The Nubian News & El Latino News - DIC 22

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SERVICE SCHEDULE Sunday School 10:00am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00am Sunday Evening Worship 7:00pm Wed. - Day Prayer 12:00pm Wed. Bible Study/Prayer 7:00pm Fri. - Evening Worship 8:00pm 1100 South Clinton Ave. - Trenton, New Jersey 08611 // 609-346-6208 // Trenton Deliverance Center IF YOU WORK FOR GOD, GOD WILL WORK FOR YOU SUNDAY WORSHIP 11:00AM ALL ARE WELCOME Pastor Mark Broach and First Lady Jennifer Broach Merry Christmas for everyone and Happy New Year! DECEMBER 5, 2022 - VOLUME 6 - NUMBER 8 FREE PRESS KEEP UP TO DATE WITH US @thenubiannews FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK @ElLatinoNewspaper News Rising for a Better Tomorrow TRENTONIANS GET ANOTHER CHANCE TO VOTE ON JANUARY 24th The top six candidates running in the race for the three ‘At-Large’ City Council seats are: Yazminelly Gonzalez, Jasi Edwards, Crystal Feliciano, Alex Bethea, Taiwanda Terry-Wilson, and Kadja Manuel. Read the article in page 6.

Mayor Reed Gusciora, four more years

best safeguard to prevent governmental abuse and corruption.

The Nubian News/El Latino News and “On the Case with Kamau Kujichagulia ‘’ will continue to report on, bring attention to and raise issues, in particular those that impact Black and Latinx residents of the Greater Trenton area. We look forward to expanding on the type of articles and information that readers have come use to seeing in The Nubian News/El Latino News. We will continue to dive into the issues, topics and concerns that impact Black and Latinx lives that other media outlets fail to address. We will remain intentional about centering communities of color, elevating issues and Black and Latinx voices.

lieve they are inferior they will be nothing but inferior. In that regard, what perception is being given to Black and Latinx youth and adults when they look around where they live and everyone looks like them yet the people in power most impacting them look nothing like them? What is the message to Black and Latinx students in the city’s elementary, middle and high schools that in a city in which 91 percent of the people are Black and Latinx that there is no one who is Black or Latinx capable in Trenton to be mayor?

TRENTON - Congratulations to Reed Gusciora for winning four more years as mayor of Trenton. Gusciora was selected over three other candidates seeking the office of mayor. In 2018, Gusciora ended up in a runoff and eventually won the mayor’s office when five Black candidates split the Black vote. Black voters are a majority of the voters in Trenton.

At the time, some political observers viewed Gusciora’s victory an election fluke. An election fluke the result of the failure of Black leadership to consolidate behind one Black candidate to ensure and maximize Black political power. A colossal failure by Black leadership to promote and move Black people forward. It was viewed then and now as an embarrassment to Trenton’s Black community.

Gusciora will now have at least four more years to implement his vision, whatever it is, for a better Trenton. It would be great to know what his vision is, in particular his thorough and detailed plans to address Trenton’s gun violence and crime. A study group is not enough. It seems he has no ideas to address the problem. It is an issue which concerns Trenton’s residents.

Prior to Gusciora becoming Trenton’s mayor he represented Trenton in the State Legislature for 22 years as a Democrat while living in Princeton. Princeton at the time was included with Trenton in the same legislative district. While living in Princeton he ran for mayor of Princeton and lost. When the State Legislature removed Princeton from the legislative district with Trenton, Gusciora was faced with a political career decision. The Trenton legislative district was considered a much safer district for a Democrat to win in. So Gusciora

packed his bags and headed to Trenton: “I try to stay abreast of what takes place politically. Yet, I don’t remember Reed Gusciora doing anything for Trenton when he was the State representative. I thought of him as having interests more associated with other towns in the districts, not Trenton,” stated a longtime Trenton observer.

“I was surprised when I saw he decided to run for mayor [in 2018]. I was even more surprised and shocked that he ended up as mayor. I was certain that it would be just one term. I am left scratching my head as to how majority Black Trenton ends up with a White mayor,” the Trenton observer added. Trenton no longer has daily newspapers which provide extensive coverage of the working of Trenton’s municipal government and other city institutions like the school district. There is a lot that is occurring, good, bad and other, in Trenton that residents and voters need to know about to help them to make informed decisions about their city government and institutions. Information is power. A lack of information leaves one in the dark, oftentimes without power. During the municipal election, The Nubian News/El Latino News and the podcast created by the founder of The Nubian News Kamau Kujichagulia entitled “ On the Case with Kamau Kujichagulia’’ reached out to the candidates for them to share their vision for a better tomorrow for Trenton.

Many of the candidates made themselves available for interviews to the newspaper and the podcast. Unfortunately, Gusciora was not one of those that did. He was not the only one. But that was their choice. Nevertheless, an informed and knowledgeable electorate actively engaged in their government is the best way to move their government and community forward. It is also the

We will tackle these issues, topics and concerns head on and forthright. We will continue to remain unapologetic in pursuit of justice for Black, Latinx and other people of color. We will seek truth and understanding. With truth and understanding comes knowledge. With knowledge comes power. In other words, we will be speaking truth to power. We are furiously committed to assisting Black, Latinx and other people of color obtain power, social, economic and political power. In that spirit, we are compelled to ask the question: how do we end up as a city which is 91 percent people of color with a non-person of color as mayor?

During the Great Racial Awakening of 2020, the result of the murder of George Floyd we heard a lot about White supremacy. The discussions around the issue of White supremacy focused primarily on physical acts of violence on Blacks such as police brutality, lynching, theft of Black property and wealth. However, there are other methods of White supremacy which are more psychological and cognitive in nature. Such methods go to influencing people of color to accept their supposedly inferiority. It is not the reality but the perception which eventually becomes the reality. As they say in sports perception is 99 percent of the game. That is true in politics and in life. If a person or a people be-

To those Black and Latinx politicians and other leaders who felt compelled to support a person not of color did you give any thought as to what message your endorsement might have on Trenton’s Black and Latinx youth and others? Or did you only think about your own political and personal gain? You had an opportunity to encourage and support Black power but you failed and/or refused to do so.

Apparently, you put politics before people and a pay to play check before principle. Then again there is no surprise you have done it before. Yet, you will be calling on those Black voters to support your candidacy while you stand in front of the Black power flag. When Africans were an enslaved people those in power employed overseers to keep the Africans in slavery. This too will be part of your legacy. Hopefully, Mayor-elect Reed Gusciora will be mindful and sensitive that Trenton with its 91% people of color population will have a mayor who does not reflect the racial and ethnic demographics of the overwhelming majority of its population.

That Mayor-elect Gusciora will be supportive of affirmative efforts, decisions and actions to ensure progress and advancement for Trenton residents in particular its residents of color held down by White supremacy, historic and systemic racism and injustice. If not, Blacks in Trenton will have gone back in time. Despite the Emancipation Proclamation, Juneteenth or whatever, they will find themselves back to the plantation.

THE NUBIAN NEWS & EL LATINO NEWS STAFF Publisher Emeritus: Kamau Kujichagulia Publisher Latino News Editor: Carlos Avila // Managing Editor: Tanya Henry Turner // Reporters: Al Alatunji - Laura Rodriguez Pena - Sean Jenkins // Photographers: Karen Hilton - Carlos Estrada // Circulation: Leslie Lauts - Vernon Daniels // Design: Marcos Tamayo (Instagram: @marcostamayo) LETTERS
THE EDITOR Email to: The Nubian News and Latino News welcome letters to the editor of reasonable length. Writers should include address and phone number. Opinions and positions taken in articles with bylines are those of the writers Join us on the Internet at
Email to: // 609-757-6487 // 25 S. Westfield Ave. Trenton, NJ 08618 Copyright 2022 The Nubian News Corp. All Rights Reserved. The Nubian News prints 5,000 copies which are mailed, hand and bulk delivered to each home and business in Trenton Area. 609-757-6487 - 609-858-2777 - 609-757-6487

TRENTON - Trenton municipal election was held on November 8, 2022. Reed Gusciora, the current mayor of Trenton, has been re-elected. Teska Frisby was victorious in the West Ward and Joseph Harrison who currently serves as the East Ward Councilman was re-elected. He is the only current member of Trenton City Council who will be returning.

As for the other ward council races because none of the candidates were able to receive 50% plus one vote there will be a runoff election between the top two vote getters in the North Ward - Jennifer Williams and Algernon Ward - and South Ward -. Jenna Kettenburg Figueroa and Damian Malave. Regarding the At Large council seats, there was considerable confusion as to whether the top vote getter on November 8th had received 50% plus one vote. A Judge ruled on December 2 that none of the At-Large candidates had received 50% plus one vote.

The Judge ruled that a runoff was indeed required for the six top vote getters in the AtLarge race held on November 8th. The Judge ordered a runoff to be held on January 24, 2023. He also ordered that the South Ward and North Ward runoff scheduled for December 13 be moved to January 24th.

The top six vote getters in the At Large contest were Yazminelly Gonzalez, Crystal Feliciano, Jasi Edwards, Alex Bethea, Taiwanda Terry-Wilson, and Kadja Manuel. The top three finishers will serve on the City Council. Alex Bethea,Taiwanda Terry-Wison and Kadja Manuel were forced to go to court to seek a runoff after the City Clerk reportedly used the wrong numbers to declare that Yazminelly Gonzalez had received 50% plus one vote. However, after further review it was determined that Ms. Gonzalez was short of the 50% plus one vote threshold.

The next Municipal Council

If the Judge had allowed the City Clerk’s declaration to have stood, Yazminelly Gonzalez, a Trenton public school teacher, would have been the first Latina in the history of Trenton to be elected to City Council. Voters will have the opportunity on January 24th to see if history will be made.

The individuals who ran for City Council this year were all decent and honorable. They seemed genuinely committed to serving the people of Trenton. They are to be commended for such commitment and their desire to help make a better Trenton. Much was made about the inability of the current City Council to function in harmony with the mayor. Some political media outlets seemed to delight in painting the governing body of Trenton as being not only dysfunctional, but the most dysfunctional municipal governing body in the state.

They seemed to place the blame for the dysfunction solely at the stiletto heels of the City Council. City Council did on occasion force eyebrows to be raised regarding some of their actions and statements. But so did the mayor. Many of the City Council candidates made it a point to criticize the current City Council. That the only initiative they presented was if elected they would hold hands and sign kumbaya with the mayor.

It would be a mistake if the new City Council believed that the re-election of Gusciora was an indication that Trenton voters were happy with Gusciora. It would be a mistake if the new City Council believed the voters had elected them to play nice with the mayor. It would be a mistake if they believed the voters wanted the new City Council to roll over and be a rubber stamp for the mayor.

If new City Council members have any doubts as to what is on the minds of Trenton voters all they need to do is look at the numbers. Of Trenton’s roughly 39,000 registered voters, roughly only 5,700 voted for

Gusciora. Which means only 14 percent of Trenton voters voted for Gusciora while 86 percent did not vote for him. The numbers suggest that an overwhelming majority of Trenton voters expressed their lack of support for Trenton’s current mayor by not voting for him. It must also be noted that a sizable number of voters who cast votes for Council candidates refused to vote for any of the candidates for mayor.

The numbers suggest that Trenton voters were not happy with the Gusciora administration. An administration which saw a revolving door of police directors and other department heads. That recorded a record of 40 deaths in 2020 and tied that record of 40 deaths in 2021. That during the four years of the Gusciora administration over 115 murders took place in Trenton.

“Reed Gusciora solution to Trenton unacceptable murder rate was to form a study group. He seems clueless as to what to do to stop the killing. Yes, the Council may have been unruly and at times some of its members were an embarrassment. But the murder rate, the revolving door of police directors and department directors, the various criminal investigations of the city was under Reed Gusciora’s watch,” stated a longtime Trenton observer.

It would be a mistake for the new City Council to believe Gusciora was given a mandate to rule as he pleased. It would be an even greater mistake and a derelict of their duty and responsibility if they believed that voters sent them to City Hall to sit in their chairs, look important and look pretty.

“Gusciora had the least amount of executive or administrative experience prior to becoming mayor of any mayor in recent memory. Despite serving in the State Assembly for 22 years he seemed incapable of compromising, cajoling, back slapping and lobbying his agenda through Council.

“Gusciora cannot take a victory lap. He cannot hang a “Mission Accomplished” banner. I like many others was unable to vote for him or any of the other candidates for mayor,” stated another longtime Trenton observer. Many of the City Council candidates while campaigning spoke about their desire to thoroughly review the proposals and initiatives that the mayor and his department heads might present to the City Council. That is good government. It is part of their checks and balance duty and responsibility. However, that is only a part of their duties and responsibilities.

A mayor, regardless of how brilliant, needs a proactive, creative City Council to not only review the mayor’s initiatives and proposals but bring their individual and collective ideas to the administration in partnership to address Trenton’s challenges. The mayor cannot be expected to solve Trenton gun violence and crime on his own. The City Council must research what other cities and towns are doing to address their public safety challenges. It may need to think outside the box. It may mean doing what is not popular or politically prudent but nevertheless necessary to save the lives of its residents.

It means seeking innovative and creative ideas to redevelop Trenton’s downtown business district and other areas. It means looking at ways that the City Council in conjunction with the mayor can assist the school board and the public school administration to make Trenton public schools better. Trenton does not have the luxury of maintaining the status quo. It needs disruptive and transformative change in how policies are discussed and implemented.

The voters of Trenton in 2026 and after will not be evaluating the next Council on how nicey, nice it plays with each other and the mayor, but on how it tried to make a better Trenton. That is your challenge and your overwhelming responsibility.

Unconscionable and Criminal

The actions by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott sending immigrants seeking a better life for themselves and their children on buses and planes to northern cities and states are unconscionable. It is callous, inhumane, immoral and unchristian.

It is also criminal that human trafficking which DeSantis and Abbott are doing is a federal crime. Both of them are committing crimes against humanity. It bears a resemblance to another time in history when fascists rounded up Jews and other so-called undesirables and placed them on trains. They ended up in concentration and death camps. There are no concentration and death camps that the immigrants are being sent to. Nevertheless, the very act and manner of how they are being sent is an affront to human dignity and civilized behavior.

Abbott and DeSantis may score political points with the white domestic terrorists and xenophobes. But you can be certain on Judgment Day, the real one, they will not hear the words “ I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” No, they will hear instead, “You refused to see me and now I cannot see you. Depart from me for I know you not.”

Clearly, if the immigrants had come from Europe they would have been treated differently. Until there is a change in the leadership and policies of Florida and Texas, Blacks and Latinxs for their own safety and well-being might want to refrain from traveling there: “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” DeSantis and Abbott as well as their political advisors and fellow travelers do not see it that way. Nevertheless, Abbott, DeSantis

and company must be held accountable for their actions. Instead of taking your child or grandchild to Disney World in Florida though it might cost a little more you might want to head to Disneyland in California. It might just be safer. Black or Latinx professional athletes might, if they have the choice, want to play on a professional sports team somewhere other than Florida or Texas. Sports fans who value decency, goodness and humanity might want to boycott purchasing the sports merchandising apparel that features teams from those two lawless lands. It will send a message right where it will hurt most, in their pockets.

Miami, Tampa, San Antonio, Houston and Dallas might be a great place for your organization to hold your national convention. However, until decency and respect is given to all God’s children in Texas and Florida you might want to hold your convention somewhere

else. In fact, bring your convention to Atlantic City. Jersey is not perfect, nowhere near perfect, but it sure ain’t Texas or Florida. The leaders of Texas and Florida have to be condemned for their actions. Their actions are an embarrassment to this nation. They represent pariah regimes and must be recognized and treated as such. Hopefully, Americans of good will and cities and states where morality, decency and humanity are important will heed the words “if a stranger dwell with you in your land, you shall not mistreat him. The stranger who dwells among you shall be to you as one born among you, and you shall love him as yourself.” The recent immigrants are our brothers and our sisters. We are their keeper. It is not known if Ron DeSantis or Greg Abbott will one day become the US President. However, one thing is clearly certain and that is if there is a hell below both DeSantis and Abbott are sure to go.

The Nubian News & El Latino News // December, 2022 // Page 3 // To Advertise Call - (609) 757 - 6487

Some Council Candidates Demand New Elections

TRENTON - Sighting various problems with the recent Trenton municipal election, several municipal candidates are requesting the US Department of Justice to overturn the result of the election held on December 6, 2022. The candidates are urging the US Department of Justice to declare the election invalid and require a do over.

At a press conference held on November 21st in front of the Mercer County Administration Building, current City Council President Kathy McBride railed at what she called a “failed election.” Joining McBride in calling for a new election were Council At Large candidates Alex Bethea and Waldemar Ronquillo, North Ward candidate Divine Allah and mayoral candidate Cherie Garrette.

Garrette called for the new election to be held on Dec. 16 in order to “have a free and fair election by allowing all the

candidates placed back on the ballot and having oversight and being monitored by officials outside Mercer County government.” The group indicated that run-off elections for council candidates “should be off the table.” That a new election be held for all candidates running for mayor and council regardless of the December 6th election numbers.

All of the new voting machines purchased by Mercer County failed to read pre-printed ballots on election day. All ballots had to be collected by hand, and scanned by machines at County Election offices. Several of the candidates who attended the press conference spoke about the lack of transparency and the failure of county election officials to keep candidates and voters informed of the machine problems on election and after.

“The residents of Trenton deserved better,” stated Alex Bethea.

He and the others called for outside authority beyond Mercer County to ensure a free and fair election process since

Mercer County election officials were unable. As outlined by McBride, voters in Trenton had been “denied a fair and equitable election due to several failures in the election process” including polling places closed for hours preventing voters the opportunity to cast votes. There were reports of voters going to polling places and because of the confusion walked away without voting.

McBride mentioned alleged ballots being thrown in the trash. She also indicated that residents were unaware of redistricting and changes in polling places. In addition, McBride listed that ballots were handled by untrained staff. All these measures McBride and the other candidates present at the press conference maintained added to the disenfranchisement of Trenton voters.

There have been rumors and allegations throughout the municipal election beyond the Mercer County election machine chaos regarding questionable and inappropriate actions if not illegalities.

They range from candidates allegedly campaigning illegally at polling places during early voting. Candidates demonstrating campaign expenses but not listing those expenses and/or contributions allowing for those expenses on NJ Election Law Enforcement Commission reports as required by State law. The use of political action committee money in coordination of certain candidates inappropriately if not illegally. The failure for candidates to fully disclose their backgrounds and histories which might have negatively affected their campaigns.

Campaigns coordinating campaign activities and resources as a slate without disclosure such coordination to the public or election reporting compliance officials. These and other allegations have swirled around the recent municipal election. If such rumors and allegations turn out to be true the voters of Trenton will have seen their votes disenfranchised not by suppression but from a lack of transparency, integrity and fairness.

Honduras in state of emergency

The president of the Central American country, Xiomara Castro, officially declared a state of emergency due to insecurity. The president states that this measure is taken to address extortion and violence by criminal gangs.

The state of exception may give the government the power to suspend constitutional guarantees. Some of the first

measures already implemented are the suspension of freedom of movement with strict curfews, roadblocks, military reinforcements at the borders (infobae 24/11/2022, La Prensa Honduras 24/11/2022).

The borders are a key point in President Castro’s strategy, as she claims that hundreds of criminal gang members from El Salvador are trying to cross and move their business to Honduras given the

strict regime of Nayib Bukele.

It is difficult to respond accurately to the situation in Central American countries, which have a precarious economic situation, insecurity, have been affected by hurricanes and natural disasters, and are also transit countries for thousands of migrants trying to reach North America. However, realistic military response measures do not guarantee a long-term solution to the situation. Honduras

seems to want to follow El Salvador’s example, however, this may escalate into a human rights violation. Measures such as curfews and restrictions on mobility will have an immediate impact on the productive sectors of the country and the daily activities of the communities.

So far it is unknown how long the state of exception will be in force. The effects of this policy will begin to become visible only this week.

The Nubian News & El Latino News // December, 2022 // Page 4 // To Advertise Call - (609) 757 - 6487

Exigen nuevas elecciones por falta de transparencia y equidad

TRENTON - Viendo varios problemas con las recientes elecciones municipales de Trenton, varios candidatos municipales están solicitando al Departamento de Justicia de los EE. UU. que revoque el resultado de las elecciones celebradas el 6 de diciembre de 2022 y requieren una repetición.

En una conferencia de prensa celebrada el 21 de noviembre frente al edificio de administración del condado de Mercer, la actual presidenta del Concejo Municipal, Kathy McBride, criticó lo que llamó una “elección fallida”. Junto a McBride para pedir una nueva elección estaban los candidatos del Concejo General Alex Bethea y Waldemar Ronquillo, el candidato del Distrito Norte Divine Allah y la candidata a la alcaldía Cherie Garrette.

Garrette pidió que la nueva elección se lleve a cabo el 16 de diciembre para “tener una elección libre y justa al permitir que todos los candidatos vuelvan a estar

en la boleta electoral y ser supervisados y monitoreados por funcionarios fuera del gobierno del condado de Mercer”.

Todas las nuevas máquinas de votación compradas por el condado de Mercer no pudieron leer las boletas preimpresas el día de las elecciones. Todas las boletas tenían que ser recolectadas a mano y escaneadas por máquinas en las oficinas electorales del condado. Varios de los candidatos que asistieron a la conferencia de prensa hablaron sobre la falta de transparencia y la incapacidad de los funcionarios electorales del condado para mantener informados a los candidatos y votantes sobre los problemas en las elecciones. “Los residentes de Trenton se merecían algo mejor”, afirmó Alex Bethea. Él y los demás pidieron una autoridad externa más allá del condado de Mercer para garantizar un proceso electoral libre y justo, ya que los funcionarios electorales del condado de Mercer no pudieron hacerlo.

Como lo describió McBride, a los votantes en Trenton se les había “negado una

Irene Cara has passed

Prior to her success with Fame, Cara portrayed the title character Sparkle Williams in the original 1976 musical drama film Sparkle.

Her biggest hit, however, was in 1983 with her song, “Flashdance … What a feeling” for the movie, “Flashdance.” The song garnered Cara an Academy Award. She was 63.

elección justa y equitativa debido a varias fallas en el proceso electoral”, incluidos los lugares de votación cerrados durante horas, lo que impidió que los votantes tuvieran la oportunidad de emitir sus votos. Hubo informes de votantes que fueron a los lugares de votación y, debido a la confusión, se fueron sin votar.

McBride mencionó supuestas boletas tiradas a la basura. También indicó que los residentes desconocían la redistribución de distritos y los cambios en los lugares de votación. Además, McBride enumeró que las boletas fueron manejadas por personal no capacitado. Todas estas medidas que mantuvieron McBride y los demás candidatos presentes en la conferencia de prensa se sumaron a la privación de derechos de los votantes de Trenton.

Ha habido rumores y denuncias a lo largo de las elecciones municipales más allá del caos de la maquinaria electoral del condado de Mercer con respecto a acciones cuestionables e inapropiadas, si no ilegales. Van desde candidatos que supuesta-

mente hacen campaña ilegalmente en los lugares de votación durante la votación anticipada. Candidatos que demuestren los gastos de campaña pero no enumeren esos gastos y/o contribuciones que permitan esos gastos en los informes de la Comisión de Cumplimiento de la Ley Electoral de NJ según lo exige la ley estatal. El uso de dinero del comité de acción política en la coordinación de ciertos candidatos de manera inapropiada, si no ilegal. El hecho de que los candidatos no revelaran completamente sus antecedentes e historias, lo que podría haber afectado negativamente sus campañas. Campañas que coordinan actividades y recursos de campaña como una lista sin divulgar dicha coordinación al público o a los funcionarios de cumplimiento de informes electorales.

Estas y otras denuncias han girado en torno a las recientes elecciones municipales. Si tales rumores y acusaciones resultan ser reales, los votantes de Trenton habrán visto sus votos privados no por la represión sino por la falta de transparencia, integridad y equidad.

Irene Cara, the iconic voice behind hit movie soundtrack songs, “Fame” and “Flashdance... What a Feeling,” died on November 25.

Cara was born in New York City. Her father was a Puerto Rican musician. Her mother was Cuban-American. Cara began her career as a child singing and dancing on Spanish-language television. She shot to stardom in her breakout role as Coco Hernandez in the 1980 movie “Fame.” She also sang the movie’s titular song.

Irene Cara, la voz icónica detrás de las exitosas canciones de la banda sonora de películas, “Fame” y “Flashdance... What a Feeling”, murió el 25 de noviembre.

Cara nació en la ciudad de Nueva York. Su padre era un músico puertorriqueño. Su madre era cubanoamericana. Cara comenzó su carrera de niña cantando y bailando en la televisión en español. Ella saltó al estrellato en su papel revelación como Coco Hernandez en la película de 1980 “Fame”. También cantó la canción principal de la película. Antes de su éxito con Fame, Cara interpretó al personaje principal Sparkle Williams en la película dramática musical original de 1976 Sparkle.

Su mayor éxito, sin embargo, fue en 1983 con su canción “Flashdance... What a feeling” para la película “Flashdance”. La canción le valió a Cara un premio de la Academia. Ella tenía 63 años.

The Nubian News & El Latino News // December, 2022 // Page 5 // To Advertise Call - (609) 757 - 6487 News SERVICIOS Cambios de aceite (cualquier carro) - Frenos - Llantas (nuevas & usadas) - Alineamientos - Instalación de radios - Reparación de escapes TENEMOS AUTORIZACIÓN DEL ESTADO DE NJ PARA PASAR INSPECCIÓN. LE OFRECEMOS GRATIS UN CHEQUEO GENERAL DE SU CARRO. (609) 393-1739 // (609) 947-9568 1229 South Clinton Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08611 Email:


TRENTON - A última hora en el cierre de esta edición el juez Robert Lougy del condado de Mercer dictaminó que se realice una segunda vuelta, para definir en derecho a los candidatos ganadores a lo largo de la ciudad (At-Large) el martes 24 de enero del 2023.La segunda vuelta será también para definir a los candidatos ganadores de los Distritos Norte entre Jennifer Williams y Algernon Ward, y para el Distrito Sur entre Jenna Kettenburg Figueroa y Damián Malavé.

Los seis principales candidatos que participarán en la contienda electoral por las 3 sillas del Concejo Municipal ‘At Large’ son: Yazminelly Gonzalez, Crystal Feliciano, Jasi Edwards, Alex Bethea, Taiwanda Terry-Wilson y Kadja Manuel. De los seis, los tres primeros que logren mayor respaldo de los ciudadanos que acudan a votar serán

Alex Bethea,Taiwanda Terry-Wison y Kadja Manuel acudieron a los tribunales para buscar una segunda vuelta después de que, según los primeros informes, el secretario municipal declarara ganadoras a: Yazminelly González, Crystal Feliciano y Jasi Edwards. Sin embargo, después de una revisión adicional, se determinó que González no alcanzó realmente el umbral del 50% más un voto, lo cual cambió el capítulo final de estas elecciones que han sido confusas y llenas de imprecisiones.

Por ahora, lo único seguro es que el alcalde Reed Gusciora, fue reelegido; Teska Frisby obtuvo la victoria en el Distrito Oeste ( West Ward). También Joseph Harrison, quien actualmente se desempeña como concejal del distrito este (East Ward), fue reelegido.

The Nubian News & El Latino News // December, 2022 // Page 6 // To Advertise Call - (609) 757 - 6487 News
quienes servirán en el Concejo Muni
On The Case is our podcast/videocast brought to you by the producers of The Nubian News. Each Thursday at 8pm we will talk with and interview someone who has intimate connections with the Trenton/NJ/world community. We will ask them what they think is the best way to get us from where we are to where we want to be. And what's really great, because we will be live streaming. JOIN US EVERY THURSDAY AT 8PM ON OUR WEBSITE WWW.THENUBIANNEWS.COM On The Case is our podcast/videocast brought to you by the producers of The Nubian News. Each Thursday at 8pm we will talk with and interview someone who has intimate connections with the Trenton/NJ/world community. We will ask them what they think is the best way to get us from where we are to where we want to be. And what's really great, because we will be live streaming. JOIN US EVERY THURSDAY AT 8PM ON OUR WEBSITE WWW.THENUBIANNEWS.COM

Salud: Proyectos de ley para reforzar la fuerza laboral en el campo de la salud en NJ

más personas a convertirse en profesores de enfermería.

A4615 Greenwald/Reynolds-Jackson/Park

Requiere que el estado fomente el desarrollo y la implementación de programas de educación médica para graduados en el cuidado de la salud conductual

A4616 Moriarty/Greenwald/Jaffer

Disminuye los requisitos de examen para los terapeutas de cuidados respiratorios que buscan obtener una licencia en NJ.

A4617 De Angelo/Haider/Greenwald

Requiere que el DOL trabaje con las partes interesadas en el cuidado de la salud para identificar a las personas desempleadas que pueden capacitarse para trabajar en los campos del cuidado de la salud.

A4618 Freiman/Murphy/Greenwald

Crea un portal de empleo en línea en DOL para ayudar a conectar a los trabajadores de

atención médica conductual con vacantes de empleo.

A4619 Greenwald/Conaway/Stanley

Extiende la licencia de emergencia temporal para profesionales fuera del estado y recién graduados de forma permanente.

A4620 Greenwald/Tully/Jiménez

Requiere que la Junta de Examinadores Médicos y el DHS se unan y creen una solicitud estandarizada tanto para la concesión de licencias como para la acreditación de Medicaid.

A4621 Mosquera/Greenwald/Swain

Requiere informe sobre tramitación de licencias profesionales de la División de Asuntos del Consumidor. Las partes interesadas que representan a las instituciones de salud, comerciales y educativas han manifestado su apoyo a este paquete legislativo que sin duda facilitará un mayor ingreso de personal médico al campo de la salud en todas las ciudades y pueblos de NJ.

TRENTON – En todo el país y en Nueva Jersey en especial, la industria de la atención médica ha lidiado con una fuerza laboral cada vez más reducida. La reciente pandemia ha ejercido una presión y un estrés aún mayores sobre los profesionales de la salud a medida que continúan satisfaciendo las necesidades de los pacientes. Esta crisis agudizó drásticamente la escasez de mano de obra existente en el campo de la salud.

En este contexto, el líder de la mayoría de la Asamblea, Louis Greenwald, realizó una conferencia de prensa el pasado mes, para anunciar la introducción de un paquete de legislaciones destinado a fortalecer la fuerza laboral de atención médica de Nueva Jersey. A él se unieron los miembros de la Asamblea Paul Moriarty, Gabriela Mosquera, Angélica Jiménez, Carol Murphy y Herb Conaway, así como las partes interesadas que representan a las instituciones de atención médica, comerciales y educativas en todo NJ.

“Existe una grave escasez de trabajadores de la salud en nuestro estado. El agotamiento, la inflación y las expectativas cambiantes de los trabajadores han afectado de manera desproporcionada a la fuerza laboral de

atención médica en comparación con otras industrias.

En los próximos años, se prevé que Nueva Jersey experimente una de las mayores escaseces de la nación”, dijo el líder de la mayoría en la Asamblea, Louis Greenwald (D-Camden, Burlington). “A menos que revirtamos la tendencia, el grupo restante pero cada vez más reducido de profesionales dedicados será muy poco para asumir la responsabilidad necesaria de cuidar a nuestros adultos mayores, niños y personas enfermas o discapacitadas”.

El paquete de ley que busca alentar a más personas a ingresar a la industria de la atención médica, son las siguientes:

A4613 Greenwald/Pintor-Marin/Jasey/ Conaway

Crea un nuevo programa de redención de préstamos para médicos de atención primaria, médicos pediátricos, psiquiatras y cualquier otro médico identificado por el Departamento como escaso.

A4614 Greenwald/Jasey/Carter/Lampitt

Cambia los criterios de elegibilidad para el Programa de Redención de Préstamos para Profesores de Enfermería para incentivar a

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Internacional: Aumentan las deportaciones de haitianos en República Dominicana

both countries, especially those Haitians who make a living from trade between the two countries and who cross the border almost daily. In addition, the Dominican Republic might affect its own economy with its restrictive politics, as it is estimated that 80% of the labour force in the agricultural and construction sectors is Haitian, so without the migratory flow and the possibilities of regularising the population, these economic sectors in the Dominican Republic could be affected.

It has been proven that migration restrictions, instead of reducing migration, cause an increase in irregular routes that put the lives of migrants at risk. Thus, the wall between the Dominican Republic and Haiti will surely provoke the use of maritime routes that endanger those who use them.

ple, mostly Haitians. It is estimated that the country deports almost 500 people per day. This is as a result of immigration raids carried out by the government. Recently, the government deported several persons, including 1,800 unaccompanied minors. Several people have complained that in the immigration raids they are not even allowed to show their papers and are arrested simply because of their skin colour. So much so that the US embassy has warned its citizens in the Dominican Republic to be wary of the authorities and of being arbitrarily detained (CNN 21/11/2022, France24 10/11/2022).

En búsqueda de una mejor calidad de vida cientos de haitianos migran constantemente a su país vecino. No obstante, República Dominicana tiene una política migratoria hostil hacia los haitianos y las acciones del gobierno de Luis Abinader lo demuestran.

Este 2022 el gobierno ha avanzado con la construcción de un muro en la frontera entre los dos países (390 km), este muro es custodiado por el Cuerpo Especializado en Seguridad Fronteriza Terrestre y tiene como principal función restringir el paso de haitianos a República Dominicana (DW 22/08/2022, BBC 09/05/2022). Esto tiene un efecto directo en la población de ambos países, en especial de aquellos haitianos que viven del comercio entre ambos países y que cruzan la frontera casi diariamente. Además, República Dominicana también se está perjudicando así misma pues se estima que un 80% de la mano de obra en el sector agropecuario y de la construcción es haitiana, por lo que sin el flujo migratorio y las posibilidades de regularizar a población estos sectores económicos en Dominicana se pueden ver afectados.

Está comprobado que las restricciones migratorias en lugar de reducir la migración lo que causa es el incremento de rutas irregulares que ponen en riesgo la vida de los migrantes. Es así, como el muro entre Dominicana y Haití seguramente va a provocar el uso de rutas marítimas que ponen en peligro a quienes las usan.

Adicionalmente, los factores que siguen impulsando la emigración de Haití se incrementan puesto que el país atraviesa una crisis política, un brote de cólera e inseguridad alimentaria. El país depende en gran parte de la respuesta humanitaria y la población encuentra en la migración una forma de poder mejorar su situación precaria.

Entre enero y septiembre de 2022, República Dominicana ha deportado a 85.780 perso-

nas, en su mayoría haitianos. Se estima que el país deporta casi 500 personas por día. Esto como resultado de las redadas migratorias realizadas por el gobierno. Recientemente, el gobierno deportó a varias personas incluyendo a 1800 menores de edad no acompañados. Varias personas se han quejado pues en las redadas migratorias no les permiten siquiera mostrar sus papeles y son arrestados simplemente por su color de piel. Tanto así que la embajada estadounidense ha alertado a sus ciudadanos en Dominicana que tengan cuidado de las autoridades y de ser detenidos arbitrariamente (CNN 21/11/2022, France24 10/11/2022).

Detrás de esta política migratoria dominicana se evidencia racismo y xenofobia y una concepción de que la migración no aporta sino que perjudica al país. Esto está presente en el discurso del país desde el 2013 cuando se dictaminó que los dominicanos nacidos en el país de padres indocumentados- haitianos debían ser despojados de su ciudadanía, lo cual los dejó sin estado. A pesar de las críticas por parte de las Naciones Unidas y por organismos de derechos humanos el gobierno de República Dominicana continúa endureciendo sus políticas y demostrando un repudio hacia los migrantes del vecino país.

In search of a better quality of life, hundreds of Haitians are constantly migrating to their neighbouring country. However, the Dominican Republic has a hostile migration policy towards Haitians and the actions of Luis Abinader’s government demonstrate this. This 2022 the government has moved forward with the construction of a wall on the border between the two countries (390 km), this wall is guarded by the Cuerpo Especializado en Seguridad Fronteriza Terrestre (specialised border patrol) and its main function is to restrict the passage of Haitians into the Dominican Republic (DW 22/08/2022, BBC 09/05/2022).

This has a direct effect on the population of

In addition, the factors that continue to drive emigration from Haiti are increasing as the country undergoes a political crisis, a cholera outbreak and food insecurity. The country relies heavily on humanitarian response and the population finds in migration a way to improve their precarious situation.

Between January and September 2022, the Dominican Republic deported 85,780 peo-

Behind this Dominican migration policy, racism and xenophobia are evident, as well as a conception that migration does not contribute to the country, but rather harms it. This has been present in the country’s discourse since 2013 when it was ruled that Dominicans born in the country of undocumented Haitian parents should be stripped of their citizenship, which left them stateless. Despite criticism from the United Nations and human rights organisations, the government of the Dominican Republic continues to harden its policies and demonstrate a repudiation of migrants from the neighbouring country.

The Nubian News & El Latino News // December, 2022 // Page 8 // To Advertise Call - (609) 757 - 6487 News HORARIOS: LUNES A DOMINGO, DE 8AM A 9:30PM 804 Chambers St. Trenton, NJ 08611 // 973-317-0856 - 609-396-3759 AUTÉNTICA COMIDA GUATEMALTECA Y LOS MEJORES PLATILLOS ESPECIALES ¡CONTAMOS CON DELIVERY! DESAYUNOS - ALMUERZOS - CENAS - PAN FRESCO MicheMineral No Alcohol ¡Edin Morales, propietario de La Chapinita junto a su familia, les desea una Feliz Navidad!

Internacional: Honduras en estado de excepción

La presidenta del país centroamericano, Xiomara Castro, declaró oficialmente el estado de excepción debido a la inseguridad. La presidenta afirma que esta medida se toma para hacerle frente a la extorsión y la violencia por parte de bandas criminales.

El estado de excepción puede darle potestad al gobierno de suspender garantías constitucionales. Algunas de las primeras medidas que ya se han implementado es la suspensión a la libertad de movimiento con toques de queda estrictos, retenes, refuerzos de fuerza militar en las fronteras (infobae 24/11/2022, La prensa Honduras 24/11/2022).

Las fronteras son un punto clave en la estrategia de la presidenta Castro, pues afirma que cientos de miembros de bandas criminales procedentes de El Salvador están tratando de cruzar y trasladar sus negocios a Honduras dado el estricto régimen de Nayib Bukele.

Es difícil responder de manera acertada a la situación que atraviesan los países centroamericanos, los cuales tienen una situación económica precaria, de inseguridad, han sido afectados por huracanes y desastres naturales, y además, son países de tránsito de miles de migrantes que tratan de llegar a Norteamérica. No obstante, las medidas realistas de respuestas militar no garantizan una solución a la situación a largo plazo.

Pareciera que Honduras quiere seguirle el ejemplo a El Salvador, sin embargo, esto puede escalarse en una violación de derechos humanos. Medidas como los toques de queda y las restricciones a la movilidad tendrán una consecuencia inmediata en los sectores productivos del país y las actividades cotidianas de las comunidades.

Hasta el momento se desconoce hasta cuando estará vigente el estado de excepción. Los efectos de esta política se empezarán a visibilizar hasta esta semana.

The Nubian News & El Latino News // December, 2022 // Page 9 // To Advertise Call - (609) 757 - 6487 News dad a nuestros clientes atina en general PAÍSES AMERICANOS QUE SUPERARON LA FASE DE GRUPOS ¿CUÁL ES TU FAVORITO? ¿CREES QUE UNO DE ESTOS SERÁ EL NUEVO CAMPEÓN? USA Argentina Brasil

Comunidad: Adiós Miguelina

TRENTON - Tras batallar por más de cinco años contra el cáncer, el pasado 21 de noviembre a la edad de 61 años falleció la conocida activista comunitaria de Trenton Miguelina Arias, según pudimos constatar personalmente en su domicilio en la Ohio Ave. Trenton.

Su esposo Luis Rolando de León Soto y su querida hija Sherry Zarzuela sostienen una fotografía donde se le ve a Miguelina sonriente, característica propia de lo que en vida fue esta mujer amiga de la comunidad, esposa y madre de familia que parte al encuentro con el Señor: “Estamos tristes por su partida. Voy a extrañar sus sonrisas, su buen sentido de humor” manifestó Rolando con quien convivió varios años en Trenton.

“Mi madre vino hace 28 años de la República Dominicana, vino por mí, porque yo necesitaba un cuidado médico especial. Mi madre era una mujer demasiado buena, ayudaba a todo el mundo, sin importar la nacionalidad. Incluso después de las quimioterapias se daba forma para ayudar a la gente”

indicó Sherry su única hija. El día de su partida en la sala de su casa, donde aún permanecía su cuerpo sin vida, estaba ya lleno de familiares y amigas especialmente de profesoras de la escuela Cristo Rey y Martín Luther King donde ella prestó sus servicios por algunos años.

Entre los presentes, estaba el Rev. Francisco Pozo, el sacerdote retirado pidió al Todopoderoso que le reciba en el cielo a Miguelina su amiga y paisana. “Miguelina fue un ser humano excepcional con grandes cualidades. Su amor por el prójimo y los más necesitados no tenía límites. Siempre la recordaré por sus grandes enseñanzas. Vuela alto guerrera incansable” manifestó Angelín Cabrera-Pozo a través de las redes sociales.

Los restos de Miguelina fueron velados el pasado martes 29 de noviembre en Chiaccho Funeral Home. Adiós Miguelina gracias por tu esfuerzo y trabajo en la comunidad.

Foto; Luis Rolando de León y su hija Sherry Zarzuela sostienen una fotografía donde se ve a Miguelina sonriente, característica propia de lo que en vida fue.

Comunidad: bellas costumbres culturales

TRENTON - La comunidad latina de Trenton es variada. La ciudad se ha poblado en las últimas décadas por hombres y mujeres de todas partes de Latinoamérica: México, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Republica Dominicana, Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia, etc. Sin embargo las comunidades que mas se caracterizan en lucir sus coloridos trajes típicos en las diferentes

actividades que realizan en la ciudad de Trenton son: Guatemala, Ecuador y Costa Rica.

Esperamos que mas comunidades se animen a resaltar sus tradiciones, sus trajes y sus costumbres culturales. En la foto cortesia de Carlos Estrada; La simpática Cindy Cortez luce un elegante traje típico de Quetzaltenango-Guatemala.

The Nubian News & El Latino News // December, 2022 // Page 10 // To Advertise Call - (609) 757 - 6487 News Enc�e Fl�ist
and Palmhouse
Fl�ist and Palmhouse

Comunidad: La cumpleañera latina de noviembre

TRENTON - Raquel Milagros Zeceña celebró su fiesta de Sweet Sixteen en el salón “The Fall’s Banquet” con su familia y amigos.

Raquel es hija de don Leo y doña Dunnia Zeceña, es una estudiante destacada de décimo grado en las Escuelas Técnicas del Condado de Mercer.

Le gusta la música desde que era una niña: toca el piano, la guitarra y canta. Sueña algún día poder estudiar en una escuela de música y crear sus propias canciones y ser parte de un grupo ministerial que adore al Señor. Sus padres aseguran que la guapa Raquel tiene un corazón muy sensible, se caracteriza en ayudar y servir a los demás. Por su talento y su belleza es la “Cumpleañera Latina Noviembre 2022”.

Comunidad: boda latina

TRENTON - El pasado 19 de noviembre en la Iglesia Pentecostal Casa de Dios se celebró el matrimonio entre Costantino García y Car-

Zeceña celebrated her Sweet Sixteenparty in “The Fall’s Banquet” room with her family and friends.

Raquel is the daughter of Leo and Dunnia Zeceña, she is an outstanding tenth grade student at Mercer County Technical Schools.

She has liked music since she was a child: she plays piano, guitar and sings. She dreams of one day being able to study at a music school and create her own songs, and be part of a ministry group that worships God. Her parents assure that Raquel has a very sensitive heart that she loves to be able to help and serve others. Due to her attributes and her beauty, she is the birthday girl of the month of November.

la Guifarro de México y Honduras respectivamente. La recepción se llevo a cabo en el salón principal de la misma Iglesia.

The Nubian News & El Latino News // December, 2022 // Page 11 // To Advertise Call - (609) 757 - 6487 News ESTAMOS EN 945 LIBERTY ST. TRENTON, NJ PUPUSAS COMIDA TÍPICA HISPANA Sopas de gallina // Camarones a la plancha y empanizados // Steak & Dinner italiano Mojarras fritas // Chiles rellenos // Carne a la plancha adobada // Sopa de res LAS AUTÉNTICAS PUPUSAS SALVADOREÑAS Sírvase de pollo, chicharrón, jalapeña, camarones y mixtas. LA NUEVA Y MAS SABROSA SOPA MARINERA EN TRENTON A DOMICILIO LLÁMENOS AL 609 -394-9698 // 609-394-0795

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