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Gold Standard Fidel Nanton The
Fidel Nanton is no stranger to this magazine, he features regularly for many reasons; building great relationships, setting the standard, and time and time again we hear his name when discussing the importance of the quality of the sale.
In sales, it can be all too easy to fall into the trap of chasing profit. When’s the next goal going to be hit? How many sales can I make this month? Will I beat my personal best this quarter? For many sales companies, these are the targets that are encouraged.
It depends on the field you’re in, but where we’re concerned, we naturally value the numbers but are far more interested in the quality of each customer acquisition. Longevity, customer experience and client satisfaction are what have kept us growing year after year since 2001. Our clients return to our particular marketing services because we not only facilitate them hitting their business goals but growing as respected brands.
Whether someone is new to the sales industry or has forged their career in it, there are always new elements to learn to ensure quality customer interactions. We wanted to take the opportunity to speak with Fidel for his insight on the topic; how he centres his team around the concept of ‘quality over everything’, and how in doing so his business is thriving.
Go on Fidel, hit us with the big guns - Why is it so important to focus on quality rather than the
quantity of sales?
It’s about your reputation, and that speaks for itself, doesn’t it? In my team, at one point, if not right now, every single person has had a 0% reject rate, which means they’ve not had a single cancellation from a customer during that period. For the team, that’s incredible. When that becomes the norm, and people hear about the standards we’re setting, they want to be a part of it, and they’re proud to be part of the team.
Where the client is concerned, and we’re currently working with charity partners, that means more money for their invaluable causes. Long-term donors make a significant difference over time, whereas short-term ones mean perhaps the wrong people are signing up.
With great quality the incentives keep getting better too; you essentially get paid five times a month rather than four because of your Loyalty Incentives.
Our job is to source quality donors for our charity partners, those that can not only afford a regular payment but want to and feel aligned with the charity.
“Our job is to source quality donors for our charity partners, those that can not only afford a regular payment but want to and feel aligned with the charity."
“Essentially, your quality reflects how well you’re doing at your job.”
How would you recommend someone go about bettering their quality?
You need to be aware of your Key Performance Indicators, so look at your analytics. If you sign up mainly over 35-yearolds, you attain an email address 90% of the time, 90% qualify for Gift Aid, 85% of them are in the desired demographic, and you get two phone numbers at least 35% of the time, you’re on the right track.
If you tick those boxes, you will have great quality. Those aspects ensure you’re signing up the right people and rehashing effectively. Ask your administration team to pull together your statistics and go through them with you, then you can highlight any areas that need working on.
It’s also really important to share your passion and knowledge with each customer. I’m currently working with Alzheimer’s Research UK and Great Ormond Street Hospital - If a customer asks, “Were you a Junior Doctor?” I know I’ve done my job right!
Are there any practices you think should be avoided?
You shouldn’t take shortcuts, there’s just no point, and always give the donor your full attention, make sure you’re listening to them.
When you’re doing the rehash on the Ipad it’s so important that you don’t steamroll through it. They should always feel in control of the sign-up because they are. They’ve chosen to donate, don’t rush through it.
As always, Fidel did not disappoint. What fantastic insight into his no-nonsense approach to the quality of each customer acquisition. A pleasure to speak with, a joy to listen to and a real asset to not only his team but the entire organisation.
"It’s about your reputation, and that speaks for itself, doesn’t it? In my team, at one point, if not right now, every single person has had a 0% reject rate, which means they’ve not had a single cancellation from a customer during that period"