Dating 101

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Having any problems in a relationship with your soul mate? Or you just wanna learn some tips on dating? Well, this magazine will provide all the sufficient tips you need in dating. ♼_♼

If you like some one you may have to ask them for a date. For men this is standard practice and for women, this process is becoming increasingly common. If you are thinking of asking someone on a date consider the following quick dating tips: 1. Why are you asking them out, is it for the right reasons and what do you expect as a result of them saying yes or no? 2. be prepared that the person you ask may say no and in which case do not take the rejection personally. 3. When asking someone out chooses your moment carefully and practices what you might say in advance so that you don't appear tongue-tied. 4. If the person you ask says yes, ensure you already have thought of a place, date and time for the date so that you display signs of thoughtfulness. 5. Be prepared for the person asking why you want to date them so that you are able to flatter and create a sense of trust immediately. People can be wary and they may want to know some reason behind your request. Better, anticipate this by saying "would you like to come to dinner, I have always thought you are great fun.� 6. Make sure that your request for a date does not pressurize the person in any way. If they want to think about it, let them. But don't chase. 7. Make sure that when you ask someone on a date you smile and keep things fun and happy. Being confident and smiley will elicit a far more positive response. 8. Always have an alternative date and time or location in mind should the person be unsure of their diary. Giving a person a choice is often a marketing masterstroke. 9. If the person says no, don't chase for a reason, simply move on. They may think about things and get back to you with a yes response later. 10. If you ask someone on a date, make sure that you actually intend to go through with it. Standing people up are not allowed. 11. If you are being asked out don't play games. If you need time to consider the offer then say so. If you want to say no, say no. But do not keep someone hanging on for no reason. You wouldn't like the situation if it were reversed. 12. Try to avoid Dutch courage such as using alcohol to boost your courage levels as this will often backfire. 13. Don't ask someone out when they are in a group of friends. Timing is everything.

14. Always trust your instinct -- after all, it's gotten you this far in life already 15. Take your time and look at lots of different profiles to get a feel for what kind of person you want 16. Never publish your phone number or email address 17. Don't take anything at face value -- it's easy to lie online, and many people do 18. Ask lots of questions when chatting with your potential mates 19. Make sure you feel comfortable with whoever you are chatting with, at all times 20. If someone is abusive or rude, block them immediately 21. Don't give your home or work address to anyone you have not met in person 22. Before agreeing to a date, make sure you know as much about the other person as possible 23. Don't allow yourself to be talked into anything -- you're the one in charge 24. Take your time to get to know someone -- don't be rushed 25. A patient person will be happy to wait until you are ready to meet 26. Make sure anyone you're talking to is willing to provide photos and information about himself or herself 27. Ask your date to leave a message on your voicemail beforehand, if possible 28. Chat on the phone for a while before arranging a date 29. Always meet in a well-lit public place 30. Always tell a good friend where you are going and who you're meeting 31. If possible, step away and call a friend during the date to confirm that everything is ok 32. Always carry a cell phone on a date 33. Schedule lunch dates -- they're convenient and they have a time limit 34. Always make your own travel arrangements to/from a first date 35. Do not accept a ride home on the first date or reveal your address 36. If you're traveling far, always make and confirm your own hotel arrangements 37. Make sure you have as much information about your date as possible 38. Keep your first date to a specified time limit so you always have an "exit" point 39. Never feel like you owe it to someone to meet them -- you don't! 40. DATING IS ABOUT INTERACTION NOT CONTROL.

Do's 1. Do be on time. The last thing you want to do is make a bad impression on your date by being late. Tardiness implies that you don't care. Even worse, the person you're meeting may not hang around to wait for you to turn up. 2. Do make your partner feel comfortable. We're all a bit on edge during a first date with someone. Trying to put your partner at ease and get him or her to relax will also help you stay calm and enjoy yourself. 3. Do be an interesting date. The worst things you can do is show up for a date with someone and then sit there all night and talk about nothing -- or, even worse, stay so silent that they might as well have eaten dinner alone. Don't make you easy to forget. 4. Do laugh at their jokes. Even if you've heard the joke 100 times or more (or it just isn't funny at all), laughing along with your date will communicate that you are interested in them. 5. Do keep the conversation alive. That dreaded silence, during which you're both scrambling to come up with something -- anything -- to say, can seem to last for eternity and will make both of you think the other person is boring. Jot down a few questions ahead of time. Practicing for the date can make all the difference. 6. Do take an interest in your date. Listen when he or she is talking. Be interested in what they have to say, and show how interested you are by asking questions about what they like to do, read, eat for dinner, etc. 7. Do go somewhere unique. First dates don't have to be to the movies or to a restaurant for a nice meal. You will make a longer, lasting impression if you get creative. 8. Do be confident. Confidence says a lot about a person. Being more confident will help you get through that first date with ease and let your partner know you're comfortable with who you are. 9. Do be yourself. You won't fool anyone by pretending to be someone you're not. Also, if you're planning to continue seeing this person, the real you will come out eventually, so you might as well start off by introducing them to who you really are flaws and all. 10. Do stay safe. Take your cell phone with you, plan to drive yourself and let a friend know where you're going, who you'll be with and when you'll be back.

Don'ts 1. Don't be late. First impressions count, and if you're late, this will make your date think you're lazy and didn't care enough to plan ahead. 2. Don't talk about yourself all night. There is nothing worse then a person that loves to talk about herself all the time. How vain can you get? 3. Don't talk about past relationships. Maybe that's how you lost the last one. Nobody wants to hear you drone on about your ex and what she did or didn't do. Concentrate on this new person, and see if you can get to the second date. 4. Don't eat with your mouth open. It's gross. Your date is there to see you, not your food. 5. Don't bombard your date with extremely personal questions. Like you, they probably don't want to reveal too much about themselves just yet. If you like each other and want to continue the relationship after this first meeting, there will be plenty of time to ask questions and delve deeper. 6. Don't try to be someone you're not. So he likes dogs, but you're a cat person. Pretending otherwise will only make the other person feel deceived and turned off when they discover the truth. Find someone who wants you for you, not for who you're pretending to be. 7. Don't forget to thank the other person for the date. This is not only good manners but also gives you a chance to end it, if you're not interested -- or to ask them out on another date, if you are. 8. Don't propose marriage or kids, unless you never want to see that person again. 9. Don't pursue sex after your partner has said no. Period. It's tacky, and it proves you're a jerk. 10. Don't get drunk! As much as drinking copious of alcohol to calm your nerves sounds like a good idea, think about how bad you're going to feel if you miss most of your date because you're in the bathroom revisiting your meal. Additionally, this kind of behavior will show your love interest that you can't control yourself and don’t know your limits. It also isn't safe -- getting drunk and lowering your inhibitions is likely to put you at risk of unwanted advances, and you won't be in the right frame of mind or body to do anything about them.

1. Wallet, purse, handbag and money or/and credit cards. It may be the guy's task to pay but the woman should not appear empty handed just in case. 2. C@N$@M for both men and women. We are living in a modern age, so modern thinking is required, whatever your morality and outlook. Stay sensible. 3. Mobile or cellular phone. For women this is an essential security device as well as an aid to keeping in contact with your date should arrangements go awry or the cab is late. 4. A piece of paper with directions and address of the restaurant or location you are meeting together with your date's cellular number if they have one. That way you won't find yourself in the embarrassing situation of not knowing where you are going. 5. A sense of humor. Okay it's not a thing but it is the one factor that ruins dates more than anything else, the inability to laugh and enjoy. Going on a date in a bad mood is not going to make anyone feel special. 6. A flower. A nice touch for a guy to show he has thought about his date by bringing a single flower that he has actually gone and purchased rather than stealing from a local garden. 7. If conditions require it, take an umbrella. There is nothing worse than spending hours getting ready, only for a rogue shower to ruin everything. This is particularly true towards the end of the evening, so be prepared and do not allow yourself to feel cold or wet. Discomfort can ruin everything. 8. Take some trust and common sense in equal amounts. You have to trust people from the outset otherwise you are fooling yourself. Remember that people are innocent until proven guilty so don't take along an attitude that your new date is as bad as your ex until proven otherwise, otherwise love will elude you. By the same token common sense will ensure you can spot danger signals and warning signs in your date and whether you are or are not indeed compatible. 9. Carry a small pocket diary and pen, especially the guy. This will make you look organised and professional and allows you to arrange a second date together as well as make a note of his or her number. Try not to have lots of other girls/boys names on the pages you are liable to be writing in. 10. If you are attending some event, make sure you have the tickets in advance and that you have them with you. Trying to gain entry for a concert, theater, movie or gig on the day may backfire so don't leave things to chance and disappointment. And finally, make sure you haven't left your personality at home either. Whilst first dates can be quite daunting for many, there is no excuse for forgetting yourself. So many people feel overawed by the moment that they suppress who they are, forget themselves and find themselves tongue tied. It is as much your date as theirs so remember that this is quality time for you to have fun and relax, yes relax. Enjoy the conversation that flows.

Step 1) Have a great date with her. Step 2) Flirt with her and tease her plenty. Keep her laughing during the date. Swing her around under a tree, etc.

Step 3) Make sure you are holding her hand. Don’t attempt to kiss her if you aren’t even holding hands with her yet.

Step 4) Take her to a quiet spot. Try to find a “romantic place” (scenic viewpoint, etc) if you can.

Step 5) Slow down your movements. Calm the energy. RELAX. (Act like you’re together already!)

Step 6) Be silent. Step 7) Look into her eyes. Step 8) Reach over and brush her hair slightly. See how she reacts. Step 9) Look into her eyes again. Step 10) Stare down at her lips, then look back into her eyes and smile.

Step 11) Lean over to kiss her slowly. Step 12) Observe her reaction as approach the kiss slowly. If she moves away, it’s a sign she wants to avoid the kiss. Back off! But if she doesn’t move or if she closes her eyes, it’s a sign she wants to be kissed. Go for it!

■You’re on your second date. Maybe you played the good guy the first time or her roommate was staring you down when you dropped her off at home. Or perhaps – seriously? – You chickened out on the kiss. If she’s agreed to see you again, then she’s interested in you enough to let you kiss her. In fact, if you wait too long, she’s going to assume you’re not attracted to her! ■She pops a mint She wants her breath to be fresh when you kiss her. If you notice her sneaking a mint from her purse, then you know your kiss is welcomed. And by all means, if she offers you one, take it! ■Her body is screaming “Kiss me already!” Body language is the easiest way to see if a woman is into you. Here are a few things you will notice if she’s dreaming about locking lips with you later: ■Legs – She’s pointing her foot at you when her legs are crossed. ■Hands – Constant smoothing of her hair is a clear sign that she wants to look good for you. Other signs that she is anxious, but receptive to a kiss, involve her playing with her rings or other jewelry. ■Eyes – If she’s making regular, sustained eye contact, you are as good as gold. Whether she knows it or not, she’s using her eyes as magnets, trying to pull you closer. ■Arms – They should be relaxed – not crossed over her chest. Better yet, she’s making some sort of contact with you. If she’s reached out to touch you, even if it was to brush a crumb of food from your shirt, then she is receptive to a kiss. ■Lips – It’s the end of the date and you’re having that “We Really Should Go Home But I Don’t Want This To End” talk. You notice her tongue darting out a tiny bit every so often. This is another flashing green light: she’s making sure her lips aren’t dry for when you kiss her. Hurry up and do it! ■Mirroring – If you reach for your drink, she reaches for hers. If you run your hand through your hair, she does the same. Mirroring is a classic sign of attraction. ■The Final Countdown – She’ll turn her body to face you and create a sense of intimacy by leaning in slightly. (Sometimes this is part of a signature flirting move like leaning in to whisper in your ear if it’s “too noisy” where you’re standing.) ■Innocent “Hang on; you have a thread on your shirt here.” Reach over and pretend to pick a tiny piece of thread off her shoulder and then quickly flick it away to the floor. If her knee-jerk reaction is to back off (even slightly) then it’s a no-go for kissing her. ■Not-So-Innocent “Hold still… you have an eyelash on your cheek.”

This move is all about timing. Slowly reach your hand towards her face while you’re saying this so she doesn’t have a chance to say, “Oh, I’ll get it myself.” Gently stroke your finger over her cheekbone and then declare everything to be perfect again. If she’s smiling, then it’s all systems go. You Can Do It! Just remember, a first kiss will be remembered if it is soft, gentle, and romantic. Save your signature tongue moves for a later date. Gently cradle her beautiful face in your hands and kiss her softly to sweep her off her feet. If you can make her heart flutter, she’s yours.

Step 1 The best way to find out if she is ready would be to watch a romantic movie together that involves kissing. How does she react to watching people kiss? If she snuggles up closer to you, it usually means she wishes it was you and her kissing; a sigh or an "awww" is also a pretty good sign. (Note: sometimes girls will say "EWWWW," and mean it, other times they're just teasing. However, if you haven't had a first kiss, she'll probably give you an honest reaction, as she knows you're watching).

Step 2 How often do her eyes focus on your lips? A girl will most likely only stare at your lips if she's thinking about kissing you. To make sure that’s what she is looking at ask this question to your self, Is she biting her lower lip? This is also a sign that sheds thinking about a kiss (Unless something embarrassing/ awkward just happened because then shes probably just embarrassed).

Step 3 Talking about it helps as well. This doesn't mean going up to her and asking "can i kiss you?" or "Are we ready for our first kiss?". Most girls would find that awkward and possibly feel under pressure. If the subject happens to come up in a conversation then figure out her thoughts on kissing and that could possibly lead to another step. For example if you were to be in person she may quickly look down at your lips or bite her lower lip.

Step 4 If you have just had a hug, she may hold you for a couple of seconds, sometimes quite close to your face. This is a sure sign that she wants you to kiss her. This works even if it isn't your first kiss.

Step 5 If she is shorter than you. Then when you hug she looks up at your face this could be a sign. (For taller partners she will look down).

Step 6 If you just got done slow dancing and she isn't letting go and she is staring at you, kiss her. she does want to

Step 7 If she's really shy and she's your girlfriend, put your finger under her chin, raise her face to yours and just gently peck your lips to hers. If she doesn't feel the same way about the kiss as you she will say so.

There she is. The woman you want to kiss. There you are. Looking at those soft lips, thinking "how nice would it be to kiss those lips right now". And then, as quickly as it was there, the moment has gone. If you've ever had a moment pass you by like this and you've wondered how to kiss a woman with very little chance of rejection, follow these simple "kiss tests" to know whether or not she is ready to be kissed. When you're with a woman, there are certain physical signals she might send that show that she's ready to be kissed. Things like licking her lips, touching her hair, facing towards you, touching you, or looking at your lips. These are all strong signs that she wants you to kiss her. Sometimes a woman won't send any of these signals, but don't worry, because that doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't want to be kissed. If she isn't sending any of these signals, and you can't tell whether she's ready to be kissed yet, do this: While you're looking at her, reach out and touch her hair and make a comment about how soft it is... If she smiles at you, look her right in the eyes, and glance from her eyes to her lips a few times. If she doesn't look away right away, she wants to be kissed. So. lean in about 60-70% of the way towards her, and let her do the rest. Once you're kissing her, just remember: don't make it too wet, and just go with the flow, slower is usually better. It's THAT simple. This is how to kiss a woman with almost ZERO chance of rejection. Good luck, gents.

Chinese: 我爱你 Korean : Sarang hae (informal) Sarang haeyo (formal) Tagalog: mahal kita Dutch: Ik hou van jou French: Je t'aime German: Ich liebe dich Italian: Ti Amo Malay: Aku cinta kamu Spanish: Te Amo Vietnamese: Tôi yêu bạn



Don’t over dress Don’t wear slippers!



Don’t be rude on your first date



Be polite




Do not do something disgusting like digging your nose…=-=


For girls, be elegant!



Don’t ever ever ever bring your family along during your date.



Guess the mood of your partner.



Do something which both will be happy


mitate Know when the correct time to be imitate



say out some jokes, it will make the atmosphere less tense



Know when the right time to kiss your partner


augh Laugh sometime to make your partner feel ease with you. Laughing can reduces nervousness in you. =)



Never bring your mother along with you during



Be natural.


ver reacting

Do not over react. When your partner tells you something. And you are surprise about it. Do not let out a big fuss.




Don’t’ let loose on your first date. Bad idea!!!


Always with quality not quantity.



Respect your partner privacy.



Sex is not a good topic on your first date. Don’t rush!!!



Always be on time. Late coming will make a bad impression on your partner.



Guys! Carry one, in case of emergencies. Shelter GIRLS if they do not have an umbrella. =) Be a GENTLEMAN



Always confirm the venue before going to the place.



Do not over wear.



Never talk about your ex girlfriends or boyfriends during your first date. Your partner will not like it. Do not mention it unless your partner wants you to.


-don’s ask too much y

Do not ask too much Y. It will irritate your partner.



Lastly, NEVER ever sleep during your date!!!

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