Empire Marketing Magazine Q4 2022

Page 30



in Success

Summer’s always a busy time in sales, especially when you work in events. Festivals, shows, and exhibitions; the calendar’s busy!




Relaying her past quarter she speaks of the per-



sonal development she’s undergone, from running

made the most

meetings for the office to planning as part of the




core team, she’s thoroughly enjoyed building her



business repertoire.

their way from both a sales and

Something Emily has found to have helped her



massively whilst coaching is the foresight to give


individuals what they need specifically, rather than

spective. A real shift has been felt, from running a

generic teachings. She’s brought in relevant people

sales office to expanding the business. They’ve hit

from around the organisation to offer insight and

lots of summer goals and are celebrating with a day

varied educational perspectives. She says:


of motocross at Leah Dunham Racing, as well as a few days away at Centre Parcs. Goals are meant to

“Our teams don’t all need the same thing at the

be hit and achievements celebrated!

same time, so we’ve been leaning on each other to give people the most relevant coaching”.

The whole office has had an impact on each of their charity partners; Alzheimer’s Research UK, Great

Having been a new leader herself, and now teach-

Ormond Street Hospital, Anthony Nolan and Brit-

ing them, we asked Emily what her advice would be

ish Heart Foundation. A couple of names that keep

to someone beginning their leadership journey. She

cropping up, however, are Emily Gara and Fidel Nan-


ton. Both are building incredible teams, both are leading from the front, and both are preparing to

“Network and give it everything you’ve got.”

open their own offices. She goes on to explain how somebody recently Here’s what we know and love about these big hit-

joined her team who didn’t pick up the sales aspect

ters at Monument Promotions!

of the business very quickly, but they had the right mentality. They were always looking for extra edu-

Emily Gara; someone who’s not only impressed

cation, so she got them around successful individu-

Matt Nicholson but was personally invited back to

als all of the time. Everyone develops skills at dif-

Silverstone as a result of such fantastic feedback

ferent rates, and we’re all at different stages in our

from their charity partners. It’s difficult not to feel

careers, so what might work for one person, won’t

inspired by her energy; the warmth of interaction,

for another. It’s important to understand that.

the excitement to achieve what’s next, and the grit to get the job done.


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