faculty and staff welcome you. If you are a student at Flint Hills Technical College, we are ecstatic you have chosen our programs and entrusted us as you attain your academic and career goals. If you are not a student at the College, please reach out and tour our campus—come see for yourself the energy and vibe that is hands-on, technical education. Read further to learn what’s going on with us.
FHTC takes our responsibility in developing a regional workforce seriously, and these examples show our organization’s commitment to meet the needs of Kansas employers with our programs and facilities. Our primary mission, though, is to educate students and guide them to the finish line of accomplishing their goals.
Our 2024 placement report reflects rates for 2022-2023 graduates of the programs. At a 90% response rate, the report shows a 98% placement rate with an average starting salary of $43,277. The highest average starting salary for these entry-level professionals is with Dental Hygiene at $69,493; Power Plant Technology students reported an average starting salary of $64,490. This placement is a way FHTC fulfills its mission to prepare a community of learners for professional and civic responsibilities that meet the needs of our region and employers.
✦ Welding Technology. FHTC invested $1 million with the Welding Technology program at our South Campus to accommodate more students and deliver relevant educational experiences, such as the outdoor learning classroom for water wall welding and trench welding. A mobile welder supports educational needs through the region.
✦ Industrial Engineering Technology. As well, the Industrial Engineering Technology Program has expanded its Programmable Logic Controls (PLC) lab to accommodate more students with the start of the Fall 2024 semester.
✦ Cybersecurity Lab with Network Technology. Thanks to Cybersecurity funding from the state, the Network Technology program has renovated and upgraded its cybersecurity lab. This lab will accommodate students for the Fall 2024 semester.
✦ Early Childhood Education Year 2. The Early Childhood Education program is in Year 2, and the College is proud to educate and train childcare professionals to sup-
port the needs of working families in our region. Our program leadership is engaged with the Emporia Childcare Coalition to frame curriculum delivery and address regional childcare education needs.
✦ Precision Agriculture Fall 2025. FHTC’s Board of Trustees has approved the College’s application for the Precision Agriculture program, setting in motion the rest of the dominoes. Pending state approval by the Kansas Board of Regents later this fall, the College will open in August 2025 a Precision Agriculture program. The fruition of this program is the persistence of multiple agriculture partners and their input to a cutting-edge and forward-thinking program.
✦ Economic Partnerships Short-Term Education Division. In its 2nd year of operation, the Economic Partnerships arm of the College delivers CDL training, robotics and automation training, customized training, and community education to employer partners and community members.
Ultimately, the relevance of FHTC programming and the successful placement of our students is moot without the dedication and commitment of our employees. Flint Hills Technical College employs industry-trained and high-quality faculty who lead their academic and technical programs. As well, our professional staff members ensure pathways are in place to support the investment people make in their education. To help us with that commitment, FHTC has increased its number of student services professionals and program faculty. To add to our student services team, the College is in the process of hiring a College Navigator to focus on student needs. Our employees commit to providing an accessible learning environment with relevant technology, clean and tended facilities and grounds, and effective and responsive academic support. We embrace a holistic, campus-wide approach to support our students.
Flint Hills Technical College is poised and ready to up the ante in serving educational and employer needs in our region. We are in planning stages for transformational change. As we articulate the need for an advanced manufacturing facility at our Main Campus, we are invested in our role as an educator and engaged partner in this community. Please join us and see the technology at work. It’ll change your perspective on technical education and open your eyes to a new world. Journey to campus and we’ll show you. The door is open! #WeAreWranglers!
See you soon!
YOU to campus and our amazing Emporia community. Get ready to meet incredible people and create unforgettable memories! Stepping out of your comfort zone and connecting with fellow Hornets is the best way to kickstart your college experience. Dive in and have fun — most activities and programs are free!
College is your platform to your future. Network with professors, attend career fairs, immerse yourself in campus and community life and seek local internships. Each interaction is a gateway to potential opportunities. Here are some top ways to engage:
✦ ESU Athletics: Get a front-row seat to an exciting athletic experience — free with your Hornet ID.
We offer a remarkable lineup of opportunities and are here to support you every step of the way. Take the leap, join us and get ready for an awesome ride. Remember, you are capable of amazing things. This is your time.
✦ Be Curious: Try new things, ask questions and participate in campus and community activities.
✦ Be Connected: Engage with people and activities and experience everything Emporia has to offer.
✦ Be Proactive: Prioritize your wellness and let us know how we can support you.
✦ Be Resilient: Challenges are inevitable, but you are capable of overcoming them.
We’re here to fist-bump, high-five and support you every step of the way. Embrace every opportunity, face every challenge head-on and let us cheer you on.
Let’s rock and roll, Hornets!
✦ Fraternity and Sorority Life: Join a community that shares your values, offers support and fosters lifelong friendships. Focus on academic and career success with faculty mentors and advisors guiding you. Open for students to join at any time.
✦ Associated Student Government (ASG): Be the voice of the students! ASG senators represent your interests and help shape campus life.
✦ Union Activities Council (UAC): Enjoy a year full of amazing, hilarious, expressive, educational and exciting events.
✦ Diversity Student Programs: Access inclusive student organizations, programming, spaces, resources and information for all students.
Vice President for Student Success
College students’ choice of majors can set them on a path toward rewarding and lucrative careers. Though a career may not be foremost on the minds of students as they graduate high school and inch closer to the start of college, choice of major merits consideration, even among students who have yet to receive their high school diplomas.
Many college students enroll in school as undeclared, while others may pick a major without realizing what it requires and which career path it might set them on. That might explain why it’s so common for college students to switch majors. Though data indicating how many students switch majors is somewhat dated, one study from the U.S. Department of Education indicated about one in five students changed their majors at least once while pursuing a bachelor’s degree. With that in mind, students may want to consider some popular majors as they try to determine which path to take in college. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, more than half of the 2.1 million bachelor’s degrees awarded at United States colleges and universities in the 2020-21 school year
were concentrated in six fields of study.
In addition, the NCES reports that the following are the six most popular degrees from that academic year.
✦ BUSINESS: Almost one in five bachelor’s degrees awarded in 2020-21 were in the field of business.
✦ HEALTH PROFESSIONS: This field accounted for 13 percent of all bachelor’s degrees awarded in 2020-21. Common specializations include health sciences, health care administration, nursing, and sports medicine.
✦ SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HISTORY: NCES data indicates nearly one in 10 students majored in a social science in 2020-21. This includes specializations such as history, political science and sociology.
✦ ENGINEERING: Demand for engineers is expected to rise in the coming decades, and that should bode well for the 126,000 students who earned bachelor’s degrees in engineering in 2020-21.
✦ BIOLOGICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES : Bachelor’s degrees awarded in biological and biomedical sciences increased by 46 percent between
the 2010-11 and 2020-21 school years.
✦ PSYCHOLOGY: NCES data indicates degrees in psychology accounted for 6 percent of all bachelor’s degrees awarded in 2020-21.
Choice of major is a significant decision for college students. Students are urged to discuss potential majors with their parents as they seek to lay the foundation for their professional futures.
The number of bachelor’s degrees awarded by colleges and universities has increased considerably in the twenty-first century. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, roughly 1.238 million bachelor’s degrees were awarded by colleges and universities in 2000. By 2021, that figure had nearly doubled, reaching 2.066 million. The number of students who earned associate’s and master’s degrees also grew by considerable margins between 2000 and 2021, with each nearly doubling. Doctorate and professional degrees remained a little more steady, though the number of students who earned each increased from just under 119 million in 2000 to 194.1 million in 2021.
B y J ohn S orce john@emporia.com
Emporia State will introduce a new event to begin football season this fall.
The university is taking its Live at the Hive experience downtown on Saturday, Aug. 24 from 4 – 7:30 p.m. at the 923 Commercial Street lot.
Admission to the event is free with food and drink available for purchase. There will be food trucks, snocones and live music as well as areas of turf for anyone wanting to participate in yard games. There will also be mist fans to accommodate for potential heat.
Eric Self, Student Engagement + Community Relations, said the idea came about after receiving community feedback and wanting to do something off campus to get the community involved.
“After we got some feedback from last year, we wanted to do something in the community as well,” Self said. “So, we’re going to do Live at the Hive Downtown Kickoff. We’re going to have some of the community involved and also include some of the local high school sports teams, including Emporia High School
and from our surrounding towns. It’s an opportunity to get them involved and get them excited for fall sports and a lot of our fall teams will be there as well.”
Self feels it is important for Emporia State to take some of its events into the community and build the connection with Emporia and its surrounding towns.
“I think it goes back to community partnership,” Self said. “When I started a year ago and was doing student-community engagement, that was really something I wanted to focus on. Now that Kayla (Maxfield,
Executive Director of Engagement) is here, it’s really clear that it’s important to ESU and our community partners as well. So, just bridging that gap and trying to do some of our on-campus events off campus and building that partnership is important.”
Fans will have the opportunity to meet Hornet players and coaches, sample local food vendors, play games and win prizes while enjoying free live music from the band Undercover. The event will be emceed by KVOE’s Tagan Trahoon and Emporia State Distinguished Alumni and Country Music Hall of Famer Mike Law.
Emporia State will also bring back its Live at the Hive Tailgate prior to each home game. Everything is free to the community with the exception of the VIP tent, which needs to be registered for prior to game day. There will be yard games, such as football toss and cornhole, food vendors and live music prior to each Hornet football home game at Welch Stadium.
The Hornets will begin the 2024 football season with the Turnpike Tussle on Thursday, August 29 against Washburn. Kickoff from Jones Field at Welch Stadium is set for 7 p.m.
Few things can be as distracting as a beautiful day. When the weather outside is welcoming, it can be hard to focus on indoor activities, including school work and tasks around the house. Though it’s not advisable to ignore responsibilities at work and at school when the weather outside beckons, it can be beneficial to spend ample time in nature when circumstances allow.
People tend to flock to the great outdoors in spring, summer and fall, and some are even so devoted that they bundle up and head outside throughout winter. Whether they know it or not, people who love to spend time in nature are doing their mental and physical health a lot of good by embracing the great outdoors.
The National Alliance of Mental Illness notes that a growing body of research supports the idea that time in nature is good for mental health. A 2015 study from researchers at Stanford University found that people who walked in a natural area for 90 minutes exhibited decreased activity in a region of the brain associated with depression compared to those who walked in high-traffic urban settings.
The United Kingdom-based Mental Health Foundation also touts the mental health benefits of the great outdoors. According to the MHF, research shows that people who are connected with nature are more likely to report their lives are worthwhile than those with no such connectedness. In addition, the MHF notes time in nature has been shown to generate positive emotions, including calmness and joy, and promote greater creativity.
When seeking to capitalize on the mental health benefits of time in nature, people should know that where they spend time outdoors matters. As the Stanford study indicated, time outside in high-traffic urban settings may not produce as profound an effect as time spent in natural settings, like forests, that tend to be more serene. People who live in cities or other densely populated areas can still benefit from time outdoors, but they might experience even greater health gains if they make consistent efforts to spend time in more natural settings.
The physical health benefits of time in nature are equally notable. Perhaps the most obvious physical benefit is related to physical activity. People tend to embrace physical activity when spending time in na-
ture. Hiking, jogging, walking, nature-based recreational activities like kayaking, and playing sports like basketball or pickleball all involve physical activity, which can help people avoid the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, such as an increased risk for chronic diseases. More specifically, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation notes the physical health benefits of spending time outside include:
✦ A stronger immune system
✦ Lower blood pressure
✦ Increased energy levels
✦ Improved sleep
Each of those benefits contributes to greater overall health, making time outdoors among the more beneficial behaviors a person can embrace.
There’s no shortage of benefits to spending time in nature. That’s something to keep
in mind the next time welcoming weather beckons you to get some fresh air.
Technology continues to make work and play easier and more efficient. Technology can simplify daily tasks and help to streamline homes and offices. Technology also can help anyone de-clutter and become more organized. Utilizing digital storage can free up space and help keep important information only a few clicks away.
Connectbit, an IT solutions company, says 44 percent of IT decision-makers view cloud storage as a top focus, while 48 percent of businesses and 65 percent of people use cloud technologies for data storage. Cloud storage is just one method of digital storage consumers can utilize. The following is a look at key digital options for getting organized.
Since it is so prevalent, it pays to begin with this popular method of storage. According to Google, cloud storage is a mode of computer data storage in which digital information is stored on servers off-site. Those servers are maintained by a third-party provider who is responsible for managing, securing and hosting the data. The data is always accessible via an internet connection. Some cloud storage is free, while other cloud storage requires a subscription for a set amount of storage space.
PRO: Always accessible from anywhere via an INTERNET CONNECTION.
CON: Comes with a cost, and the service provider may be able to use your data in various ways.
An external hard drive connects to a computer or another device (such as a mo-
bile phone, tablet or gaming system) by way of a USB connection. It’s also known as a portable hard drive, says My Memory, a tech information company. Data caps and monthly costs on cloud storage may make it impractical for some people. When you save data to an external drive, you will always have exclusive ownership of those files, which may not be the case when utilizing cloud storage services. These drives come as hard disk drive (HDD), solid state drive (SSD) and flash varieties, each with their own pros and cons.
PRO: A relatively safe way to back up and store data for your eyes and usage only.
CON: You must have the external hard drive to access the files, and due to their mechanical nature, these drives can sometimes fail, resulting in lost data.
Smartphones, tablets and computers all have built-in storage to enable the device to function and store data added by the user. Flash memory storage is one of the most popular used on mobile devices, according to Dignited, a technology information site. Computers use a combination of drive and memory types. At the crux, memory, which comes in the number of bytes it can hold, stores information on the device itself. It is limited by the maximum number of bytes the device can hold, measured typically in megabytes, gigabytes or terabytes.
PRO: This storage enables you to keep important data right on a computer or digital device for easy access when needed.
CON: Storage amounts are limited by the maximum of what the device can hold and may not be accessed remotely.
Career Technical Education (CTE) programs offer students access to a wide range of career paths. If high school students were once advised to focus primarily on traditional four-year universities as their next step after graduation, more and more of today’s students are considering CTE programs as they seek to find rewarding, lucrative career paths. Students considering CTE may be intrigued to learn that employment prospects figure to be substantial in the years to come. In fact, the Association for Career & Technical Education (ACTE) projects a deficit of 6.5 million skilled workers by 2030, which suggests students who enroll in CTE programs should encounter a thriving job market upon graduation. With that in mind, students wondering if a CTE program could be the next step in their academic journeys can explore a number of different career tracks.
AGRICULTURE: Farming may come to mind when individuals think of the ag -
Please see CTE, Page 10
ricultural sector, but there are many additional pathways within the industry as well, and various CTE programs can prepare individuals for such careers. The career resources experts at Indeed note that CTE programs may focus on agribusiness systems, environmental service systems, food products and processing systems, and plant systems, among other
paths. Aspiring farmers, agricultural inspectors, park rangers, wildlife administrators, and others can look into CTE agricultural programs as they consider the next step in their academic careers. BUSINESS: Indeed notes that business courses are popular CTE courses because they teach students the ins and outs of business operations. That’s vital knowledge for students who ultimately aspire to own their own business. In addition to the technical training students receive in CTE programs, the focus on business ensures students also are well-trained
in the everyday tasks necessary to run a successful business, including general management, human resources and operations.
CONSTRUCTION AND ARCHITECTURE: According to Indeed, CTE programs focusing on construction and architecture teach students about the principles of designing and drafting structures. Construction technician, construction inspector and project estimator are some of the popular career paths among students who enroll in construction and architecture CTE programs.
HEALTH SCIENCE: Careers in health science also may appeal to students who want to find rewarding careers in in-demand fields in the years ahead. Health science CTE programs are wide-ranging. A program that offers instruction on biotechnology can prepare students for a career as an emergency medical technician. Various other specialties can prove equally beneficial to students interested in working in a health care setting, and those jobs figure to be in demand in the decades to come as the aging population continues to grow.
Resisting the weeknight urge to call for takeout or order delivery starts with an approachable at-home menu with recipes you can prep in an instant. Especially during back-to-school season when schedules are jam-packed with activities, easy meals and desserts you can rely on.
Simplicity is the key to putting dinner on the table in 30 minutes or less, and these Taco Salad and Taco Mac and Cheese recipes offer mealtime solutions that make cooking duty a breeze. Make all that classroom effort worth it with a cool dessert you can prepare over the weekend and keep refrigerated for weeknight treats with these No Bake Dragon Fruit Cheesecake Bars.
Find more recipe ideas to simplify hectic back-to-school schedules at Culinary.net.
Taco Salad calls only for pantry staples so you can spice up busy evenings in just half an hour.
Visit Culinary.net for more quick dinner solutions.
Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy”
1 pound ground beef
1 can (15 ounces) black beans
1 can (15 ounces) corn
2 cans (14 ounces each) diced tomatoes with chilies
1/2 cup half-and-half or milk
2 Tbsp onion powder
2 Tbsp garlic powder
2 Tbsp mesquite seasoning
1 Tbsp black pepper salt, to taste
1 lime, juice only
1 cup chopped cilantro romaine lettuce
2-3 cups shredded cheese
1 tub (16 ounces) sour cream crushed tortilla chips
In pan over medium heat, brown beef until cooked through; drain. Add black beans and corn. Stir in tomatoes with juices and half-and-half. Add onion powder, garlic powder, mesquite seasoning and pepper. Season with salt, to taste. Bring to simmer. Add lime juice; stir. Sprinkle with cilantro.
Wash and chop lettuce. Place cheese and sour cream in bowls for toppings. On plates, top crushed tortilla chips with meat sauce, lettuce, cheese and sour cream, as desired.
Sometimes a long day in the classroom and tough homework assignments call for a cool treat. Rewarding all that studying can be a cinch with a no bake cheesecake bar that lasts throughout the week.
These No Bake Dragon Fruit Cheesecake Bars allow you to keep things cool in the kitchen without cranking up the oven. Plus, they’re made with C&H Sugars that are perfect for adding a little something special to school days.
Find more back-to-school desserts at chsugar.com.
1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
6 Tbsp unsalted butter, melted
2 Tbsp C&H Light Brown Sugar
1 pinch salt
1 small fresh dragon fruit, peeled and cubed small
1/4 cup C&H Granulated Sugar
12 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
1 1/2 cups C&H Powdered Sugar
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 cup plain Greek yogurt, full fat, at room temperature
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream, cold
TO MAKE CRUST: Line 8-by-8-inch baking pan with parchment paper. Leave 2-inch overhang of paper on both sides. In medium bowl, mix graham cracker crumbs, butter, brown sugar and salt until well combined. Pour mixture into prepared pan and press into even layer. Place in freezer.
TO MAKE BARS: In small saucepan over medium heat, cook dragon fruit and granulated sugar until sugar is completely dissolved, dragon fruit is soft and mixture reduces in size, 10-12 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and cool completely.
In large bowl, beat cream cheese until soft. Add powdered sugar and mix until fluffy. Scrape sides of bowl. Add vanilla and yogurt. Beat until combined. In separate bowl, beat heavy whipping cream until stiff peaks form. Fold cream into cream cheese mixture. Pour half of mixture into prepared crust. Add 5 Tbsp dragon fruit mixture to remaining cream cheese batter. Mix until well combined. Pour over plain cream cheese mixture. Place in refrigerator to set at least 6 hours, or overnight. Cut into 16 bars.
Macaroni and cheese is a beloved comfort food that’s easy to make on busy weeknights. With just a few extra ingredients and steps, you can turn boxed mac and cheese into a filling dinner.
To make this Taco Mac and Cheese, simply prepare your favorite boxed mac and cheese according to the package instructions and stir fry the meat and vegetables together. (Hint: You can even chop vegetables the night before to make cooking the next day even easier.) Then add taco seasoning and combine for a new take on a classic dish.
Visit Culinary.net to find more quick and simple recipes.
1 box macaroni and cheese
1/4 cup milk
4 Tbsp butter
1 pound ground turkey
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 yellow bell pepper, diced
1 orange bell pepper, diced
1 onion, diced
2 teaspoons taco seasoning
Prepare boxed mac and cheese with milk and butter according to package instructions.
In skillet, brown ground turkey over medium heat. Add bell peppers and onion. Add taco seasoning. Stir turkey mixture with mac and cheese to combine.
A day or night on the town is a great way to socialize and enjoy some unique foods and beverages. With so much to gain from a night out, it’s worth a little extra effort to ensure these excursions are memorable.
Various surveys and studies suggest millennials and Gen-Z are not going out with great frequency. According to a May 2022 survey by Keep Hush for its community-led poll U Going Out, both generations agreed they “can’t convince mates” to go out while admitting that they “prefer staying in.” Similarly, a study conducted by OnePoll on behalf of the Idaho Wine Commission determined 80 percent of Americans age 21 and older agreed they actually prefer a night in with friends rather than a night out on the town.
Spicing up what it means to go out might be just what people need to hit the town and have some fun. The following are some unique ideas to ensure a memorable night out.
✦ Book a theater VIP package. A meal and a movie is a date night staple. It
can be equally fun to enjoy a meal and movie with a group of friends, particularly when you have the theater to yourselves. Call your local theater to learn about their party packages. A pri-
✦ Enjoy roller magic. Just a few decades ago the roller rink was the “it” place to be with friends. Reclaim those youthful feelings by taking a few spins around the rink with a group of close pals. You’re likely to enjoy a lot of laughs as you try to stay balanced while dancing to tunes on wheels.
✦ Enjoy games of skill. A shift away from simply drinking and eating can make nights out more memorable. Test your knowledge at trivia nights or see if your friends and you have what it takes to be released from an escape room. Axe- throwing establishments present another unique option, enabling participants to try to one-up their friendly competitors.
vate screening with food may be available for a set price, which can be split equally among the participants. Wait for the next anticipated blockbuster and have fun.
✦ Attend a live game. It’s hard to beat the level of energy of a fan base at a live sports event. Watching a game with friends at home can be enjoyable, but that joy is multiplied when sitting in the stands among thousands of fellow fans. Make a night of it at a local stadium and be sure to get together at a nearby restaurant for some pregame fun.
Inflation has affected consumer spending in myriad ways in recent years. Seemingly no industry has been untouched by inflation, and the restaurant business is no exception.
As the cost of living has increased and remained high over the last year-plus, consumers have been forced to tighten their purse strings, and that’s led many to avoid dining out. But foodies need not leave their favorite restaurants behind for fear of breaking the bank. The following are some ways diners can save money when visiting local restaurants.
✦ Pick the right day to go. Restaurant operators facing rising materials and food costs have had to get creative to keep cost-conscious customers coming through the doors. A March 2023 report in QSR magazine noted that some operators have been combatting rising costs by embracing the concept of dynamic pricing. That concept sees restaurants raise their prices during high-traffic times and lower them during less popular times to dine out. Foodies and others who simply want to experience the joy of dining out can visit their favorite haunts during offpeak days and hours. Prices might be lower and diners are likely to get the added benefit of shorter wait times to receive their food.
✦ Dine out at local establishments. Chain restaurant devotees may cite familiarity with the menu and lower costs among the reasons they choose national chains over local establishments. However, the
Conventional wisdom regarding tipping when dining out long suggested diners add an additional 15 percent gratuity for the waitstaff when signing for the meal before leaving an establishment. Though that may still be an acceptable barometer, a recent Bankrate poll found that many adults now tip at least 20 percent at sit-down restaurants. The same poll found that 22 percent of consumers now tip at coffee shops as well.
same report in QSR magazine noted that even well-known chain restaurants experienced substantial price increases over the final two quarters of 2022. For example, chains like Applebee’s (7 percent) and Chili’s (9 percent) were forced to hike prices considerably during that period. Small, locally owned restaurants tend to have lower overhead than chains, which means their prices may now be more competitive if not less expensive than popular chains.
✦ Dine out for lunch rather than dinner. If it’s a break from preparing and cooking meals that consumers want, then dining out for lunch presents a more affordable way to get a little relief from home cooking. Lunch menus tend to be less expensive than dinner menus even though diners receive a comparable amount of food.
✦ Investigate weekly specials. Weekend nights like Friday and Saturday are the busy days at most restaurants. That traffic slows considerably on other nights of the week, particularly Monday and Tuesday when diners are more likely to stay home. In an effort to entice more customers on slow nights, some restaurants offer weekly specials on certain nights each week. These specials run the gamut from discounted menu items to food and drink combination specials, and each offers a great chance to dine out and save a little money at the same time.
Even when the cost of living is high, diners can find ways to save without giving up dining out at their favorite restaurants.
Modern tipping etiquette can be confusing, as consumers have undoubtedly noticed the presence of tip cups at establishments where gratuities have historically not been the standard. Confused consumers can take solace knowing they’re not alone, as Bankrate also found that 15 percent of adults are confused about who and how much to tip. Tipping etiquette is not set in stone, but the following are some points consumers can keep in mind the next time they face a situation where a gratuity may (or may not) be called for.
✦ Standard sit-down restaurant etiquette remains the same. Various consumer etiquette experts note that tipping trends might have skewed upward, a fact of life that the Bankrate poll indicates. A 15 percent tip on a sit-down meal at a local restaurant remains acceptable, but diners can use that as their starting off point. Especially attentive servers may warrant a tip at 20 percent or above. And though it can be tempting to tip less than 15 percent if the service is not what diners had hoped for, it’s important that diners consider the lingering effects of staffing issues that many restaurants continue to confront. Such issues arose during the pandemic and many restaurants are still short of qualified waitstaff. So unless a waiter is personally unpleasant or confrontational, diners can tip at 15 percent even if the service was slow.
✦ Tips are still standard for bartenders as well. The tipping standard remains the same at the bar, where tradition suggests tipping $1 per beer or glass of wine and $2 per cocktail. Cocktails merit a larger tip because they’re harder to make and require more of the bartender’s time. When running a tab, take note of how many drinks you’ve had when paying the bill and tip accordingly. And much like din-
ers might pad the tip for exceptional service from the waiter, patrons can increase their tips for bartenders who were attentive and made an especially good cocktail.
✦ Tip for takeout at your own discretion. Every consumer has undoubtedly confronted a tip request when paying for takeout. Various etiquette experts note that tipping at takeout is entirely up to consumers. It’s perfectly acceptable to deny such requests. Diners who want to tip when picking up takeout need not follow the 15 to 20 percent rule that’s customary at sit-down restaurants. An extra couple of dollars is enough for diners who choose to tip when picking up takeout.
✦ Open-bar events may not require tips. Hosts of open bar events often pay for serving staff gratuities up front, so there’s typically no need to tip bartenders or servers at such gatherings. Some establishments even forbid staff from accepting gratuities. If a bartender is doing an excellent job handling a large crowd, consumers can offer a tip but should not insist it be accepted if the bartender says gratuities are already included. If a tip cup is out on the bar, the standard bartender tipping etiquette can be applied.
When tipping staff at bars and restaurants, diners can keep standard tipping etiquette in mind. Going a little higher than the standards suggest can be called for when service is exceptional.
A night out can be a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life. In fact, taking a break and heading out with friends can give people a sense of belonging and boost those feel-good neurotransmitters that keep us feeling happy.
According to a 2019 study found in PLOS One, an open access mega journal published by the Public Library of Science, social networks can influence health-related behaviors and have a positive impact on stress, attitude and selfassessed health perceptions. Human connection is at the core of what most people need to live healthy, satisfying lives. Therefore, regular nights out can provide a chance to laugh, let off steam and connect with others. Here are some ways to
have memorable nights out with others.
It pays to give people ample notice of an upcoming evening out so they can plan their schedules accordingly. Waiting until the last minute to see if people want to hang can diminish turnout. Send a text around a week or two in advance to lock down the date and time. Better yet, make it a regular event, such as the last Thursday of each month.
Labeling a night as the “best night ever” or a “party to remember” can quickly
tamp down the fun in a flash. It’s best to let the fun develop organically rather than putting a bunch of labels or expectations on the event.
Certainly there are some friend groups that simply go on impromptu bar crawls and make magic along the way. But developing a general framework of what’s to transpire can help. Identify an activity and go with it, such as a themed club night to dress up and listen to some different music. There are many options for theme nights, including 70s, 80s or 90s, as well as musical theater or movies, or specific genres of music.
Experiences with perceived risk or adversity can elevate the sense of enjoyment and camaraderie. While no one is condoning doing something illegal or dangerous, incorporating a bit of adventure into the night can bring about growth and make the experience worth talking about in the future. This may be a reason why escape rooms have grown in popularity. One idea is to explore a new city or town and let other tourists suggest places to visit. Don’t stay in one place too long so the adventure keeps evolving.
Leave the driving to someone else
Adults may want to imbibe during a night out, and the safest way to avoid driv-
ing under the influence is to let a rideshare service or taxi transport participants where they need to go. Plus, cramming into a car together and heading to another destination can be part of the fun itself. According to Thought Catalog, a community storytelling outlet, driving can create stress and put a cap on the amount of fun you can have. These are just a few components that can add up to a memorable night out with friends.
Friday and Saturday night might be the day people most identify as the best night to dine out at a restaurant, but a recent survey found that Sunday reigns supreme among diners. According to a 2022 survey from Real Research, just under 30 percent of diners said they eat out on Sunday, which makes the first day of the week more preferable than Friday (18.9 percent) and Saturday (15.4 percent). Perhaps more surprisingly, a greater number of respondents indicated they prefer to dine out on Monday (23 percent) than Friday or Saturday. Despite these preferences, experienced diners know that it’s still wise to book a reservation when dining out on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Diners might be more likely to find a table without a reservation on Monday.