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emotionsport.co.uk @emotionsport
Photography: josephmeredith.com, unless stated Design: brandal.co.uk
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7 ®" -1 - Yeovil Town players Marek Stech, Jamie McAllister and Joe Edwards appear to levitate above adoring fans as the trio grab a very public private moment at a sun-drenched Huish Park on May 5th. The Somerset club had just beaten League One rivals Sheffield United 2-0 in a gripping home play-off semi-final, second leg to reach the Wembley showdown against Brentford. See more pictures on pages 12-17. Dougie Allward/JMP
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79 / ,® -® ,-/® -1 ,®- Former Arsenal youngster Jordan Wynter has become City’s first signing of the summer. The 19-year-old joins on a two-year deal having turned down an extended contract at Emirates Stadium, after initially signing professional terms last year. A combative central midfield player, Wynter will go straight into Sean O’Driscoll’s first team plans for the new season. City head O’Driscoll said: “Jordan is a versatile player schooled at Arsenal Football Club. “He is comfortable in possession, strong physically and a welcome addition to the club as we try to change the dynamic of the squad.
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Bristol Rovers have offered eight players new deals after just missing out on a top-half finish in npower League Two. Boss John Ward, who himself recently signed a new one-year rolling deal at the Memorial Stadium, made clear his plans for next season with a number of young players offered terms. One of those is 19-year-old Ellis
Harrison, who made his debut under Ward in January and went on to feature 13 times during the season, scoring three goals. Elsewhere, German Fabian Broghammer, Oliver Norburn, Seanan Clucas, Ollie Clarke, Mitch Golding and Jordan Goodard, all under-24, look set to stay on. Having been awarded a one-year extension last summer, Ward has offered a new deal to defender
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Picture courtesy of jamiecooke.com
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Danny Woodards, who is still sidelined. Fellow injured players Scott Bevan and Adam Virgo will not be kept on, but are staying with the club while they continue rehabilitation. Joe Anyinsah, left out of the last day 3-3 draw with Torquay, is another to leave Rovers, the 28-year-old Bristolian one of a handful of summer signings made by ex-boss Paul Buckle in 2011.
Team Bath judo player Emmanuel Nartey picked up a bronze medal in the under-73kg class at last monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s African Championships in Mozambique.
The Ghanaian, a London 2012 Olympian, dedicated the medal to his late father who died ten years ago. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was an emotional week for me, but I got there in the end,â&#x20AC;? said Nartey, who picked up his medal a day after his 30th birthday.
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,ÂŽ -ÂŽ 9ÂŽ 8 * ÂŽ Gloucestershire Cricket have enjoyed a steady start to the 2013 LV=County Championship Division Two campaign, after last yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nightmare season whch saw them finish bottom of the table. Despite a first match dogged by poor weather, Gloucestershire put in an encouraging display to pick up nine points against Essex in Chelmesford. But all momentum was quickly lost in their opening home game of the season against Northamptonshire, the visitors strolling to a nine wicket victory. Gloucestershire successfully put that disappointment behind them and responded with a superb performance at Leicester, picking up their first win of the season with a nine-wicket victory, including a first century from Michael Klinger. He followed up with an incredible 131 not out in their next game, against Hampshire in Bristol, but Gloucestershire were forced to settle for a draw.
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A team from Brislington Ladies have defied the odds to go ten years unbeaten as they progressed through the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s age groups. The girls, who began as under10s in 2003, have racked up an incredible 180 games undefeated over the course of the decade. Most of the teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s original members are now approaching 18, and took the team to the Somerset County Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s League Division One and cup double this season.
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Harry Trump / Lappas of Exeter
Bristol Academy have started their Women’s Super League season in the best possible fashion with three wins from three leaving them top of the table. Ahead of this weekend’s FA Cup final with Arsenal, victories over Chelsea, Doncaster and Everton have rocketed the Vixens into first position, as they remain one of only two unbeaten sides in the division. Goals from Jemma Rose and top-scorer Natalia Teresa Pablos Sanchon completed the latest victory, a 2-0 success over previous leaders Chelsea at the Stoke Gifford Stadium, and manager Mark Sampson spoke of his delight after full-time. “We didn’t think about going top – or the fact we have the Women’s FA Cup final coming up – we just concentrated on playing Chelsea. That was the best performance I’ve seen from us for a long, long time,” he said. “If we play like that every week I’ll be a very happy manager. That’s the benchmark we have set for ourselves now.”
Somerset batsman Peter Trego
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Any Bristol City supporter will tell you that it would be a hard job to fill Albert Adomah’s boots. But one City fan had the chance to do precisely that when he won a pair of Albert’s footwear in a recent "/ " ®-*",/! competition. Wayne Sargent, who was recently diagnosed with leukaemia, won the fantastic prize in the first edition of our new digital sports magazine and annoyed his partner by constantly wearing them around the house for the first few days! However, sanity was soon restored as Wayne explained: “I thoroughly enjoyed reading the first edition of "/ " ®-*",/!so I was delighted when I heard I’d won a prize just for subscribing; the fact that it was Albert’s boots was all the more pleasing.” Wayne then decided that Albert’s boots were indeed too big to fill so he decided to auction them off at a fundraising event set up by his friends in aid of a leukaemia charity. The boots made a tidy sum that will help Wayne and his young family in these difficult times. We send continued good wishes to Wayne as he battles his illness.
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pair of prize winners – Dave Plummer, with his two children, and Ben Orr with sons Freddie and Jacob – headed off to Swindon’s Link Centre to watch Bristol Pitbulls take on Cardiff Devils in a tasty Severnside ice hockey match. The match, which ended in an entertaining 5-5 draw, proved to be a great family outing. Dave, whose children are 11 and seven, said “I was very impressed with the venue and the noisy atmosphere. It was a good family evening out and we’ll be
taking advantage of the £15 family tickets next time.” Ben’s sons are six and four and were excited to go having played ice hockey on the Wii! Ben explained: “The Pitbulls play in Swindon, following the closure of the Bristol Ice Rink, but its only 45 minutes to get here. The boys loved the music, the lights and the razzmatazz and the game was a good one. Three periods of 20 minutes works well with children; it’s fast and furious but with enough breaks to use the facilities.” 9®¶Ç ² / 11
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¢ // ®" ® 9 "6 £ ® Not any more. Yeovil Town’s extraordinary victory in the League One play-offs means they are now in the second tier of English football for the first time in their 118-year history; and punching a level – or two – above West Country rivals Bristol City, Bristol Rovers, Swindon Town and Cheltenham Town. The Glovers – managed by Gary Johnson (left) – operate on an annual wage bill of just over £1 million and were the bookies’ favourites for the drop at the start of the season. Over next four pages we bring you exclusive images from what must rank as one of the footballing stories of the year. 9®¶Ç ² / ²
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This page: Kevin Dawson (top left) celebrates the early equaliser in the semi-final, second leg against Sheffield United before Ed Upson heads in the winner to spark mass celebrations at Huish Park. Opposite page: Glovers fans go through the emotions at Wembley.
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These pages: The play-off final winners celebrate after Paddy Madden and then Dan Burn score in the opening 45 minutes to set up a tense second half. Yeovil held on and the celebrations continued throughout the weekend, ending with an open-top bus tour through the town 48 hours later. 9®¶Ç ² / «
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"$+&,$-*.+/"'$ 01&2)3,$4&5)$4&2$&$ 1"36'.1&/)2$)7.+/)#1)$ +.#1)$8"*3.#9:$&+$-*.+/"'$ !"5)*+$%;<$.#$=>>?:$@"A'2$ B)$/"$6A/$./$'.94/',C$ D&5.#9$&'*)&2,$1&'')2$ ).94/$+/&2.&$4"3)$B)8"*)$ &$EFFG$*)B*&#2:$8A#2.#9$ +4"*/&9)+$8"A*$,)&*+$'&/)*$ 8"*1)2$01&2)3,$/"$+&1($ 3&#&9)*$H&*,$H*))#$&#2$ *)')&+)$/4*))$6*"3.#)#/$ ÂżUVW WHDPHUV 0@&,$8*"3$&#2$6)*4&6+$ LQ VSLWH RI RII ÂżHOG LVVXHV I.7)#+$4&5)$8"*9)2$&#$ .36*)++.5)$;0$<A6$')9&1,$/"$ 6A/$-*.+/"'J+$3)#J+$1'AB+$/"$ +4&3):$#"/14.#9$A6$+)5)#$ VHPL ÂżQDO SODFHV LQ WKH SURFHVV DV ZHOO DV D ÂżQDO 2)8)&/$B,$0*+)#&'$.#$EF==C $ VHPL ÂżQDO YLFWRU\ "5)*$K.#1"'#$&/$0+4/"#$H&/)$ '&+/$3"#/4$+)&')2$&$+)1"#2$ B./)$&/$/4)$14)**,:$@4)*)$/4)$ HA##)*+$@.''$&9&.#$+/&#2$ B)/@))#$01&2)3,$&#2$/4).*$ ÂżUVW PDMRU VLOYHUZDUH
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The FA Cup is a massive competition for everyone to be in. We all get excited by it, and you always want to play in the final.â&#x20AC;? Goalkeeper Siobhan Chamberlain
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MAY 2013 / 21
22 / MAY 2013
@./4$S4)$P36+C$-A/$/.3)+$ &*)$14&#9.#9C S4)$.#/*"2A1/."#$"8$/4)$ %"3)#J+$MA6)*$K)&9A):$ 2)+1*.B)2$&+$&$T/"6$6*."*./,J$ B,$/4)#$;0$<4.)8$L7)1A/.5)$ P&#$%4&/3"*)$.#$EF=F:$&#2$ LWV DQQRXQFHPHQW EULHĂ&#x20AC;\ 4)*&'2)2$&$*&2.1&'$14&#9)$.#$ /4)$8)3&')$9&3)C$ U.++.#9$6*.#1.6&'$6&*/#)*+$ &#2$+/.''$+)&*14.#9$8"*$&$ /./')$+6"#+"*$@4)#$/4)$ HLJKW WHDPV NLFNHG RII D ,)&*$'&/)*:$./$4&2:$6)*4&6+:$ +))3)2$/""$9""2$/"$B)$/*A)C$ ,QWHQGHG DV WKH Âż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´ WKH \HDU ROG +&.2C$OS4)*)$@&+$&$/.3)$ @4)*)$PJ2$4&5)$/"$/*&.#$&/$ KDOI ÂżYH LQ WKH PRUQLQJ B)8"*)$@"*(:$9"$/"$@"*($ &''$2&,$&#2$/4)#$/*&.#$&/$ @4&/)5)*$/.3)$&/$#.94/C
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;There was a time where Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d have to train at half-five in the morning before work, go to work all day and then train at whatever time at night. I was just always tired.â&#x20AC;? Bristol Academy skipper Corinne Yorston
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ÂśYH RQO\ MXVW +/&*/)2C$-A/$/4)$1*)&/."#$"8$ 1'AB$-*.+/"'$<./,:$+4"A'2$ /4)$%MK$4&+$4)'6)2C 4)'6$1"#+.9#$01&2)3,J+$ ÂżQDQFLDO ZRHV WR WKH SDVW OS4)*)$&*)$+"$3&#,$9.*'+$ &#2$4&+$&'*)&2,$4)'6)2$ .#5"'5)2$.#$/4)$')&9A)$&#2$ /4)3$B*.#9$.#$&$#A3B)*$ @./4$8""/B&''$.#$/4.+$1"A#/*,$ "8$B.9$#&3)$+.9#.#9+$Y$#"/$ @4.14$.+$9*)&/:$BA/$./$@.''$ ')&+/$M6&#.+4$8"*@&*2$ /&()$&$'"/$"8$/.3)$&#2$4&*2$ K&A*&$Q)'$!.":$B"&+/.#9$\F$ @"*(C$P#$03)*.1&$/4),J5)$ 9"&'+$.#$]>$9&3)+$8"*$4)*$ B))#$2".#9$./$8"*$&B"A/$EF$ 1"A#/*,C ,)&*+$Y$/4&/J+$@4&/$3&()+$ &''$/4)$2.88)*)#1)CN 7KH \HDU ROG LV LQ D B)//)*$6"+./."#$/4&#$3"+/$ 7KH JHQXLQH FRQÂżGHQFH RI WR MXGJH WKH FKDQJLQJ IDFH Q)'$!."$&#2$4)*$/)&33&/)+$ "8$@"3)#J+$8""/B&'':$4&5.#9$ 6'.)2$4)*$/*&2)$.#$4)*$#&/.5)$ .+$)&+,$/"$+))C$0*+)#&':$/4)$ 3"+/$+A11)++8A'$2"3)+/.1$ 1"A#/*,:$H)*3&#,$&#2$/4)$ /)&3$.#$/4)$1"A#/*,:$&*)$ ^M:$@./4$/4)$'&//)*$@.2)',$ 1')&*$B""(.)+$8&5"A*./)+$ UHJDUGHG DV WKH Ă&#x20AC;DJVKLS$ &4)&2$"8$/4)$U&,$E_/4$1'&+4C$ 8"*$@"3)#J+$2"3)+/.1$ 8""/B&'' -A/$&8/)*$01&2)3,J+$ 3)/)"*.1$*.+)$8*"3$ -A/$Q)'$!.":$#"@$.#$4)*$ +)1"#2$,)&*$@./4$/4)$I.7)#+:$ L#9'&#2J+$/4.*2$/.)*$/"$&$ IRXUWK SODFHG :6/ ÂżQLVK .#+.+/+$/4&/$L#9'&#2$.+$ ODVW VHDVRQ LQ MXVW \HDUV 1&/14.#9$A6$@)''$@./4$/4).*$ FURVV $WODQWLF FRXQWHUSDUWV /4)$/)&3J+$9*"A#2+$8"*$ "6/.3.+3$&*)$6'&.#',$1')&*C OL5)*,$1"A#/*,$.+$5)*,$ O%)J*)$6'&,.#9$"#)$"8$/4)$ 2.88)*)#/$/"$6'&,$.#C$W'&,.#9$ B)+/$/)&3+$.#$L#9'&#2:N$ .#$-*.+/"'$01&2)3,$.#$/4.+$ &22)2$Q)'$!."C$O-A/$"5)*$ ')&9A)$.+$*)&'',$+6)1.&':$ >F$3.#A/)+$&#,/4.#9$1&#$ )+6)1.&'',$@./4$9)//.#9$/"$ KDSSHQ :HÂśUH MXVW JRLQJ /4.+$+/&9)$&#2$4&5.#9$/4)$ WR JR WKHUH HQMR\ RXUVHOYHV "66"*/A#./,$/"$6'&,$.#$/4)$ &#2$+))$@4&/$4&66)#+CN ;0$<A6$;.#&'C '"/$)&+.)*$#"@$@./4$/4)$ @&,$/4.#9+$&*)CN
â&#x20AC;&#x153;In America, womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s football is comparable to menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been working at it for so long, whereas in England theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve only just started. But the creation of the WSL has helped.â&#x20AC;? Spanish striker Laura Del Rio
MAY 2013 / 25
one to
watch CAMERON HERRING Born Tredegar, 15 July 1994 Sport Cricket Position Wicketkeeper, right-hand batsman Team Gloucestershire County Cricket Club What they say “Cameron is a talented young man. He’s a brilliant fielder, he can bat and he’s going to be a very good wicketkeeper. He’s got a tremendous attitude and work ethic and works hard on his game.” Former Gloucestershire and England wicketkeeper Jack Russell
Thirty-two years ago this summer a 17-year-old wicketkeeper from Stroud made his debut for Gloucestershire, after getting permission to miss classes at college. While it would be unfair to compare any emerging Gloucestershire cricketer to the now legendary Jack Russell, it was difficult not to draw similarities when the 18-year-old Herring was a surprise selecton for Gloucestershire’s opening LV=Championship game of the season at Essex.
After playing in the second XI last season the county moved quickly to award him a one-year scholarship and two-year professional contract. Now Herring has managed to edge his way in front of Gareth Roderick and Richard Coughtrie to become the county’s first-choice keeper in first-class matches; South Africa born Roderick so far being preferred in the limited overs format.
A compact and agile keeper – who took a startling catch on home debut against Northamptonshire to help The Tredegar-born gloveman originally joined the club’s dismiss Kyle Coetzer – the young Welshman is also a Academy after impressing in Welsh club cricket, including right-hand batsman of some potential, top scoring with scoring a big hundred for Newport against Swansea. 43 in the first innings of the same game. MAY 2013 / 27
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What was Mitch wearing when What is Mitch’s you first met? favourite meal? Training gear. Ch icken Would he rather have arm s for What makes him laugh legs or legs for arms? Wh y? more than anything else? No idea. Legs!? Family Guy What is Mitch’s most an noying Who suffers the worst habit? hangover? Snoring. Me, Mitch doesn’t drink. If he was a superhero, wh at Ha ve you ever seen Mitch cry would they be? ? Yes , during a rom-com. Spiderman. Which vegetable best What is Mitch’s favourit e de scribes Mitch Eadie ? position? Potato. Flanker. Does he prefer chili or What is his ch ocolate? best feature? Ch ili. His ears! If Mitch owed a pub what What does he think wo uld he call it? his best feature is? The Coach and Horses His guns If he wasn’t a rugby playe r what would he be? A personal trainer
MATES RATES See how well Bristol Rugby team-mates Will Davis and Mitch Eadie really know each other in our ‘Mr & Mrs’style questionnaire ...
F MITCH EADIE ON HIMSmaEL kes you laugh more
What when What were you wearing than anything else? you first met Will Davis? Family Guy a Bristol tracksuit bottoms and Who suffers the worst training top. s for hangover? Would you rather have arm Will, I don’t drink. y? ? legs or legs for arms? Wh Has Will ever seen you cry . ter fas run to s arm for Legs Only when I’m listening g What is your most annoyin to his jokes habit? Which vegetable best g. rin sno bly ba Pro describes you? If you were a superhero, Marrow. who would you be? Do you prefer Chili Batman. or Chocolate? What is your favourite Chili. position? Flanker. If you owned a pub what e? What is your best featur would you call it? My smile. The Eadie Arms. nk yer What does Will Davis thi If you weren’t a rugby pla is? e tur fea st your be what would you be? My feet?! Something in business al? What is your favourite me management Chicken
Our verdict: ‘Just good friends’ MAY / 35
Harold Jarman
Bristol to New York
!"#"$%#"&'($())$*%&+$*"&$,!)$ -%&$-.%/*0$%.1"/($,/(!$%$-"#(%/&$ %*)2&($)3$%24%-/(+0$()$!%5"$ 1""&$#"6.%-"4$1+$7"."8$9%#).4$:%#*%&0$ !),"5"#0$/;$)&"$)3$(!);"$*"&8 <"(("#$=&),&$%;$%$>)%.?;-)#/&>$,/&>"#$ %&4$.%("#$-.21$.">"&4$3)#$<#/;().$@)5"#;0$ FRXSOHG ZLWK D ¿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
/ MAY 2013
DQG , VSHQW ¿YH RU VL[ PRQWKV RXW (!"#"$6.%+/&>$/&$(!"/#$()6$4/5/;/)&8$N($ ,%;$;(#%&>"0$12($%$5"#+$/&("#";(/&>$ "B6"#/"&-"8$ MH!"#"$,"#"$DI$4/33"#"&($&%(/)&%./(/";$ /&$(!"$;C2%40$%&4$/($,%;$;)*"(!/&>$+)2$ ,"#"&'($2;"4$()$1%-=$(!"&8 MQ!"&$+)2'#"$%$3%*/.+$*%&0$+)2$4)$ */;;$/(0$(!)2>!0$%&4$(!"$-)**2&/-%(/)&$ ,%;&'($%&+(!/&>$./="$,!%($/($/;$&),8$N$ !%4$(!#""$+)2&>$-!/.4#"&0$%&4$%3("#$(!"$ VHDVRQ ZDV RYHU , À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
Harold today, aged 74
“Pele joined the year I left. I’d heard he was paid a million dollars to join – but it was closer to ten times that, and this was in 1974.”
Harold looks through old photos with wife Penny
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/ MAY 2013
E!5'!"$%+*88$6))7%$!$6))"$),)$&"$+.)$ /8-9B%$0&*"0%J&"$%&$'!",$,)!5%$!;+)5$ .)$8);+<$!"#$*%$!$5)0-8!5$(*%*+&5$+&$+.)$ R)'&5*!8$O+!#*-'1 23$6"&4$)()5,9&#,$#&4"$+.)5)$!"#$ +.),$'!6)$')$)()5$%&$4)8/&')<=$.)$ %'*8)%1$2A.)$/5&4#$%+*88$6"&4$',$ "!')<$;&5$%&')$-"6"&4"$5)!%&"1$ A.),B5)$()5,$6*"#1$3$.)!#$#&4"$;&-5$ RU ÂżYH WLPHV D \HDU -RKQ :DUGÂśV GRQH !"$)K+5!&5#*"!5,$:&9$!"#$3$.&7)$.)$ /&"+*"-)%$+&$#&$*+1=
The Harold Jarman scrapbook. Clockwise from top left: an early team picrure with Hotwells FC; pre-season training 1950s-style with Bristol Rovers on Weston-super-Mare beach; in whites with Gloucestershire County Cricket Club; a New York Cosmos ticket from the 1970s; netting for Cosmos during his spell in the US; back at Rovers as coach in 1984; his Cosmos badge; scoring against Sunderland at Eastville in 1971.
HAROLD JARMAN FACTFILE Bristol Rovers (1959-1973) 452 apps, 127 goals Newport County (1973-1974) 40 apps, 8 goals New York Cosmos (1974) 18 apps, 4 goals
MX on the beach
Weston-super-Mare was anything but quiet on the weekend of May 18th/19th as the second round of the Red Bull Pro Nationals motocross championships came to the North Somerset resort. The event, one of seven rounds due to take place in 2013, attracted more than 10,000 spectators over the twoday spectacle. They were entertained by some competitive racing as well as freestyle motocross stars and special areas where children as young as five could try the sport out. There were also children’s TV characters there along with stunt riders, BMX displays, soft play areas and even a trials display from multiple world champion Dougie Lampkin. The marquee races took place in the Red Bull MX1 and MX2 series, which see world class riders fight over three races in each of the seven rounds. The Weston leg of the event is unique as it takes place on the sandy expanse of the town’s beach rather than the traditional grass track surface. This gives the event organisers a week of work ahead of the racing to sculpt a course on the sands. Kristian Whatley leads the MX1 title race after two rounds having won the second race this weekend while the MX2 battle is currently being led by Steve Lenoir who also increased his championship lead. Ominous for Whatley though is the return to form of Durham’s double champion Brad Anderson who moved up to fourth in the title race with his best show of the year. Other victors at the beach track were James Harrison (Rookies), Jay Hague (BW85), Charlie Cole (SW85), Rossi Beard (65cc), Lewis Gregory (125cc 2 stroke Expert) and Scooter Webster (125cc 2 stroke Junior). Attention now turns to Culham Park, Oxfordshire on June 29th/30th; the same venue that hosts the exciting final round in mid-September. For local fans of the sport, more good news came as the event was given the go-ahead to return next year, when they will be hoping for a repeat of the favourable weather conditions that made this year’s event such a success. MAY 2013 / 41
BRISTOL UNIVERSITY v UNIVERSITY OF WEST OF ENGLAND AYacf]U` GhUX]ia AcbXUm 5df]` &-h\ &$%' Words and pictures by Rogan Thomson for JMP
Boatman helps Bristol sink UWE
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who are ya
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;I remember recently a player handing in a transfer request as he walked off the pitch. If heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d done that in my playing days, he would have a kicking in the dressing room!â&#x20AC;?
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grass roots
CHILDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S PLAY?
Football has become a global entertainment business and now red tape is making life difficult at grass roots level, says Martin McConachie. But winning neednâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be everything.
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from the
press box
New direction as City look to future S
Rebuilding the squad: City head coach Sean Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Driscoll
!"#$%&'()#%*(+,-.( &/(0&1123#0-%#&3$( !"#$%&#'()(4",5#,6$( 6+-%('&&7$($,%(%&(8,(-( $211,"(&/(0+-39,(-%( :$+%&3(;-%,(-$(%+,(0'28( %-7,($%&07(/&''&6#39( ",',9-%#&3(/"&1(%+,( )+-14#&3$+#4< 50 MAY 2013
!""#$%"&'()*%+$#%+,,% +-&!(%.)+'/#%0'%1&&(-+,,2% 3!(%1&$%3$0*(&,%40(56%0(7*% "!.)%"&$#%8$#9+,#'(%()0*% *!""#$%()+'%#9#$%-#1&$#2! :0"#;%+(%*(#""0'/%*#9#$#% 5#+$<&'<5#+$%,&**#*%=%.&!8,#;% >0()%()#%'##;%(&%.&"8,5%>0()%+% ?@A%>+/#%.+8%+/+0'*(%(!$'&9#$% =%()#%:*)(&'%B+(#%.,!-%+$#% .#$(+0',5%(+C0'/%+%;011#$#'(% ;0$#.(0&'%(&%5#+$*%/&'#%-52% D0'.#%$#+.)0'/%()#% SOD\ RII ¿QDO LQ ±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¿QDQFLDOO\ LQ
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City v Rovers: the ‘friendly’ !"#$%&'(")!"#$%&!'()!&*++#,'),&!+*''$%-!.#%-/&'0%1$%-! .#20.!,$30.,$)&!0&$1)!4#55!'()!+$'2(!0'!.)0&'67!$%!0$1!#5! '()$,!2.*89&!,)&+)'$3)!2#::*%$';!+,#-,0::)&<
MAY 2013 / 51
The two tribes pictured above together at Ashton Gate Stadium. Far right: Action from the game, which Rovers won 3-2 against a City side containing former City legend Scott Murray (see centre picture). For further details on the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s community programmes click on the links below:bristolcitycommunitytrust.org bristolroverscommunity.weebly.com
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really positive that a community can come together via their football clubs. The event will definately return next year.â&#x20AC;? Vicky Barlow, Bristol City Community Trust
/ MAY 2013
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Arsenal v Bristol Academy, Sunday May 26th, 3pm :5 KcaYb·g 7id :]bU` ?YYdacUh GhUX]ia 8cbWUghYf The 2011 finalists meet again with Arsenal looking to claim their 12th cup win, following their 2-0 win over Bristol Academy in Coventry two years ago. This should make Arsenal – who feature reigning PFA Women’s Player of the Year Kim Little in their line-up – hot favourites. But Bristol Academy – fired by their Spanish strikeforce Laura Del Rio (picrured( and Natalia – go into the big game top of the FA Women’s Super League with three wins out of three. By contrast the Gunners – who defeated Nottingham Forest, Birmingham City and Liverpool to reach this stage – lost their opening game 4-0, and are out of the Champions League. Could this be the chance then for Mark Sampson’s Bristol Academy – who beat Everton, Doncaster and Lincoln on their way to the final – to claim their first major piece of silverware since their formation in 1998? Wednesday May 22nd CRICKET Worcestershire v Gloucestershire, LV= County Championship Division Two (first day of four) Sussex v Somerset, LV= County Championship Division One (first day of four) BMX Bristol BMX Race Night Round Six Thursday May 23rd CRICKET Worcestershire v Gloucestershire, LV= County Championship Division Two (second day of four) Sussex v Somerset, LV= County Championship Division One (second day of four) Friday May 24th CRICKET
Worcestershire v Gloucestershire, LV= County Championship Division Two (third day of four) Sussex v Somerset, LV= County Championship Division One (third day of four) Saturday May 25th CRICKET Worcestershire v Gloucestershire, LV= County Championship Division Two (last day of four) Sussex v Somerset, LV= County Championship Division One (last day of four) Cheddar CC v Barrington CC, Somerset Cricket League 1st XI Division Glastonbury CC v Weston-super-Mare CC, West of England Premier League Premier Two Bristol CC v Ilminster CC, West of England Premier League Premier One
ONE-DAY AMBITION Somerset v Glamorgan YB40 Group C match (one-day, 1.45pm), Taunton
After narrowly missing out on qualification for the CB40 sumi-finals last season, Somerset will be looking to go at least one better this time round especially given a disappointing start in the four-day game. Marcus Trescothick’s side boast a fornmidable batting line-up at full strength including England hot shots James Hildreth, Craig Kieswetter and Jos Buttler. And with all-rounder Peter Trego (pictured) leading one-day run scorer in the country, Somerset sat top of Group C with three wins from three at the end of May. Sunday May 26th FOOTBALL Bristol Academy v Arsenal Ladies, Women’s FA Cup Final (Keepmoat Stadium, Doncaster) CRICKET Gloucestershire v Unicorns, Yorkshire Bank 40 Leicestershire v Somerset, Yorkshire Bank 40 Monday May 27th SPEEDWAY Scunthorpe v Somerset, Speedway Premier League Tuesday May 28th CRICKET Somerset v Yorkshire, LV= County Championship Division One (first day of four) Wednesday May 29th CRICKET Somerset v Yorkshire, LV= County Championship Division One (second day of four) Lancashire v Gloucestershire, LV= County Championship Division Two (first day of four) BMX Bristol BMX Race Night Round 7 SPEEDWAY Somerset v Scunthorpe, Speedway Premier League Thursday May 30th CRICKET Somerset v Yorkshire, LV= County Championship Division One (third day of four) Lancashire v Gloucestershire, LV= County Championship Division Two (second day of four) FOOTBALL Bristol Academy v Arsenal Ladies, Women’s Super League Friday May 31st CRICKET Somerset v Yorkshire, LV= County Championship Division One last day of four)
Lancashire v Gloucestershire, LV= County Championship Division Two (third day of four) RACING Bath Ales Real Ale Festival Race Night, Bath Racecourse SPEEDWAY Somerset Premier League Pairs, Speedway Premier League
Saturday June 1st CRICKET Lancashire v Gloucestershire, LV= County Championship Division Two (last day of four) Wells CC v Cheddar CC, Somerset Cricket League 1st XI Division Weston-super-Mare v Goatacre CC, West of England Premier League Premier 2 Bristol CC v Bridgwater CC, West of England Premier League Premier One RUGBY LEAGUE Northampton Demons v Bristol Sonics, Rugby League Conference League South VOLLEYBALL Wick Summer Volleyball Tournament, Wick Sports Ground Sunday June 2nd CRICKET Yorkshire v Gloucestershire, Yorkshire Bank 40 Somerset v Glamorgan, Yorkshire Bank 40 Bristol CC v Corsham CC, ECB National Club Championship BASEBALL Bristol Badgers v Richmond Knights, Baseball AAA South VOLLEYBALL Wick Summer Volleyball Tournament, Wick Sports Ground Tuesday June 4th Middlesex v Somerset, Yorkshire Bank 40 MAY 2013 / 57
Wednesday June 5th CRICKET Gloucestershire CC v Glamorgan CC, LV= County Championship Division Two (first day of four) FOOTBALL Birmingham City Ladies v Bristol Academy, Women’s Super League BMX Bristol BMX Race Night Round 8 Thursday June 6th CRICKET Gloucestershire v Glamorgan, V= County Championship Division Two (second day of four) Somerset v Durham, LV= County Championship Division One (first day of four) SPEEDWAY Redcar v Somerset, Speedway Premier League Friday June 7th CRICKET Gloucestershire v Glamorgan, V= County Championship Division Two (third day of four) Somerset v Durham, LV= County Championship Division One (second day of four) RACING Summer Afternoon Racing, Bath Racecourse SPEEDWAY Somerset v Rye House, Speedway Premier League Saturday June 8th CRICKET Gloucestershire v Glamorgan, V= County Championship Division Two (last day of four) Somerset v Durham, LV= County Championship Division One (third day of four) Wincanton CC v Cheddar CC, Somerset Cricket League 1st XI Division Gloucester City Winget CC v Weston-super-Mare CC, West of England Premier League Premier Two Corsham CC v Bristol CC, West of England Premier League Premier One FOOTBALL Bristol Academy v Lincoln Ladies, Women’s Super League RUGBY LEAGUE
Bristol Sonics v Leicester Storm, Rugby League Conference League South TENNIS Frome Selwood Mini Green Tennis Tournament, Frome Selwood Tennis Club Sunday June 9th BASEBALL London Mets II v Bristol Badgers, Baseball AAA South CRICKET Somerset v Durham, LV= County Championship Division One (lastday of four) CYCLING Ritchie Bristol Bike Festival, Ashton Court SPEEDWAY Somerset v Edinburgh, Speedway Premier League TENNIS Wedmore Tennis Club Mini Tennis Orange Tournament, Wedmore Tennis Club Wednesday June 12th BMX Bristol BMX Race Night Round 9 CRICKET Hampshire v Gloucestershire, LV= County Championship Division Two (first day of four) Bristol CC v Bishopston CC, Bristol & District 20 Over Knock-Out Thursday June 13th CRICKET Hampshire v Gloucestershire, LV= County Championship Division Two (second day of four) Friday June 14th CRICKET Hampshire CC v Gloucestershire CC, LV= County Championship Division Two (third day of four) Unicorns v Somerset, Yorkshire Bank 40 Saturday June 15th CRICKET Hampshire v Gloucestershire, LV= County Championship Division Two (last day of four) Cheddar CC v Watchet CC, Somerset Cricket League 1st XI Division
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-® Wiggle Mountain Mayhem 24-hour marathon Gatcome Park, Gloucestershire
Wiggle Mountain Mayhem is the largest and the most prestigious 24-hour mountain bike event in the world and this year it moves to a brand new location at Gatcombe Park – home of HRH Princess Royal. The royal estate has never been used for cycling before, but hosts an annual equestrian eventing festival. A new 8.5-mile track has been especially built for the endurance event, which is now in its 16th year. Stand by for mud, mountain bikes and mayhem galore ... Weston-super-Mare CC v Minehead CC, West of England Premier League Premier Two CYCLING Wiggle Mountain Mayhem 24-Hour Mountain Bike Race, Gatcombe Park, Gloucestershire RACING Super Saturday, Bath Racecourse RUGBY LEAGUE Nottingham Outlaws v Bristol Sonics, Rugby League Conference League South SPEEDWAY Workington v Somerset, Speedway Premier League Knock-Out Cup TENNIS Wellington T.C. Matchplay (8.2 to 10.2) Tennis Tournament, Wellington Tennis Club Sunday June 16th BASEBALL Bristol Badgers v London Mets II, Baseball AAA South CRICKET
Gloucestershire v Yorkshire, Yorkshire Bank 40 Somerset v Leicestershire, Yorkshire Bank 40 CYCLING Wiggle Mountain Mayhem 24-Hour Mountain Bike Race, Gatcombe Park, Gloucestershire TENNIS SSTDG - Martock Grade 5 Multi Event Tennis Tournament, Martock Tennis Club Taunton Indoor Mini Green Event Tennis Tournament Taunton Tennis Club Wednesday June 19th BMX Bristol BMX Race Night Round 10 SWIMMING Somerset ASA 750m Open Water Taster Swim, Vobster Quay, Frome Thurdsay June 20th SPEEDWAY Sheffield v Somerset, Speedway Premier League MAY 2013 / 59
MOTION -*",/
- y1*速 , 速AND YOU COULD WIN ... Yeovil Town shirt signed by the play-off winners
Bristol Academy shirt signed by the FA Cup finalists
* 1-
Boxing gloves signed by Lee Haskins & Dean Francis
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