one of his better games, stopping the rapid oilers’ forecheck. one day later, the Wild fared much worse against the Calgary Flames, suffering a 5-1 defeat following a dominant performance of Flames’ forward Sean Monahan. rectifying Wednesday’s poor play, the Wild were powered by forward Mikael Granlund’s hat trick that helped Minnesota mark a 6-3 victory against the Vancouver Canucks. Granlund has been exceptional as of late and currently holds a 12-game point streak. No. 4 San Jose Sharks (33-17-3) the star players for the Sharks are making tremendous contributions towards the team’s success. Along with
the strong play from defenseman Brent Burns and forwards patrick Marleau, Logan Couture and Joe pavelski, goalie Martin Jones was superb this week. During the Sharks’ 3-1 victory against Chicago Jan. 31, pavelski contributed to all three goals with one goal and two assists. Jones allowed only one goal to the Blackhawks. Yielding a single goal for the second straight game, Jones helped lead his team to a 4-1 victory against the Vancouver Canucks. Scoring his 500th career goal, Marleau reached a major milestone. Forward Chris tierney also had a strong performance, scoring two goals. Despite Jones’s best efforts Saturday, the Sharks fell to the Arizona Coyotes in a shootout. No. 5 Columbus Blue Jackets (33-13-5) While not the strongest week for Columbus, the Blue Jackets still sit comfortably within the Eastern Conference standings. their best performance of the week came tuesday, Jan. 31, when the Blue Jackets scored six unanswered goals against the New York rangers. Defenseman Seth Jones scored two goals and was one of five players to score for Columbus. the Blue Jackets were up 6-0 in the third period, and despite a late rush from the rangers, they held on to win the game 6-4. Friday, the Blue Jackets went into overtime with the pittsburgh penguins. trailing by two goals in the third period of Friday’s game, forwards Alexander Wennberg and Cam Atkinson scored to tie the game at three and send it into overtime. to Columbus’s dismay, penguins’ forward phil Kessel scored the game-winning goal and sent Columbus home with only one point. After an eventful Friday night, Columbus struggled Saturday against the New Jersey Devils. Devils’ goaltender Cory Schneider and forward taylor Hall both had strong games for New Jersey and helped the Devils edge Columbus 5-1. Despite the loss, Columbus remains in second place in the Metropolitan Division.
— Contact Stephen Mattes at
By Allison GelmAn Senior Staff Writer “We’re so excited that we performed well last year, but this year our goal is really to win the National Championship,” said Amy Wray, Emory softball’s senior captain and outfielder/second baseman. While an ambitious goal for the softball team, the Eagles’ training for this season indicates they are certainly up for the challenge. With a handful of scrimmages throughout the fall, the Eagles have been gearing up for an eventful season. A new season comes with a new team, but the Eagles will start the year with quite the seasoned squad. the team only lost three seniors to graduation last spring. Senior captain and outfielder taylor Forte spoke highly of her fellow cocaptain, senior pitcher Brittany File, who was First-team All-American last year. “It will be great to have [File] return,” Forte said. “[And] to have a good mix of new younger players who can help out and get in the lineup and a lot of returning players as well.” Wray also noted her excitement for the upcoming season, particularly because of the addition of six talented freshmen. Head Coach penny Siqueiros spoke with excitement of the new additions to the team. “our entire rookie class is amazing,” she said. “I was going through their bios online to proofread, and I was reading through their information and just said to myself, ‘man, they’re really good.’” one of those freshmen to watch out for, according to Wray, is infielder and outfielder Jessy McLean, who is likely to play third base, one position open after last year. Forte also made mention of junior first and third basemen Ashley powers, who will be “a big power hitter” for the Eagles. As for pitching, File will receive
some help on the mound from sophomore Madeline Maday and freshman Sami Feller. “Every year is a special year. take away one player, add one player. Every time you make one roster adjustment, it’s a brand new team,”Siqueiros, heading into her 19th year of coaching, said, the number of returning players will unquestionably be advantageous for the Eagles, especially given the team’s appearance in the NCAA World Series just last year. this was the first national championship appearance for the Eagles since 2007. While making it to the championship was exciting for the Eagles, Wray says it makes the stakes even higher this year. “Last year our goal was just making the championship, but after we made it we didn’t perform as well as we wanted to,” the captain said. “So this year instead of just making the tournament and fading out, we want to be ramping up and playing our best ball.” Besides the team goal of winning the national championship, and “player-coach” goals that connect her individually to each player, Siqueiros added, “For a program as a whole, we want to identify what each of our individual strengths are and understand how each of those individual strengths play out in the strategies of each game.” the head coach compared her goal to a game of chess: “We want to make sure to move the pieces of the chess game in the right direction for the right moment,” she said. “Knowing who we are lets us make the right moves.” Forte spoke of the importance of a home crowd: “We would love to get as much support as we can get for our games.” the Eagles will commence the spring season this coming Saturday, Feb. 11 at 10 a.m. with an away game against rhodes College (tenn.).
— Contact Allison Gelman at
14 Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Photo courtesy of emory Athletics
Emory senior pitcher Jackson Weeg is on’s 2016 pre-season all-America first team.
Continued from Page 16 tial to be.” Luckily twardoski is bringing back core members of Emory’s squad from the 2016 season. In total, twardoski has nine seniors and six juniors. He expects his seniors to step up and be the leaders of the team. In particular, twardoski believes that his team’s leadership begins with the seniors on the pitching staff. Among the members of the pitching rotation, he said seniors Luke Emmett, Jackson Weeg and Kyle Monk will be key members of the team. the three combine for an impressive 38 wins, 23 of which belong to Weeg. Weeg also
has a career ErA of 2.34. Weeg’s illustrious career has earned him a plethora of honors. Notably, he was named to’s 2016 preseason allAmerica first team and earned 2016 All-University Athletic Association first team honors. His prior success will certainly make him one of the most-feared pitching match-ups across the country entering the 2017 campaign. When focusing on his batters, twardoski admits there have been some key departures, but his freshmen are displaying talent. “We lost some outfield players and Dylan Eisner, a very good second baseman,” twardoski said. “We needed to
stabilize some the kids that we’ve lost, but saying that we have some young talent; some freshmen came in and look very good.” With the loss of star second baseman Dylan Eisner, twardoski hopes to see senior Jeff ronpirin step up to the starting role. Another batter that twardoski noted was designated hitter senior Brian Hernandez. Hernandez has a career .363 batting average, with 61 runs batted in and four home runs. In the infield and behind the plate, twardoski raved about seniors third baseman philip Maldari and catcher Young. Maldari and Young have career batting averages of .335 and .232 respectively. If Maldari’s prior batting statistics are any indication, he is due for another fantastic season in 2017. Although Young’s batting statistics are not as impressive, his prowess behind the plate and streaks of strong play should expand into this season. Young believes the team’s offense is poised to be highly effective in the upcoming games. “I think our offense should be a big step up from last year,” Young said. “We have more power, more speed and more confidence.” Most of all, twardoski is impressed with the hard work his team puts in on a daily basis. He believes the Eagles’ preparation has their team poised to do well. the Eagles will begin their season at home against Sewanee: the University of the South (tenn.) Saturday, Feb. 11. — Contact Stephen Mattes at
The Emory Wheel
Continued from Page 16 White. White couldn’t be stopped out of the backfield, catching a Super Bowl record 14 targets and scoring a Super Bowl record 20 points (three touchdowns and a two-point conversion). White’s performance provided the patriots offense with the breathing room it needed to succeed. By catching balls out in the flat, White forced the Falcons to hold back the pass rush, giving Brady enough time in the pocket to let plays develop. the patriots’ quarterback punished the defense as a result. Despite the patriots’ emergence halfway through the third quarter, the Falcons had plenty of chances to put the game away but couldn’t execute. the first major error on the Falcons part was came eight minutes left in the game, when Freeman completely missed the block on a blitz, allowing patriots linebacker Dont’a Hightower to strip-sack Falcons quarterback Matt ryan, turning the ball over and giving the patriots good field position. An even greater failure came with 4:40 left in the fourth. Up 28-20, the Falcons had the ball in field goal range and could have run time off the clock before kicking a field goal that would have put them ahead 31-20. However, the Falcons decided to throw the ball on the next two plays, resulting in a sack and a holding penalty that put them well out of field goal range. once the patriots tied the game, all
of the energy was sucked out of the Falcons. the patriots won the overtime toss, drove down the field, and scored the game-winning touchdown on the first ot possession, refusing the Falcon offense any opportunity at redemption. the game’s end renewed the controversy surrounding the NFL overtime rule as the Falcons were denied a chance to counter the patriots touchdown drive. there are two things we can take away from this game. First, no matter the score, no game is over until the clock hits zero. Second, tom Brady is the best football player in history. He holds the record for most Super Bowl appearances (7) and most Super Bowls won (5). But it’s more than the record: it’s his performance. It’s difficult to imagine any other quarterback carrying his team to victory as Brady miraculously did Sunday. Even down by 25 points, his level of confidence and play grew throughout the game, rallying his team along the way. After scoring his first touchdown, Brady took over the game and the Falcons were powerless to stop him. Although the Falcons lost, they should be contenders in the years to come. their high-powered offense isn’t going anywhere and their young defense should only improve under second year Head Coach Dan Quinn. Hopefully, we’ll see the Falcons back in the Big Game next year. — Contact Andrew Burnside at
By Kevin KilGour Asst. Sports Editor
Continued from Page 16 Branson, senior Michael McBane and fellow junior robert Wilhelm, III. Brown remained on top of his game the next day, running 1:54.37 in the 800 meter, a fourth place finish as well as the seventh-fastest time in the school’s history. Also crossing with a strong finish this weekend for the men’s team was Veater. Coming in at No. 34 in the 60 meter and No. 26 in the 200 meter, Veater ran 7.20 and 22.79, respectively, capturing Emory’s fastest time of the season for the 200 meter. the second day of the invitational saw some notable finishes in the distance events, as Branson came in sixth in the 3000 meter run with a time of 8:47.04. Later in the day, junior phil Edwards took home eighth overall in the mile with a time of 4:26.71. Solid performances in the field events included freshman Michael Battat’s sixth-place finish in the long jump, clearing 6.50 meters. “We have a lot of freshman talent this year,” Veater said. “So far everyone is really stepping up and giving it their all, which is really where I attribute a lot of our progress.” on the women’s side, senior Michelle Kagei raced wellwell in the 5000 meter run, pulling off second place with a time of 18:18.36, her seasonal best. Western Carolina University’s (N.C.) freshman Shawnda Martin bested Kagei by a mere 0.63 seconds to claim first. Finishing sixth overall in the distance medley relay was sophomore Claire Ubersax and freshmen trio Jordan Burgess, Nicole Steiner and Ileana Zeissner. the foursome crossed
the finish line at 13:04.78, a new season’s best. Individually, Ubersax also recorded a time of 5:19.60 in the mile, securing eighth place. Sophomore Jordan Small stood out in the high jump after clearing a 1.55 meter mark for eleventh place. As the indoor season progresses, the Eagles continue to work hard during practices, mostly on form and speed work in addition to muscular and cardio training. “the form and speed training has definitely helped us to improve our times overall,” Veater said. “But regardless of performance, everyone keeps [a] good attitude which may be even more important. We all know what we need to work on and what we need to take into practice to do better in the future.” the Eagles will head to Sewanee, tennessee Feb. 10 to compete in the Samford Invitational and tiger Indoor Invitational. they will then compete at the University Athletic Association Indoor Championships held at Brandeis University (Mass.) March 25 and 26. “our biggest goal right now is to win the UAA conference, and we’re quite optimistic,” Veater said. “We’re all there mentally, and super motivated. None of us needs to be reminded of how it feels to come so close to winning and [ultimately losing] in the end. the drive is definitely there and everyone has their heart in the right place. It would be really good to achieve another men’s and women’s victory.”
— Contact Prosper Fields at
Emory’s five-game win streak came to a sudden halt this past weekend. the Eagles dropped two critical road games, losing Friday at Brandeis University (Mass.) 59-67 before a painful defeat at the hands of New York University Sunday, 79-80. Emory was vying for a season sweep of the two UAA opponents after handling both Brandeis and NYU at home the week prior. However, Emory failed to reproduce those results on the road. Now 14-6 on the season and 5-4 in UAA play, the Eagles remain No. 3 in the UAA, but find themselves four games behind first-place Washington University in St. Louis (Mo.) (9-0). traveling first to Waltham, Mass., Emory had reason to be wary of a Brandeis upset. It took a double-digit comeback and overtime just a week before for the Eagles to overcome the Brandeis Judges. With this game in Massachusetts, the Judges were sure to show up with a chip on their shoulder. Jumping out to a 12-4 lead, the Judges delivered as expected. Senior guard tim reale was a big part of Brandeis’ early burst, scoring seven of the Judges’ first 10 points. “reale is a guy that draws a lot of fouls,” junior forward Christopher Avant said. “We have had a difficult time this year guarding the ball, but it just comes down to … being prepared to guard their personnel and knowing our assignments.” With only six points to their name halfway through the first half, offensive woes plagued the Eagles Friday. A team that typically thrives behind the arc, shots simply weren’t falling. Emory finished the game with only nine makes on 32 attempts from
Photo courtesy of emory Athletics
Emory freshman guard Nick Tupanjanin shields his defender. Tupanjanin and the Eagles dropped to 14-6 this past weekend. three-point territory. “We tend to fall in love with the three, and that was our biggest downfall this past weekend,” sophomore guard Gebereal Baitey said. “We didn’t make the game as easy for us as it could have been.” Climbing back into the game in the second half, the Eagles found themselves down by one, 56-57, with less than three minutes left. However, a 10-3 Judges run to close out the game crushed Emory’s hopes, with Brandeis claiming the 67-59 victory. Brandeis junior forward Jordan Cooper led all scorers with 28 points. Hoping for a different result Sunday in New York, the Eagles came together for a much stronger offensive performance. Junior forwards Adam Gigax and Avant, senior forward Jim Gordon and sophomore Baitey all scored in double figures, while junior guard Whit rapp contributed an impressive 11 assists. the New York Violets responded
with strong performances of their own. Junior guard ross Udine was outstanding, putting in 26 points for the Violets. With the game winding down and the score tied at 77, a clutch three from senior guard Joe timmes gave the Violets the 80-77 lead. A last second effort from three for Gordon would have won the game for the Eagles had it sunk, but it missed the mark, giving the Violets the 80-79 win. “It looked like we were going to win it up until the last minute or so,” Baitey said. “When timmes hit that shot it was really deflating for us.” the grind continues this next weekend when the Eagles travel for a meeting with UAA leader Washington University in St. Louis Friday before heading to Illinois Sunday for a game against the University of Chicago.
— Contact Kevin Kilgour at
CLINICAL NEUROLOGY 5 1 May 3, 2 e Jun 7 201
What is MD-SEE?
A six week course in Clinical Neurology. Much more than a shadowing program, MD SEE offers genuine clinical experience, classroom guidance on presentations, and a vigorous look at current issues and practices in medicine.
Introductory biology and at least one neuroscience course completed prior to submission of application Rising juniors and seniors preferred; freshmen are not eligible
Course Number: NBB 490 0PA / Credit hours: 4
The Program Experience Included are morning clinical rounds, classroom lectures and special evening presentations. Likely co– and extra curricular activities may include tours of area hospitals, and Yerkes Primate Center, panel discussions with Emory School of Medicine faculty and students, among others. For more details, please visit our website at
How to Apply: Emory undergraduates and visiting undergraduates must submit the following: MD SEE Admission Application, transcript, one letter of recommendation (optional). Apply on our website, and find additional information for housing and financial aid.
A Joint Program Sponsored by the Emory College Neuroscience & Behavioral Biology Program (NBB) and the Department of Neurology of the Emory School of Medicine
Deadline: preferred application deadline is March 1, 2017.
The Emory Wheel
By stephen mAttes Senior Staff Writer
courtesy of r euters
New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady celebrates following a surprise comeback in overtime against the Atlanta Falcons.
Heartbreak in Houston as Falcons Fall
Depending on the your allegiances, this year’s Super Bowl was either the greatest game or the biggest disaster in NFL history. the New England patriots made a miraculous comeback and defeated the Atlanta Falcons 34-28 in overtime Sunday after being down 28-3 with four minutes left in the third quarter. With the Falcons
holding a 99.6 percent chance of victory, the patriots needed every play in the final quarter to go their way. Every play did. the pats more than doubled the previous Super Bowl comeback record -- no other team in history has ever come back from more than a 10-point deficit. the game rewrote the Super Bowl record-books, with 24 records broken, including first overtime game and most passing yards. the Falcons dominated the first
By Andrew Burnside Sports Editor
half of the game, proving that their No. 1 offense could outplay the patriots No. 1 defense. Wide receiver Julio Jones and running back Devonta Freeman had their way, running through the patriots defense on what seemed to be every play. Even more impressive was Atlanta’s No. 27-ranked defense, which bottled up Brady and the rest of the patriots’ offense. Atlanta, with one of the worst pass rushes in the league,consistently put pressure on
Brady, causing issues for the entire offense. However, with amazing play from Brady and a little bit of luck, the patriots torched the Falcons defense and limited their high-flying offense in the second half. the biggest difference between the first and the second half was the emergence of patriots third-string running back James
See BRADY’S, page 14
the Emory baseball team is drawing a lot of attention coming into the 2017 season. ranked No. 4 out of all Division III teams, the Eagles lofty expectations. Emory departed early from the NCAA Division III College World Series last season, suffering a loss at the hands of the State University of New York at Cortland. their journey to the series last year was their third consecutive appearance. Despite the expectations, Head Coach Mike twardoski wants to focus on one game at a time. “the goal is always not to look forward too much,” twardoski said. “there are so many people telling me we can’t wait to see you again in the College World Series next year, but we’ve got to take it one game at a time and one practice at a time.” Senior catcher Chris Young believes the team is in great position to live up to their potential. “We are a lot stronger and better conditioned than we have been,” Young said. “We are all on the same page knowing how talented we are and how successful we have the poten-
See HIGH, page 14
By stephen mAttes Senior Staff Writer
By prosper Fields Senior Staff Writer Emory’s men’s and women’s track and field teams headed to East tennessee University this past weekend to compete in the Buccaneer Invitational, which featured schools across all NCAA Divisions. there was no team scoring at the invitational, but Emory saw excellent individual performances. “We knew the guys we were racing were fast,” senior Kyle Veater said. “But [this invitational] was a good way for us to get faster times and we did see a lot of good performances on our part.” At the start of the invitational, junior Max Brown lead the way for the men, placing third in the Distance Medley relay with a time of 10:26.84 along with teammates freshman Samuel
See INDOOR, page 14
the Emory women’s basketball failed to capitalize on leads in two games on the road this weekend and suffered the fate of defeat against the Brandeis University (Mass.) Judges and the New York University Violets. After the two losses, the Eagles are 13-7 overall and 4-5 in conference play. Initiating their weekend play against Brandeis, Friday, Feb. 3, the Eagles were determined to replicate last week’s win against the Judges. Emory failed to establish a lead in the first quarter and fell behind early. Despite sophomore center Ashley oldshue’s six points in the quarter, the Eagles trailed 17-13. Fairing better in the second, Emory cut down Brandeis’ lead to three points. Freshman guard Allison Chernow led the offense in the quarter, marking six points from two three-point baskets. recapping the first half, Head Coach Christy thomaskutty noted that the game was played hard and foul trouble hurt the team. “It was definitely a physical game,” thomaskutty said. “I thought we started really slow and then got back in it. We were in foul trouble and had three starters on the bench with fouls in the first half.”
Down 30-27 to start the second
the Judges 12-5 in the third.
advantage of its final possession and hAgAr elsAyed /Photo editor
Senior guard Shellie Kaniut comes up with one of her best performances of the season Sunday at New York university, finishing with 27 points on 48 percent shooting from the field. half, Emory turned the game around in the third quarter, grabbing the lead. Emory’s offense started to click as the Eagles outscored Brandeis 20-13. A tandem of freshmen, Chernow and forward Erin Lindahl, put up five points apiece. the Eagles also out-rebounded
With a lead heading into the fourth quarter, Brandeis quickly snatched it out of the Eagles’ talons, going on a 9-0 run to reclaim the lead. the two teams handed the lead back and forth until the final possession, when the game was tied at 59. Brandeis took
converted on a last-second lay-up to win the game. Senior guard Shellie Kaniut attributed the blown lead to lack of execution and losing the battle on the boards.
See KANIuT’S, page 13