Inspiration 31 Magazine

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I n s p i r a t i o n 31 I n s p i r a t i o n f o r t h e P r o v e r b s 31 Wo m a n

IN THIS ISSUE The Formula To Success April Showers = Fitness Pray First Overcoming Fear: Safeguard The Vision LUNCH...IT IS.... The Treasure In Our Gift of Kindness Image - The Key To Open Doors Embracing The You At 50+ The Passion And Purpose of Business Entertaining Tips Networking For The Proverbs 31 Woman


Living L.Y.N.E.S.A. Loving Yourself Now Empowers Situations Ahead

A Word From eMAHs Founder, Lynesa L. Williams, D.E.

The Formula To Success How many people do you know have truly achieved a high level of success with an Affiliate Program? And before you answer this, please only consider your family and friends in your direct circle. This immediately makes answering this question more difficult. See, most of the time when we first join a business, our only testimony of success is about someone else in the company. And usually that person is several legs removed from us. And how do I know this personally? Because I was that someone in my company for a long time. In my former company, I would average $50,000 to $80,000 per month in commission; and I would hear others using my story to recruit individuals into their business. Now, don’t get me wrong, my story was very compelling. I definitely went from Rags to Riches. However, many people knew my story, but did they really know how I went from the Wilderness to my Promise Land? So, with that being said, how did my team and others make their friends buy into their own personal vision of success with this company when all they did was talk about the success of someone they or their friends didn’t even know? They followed the formula to success: Know How + Desire = Success.

1. Treat your opportunity like a BUSINESS. Have an OWNER mind-set not an EMPLOYEE mind-set. 2. You must USE the product yourself. 3. You CANNOT allow the FEAR of FAILURE and the FEAR of SUCCESS to rob you of your DREAMS. 4. Understand that your product is “Changing People’s Lives.” The product is NOT just about making MONEY. 5. Do not REINVENT the wheel. Just follow the SYSTEM. 6. Call your Sponsor/Direct Upline at least ONCE every other day. 7. Make a COMMITMENT to stay in the business for at least 18 MONTHS. The last part of the formula is DESIRE. Now, when it comes to the “Know How,” I can teach this to you all day long; and if you just follow it exactly, it will work for you. However, when it comes to “Desire,” that can’t be taught. You must find that from within. You MUST have a “Low I.Q.” level to master “Desire.” (Read my last article in the March issue of I31 titled Does Your I.Q. Equal Success?) See, in my book, I talk about Desire meaning, Don’t Ever Stop Initiating Real Eagerness. No matter what people are sayings about you or your opportunity, no matter how many times you have failed in other businesses, no matter how many times you have heard the words, “No” or “No, I don’t like to Sell,” you must stay laser focused and keep your Desire burning within. Don’t allow that flame to be extinguished by NOONE or NO THING.

I am proud to say, that by teaching this formula to my team and others, I helped over a dozen or more people achieve a six-figure income in a matter of months. And guess what? Today, I’m going to share that formula with Well, that’s it folks - Your formula to you for FREE. Let’s get started. success. The first part of the formula is KNOW Peace, Love, Happiness and Most HOW. The “Know How” is made up of Definitely Prosperity, a seven step process. I don’t have Lynesa L. Williams, DE enough time to elaborate on each, but I will give you the seven steps.

eMothers-At-Home (eMAHs) Mission The best example of the ultimate woman is the Proverbs 31 Woman. Her characteristics made her loved and favored by her family, her community and more importantly the Lord. eMothers-At-Home mission is to educate and inspire Women to develop all the necessary traits that make-up the True Proverbs 31 Woman. And we do this through our Training Portal and Magazine - Inspiration 31. As a member of eMAHs, each month you will gain access to our online Training Portal as well as receive our magazine “Inspiration 31” that will motivate, educate and train you into becoming the Woman that God ordained you to be from birth.

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FEATURED COLUMNIST OF THE MONTH - Business Corner The Passion and Purpose of Business by Linda Lord for me to get up in the early hours of the morning and work tirelessly until dark if I’m not passionate about what I am doing. Have you noticed that when you are passionate about what you are doing, time flies and the fatigue is of a different variety than when you are do‐ ing tedious work that you have no pas‐ sion for? I had a crazy week last week. My husband and children were home from school on a mid‐winter break and I had managed to commit myself to a master’s level class that took me out every evening. I also had some addi‐ tional responsibilities for a group I be‐ long to and oh by the way, I still had the regular responsibilities of running my People start businesses for a variety of home and business. Without a sense of reasons: a hobby turned occupation, a passion for each of those things, I change in life circumstances, filling an would have been buried. I am a pas‐ unmet market need, a novel product or sionate woman. Some days I believe I service, or simply a lack of other op‐ have too much passion for my own tions. I started my business because I good and my own energy levels. had acquired a certain set of skills and there was nowhere to use them unless I But passion alone is insufficient to sus‐ started my own company. I didn’t know tain a Proverbs 31 business lifestyle. very much about business at all. I actu‐ One must also have a strong sense of ally viewed my business as a career op‐ purpose. And that is where I struggle. I believe we are gifted with many talents. tion. I have to say that I can’t recommend this approach. If you don’t want to be a business owner, and learn what has to be learned to be a Proverbs 31 business owner, then reconsider your choice. The double P of business is passion and purpose. With either one missing, busi‐ ness life is much more difficult. I know because although I like what I do I won‐ der sometimes if it is what I’m sup‐ posed to be doing according to God’s purpose for my life. I get great satisfac‐ tion out of helping other business own‐ ers succeed. I am truly privileged to support, nurture, and grow business owners so they can make a living and have a life. And still I wonder if I’m missing something. It’s time to explore the powerful combination of passion and purpose for myself and I am invit‐ ing you to come along.

The Proverbs 31 woman has passion for the many tasks she must accomplish. She goes the extra mile, gets up early, stays up late, integrates business with home, and embraces who she must be to do what must be done. I don’t know about you, but it is next to impossible

We are capable of doing many things. Ask any working mother! Look at all the talents of the Proverbs 31 woman. When we have that much raw material to work with, it can be difficult to focus on what truly matters and what the Lord really needs us to do. I am so grateful to Lynesa and her WOW exer‐ cises for finding purpose. I am working through these steps myself right now to align my talents with the Lord’s pur‐ pose for my life. Imagine the power of a Proverbs 31 woman in the right busi‐ ness at the right time, with the right amount of purpose and passion! I am getting information about myself that indicates that I am in line with God’s purpose for me and that has me a little nervous. It can be scary to get clarity on purpose and passion because then there is an expectation to perform; an obligation to step up to the plate, to take your place, and to deliver. Yikes. But remem‐ ber that the Lord who bestowed these gifts will also see it through to comple‐ tion. Meditate on the following verse when you consider your passion and purpose in business: Romans 8:28 (New King James Version) 28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” With that kind of promise, we can remain faithful to His purpose for our lives, knowing that He will not abandon us, but will provide for all our needs. It isn’t just what we

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have to do to be passionate and on pur‐ me. To remember who I was and what God intended me to do with my life.” pose, but who we must be in order to Looking a little confused, Susan encour‐ honour God’s will for our lives. aged Constance to continue. “You need Susan’s Dilemma to seriously remember who you are and what you’re good at. I can help with “I am so lost,” Susan sighed as she that.” walked from her desk to the window. “Is there GPS available for inside your own office?” her friend Constance asked.


She leaned heavily against the window and sighed even more deeply.

the payroll.”

“But you’re so good,” Constance of‐ fered reassuringly.

“By when?”

“Absolutely. And while we’re at it, why don’t you ask a few of your other friends what they think your real tal‐ “Very funny. You know what I mean. I get so caught up in the day to day oper‐ ents are. You do have friends other ations of the business that I don’t seem than me, don’t you?” she asked smiling. to get much done of any significance.” “Yeah, I think there’s still a couple on

“Oh, good suggestion. Ask your staff, What am I truly passionate about? too. They might see things you can’t “It used to be fun. I used to know why I was doing what I’m doing. I’m not even and your friends don’t. Will you commit Is that passion reflected in my business to doing it?” and the way I conduct my business? sure it’s the right thing anymore.” Is my business a reflection of my God‐ given purpose?

“Let’s see. Today’s Tuesday, how about a week from tomorrow? We can go How can I better connect my purpose “Thanks for that, but it just doesn’t and my passion in my pursuit of a Prov‐ seem like enough. I’ve lost my passion. I over your answers at lunch.” erbs 31 business? get up in the morning and almost dread “You buying?” coming in. It never used to be like that.” By Featured Business Columnist, Linda “Sure.” Lord “So what’s changed?” “Then I’ll be there.” “Me, I guess.” “With your homework done?” “In what ways?” “With my homework done,” Susan “I don’t really know. I’m a little bored. A watched Constance turn and leave. She little restless. It just feels different.” wasn’t sure why, but she did feel a bit “Remember what you told me last year better already. when I was struggling?” “No, but I’m sure it was brilliant,” she jokes, smiling weakly at her friend.

30 DAY CHALLENGE The 30 Day Challenge

Ask yourself the following and then “You told me to get back to basics. To stop doing the things that didn’t make share your responses with a trusted sense any more and to focus on the real friend:

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Health Corner LUNCH... It Is..... by Stephanie Tucker In a perfect world, we would have all the time we need AND would have a choice of healthy foods at your fingertips that are convenient. Well, if you are like me I DO NOT have lots of time to prepare meals and not everything that is convenient is good for us. This verse makes me think and rethink what I am doing to help keep my family and friends both healthy and happy. (In Proverbs 31 v 27), “She watches the conduct of her household”….This should make us be more conscious about what we are putting in our Temple to benefit and take care of HIS body. The more junk we put in; the less we have to serve in His Name. Here at some tips to help make a healthy lunch. Choice a day during the week to prepare your lunches ahead of time and store in the freezer or frig. Some ideas are: • Cook some chicken breasts on the grill or oven and slice or store whole. You can use these on sandwiches, salads, or in low fat wraps. • Make extra when you cook meals and store the extra for times that you don’t have as much time. For example, I like to cook extra spaghetti meat sauce and store it. Make your meals a day ahead. Prepack your lunch while cleaning up dinner dishes or regrouping for the next day. You will also feel so relieved the next day with your lunch planned and ready to go. I recommend you storing in glass when possible. That way it is safe to reheat without transferring food to another dish. DO NOT reheat

• WHOLE WHEAT BREAD – Ezekiel bread is the best idea • Load up with TONS of VEGGIES – it will make you feel like you are eating more – I DARE you to try a VEGGIE sandwich from SUBWAY – You will be surprised how much you will like it food in the microwave in plastic containers. Meal replacement bars are also a healthy and fast option. I carry one in my purse or car, so if I come out of a late meeting or in the car, I will grab it instead of stopping at fast food restaurant and eat something that I will regret. Again, my favorites are ISAGENIX, Luna, and Clif energy bars.

• Add a side of fruit salad instead of chips or at least BAKED chips

30 DAY CHALLENGE 30 day challenge

Your challenge for this month is simple…take one week at a time…choice one of the above and use that option the entire week. For example, pre-make your lunch(es) the night before for the entire week. That also is a great idea for the entire famiFun, easy, and creamy Protein shakes ly. If that option doesn’t work for you are such a great option for anytime of try another one. If it does work, keep the day. I prefer mine with frozen fruit, using that same choice and add anfresh fruit, or even peanut butter. You other one. Keep building on it and it can blend them up at work and it will will become a habit and a way of life. keep you fulfilled the entire afternoon. My favorite and it will be yours, is eiEmail me at ther a Chocolate or Vanilla ISAGENIX with any shake. questions or add me on FACEBOOK. Pre-cut and pre-wash you veggies and fruit. You can use this as a healthy addition.

I want to know how your challenges are going ……………because FITNESS should be FUN! ... and YOUR HEALTH makes you HAPPY!

And if you have to use sandwiches as By Featured Health Columnist, Stephyour option here are some guaranteed anie Tucker tips to keep you on your pathway to health. • Try to use fresh meat. Stay away from processed sandwich meat • Use mustard instead of mayo • Use 2% cheese if you must have cheese

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Spiritual Growth Corner

Overcoming Fear: Securing and Safeguarding The Vision by Dr. Sonya G. Smith

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. -II Timothy 1:7- KJV And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. – Mark 9:24 – KJV DO YOU BELIEVE? I mean do you really believe that God loves you SO MUCH that He is willing to birth and fulfill the vision and purpose He has planned for your life? In Mark 9:24, I was struck by the rawness and desperation of the father pleading with Jesus to heal his son, something the disciples had been unable to do. Jesus says to the man, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” (Mark 9:23 NKJV) The father’s vision was for his son to be made whole and healthy, and in his sheer abandonment of protocol and transparency, he says “Lord, I believe; help [my] unbelief.” If we are real with ourselves, like the father in this passage, we have all been there with Jesus. We have experienced waves of belief followed by unbelief, exhaustion, fear, self-doubt, or wondered if we even heard clearly from God at all. In our humanness, we become weary, and we doubt the vision and mission that God has given us. Fear sets in, and if we are not careful, it can immobilize us and destroy our vision. In last month’s column, your challenge was to “write the vision and make it plain” as it says in Habakkuk 2:2. Now that God has spoken to you about your

vision and mission, it is time to take be engaged and know what is going on steps to safeguard and secure them. in the world around us, our mind is bombarded with headlines of It is evident that even the woman in fear…fear…fear…natural disasters, Proverbs 31 took steps to both secure economic collapse, more war, rising and safeguard her vision and mission crime, murder and mayhem. Yes, we as a providential wife, mother, and must be on guard and seek God’s merchant. Verse 21 says, “When it protection as outlined in Psalm 91. snows, she has no fear for her house- However, fear and worry are not of hold; for all of them are clothed in scar- God. We must not become so fearful of let.” The Bible says “her husband has living in the world around us that we full confidence in her.” “She is clothed cease to focus on what a Mighty God with strength and dignity.” “She speaks we serve and His purpose for us. with wisdom and faithful instruction is It is through the power of the Holy Spirit on her tongue.”“She watches over the and God’s word that we push back fear affairs of her household and does not and overcome unnecessary worries. I eat the bread of idleness” (Proverbs John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in 31:11;25-27). Notice she goes about love; but perfect love casteth out fear: her work and affairs without fear, in because fear hath torment. He that confidence, with strength and dignity, feareth is not made perfect in love.” exercising wisdom and faithfulness, The Word also says that “God is love” and avoiding idleness. She is protec- (I John 4:8 KJV). In other words, God tive of not only her family but is a is the heart and true essence of love, guardian of the mission and daily tasks and therefore; there is no fear in Him or that she must perform in order to fulfill need to fear. For that we rejoice!!! her God-given vision. In last month’s column, we also talked briefly about “not being conformed to Two Foundational Capstones for this world and the renewing of our minds” (Roman 12:12). There are Your Vision times when the enemy and Satan himThere are two foundational capstones self stage an all-out attack on our to releasing your vision: 1) overcoming minds. I Corinthians 10:5 says, fear with His word, and 2) the faith to “Casting down imaginations, and every believe. These are two essential ele- high thing that exalteth itself against ments necessary to both secure and the knowledge of God, and bringing safeguard what God is perfecting in into captivity every thought to the obeyou and calling you to do. I understand dience of Christ.” In other words, we that life can be full of stress, strain, and must remember that we “have the mind worries. However, sometimes the of Christ” (I Corinthians 2:16) and bring world feeds into our fears to an almost our thoughts in line with His word. obsessive point, and we internalize this When you are down or disillusioned, hopelessness and live full of dread. the Bible instructs us to discipline our II Timothy 1:7 says, “For God hath not minds. In other words, you must make given us the spirit of fear; but of power, an “active decision” to change your and of love, and of a sound mind.” If thoughts immediately. We are inwe are not careful, the things and peo- structed to think on “whatsoever things ple that we listen to will play on our are true, whatsoever things are honest, fears. Have you ever watched the whatsoever things are just, whatsoever news and felt like you just received the things are pure, whatsoever things are “Doom Report”? Although we have to lovely, whatsoever things are of good

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report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4:8). Do not dwell on faults or failures; but focus on God’s possibilities and things you have already overcome on the way to your vision.

and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV). [Your] feet standeth in an even place” (Psalm 26:12). That means you will not fall nor slip to the right or to the left. Suddenly, I felt His calming peace and presence!

Let’s be honest. Now that you have your vision and mission statements, not everyone is happy with your new resolve to embark on your new vision quest. Family, well meaning friends, or even those who you seek to invest in some portion of your vision may be naysayers or just downright discouraging. DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM! You may have to get new friends, build a different network, or support group composed of positive people who will believe in what God is calling you to do. Change can be good!

You must do the same and not internalize what others tell you in order to accomplish any vision or goal that the Lord has set before you. There will be people who will try to tear you and your vision down. They are not sent by God. Constructive criticism and feedback can be healthy, but be on watch for the tricks of the enemy that may come When the vision tarries, it is even more through others. Simply, rebuke their important that we focus with “our spiritual eyesight.” This requires use of the garbage or rubbish! second capstone, “the faith to believe” for what God has promised us. HeGod’s Timing brews 11:1 reads, “Now faith is the Another thing that we have to guard substance of things hoped for, the eviagainst as we pursue our vision and dence of things not seen.” You must fulfill our mission is impatience. We live visualize yourself accomplishing your in a “right now” society with instant mission whether God has called you to food, instant on-line banking, instant a new profession, to be a better wife text messaging, instant coffee, and au- and mother, start a new school, build a tomatic teller machines. We deal with business, write a book, or start a new people that provide things for us in an ministry. I once heard Dr. Robert H. instant. We have drive-through win- Schuller say, “The me I see; is the me dows, cell phones, blackberries i- I’ll be.” I do believe that to be true. See phones, and computers, which provide yourself as an author, founder of a new us access in an instant. Yes, God is a ministry or company, loving wife or right now type of God, but He often mate, or fitting into those smaller pair requires patience. of jeans. You can do it!

For example, when God lead me to quit my job and go to law school at 30 years of age, I cannot tell you the negative feedback and terrible things that were said to me by some family and close friends. My boss at the time said, “You have no money, and I couldn’t even get into Vanderbilt Law. Aren’t you a little old to be going back to school? How are you going to do it…much less live?” He then laughed! Being somewhat bold, I replied, “As Al Green’s song says, ‘The Lord Will Make a Way Some How.’” Needless to say, my boss’ mouth fell open in shock from my statement, and the Lord more than made a way. Ultimately, it was my vision…my mission, and not theirs. I had to claim it and work it out! Do not misunderstand! Still, the words of family, friends, and colleagues were painful, and their words hurt. I even started to doubt if I heard from God about what He was calling me to do. I began to question myself. How indeed am I going to pay bills? Am I crazy for leaving my job? What if I don’t even get into law school? How am I going to afford $120,000 over the next three years? In other words, because of what someone else had planted in my mind, I got into the fear mode. Walking to my car after work, I heard the Lord say, “For I know the plans I have for you [Sonya] …plans to prosper you

Habakkuk 2:3 says, “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” If you are like me, I do not like to wait, and the Lord is

still working on the spirit of patience in me. Nevertheless, we still cannot allow what seems like God’s delays to cause us to quit. Remember that God’s delays are often not God’s denials! Just the opposite! The Bible says, “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing” (James 1:4). There are usually details that God is working out in our favor that we cannot see. To everything there truly is a season! (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

You also cannot let fear of failure block your vision. We all fail at times. It is part of the growth process. Some failures are more public and more embarrassing than others and require healing time. Most of the time, however, you just have to get back up and

Plant The Seed, Reap The Harvest Business Opportunity eMothers-at-Home (eMAHs) is more than just a magazine. This is a business about Showing and Telling, not Selling. Marketing eMAHs is about helping Women just like you, and showing them how they can build a better future. eMAHs offers a business opportunity that can give you the freedom that you've been looking for. If you're looking for a fulfilling career that can give you flexibility, time, and the financial freedom you've been dreaming of eMAHs may be the opportunity for you! Go to for more information.

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regroup. I like the quote by Dr. Benja- After you have compiled the list of lies min Elijah Mays, activitist and former and false truths, look them over for President of Morehouse University: ONE LAST TIME! If you want, cry any remaining tears from the sting that "It must be borne in mind that the trag- such hurtful words bring. Now, shred edy in life does not lie in not reaching them; throw them away; flush them; your goal. The tragedy lies in having no burn them; but by all means, destroy goal to reach. It isn't a calamity to die them once and for all! with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream. It is not a disaster Finally, I want you to replace the fears to be unable to capture your ideal, but and lies which have been embedded in it is a disgrace to have no ideal to your subconscious and mind with THE capture. It is not a disgrace to not reach WORD OF GOD! For the next month, the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no you are to repeat these scriptures out stars to reach for. Not failure but low loud EVERYDAY TWICE A DAY! Start aim is sin.” with —

• Not by Might nor by Power but by My Spirit says the Lord (Zech. 4:6). • The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? (Ps. 27:1). • My God shall go before me and makes the rough places smooth and the crooked places straight. He shall be my rear guard (Isa. 45:2;52:12). • If God be for me, than He is more than the whole world against me! (Rom. 8:31).

• Faith is the substance of all things hoped for and the evidence of all • I am fearfully and wonderfully made. things unseen (Heb. 11:1). Marvelous are Thy works (Ps. 139:14). These are the foundational steps in • I have the mind of Christ (I Cor. 2:16). releasing your vision and becoming that which God is calling you to be. • In all these things I am more than a Remember you have the power to seconqueror through Him that loved us cure and safeguard the vision. Stay in (Rom. 8:37). the Word and He will “perfect that which concerneth [you]” (Psalm • I am the head and not the tail. He 138:8). Do not get discouraged! Do not places me above and not beneath give up! I know that hope deferred (Deut. 28:13). makes the heart sick but [remember] when the desire cometh, it is a tree of 30 DAY CHALLENGE • I can do all things through Christ life! (Proverbs 13:12). God does love Jesus who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13). you, and He longs to give you the THIS MONTH’S CHALLENGE desires of your heart! • Whatever my hands touch, prospers Remember that you are worthy of and wherever my feet tread, I possess Until next month, keep believing! You God’s love and blessings. Do not self- (Deut. 30:9;11:24). truly are more than conquerors! sabotage your vision or mission. In this world, some of us have heard negative • I have favor with God, and therefore, By Featured Spiritual Growth Colummessages from partners, parents, favor with man (Prov. 3:4). nist, Sonya G. Smith, Ed.D, J.D. spouses, loved ones, alleged friends, and others telling us that “we are no • God has the power to give wealth and good, stupid, will never accomplish exalt me (I Chron. 29:12). 90 Day Journey to MAHood anything;” we are sometimes told that Webinar Series “no one will ever love us, or we just • My gifts and talents will make room cannot achieve” what God has laid on for me (Prov. 18:16). our hearts to do. • No weapon formed against me shall Your challenge this month is two parts. stand or prosper, and any tongue that First, I want you to spend some time rises up against me in judgment, I shall alone with God and write down the condemn (Isa. 54:17).

Dr. Mays’ words still ring true. We serve a BIG GOD, so aim HIGH!!! Along the way, leave your past failures behind. Philippians 3:13-14 says, “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Let’s keep pressing forward!

fears and things that are keeping you from activating your vision or a particular part of the mission God has called you to pursue. This includes all lies that you have bought into about yourself that do not line up with God’s unconditional love for you.

God’s word says, and I believe:

• My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:19). • I am His sheep and His sheep hear and know His voice (John 10:27).

Join Today!

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Children’s Corner PRAY First! by Tiffany Smith “You have circled this mountain long enough. Now turn North” Deuteronomy 2:3

“What??? God, you want me to do WHAT??? What about what she did? God, do you know how dangerous this is? Father, do you know how much she has disobeyed me on this?’ Still, I heard God whisper “be gentle”. Gentle is exactly what I did NOT want to be.

There we were standing only inches apart. Her chocolate eyes were blinking back tears. Her face etched with sadness and anger. She was angry, I was angry. She had been caught doing something she knew was wrong, she was being defiant and what she was doing was dangerous. How was she to understand the dangers that lurked out there? In her innocence, she believed whatever was told to her by some guy supposedly on the other side of the country on the other side of a computer screen. In her mind, this was someone who liked her, someone who was her age. Someone she thought was nice. How was she to know if the young Romeo was really a middle aged sex offender looking for his next victim? She did not understand that my reactions to her actions were coming from a place of parental panic. All she saw was that once again, she got in trouble and Mama turned into a crazy lady. As I stood in front of my daughter, I could feel myself shaking. I knew I needed to calm down, and dealing with her at that moment may have led to a decision that I would have regretted for a long time to come. I told her I was going to have to walk away for a while, and walk away is what I did. I was still fuming as I shut the door to my room. I wish I could tell you I immediately started praying for guidance, but I didn’t. I paced back and forth like a nervous mother lion. I felt my cub was being threatened and it was Satan whom was threatening to take hold of my baby girl. All kinds of possibilities went through my head. My husband was deployed to Iraq at the time, and my first instinct was to write him an e-mail. I didn’t do that either. Instead I called my Mama. Mama listened as I rattled off my “guess-what-your granddaughter-did-

this-time” tale. Patiently, she waited until I had spent my last bit of anger then gently asked me “have you prayed about this, Tiffany”? Well, of course not! That would have been the SMART thing to do…I was too busy being mad and trying to decided what punishment was going to fit this crime. After a few minutes, I got off the phone with my Mom feeling perplexed and exhausted. I was unsure as to how I was going to handle my child. I missed my husband, and I felt alone. That’s when I finally did what I should have done in the beginning. I fell on my knees in front of my Father’s throne. I pleaded with Him to change my daughter, to help me to make her see her mistakes. Even though I was praying, in the back of my mind I was planning to ground her for life, and NEVER let her touch the internet again. In my mind, she was already going to be well past middle age before I let her out of her room to see the light of day! I was seriously considering home-schooling her at this point.

My parents were believers in the proverb “spare the rod, spoil the child”. When my brothers and I misbehaved, you better believe we got our behinds whooped. If you had parents like mine, you know you were raised “old-school” and that meant we all got spankings and a “time out” was something our parents took to rest in the middle of spanking our behinds. When I became a parent, I became a firm believer in spanking my kids also. If I am completely honest, my tendency with my children is to fly off the handle first and apologize later. My children know full well their Mama is a little crazy and crossing me means big trouble. However, this time God was asking me to handle things in a completely different manner, a manner that seemed a little foreign to me.

As I studied God’s word looking for guidance, a particular verse jumped out at me. “You have circled this mountain long enough, now turn north” (Deuteronomy 2:3). God was telling me it was time to do something different. When it came to disciplining my kids, I was like the Israelites; I had been doing the same thing time and time again, and that was not working. I wasn’t getting anywhere. It was time to go another direction, time for someI decided to let things go for a while thing new. (something I rarely do). I wasn’t going to decide her fate just yet. I was going I discovered that I had been going to let God show me what to do with this about this parenting thing the wrong child and what kind of guidance she way. I had everything backwards. I was needed. That’s when I heard Him. He looking to others to tell me how to whispered to me so quietly, I had to get handle my child when I should have real still to make sure I was hearing been looking to the One who created Him correctly. “Be Gentle” is what I her. Only He can correctly direct me and guide my heart. Only He could heard God telling me. truly let me know when my children

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acted out whether they needed discipline or if the situation was best handled with mercy. God let me know that HE was the portion of whatever it was I needed for the day. He told me to seek HIM first, and deal with my child later.

kids with wisdom and kindness. It is my belief that we can only effectively deal with our kids when we have received instructions from our Father. That is not to say that punishment should be withheld, but it is to say that God will show us what to do.

As a parent, we know our children well. We know what makes them tick. We understand and hold dear the knowledge of our children’s hopes, dreams, fears, hurts, wishes, goals and we know what makes them smile. The incident with my daughter reminded me that even though I knew her very well, God knew her even better. During this time, He taught me that in order to be able to be the parent I needed to be for her, I was going to have to come to Him in prayer and give my daughter to Him. He reminded me that before handling my child’s discipline with that proverbial “rod” I needed to start with prayer. He also revealed that is was not His desire for us to discipline our children out of anger.

Loving our children means there will be times when we have to discipline them. Don’t be like me. Learn from my mistakes and seek God first. Pray and believe that what He tells you to do is what will be best for you, and for your children.

In Proverbs 31, verse 26 the New King James Version says “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness”. In my experience, when our children disobey, we MUST spend time with God so that we can open our mouth and discipline our

The Challenge:

For the month of April, I would like to challenge each of you to write down your beliefs about discipline. What do you believe? How do you handle your children when they need correction? Also, spend some time studying these Well, I can tell you that my daughter following verses: was handled with mercy instead of anger; she was not punished so much Proverbs 3:11-12 as she was loved and guided. There Proverbs 13:24 were still consequences that came as a result of her actions, but instead of Proverbs 19:18 breaking her spirit, I know God used it to build her character. God showed Proverbs 22:15 me that I need to seek His will and His Proverbs 23:13-14 ways before handling my children. Proverbs 29 :15, 17 After all, they are His children, too! Hebrews 12:7-12 II Timothy 3:16-17

After reading these verses, ask God to help you the next time a situation arises and discipline is needed. Write down the ways you feel God has changed your outlook on discipline Until next month, love those babies and your disciplining style. and love God with all your heart! Be I love you all! Have a great April and if blessed! it is God’s will, I will see you next month! 30 DAY CHALLENGE By Featured Children’s Corner Columnist, Tiffany Smith

Wisdom Speaks: 50+ Women Embracing The You At 50+ by Lynne Macklin-Fife The word Of God reminds us that our youth is renewed like an eagle. There's no defying gravity on our body, dodging gray hairs or escaping menopause. However if we can incorporate all the tools we've learned along our paths when we were in our 20's, (conscious of how we looked, exercising) our 30's (excited about life, eating more consciously and getting substantial rest) our 40's (self discovery) and 50+ incorporating all the wisdom we've cataloged in our library of experiences and enjoy life and all that it has to offer. We can label it as MARINATING GRACEFULLY and anxiously anticipate what exciting ventures the next phases of our life.

In knowing that we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, let's make an effort to momentarily revisit the former chapters in our lives to empower us to be all that we can be each day. Greater is he that is within us than he that is in the world. Not laboring or having a pity party, but remembering those dark valleys that were shaded by our pain and we couldn't see the light at then end of the tunnel. Well today is a new day. Allow God’s word to rise up bold in you, taking you to the next level to be strong, focused, and beautiful examples to the younger women.

Know that our journeys traveled were character builders and wrinkles here and there are gentle smile lines, which add a special beauty and reflection of history to our faces. We all have a STORY and aging is a blessing. Making a daily confession that you are special, a priceless GEM craftily created and molded by the best. The challenges each of us have encountered established that unique woman that you are. Ladies we are at the age of, "Got it Going On". Many of our sisters didn't make it, but raise your banner of 50+ with pride and exhilaration believing this is just the beginning of many awesome things to come. SMILE, we are the survivors and that's

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to be applauded, give yourself a hand. God encourages us to encourage ourselves. As Proverbs 31:26 admonishes us, "She opened her mouth with wisdom, and in her tongue is the law of kindness." The simple things in life can bring us the most pleasure - a kind word, a warm smile, and a free hug. He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it.

30 DAY CHALLENGE 30 Day Challenge I challenge you to take the next 30 days, to take something from your 20's (exercise), 30's (eating more fruits and veggie) or 40's (self discovery) pick one of or be courageous and try them all out to see if you will feel an even better you surfacing. Embracing the you at 50+ is like wearing that Perfect Little Black Dress. By Featured Wisdom Speaks – 50+ Women Columnist, Lyne Macklin-Fife

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Love & Relationship Corner The Treasure In Our Gift of Kindness by Melody Brooke, MA, LPC, LMFT You know how in some conversations trying not to set off the blast only to lose with your partner you it’s like walking your partner and your love in the proon a minefield? And, you don’t know cess. when you are going to lose a limb? How many times have you found yourWhat if you could release the trigger self in a discussion with your partner with no casualties and then discovered that suddenly turned sour and you the treasure inside the mine? don’t really know how you got there? You’ve said or done something that set You know how it is, when couples have them off and you are not sure how it been together for a while, there are just happened, it’s just that suddenly you some topics and some areas that even are standing in quick sand and sinking if you want a change -you learn to just deeper by the second. Now, of course, not ever go there. you want to dig yourself out, but everyEventually, you will just distance your- thing you try just pulls you in deeper. self from the person that you love At this point your heart is racing, you rather than push to get what you really are sweating and unsure of what to say want from your partner because it’s just or do. Your partner is behaving like a too risky. It just doesn’t seem worth it. wounded animal and you don’t have a clue how to fix it. Developing an emotionally wealthy relationship requires walking through the Sound familiar? Well, it should sound minefields. Not all of us are brave familiar because we all do it. We all enough to do it, that’s why the divorce have times when our communications rate is so high. don’t go as we intend and we find ourselves battling a battle that we don’t The surprising thing is that triggers understand. We don’t know what contain important, valuable, and pre- started it and we sure as heck don’t cious pieces of information about your know how to stop it. Sometimes dipartner that changes everything. vorces result from just such interacThese parts of your partner are the tions! very things that drew you to them in the first place, but they have been hiding All of us have our moments. All of us behind layers of dynamite. Fearing the have certain things that set us into a explosions, you have tiptoed around survival mode that leaves us feeling isolated, terrified, angry, hurt, or just plain depressed. This survival mode feels personal, as if our partners deliberately intend to wound us in our most sensitive places. Momentarily our partners may lose sight of who we are and, yes, say or do something to deliberately hurt us, but unless our partner is a psychopath, they don’t go into the conversation with the intention of hurting us. So why is it we so often find ourselves in the quick sand? Human beings are animals. We have an old part of our brain (old in the evolutionary sense) that reacts in a primitive manner to any hint of perceived threat. We can’t really help it;

our reactions are part of our brain function. The more insecure we feel in a relationship, and the more important that relationship is to us; the more likely we are to be triggered into this primitive reactivity. The set of behaviors triggered by our brain chemistry are pre-programmed into us from our ancestry to increase our chances of survival in the wild. Lauren and Stan had been married for over 20 years, yet they had never established trust. Their “old brain” was still behaving as if their partner were a threat to them. Lauren’s mother was depressed and her father was an angry, frustrated man who raged at and physically abused his children. As a result, any time Stan expressed his frustration with anything that Lauren did, she accused him of being abusive. She shamed him and withheld sex from him. She believed herself to be protecting her children. Her old brain kicked in and she went into what I now call “Self-Protector” mode. Her attacks threw Stan into his own “Self-Protector” mode. She would snap at him, he would be forced to withdraw into a protective angry shell. I couldn’t understand how their marriage had lasted so long. Once Lauren was able to understand how she had thrown Stan into the role of her father, and that she was in an old brain reactive mode because of her abuse history and not because of Stan, she was able to relax her angry stance. Stan was fearful of expressing any feelings to her because of her past rages, but when he saw her pain as she talked about her father’s abuse, he softened to her. He was then able to let her see how her raging at him had affected him, and she could actually let herself have empathy for him. It still took some time before she could trust him enough to let him discipline their children, but she did. He was able to have empathy for her fear and dis-

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trust instead of seeing it as being about My challenge to you this month is to look deeper into the conflicts that arise him. with your partner. Allow yourself, this We are all capable of this God given month to take the time to notice the ability, to reach beyond our own feelings underneath his anger or his wounding, and to love our spouse, “But frustrations. This is the gift of Proverbs it is the spirit in man, the breath of the 31:26, “She opens her mouth in wisAlmighty, that makes him understand” dom, and the teaching of kindness is Job 32:8 on her tongue”. Find “kindness on (your) tongue” and offer him empathy for how he feels, even if it’s difficult for 30 DAY CHALLENGE you, stretch! You’ll discover the treasure. 30 Day Challenge By Featured Love & Relationship Columnist, Melody Brooke,MA,LPC,LMFT

Beauty & Image Image: The Key To Open Doors by Mechelet Bickerstaff

Did you know…within the first three seconds of a new encounter, you are evaluated…from hair to toe. Can’t help it, I’m a hairstylist too! Within only three seconds, you make a memorable impression before you even speak a word. In fact, research has determined that first impressions are based on 55% appearance, 38% voice tonality and 7% the spoken word! In this day and age it is not enough to simply think you are fabulous, you have to be fabulous. Appearance includes anything that you visually display on or with your body such as clothing, makeup, facial expressions and body language. With appearance being the primary factor people use to judge you, it is important to pay close attention to the message your appearance sends that will foster the impressions others form about you. While most of us are very familiar with the old adage that “you never get a second chance to make a first impression,” many of us don’t really give a second thought to the im-

pressions we make. Once the first Image works in your favor for three impression is made, it is virtually irre- main reasons: First, it promotes confiversible. This is a fact of life. dence within and makes you feel they need to live up to your look and/or Let's face those facts: carry yourself accordingly. Second, it • If your image is less than favorable, fosters a proper perception from the you are often overlooked. outside world about the person you • f your image is merely comparable, may be. You will also notice the attenyou are simply accepted. tion level is heightened, the way you • If your image is extraordinary, you are are approached is different and the celebrated and admired stares will be followed by smiles and The reality is if you want to live life to kind gestures. Lastly, and my favorite, the fullest and not merely exist be- you will get RESPECT! There is a high cause you’re invisible, you must project level of respect and credibility given to yourself to the world as larger than life. a well dressed woman, from both sexHaving an extraordinary image natu- es. Therefore, I implore you to think rally causes you to feel good about before you dress. Think long and hard yourself and to exude a persona that is about what message(s) you intend to happy, confident and inviting. This in convey with your image. turn causes others to have a positive perception of you, to be drawn to you Your image should project what I call like a magnet and to treat you more C.L.A.S.S. - Confidence, Liveliness, favorable. This concept is called im- Attractiveness, Stylishness and Sinpression management. To a certain cerity. degree, you can use your appearance To show confidence, smile, make to manipulate how others will judge eye contact, walk with purpose and have excellent posture. Confidence and treat you.

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is attractive when you balance it with But, you won’t be able to carry any of being lively. this off if you are uncomfortable with Friendly interactions, initiating and hav- your image and if it is not a true reflecing engaging conversations show live- tion of who you are. Hence, the final liness. Also, wearing complementary step to a successful appearance is colorful clothes makes you look lively. being sincere. For example, yellow is great color to Your image must be a sincere and an wear to project that you are approach- honest presentation of YOU at your able and cheerful. best. When you know what you value Having impeccable grooming is an im- and respect, accept and love you for portant aspect of being attractive. Pay you, and then dress to present the true attention to details. Make sure your and accurate YOU, you are being sinnails are nicely manicured. Wearing cere. make-up is a must. Your make-up should give you a natural looking flawless complexion while playing up your eyes and lips. You should wear a tinted moisturizer, waterproof mascara and lip-gloss even if you are going to the supermarket or the gym… hopefully not wearing an old sweat suit. This leads me to my next point. Be Stylish.

Cut out pictures of people and things that conjure up perceptions that you want others to have of you. For example: my personal image diary has pictures of houses with a lot of windows by the beach – I love beach scenes, nature and open bright rooms, there’s a picture of a woman wearing a black fitted asymmetrical skirt and a white blouse with kimono sleeves and some leopard print shoes – that picture screams confident secure woman with amazing style and then there are pictures of people from different cultures because I have a diverse group of friends and I’m fascinated by people and love to learn about how others live.

People find women who are Confident, Lively, Attractive, Stylish and Sincere irresistible. A successful image is the key to open doors and command attention then you will be given the chance Just have fun finding all the things that to show all the talents and qualities that you know define who you are. By Featured Beauty & Image Colummake you special. nist, Mechellet Bickerstaff


You will look stylish when you wear clothes that perfectly fit your shape, are 30 day challenge age appropriate, fashionable and have Start a personal image diary some flare.

Networking Corner Networking For The Proverbs 31 Woman by Denai Vaughn Online and Offline networking enables you to use EVERYTHING you are learning here about being a Proverbs 31 Woman. What you gain from the Spiritual articles, what you read in the Fitness column, the knowledge you gleam from the Motherhood messages, and everything in-between should be SHARED WITH YOUR NETWORK. People want to connect with the “real you” and the whole package, not just the business side or the mom side or the teacher side, but ALL of it! They want to hear what you are excited

about and what is troubling you. Social Media is a wonderful outlet for this, just like a blog is, but here’s the difference.

from your heart and let others see YOU for WHO YOU ARE.

Over a number of months, and especially in the past few weeks, I have When you are on Facebook, you have really had a heavy heart for the End a captive audience, your subscribers. Times. As I look at all of the changes On Twitter, you have followers but you going on with America, our legal sysalso have people who watch the tems, numerous natural disasters and homepage for posts who may not more, it has to break God’s heart, just know you. as it breaks my own. Sometimes we wonder and often ask WHY…and if you read online posts from your conLinkedIn and MySpace and all other nections, you will see speculations Social Networking Sites provide the and links to articles. You need to ask same opportunity for you to share yourself, “Is this TRUTH or is this a

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false-prophet speaking? Do they know what they are talking about? Is God speaking to and through them?” And then YOU need to ask God to reveal the TRUTH to you.

There are friends, family, and followers of yours who are searching for THE TRUTH and need to see THE LIGHT. It may be something so simple as a post on Facebook or a Tweet on Twitter that brings them to know Christ What I have come to realize in the last PERSONALLY…and where you have two years is that God has given me led someone to the Cross without “The Networking Queen” to bless HIM! even knowing it. It is not just about my helping people to grow their business, brand and inYou see, my friends, we need to make come, but also THEIR BELIEF! There this more about OTHERS and less are hungry people in this world who about ourselves. Let’s make it more are seeking to fill a void they know not about Christ IN US and speaking where to look and don’t know who or THROUGH US than about what we what will fill it, but you and I, my siswant, need or desire. He gifted the ters in Christ, have found the answer! world with the tool of the internet so that the unreachable can be reached, As Christian Women, Mothers, Sisthe unteachable can be taught! ters, and Speakers & Seekers of Truth Through the power or the internet you we are called to embrace the Bible as can record a VIDEO for the deaf to a whole. It is not just the verses or see and AUDIO for the blind to hear. words we “like,” but every single word You don’t have to fly to Africa to share in scripture. This means the good, the Christ with someone there, you can bad, and the ugly…the wrath and the find them online and SHARE God’s revelations, as well as the praise and Word through your profile, posts, and adoration parts…THE WHOLE! We all emails. remember the “Hide it under a bushel. NO! I’m gonna let it shine…” song, As you look to grow your network, right? Well, with the dawning of Social don’t limit yourself to “those of your Media we now have a NEW WAY to same denomination” but look for oplet our light shine! So let me ask you portunities to connect with someone this…ARE YOU? who is unchurched so YOU can be the Salt and Light that they need in their

life. They may not find it anywhere else! Just as verse 26 reads, may you speak with WISDOM & FAITHFUL INSTRUCTION as you go forth enriching God’s Kingdom by sharing His Truths with those who need to hear it, be reminded of it, and are in agreement with you.

30 DAY CHALLENGE 30-Day Challenge – PICK AT LEAST ONE: 1. Ask God what verse he would have you to post EVERY DAY on your Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or MySpace (etc.) page. 2. Use your Social Media Sites to share what God is speaking to you at least once a week. 3. Connect with at least 5 people a week whom you don’t already know. 4. Send at least ONE message a day to one of your friends that is scripturebased and inspirational. By Featured Networking Columnist, Denai Vaughn

Fitness Corner

April Showers = FITNESS by Toyia Brown

I truly hope that you have been successful in taking time to love and appreciate yourselves, giving yourself some of the TLC that I’m sure you readily pass out to your family on a regular basis. Now it’s time to put a plan into action that will really allow you to take on health and fitness as a way of life regardless of your daily demands. First, you have to figure out how much time can be squeezed out of your day and committed to exercise. Start by making a schedule which factors in

every single one of your daily responsibilities and activities. Now for some of you, just thinking about the endless list of tasks that you take on each and every day is exhausting, and despite the desire, the thought of adding one more thing to your schedule -- not to mention the fact that it’s physical exertion -- just does not seem plausible. For others, time is not your biggest issue; instead, you lack the motivation or the discipline. Well, no matter how great the challenges of your day, you always have a

choice. You can allow your non-stop pace and insanely demanding schedule to drain you of all your energy, your drive and motivation, or you can choose to push through to take time for yourself, releasing stress, motivating and energizing you to get through your day, as well as countless other benefits of exercise. The choice is yours. The old saying goes, “Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but no one wants to die.” Health and fitness, like everything else in life, come with a cost that must

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be paid upfront and in full! This is actu- • Create a written schedule and map ally a biblical principle that applies to out the days and times that you will almost everything in life. work out (Be sure to include the time slots for your eMAHs challenges in In the Book of Joshua 1:1-9, The Lord your schedule. charged Joshua, whom he had chosen •Set aside a minimum of three days to replace Moses, to lead Israel across with 30–minute minimum workouts the Jordan and take possession of the •Or four-six days with 20-minute minipromised land. He also repeatedly en- mum workouts (Depending upon fitcourages Joshua to be strong and cou- ness level workout days and times can rageous and to be careful to obey all of be increased or decreased.) the Law. This passage suggests that although The Lord had given them the • Choose a physical activity that you promised land, they still had to go and enjoy and that challenges you (Have fight to take possession of it. So their fun while gaining the physical benefit.) successful was not unconditional. It’s • Make a commitment to yourself to obvious The Lord continued to encour- keep your workout schedule (If you age Joshua because the battle would miss your workout time, try to make it difficult and would require them to up in the same day. You may even have faith. As it is with fitness and in want to write a contract and sign it.) life, there is no victory without battle!! I would also suggest that you see your physician and have a physical exami30 DAY CHALLENGE nation and approval prior to beginning to exercise consistently. Your challenge over the next 30 days is to: Have faith, be encouraged, and know • Go through your schedule and daily that you can do all things through routines with a fine-tooth comb and Christ. find time for your workout. (Be specific and realistic. It may be necessary for By Featured Fitness Columnist, Toyia you to give up something less impor- Brown tant for now.)


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Gourmet Cooking Corner Entertaining Tips by Angie Kardashian, America’s Chef Have you waited to the last minute to plan for that Easter dinner? Well, take the difficulty out of your Holiday gatherings. Make your holiday plans in advance and use these simple tips to help you get perfectly prepared! THE HOST: Whether you are having an intimate dinner party or a holiday open house, remember to plan ahead by knowing what your guests enjoy, how much you’ll need and of course shop early. When figuring out your event’s wine needs, plan on a glass of wine per person per hour at least. A good rule of thumb is to allot a bottle of wine per person when having a dinner party, when it’s an open house style party a little less will do. Regardless, it’s always smart to have extra (you can always save the extra for your next gathering). Another great contribution is sparkling white grape juice. Bring some grapes to drop in for a festive look.

to open it right then and there. If you’d like to drink the bottle you brought that night, the solution is easy: bring two! ”Here’s a bottle for you and here’s something I’d love for us to try together!” Champagne is also a festive choice when celebrating, or a cordial (Kahlua, Amaretto) if you know their favorite. PROVERBS 31:29 Your family will surely say, “There are many fine women in the world but you are the best of them all!” Many blessing and love to you all. Happy Cooking. These recipes are a favorite for Easter and can be made for a crowd… The Lamb is flavorful and kebabs are an easy way to make your dollar stretch. The Pilaf is steamy, creamy and wonderful.

• Chicken Broth: (2 cups of broth for every one cup of rice and then one extra cup for the egg noodles) • Butter • Salt Place a heavy pot over a high heat. Place 1-2 TBSP butter in the pan and melt. Add enough egg noodles to cover the bottom of the pan break them up to smaller pieces. Brown the noodles, stirring often. Watch closely can burn very quickly. Add desired amount of rice and stir to coat with butter and mix with egg noodles. Add chicken broth (in lieu of water). Add a hefty pinch of salt. Bring to boil and reduce to lowest simmer, cover and cook for about 20 minutes or until done.


1, 5lb leg of lamb


2 white onions


10 garlic cloves

For the food, try to choose recipes that can easily be made ahead of time and in large batches. The Lamb recipe below is a cinch and can even be skewered before all the guests arrive. The Pilaf recipe can also be warmed on the stove or in the microwave with a little extra chicken broth.


½ cup olive oil


½ cup chopped parley


Salt & Pepper to taste

Also, don’t be afraid to ask guests to bring “specific” dishes. They will appreciate the guidance and will feel like they are contributing something of value. Have them bring dishes that are already assembled and/or oven ready. You don’t need a bunch of chaos of people trying to cook in the kitchen. And lastly, don’t put folks who you know are chronically late in charge of appetizers! Tell them to bring dessert!

Skewer the lamb onto skewers. If using wooden skewers make sure to soak them overnight in water to avoid them burning.


• Rice (desired quantity) 1 cup approximately feeds 3 to 5 prox.

Cube the Leg of Lamb into 1.5 inch chunks. Toss lamb with all other ingredients and marinate overnight. Preheat a Grill to it’s highest setting.

Place the lamb onto the hot grill for a couple of minutes to char and flip to other side for another couple minutes to char. Then lower the heat on the grill and close the lid to finish cooking…anywhere from 5-8 minutes depending on desired doneness.

30 DAY CHALLENGE MY CHALLENGE TO YOU FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH! Something fun you can do this month: Pick one day each week and make it the same day every week and have the whole family make one item of the meal. So Mom makes the mashed potatoes, Sister makes the vegetable, Dad makes the dressing for the salad and Brother makes the salad. Tell jokes while you do it so it becomes a laughing fun time and then pray and thank God for this special time together. Do it! It will be fun. Use your wooden spoon and a pot and make some music boom, boom, boom chop to the beat!!! Pretty soon you will be making music with all the different utensils in the kitchen and laughing so hard you are crying. That is my challenge for you this month. Have fun!!! Let me know how you do and tell me some of the jokes if you don’t have any I do!

PILAF (RICE) When invited to a party and you’re not sure what to bring, a nice bottle of red • Egg Noodles: you can use fettucine By Featured Gourmet Cook Columnist, wine is always a sophisticated choice. (big fat noodles) or angel hair small (I Angie Kardashian However, it’s up to the host if they’d like like the small)

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