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The Future is Bright, The Future is Fibre

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June Ball

June Ball


t’s no secret that we as an organisation love bringing on new clients, and the thrill of a new division keep us all on our toes. Telecommunications have been a part of what we do over the years, with particular campaigns, such as Sky, seeing unprecedented results for the industry.


This is something we’re predicting for our latest client campaign with Fibre. We spoke with Floyd Marriott, Managing Director of the Hydra Sales Group, London, someone who’s about to expand his organisation, about the real purpose behind the project. Did you know that the UK is the fifth largest of the sophisticated economies? Yet we’re currently only 49th for internet capacity and service? Facts that don’t align. And something that has only been exacerabted during the pandemic.

The main reason why we’re so far behind is that traditionally, we’ve been very slow to move away from copper wires, and toward fibre optics, but not for much longer. The Government’s manifesto has set a new target, committing to gigabit-broadband being available nationwide by 2030 (at least 99% of premises). According to Ofcom, at the end of 2021, only 60% of UK premises were covered. You can see the need for a larger sales force that knows the space.

“We’re a face to face business, selling various products to clients over many years. We specialise in specific sales systems, which prepares us for taking on new clients with ease."

The Government is providing a large amount of funding, five billion pounds to be exact, to companies in order to perform this roll out, companies that don’t necessarily have the in-house sales teams to deliver. That’s where we come in.

In order to lay the new cables, digging up pavements and streets, home owners need to switch their current internet service providers to a full fibre capacity, as those that are still on a copper wire connection, will be unable to access it.

We thought it important to discuss the reason why our sales teams are being called up for the task, so we asked Floyd why he believed we presented a great option for the client.

“We’re a face to face business, selling various products to our clients over many years. We specialise in specific sales systems, which prepares us for taking on new clients with ease. We’re best placed to partner with these fibre companies as we can recruit, train and sell for them, quickly and professionally.”

Floyd is clearly passionate about this campaign, about the impact it will have, but also the opportunities it’s providing for people within his business.

“Fibre is still pretty new, it’s pioneering”

The potential for budding entrepreneurs to grow a business within the telecommunication industry is only getting bigger, and for Floyd himself, expansion isn’t only on the cards, but in motion. Asma Brahimi is set to open her office, Imperium Global Marketing Group, this month.

“We are expecting to open anywhere between 4-6 offices just within telecommunications. As the industry moves from a pioneering stage to a more established sector, we believe that more and more opportunities will come. It starts with internet services, then TV packages, telephone providers, home smart devices. The opportunities are endless.”

Its not an easy challenge to take on, it takes a certain type of person to relish the opportunity. When we asked what characteristics he believed he required in order to be successful, Floyd highlighted his flexibility.

“Things can change so quickly so I have to able to pivot. The learning curve is really steep so I have to be focussed on improvement to keep upto speed with what’s happening. It’s the only way for me to be responsive for the clients, but also offer the best opportunity to the people within my company.”

We love the honesty here, he isn’t claiming to be an expert in fibre connectivity, but what he is saying is that he’s willing to learn and broaden his skillset to get on board with the client objectives. This sentiment can be applied to any division, any walk of life; it’s the way in which you embrace a challenge that sets you apart.

Floyd left us with some words of wisdom for the sales industry:

“Sales is the single most valuable business service there is. The fact that we provide coaching, training and development in the space, makes what we do so exciting, vital and relevant for life skills and futures. Personally, I feel so very humbled to be in the position where I can actually influence the outcome for huge businesses, some of the world’s biggest brands, but also touch the life of a single individual who comes into my company with a good work ethic and student mentality, becoming an entrepreneur in their own right.”

With each client in our catalogue we’re impacting lives for the better, and this one will find us on the map for revolutionising the UK’s capacity to perform online.

'“I was a gardener in a cemetery before this. Although initially I couldn’t sell anything, I had some great people around me and I always stayed excited about the opportunity.”

“Sales is the single most valuable business service there is. The fact that we provide coaching, training and development in it, makes what we do so exciting, vital and relevant for life skills and futures. Personally, I feel so very humbled to be in the position where I can actually influence the outcome for massive businesses"

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