EM - 4th Edition

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December 2011 Volume 1 No. 4

Cooking with

Chef Rey

For the Holidays

The Empowerment Center that God Built

Two New Books Released for the Holidays



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Empower Magazine

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Publisher Bethel’s Place Black Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Walter August, Jr., BPBCC Chair Leon Jenkins, BPBCC President/CEO

CVS Pharmacy


Editor-In-Chief Managing Editor

Leon Jenkins Diane Tezeno

Contributing Columnists

Harry Alford Lonnie Mathews Carletta Waddler Leon Jenkins

Contributing Writers

Diane Tezeno Tracie Jenkins Trina Hinton

Director of Sales

Scott Porter

America’s Choice Auto

Design Editor

Dennis Johnson

Walgreens Pharmacy

Web Development/Design

Dennis Johnson

Online Content Editor

Diane Tezeno

Editorial/Subscription Inquiries


Poparazzi’s Gourmet Popcorn 8236 Kirby Dr., Ste. 150 (near Reliant) Broussard’s Links Plus Ribs 8420 S. Sam Houston Parkway, Ste. 260 Kuttin’ Edge Barbershop/Salon

Galleria Mall III, 5175 Westheimer Ste. 3130 4503 Highway 6 Sugar Land 1307 FM 1092 (Murphy Road), Missouri City 3403 Texas Parkway, Missouri City

Houston’s This Is It 2712 Blodgett, Houston (Also available at more than 100 high traffic business sites throughout Harris and Fort Bend County)

EMPOWERMAGAZINE.BIZ For business information and tips on entrepreneurship, visit our online digital magazine at www.empowermagazine.biz

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2011 Empower Magazine All Rights Reserved No part of our printed or online magazine may be scanned or reproduced. Empower Magazine has a print circulation of 10,000. Our publishing offices are located at 12660 Sandpiper, Houston , Texas 77035 Cover Photo Credit: Photography by Al Torres Photography

Message from the Publisher


What a difference one year makes. This time last year EM Magazine was at ground zero; nowhere; not even an idea in the mind’s eye. Now, we command an ever expanding readership. And, as we close out our inaugural year, we are excited about this edition of EM; our Holiday edition. With Thanksgiving and Christmas on all of our minds, I contend that it would be nice if everyone treated everyday as a “Day of Thanksgiving,” and every day as a “Day to Celebrate Christ.” Talk about a World changer.

Leon C. Jenkins Editor-In-Chief

But alas, we live in an extremely violent and chaotic world, full of too many individuals out for themselves. There in lies one of the many reasons why EM exists. We strive to highlight the positive and help find solutions to the negative conditions and situations in our lives. As we navigate our way through the days, weeks and months of the coming year, we welcome your ongoing support and readership. EM also encourages you to patronize our advertisers and BPBCC membership. You will find that BPBCC business leaders are among the best at what they provide-quality products and service, and excellence in customer care. And remember – EM is a magazine created for your personal consumption and for sharing with others. It is a business, family and community interest magazine focused on providing a gateway to a world of knowledge and opportunities.

EM offers a wealth of articles and information designed to inspire and uplift the entrepreneurial spirit, and provides interesting business insights and information. It is a “must read” for today’s business entrepreneur and small business owner. PS: To become a designated EM distribution site, please contact Diane Tezeno at 713-933-7411. We would love to include you as part of the EM family.



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6 Botswana: A Well Kept Secret Insights on the importance of empowering Black businesses

By Harry Alford, Founder and President, NBCC

Feature Stories

40 Business Coach

My Best New Year’s Resolution Advice Ever! By Leon Jenkins

22 Green Matters

Faith-Based Community - Spearheads Innovative Energy Efficiency Initiatives

41 Book Spotlights 49 Legal Ease

Leaving a Legacy By M.D. Porter, PLLC

15 The Passion of Cooking Chef Rey, Cooking for the stars, shares his journey to living his passion By Diane Tezeno, Staff Writer 20 The Empowerment Center that God Built

28 An Escape to the City

Two Houston women turn their visions of an urban bed & breakfast into reality By Diane Tezeno, Staff Writer

33 Taking Business to New Heights of Excellence Local Chamber of Commerce gears up for 1st Convention Expo By Diane Tezeno, Staff Writer

37 Real Estate Today

Five steps to owning your first home By Rob Smith

Bethel’s Place Community Empowerment Center opens its doors By Tracie Jenkins

Financial Section

26 Who’s Minding Your Money

Three Steps to Achieving your GOALS in 2012 By Lonnie Mathews, Alliance Financial Ministries, Inc.

International Spotlight

46 Teen Missionary Bottles Hope For Africa’s Sick

15 year has a heart to give By Diane Tezeno, Staff Writer

Entertainment Section

25 Gospel Award Finalist & X-Factor Showcase

By Diane Tezeno, Staff Writer


Harry Alford, Founder & President National Black Chamber of Commerce

Botswana: A Well Kept Secret

Washington, D.C.


here are 54 nations com-

nexation by South Africa, Namibia,

owned by corrupted officials.

Africa. We look at these

border the nation. Being part of the

We had the opportunity to visit the

the time being. Early in the 1960’s,

the Jwaneng diamond mine. It was

prising the continent of nations, too often, as all

the same – third world striving to enter the second world. South Af-

rica is an exception as it, in total economic terms, is first world. The problem here is that the wealth is

greatly weighted to a distinct minority of the population and that is

by race, i.e. white. Slums, violence and hopelessness are as prevalent in South Africa as they are in the

lowest rung of nations that endure

wholesale poverty. Last week, I was

Angola or Zimbabwe –all of which British Empire was insurance for

there was a significant finding under the surface of the land of the nation. Botswana, as it turns out, has

been blessed with diamonds. They have diamonds by the billions of an-

nual dollars and for many decades to come. Wisely, and quickly, they set themselves free from the guidance of Britain and became their own “boss.”

in for a revelation. We took a trade

Today, the diamond industry ac-

modern nation with a solid middle

revenue of the nation. Their good

mission to Botswana and found a class and beautiful neighborhoods.

It is time for the rest of the world to

look at Botswana as something special.

How did Botswana get it right? Per-

haps the major event is a consistent democracy and good governance. This nation gained its indepen-

dence in 1966 and has not had one

day of political unrest or manipulation. Prior to that it was a “British

colony” by choice. Yes, they asked Britain to take it in. Not because they wanted to be colonized, but they had a big fear of invasion/an-

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counts for 50 percent of the national governance allows them to invest

this revenue into the lives of its people. There is free education through

four years of college for everyone.

The medical delivery system is offered to all as a right not a privilege. Their infrastructure is more

advanced than most nations on the

continent. I must admit that their

richest diamond mine in the world, absolutely awesome. The biggest

highlight was meeting the general

manager of the mine. He was a well educated and articulate brother.

That’s right – the world’s richest di-

amond mine is managed by a child of Africa. The majority of the staff were also indigenous Africans. The nation has a joint-venture with De-

Beer’s Diamonds (a South African firm). It seems to be working out

for both. One of the participants of

our trade mission was Signet Diamonds (Kay’s Jewelers, Jared, etc.).

I believe they were convinced at

the end of our trip that they must

put a significant office in Botswana and concentrate their new efforts

in this fantastic nation. Remember, the majority of all diamonds in the United States come from Botswana and most of us don’t know that.

asphalt roads seem superior to ours.

Another natural resource the nation

buildings would rival any U.S. city.

en. We heard about this but couldn’t

The structure of their downtown The proper management of their natural resources has brought many blessings to the whole nation not just to a few Swiss bank accounts

has is the natural beauty of its womimagine until we journeyed. All the men on the mission had sore necks

from looking at all the Lena Horne/ Halle Berry types walking here and


there. My wife and I are now kid-

One of our missions is to establish a

bedroom mansions with beautiful

visit Botswana before they decide

to sell these items to fashion stores

It looked like a modern day Chevy

ding our sons that they must first on a wife (mother of our grandchil-

dren). In recent years, Botswana has provided two Miss Universe’s and many in the final selections.

Most important to us is the fact that

Botswana has a great population of

tanning and processing enterprise around the world. This could be a

“game changer” for the entrepreneurs of this nation, general revenue for the people and any of our own sharp entrepreneurs who wish to participate.

entrepreneurs. The banks are lend-

Tourism is another established in-


ern part of the country are deltas

ing and there is an ample amount of invest-

ment and technical assistance re-

sources for the growing businesses. The Bank of Botswana suggested that we establish a Holding Com-

pany made up of firms wishing to do business in Botswana and listing

the company on the Botswana Stock Exchange. We are making plans for that.

Probably, the most significant op-

portunity stares at us all. Botswana has a large livestock business. There

are two million residents of the na-

tion, but it has over three million cows. They process the meat mainly for exportation to the European

Union. Even the deep freezing storage is done in London not Gabarone

(its largest city). They also process nearly 100,000 ostriches per year solely for the meat. Of course, this

creates a great by-product in leath-

er and ostrich skin. Unfortunately,

dustry for the nation. In the north-

which provide water, tall grass and

wealthy section of the United States. It was in the heart of southern Africa – Botswana – and the residents were indigenous Africans (black to the

bone). It was empowering and the

fact is that all children of Botswana know that there is no economic limit for them, is indeed empowering.

with their predators – lions, leopards,

to us and we are now working on

ephants, giraffes, impalas, etc. along hyenas and others. We took a two

day safari to the Okavango Wilderness Lodge. We got on a prop plane

tswana, BOCCIM, opened its arms a Memorandum of Understanding. Our entrepreneurs and theirs will have a living process of inter-

in Gabarone and flew to the town

action, joint venturing and doing

smaller prop and flew to a landing

on out. Together we will grow from

of Maun. From there we got into a

strip in the outback. Then we went by range rover for two hours into the

“bush.” The two day excursion was truly fabulous. It does not match the “Super Bowl” of all safaris, the Great

Migration of Kenya (Masai Mara).

So, we must remove that great mem-

business in both nations from here

this. Before we left, one of our participants had already established a

joint venture with one of BOCCIM’s members. Let it be known, that if

you want to do international business COME TO BOTSWANA.

ory from our minds when we assess this trip. It was fantastic and we will do it again. It is quite romantic at

night to dine by firelight and listen

to the wild animals roaring and stirring all around us.

discarded. Think of the billions of

dential areas. This showed us the

as shoes, coats, hand bags, boots, etc.

Hills, California. But it was not in a

The Chamber of Commerce of Bo-

On one evening they gave us a tour

dollars in fine retail products such

Chase, Maryland or Hollywood

brush for wildlife such as hippos, el-

they have not exploited these by-

products. The leather and skins are

landscaping were more than a few.

through one of their upscale resistrength of the Botswana middle

class. Subdivisions of five and six

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Post Traumatic Stress is affecting our nation in PANDEMIC PROPORTIONS! The PTSD Foundation of America holds three key objectives to combat Post Traumatic Stress: Bring healing to our military community (Active duty, Reserves and National Guard veterans, and their families) through pastoral counseling, and peer mentoring, both on an individual basis, and in group settings. Raise awareness of the increasing needs of the military community through public events, media outlets, social media, service organizations and churches. Networking government agencies, service organizations, churches and private sector businesses into a united "Corps of Compassion," to bring their combined resources together to meet the needs of the military community on a personal and individual/family level.

If not me, then who? If not now, then when? Our brave men and women in uniform understand duty, honor and sacrifice. Many have returned home with both the visible scars, and the unseen wounds of war.

It's time to give back to those who have given themselves so selflessly PO Box 690748 * Houston, TX 77269 Toll Free: 1-877-717-PTSD(7873) Veteran Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) PTSD Foundation of America is a 501(c)3 non-profit group designed to help assist in the recovery of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for returning veterans, their families, friends and community.


New Member Spotlight Each month this section spotlights new members who have joined the Bethel’s Place Black Chamber of Commerce. These businesses are committed to strengthening the connections and relationships between African American businesses as well as owners of businesses from every cultural background who have an interest in tapping into the African American consumer market. Each business is committed to providing top notch customer service, quality products, high business ethics and an overall standard of excellence.

Laura’s Love Cake Shop is founded and operated by Laura Carl who decided to make lemonade out of a lemon after a layoff from the oil and gas industry. I started my own business “Laura’s Love” because everything I cook is made with love. Try my mouth watering rum cake, homestyle banana pudding, off the chain peach cobbler, Laura’s Special Tea Cakes, Yummy to My Tummy Homestyle Sweet Potato Pie or my WOW Cake Pops for parties. Call in your order today to Laura’s Love at 713-2728293. Pritchard Industries Southwest, Inc. was established in 1993 and is owned by Pritchard Industries, Inc., founded in 1986. We maintain facilities from 2,000 square feet to 3.5 million square feet. Pritchard currently provide services for commercial office buildings, churches, industrial and manufacturing plants, educational facilities, medical complexes, and sports and entertainment arenas. We can serve clients at their locations throughout the country with offices located in Texas, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, Virginia, Washington D.C., Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and internationally in London, England. We are committed to service excellence through our T-E-A-M Work (Together Everyone Achieves More) approach. For more information call Melissa Majewski at 713-957-1387. Reynold Q. Darthard, professionally known as Chef Rey, has been chef to a host of celebrities and sports figures from Beyonce to Natalie Cole to Tracy McGrady. Owner of Chef Rey’s Restaurant, located at 2865 Dulles Avenue in Missouri City, Texas, the restaurant serves a variety of lunch, dinner and brunch menu items in an elegant, intimate dining atmosphere. Monday – Wednesdays the restaurant is available for private parties and open for regular patrons Thursdays – Sundays. For more information, call 281-403-2900 or visit www.chefreynold.com. Convergence Solutions Telecommunications is owned by Donna Jubert. We are a Texas-based company committed to providing efficient and economical telecommunications solutions, helping our customers meet their business goals. Convergence Solutions Telecom is dedicated to delivering innovative new information technologies and service solutions and products for our customers. For more information, call 281-973-2283 or email information@csolutionstelecom.com. Landon Taylor is an Independent Health and Business Consultant for Visalus Sciences, a health & wellness company. Landon is also one of the founding promoters of the Houston 90 Day Body By Vi Weight Loss Challenge, where over 7 million pounds have been lost. ViSalus™ was created with a vision to combine passion for people with the principles of health and entrepreneurship. ViSalus™ is a community dedicated

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to making a positive impact on the life, health and prosperity of everyone we can reach. For more information, visit: www.fatofthepast.com or www.landonshealth.com. You may also call 713-376-6568 or email landondtaylor@gmail.com. Roger W. Law and wife, Dr. Lucindra Campbell-Law, are founders of the Musicians Empowerment Foundation, a 501 C 3 charitable organization, established in September 2010 to support and empower young people interested in music and the arts. The foundation hosts several events and fundraisers, with all money raised and donations received used to support scholarships and community service. For more information, call 832-370-3529. Terrance Levi is the CEO of Evangelism World Inc. which is a multifacited missional powerhouse made up of BlackChristianEntertainment.Com, KingdomMediaGroup.Net, Street Life Worldwide Outreach, and The Faith Explosion International. Kingdom Media Group and Black Christian Entertainment produces film and television programming that have a Christian worldview. Evangelism World also mentors and trains churches to develop their own high quality films, sitcoms, and dramas that serve as evangelism tools and revenue streams. Evangelism World,Inc. (EWI) also rents out and manufactures the M5 Transformer Outreach Trucks, mobile outdoor movie and concert venues. Through Street Life Worldwide Outreach, EWI facilitates inner city evangelism to at risk youth and trains churches to partner with local sports entities to do spiritual conditioning with student athletes. Please visit us at www.eworldinc.org. Life Directions, owned by Caryn Ayers, provides premier personal and business solutions through coaching, counseling and training. With 30 years of management experience in the healthcare industry and a master’s degree in professional counseling, Ayers is on a mission to provide clients with engaging and dynamic training programs, products and services that will change the way they view themselves as individuals, as employees and as business owners. For more information or to schedule an assessment of your needs, contact 832-588-6535, or email lifedirections1950@gmail.com. M’lissa Forster and Raimie Hodges, are Aflac representatives. Aflac provide s a safety net for your family. Our products work with your existing health insurance and can stand on their own without health insurance. We offer group rates for organizations with three or more employees. The company provides 24/7 accident policy, guarantee-issue short-term disability, cancer coverage, life and more. To contact us, call 832-618-3217 or 713-705-5238. Our corporate office is located at 616 FM 1960 W, Suite 775, Houston, Texas 77090.


New Member Spotlight (cont.) Tanya Brannon recently joined the Ken Ross State Farm Agency. We serve families in the areas of auto, home, renters, life and health insurance. We also offer banking services, which include financing vehicles, credit cards, checking and savings. My mission is to enhance the lives of the families that I am blessed to work with by giving them information to improve decision making in reference to their family’s financial state. For more information, call 832-687-7349. Afforce Industries Irrigation, owned by Michael Von Williams, is a licensed and insured lawn sprinkler company, with over 17 years of experience. Services provided for commercial and residential properties include: New installations, repair services, water falls, disappearing fountains, landscape lighting, backflow assembly inspections, and backflow assembly security cage installations. “We move the water where you want it. When you want it.” For more information, call (713)884-0172. Houston’s This Is It Soul Food, owned by Craig and Georgette Joseph, is a family-owned soul food restaurant located at 2712 Blodgett St. in Houston, Texas. The restaurant was established in 1959 by the Frank and Mattie Jones. Combined with southern hospitality and excellent customer service, we pride ourselves in being an excellent family diner. We also offer catering service to the Greater Houston Metropolitan area. We provide fast, courteous customer service and promote a family- friendly dining atmosphere. For more information, call (713) 521- 2920 or visit www.houstonthisisit.com. Chase Natural’s motto is “Enhance the Natural You.” Owned by CharLene “Chase” Hashitsume, a “product junkie” when she began her hair journey in 2009. After hair setbacks due to harsh chemicals, she began to research natural products to assist in maintaining the “healthy hair” she always wanted. She developed a hair care line of all natural products, comprised of no parabens, sulfates, mineral oils or petroleum. Chase Naturals prides itself in providing products filled with the best natural ingredients from across the world. For more information, call 888-752-1099 or visit www.chasenaturals. com. Bill Rosemon, owner of Rose Bud Landscaping Co., Inc., specializes in commercial and residential landscaping design, installation, fences, outdoor kitchens, tree service, decks and irrigation systems. He believes in statisfying the customer and going beyond the scope of the proposal. For more informatin, call 713-728-2934. C. Anthony Sherman shines the light on the impact generational curses have on a Louisiana family in his recently published book, “The Sins of My Fathers,” the first book in a trilogy. Through his book Sherman hopes to help identify and help break the dysfunction that many families are challenged with as he journeys through the lives of a fictional Louisiana family, “The Simons.” His debut novel will soon be available as an audiobook. For more information, call Savvy Productions at 713-373-2652 or e-mail tonysherman@yahoo.com.

DJ Mo Phatt is a motivational speaker, master of ceremonies, prominent American music producer, on-air radio host and DJ, providing a wide array of services. In the music industry for 25 years, his ability to mix together songs for events and on the radio, make DJ Mo Phatt Mobile Services a company second to none. The talented DJ can be heard on the airwaves of KPVU-91.3 FM every Monday – Friday from 10 am – 2 pm CST, playing R&B songs the whole family can enjoy. Some of the services offered by DJ Mo Phatt Mobile Services, include event DJ, corporate events, audio / visual, audio production and voice-overs. For more information, visit www.djmophatt.com. Redmond Management - McDonald’s: McDonald’s franchisees, Ernest and Mary Redmond, currently own four McDonald’s. They use their business and position to enhance lives and provide work opportunities in the community where they live. Mary Redmond has a ‘people first’ attitude and is active with the youth in the Houston area in an effort to advance education and career building opportunities within McDonald’s for African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians and any young person desiring to excel. They employ 100 plus youong employees, inspiring integrity, dignity and respect, as well as moral values to help employees develop sound work ethics and life skills. For more information, call 713-773-3297. Wendell Robbins III is president of W. A. Robbins Construction Co., Inc., a Texas Corporation specializes in commercial construction. The company specializes in construction management and operations. In addition to construction management and general contracting and has experience in performing environmental services including underground storage tank removal, lead paint and mold abatement, and asbestos abatement. For more information call 713-644-5823 or visit www. warobbinsconstruction.com. Agar Electronics, launched in 2003, is a wholesale electronic company that provides wholesale producta at 35%-50-60% off the original retail price. Tag as “Technology Meeting Fashion”, each of the unique handbags comes with a portable miniature GPS tracker that locates bags and luggage. We specialize in handbags and luggage with electronics inside. Macy’s/Bloomingdale’s is just one of the stores that has contracted us to supply our security bags. We are also hiring Creative Marketing Consultants and Computer Data Entry. The buyers at Macy’s and other bar code stores are preparing to help us supply their stores in the spring of 2012, if we can hire enough people to cover loss prevention positions. I am an aspiring entrepreneur with a motto:”When you stop thinking about yourself, that’s when God starts.” Post Oak Trophies & Awards, Inc., owned by Susan Wood, is located at 10908 S. Post Oak Road in Houston. The business offers one of the largest inventories of trophies, plaques, certificates and glass awards and has a majority of items in stock. At Post Oak Trophies & Awards, we offer competitive prices, a great selection, superior workmanship, fast service and you’ll never find a friendlier family offering business anywhere. Call 713-729-1102 or email awards@postoaktrophies.com for more information. A+Media Technology, owned by Robert Debose, specializes in professional custom installations of flat screens of all kinds and sizes, including plasmas, LEDs and LCDs. In business for the past 10 years, the business also installs surround sound and custom theatre rooms. The company also sets up security cameras for homes and businesses to allow customers to monitor their properties from their cell phones from anywhere in the world. For more information or to schedule an installation, call 832888-8000 or visit www.aplusmediatech.com.

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New Member Spotlight (cont.) Ricky Laws is a business account manager with Comcast, a major telecommunications company. For more information, call 832-683-7804, email Ricky_ Laws@comcast.com or visit www.cable.comcast.com. Bethel’s R.S.V.P. , headed by Executive Director Kory Fontenot, is a nonprofit whose mission is to encourage abstinence and instill moral character and values in boys and young men. The organization is located at 14442 Fonmeadow Drive in Houston, Texas. For more information, call 713-516-3014 or email kfontenot@bethelsfamily.org. Fran Porter is the owner of Cakes by Fran. She specializes in putting smiles on people’s faces and making her customers happy with her wide range of cakes, pies, cookies and cupcakes. For more information or to place an order call 214450-4228 or email cakesbyfran3@yahoo.com. John Walker is a district manager for Stanley Security Solutions, an electronic protection and security company. Howard Davis is a security consultant with the company. For more information, call 713-293-6820 or email john.walker@ sbdinc.com or howard.davis@sbdinc.com. FusionSports Marketing develops and manages digital brands for professional athletes in the digital age. Our proprietary athlete brand management platform, connects athletes to their fan base globally while monetizing their digital real estate, including social media and exclusively branded content. We also work with corporate and personal brands outside of sports on a case-by-case basis. For more information, visit www.fusionsportsinc.com. Clevell Harris, owner of Harris Design, is a prolific and innovative artist who enjoys creating works from different influences, from jazz inspired paintings, expressionistic pieces, to intimate portraits. His subjects span a range from jazz greats, realistic and fantasy inspired portraits, and studies in color and motion, all of which reinterpret the effects of color, light and line. For more information, call 281-741-3960, email clevellharris@comcast.net or visit www.clevellharris. com. Barbara Maye is a branch retail executive for BBVA Compass Bank, located at 7700 West Bellfort in Houston. For more information, call 713-867-1204, email Barbara.Maye@bbvacompass.com or visit www.bbvacompass.com. Community Health Choice is a non-profit HMO licensed by the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI). CHC’s network of over 5,000 doctors and 50 hospitals serves more than 200,000 Members, including beneficiaries of the Texas Medicaid STAR Program, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and the CHIP Perinatal Program in 20 counties in the Southeast Texas Gulf Coast region. CHC also administers the TexHealth Harris County 3-Share Program. CHC, an affiliate of the Harris County Hospital District (HCHD), is accredited by URAC for its health plan operations. For more information, contact Pam Cobb, Outreach Marketing Manager at 713-295-2211 or visit South Loop West, Ste. 900, in Houston. The Ft. Bend Habitat for Humanity ReStore thrift store, managed by John Lopez, takes donations of new and gently used building or remodeling materials including appliances, doors, windows, lumber, furniture and more and resells them to the public at 50 to 70 percent savings off retail prices. Not only does this keep items out of local landfills but it provides you a tax deduction as well. Want to donate items and need them to be picked up? Just give us a call at 281403-0700 and we will handle the rest. Visit us at 13570 Murphy Rd., Stafford, TX 77477. In business for 25 years, Roger W. Law is the owner of Law Dental Laboratory, a quality, full service, dental manufacturing company specializing in fixed crown and bridge and removable partials and dentures. We market to dentists

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in the Houston and surrounding areas. Our lab is unique in that we know our clients on a face-to-face and name-by-name basis. The owner and head technician make onsite visits and walk dentists through any difficulties related to our custom-made appliances. Our certified dental laboratory is located on 4910 Willow Bend, Suite H, in Houston, Texas 77035. For more information, call 832519-9916. The Cloverleaf Group, owned and operated by Joddie Kesee, is a full service building construction company serving the Houston area with over 20 years of combined knowledge and experience in the commercial market. We specialize in total interior and exterior renovations, as well as ground up construction and additions. For more information, call 281-221-9788 or visit us at www.cloverleafgroup.net. Body BY Vi health products assist in weight loss, but also are effective in lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol, treating diabetes, building muscle, boosting energy, speeding up your metabolism and flushing your body of unhealthy foods and toxins that are harmful to the body. The meal replacement shake (Vi Shake) comes with different flavor packs, daily vitamins, and energy drink, good for youth (ages 12 & up) and the elderly (diabetics included). For more information, visit www.bjosephpt.myvi.net or www.bjosephpt.bodybyvi. com or call Brandon Joseph at 832-287-8485. Pyburn’s Food Market is a family-owned and operated neighborhood grocery store. We take pride in our ever popular “made fresh daily” homemade boudin, creole/cajun sausages, and dirty rice, just to name a few. Along with our homemade specialty items, we also carry a wide variety of meats in our full service butcher shop ranging from marinated meats to fresh-cut deli ham/cheese, with farm fresh produce delivered daily. We also provide Western Union money transfers, money orders, and Lottery for your convenience. Store hours are 7 a.m.- 9 p.m., Monday thru Sunday. Stay tuned for grand opening news. For more information, call 713-728-0009. GABSAM Security Company, owned by Gabriel Dada, contracts highly skilled, licensed and bonded officers who are equipped with the latest technology and patrols cars in the industry. In business for six years, GSC can provide your facilities with added protection with our highly visible commissioned and noncommissioned officers. We offer flexible schedules, uniformed armed and unarmed officers, logged patrols, long and short term contracts and competitive rates. Please contact our office for a free rate quote. For more information, call Gabriel Dada at 281-323-3614 or Irma Hererra, Marketing Director at 210-4880200. The coordinators of Catherine Bay Events, Constance Lucky and Jamilla Lomas, will take your vision beyond the mundane, bringing it to life with added elegance, glamour and spirit. Be it a corporate affair or a social occasion, Catherine Bay will customize an events proposal based upon your wishes and expertly execute it. Regardless of what type of event you choose, we will guarantee its success. Our services include, but are not limited to event management, event design, creative concept development, site selection, budget management, florals and decoration, linens and equipment rentals, catering, and more. For more information, visit www.catherinebayevents.com.



We are a family-owned business, which was established in 1959 by the late Frank and Mattie Jones. The restaurant is now under the management of Mr. & Mrs. Craig Joseph Sr., the grandson of the Jones. Combined with Southern Hospitality and excellent customer service, we pride ourselves in being an excellent family diner. In addition, we offer a catering service to the Greater Houston Metropolitan area to accommodate your “Special Occasions�! We are committed to providing quality, cost efficient food service to Houston and surrounding communities. We will exhibit fast, courteous customer service and promote a family friendly environment.

Updated Information

We have moved our location to 2712 Blodgett St., between Ennis & Dowling St. We hope you continue to support us as we try to give back to you the customer.

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Video Business Plan Pitch Contest “Pitch your business plan at the BPBCC Convention/Expo in January for a chance to win $5,000 in cash to fund your business”

Twenty five participants at the upcoming Bethel’s Place Black Chamber of Commerce convention and expo will have a shot at winning $5,000 in cash for the best business plan pitch to help launch or fund an existing business.

Hair Dreams by Christal, a Missouri City area nonprofit, hopes to use the contest money to create natural looking hair replacement systems for individuals who have suffered traumatic hair loss due to illness, medications, chemical abuse and genetics.

The business convention and expo will take place Jan. 2628 at the Bethel’s Place Community Empowerment Cen- “Giving someone restored confidence that allows them to ter, 12660 Sandpiper in Houston, Texas. be able to hold their head up and interact with others is a gift,” says Christal Mercier, owner of the nonprofit. The contest challenges aspiring or existing business owners to pitch their business plan in a 60-second filmed spot The average hair replacement system costs $4,000, includto be reviewed by a panel of judges. ing one year of maintenance and upkeep, says Mercier. Video pitches will be judged on originality, presentation She plans to take part in the video pitch contest to help and soundness of the business plan. The winner will be make a difference in the lives of individuals suffering trauannounced on Day 3 at the conclusion of the expo. matic hair loss.

“The financial institution awarding the cash prize is com- Both non-profit and for-profit businesses are eligible to mitted to championing the success of small business,” says enter the contest. Chamber President/CEO Leon Jenkins. “If you can convince the judges that your business has Businesses must submit a contest entry form and a $25 what it takes to be successful and is worth the investment, entry fee for a chance to present their pitch. you can walk away with the capital your business needs to go to the next level,” says Bethel’s Place Black Chamber of The pitch may be presented by one or more members of Commerce Capital Development Director, Scott Porter. the business. To obtain a contest entry form in advance of the expo, Charlene Hashitsume, owner of Chase Naturals, a natural contact Scott Porter at 713-366-6894 or send an email to skin and hair care products business, opened six months dtezeno@bethelsplacebcc.org. ago and sees the contest as an opportunity to invest in more ingredients for the company’s products. Interested businesses can also submit an entry form on “We specialize in products made from all natural ingre- the morning of Jan. 27 by 9 a.m. to participate in the condients and could use the money from the contest to go a test. step further and make our products organic, using pure (unprocessed) ingredients, says Hashitsume. Interested businesses can also submit an entry form on the morning of Jan. 27 by 9 a.m. to participate in the conThe Houston business owner also views the contest mon- test. ey as a way to increase the visibility of her products and make them more cost effective. For more contest information, visit www.bpbcc.org or call 713-933-7411.

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The Passion of Cooking Whether cooking for restaurant patrons or stars like Beyonce, Jennifer Holliday or Tracy McGrady, one thing remains a constant for Chef Rey—serving great food and touching the palette with passion and class. Photo Credit: Al Torres Photography


n 2003, it was a toss up for Reynold Darthard whether to sit behind a desk and crunch numbers, and stay on the phone all day, which he despised, or go and do what he loved. The Freeport-born native chose the latter and left behind the corporate world to follow his passion for cooking. “I made a decision, and it was a no brainer, it was simple. Cooking came to me naturally, I could do it all night and all day and not get tired,” says Darthard. Cognizant at an early age that he had a natural gift for cooking, he honed his cooking skills at the side of his mother and grandmothers. At 46, the executive chef, known professionally as Chef Rey, says he is exactly where God wants him to be. That was not always the case, he shares, recalling a conversation

he had with his dad’s mother during a time when he had become dissatisfied despite a good job and a great income as an operations manager for a large oil and gas distributing company.

On Gift Vs. Talent The Missouri City chef credits God for his innate cooking gift.

“ I tell people that we can cook the same recipe, but the fact that I have been ordained and the gift “She told me ‘you have no rea- has been given to me, it will not son to complain, your story has taste the same,” says Darthard. already been written, what you need to do is sit back and let the That is the difference between a story unfold and enjoy the ride,’ talent and a gift, he shares. says Darthard of his grandmoth“You can have this one soloer’s words. ist who has a bachelor’s degree “The question became for Dar- and a master’s from Julliard and thard “do I have the patience and has a great voice and she is vothe wherewithal to let my story cally trained, and then you have be told in His way, instead of me that individual who has no vocal trying to write my own story,” he training whatsoever who can get up there and sing you under the said. bridge, that is the difference beHe heeded his grandmother’s tween talent and gift,” says Daradvice and when the time was thard. right to leave the corporate world, made preparations for his He also cites his former boss, exit, enrolled in the Art Institute Houston Rocket Tracy McGrady of Houston’s Culinary Program as a perfect example of the disand graduated with honors. tinction. Looking back, he has no regrets. www.empowermagazine.biz | 15


“He is probably, and I would argue the point, one of the most gifted athletes I have ever watched and he didn’t go to college, he went to prep school--and from prep school at 19, to the NBA. “God blessed him with this beautiful gift of being agile and being able to jump and run and do amazing things to the human eye. When you have that gift there is really nothing that anyone can do to change that or even really stop it, other than yourself. “For those of us that have those natural gifts, we have to nurture them and fine-tune them and continue to respect the gift,” shares Darthard. Despite the long arduous hours of running a restaurant, overseeing catering services, and taking the steps to launch his product line, Darthard is doing just that in his Missouri City restaurant. “Physically I get tired, but mentally I never get tired of cooking and that makes a world a difference when you love what you do,” says Darthard. Expanding His Brand As Chef Rey exercises his innate gift for cooking, he is grateful for his current success in an industry where many restaurants don’t survive beyond six months. “My customers come in for the food and some of them come in just for the conversation to talk

16 | www.empowermagazine.biz

with me, which is a great feel- His pound cakes also will be a part of his product line and will ing,” says Darthard. include, Old Fashioned Pound Entering his restaurant’s third Cake, Red Velvet Pound Cake, year of operation, he is focused Amaretta Chocolate and Strawon his toughest challenge, find- berry Pound Cake. ing someone who is like-minded and shares his passion for cook- “I put my pound cake up against anybody’s, says Darthard, who ing. uses a recipe passed down by his “I am intelligent enough to real- grandmother, with his own speize that people that work for you cial twist added in. are not going to love your business in the same capacity that As he looks back over the past seven years, he credits God for you do. his success and considers himself “What I am actually looking for blessed to be able to enjoy what is not someone who loves my he does. business or loves Chef Rey’s, but someone who shares the same “I wake up with anticipation and passion for food, customer ser- most important with expectation vice and people that I do,” says of what God is going to do, not so much what I am going to do, Darthard. because I know without Him, In the meantime, he is focused on the phone calls and the walk ins mass marketing his product line don’t come,” says Chef Rey. of desserts and tropical punch and has just finalized the packag- “God has blessed me abundantly. He has blessed me with this place ing for his products. to bless and inspire people. His line of cheesecakes come in a variety of flavors, including New At the end of the day that is what York, Raspberry Swirl, Chocolate life should be about.” Swirl, Strawberry Swirl, Cookies ‘n cream, Turtle, Pumpkin and Chef Rey cheesecake, pound cake or tropical punch may Sweet Potato Swirl. be purchased by visiting “I am looking to market the www.chefreynold.com and clickChef Rey Brand at major grocery ing on the Online Store link. chains by the first of the year, but the products will be available for For more information, call purchase online for the holiday 281-403-2900 or visit Chef Rey’s Thursdays-Sundays at 2865 Dullseason,” says Darthard. es Ave. Missouri City , Texas.


Photo Credit: Al Torres Photography

Holiday Cooking with Chef Rey

To order Chef Rey deserts for the holidays, visit www.chefreynold.com and click on the store icon.

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Past Mission: Kenya Africa 2011 • • • • •

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Want to be apart of our mission team? Visit us at www.bethelsglobalreach.org to find out about the many ways you can be of service or contact us directly.

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The Empowerment Center that God Built By Tracie Jenkins

Since arriving on the scene in Southwest Houston, Bethel’s Family Church has been on a mission to breathe life into the surrounding community. At 14442 Fonmedow Drive, stands their latest endeavor, the new 55,000-square-foot Bethel’s Place Community Empowerment Center. The stark white and cool blue structure shines, surrounded by apartment complexes and a depressed community in need of a major lift. As the building’s name will tell you, every operation in this center gears toward empowering the community. From the non-profit organizations and 13,000-squarefoot double gymnasium to the copy and print business center and commercial kitchen, this building promises to be a reckoning force in the Southwest Houston area and beyond. Rob Smith, executive director of Bethel’s Place, believes in the empowerment center’s potential. “We aim to be that beacon of hope and empowerment,” says Smith, “A way forward beyond mediocrity and into excellence.” Clark Booker, executive director of Heavenly Hands, agrees. “We want to be a force in this community to move people forward.” Located in the empowerment center, Heavenly Hands provides basic needs to the community, including clothing, food, and counseling. Founded in 2003, Heavenly Hands services over 8,000 people a month. Partnered with the Houston Food Bank, Heavenly Hands also aids other food pantries in need and has never been out of food since its opening (a feat that many other food pantries cannot boast). Even so, this organization is about more than just feeding the hungry. “We send them into [job searching] situations so that they can get better and not still be on our food pantry two years from now,” says Booker. “Some people come and volunteer here because they’re not working. The skills that they get here will allow them to go out there and get their own job.” Along with Heavenly Hands, other organizations in the empowerment center share the goal of revitalization. Already making moves to bring a fresh glow to the area, a top-of-the-line dentistry establishment, Amazing Smiles, settles into its new location in the Bethel’s Place Community Empowerment Center. Amazing Smiles has an 11 year history of making people smile, led by the inspiration of its owner Dr. Margaret Allen, cosmetic and general dentistry practitioner. Amazing Smiles moved into the community with relative ease, Allen calling the transition a “wonderful journey.” That journey comes with a mission to raise awareness of dental health. Dr. Allen sites that bacteria and toxins in the oral cavity can cause high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, and heart attack. For this reason, Allen and her staff are dedicated to reaching children in an effort to provide preventative dental care and help them live longer lives. “Dental and medical service shouldn’t be a luxury,” says Allen. “Everyone should be entitled to it.”

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Walter August, senior pastor of Bethel’s Family Church, agrees with Dr. Allen’s enthusiasm. “I saw the dentists work [on mission] in Africa,” says August, “so I know the passion that they have. It’s not about money. It’s about putting those smiles in the community ‘cause sometimes you don’t see many of those.” August, who is a board member of several non-profits located within the center, oversaw the making of Bethel’s Place Community Empowerment Center from inception to reality. As envisioned, the Bethel’s Place model is a unique centerpiece that allows the educational component of the organization to enter the community in a meaningful way. A partnership with Houston Community College makes GED classes available with the hope that graduates will integrate organically into the higher education system. A library, computer lab, job training and placement all aim to take the community to the next level. “The joy of watching somebody who feels or thought that the educational piece had passed them,” says August, “and they celebrate getting a GED at [age] 40. That’s exciting to me. That motivates me to push it even greater.”


building serves as a safe haven where people can have their needs met “ This and where successful organizations gather, seeking to serve the community

need the most help. “My vision,” says Allen, “was to come out here, put a state of the art dental office [in the community], and provide top quality dental treatment for everyone.” “Being able to bring a first class dental operation to this community,” August adds, “It’s unheard of.” Along with Amazing Smiles, Heavenly Hands already sees the fruits of their labors. “When people come, at first, they want something. We’re able to put them inside of the economic process, so that they can do things for themselves,” says Booker. “We see the people coming back to Heavenly Hands donating and volunteering.” Also, with its commercial kitchen, Bethel’s Place Community Empowerment Center will be able to service the adjacent Arrow Academy children with food during their school day. Alternately, during times of disaster, Bethel’s Place partners with Red Cross to provide shelter and hot meals for displaced victims. “We’re not going nowhere,” August proclaims. “We’re here. And we’re here to serve.”

Partnering with so many entities to provide basic needs, education, economic aid, safety and fun, the empowerment center seems to offer everything a healthy community needs to succeed. More than a place to play basketball and volleyball, the building is a cooling center in the summer where the elderly can come and play checkers, do arts and crafts, or learn line dancing. The empowerment center even serves as headquarters for the highly successful Bethel’s Place Black Chamber of Commerce. Now over 175 members strong, the chamber holds firm its goal to revitalize the economic health of the community by aiding business savvy youth and adults.

As Bethel’s Place enters a new phase with the empowerment center, Executive Director Smith marks this accomplishment as “a giant step forward for the Fondren/Southwest Houston community, as well as the entire Greater Houston area.” With so many programs making a difference at this location, he has reason to be hopeful. Even though the empowerment center did not initially garner the support of some larger businesses and foundations in Houston, August counts this as a blessing. “At the end of the day,” says August, “we can always say, ‘Look what God did. This is the building, the empowerment center, that God built.’”

Says August of the versatility of the empowerment center, “you look at those components and you wrap it around the spiritual elements that we can bring to this community we share, I do believe we’re dealing with the whole man: mind, body, and soul.” Undetectable from the outside, but visible in the details, the powerful potential of the Bethel’s Place Community Empowerment Center becomes evident. This building serves as a safe haven where people can have their needs met and where successful organizations gather, seeking to serve the community. Dr. Allen of Amazing Smiles finds here, a place to better service those who

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Green Matters Green Matters

Carletta Waddler Carletta  Waddler Â

Carletta Waddler, president and founder of Sustainable Training Services, LLC and EcoMaintenance, Carletta  Waddler,  and  foun-­â€? LLC, is a columnist forpresident  Green Matters, a der  of  Sustainable  Training  Services,  LLC  regularly featured column of EMPOWEcoMaintenance,  LLC,  is  a  colum-­â€? ERand  Magazine devoted to informing for  Green  ofMatters,  a  regularly  thenist  community cutting-edge greenfea-­â€? initiatives in the lives of individuals tured  column  in  EMPOWER  Magazine  and businesses. She aims to enlightdevoted  to  informing  the  community  of  en,cutting-­â€?edge  encourage and, hopefully inspire green  initiatives  in  the  readers to take steps to make “greenâ€? lives  of  individuals  and  businesses.   She  transformations in their lives. aims  to  enlighten,  encourage  and,  hopefully  inspire  you  to  take  steps  to  lives. Â

Faith-Based Community

Discovering Green

Creating a Green Path For Your Business

Discovering  Green Â

Spearheads Innovative Energy Efficiency Initiatives


Creating  a  Green  Path  For  Your  Business Â

Pastor Walter August, Jr., and his 9,000-plus and growing member church, Bethel Family Baptist Church, in Houston, TX, have served reening your business can be as simple as replacing light bulbs or as ambitious as building a the Houston community for nearly 17 years. The church is known for its progressive ministries that provide after-school programs, zero-­energy efficient community. Whatever your goals, there are local, regional and national vocational training, food and financial assistance for the underserved. resources available to assist in reaching those goals. During the months ahead we will ad-­ a variety of environmental at any time you would like offer an opinion Most recently,dress Bethel Family has embarked on a topics. path of If environmental stewardship withtoits energy efficiencyorinitiatives. The church has set a goal of becoming the first ENERGY STAR labeled minority congregation church in the United States. They are engaged in suggest a topic I can be reached at cwaddler@sustainabletrainingservices.com. a campaign to raise five million dollars to help build a 56,000 sq. ft. building that will allow the church to expand its social service Perhaps weTheir should begin withtoanenergy introduction to will Sustainable Services, LLC. Sustainable programs. commitment efficiency not only Training help protect the environment, but willTrain-­ assist the church in saving ing Services was created to provide economic and jobBoth creation programs in thefacilities green build-­ thousand of dollars in energy bills in their currentdevelopment and future buildings. the new and existing will undergo energy audits andsciences will begin implementing the necessary to retrofit the buildings. ing and to deliver quality trainingsteps to small and minority business in those disciplines. Moreover, we coordinate resources, training and outreach and partnership development. Our programs provide real In addition to retrofitting its own facilities, the church is committed to becoming a valuable community resource for the emerging job growth and practical training that offer ideas and strategies to small and minority businesses that can green economy. They provide training for green collar opportunities in the Houston market, which is the 15th largest market for green be usedjobs daily to improve their For business operations andand enhance theirtrainings career paths. collar in the United States. existing contractors engineers, focus on how to update their skills for green collar jobs.need For others, trainings focus how tocertification tap into the green economy,oforminority provide solutions onbusinesses how to change the direction of an The is real. the There is a lack of on training, and licensing and small existing business model. Once members receive the necessary certifications for either themselves or their business, the church will hindering them from participating in energy retrofit and weatherization programs. This same lack of work in tandem with its consultant Sustainable Training Services (STS) to provide job placement. For those not seeking certification, training also serves a deterrent in provide green building government contracting the church offers freeasworkshops that practicaland energy efficiency solutions for opportunities. everyday living.

Sustainable Training Services, LLC (STS) is dedicated to bringing minority contractors and individuals into the green economy. They Energy-­Efficiency Programs coordinate the resourcing, Training training, outreach and associated support for the development of an evolving energy efficiency and renewable energy workforce, a goalPrograms of economic independence and a pathway out of poverty for individual workers. Green Building with Training Government Contracting With Bethel Family’s innovative and comprehensive approach, the church is well on its way to becoming a leader in environmental Career Development stewardship within the faith-based community and throughout the entire Houston region. For more information on STS, visit www. Sustainability Workshops sustainabletrainingservices.com. Sustainability and energy efficiency training offers unique opportunities to be an effective and successful For more information Bethel Family Baptist Church, visit www.bethelsfamily.org contractor. Please visitonour website at www.sustainabletrainingservcies.com for additional information. Reprinted with permission of GreenForAll. May/June 2011

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entertainment Gospel Artist Aservant to perform at Texas Gospel Music Excellence Awards Femi Ariya, known professionally as Aservant, has been nominated for the Texas Gospel Music Excellence Awards (TGMEA) New Gospel Artist of the Year award, an honor that, according to gospel industry insiders, puts him in the same boat as Texas legends such as Kirk Franklin and Fred Hammond. “It is a great honor to even be considered for this award,” says Ariya of his nomination. Celebrating its 14th year, the TGMEA provides as spotlight for independent gospel artists from across the state of Texas and will be held Feb. 16-18, 2012 at the Marriott Houston South Hotel, 9100 Gulf Freeway, in Houston, Texas. The three day gospel awards showcase and expo will feature nightly awards services, a new artist showcase , in addition to praise dance and gospel industry workshops.

The Waco-born vocalist will perform several of the songs from his debut CD, “To God.” The CD, released by Square Biznis Entertainment, his own independent label, features 11 tracts, including songs, such as “Without Fear,” “Unbelievable” and “You’re There.” The public also soon will be able to see the up and coming gospel music artist on his own Internet-based TV show on RedCTV at www.redctv.com. To sample Aservant’s music or purchase his debut CD, visit http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/aservant.

Lauren-Ashley showcases talent on X-Factor In high school she released her debut CD, featuring a single that ranked No. 3 on the Billboard charts, and toured on School Tour with rapper J. Xavier speaking on issues such as cyber bullying, going green and getting a good education, and graduated at 17. Most recently, the talented teen’s singing talent landed her a spot on X-Factor, a television talent competition created by Executive Producer Simon Cowell. “I didn’t plan on auditioning for X-Factor until four days before the auditions, but everybody kept telling me ‘you should audition for X-Factor,” shares the former Sugar Land resident, who now lives in Dallas with family. She sang “The Power of Love” by Celine Dion and was picked to advance through boot camp to the next round. She received positive feedback from both Paula Abdule and Simon Cowell on her performance and despite being eliminated as a solo artist, was brought back to compete in the 10-member group Intensity. “I am just so grateful that I got to be in the group and be on the show, it was just amazing,” says Lauren-Ashley. The group Intensity was mentored by Paula Abdul. “I just loved the way Paula mentored us, she is an amazing dancer and she helped with all of our choreography, and was great with pep talks,” says the singer.

Since leaving the show, she has continued to perfect her craft and prepare for future singing opportunities. Her goal is not only to find her niche in the music world, but to be a role model for young people. “I think that being a good role model is looked down on, but I want to be a person that people can look up to,” says Lauren-Ashley. She credits her parents and upbringing for her values and ability to stand up against peer pressure. She also commends her parents for supporting her dreams.“It feels amazing and you have to put both time and work into any dream,” the singer shares. “I just hope that I am doing music for a long time and hope that I inspire people of all ages,” says LaurenAshley. You can follow her on Twitter at www.twitter.com/itslaurenashley or FaceBook.


Who’s Minding Your Money

Three Steps to Achieving your GOALS in 2012

Lonnie Mathews, Founder, Alliance Financial Ministries, Inc.


t’s that time of the year, you know, that point when we reflect on what has happened and look forward to what is going to happen in the next year. In other words it time to create New Year’s resolutions. The actual tradition of creating New Year’s resolutions has been around since 153 B.C. and was supposedly created by the mythical king Janus of early Rome. The two faces of Janus on the early Roman coin looks back at past events and looks forward to the future.

be. Therefore, if your goal is to reduce debt you should list your debts and decide which ones you plan to pay off during 2011. If you want to save more this year, you should decide exactly how much you want to save, divide that amount by the number of pay periods you have in 2012. The next step is to have that amount taken out of each paycheck every payday. Beginning with the end in mind requires you to have a long-range vision of where you want to be, then developing goals to help you get there.

Today we make New Year’s resolutions of things that we want to achieve. I recently read an article that says 45 percent of all Americans will make some sort of New Year’s resolution. Sadly, the same article stated that six months later, only less than half of those individuals will still be on track to accomplish those resolutions or goals. That means that only 1 in 5 Americans will be on track to meet there goals in July of 2012. How about you, do you continuously make New Year’s resolution to only fall short year after year. I have done a little reading and research and I have come up with the following three steps to help you achieve your goals.

2. Write them down – The single most important thing that sets successful people apart from the not so successful, is a clear set of written goals. Author Mark McCormack said it best in his book “What They Don’t Teach You in Harvard Business School” Mark did a study of the 1979 Harvard MBA class where on graduation the question was asked, “Have you set clear goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?”

1. Begin with the end in mind – In his bestselling book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” author Stephen Covey discusses the habits that highly effective people have. One of those habits is to begin with the end in mind, in other words decide exactly where you would like to be in different areas of your life and set your goals to get where you want to

26 | www.empowermagazine.biz

Ten years later the results were as follows-13 percent of the class said they had goals, but didn’t write them down, and these individuals earned two times as much as the students that had no goals at all. The most stunning thing was that the 3 percent of the graduates that said they had goals and had written them down, earned 10 times more than the rest of the class. By writing, your goals down you make them tangible, you


Three Steps to Achieving your GOALS in 2012 cont. automatically make yourself accountable and you take ownership of them. When you take ownership of your goals, you are in tune with them and they are always in the forefront of your mind. Think back when you first bought your car, if you are like me it seemed like you started to see the same type of car everywhere. You saw the same car in different colors everywhere, you saw the car at a stop light and you probably even noticed that your neighbor two streets over owns the same car. You have to write your goals down so that you will have a constant reminder of what you are trying to accomplish. 3. Take action NOW – Here’s a riddle for you! There are three frogs on a log and one of the frogs decides to jump off. How many frogs remain on the log? If your answer is three then you are correct. When it comes to setting goals, the easy part is setting them, the difficult part is doing the things necessary to accomplish them. Each year we say that we want something different, but we never actually do anything different to accomplish them.

The third and final step to achieving your goals in 2012 is to DO SOMETHING, and do it now. I challenge you, when you are done reading this article sit down decide what you want to accomplish this year, write them down and go out and make them happen. Changing your life could be as simple as making the decision to do better than you have. Deciding that you CAN achieve the things that you set out to do will ultimately lead you to where you want to be. You have the power to choose to do something different. If you want a better tomorrow, you have to do something different today. This article was written by Lonnie R. Mathews for the Who’s Minding Your Money blog. Lonnie is an author and speaker in the area of personal finance. To learn more about Lonnie or to contact him, visit www.lonniemathews.com.

Estell Porter’s

Stepping Stones to Mastery Do You Feel Like Giving UP... Because you have NO TIME for yourself Because you are OVERWHELMED with the demands of life Because you are ANGRY, AFRAID and SCARED at the same time Because no matter what you do “THEY” are not satisfied

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www.empowermagazine.biz | 27


“An Escape to the City�

Two Houston women turn their visions of an urban bed & breakfast into reality

Top executives with major Fortune 500 companies, Genora Boykins and Sharon Owens, combine planning and faith to make their vision come true.

Photo Credit: Barfield Photography

28 | www.empowermagazine.biz

EMPOWER sufficient revenue and hiring an architect to bring their vision to life.

Since the doors of their bed and breakfast opened, Boykins and Owens both

remain committed to their professional careers, but are intimately involved in

all facets of the bed and breakfast’s operation.

“Breakfast is served at 7:30 or 8:30 a.m.,

so she or I will cook breakfast or stay the night and make the beds,” says Boykins,

a graduate of Spellman College and the South Texas College of Law.

Guests to the seven room bed and breakfast are offered similar amenities found


in five-star hotels, including private

spa bath, Jacuzzi tubs, plush bathrobes,

little more than a year after open- The seed of their vision was planted premium-quality bedding, 32-inch flats ing the doors to La Maison in more than a decade earlier, when the screen TVs, with built-in DVD play-

Midtown, an urban bed & breakfast near corporate executives were busy solidi- ers in each room and wireless Internet downtown Houston, co-owners Genora fying successful careers in the energy access. Boykins and Sharon Owens continue to and natural gas industries—Boykins as

build on a dream of providing travel- an attorney for Reliant Energy and Ow- Both women envisioned an establishers and locals with a first-class hospital- ens as president of community affairs at ment that would incorporate the accomity venue with a homey feel and mix of Centerpoint Energy. style and class.

modations and standards of excellence that they value as business travelers.

“We are both successful at our profes-

Located at 2800 Brazos Street in Hous- sions, but we needed something to do “Most people when they think of beds ton, Texas, the three-story bed and when we retired. For both of us, it was and breakfast think of an older mansion breakfast was “a long time in the mak- the thought of ‘what are we going to do that has been restored with lots of trinkets. We offer a more urban, contempoing,’ according to the owners. later.’ rary feel.

“We both love to entertain and cook and

it was a natural progression of what we “We want to provide a nice place to stay, but still with a comfortable feel to it, so both had experience in,” says Boykins. After beginning their research, the pair they feel that they are staying in an uptook a step of faith and purchased a scale place,” says Boykins. tract of land in Midtown in 1999. They

then began the groundwork of educat- In their initial year of operation they ing themselves on the bed and break- have attracted patrons from cities across fast industry, gathering facts on the sur- the U.S. to places as far away as France rounding amenities in the community, and Sweden. selecting a design that would generate

www.empowermagazine.biz | 29

EMPOWER The contemporary bed and breakfast provides temporary

living quarters for a range of clients, according to Boykins.

“We have had families come for

a graduation and rent the entire

bed and breakfast out to people

right in the area who just want

a quick weekend getaway. It runs the gamut,” says Owens.

The Privacy Suite– one of two

suites available in the estab-

lishment– has become popular

for honeymooners and couples and anyone looking for an intimate getaway.

The bed and breakfast also of-

fers a variety of breakfast cui-

as introduce individuals who are new to rary bed and breakfast was over a de-

sine to satisfy the taste buds of a broad the industry.

cade in the making, both are happy with

range of patrons.

the page in life they are on.

sweet potato waffles to oatmeal, cran-

ple start businesses to make money. Of

“We offer good southern comfort foods Their mutual goal is to provide a relax- “In order to be successful there has to be passion. I think sometimes some peofrom grits and sausage, wings and ing setting for guests to unwind. berry French toast and omelettes,” says “We have had a lot of people to say it course, we want a return on our investfeels like their home away from home ment, but we very much enjoy what we Boykins. and we get great reviews.

do, says Boykins.

“ We usually have enough on the menu

for the day that will cover the tastes of “I always want people to feel that we Owens shares her business partners provide great value for their money,” sentiments, adding. everybody.” says Boykins.

Boykins and Owens seek to cater to sea-

“I would just say a dream delayed is not

soned bed and breakfast patrons as well Although their vision of a contempo- a dream denied,” says Owens.

30 | www.empowermagazine.biz


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Taking Business to New Heights of Excellence Local Chamber of Commerce gears up for 1st Annual Business Expo, January 26th - 28th


A new business convention and expo will make its debut in Houston to showcase and promote African American-owned businesses and nonprofits as well as businesses from all cultural backgrounds committed to patronizing and investing in the success of African American businesses.


“Small businesses have an opportunity to play a pivotal role in creating jobs and wealth. We want to empower them

“The lack of access to proper through this convention/expo andmedical other year-long initiaand dental care causes many Kenyans to lose their teeth to periodontal disease.”

tives to be prepared and ready to capitalize on opportunities to strengthen, grow and take their businesses to the next level,” says August. ~ Dr. Margaret Allen, Amazing Smiles

Business owners and the general public are invited to take

osted by the Bethel’s Place Black Chamber of part in this three-day expo which will include a variety of Commerce, the first church-based chamber of vendor booths, business workshops featuring topics such as

commerce in the nation in affiliation with the Na- “Sales 101: The Power of the Close” to “The Business Plan: tional Black Chamber of Commerce, the three-day event Setting Your Business Up to Succeed,” as well as an exciting will feature a variety of businesses committed to achieving lineup of entertainment. a standard of excellence in providing quality products, top notch customer service and client satisfaction.

A local bank is sponsoring a $5,000 Video Business Plan

Pitch Contest to provide investment or working capital to

Participating businesses-many members of the BPBCC- an aspiring or existing business owner seeking to fund or also are committed to helping to revitalize the community expand their business. and restore the lives of individuals in the southwest region where the Chamber offices are housed.

Participants will be given 60 seconds to pitch their business

plan in a filmed spot to be reviewed by a panel of judges. A fast-growing chamber, awarded the Chamber of the Year The winning business will be featured in a future issue of Award by the NBCC in Washington, Bethel’s Place Black Empower Magazine. Chamber of Commerce recently celebrated its first year of

existence and is making preparations to celebrate its first “We are excited to partner with a Houston area bank in this business convention and expo with style and class. business funding initiative. The video pitch contest is an

example of just one of the many initiatives the Chamber

“Black businesses are increasing in number based on U.S. promotes to help strengthen and sustain small businesses,” Census data and are in a position to make a positive impact says Jenkins. on the economy. Our goal is to provide the tools, education,

networking opportunities and marketing and promotional “This expo is a one-stop opportunity for businesses to refuel vehicles that will provide them with them with visibility and receive knowledge and insights from business experts

as well as a solid foundation for success and growth,” says in the fields of finance, sales, marketing and business coachLeon Jenkins, president and CEO of the BPBCC. ing and networking opportunities,” says Jenkins. The convention/expo slated for January 26-28 will be held August agrees on the opportunity the business/expo repreat the newly opened 55,000 sq. ft. Bethel’s Place Community sents for small, mid-size and large businesses. Empowerment Center located at 12660 Sandpiper in Houston.

“When you leave this business expo you will be recharged

and have had the opportunity to connect with other busi-

The event will kick off with a prayer breakfast featuring key- ness owners to help take your business to another level that note speaker Rev. Walter August Jr, the chair of the BPBCC can only be gained through ongoing exposure and access,” and will include local pastors and a host of community and says August. business leaders.

34 | www.empowermagazine.biz


# Young  and  aspiring  teenpreneurs  committed  to  excellence  and  ate  in  isolation  and  miss  out  on  will  showcase  their  products  and  seeking  to  leverage  their  power  Headline performances from gospel recording artists Byron Courtney Wilson, along the  opportunities  that  can  come  services  hosted  by  the  Young  En-­ through  strength  in  numbers.  with Texas Gospel Excellence Award nominee Aservant, performing selections with  linking  and  joining  forces  trepreneurs  Chapter  of  the  from his debut CD. The three-day expo also will feature aRegular  admission  to  the  expo  is  $5,000 Video Business th th with  other  like-­minded  business  BPBCC.   Youth  ages  8  "  12  Plan Pitch Contest and live cooking demonstrations compliments of Chef Rey and $9  for  adults,  and  free  for  chil-­ $  grades  are  invited  to  purchase  a  executive chefs from the University of Houston’s Conrad Hilton Hotel. dren  under  12.   The  cost  at  the  booth  and  display  their  businesses  Not  only  will  business  owners  door  for  attendees  is  $10.  and  services.  benefit  from  this  expo,  the  event  â€œToo often small businesses operate Entertainment for the younger crowd for adults, and free for children unBusiness  owners  who  are  mem-­ in isolation and miss out on the opwill include performances by the Deder 12. The cost at the door for atwill  provide  exciting  entertain-­ Entertainment  for  the  younger  bers  of  the  Chamber  can  purchase  portunities that can come with link- sai Dancers, an Indian dance troupe, tendees is $10. ment  and  performances  for  the  crowd  will  include  performances  ing and joining forces with other like- Houston area rap artist, Intellectual, an  8x10  booth  at  a   member  rate  public.  minded business owners,â€? he adds. by  Desai  Dancers,  an  Indian  promoting anti-smoking and drug Business owners who are members of  $  350.  messages, and more. of the Chamber can purchase an 8x10 dance  troupe,  Houston  area  rap  Headline  performances  from  gos-­ Not only will business owners benboothRegular  vendor  booths  are  $375  at a member rate of $ 350. Regartist,  Intellectual,  promoting  anti pel  recording  artists  Byron  Court-­ efit from this expo, the event will Participants will be invited to join ular vendor booths are $375 for nonfor  non-­chamber  businesses.  -­smoking  and  drug  messages,  and  provide exciting entertainment and the Bethel’s Place Black Chamber of chamber businesses. ney  Wilson,  along  with  rising  performances for the public. Commerce and connect to a growing Booth  rates  increase  on  January  1,  Christian  vocalist,  Aservant,  per-­ more.  network of businesses committed Booths are selling fast and booth 2012  and  booths  are  selling  fast,  forming  selections  from  his  debut  Young and aspiring teenpreneurs Participants  will  be  invited  to  join  to excellence and seeking to lever- rates increase on January 1, 2012, so so  act  now.  will showcase their products and ser- % age their power through strength in act now. CD.  The  three-­day  expo  also  will  vices hosted by the Young Entrepre- numbers. feature  a  $5,000  Video  Business  of  Commerce  and  connect  to  a  For  more  information  or  to  re-­ neurs Chapter of the BPBCC. For more information or to request Plan  Pitch  Contest  and  live  cook-­ growing  network  of  businesses  packet % Regular admission to the expo is $9 an exhibitor’s online, visit ing  demonstrations  compliments  Youth ages 8th – 12th grades are inwww.bpbcc.org and click on the online,  visit  www.bpbcc.org  and  vited to purchase a booth and disConvention Expo links, under the of  Chef  Rey  and  executive  chefs  click  on  the  Convention  Expo  play their businesses and services. Events tab. ! % links,  under  the  Events  tab.  The cost of booths for youth is $100. Conrad  Hilton  Hotel.  Â



2011  BPBCC  Convention  and  Expo    2011 BPBCC Convention And Expo

 Theme: “Black Businesses Achieving Excellenceâ€?

BeBe  There!  There!

www.empowermagazine.biz | 35


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Real ESTATE Today People think home ownership is impossible. Here are five easy steps to owning your first home. Buying your first home can be intimidating in the beginning — face it, it’s a big commitment. But lots of people have done it and so can you. You just need to know how to get started. These critical first steps will help you to navigate through the process with confidence. Step 1: Get Your Team Together.
Buying a home may be the biggest investment you ever make — so it pays to call in the experts. You’ll need a Realtor and a loan officer. A Realtor will represent you and your interests during the home-buying process. So find someone you can relate to and who sincerely wants to help you. (Like me!) The next step is finding a loan officer. Step 2: Get Prequalified.
There are a few steps in buying a home that are extremely important, and one of those is that your first stop — before going out to look at properties — is the lendBy Rob Smith ing office. You can even talk to a loan officer over the phone. Once you’ve found a lender you Guest Columnist like and trust, the next step is to talk numbers. The loan officer will ask you a series of questions about your income and your expenses to determine how much house you can afford. In most cases the amount of money that you are currently spending on rent will be enough to pay a mortgage. Step 3: Clean Up Your Credit Report.
Part of getting prequalified will include a check of your credit score. If your score comes in low, you will not qualify for the best interest rates. The loan officer will advise you on what you can do to improve your score. Step 4: Gather All Your Financial Documents.
In some cases, you might be able to prequalify for a loan without all of these documents, but it’s best to have them handy. Typically, what you will ultimately need to provide the loan officer is your most recent two years of tax returns, two months of bank statements, and three months of pay stubs. If these items are not immediately available, now is a good time to start gathering them. Step 5: Start Your Search.
You’re in the right place with Smith and Associates Realty! With all the listings at your fingertips, you can take the dollar amount the loan officer gave you and begin to check out all the properties that fall at or beneath that price. You might be surprised at all you have to pick from. Key throughout the process is a good Realtor. That’s why Step 1 is so important! Smith and Associates Realty has the experience and the know-how to guide any first time homebuyer through what may be unfamiliar territory. Give us a call today and good luck in owning your new home! Smith and Associates Realty Rob Smith Owner/Agent 713-269-3698

www.empowermagazine.biz | 37




How To

Become a Member



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Tips & Advice

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Bethel's Place Black Chamber of Commerce Inc.

Business Directory



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National Black Chamber of Commerce

Premiere Issue

Launches First Church-Based Chamber

“Where to Go When the Banks Say No” Business Duo Enjoys “Popping” Success

May/June 2011

2011 ISSUE

Pastor Walter August, Jr. Chair of Bethel’s Place Black Chamber of Commerce

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the business coach

My Best New Year’s Resolution Advice EVER! Come January 1, 2012 the absolute best New Year’s Resolution you can make is to determine how much of a business cash reserve you need to have stashed in your Business Bank account come December 31, 2012. And believe you me; this is much easier said than done. At any rate, it is important that you know the “how to” when it comes down to building up a business cash reserves. So let’s get to it. First – set a realistic Goal for the amount of money to put away as a business cash reserve. A sound model to follow is to take your monthly operating business expenses and multiply them by 6 to 12 months. Second – create a Budget. Determine the amount of monthly savings you can afford to place in your business cash reserve account. If you determine that you can’t afford even a penny’s worth of savings then start with $50.00. That’s right – you can’t afford not to save at least $50.00 a month into a business cash reserve. Of course you will quickly realize that $50.00 a month is not even close to being enough to realize your cash reserve goal in a reasonable amount of time. Your budget will help you visually determine what you can sacrifice as a trade off for your monthly cash reserve savings. Third – Stick to your Budget by ALL means necessary. Your business’ long-term viability depends on it. The best option to put in place is to have your monthly cash reserve savings automatically debited before you start spending on other business expenses. Remember – A business cash reserve is one major way of protecting your business from going out of business especially during economic down turns such as those we are experiencing now. Oh, by the way, building cash reserve is something you should also do for your short and long-term personal financial stability. Now – as we close out 2011, my prayer is that everyone who follows my sound and tested advice enjoys a busy and prosperous 2012!

This is a regular column presented by DYP, Inc., a local business support company, providing tips on a range of business topics to equip and empower aspiring and existing business owners. For more tips, visit http://dyp356.com.

40 | www.empowermagazine.biz


“At the time I really felt it was just me, helped me see that I wasn’t alone and that it was happening to other students,” says Holley. Mignonne Anderson, Callie’s mother, initially tried to encourage her daughter to focus her writing efforts on a “happier topic,” but her daughter persisted in her efforts. “She has a strong faith and is quite an encourager. Ever since she was a tot she

book spotlight

and then God opened my eyes and

has always prayed,” says Anderson. When children would fall on the playground, Callie would go over and lay hands on them and pray for them, shares Anderson. “She just was what we call an “old spirit and old soul.” There has always been a difference about her and I just think that maybe children didn’t understand it. “On the one hand she was so well thought of and so well loved and so many people wanted to befriend her, but it would al-

10 Year Old Pens Book on Bullying


ways be these situations that would come up from time to time that were clearly unexplainable,” says Anderson. Callie’s first encounter with bullying occurred in second grade involving an incident of bullying on the playground and

allie Holley felt the isolation, “At first I thought there was something later on a school bus. fear and depression of being wrong with me,” shares the 10-year-old the victim of bullying.

first-time author.

Initially Callie confided her challenges to her older sister, Ollie, but later expressed

Like countless young people and teens But soon God moved Callie to share her her concerns to her mother, who rallied who have been bullied, it left her ques- experiences to help and encourage oth- to support her daughter and help her untioning herself, asking “why me?”

ers who also were victims of bullying.

derstand it was not her fault.

www.empowermagazine.biz | 41


book spotlight

“I knew that God wanted me to write about this for other children to help them to deal with bullying and be able to move forward.” ~ Callie Holley “I was able to focus and was not afraid Holley spoke at the memorial serto go to school because I knew that if vice of a young man who committed anything happened my mom would suicide as a result of bullying. The take care of it. My mom also assured foreward to Holley’s book was writme that God really had my back and he ten by the young man’s parents. was watching me and she was really just pouring all of this good advice and com- “I have said many times that some fort into me,” says Holley.

No Bullying Zone

By Callie Holley Published by M.J. Anderson & Associates To purchase a copy, visit www.callieholley.com or by mailing a check or money order to Callie Hollie to P.O. Box 300391, Houston, TX 77230. To recognize the signs of bullying visit www.stopbullying.gov Cost—$15 & $5 U.S shipping ($10 international shipping)

parents, teachers, staff and adminis-

But Holley admits that the bullying was trators, even the world, doesn’t un-

bullying is forever, because they remem-

difficult to deal with and initially made derstand the impact that bullying can ber,” says Holley. her very cautious with others.

have, and they think that is just a phase,

and children will grow out of it, but it Her goals for her book are three-fold, shares Holley. “It was very hard, because I would be does travel into adulthood. guarded about what I said to people and what I let them know about me. Before “It is very important that we think of “I hope to help kids know how to deal I did certain things, I would think about these things, because if they are not with bullying and put it behind them, it. I would be self-conscious and would dealt with immediately, they can lead to help the parents who are experiencing watch the way I walked and watch the very harmful, hurtful things,” says the this along with their children, and three, way I looked at people, and what I said. 10 year old.

to be able to help the bully understand

I really wanted to make this image that

that there is another way, so that they

everyone would like and would be com- To combat bullying, Holley plans to will also be able to move past whatevfortable around, so that I wouldn’t get speak at churches and schools to share er is hurting them and be able to make made fun of and bullied,” shares Holley.

her story.

friends with people and know how to interact with others,” says Holley.

When God moved on her spirit to write “I knew that God wanted me to write her book, she was hesitant at first, but about this for other children to help The now 11-year-old Holley recently once she began writing realized that she them to deal with bullying and be able spoke at a Anti-Bullying Awareness had been holding a lot inside of herself.

to move forward,” says Holley.

Festival and was recently featured on KCOH. She also has been approached

“I remember giving it a deep breath and Since writing the book she has talked to by a local community college regarding just thinking to myself that there is so many young people who have been bul- placing her book in all of their facilities. much piled up inside of me and through lied. the book I was able to release those feel-

But her ultimate goal in writing the

ings and able to truly move past that “They tell me that actually the words book is simple, shares Holley—to have a phase of my life,” says Holley. hurt more than physical bullying, be- chance to have an impact on just one life Her goal is to shine the light on the neg- cause they say that the physical pain and help others know they are not alone ative impact that bullying can have on can go away, but the pain from verbal and can move forward. victims.

42 | www.empowermagazine.biz



uthor C. Anthony Sherman recently published debut novel, “The Sins of My Fathers,” is a first in a trilogy of novels, that journeys through the life of a fictional family, The Simons, to examine and unravel a web of family secrets, deceit and generational curses that have impacted the family down through the generations. The book explores the repeated patterns that occur in families through spiritual seeds that are passed down and continue to mutate without anyone examining why they occur.

book spotlight

Dexter Simon moved back to the city he was born and raised in after living in Chicago since he left home at 17. When he returned with his wife, he found that the family of his youth had changed and was unwilling to share the family secrets that were tied to generational curses from their forefathers. Because of his strong faith and leadership position he had as the oldest sibling, he embarks on a path that will lead him to find the answers he needed, but along the way, he exposes curses from other families which were tied to his own. Their secrets unravel to the point where the political structure of the entire state of Louisiana is in jeopardy of being dismantled.

Sherman not only poses the question of why generational curses occur, he gives the reader an inside look at the dysfunction and challenges Dexter Simon and his family members encounter and provides the answer as to why such curses prevail in families and how they can be broken. In a recent interview with Empower Magazine, Sherman shares how his first fictional novel came into existence. Describe how this book was conceived? I started out with a title called “Through Thick and Razor Thin.” It is a fiction and not fact-based book that began in one direction, but soon the characters in the book took on a life of their own and the book and the challenges the characters faced began to take on spiritual overtones. The book centers on the main character, Dexter’s, journey of reintegrating back into the family of his youth and finding it to be very difficult because of all of the secrets they have. As he goes on his journey of discovery, the deeper he goes, the more he is compelled to find out. There are a lot of numbers that keep coming up in the book, repetitive numbers, 111, 222, 333. The numbers that come up most often are the numbers 333. As I sat down and wrote the chapters, there was no way I could anticipate what I was going to write. Every time I would bring in a new character, some of those characters would come into my consciousness and tell me I have something to say. I think if you talk with any writer of a fictional work, they will tell you that the characters take on a life of their own and you record it.

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What do you think will make people want to pick up your book?

book spotlight

Every family has dysfunctional issues and generational curses that keep repeating themselves. This book is one family’s journey to unravel the secrets and generational curses and find a way out of the things that have hindered the family. I believe most readers will be able to relate to such a journey. How long did it take you to write the book? I wrote the book in phases and when I initially began this book it was going in one direction and then I went through a tug of war of whether to let my creative juices flow or try to guide this thing, so I came to a stop. Last year, when it came time for me to retire from counseling and doing many other things I started writing again and it took me about four months to complete. What do you consider the unique aspects of this book? There are specific prayers that come up as a result of the issues that the characters are involved with. When I knew that there was a prayer to be prayed, the words and prayers just came. It was like I took my hands off of the keyboard. I sit back and look at those prayers and say “Wow, did I write that?” Which character do you relate most to? Dexter, the main character. He has done his thing in the world and finally he gets introduced to the Savior and he is sold out and doesn’t let his guard down, although he is tempted to do so many times with all of the secrecy. Although I am not writing about myself, I connect most with his character. What are your plans to produce an audio book of “The Sins of My Fathers?” I read an excerpt of the book to a friend who is blind, and he and his wife encouraged me to transform the book into an audio book. So far, 30 of 50 chapters have been recorded and I am in the process of adding sound effects to produce an audio-enhanced version of the book for readers. More information on the release of the audio book will be announced on our website at www. thesinsofmyfathers.com. What range of responses have you received ? There is one response from individuals who were aware I was writing my first fictional novel – thay have been overwhelmed because they have been hearing about it for a long time and now it has become a reality. The topic of generational curses has intrigued many who have picked up the book and caused them to want to find out more. I believe the book will spark conversations and help readers to recognize generational patterns that may be going on in their own families. And when they recognize it, they can talk about it and once they talk about it, they can take the steps to get it off of them. Where can the book be purchased? I will be doing several local book signings in various churches and bookstores and other locations throughout the city. A number of men’s groups and ministries have expressed interest in me coming out to read excerpts of the book and open up discussions on the impact of generational curses. The public also can purchase it online from AuthorHouse at www.authorhouse.com. I have already begun writing the second book which is entitled “The Sins of My Fathers II: The Trial. What impact would you like “The Sins of My Fathers” to have? My hope and desire is to get the dialogue going, let’s get to talking about this issue of generational curses and begin to work on breaking them off of our lives.

To request a soft or hard copy version of the book or to schedule a book reading by C. Anthony Sherman email tonysherman2@yahoo.com or contact Savvy Productions at 713-373-2652 for more information.

44 | www.empowermagazine.biz

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& them I throw them away and get new ones. I have more appreciation for the " '

Assessing the Need

Teen Missionary

( % were intense. Her mom rubbed the small plaits in her hair, speaking gentle words of Swahili into her ear. This was small condo-­ lence for what was to come. The den-­ ( ( % tooth, and were swiftly lifted away, holding its prize.

‘Bottles Hope’

the necessary amount of small, white

Mission accom-­ plished, his parents, Charles and Dianne & him on the trip to Kenya I wanted him to mature and to see how blessed he was Darius Jones in comparison to ' %( " & ( There was no anesthesia. Cries of ag-­ they deserved. Theyhe might not in have gotten the attention they deserved. how blessed was comparison # # to " ( ony filled the room. been so happy on their way in, but " ' They might Pain notmedication have been sobehappy other kids,â€? Charles % # said # % ! ' Jones. “He’s would needed. little did Jones know that his es-­ Jonesthey knew his job well. He on their wayDarius in, but were better gotten to a point where heBut wants ( % " capades into dental pharmacy and a quickly filled a small, plastic bag the to experience people anewly on their waywith out.â€? toAtlantic give back. He’sthegotten heart to transformed worldview, the necessary amount of small, of Kenya, Africa for two weeks, is would give way to the path of entre white pills, handed it to the dentist give.â€? still fresh five months later. As a part preneurship. and smiled at the child. Although it of a church mission trip dedicated to Jones’ memory of travelling across hurt now, he knew she would be bet-­ & # % meeting the medical, dentistry, and the Atlanticter tooff experience the people spiritual But little did Jones know that his later.

! $ % ' needs of orphans and the said of his eagerness to return to the in Kenya, Jones one of the & ' # of Kenya, Africa for two weeks, is poor escapades intowas dental pharmacy and region. But after getting their ap-­ youngest participants. eyes smiling above her medical still fresh five months later. As a part a newly transformed worldview, proval the down time in between mask. His first encounter with a culture summer mission trips now seemed of a church mission trip dedicated to would give way to the path of entreFourteen-­ year-­old Jones was a den-­ and lifestyle a world away from his unproductive to him. own, did more than give him experi-­ pharmacistdentistry, for the day, meeting meeting thetalmedical, and preneurship. While I would be going to school an medicinal needs with little resources, ( spiritual needs of orphans and the doing chores, there would still be aged worldview was turned on its in the heart of Africa. babies in Kenya and people wh poor in Kenya, Jones was one of the head. “Before we left I asked mysick parents if Solutions in a Bottle needed help beyond the months of & ! # youngest participants. I could come back next year,â€? Jones summer, Jones expressed. & # # ! have, because there are people in Af-­ close, people getting their teeth said of his eagerness to return to the But a snag in his role as dental phar rica without clothes, and I go to ! ! ' # -­year-­old, macist soon produced the solution school and sit around at home in His first encounter with a culture and region. But after getting their approvbraces-­# & ! # " # ' that would keep him involved be-­ see them afraid from of the dentist because al the down time in between summer lifestyle a world away his own,

smiled at the child. Although it hurt

as a dentist’s assistant. His teenaged

for Africa’s Sick By Trina Hinton

Assessing the Need

The child’s eyes were intense. Her

mom rubbed the small plaits in her

hair, speaking gentle words of Swa-

hili into her ear. This was small condolence for what was to come. The dentist’s pliers gripped the child’s

decayed tooth, and were swiftly lifted away, holding its prize.

There was no anesthesia. Cries of agony filled the room.

Pain medication would be needed.

Darius Jones knew his job well. He

quickly filled a small, plastic bag with pills, handed it to the dentist and

now, he knew she would be better off later.

did more than give him experience

worldview was turned on its head. “I learned to be thankful for what

“Like a pro,� the dentist said, with

I have, because there are people in

Fourteen- year-old Jones was a den-

school and sit around at home in

medicinal needs with little resources,

“When I get tired of them I throw

eyes smiling above her medical mask. Africa without clothes, and I go to tal pharmacist for the day, meeting in the heart of Africa. Solutions in a Bottle

“It was kind of weird seeing up close,

whatever clothes I want,� Jones said. them away and get new ones. I have more appreciation for the things I have.�

people getting their teeth pulled out,� Mission accomplished, his parents, the now 15-year-old, braces-wearing

Charles and Dianne Jones said. “In

of the dentist because they’d never

wanted him to mature and to see

Jones said. “Just to see them afraid

taking him on the trip to Kenya I

mission trips now seemed unproductive to him.

While I would be going to school and

Those words sparked a light bulb mo-

babies in Kenya and people who need-

could continue to help Kenyans through-

doing chores, there would still be sick ed help beyond the months of summer, Jones expressed.

But a snag in his role as dental phar-

ment for Jones.“At that point I knew I

“I’ve counted two garbage bags-full at

Americans threw away everyday.”

two garbage bags left. And that doesn’t

empty medicine bottles that many of us

Overflowing with ‘Hope’

months of summer. After running out

born, turning a teenage missionary into

of small baggies, Jones noticed medicine

bottles that had been emptied by the mission team as they divided limited medications between patients.

a charitable entrepreneur.

teen. “I’ll keep colleting bottles as long as

Jones sent emails, made public an-

ect. Word quickly spread

year’s mission trip or bring them in large

“[I was] passing out business cards and speaking in front of my church and

“The bottles were safer for kids,” many

His efforts paid off. The bottles began to

away from the small, multi-colored pills


Teen Missionary ‘Bottles Hope’ for Africa’s Sick

“People were very proud of me,” he said. “[Proud] that I actually thought of the idea and went through with it.”

glides right off his teenage shoulders.

he said.

didn’t have enough.”

hour flight to Kenya.

sent out emails to friends them of what I’m doing,”

bottles,” Jones said. “I was told that we

containers as carry-on luggage on the 16-

But even as he spoke of all the extra at-

and colleagues, notifying

bags and I asked why can’t we use these

tles via boat months in advance of next

telling them about my website and cause. I also

“At our first location we ran out of little

I live,” he said.

Jones said he plans to either ship the bot-

give back.

tremely dangerous consequences.

space do not intimidate the ambitious

nouncements and updated his website

preneur with a heart to

A mistake of that kind could pack ex-

include the boxes.”

But the large numbers and stolen closet

about the young entre-

often mistaken for “sweets,” Jones said.

500,” he said, “and I still have more than

And just like that Bottles of Hope was

to include the new proj-

having child-locks to keep little ones

press time was at least 1,000 bottles.

out the year,” Jones said, “by collecting

macist soon produced the solution that

would keep him involved beyond hot

Jones estimated his current collection at

pour in, far surpassing anyone’s expecta-

“I had no idea what to expect. I had nev-

tention, it seems to be a matter of fact that

The feat he has accomplished appears to hold little weight in his own eyes.

When asked what he thought of his ef-

forts, you can almost see a mixture of promise and youthful nonchalance play in his eye, as a slight smile begins to pull at his lips.

er done anything like this before,” Jones

He shrugs.

at my church, and passed through family

“You can do whatever you put yourself

said. “[Bottles] were mailed, dropped off

members. I’ve been getting them in con-

stantly. I have boxes and bags- a closet full of them!”

to.” With a small nod he added, “yep, whatever you put yourself to.”

To become a part of the Bottles of Hope phenomenon, visit Darius Jones website at www.helpteens.net.






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Leaving a Legacy

M.D. Porter, PLLC Michael Porter Financial Planner 10223 Marwood Falls Court Houston, Texas 77070 713-299-0272 mdporterpllc@yahoo.com You’ve worked hard over the years to accumulate wealth and you probably find it comforting to know that after your death the assets you leave behind will continue to be a source of support for your family, friends and the causes that are important to you. But to ensure that your legacy reaches your heirs as you intend, you must make the proper arrangements now. There are four basic ways to leave a legacy: (1) by will, (2) by trust, (3) by beneficiary designation, and (4) by joint ownership arrangements.


A will is the cornerstone of any estate plan. You should have a will no matter how much your estate is worth, and even if you’ve implemented other estate planning strategies. You can leave property by will in two ways: making specific bequests and making general bequests. A specific bequest directs a particular piece of property to a particular person (“I leave Aunt Martha’s diamond broach to my niece, Jen”.) A general bequest is typically a percentage of property or property that is left over after all specific bequests have been made. Typically, principal heirs receive general bequests (“I leave all the rest of my property to my wife, Jane”.) With a will, you can generally leave any type of property to whomever you wish, with some exceptions, including: • Property will pass according to a beneficiary designation, even if you name a different beneficiary for the same property in your will • Property owned jointly with rights of survivorship passes directly to the joint owner • Property in a trust passes according to the terms of the trust • Your surviving spouse has a right to a statutory share (e.g., 50%) of your property, regardless of what you leave him or her in your will • Children may have inheritance rights in certain states Caution: Leaving property outright to minor children is problematic. You should name a custodian or property guardian, or use a trust.


You can also leave property to your heirs using a trust. Trust property passes directly to the trust beneficiaries according to the trust terms. There are two basic types of trusts: (1) living or revocable, and (2) irrevocable. Living trusts are very flexible because you can change the terms of the trust (e.g., rename beneficiaries) and the property in the trust at any time. You can even change your mind by taking your property back and ending the trust. An irrevocable trust, on the other hand, can’t be changed or ended except by its terms, but can be useful if you want to minimize estate taxes or protect your property from potential creditors. You create a trust by executing a document called a trust agreement (you should have an attorney draft any type of trust to be sure it accomplishes what you want). A trust can’t distribute property it does not own, so you must also transfer ownership of your property to the name of the trust. Property without ownership documentation (e.g., jewelry, tools, furniture) is transferred to a trust by listing the items on a trust schedule. Property with ownership documents must be re-titled or re-registered. You must also name a trustee to administer the trust and manage the trust property. With a living trust, you can name yourself trustee, but you’ll need to name a successor trustee who’ll transfer the property to your heirs after your death. Tip: A living trust is also a good way to protect your property in case you become incapacitated.

www.empowermagazine.biz | 49


186 MEMBERS STRONG AND GROWING! (as of December 8, 2011)

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Media Technology A+Media Technology 832-888-8000 Medical Equipment/Supplies MEDCrutch 281-467-5402 Mobile Bar-B-Que Abilenian Barbeque 713-582-4874 Kino’s Bar-B-Que 281-788-7915 Music Production / Artist Aservant 254-339-0116 Keys to Life 832-661-1086 Overflow MusicGift Resources & Services 281-901-5670 Nonprofits Bethel’s (YMDI) Young Men Development Initiative 713-729-5600 Bethel’s Christian Academy, Inc. 713-729-0125 Bethel’s Global Reach, Inc. 713-729-0125 Bethel’s Heavenly Hands, Inc. 713-729-6477 Bethel’s Learning Center 832-373-9091 Bethel’s Place, Inc. 713-728-4445 Bethel’s R.S.V.P. 713-516-3014 BPBCC Young Entrepreneurs Chapter 713-933-4730 Green Jobs Alliance 757-251-9523 Keys For Building a Better Life 504-452-6951 Men for Change, Inc. 703-967-5358 Personal Touch Plus 713-541-2110 Sustainable Training Services 252-562-8103 Fort Bend Habitat For Humanity 281-403-0700 Musicians Empowerment Foundation 713-240-9086 Office Equipment/Sales American Business Machines, Inc. Wil-Technical Services

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713-884-0172 Perfumes/Oils/Fragrances Heavenly Scents Oils 713-540-8946 832-654-0150 713-957-1387 713-373-2695 832-865-8420

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713-334-9500 713-433-0404 832-453-6995 832-216-8741

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Real Estate Agents Coldwell Banker 832-715-8905 Jarmon Investments 832-371-5590 Premier Realtors 281-774-8982 RE/MAX Elite 281-250-4991 Vitamins/Nutritional/Weight Loss Visalus 713-376-6568 Smith & Associates Realty, LLC 713-269-3698 Body by VI 90 Day Challenge 504-236-9239 Word Realty 832-877-3140 Resturants Broussard’s Links Plus Ribs 713-721-5465 Chef Rey’s 281-403-2900 Houston’s This Is It Soul Food 713-521-2920 Redmond Management - McDonald’s 713-773-3297 Retail African Precious Metals 281-824-2373 Bag Lady on Wheels Fine Food & Accessories 832-444-9389 Custom Media Installers 281-437-7171 G Sport Enterprise, LLC (dba $1 & More) 281-933-3395 G&K Services (Branded Industry Apparel/Uniforms) 713-294-9406 J&S Distributors 281-753-2649 Kya Kya (Clothing) 713-870-8159 Organo Gold (Coffee Distributors) 281-710-4127 Lockett & Associates 678-480-1815 Poparrazis (Gourmet Popcorn) 713-667-4767 Shine My Shoes 832-292-2071 System “48-Plus” Independent Dealer (Oil Additive) 281-302-8202 Titus Collection 281-201-7832 Words on Wings—Wing Scents 832-292-2071 AGAR Electronics, LLC (GPS/bags) 832-386-8265 Security Company GABSAM Security Company 281-323-3614 Spa Services Serene Treatment Spa Services


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to Enter… How to Enter...How • Call 713-933-7411 to receive an Awards entry Packet; or, • Call 713-933-7411 to receive an Awards entry Packet; and or, request an Awards entry • Email Diane Tezeno at dtezeno@bpbcc.org Packet. • Email Diane Tezeno at dtezeno@bethelsplacebcc.org and request an Awards entry

1st Annual


Celebrating the launch of the Bethel's Place Black Chamber of Commerce Join us for a 3-day event of community outreach, empowerment, networking, success-oriented tips and information to take your business to the next level! Existing and aspiring business owners of all ages are welcome. Open to the general public: Event tickets will go on sale November 18, 2011.

Be There and Be Empowered! Join us for the 1st Annual Black Chamber of Commerce Business Convention and Expo, January 26-28, for an exciting three-day, information packed expo featuring mini-business workshops with tips for launching, marketing and financing small businesses, a $5,000 Video Business Pitch Plan Contest, a panel discussion led by business experts from SCORE, and headline performances featuring gospel recording artist Brian Courtney Wilson and Texas Gospel Music Excellence Awards nominee Aservant. The event, featuring key note speakers, BPBCC Chair Walter August, Jr. and a special surprise guest, will also feature more than 70 business vendors, showcasing their services and products, along with an array of food vendors and a special live cooking demonstration by Chef Rey and executive chefs from the University of Houston Conrad Hilton Hotel. For more information or to book a booth, call 713-933-7411 or visit www.bpbcc.org and click on the Convention and Expo icon under the Events link.

Vendors interested in securing a booth space should contact the Chamber at 713-933-7411 for more details.


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