01 Introducction
Animators create animation and visual effects for films, video games, television, mobile devices etc, using illustrations and software programs. They also create graphics, develop storyboards and illustrations. Cartoon animators for hire plan, create and script characters and assist with background animation.
02 Responsibilities Of An Animator
To brainstorm and conceptualizeideas,aswellas produce concept sketches and quickconcept
Creating expressive character animation portraying a wide range ofemotions
Creating quality animations utilizing both hand key animation and motioncapturedata
Giving and receiving constructive, creative feedbackacrossteams
Recommending the best approaches to integrate 3-D components into the products
03 Skills Of An Animator
A cartoon animator should be able to bring a character to life. To do this, they need to know graphics motion. Animators must know how to create characters, visual effects, and to make animations seem more real.
A good animator pays attention to small details like where the character is looking, an eye-blink, hair, etc. These small details differentiate a mediocre animation from a great one. The first step in animation is to create a plan and a story line. For this, good drawing skills are needed to visually explain the concept of the animation to the client.
Ananimatormustbewellversedwiththecolour theory. They need to understand how to use colours in characters and what colours express differentemotions.
This is very obvious. All animators need to develop their style to make an ark. Copious amounts of creativity and innovation are needed to do this. Though it may take years, animators create their own style to make their animationsmemorable.
An animator needs to combine artistic skills with practical skills to give life to the characterstheycreate.Hence,itisimportant to have strong technical animation skills, which include audio editing, video editing and knowledge of cutting-edge software like AdobeFlash,Aftereffectandmore.
04 Conclusion
• With the development of technology, cartoon animators have started using phones and pads to create animations. Hence, it is important to have the right apps to use.
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