EMPower Magazine

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Politicians Need a Plan, Too What Are You Waiting For?! Broken Windows & Hurricane Sandy Holiday Food Safety & Preserving Leftovers Black(out) Friday Packages & More

EMPower Magazine EMPact America’s EMPower Magazine is published by EMPact America, Inc.

Contributors: David Bellavia

In This Issue

Kathryn DeLong Ross Howarth

On Target..................................................................................... 4

Cristina Maxon

Politicians Need A Plan, Too........................................................ 6

Michelle McCulloch

Balance of Power........................................................................ 7

Amy Thompson

Broken Windows & Hurricane Sandy ......................................... 8 What Are You Waiting For?!........................................................ 9 You Don’t Know Squanto............................................................11 Roscoe Bartlet........................................................................... 12 Holiday Food Safety & Preserving Leftovers............................. 13 Winterize Your Vehicle............................................................... 14 Black (OUT) Friday.................................................................... 15

EMPact America

David Bellavia, President Ross Howarth, Vice President EMPact America PO Box 124 Elma, New York 14059 www.EMPactAmerica.org (716) 435-7873 info@EMPactAmerica.org To submit story ideas, event information, or corrections, send an email to webmaster@EMPactAmerica.org

America in the Dark 2-Disk Set EMPact America’s America In the Dark 2 Disc set will be available for order online through PrepareHub. org this month.

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November 2012

EMPower Magazine Both the remake of Red Dawn and the Homefront game are based upon a surprise electromagnetic pulse attack on the U.S. by a rogue nation, and what it could be like to live in the aftermath where the familiar becomes alien and “home is where the war is.�

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November 2012

EMPower Magazine

Israel at Brink of War; America Worried About Black Friday Shopping Now is the time to do something about a nuclear Iran and a desperate Syria. In 2006, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was spot-on when talking about a cease fire with Hezbollah and Israel in southern Lebanon. She stated, “a cease fire (at this point) that returns us to the status quos in the Middle East is worthless.” Hezbollah is the reason Israel finds itself in this pending war of attrition, as they brace for and counter-fire rockets that are showering in from Gaza and the regional threat from a destabilized Syria. The source of all this mess is and always has been both Syria and Iran. Islamists who are killing thousands globally do not desire land or high profile UN resolutions and they do not care about public opinion or battlefield victories. They want 6 to 8 million dead burning Jews. They want to party like its 1939. But make no mistake… the destruction of Israel is in lock step with their desire to destroy, in its totality, everything that is the United States. You would think the neocon architects that brought us the Iraq war and our current foreign policy, would be high-fiving with hands on their hips while strutting Mick Jagger’s style and telling their dissenter’s “I told you so.” At the very least, they should be offering their aid and support to President Obama. Regardless of the recent electoral defeat of conservatives, Barack Obama has been one of the most aggressive presidents that our nation has seen with regards to killing terrorists. There - 4 -

has not been one foreign policy alteration from that of his predecessor, George W. Bush. In fact, the most honest liberal would have to admit if anything, President Obama has doubled down. He has broadened the battlefield into Pakistan, Africa and Yemen. The Obama Administration is saying all the things that they need to say with regards to Israel and Syria, Hamas and Hezbollah. With the intelligence community indicating the source of the problems, the western world in-line with the ideological views, 90 percent of the Israeli population agreeing with their own nation’s defense strategy; the next move in this global chess game should be clear and present... it’s all about Syria and Iran. Right? The proverbial thorn in two of the worst Iraqi provinces (Anbar and Diyala), from the summer of 2003 until the surge, became the cheese cloth of manpower and material from Iran. They provided the enemy in Iraq and Afghanistan a never reluctant myriad of global homicide bombers. Their finger prints are all over the Hezbollah rockets fired by Hamas militants and the Islamist funding of enemies of the west. This isn’t difficult to link. This is like a lousy Matlock episode. The notional ballet of support with Israel and playing phone tag with both Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood leadership and King Abdullah in Saudi Arabia is a mere smoke

Jewel Samad / AFP/Getty Images Shoppers rush to get in a BestBuy store in Los Angeles on Black Friday last year. Many stores will be taking extra precuations after a trampling death at a Walmart last year.

screen. No one doubts that the Arab League of Nations hates Israel. Iran can use Israel endlessly to ally themselves with rich Arab oil states that currently view them as a bigger threat than the Keystone Pipeline. No one waits with bated breath trying to connect the dots of who is Israel’s mysterious benefactor. There is no one left on this planet that doesn’t understand America’s relationship to Israel. No two nations could be closer. Don’t tell this to The New York Times when their cover story next week will detail the hurried pace of pre-paid bunker busting missiles finding their way to the IDF from American factories. America’s representatives can talk in code or plain English: we support, to our last breath, the right for Israel to exist and to kick anyone of their neighbors in the teeth who threatens their people. For a President that boasts about spending his hard fought “political capital,” November 2012

EMPower Magazine you will be pressed to find another time in history when the table setting is more perfect to go for it all. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, Libya, Syria, Egypt and Iraq are devoid of a future without Israel’s immediate success. Personal ugly antiSemitism aside, what these nations and their neighbors fundamentally want more than anything is to rid themselves of the Islamists breeding instability within their own borders. Iran’s attempts at hijacking power will do nothing for Western investment or their respective markets while radical maniacs preach insanity and threaten nuclear holocaust in every news cycle.

same ownership of the ways and means of what is produced by violence. In doing so, they have opened up a Stalingrad front that is more hopeless and sinks any chance they have at turning the global tide toward radical Islam.

That’s the thing with Islamists. They are never happy. And they always need to overthrow, destabilize and kill people. Ask Qaddafi and al-Assad. Islamists have no allies, they have fighting partners. And over time, they gnaw away at the last bastions of support for non-theocracy in turn slowing eroding stability with any chance of long term security.

Now is the time for the U.S. and her feckless allies in this war, to put up or shut up. Syria stands unprotected and vulnerable to a Kosovo style air campaign that would cripple her ability to pursue the destabilization of her neighbors and the murder of her own people. This administration needs to plead with the people of Iran to once again peacefully counter the radical movement within their borders; this time with the assurance of American support. A heavily sanctioned Iran is no longer immune to the poison in which they have infected Iraq and the rest of the Middle East. Their people are angry, hungry and ready for Obama’s promised change.

As the odd adage goes “the stone age didn’t end because people ran out of stones.” America may be in a coma, but the rest of the world will not pay $7 dollars a gallon for gas. The bubble will pop and the foundation for the region will eventually collapse. Until that happens, what the world needs now is the same big picture American leadership that drilled into our heads that this was a real life World War. Israel, and militants led by Iran and Syria, are proving that point on live television and then some. Energy independence is no longer a campaign slogan, it is our American lifeline. America must take the initiative and capitalize on the single worst mistake the Islamist enemy made by attacking this narcoleptic giant on September 11th, 2001. There are many things about asymmetrical warfare that frustrated our peerless military machine in Iraq and Afghanistan. But the beautiful thing about these narcissist terrorists is their basic fractured nature. All of them want to run the show independently. The nations that harbor them, all want the - 5 -

For every rocket they launch on Israel, they make warfare daily symmetrical. Something Bin Laden and Zawahiri wanted so desperately to keep asymmetrical. When they blast civilian Jews at home, they take the romance out of Jihad. When they use platforms in the open to stage rocket barrages, they make conventional and fixed, what was for so long maneuver based and fluid.

way to pacify radicals when at war. It is not the pathway to long term peace, but it is the only way to deter a full scale ground war. Kill them before they organize enough to hit you back. For generations we have been warned about fighting the people of the Middle East who have cut their teeth in previous wars, while our own have lived peacefully in relative security. Now, because of Islamo-terror, we are that nation that has its youth bloodied in battle. Now is the time to push regime change in Syria and Iran. Now is the time for this administration to warn their leadership that we offer only the fate they have dictated for themselves. It is morning in the Middle East for the first time in generations. It is time for Washington DC to wake up and smell the Arabian blend.

An Israeli soldier sleeps on top of a tank at an Israeli army deployment area near the Israel-Gaza Strip border (below) Black Friday Lines..AR 2011

Nation building has never been the key to winning the war on terror. It does work, but we just do not have the time or the resources. Nation building is a far too expensive way to keep the region from breeding terror. What the Israelis understand, and President Obama is slowly learning, is that terrorist killing is the November 2012

EMPower Magazine Politicians Need A Plan, Too by Kathryn Delong Sustainability and resilience are two things that the disaster preparedness community must always have in mind. In order to effectively prepare for emergency situations, emergency management and relief workers must think about things in the long-term: When can we expect disaster to strike? What can we do now to reduce damage and other negative consequences in the future? What can we do after disaster strikes to improve the situation? What is our plan? Unfortunately, many of our elected officials fail to approach their jobs in this manner, which is why so many government programs have failed or are failing. Our nation is currently over $16 trillion in debt, and the amount grows by the second. But business continues as usual in Washington. The federal government doesn’t seem to have much of a plan. And if it does, it’s not a very good one. President Barack Obama’s budget for Fiscal Year 2013, proposed earlier this year, only reduces the national deficit by $5.3 trillion over the next decade. During his campaign, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney promised to balance the budget in ten years, but failed to lay out a detailed explanation of how he would do so. Romney’s vice-presidential pick, Representative Paul Ryan, proposed a plan that would balance the budget, but not for three more decades. The United States operates on a fiat currency, backed by nothing but the country’s economic reputation. There isn’t a fixed amount of money that can be pumped into circulation. In the shortterm, neither party has to be serious about balancing the budget, because the Federal Reserve – the United States’ central bank, responsible for monetary policy – is unrestrained when it comes to printing money.

Power Authority

that their constituents have become wholly dependent on, as advocating an end to them might also mean an end to their own careers in Washington. Our elected officials must start thinking about the long-term consequences of their current actions. Eventually, if the Federal Reserve continues to keep interest rates low and increase the money supply, the US dollar will become worthless. Unfortunately, for many politicians, the only consequence they consider when making an important decision is how it will affect their chances of reelection. Emergency managers, disaster relief workers, and elected officials all have jobs that require them to serve the public. It is a disservice to the American people when politicians only take short-term objectives into account when making decisions, especially in regards to the federal budget and our mounting national debt. Our representatives need a plan that goes beyond their next election. We are rapidly approaching a fiscal cliff that is the result of Washington’s carelessness and failure to plan ahead. Instead of making tough decisions, politicians kick the can down the road. It’s time that our elected officials start aiming for sustainability and resiliency in their work, and as their constituents, we must hold them accountable.

Join host Kathryn DeLong each Friday for a new episode of the “Power Authority” podcast. Coming up in October, Kathryn interviews name and etc. Available for download or online listening, the “Power Authority” podcast began in August and is available at www. EMPactRadio.org/power-authority

Balance of Power your preparedness plans. Visit www. EMPactRadio.org/ to listen online or download MP3 files for your iPod and other digital audio devices.

On Target The “On Target” podcast is recorded by EMPact’s president, David Bellavia, bringing us brief messages that challenge us to keep working hard on the important issues facing us today. Visit www.EMPactRadio.org/on-target to listen online or download an MP3 for an iPod or other portable digital audio devices.

On EMPact The “On EMPact” podcast is recorded by EMPact’s Vice President, Ross Howarth, bringing us brief messages that challenge us to keep working hard on the important issues facing us today. Visit www.EMPactRadio.org/on-empact to listen online or download an MP3 for an iPod or other portable digital audio devices.

Unless the feds seriously and deeply slash their budgets, government programs and initiatives will continue to bankrupt US taxpayers. Politicians, even those who think of themselves as fiscal conservatives, are afraid to call for cuts to unsustainable government programs - 6 -

November 2012

EMPower Magazine

Balance of Power

with Michelle McCulloch

Elections 2012, Where Do We Go From Here? Elections are behind us and now we look forward to what the future holds for so many important legislative issues. For months we have heard the promises from candidates and now we hope that they follow through and work diligently to move our nation in the right direction. EMPact America has consistently worked to educate our elected representatives on the significant need to protect our national grid from critical threats such as an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack. Since our organization was founded in 2009, we have had several Representatives not only engage and work to understand the issues, but who have also taken up the cause and worked toward providing viable legislative solutions. One of those staunch advocates was Representative Roscoe Bartlett, who unfortunately lost his re-election bid. EMPact America has lost a great champion of our efforts and he will be missed. As most of you know, the balance of power was unchanged as the Presidency and majorities in both the Senate and the House of Representatives remains constant. Elections in the Senate brought about minimal change with the Democrats gaining 2 seats and the Republicans losing 2. The House of Representatives remain Republican with slight changes as well. Since the 2010 elections, Republicans have lost 8 seats and the Democrats have picked up 5 leaving the balance at R=234, D=198. And that will be the party makeup for the 113th Congress. EMPact America works diligently toward one goal and that is to protect our country’s national grid and critical infrastructure systems. This vital objective reaches across party lines - 7 -

and requires consideration and support within each legislative house. This is a security issue, not a Democrat, Republican, Liberal or Conservative talking point. During the election, our organization researched both presidential candidates to see if they were first and foremost aware of the EMP threat, and secondly to see if they had taken a position as to what action they would take to address protection of our grid. The only information available was a reference to EMP in a book written by Mitt Romney in 2010. No references to EMP could be found for President Obama. The President has been solely focused on cybersecurity. Although he is correct in his assessment of the cyber threat, he neglects to recognize that EMP, whether by natural causes or man-made, is just as critical of a risk and potentially more devastating. Senator Jay Rockefeller D-WV, said it best when he recently spoke about the failed senate vote on the current Cybersecurity Bill S. 3414, he stated “At some point, if we don’t do anything, there will be a major cyber attack and it will do great damage to the United States. After it’s over, the American people will ask, just as they asked after 9/11, what could we have done to stop this?” That statement is equally true regarding EMP protection of our grid.

So with only small electoral changes, our President presides alongside a lame duck congress. That leaves existing legislative bills to die where they are if not addressed. Two pieces of legislation, the SHIELD Act and H. Res. 762, address protecting our grid and emergency preparedness in the event of a national emergency. H. Res 762 is a bill sponsored by Representative Bartlett and deserves attention before the end of the 112th Congress. The bill is a nonbinding resolution, expressing the sense of the House of Representatives in supporting community-based civil defense and power generation. EMPact America looks forward to working with representatives across the aisle to protect our critical infrastructures. Our country doesn’t need another lame duck, do nothing congress. It needs hard working, principled leaders that are willing to roll up their sleeves and work to better our country. Americans deserve to live in a safe and vibrant country sustained by strong leaders. Voters have spoken and elected officials need to get to work for the people. United States House of Representatives Elections 2012

United States Senate Elections 2012

In a September congressional hearing, testimony revealed that EMP is not only a viable threat, but one that has been of concern to both the Departments of Homeland Security and Defense. Statements also exposed the fact that our country is severely unprepared to deal with the aftermath. The President needs to take a leadership role on this as soon as possible. Addressing only Cyber attacks to our infrastructure is irresponsible. November 2012

EMPower Magazine Broken Windows & Hurricane Sandy by Kathryn Delong In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, economist Peter Morici wrote an article for Yahoo News titled “The Economic Impact of Hurricane Sandy … Not All Bad News”. Morici argues that disasters can give the construction sector – and the economy – a boost, as billions of dollars are consequently funneled into the industry to rebuild damaged buildings and properties. In other words, destruction is good because reconstruction means profitmaking, and thus, economic growth. But Morici is wrong, and he must be ignorant of a basic concept in economics: the broken window fallacy, illustrated by political economist Frederic Bastiat in his 1850 work That Which Is Seen, and That Which Is Not Seen, demonstrates the effects of unintended or unseen economic consequences. In Bastiat’s story, the son of a shopkeeper carelessly breaks a window pane, which must then be repaired by a glazier. The shopkeeper must pay the glazier six francs to fix the damage. The glazier repairs the window, collects his earnings, and goes on his way. This, in Bastiat’s words, is “that which is seen.” Based on “that which is seen,” one could conclude that breaking windows puts more money into circulation, and thus, is good for the economy. Morici uses this line of thinking when he determines that disasters like Hurricane Sandy will stimulate the construction industry. However, Bastiat advises, one must also consider that which is not seen. The six francs that the shopkeeper had to spend on the window repair could have been used to replace an old pair of shoes or purchase a new book. Unnecessary destruction – the broken window – forced the shopkeeper to spend six francs that he could have otherwise put toward another good or service. After the shopkeeper hands over the six francs, he has a window – nothing more and nothing less than he had before. But had the window not been broken, the shopkeeper would have a new pair of shoes or a new book in addition to the window.

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stimulate the economy.

Hurricane Sandy damage – economic stimulus?

We can apply Bastiat’s story to the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. All the money that will be spent on rebuilding is money that could have been spent elsewhere. The small business owner who must now spend thousands of dollars to replace damaged merchandise is unable to allocate that money towards hiring a new employee or launching a new marketing campaign that could’ve helped his company grow. Many costs incurred from Hurricane Sandy will be covered by the federal government, but Morici writes that the private sector will contribute at least $15 to $20 billion to reconstruction, as well. Morici predicts that this private money will yield an economic benefit of about $27 to $36 billion. Despite the estimated $35 to $45 billion in economic losses imposed by Sandy, Morici says that Americans “will emerge stronger in the wake of disaster.” He bases his conclusions on that which is seen: demand for repairs and reconstruction means more money will flow into the construction industry, which will prompt economic growth. But Morici fails to take into account that which is not seen: what could have been gained, or at least maintained, had the window not been broken. Destruction does not create wealth.

While it is impossible to completely safeguard families and communities from the consequences – economic and otherwise – of natural disasters like Hurricane Sandy, it is still important to prepare. Homeowners in regions where hurricanes are prevalent can reduce the risk of physical destruction by addressing their properties’ key structural weaknesses and vulnerable areas, including porches, garages, roofs, glass doors, door entries, and windows. Cities and towns can take an active role in deterring damage, as well. New Orleans, Louisiana, which sits below sea level, took an especially hard hit from Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Since then, the city’s floodwalls and levees have been rebuilt to more effectively protect the area from another Katrina-like catastrophe. Morici is grasping for a silver lining that doesn’t exist. Destruction is the antithesis of growth. At a time when our economy is extremely vulnerable, Americans must do everything they can to maintain and produce wealth. Individuals can’t stop severe weather in its tracks, but creating an environment that minimizes, or at least reduces, broken windows – literally and figuratively – is certainly feasible. New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina

This is not to say that Americans are not resilient – they certainly are. But speaking strictly in terms of economics, it is incorrect to claim that destruction has a positive impact. If that were true, more people would be breaking windows to November 2012

EMPower Magazine What Are You Waiting For?! by Michelle McCulloch Severe weather from Hurricane Sandy has put a spotlight on disaster preparedness efforts, not only here on the east coast but throughout the nation. Are you prepared, on any level, for a natural disaster? Have you organized and planned go bags, water and food supplies, medical necessities, pet needs and family plans in case of an emergency. I feel secure that I have done my part preparing my family if we should be a part of a disaster, but watching the aftermath of the current natural disaster now makes me wonder if I am even close to ensuring my families safety and security in times of need. The stories that are detailed in the aftermath of Sandy should encourage all Americans to prepare themselves and their families for emergencies and not rely on government and others for help when disaster strikes. Hurricanes are infrequent in the state of New York and typically we are only affected by the remnants. Hurricane Sandy was one of those rare storms and her force was felt over the north east with a vengeance. In fact, Hurricane Sandy death toll was the second highest in New York State claiming 55 lives. The New England Hurricane of 1938 was the first with 60 lives lost. We were warned days in advance and we were able to go to our local stores and stock our homes and vehicles for the impending storm. In many areas of New York and New Jersey, evacuation orders were given and people were warned that this could be “the perfect storm.” Notice given, now act upon it! But many refused to leave their homes and the ultimate price was paid. Preparedness is a luxury in times of distress and if not taken seriously, something we regret in a disasters aftermath. As the east coast was preparing, Hurricane Sandy had already demonstrated her destructive force. Many Caribbean countries had been through the worst of it and one country in particular was devastated, Haiti. As Haiti continues to recover from a crushing earth quake dating back to January of 2010; where 350,000 Haitian families are still homeless. Earlier this year the country also suffered from a drought and then Tropical Storm Isaac’s core missed the island but still left destruction in its path. Along with these natural disasters, Haitians are dealing with a very poor economy and life threatening illnesses such as Cholera. After Hurricane Sandy’s wrath, much of the crops sustaining the country were decimated leaving them also in an extensive food crisis.

Burned-out homes in the Breezy Point section of the Queens borough New York after a fire on Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012. The tiny beachfront neighborhood told to evacuate before Sandy hit New York burned down as it was inundated by floodwaters, transforming a quaint corner of the Rockaways into a smokefilled debris field.

themselves and their families. Preparedness doesn’t meanthat you need to go to extremes. It means you take precautions and heed warnings. It means that you are aware of potential threats and then take the actions necessary to ensure the highest level of preparedness as it relates to your safety and survival in the event of an emergency. Anything over and above basic preparedness is a bonus and would be well worth your time and effort in the event of disaster. We are fortunate to have strong support systems in place here in the United States. Federal, state, county and local emergency management offices provide services before, during and after emergencies to the best of their capability. Emergency Nonprofit organizations bolster those efforts as well. Honestly, those organizations are going to reveal scenarios that couldn’t have been forecasted and that can’t be immediately addressed. These situations expose the importance of our personal responsibility in preparing ourselves and our families. Bottom line is that we are blessed to have the national resources and people available that we do when disasters strike, but no one should ever take that as a substitute for taking care of yourself, your family and even possibly neighbors and friends.

Struck by loss during the earthquake, struggling to re-establish a home, unable to prepare or protect what you have struggled to rebuild and then wondering if you will have enough food to feed your loved ones in the weeks and months to follow is more than one should bare. Add to that an incompetent and highly corrupt government and it is hard to find hope for the innocent Haitian people afflicted by such compounding devastation. Unlike Haiti and many other countries, citizens of the United States not only have the resources to prepare, but we have the ability to protect ourselves to the fullest extent possible. With all the opportunities available, we are still an apathetic nation when it comes to preparing ahead. Many Americans have the “it’s not going to happen to me” mindset and deny the need to prepare for - 9 -

November 2012

EMPower Magazine

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November 2012

EMPower Magazine power. Without commercial power and the retail stores that depend upon it, would you have enough water, food and shelter/ fuel to survive the winter?

You Don’t Know Squanto by Ross Howarth Assuming you have electric power this Thanksgiving, don’t forget to give thanks for the commercial power generation and distribution system that makes your holiday feast possible. Electric power is now indispensable in our lives, and electricdependent technology ultimately impacts literally everything we need to live. What if everything just stopped working?.... What if it took a month to get things working again, what if it took a year… or 4 years? What would you do if nothing worked? How would you find food? How would you contact your family? How would you live? How long would you live?

Although they weren’t the first group to come to America, the Pilgrims who founded the Plymouth Colony in 1620 are widely attributed as starting our Thanksgiving tradition in the United States. The Pilgrims were expecting to go settle a new land when they reached North America and are believed to have brought supplies for doing the same, such as clothing, bedding and extra fabric; food that was intended to last at least a year, including beer (since water was considered unsafe), barrels of wheat, peas, and oats, as well as vinegar, aqua-vitae (a strong liquor made from distilling beer or wine), salad oil, bacon, cheese, sugar, spices and fruit; weapons and hunting/fishing/ trapping supplies (e.g., muskets, swords, light body armor, and ammo); work, gardening and cooking tools (e.g., axes/hatches, pickaxes, saws, hammers, shovels, spades, hoes, nails, pots, pans, etc.). Plus, these were people who had at least a basic knowledge of how to use their tools and supplies without outside help. Still, as it turns out, they were relatively unprepared to survive the harsh winters in the New World. The Pilgrims arrived in December of 1620, and even with all their supplies and period knowledge, more than half of them died of starvation by the spring. In fact, they were only successful with the next year’s harvest due to an English-speaking Native American, Squanto, who taught them how to build fitting homes, plant, fertilize and tend indigenous crops, and many other skills they needed to live in the North East. Prior to the Pilgrims, in 1607, the founders of the Jamestown colony also went through tough times in the new world. The Jamestown colonists spending too much time searching for gold and too little time farming. As a consequence, their food supplies dwindled during the harsh winters that have come to be known as the “starving time.” By the end of the first year, only 38 of the original 144 survived (74% died). Most people in America today are too busy working to spend time farming, or hunting, or fishing. In fact, only about 2% of our population is made up of farmers, who are supporting our entire population. To do so, they need to use advanced, electronic-dependent machinery for everything from planting, irrigating, feeding, harvesting/milking, processing etc., as well as sophisticated land use and purchased hybrid seeds (which don’t produce seeds that can be reused for future seasons). Basically, even our highly specialized food producers can’t produce without commercial power.

While you sit around with your family this Thanksgiving ready to feast on all of the just-in-time food, take a few minutes to think about what (if anything) you could actually provide by yourself if ALL the stores were closed and America’s supply chain broke down. While you’re defrosting your store-bought turkey, opening packages of fresh bread, and cans or frozen packages of vegetables and other ingredients, consider the sources, processes and distribution networks that were needed to get those goods to you. And, whether you’re cooking via your oven, stovetop and/or microwave, ask yourself whether you could even finish preparing or preserving the meal without commercial - 11 -

Thanksgiving is a time for food, family and fun. And, we should be thankful for it all. However, it’s important to remember that we’re all just one disaster away from living in a world where food and other life sustaining resources are scarce. Those who know about the threat of electromagnetic pulse know that the Congressional EMP commission and other experts have predicted that between 2/3 and 90% of the U.S. population would perish if we had a nationwide blackout that lasted for even a year – not much different than the fates suffered by early colonists. Perhaps an important difference between modern Americans and the Pilgrims is that we don’t know Squanto. November 2012

EMPower Magazine

Roscoe Bartlett’s tenure in the US House of Representatives, serving Maryland’s 6th congressional district, was one filled with hard-work, dedication and passion about key issues. Beginning his congressional career in 1992, Roscoe worked diligently for his constituency and our nation as a whole. For that, EMPact America would like to thank Representative Bartlett and extend our appreciation for serving the people of our country with honor and distinction. EMPact America began its mission to educate our elected officials and citizens on the importance of understanding and addressing threats to our critical infrastructure, specifically the nation’s electric grid. These threats, which would originate from an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) source such as massive solar storms, or man-made attacks from a high altitude nuclear blast, would decimate our electrical system and potentially leave millions of Americans without power for days, weeks, months or even years. Representative Bartlett understood these issues and addressed them head on.

preparedness efforts. Although the House Resolution lacks teeth to require funding and implementation by legislators, the bill brings forth the reality that citizen and community preparedness should addressed at every level. Accountability begins at home and within local communities. Counting on our government to be the end all be all savior is just not a viable solution. As evidenced through Hurricane Katrina and now Hurricane Sandy, the government can only do so much. At this time, H. Res. 762 sits in the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

Representative Bartlett came to congress with extensive knowledge and experience in the fields of science and technology. Consequently, he was one of only three scientists in the House of Representatives. His resume also included life experiences such as working as a researcher and scientist Higher res version of http://bartlett.house.gov/, for the military and NASA, university obtained from Faye Powers, Asst Office Manager/ assistant professor at Loma Linda Legislative Assistant, Office of Congressman School of Medicine, Scientist/Engineer Roscoe Bartlett In response to noted threats disclosed manager at John’s Hopkins University during several congressional hearings of Applied Physics Laboratory, on EMP, Representative Bartlett drafted research and development at IBM, legislation to address the critical issue. In 2001, he fought for small business owner and farmer. That resume is arguably and established the Congressional EMP Commission as part unmatched and what sets him apart from other politicians; truly of the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act. a citizen legislator at his best. Once formed, The EMP Commission proposed a 5-year plan For many elected officials, policy and issues are a part of that, when implemented, would not only protect our nation from everyday constituent work, but truly understanding issues and EMP, but would also defend and make more recoverable the what you are advocating for in the public arena is an altogether United States from other large-scale terrorist threats and natural different story. Representative Bartlett genuinely cares about disasters, like Hurricane Sandy. It was the first complete and the safety and welfare of not only his constituents but of all US comprehensive study on EMP and brought the issue to national citizens. attention. You can review information on the commission and It is rare for a legislator to take up issues that are not the hot their reports at www.empcommission.org. button, “sexy” issues of the day that will gain votes. EMP had In addition, throughout his terms in office, Mr. Bartlett worked certainly not been on the radar of citizens or even legislators diligently to promote citizen and community preparedness but Representative Bartlett knew the importance and never in times of national disasters and emergencies. His most turned away from the challenge. For this, we thank Mr. Bartlett current piece of legislation, H. Res. 762, was an example of and wish him much success in his future endeavors! He truly the representative’s sincere desire to promote and support was a friend to our organization! - 12 -

November 2012

EMPower Magazine

We all enjoy sitting down for our holiday dinner to eat and enjoy everyone’s company but many people leave leftovers out for hours afterwards for family members to pick at it, or maybe they are just too full to move after dinner. Unfortunately, the happiness could end by making your family members ill with food poisoning. Here are a few tips to help keep your family and friends healthy. 1. Refrigerate your leftovers immediately after your meal, because harmful bacteria can grow rapidly at room temperature. Any food that should be refrigerated should be refrigerated within 2 hours. 2. Do not cross-contaminate food by using the same utensil to put leftovers into the different containers. If there are bacteria in one food item, you will move it to all foods. 3. Make sure your refrigerator, or if needed have an extra cooler with ice, has room to store items until the guests can take their leftovers home. Stuffing your refrigerator too full can keep the air from circulating correctly in your refrigerator correctly. 4. Use the smallest and shallowest container you have for food items. Also make sure that your items have a lid. 5. Use leftovers within three to four days. Do not taste food that looks or smells questionable. A good rule: when in doubt, throw it out! 6. Freeze any leftovers you do not think you can eat within 4 days. 7. Some other options to store some of your leftover dinner is to create food items that can be stored long term. A great broth can be made from your turkey carcass and can be used at a future date. The broth can be made with little effort by using a crockpot. Pull most of the meat off the carcass and put it in the crock-pot. Add some roughly chopped carrots, chopped celery, an onion and enough water to cover the carcass. Set your cooker on low and just let it cook until the carcass falls apart. Strain the solids, put broth in an appropriate container, and freeze or pressure can to use later.

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November 2012

EMPower Magazine

Winterize Your Vehicle

Article by Cristina Maxon

Hurricane Sandy gave everyone a reason to get prepared for extreme weather conditions a little early this month. While you may have stocked up extra supplies in your homes for the storm, winter is right around the corner. It’s time to prepare our vehicles for whatever a Western New York winter might have in store for us. Here are some tips & tricks to get your whip in tip-top shape for winter-time. 1. Visibility: Did you know wiper-blades usually only perform optimally for 1 year? Poor visibility is one of the most obvious hindrances to your safety on the road. If you’re in a blinding snowstorm or trying to cut through the morning frost, a new set of wipers will not go unnoticed. Fill up your windshield washer reservoir with the washer fluid, and consider wiper blades designed for wintery weather. 2. Got traction? If you choose not to switch to snow tires, check your tire pressure to ensure best possible traction on the winter roads. As it gets colder outside, you can lose up to 1lb per square inch for every 10-degree-drop in air temperature. Check your owner’s manual for optimal tire pressure-level. 3. Battery-check. If your battery is more than 3 years old have a certified repair shop test its ability to hold a charge. Also, make sure your battery’s posts and connections are free of corrosion. Cold conditions cut down on your battery’s effectiveness to power your vehicle, so take the extra time to get it checked or replaced early in the season.

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4. Know what to do if you get stranded! 1. Keep flares in your emergency kit, and if stranded, light and position one 15-20ft from the front and rear of your vehicle. 2. If you have enough gas in your tank, run the heat for only about ten minutes for each hour you may wait for help. Also, it is important to leave a window cracked to prevent ice/snow from sealing the car shut and to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. 3. Check your tailpipe every 20 minutes. Keep it clear of snow and ice before running your heat. If it gets blocked poisonous, odorless carbon monoxide fumes can circulate into your car! 4. An emergency candle or hand warmers may be extra beneficial if you don’t have the gas to run the heat. 5. Wear your seatbelt, in case another car loses control or visibility and hits your vehicle. 6. If you don’t have water, try to melt snow before resorting to eating snow to stay hydrated (prevents lowering your body temperature). 5. Prepare an emergency kit! Stow-and-go, stock or stash this stuff in your trunk, particularly if you have a long trip planned or a storm is in the forecast. For more tips check out this LINK - 14 -

Tri-Fold Shovel Shovel folds in th ree compact sect ion 1. Extends to 24 inches 2. Folds to 9 inch es #X15 6-828-H November 2012

EMPower Magazine

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November 2012

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