• As a recruiter, Recruitmer get many calls from legal staffing companies who aren't sure whether to use the recruitment service or not.
• The following guidelines can help you determine when to find legal staffing agencies and when your time and money are not worth it.
Few Things To Consider Before
Contacting A Recruitment Agency
1. What Is My Budget?
• This is an important issue because recruitment services are quite expensive
• A recruiter's job can reach up to 30% of an employee's basic salary.
• Some recruiting companies also receive a percentage of all commissions, promotions or bonuses given to employees in the first year of service.
• Therefore, you should only use recruiters if you believe that employees generate many sales for your company.
• If you want to recruit newcomers, it is often the best choice to go to the local job market or college.
2. What Is The Origin Of The Employee You Are Looking For?
• If your company is not sure what type of origin is sought, don't contact the recruiter.
• Instead, post assignments on the various workboards mentioned above.
• If the work is very specific, For example, jobs for salespeople who have experience selling biotechnology at various educational institutions might want to hire recruiters.
• Before signing a contract, think about how specific the employee's intended origin is and decide based on your conclusion whether you want to use the recruitment service or not.
3. When Do I Want To Hire This Person?
• If the answer is very fast, it might be better to call the finance recruitment companies service.
• If you are the only person in your company, you can only spend so much time on this effort.
• For someone who only has one or two hours a day to do this task, it is best to recruit a recruiter.
3. However, if your company can hire from within and are unsure when to actually hire new employees, don't hesitate to contact a recruitment agency.
4. Does The Recruitment Company Take The Time To Find Out About My Business?
• This question can only be answered on a case-by-case basis. If you find the right recruiter, he will do some research.
• However, some recruiters do not take the time and effort to learn about your company and industry, and waste your time.
5. What Is The Difference Between An Unexpected Contract And a Contract?
• An emergency contract is a contract where you only need to pay the recruitment company when you hire it.
• There are contracts that are cut when recruiters receive upfront payments and compensation regardless of whether you find the candidate you are looking for or not.
• Before you decide which contract, you want to sign, do a survey with each recruitment agency you contact.