Making Moves: Expansion to Exeter
with Vik Verma
After two years with The Promotions Company, Vik Verma is about to take five leaders and make the move to Exeter. At the age of 23, he’s currently running a 25 person team out of Bristol and sees an opportunity for expansion into new territory. I chatted with him to find out more about his plans for the future and what he’s looking forward to when he opens for business
Hi, Vik. How are the plans coming along?
Well, the team is already built. I have nine or ten leaders coming down there with me. The criteria is all hit and we’re
Good! At the moment I’m in Bristol, I’m saving up and then the
just saving right now. I got officially Incorporated last week
move to Exeter will take place in the middle of August. Once
too, which was exciting.
we’re in Exeter, the plan is to take over! Initially Residential but we’re going to do Events as well, so we’ll have two offices
What else is getting you excited about the move?
in one location. A lot of time right now is looking for spaces. Loads! It’s a new city and there’s a massive pool of It doesn’t feel like a year when expansion should be on
recruitment. It’s got beautiful places to see. But I think the
the cards, so what’s got you to the point where that’s
most exciting thing will be coming out of my comfort zone -
developing people and being able to offer them everything that I got. That’s amazing.
Yeah, to be expanding in a pandemic is crazy but we’re doing really well to be honest. I was up to 40 sales a week, which
Any pre-move nerves?
means I raised £29,000 for good causes in one week! That’s insane. And in the last week of December my team did 236
To be honest, no. I’m not concerned about going down there
in a week, which is £171,000. It’s not normal. But then opening
because I know I have the support network in place. That’s
a business at 23 is not normal - it’s very abnormal, in fact. It
the best thing about this industry, it’s great for finding that
just proves that if you work hard you can be anything you
help and support. It’s an industry of mentors and there are
want to be.
systems for me to follow. Yes everyone has nerves but I’m not doubting any of it. You know, at the age of 23, it just feels
What’s on your priority list between now and opening up?
good to be moving out.