EMUNI Report 2010

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Report 2010


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Academic Year 2009/2010 Euro-Mediterranean University


Report 2010

Evro-sredozemska univerza Università Euro-Mediterranea Euro-Mediterranean University Université Euro-Méditerranéenne Sončna pot 20 6320 Portorož Slovenia +386 (0) 5 671 36 00 +386 (0) 5 671 36 05 www.emuni.si university@emuni.si

Euro-Mediterranean University, Report, 2010 Editors: Nada Trunk Širca, Katja Kustec Texts: Katja Kustec, Nada Trunk Širca Design: Peter Florjančič – Studio Refleks Printing: PIGRAF Photo: Alen Ježovnik, Peter Florjančič, Denis Čurčić, Domen Grögl © PRESS EMUNI ISSN: 1855-5489

Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

Academic Year 2009/2010 Euro-Mediterranean University



Report 2010

Table of Contents 1. THE EURO-MEDITERRANEAN UNIVERSITY Address of the President

1.1. EMUNI – from the idea to the reality 1.2. EMUNI and the Union for the Mediterranean 1.3. Organization of EMUNI 1.4. Funding of the University and ENPI Project 1.5. Operation of EMUNI 1.6. International dimension of EMUNI 1.7. Representation and visibility events

7 8 10 13 15 19 20 21 24


2.1. Postgraduate Study Programmes 2.1.1. EMUNI Label Study Programmes 2.1.2. Development of new study programmes

28 28 29

2.2. Professional School 2.2.1. Summer School 2.2.2. Doctoral Research Seminars 2.2.3. Free standing courses

31 31 32 32

2.3. Curriculum development, mobility and e-learning 2.4. Quality assessment and assurance 2.5. Research and Development Projects 2.6. Conferences and other events 2.6.1. RES SOUK 2010 2.6.2. HER 2010 2.6.3. MIC 2009 2.6.4. Other Conferences 2.6.5. EMUNI Regional days 2.6.6. Thematic Discussions – Round Tables

33 34 35 36 36 38 39 40 41 42

2.7. EMUNI Publications 2.7.1. Academic publications 2.7.2. Other publications

43 43 44

Euro-Mediterranean University


Report 2010





4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6.

Meetings of EMUNI Bodies Postgraduate Study Programmes Professional school Conferences, regional days and EMUNI Talks EMUNI Publications ENPI Project

84 84 85 86 88 88

5. EMUNI Foundation


6. Center EMUNI




100 103

A - List of members of the EMUNI General Assembly 2009 B – List of institutions to become members of EMUNI in 2010

Euro-Mediterranean University

1. 1. THE EURO-MEDITERRANEAN UNIVERSITY Since its establishment in 2008, the EuroMediterranean University, one of priority projects of the Union for the Mediterranean, has become an international institution, gathering expertise and knowledge from the Euromed countries and through this contributing in an important extent to the creation of a unified, integrated Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education and Research Area. Through cooperation with its 142 institutions from 37 countries in the Euro-Mediterranean region, EMUNI provides study, research and training programmes, organises seminars, conferences and is engaged in various other activities.


Report 2010

“EMUNI is a non-traditional university, with an open concept of a university without walls, which acknowledges the fact that expertise lies in the different parts of the Euro-Mediterranean Region. In line with the project concept of the Union for the Mediterranean, and the importance of regions, communities and hence Universities, EMUNI is an innovative example of a bottom up initiative which attempts to focus on applied and trans-disciplinary academic areas of teaching and research in the intercultural dialogue world. It is therefore a University without walls building academic expertise on the concept that south-north and south-south cooperation throughout the enlarged UfM, is distinctive, opportune and valid in a just-in-time manner. Through EMUNI, mobility of ideas and of knowledge, without distinction of provenience, is a sine qua non in the souk of research and employability opportunities.” Joseph Mifsud, President of EMUNI University

Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

L’Université Euro-méditerranéenne a comme vision une approche qui avait dépassé l’université traditionnelle, dans un contexte d’une Université euroméditerranéen sans fariniers, croire que L’expertise peut être existera aussi bien dans le rive nord que dans le sud. L’Université euro-méditerranéenne participe d’une démarche qui contribue au grand Project de L’union pour la Méditerrané et L’importance qu’il accorde aux régions, communautés et bien donc, à L’Université Néanmoins, Université EMUNI, représente une initiative innovante, agence des filières académiques interdisciplinaires d’études et de recherche dans un espace de diversité culturelle croissante la région euro-méditerranéenne. Il s’agit, donc, d’une université sans frontières qui cherche d’établir une expertise académique euroméditerranéenne dans le cotexte NordSud que Sud-Sud. Joseph Mifsud, Président de l’ Université EMUNI

Euro-Mediterranean University



Report 2010

1.1. EMUNI – from the idea to the reality The origins of the idea about EMUNI can be traced to the Barcelona Process (1995), an initiative, which lays the foundations of a proposed regional relationship with one of the objectives to promote understanding between cultures and exchanges between civil societies. The concept of a EuroMediterranean University gained wide political support, being further developed in the Tarragona Forum (2005) and Alexandria and Cairo Declaration (2007). In 2006 Prof. Dr. Marko Pavliha initiated a project team for EMUNI, formed by the government of Slovenia, composed of the following members: Dr. Dušan Lesjak, Prof. Dr. Marko Pavliha, Dr. Romana Jordan Cizelj, Dr. Nada Trunk Širca, Prof. Dr. Lucija Čok, Romana Kofler, Eda Okretič Salmič, Mitja Grbec, Prof. Dr. Miha Pogačnik, Dr. Martina Skok and Dr. Andrej Rahten. EMUNI was established in June 2008, under the Republic of Slovenia’s EU Council Presidency and in the year when the Joint Declaration of the Paris Summit for the Mediterranean was adopted, specifying EMUNI as one of the Priority Areas of the Union for the Mediterranean. By signing Letters of co-operation, educational and research institutions from the Euro-Mediterranean region collaborate on the EMUNI project and thus provide academic support to the project. Until 2010 142 institutions from 37 countries joined EMUNI as co-founding institutions. The Slovenian Government established the Center EMUNI (October 2007) to act as the secretariat of the EMUNI University. The EMUNI Foundation, established in 2008, facilitates the financial resources for the university. The first EMUNI General Assembly was summoned on 26 November 2008, where the founding members adopted the university statute and elected the bodies of the university. Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud became the first President of EMUNI. The official date of the establishment of EMUNI is 13 February 2009, when EMUNI was registered as a legal entity. The first study programme, already accredited at the University of Maribor, was accredited at EMUNI in June 2009, while on 17 July 2009 EMUNI entered into the Register of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Slovenia. The Erasmus University Charter was awarded to the EMUNI University on 22 December 2009. Thematically EMUNI focuses on the Priority Areas of the Union for the Mediterranean, as well as on other areas that are currently of focal interest of the international community, such as: Maritime and Land Highways, Civil Protection, Use of Alternative Energies, Higher-Education and Research, Business Development and Economic Studies, Maritime Issues, Culture and Tourism, Human Rights and Migration, Euro-Mediterranean Studies, Gender Issues, Development Studies, Water Management, Performing Arts and Regional Integration. Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

With the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean University an important contribution towards creating a unified, integrated Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education, Science and Research Area was made. EMUNI is serving as a hub for networking of institutions, exchanges of students, research and academic staff, development of joint study programmes and projects in the EuroMediterranean region. EMUNI in the perception of the international community EMUNI acts as a promoter of co-operation in the Higher Education, facilitating joint academic and research activities. In order to increase its visibility and presence in the region, support and recognition of prominent individuals is of extreme importance. Numerous reputable members of diplomacy, academia and international society have been present at the inauguration of EMUNI on 9 June 2008 under the auspices of the then Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and the President of the European Council, Mr Janez Janša. The formal opening addresses were also delivered by Mr Amr Moussa, SecretaryGeneral of the League of Arab States, Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering, former President of the European Parliament and Mr José Manuel Durão Barroso, President of the European Commission, who in their speeches stressed the importance of the new-established university. The role of EMUNI was further emphasised at several other occasions and EMUNI activities, where they also spoke about their perception of EMUNI. Mr. José Manuel Durão Barroso, President of the European Commission: “Someone once said that the purpose of education was to replace an empty mind with an open one. So I can think of no better way of strengthening the EuroMed partnership and Dialogue than by bringing peoples together in academia: the ultimate place for an open-minded exchange of ideas and the pursuit of understanding.” (Portorož, 9 June 2008)

Ms. Rodi Kratsa, Vice-President of the European Parliament and President of the Working Group on EMUNI: “EMUNI is now a reality. We should all work together at national and European level in order to facilitate the circulation of students, academics, researchers and knowledge at Euro-Mediterranean region and to promote a high level of cooperation, skills and outcomes.” (April 2010)

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Report 2010

Mr. Amre Moussa, Secretary General of the League of Arab States: “Euro-Mediterranean University has become a Slovenian landmark in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, a step of significant importance in enhancing relations between the two sides of the Mediterranean. It was a historic moment for me to participate in the inauguration of the University on 9 June 2008 and to join the honorary board of EMUNI Foundation. The establishment of such an institution is an important step in boosting intercultural dialogue between our Mediterranean society of nations.” (April, 2010) Mr. Hans-Gert Pöttering, former President of the European Parliament: “Dialogue can act as a bridge, a bridge towards peace, a bridge over the Mediterranean, linking states, peoples and human beings. If we can come to respect and appreciate the authentic dignity of each and every human person – and find a way to live and work together – this may help resolve some of the most difficult problems facing us. What better way to start than by encouraging and making it possible for future generations to come together to study in this beautiful location and to work on this process?” (Portorož, 9 June 2008) H.E. Mr. Ahmed Farouk, Ambassador, Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Slovenia: “I consider EMUNI as one of the main pillars to bridge the gap between north and south Mediterranean countries, through its intensive programmes, I believe that EMUNI is helping to achieve common ground of understanding among students and professors which will definitely help to achieve better future for the region.” (Ljubljana, April 2010) H.E. Ms. Nicole Michelangeli, Ambassador, Embassy of the French Republic to Slovenia “EMUNI is really a place of dialogue. I could assess it when I was there, on the 26th of February 2010: spontaneous testimonies of students and academics, stemming from different countries of the UfM, proved EMUNI’s ability to promote the sharing of experiences serving a common culture in higher education.” (Ljubljana, April 2010)

Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

H.E. Ms. Anunciada Fernández de Córdova, Ambassador, Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain to Slovenia “Spain supported the candidacy of Slovenia to be the seat of EMUNI from the beginning. Slovenia and Spain share a common Mediterranean identity.” (Ljubljana, April 2010)

1.2. EMUNI and the Union for the Mediterranean The Union for the Mediterranean is a partnership forum for dialogue between the member states of the European Union and countries of Africa and Middle East countries in the Mediterranean Basin, with the aim of strengthening relations among them. It was created as a re-launched Euro-Mediterranean Partnership in 2008. The Union encompasses all 27 EU member states and 16 states from the Mediterranean region: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey; and the Palestinian Authority. The headquarters of the Union is in Barcelona in the former Royal Palace of Pedralbes. The Union for the Mediterranean is headed by two co-presiding countries: one from the European Union and one non-EU partner country. The Union’s first meeting the co-presidents were agreed to be France and Egypt. The Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly, consisting of elected representatives from local and regional governments from across the Union for the Mediterranean, provides a forum within the Union for the Mediterranean, to bring together members of the EU’s Committee of the Regions and their counterparts from the Mediterranean partner countries, with the aim of strengthening cooperation between local and regional authorities around the Mediterranean. The Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean is H. E. Ahmad Ma’sadah. The Union for the Mediterranean has identified six priority projects, including the Euro-Mediterranean University. Other priority projects are: • De- pollution in the Mediterranean Sea, • maritime and land highways, • civil protection measures including initiatives to combat natural and manmade disasters, • alternative energies, • creation of a Mediterranean Business Development Initiative, focusing on fostering small and medium-sized enterprises in the region. Euro-Mediterranean University



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EMUNI’s activities are performed in line with other priority projects of the UfM. Moreover, meetings between the President of EMUNI and the Secretary General have already taken place on the opportunity of working closely under the leadership and dedication of the Secretary General’s objectives, which are aimed at giving substance to the message coming from the UFM.

Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

1.3. Organisation of EMUNI General Assembly

Management Board


Student Council

President The Office of the President Operational Units Secretariat

ICT Unit and Library

Academic Units Education Unit

Research Unit

International Cooperation Unit

Organization structure EMUNI is organised as an international university with a seat in PortoroŞ, Slovenia. It has the following bodies: the General Assembly, the Management Board, the Senate, the President and the Student Council. The General Assembly is summoned every year to discuss general policies and guidelines of the work of the university. The members of the General Assembly are 142 member institutions from 37 countries (Appendix 1). Co-Chairs of the Assembly in 2009 are Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Giliberti and Prof. Dr. Ahmed Noureddine Helal. In 2009 the session of the General Assembly was held on 25 November in Sousse, Tunisia, where 27 new members got the membership in EMUNI. The third General Assembly 2010 will take place in Ankara, Turkey.

Euro-Mediterranean University



Report 2010

The President of the university is since the first General Assembly in Barcelona 2008 Dr. Joseph Mifsud. The Senate of the university is composed of 20 professors from 20 different partner universities and 20 countries: • Prof. Dr. Labib M. M. Arafeh, Palestinian Authority, • Prof. Dr. Yossi Ben-Artzi, Israel, • Prof. Dr. Anasse Bouhlal, Finland, • Prof. Dr. Mohammed Dahbi, Morroco, • Prof. Dr. Ugur Erdener, Turkey, • Prof. Dr. Mladen Franko, Slovenia, • Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Giliberti, Italy, • Prof. Dr. Panagiotis Grigoriou, Greece, • Prof. Dr. Hind M. M. Hanafy, Egypt, • Prof. Dr. Antoine Hokayem, Lebanon, • Prof. Dr. Elpida Keravnou-Papailiou, Cyprus, • Prof. Dr. Rolf Friedrich Krause, Hungary, • Prof. Dr. Jilani Lamloumi, Tunisia, • Prof. Dr. Maria Amélia Martins-Loução, Portugal, • Prof. Dr. Albert Marouani, France, • Prof. Dr. Maurits Van Rooijen, Spain, • Prof. Dr. Mohamed Salah Zerouala, Algeria, • Prof. Dr. Alejandro del Valle Galvez, Spain, • Representative of University Students (5). The president of the Senate is Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud. The Senate is the body responsible for the study programme activities. Through its commissions, the Senate is active the whole year long, mostly through the services of the EMUNI e-space. The Senate of the University had 3 sessions in the Academic year 2009/10 (24 November 2009 – Sousse, Tunisia; 26 February 2010, Portorož, Slovenia; 11 June 2010, Alexandria, Egypt).

Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

The Senate nominated the following commissions: Commission for study affairs (responsible for study affairs and quality assessments and assurance): • Prof. Dr. Maria Amelia Martins-Loucao, Portugal – chairperson, • Prof. Dr. Mohammed Dahbi, Morocco, • Prof. Dr. Mladen Franko, Slovenia, • Prof. Dr. Panagiotis Grigoriou, Greece and • Prof. Dr. Hind M.M. Hanafy, Egypt. Commission for the Statute (responsible for matters related to the Statute of the EMUNI University): • Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Giliberti, Italy – chairperson, • Prof. Dr. Labib M. M. Arafeh, Palestinian Authority, • Prof. Dr. Ugur Erdener, Turkey, • Dr. Justin Fenech, Malta, • Prof. Dr. Panagiotis Grigoriou, Greece and • Prof. Dr. Ivan Rozman, Slovenia. Commission for preparing a policy document on the admission of new members (responsible for preparing a policy document on the admission of new members and proposing new members to the General Assembly): • Prof. Dr. Touhami Abdouli, Tunisia, • Prof. Dr. Yossi Ben-Artzi, Israel, • Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Giliberti, Italy, • Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud, Malta, • Prof. Dr. Maurits van Rooijen, Netherlands, • Prof. Dr. Ivan Rozman, Slovenia and • Andreja Viher, Slovenia. Commission for developing the EMUNI Projects Award (responsible for developing the EMUNI Projects Award): • Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Giliberti, Italy - chairperson, • Prof. Dr. Labib M. M. Arafeh, Palestinian Authority, • Prof. Dr. Elpida Keravnou-Papailiou, Cyprus, • Prof. Dr. Alejandro del Valle Galvez, Spain and • Andreja Viher, Slovenia. Commission for Innovative Pedagogy within the EuroMed Higher Education and Research Area: • Prof. Dr. Maria Amata Garito, Italy – chairperson, • Prof. Dr. Ahmed Galal Helmy, Egypt, • Prof. Dr. Maria Lluïsa Perez Cabani, Spain, • Prof. Dr. Nada Trunk Širca, Slovenia, • Prof. Dr. Jimmy Weinblatt, Israel and • Prof. Dr. Bogusłav Zielinski, Poland.

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Report 2010

Commission for Universities and Communities in the EuroMed Region: • Prof. Dr. Pascal Binczak, France – chairperson, • Prof. Dr. Rami Hamdallah, Palestinian Authority, • Prof. Dr. Hristo Lukov Matanov, Bulgaria, • Prof. Dr. Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes, Portugal, • Prof. Dr. Agniezska Sitko-Lutek, Poland and • Prof. Dr. Mustapha A. A. Wahed, Lebanon. Commission for University Networks and Research Potential in the EuroMed Area: • Prof. Dr. Franco Rizzi, Italy – Chairperson, • Prof. Dr. Abderraouf Mahbouli, Tunisia, • Dr. Justin Fenech, Malta, • Prof. Dr. Cosimo Notarstefano, Italy, • Prof. Dr. Philippe De Bruycker, Belgium and • Prof. Dr. Léo Vìncent, France. The Management Board of the university is composed of 8 members from 6 countries: • Prof. Dr. Anasse Bouhlal, Finland, • Prof. Dr. Ugur Erdener, Turkey, • Prof. Dr. Anton Grizold, Slovenia, • Prof. Dr. Hassan Nadir Kheirallah, Egypt, • Prof. Dr. Francesco Paolo La Mantia, Italy, • Prof. Dr. Ivan Rozman, Slovenia, • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nada Trunk Širca, Slovenia, • Representative of University Employees (2), • Representative of University Students. The chairman of the Management Board is currently Prof. Dr. Maurits Van Rooijen (from 24. 11. 2009). The first chairman of the Management Board was Dr. Andrej Rahten. The Management Board of the University had 3 sessions in the Academic year 2009/10. (24 November 2009 – Sousse, Tunisia; 26 February 2010, Portorož, Slovenia; 11 June 2010, Alexandria, Egypt). The Management Board, among other tasks, adopts the Work Programme with the financial plan for the University. The Student Council of the University will be constituted when the University has its own students. Dr. Justin Fenech, ESU, already prepared a policy statement of the students’ participation in the operation of the EMUNI University.

Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

1.4. Funding of the University and ENPI Project The main channels of funding of EMUNI are the Government of Slovenia, the European Commission and the EMUNI Foundation. • The Government of Slovenia provides premises and funds for enabling the operation of the university. From 2007 - 2010, the Government of Slovenia allocated 2.5 mil EUR to EMUNI, mainly through EMUNI Center.

• The European Commission funds the activities of EMUNI University through the ENPI project. 1 million EUR in 2010, 2011 and later will be allocated to EMUNI. • EMUNI University is funded by donations as well, channelled also through the EMUNI Foundation. Since September 2008, the EMUNI Foundation has provided 0.5 mil EUR for University’s activities, through financing scholarships and grants, development of study programmes, research projects and other activities.

On the long term, EMUNI plans to acquire funding also through other countries’ contributions, EMUNI members’ contributions, tuition and registration fees and through other projects (e.g. UfM, EC, ESF). ENPI Project ENPI project for EMUNI is one of the most important projects for EMUNI in 2010 – 2011. The project is financed through the European Commission. The leader of the project is Prof. Dr. Nehale Fariid Mostapha, an Egyptian expert working at the Beirut Arab University in Lebanon. The European Commission has already selected experts who have expressed the interest to cooperate with EMUNI by the implementation of the project. The main activities of the project are: • Development of new EMUNI postgraduate study programmes in the area of the Union for the Mediterranean, which are planned to be implemented in 2011/2012 and later; Euro-Mediterranean University



Report 2010

• Development and preparation of the policies for the EMUNI Observatory for the important areas of HE, such as master and doctoral study programmes, quality assurance and e-learning; • Dissemination of project achievements through different education and research activities, mainly through EMUNI conferences, regional days and publications. On 25 September 2010 Prof. Dr. Nehale Fariid Mostapha gathered experts for ENPI at a very constructive meeting in Portorož that was upgraded with an organisation of a conference for ENPI experts, held in Amman, Jordan from 2-3 October 2010.

1.5. Operation of EMUNI EMUNI University’s work focuses on the Education and Research Activities. The main goals of its operation are: • promoting the priorities of the Union for the Mediterranean; • fostering cooperation among higher education and research institutions throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region; • strengthening student mobility; • strengthening academic mobility; • enabling diverse educational and research study programmes at various locations throughout the whole Euro-Mediterranean region; • transferring knowledge and the direct application thereof; • raising awareness of multiethnic, multicultural and multi-religious diversity of the Euro-Mediterranean. Since its official establishment in 2009 EMUNI University has successfully developed activities in the field in education and research, which already became traditional activities of the university and also contributed a to the visibility of EMUNI University in the region. EMUNI’s activities involve: • master and doctoral study programmes; • doctoral research seminars; • professional school courses, summer semester courses and free standing courses; Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

• research and development projects; • conferences and other events; • issuing different publications. Thematic areas of EMUNI activities Thematically EMUNI focuses on the Priority Areas of the Union for the Mediterranean, as well as on other areas that are currently of focal interest of the international community. The priority thematic areas of the University are: • Maritime and Land Highways; • Civil Protection; • Use of Alternative Energies; • Higher-Education and Research; • Business Development and Economic Studies; • Maritime Issues; • Culture and Tourism; • Human Rights and Migration; • Euro-Mediterranean Studies; • Gender Issues; • Development Studies; • Water Management; • Performing Arts and • Regional Integration. The activities of EMUNI are described in more detail in chapter 2.

1.6. International dimension of EMUNI EMUNI co-operates with many international institutions and networks and is active in political bodies of the Euro-Mediterranean Area in order to be present and recognised also outside the academic sphere and improve the international dimension and cooperation. Agreements and memorandums were signed with many international institutions, which are committed to similar missions as EMUNI: • The Institute for Diplomatic Studies (IDS) (Egypt, 15 Dec 2009), IPEMED - Institut de Prospective Economique du Monde Mediterraneen (France, 25 March 2010), Foro Jávea de Vecindad (Spain, 25 March 2010), the Association of Arab Universities (Jordan, May 2010), Foundation for a Culture of Peace (Spain, 29 June 2010), International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (USA, 2 June 2010), ECCC Foundation (Poland, 22 Sept 2010). United Nation Alliance of Civilizations EMUNI and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations signed a cooperation agreement on 19 December 2008, sharing efforts aimed at strengthening intercultural dialogue, particularly in the fields of education and research. EMUNI is also a member of the AoC Research Network, launched at the AoC Forum in April 2009. Alliance of Civilizations acted as a co-organizer of the Euro-Mediterranean University



Report 2010

conferences EMUNI Research Souk 2009 and 2010. Moreover, in the summer 2010 EMUNI and AoC joined forces by the organisation of one of the summer schools in Portugal. The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures The Agreement on Cooperation with EMUNI was signed in Istanbul on 6 April 2009 with an aim to work together to develop innovative approaches to promote intercultural dialogue through the research and scientific cooperation activities. ALF worked closely with EMUNI on the organisation of the conferences EMUNI Research Souk 2009 and especially in 2010. EMUNI was also present at the Anna Lindh Forum 2010 in Barcelona from 4 to 7 March 2010. EMUNI is involved in parliamentarian bodies of the Euro-Mediterranean, such as the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (EMPA) and Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM). PAM - Conference on Higher Education and the Role of Universities in Supporting PAM Strategies throughout the Mediterranean EMUNI University, Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean - PAM and the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia prepared a conference with a topic “Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology - 2030 in the Union For The Mediterranean: Conference on Higher Education and the Role of Universities in Supporting PAM Strategies throughout the Mediterranean”, taking place in Portorož, Slovenia on 16 April 2010. At the conference approximately 60 members of the 3rd PAM standing committee and experts from the field of higher education from the whole Mediterranean discussed challenges and opportunities of Higher Education and Science in the frame of the Union for the Mediterranean and tried to identify possibilities of incorporation and efficient collaboration of higher education institutions with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean.

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Report 2010

EMPA - Working Group for EMUNI EMPA - Working Group EMUNI is by the decision of the EMPA Bureau of 20 November (Cairo). It consists of: • 4 members from the European Parliament (already nominated: Ms. Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Ms. Carmen Romero Lopez, Mr. Ivo Vajgl; 1 more is in the process of nomination); • 6 members from the European National Parliaments (Mr. Eduardo Cabrita (Portugal), Mr. Gennaro Malgieri (Italy), Mr. Franco Juri (Slovenia), Mr. Xavier Bettel (Luxenbourg), Mr. Eero Akaan-Penttila (Finland), Mr. Jordi Xucla Costa (Spain); • 10 members from the Mediterranean Partners (Mr. Mohammad Zreikat (Jordan), Mr. Mohammad Abul-Enein (Egypt), Mr. Hamid Narjisse (Morocco), Ms. Zeynep Dagy (Turkey), Dr. Walid Khoury (Lebanon), Mr. Joseph Maalouf (Lebanon), Mr. Abdelaziz Chebil (Tunisia), Dr. Bernard Sabel (Palestinian Leg. Council), 2 more are in the process of nomination. On 24 February the Working Group for EMUNI held a session in Brussels. The members elected the Vice-Chair of the Working Group, exchanged views on the scope and priorities of EMUNI as well as on recent developments, and on the support granted to EMUNI by the European Commission. They also discussed the objectives and work programme for 2010.

EMPA-Working Group EMUNI is chaired by Ms Rodi Kratsa - Tsagaropoulou, Vice-President of the European Parliament. Ms Kratsa contributes in a great extent to the visibility and development of EMUNI, being an initiator of numerous activities and co-operation, doing so also through meetings on the highest levels in different Mediterranean countries.

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Report 2010

1.7. Representation and visibility events EMUNI organises different events and meetings to ensure the widest possible international support for its activities and increase the visibility and co-operation with the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean area. On various occasions EMUNI President and other EMUNI representatives met with several high representatives of the international and governmental organisations, such as HE Ahmad Masad’eh, the Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean (17. 5. 2010), and the Prime Minister of Tunisia, Hon. Mohammed Ghanushi (28. 7. 2010). Representatives of the Slovenian government promote EMUNI on the occasions of international events and state visits in Slovenia. In addition, EMUNI representatives take part in governmental delegations at official visits abroad (Cairo, December 2009, Kuwait and Quatar, January 2010).

EMUNI TALKS An important factor for spreading the awareness of the Euro-Mediterranean issues among the general public and at involving prominent members of international community, academia and the diplomatic corps in a greater extent into the activities of EMUNI are EMUNI Talks, organised by the EMUNI Foundation. The topics of the lectures focus mainly on the Union for the Mediterranean issues. In the frame of the EMUNI Talks, the following lectures were organised: • On 26 February 2010 Ms Nicole Michelangeli, Ambassador of the French Republic to Slovenia, delivered a lecture on the topic: “Union for the Mediterranean: State of Play and Expectations;” • On 27 May 2010 Mr Alessandro Pietromarchi, Ambassador of the Italian Republic to Slovenia, delivered a lecture with a title “Mediterranean Mobility. The Mediterranean Infrastructure and Transport Policy.”


Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

EMUNI’s meeting with the Ambassadors to Slovenia More than 20 representatives of diplomatic corps in Slovenia attended an excursion to the Slovenian Coast in June organised in the frame of the Spanish Presidency to the EU. The event included a meeting with Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud, EMUNI President in Koper. He updated the Ambassadors with the latest EMUNI events and plans. The president also attended the second part of the excursion, which was hosted by Luka Koper.

Euro-Mediterranean University


2. EMUNI UNIVERSITY IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2009 /2010 EMUNI University has been successfully developing activities in the field in education and research since its establishment in 2008. Numerous activities have already become traditional and well received in the international community. EMUNI’s study programmes, professional school and summer school courses, doctoral seminars, conferences and other activities aim at deepening knowledge of Euro-Mediterranean topics, with a particular attention to the priority projects of the Union for the Mediterranean. Thus, EMUNI aims at strengthening bonds, interaction and integration of the various societies of the Euro-Mediterranean.


Report 2010

2.1. Postgraduate Study Programmes The most important activity of the EMUNI University in years 2010 and 2011 is the development of new EMUNI study programmes in the areas of the Union for the Mediterranean, supported by the ENPI project and the EMUNI Foundation. Study programmes are being developed in co-operation with prominent experts and reputable universities from the whole Euro-Mediterranean area to ensure the quality and international comparability of the programmes. Enrolment in EMUNI study programmes is planned in the Academic Year 2011/12. The commission for study affairs, chaired by Prof. Maria Amélia MartinsLoução, plays a crucial role in supporting the curriculum development and programme preparation. In February 2010, the Senate of EMUNI University adopted the EMUNI policy for study programmes. The policy contains guidelines on types of study programmes, organisation of study programmes, way of implementation of study programmes and quality assurance procedures.

2.1.1. EMUNI Label Study Programmes EMUNI label programmes have been designed as pilot projects to systematically approach the initiation of new EMUNI University study programmes. The first EMUNI label programmes were delivered in the Academic Year 2008/09. In the Academic Year 2009/10, EMUNI partner institutions in cooperation with EMUNI University launched three EMUNI label Master Study Programmes: • MA in Environment, a 2-year programme (University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia); • Joint Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations, a 2-year programme (University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia); • Euro-Mediterranean MA in Culture and Tourism, a 1- year programme (Community of Mediterranean Universities / University of Bari, Italy).

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Each programme is being delivered at the location of the institution that will issue a degree. Study programmes involve 36 students from Albania, Algeria, BIH, Croatia, Egypt, Italy, Latvia, Morocco, Palestinian Territory, Slovenia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey and more than 50 professors from Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Tunisia. Part of the programme (a 2-week period) was delivered at the EMUNI University in February 2010. The period at EMUNI was attended by 17 students and 9 professors. During this period the students attended courses Euro-Mediterranean International Relations (5 ECTS) and Geographical Perspectives and Tourist Regions (5 ECTS). Study programmes are being monitored and assessed through questionnaires for professors and students and communication with responsible institutions. 2.1.2. EMUNI study programmes EMUNI University can accredit new study programmes which will be jointly developed by at least 3 universities and will lead to single/double or joint degree. It can also notify study programmes that have already been accredited at partner universities in accordance with their national legislation. Development of new EMUNI study programmes The aim of the development of new study programmes is to contribute to the progression in the fields, which are of interest for the Euro-Mediterranean and the establishment of co-operation between universities of the Union for the Mediterranean, which at a later stage can contribute to the increase in the mobility of students, researchers and teaching staff. In September 2009, EMUNI University invited its member institutions to submit proposals for development of new study programmes from the following fields: • Environmental Studies, • Maritime and Land Highways, • Civil Protection, • Use of Alternative Energies, • Higher-Education and Research, • Business Development and Economic Studies, • Maritime Issues, • Culture and Tourism, • Human Rights and Migration, • Euro-Mediterranean Studies, • Gender Issues, • Development Studies, • Water Management, • Performing Arts and • Regional Integrations.

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Study programmes Development Studies and Intercultural Dialogue and Future Infrastructures and Landscape in EuroMed are being reviewed by independent experts. It is expected that the programmes will be launched for enrolment in the academic year 2011/12. The development of new EMUNI study programmes is supported by the ENPI project and the EMUNI Foundation. The ENPI project’s expert group will also develop other programmes in the area of the Union for the Mediterranean. Euro-Mediterranean Studies-professional upgrading study programme The upgrading study programme Euro-Mediterranean Studies (EMS) was adopted at the Senate of the EMUNI University in June 2009. Amendments were adopted at the Senate Session in February 2010. The programme consists of 33 courses (5 or 6 ECTS courses) and is currently in the accreditation procedure at SQAA (Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education). Notification of study programmes that have already been accredited at partner universities The Senate of EMUNI University adopted 15 study programmes (14 programmes – Senate session in April 2009; 1 programme – Senate session in November 2009). The EMUNI University submitted the following study programmes for the notification to SQAA: Applied Geological Sciences for Building and Land Management1 Criminal Justice and Security Studies2 Environment3

Durat. Type Name of the HE institution, country 2 years master University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Italy 3 years doctoral University of Maribor, Slovenia 2 years master University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Environmental Analysis and Management3

2 years master University of Palermo, Italy

Name of the study programme

2 years master University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Italy Intercultural Business Communication3 Landscape, Territory and Patrimony4 2 years master University of Sousse, Tunisia Marine Hydrology4 2 years master Klaipeda University, Lithuania Public Management, speciality: Euro-Mediterranean Management 1 year master Paul Cézanne University Aix-Marseille III, France – Sustainable Development4 1 Euro-Mediterranean Master in Culture and Tourism 1 year master University of Bari, Italy In the procedure of notification (SQAA) notified and listed into the directory of HEI 3 notified 4 application rejected, because the HEI, to which the programme was sent, does not have a comparable study programme 1 2

Four programmes have already been notified and one programme is listed in the directory of Higher Education Institutions at the ministry responsible for higher education.

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2.2. Professional School EMUNI Professional School is a meeting point for intercultural dialogue, interesting confrontation of views and beliefs on different topics of discussion. 2.2.1. Summer School After successfully completing the 1st and 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Summer School, EMUNI University organised the EMUNI Summer Semester 2010. Its aim is to enhance the cooperation among Euro-Mediterranean higher educational institutions, stimulate mobility and contribute to the understanding among people and cultures. In the frame of the EMUNI Summer Semester the following courses were organised: ECTS Responsible institution

Name of the course Management in Higher Education and Internationalisation of Higher Education1

10 EMUNI University



University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel

Intercultural Communication – Learning through the Web (ICLeW)1 Identities, Policies and Proposals on Euromed Territories Euro-Mediterranean International Relations and Arabic as a language of intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean1 Migrants’ Life Stories and Cinema


Bridging Hearts, Opening Minds and Doing Things Together Science and Technology: Knowledge and Cultural Aggregation Changes in Geographical Organisation of Society (Central Eastern Europe: Two Decades After) Mediterranean De-pollution through European Criminal System1

Term of face to Lang. Location face tuition 28 June – 9 July 2010


28 June - 11 July 2010



Faculty of Media, Ljubljana, 3 – 17 July 2010 Slovenia



University Fernando Pessoa, 6 – 19 July Portugal


University of Sousse,

10 Tunisia

19 - 30 July


EMUNI University, Portorož – Piran, Slovenia University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel EMUNI University, Portorož – Piran, Slovenia University Fernando Pessoa, Portugal University of Sousse, Tunisia Summer Camping – Aristotle University, Kalandra – Chalkidiki, Greece University of Aveiro, Portugal University of Catania, Italy

Aristotle University, Greece

2 August – 13 August 2010

United Nation - Alliance of Civilisation University of Catania, Italy

15 – 21 August 2010 30 August – 10 September 2010


Palacký University, Czech Republic

30 August – 10 September 2010


Palacký University, Czech Republic


University of Foggia, Italy

6 September – 18 September 2010


University of Foggia, Italy





not implemented


Four courses in three countries were implemented. The implementation involved 60 professors and more than 150 participants.

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Report 2010

2.2.2. Doctoral Research Seminars Doctoral seminars bring together renewed professors and young researchers (PHD candidates) to discuss topics relevant for the region from the multicultural perspectives. The institutions interested to implement EMUNI Doctoral Research Seminars 2010 had to send their proposal by 15 October 2009. The Senate of EMUNI University at its session in November 2009 selected the following two doctoral research seminars: Term and location of Language delivery

Seminar Intercultural Dialogue in Higher Education/Research in the EuroMediterranean

22. 3. – 3. 4. 2010; EMUNI University, Slovenia


Leadership for Cultural Diversity

9.5. – 22.5. 2010; EMUNI University, Slovenia


Partner institution University, country • Aleppo University, Syria University of Sousse, • University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia Tunisia • Perugia University, Italy • University of Primorska, Slovenia University of Cyprus, • Notre Dame University, Lebanon • An Najah University, Palestinian Cyprus Authority Responsible Institution

The first week of the seminar the students and professors presented, discussed and examined different issues related to the topic of the seminar, while the second week they prepared research papers under the supervision of professors. During the delivery of the seminar, the professors also discussed an idea to develop a joint master programme in the field. The seminars were attended by 19 participants from Algeria, Cyprus, Greece, France, Hungary, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Slovenia, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey. 2.2.3. Free standing courses In 2010, several free standing courses were organised at the EMUNI University. Participants who fulfilled all study obligations in the frame of the course received the official certificate with obtained ECTS credits. This certificate can at a later stage be used for entering study programmes in terms of validating their previous education / learning.

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List of free standing courses: Course Euro-Mediterranean International Relations Geographical Perspectives and Tourist Regions Arabic as a Language of Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean1 Public Management and Sustainable Development Mediterranean Geopolitics, Policy, Economy and Major Projects 1

Term Language ECTS Organising institutions 15.2.-6.3.2010 EN 5 EMUNI University University of Maribor ( Slovenia), CMU/ 15.2.-6.3.2010 EN 5 University of Bari (Italy) and EMUNI University 15.2.-6.3.2010









University of Sousse and EMUNI University University Paul Cezanne – Aix Marseille and EMUNI University University Paul Cezanne – Aix Marseille and EMUNI University

The course was not implemented due to insufficient number of applicants

The courses were implemented by 12 professors from Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Slovenia, Tunisia and attended by 34 participants from Albania, Algeria, BIH, Croatia, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.

2.3. Curriculum development, mobility and e-learning With the aim to stimulate the curriculum development, increase institutional cooperation and contribute to the mobility of students and professors, the EMUNI University is applying to different calls. In December 2009, the University was awarded the Extended Erasmus University Charter, which is the basis for students, teachers and staff exchange, curriculum development and internship program. Individual mobility of students, academic staff and administrative staff The University has until November 2010 signed 25 preliminary Erasmus partnership agreements for the academic years 2010-13 with the following countries: Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia and Turkey. Students and other candidates who are interested in multicultural working experience can do internship at EMUNI University (through Erasmus Placement or other forms of internship). Until 2010 EMUNI hosted two interns from the University of Bergamo, Italy in cooperation with the Community of Euro-Mediterranean University


Report 2010

Mediterranean Universities, Bari, Italy.The Phd students that have worked with and at EMUNI are Silvia FORNONI and Stefano Rossoni coming from University of Bergamo through Polo Euromediterraneo Jean Monnet with the financial aid of LLP (Eu Commission) and Augusto Sebastio coming from University of BARI through Polo Euromediterraneo Jean Monnet with the financial aid of Apulia Region. Erasmus Mundus In cooperation with the University of Fernando Pessoa- Portugal (coordinating institution), University of Sousse -Tunisia, Foggia University - Italy, Hacettepe University – Turkey and associate partner - NazarÊ Municipality in Portugal, the EMUNI University prepared the proposal for the Erasmus Mundus Master Programme Future Infrastructures and Landscape in EuroMed. Eventhough the application was not approved, this proposal established good basis for further institutional cooperation in the development of the programme. Erasmus IP (Intensive programme) The EMUNI University submitted the proposal for the Erasmus IP project on Euro-Mediterranean Studies, which was approved. Partners in the project are: University of the Aegean - Greece, University of Bari - Italy in cooperation with the Community of Mediterranean Universities - Italy, University of Urbino Italy, University of Lisbon - Portugal and Hacettepe University - Turkey. The project will be delivered in February/March 2011. Jean Monnet Chair EMUNI University is trying to obtain the Jean Monnet Chair. For this purpose it submitted the application for the module Euro-Mediterranean Studies (courses Euro-Mediterranean International Relations and Geographical Perspectives and Tourist Regions). As the application was rejected, the University will resubmit the proposal in 2011. E-learning A special attention is paid to the way of delivery. All courses are being carried out in the blended learning form (combination of face to face and on-line activities). On-line activities are being supported by Moodle.

2.4. Quality assessment and assurance The EMUNI University is paying special attention to quality assurance procedures. Academic staff will have to meet high academic standards, according to the appointment criteria adopted by the Senate of EMUNI University and the senate of partner universities. The EMUNI University will also strive to recruit diverse and outstanding students. The following principles will be taken into consideration (extracts from the EMUNI policy for study programmes):

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• The performance of the appointed teaching staff shall be continuously monitored through indicators such as the student’s attendance at lectures, success rate at examinations and the number of graduates per year. In addition, each teaching staff shall be evaluated through student’s questionnaires, which need to be completed before the examination for the course is carried out. • For each study programme, a scientific committee will be set up. Each involved HEI will nominate one expert who will monitor the curriculum and academic standards – the programme scientific committee will report to the Senate Commission for QAA. • Once a year, the Senate shall confirm an annual report of the University Commission for QAA. • EMUNI University needs to establish an internationally comparable system of quality, comprising the self-evaluating procedures as well as external evaluation. The EMUNI University is implementing these principles also in delivery of all short activities, especially professional schools. In the Academic Year 2009/10, the University prepared the following reports/evaluations: • EMUNI professional school 2009/10; • EMUNI label master study programmes 2009/10. • All reports include information about delivery, analysis of students, professors and institutional questionnaires.

2.5. Research and Development Projects The EMUNI University started to work on projects in 2009 and has extended this activity in 2010 by acting as a project applicant or project partner on many national and international calls that cover the six priority areas of the Union of the Mediterranean. Project cooperation brings more possibilities for implementing different activities, strengthens existing partnerships as well as creates new links between different institutions from the Euro-Mediterranean region. The EMUNI University acted as a project applicant by 12 international and national calls in 2010, some additional projects will be submitted by the end of 2010. Six projects were approved and are being implemented in 2010 or in the next years. The approved projects belong to different international and Slovenian funding structures: Norway grants / EEA grants, Ministry for Higher Education and Research of Republic of Slovenia, ARRS - Slovenian Research Agency, JAK - Slovenian Public Agency for Books, EC - ERASMUS Intensive Programmes, EC - ERASMUS Mobility HEI. As a project partner EMUNI cooperated by 15 projects and new partnerships are being discussed for the future projects cooperation. EMUNI is also preparing small project proposals on request of different enterprises and foundations – one such project was submitted in 2010. Project implementation is in process for the projects approved in 2010 or in 2009. Several such projects are implemented in 2010: Norway grants – Mobility, ETF Project on Entrepreneurial learning, EMUNI Professional school - Public Management and Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean, Euro-Mediterranean University



Report 2010

The 3rd EMUNI Conference on Higher Education and Research - EMUNI HE&R, Intensive Programme Euro-Mediterranean Studies, ERASMUS Mobility HEI, EMUNI ReS 2010, International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies – IJEMS. Entrepreneurial learning, ETF project EMUNI joined the project in 2009, while its full participation started in 2010. Some of EMUNI partner institutions also joined, forming an EMUNI leading group within the project: International School for Social and Business Studies (Celje, Slovenia), University of Nova Gorica (Nova Gorica, Slovenia), University of Sousse (Sousse, Tunisia), Al Akhawayn University (Ifrane, Morocco). The Project coordinator for EMUNI is Prof. Abdouli Touhami (University of Sousse, Tunisia). In May 2010 EMUNI went on a study visit to Queens College Belfast in the frame of the project. The involved universities are working on selfevaluation and external evaluation in the framework of ETF indicators. At the end of September 2010 and in October 2010 the members of EMUNI group exchanged ideas and practices in the working meetings in Slovenia, Morocco and Tunisia. In September 2010 experts from Morocco and Tunisia paid a visit to Slovenia to perform expert evaluation of Slovenia institutions. The final conference is planned for 25 - 26 November 2010 in Turin, Italy.

2.6. Conferences and other events EMUNI conferences offer a valuable platform for the participants to network, exchange their expertise and gain additional knowledge on the selected topics. They are also aimed at disseminating research results. 2.6.1. RES SOUK 2010 On 9 June 2010 two years passed since the establishment of the EuroMediterranean University - EMUNI University in Portorož, Slovenia. On this occasion EMUNI together with partner institutions prepared the second student multi-conference Research Souk after the success of the event in 2008. Research Souk is a student “marketplace”, held simultaneously at various locations of the Euro-Mediterranean Area, where the students get the possibility to introduce and discuss their research work in the field of Euro-Mediterranean topics with a focus on the Priority Areas of the Union for the Mediterranean. This year 19 higher-education and research institutions from 14 different countries participated in the event, gathering more than 2000 students and researchers from the region. The opening, joint part of the conference was this time held in Alexandria, Egypt. The President of EMUNI Joseph Mifsud declared at the opening: “the objective of the Research Souk is to bring young researchers in the Union for the Mediterranean together without the boundaries of walls and nations. The fact that Alexandria was chosen, highlights the importance that this ancient seat of knowledge should be an example for north-south and south-south cooperation in the field of research.” Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

Speaking at the opening ceremony Andreu Claret, Executive Director of the Anna Lindh Foundation, said: “We are honoured to bring to this Souk the methodology of the upcoming Anna Lindh Report on Intercultural Trends, as an example of how to combine academic research and social experience.” Professor Hind Hanafy, President of Alexandria University said: “Alexandria University is aware that cultural dialogue and the absorption of differences are essential at our university. Thus, we are wholeheartedly engaged in this project. This is the reason why AU is actively participating by its graduate students, in Research Souk, as this will raise their awareness about the initiative of the Union for the Mediterranean and the opportunities it offers for them.” Rectors of EMUNI member institutions and the majority of the Egyptian Universities, Ministry and diplomacy representatives from Slovenia, Egypt, Tunisia and other Mediterranean countries participated in the event. The topic of the this year’s conference was “Living together in the multicultural society,” highlighting its main goal to enable the students to interact and introduce the creative and new ideas in the field of research to be accessible and introduced to the broader public in the Euro-Mediterranean. EMUNI plans to organise the next Research Souk, which is becoming an annual EMUNI event, in Lebanon with the co-organisation of the Beirut Arab University, one of its member institutions.

Locations of delivery of ReSouk 2010: • Metropolitan University Prague, Prague, Czech Republic; • Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt; • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; • University of the Aegan, Lesvos , Greece; • University of Languages and Communication, Milano, Italy; • University of Catania, Catania, Italy; • University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy; • Beirut Arab University, Beirut, Lebanon; • Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco; • An-Najah University, Nablus, Palestinian Authority; • University Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal; • University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; • University Business Academy, Novi Sad, Serbia; • International School for Social and Business Studies; Celje, Slovenia;

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Report 2010

• University of Primorska, Faculty of Tourism Studies Portorož – Turistica, Portorož, Slovenia; • University Institute of European Studies; Barcelona, Spain; • Gabes University, Gabes, Tunisia; • University of Sousse, Sousse, Tunisia; • Çukorova University, Adana, Turkey.

2.6.2. HER 2010 3rd EMUNI Conference on Higher Education and Research (EMUNI HE&R) was held from 23 - 25 September 2010 in Portorož (Slovenia). The topic of the conference was: Entrepreneurial learning and the Role of Universities. The programme of the conference stressed the themes connected with the main topic and, in addition, the European day of languages was celebrated with the special panel discussion, organised together with the European Commission – DG for Translation. The participants were addressed by: Dr. Joseph Mifsud (EMUNI University), Dr. Maria Amélia Martins-Loução (University of Lisbon), Dr. Mojca Novak (NAKVIS), Ettore Deodato (European Commission), Eva Jimeno Sicilia (ETF). The keynotes at the conference were: Saleh Hashem (Association of Arab Universities), Ali Belghith (Zenith Euro-Arabic Education Network Manager), Miri Yemini (Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center, SCE - Shamoon College of Engineering), Nuno Silva (University of Lisbon). The programme also included paper sessions, where more than 50 papers Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

were presented in 9 sessions with topics: Entrepreneurial learning and HE, LifeLong Learning and innovative pedagogy, University enterprise cooperation, Entrepreneurial university, Quality, recognition and evaluation, the role of technology and innovation, Culture and social diversity, Entrepreneurial Education and Employability. Approximately 100 registered participants from 22 countries also attended two panel discussions, the one on EU Day of Languages was lead by Mr Cristian Buchiu, Policy Officer in the Unit “Multilingualism and translation studies” at EC – DG for translation. The Conference Publications included: Call for papers, Programme Booklet and CD proceeding with full papers. Conference website gave all current information and served also for registration and papers submission. EMUNI HE&R 2010 was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency through the call for co-financing of international scientific meetings in 2010.

2.6.3. MIC 2009 MIC 09 - Management International Conference was held in Sousse (Tunisia) from 25 to 28 November 2009 in organisation of the University of Primorska – Faculty of Management Koper, the Euro-Mediterranean University and the University of Sousse. The topic of the conference was: Creativity, Innovation and Management. The conference was opened by Mr. Lazhar Bououny (Minister of Higher Education of Tunisia), Dr. Ahmed Noureddine Helal (Conference Chair and Rector), University of Sousse, Tunisia), Dr. Rado Bohinc (Rector, University of Primorska, Slovenia) and Dr. Joseph Mifsud (Conference Chair and President, EMUNI University, Slovenia). The keynote speakers were: Dr. Tahar Hfaiedh (National Center for Computing, Tunisia), Dr. Žiga Turk, Professor (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Dr. Wim Vanhaverbeke (University of Hasselt, Belgium), Dr. John Bessant (Exeter University, UK). Part of the programme also included a Round table on Pedagogic Partnership, Rectors/Presidents Forum, Editors’ Panel and Deans’ Panel. The conference papers were presented in 29 sessions, following different conference topics: Innovation and Creativity, Growth and Efficiency, Social Values, Small Business Innovation, Changes, Organizational Success Factors, Culture and Entrepreneurship, Social Issues, Education, Tourism, Learning and Information, Factors of the Internationalization Growth, Sustainable Energy Sources, Organizational Competitiveness, Legal Issues, Distribution and Mobility,

Euro-Mediterranean University



Report 2010

Competencies and Management Efficiency, Sustainable Development, Knowledge and Organizations, Research Methods, Resource Planning, Finance, Doing Business in the Mediterranean, Management in Education, Corporate Governance. Conference Publications included: Call for papers, Abstract Booklet and CD proceeding with all full papers.

2.6.4. Other Conferences EMUNI acts also as co-organizer of conferences. In the academic year 2009/10 the following conferences were organized: • 24 November 2009: the ACAM Conference with a title “The Union for the Mediterranean Cultural Platform and Institutional Construction,” • 15 April 2010: Coherence of Multi- and Bilateral Development Co-operation (co-organizers: EMUNI University, EMUNI Foundation, SLOGA, EADI),

• 16 April 2010: Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology 2030 in UfM operation (co-organizers: EMUNI University, National Assembly of Slovenia, PAM), • 7 – 8 October 2010: MED 3: Third Euro Mediterranean Public Management Dialogue (co-organisers: EGPA - European Group for Public Administration, IMPGT - Public Management and Territorial Governance Institute, Paul Cézanne University Aix-Marseille III, EMUNI University - Euro-Mediterranean University, Portorož - Piran, Slovenia, ENA - Ecole Nationale d’Administration)

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2.6.5. EMUNI Regional days EMUNI regional days are a series of events, intended to introduce EMUNI to the EMUNI members, students and other interested participants in selected countries and regions. They involve lectures of EMUNI members and invited experts and presentation of EMUNI through different publications and other activities. The events are supported by the European Commission. The following regional days were organized in 2010: Cairo, Egypt (26 January) The first regional day was organized in the frame of the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Exhibition, where EMUNI also had a stand together with its member institutions. Many prominent speakers delivered their contributions in the frame of the event. EMUNI president was one of the speakers at the Session “Policy Dialogue: From Barcelona to the Union for the Mediterranean,” first session of the Forum, which was held simultaneously to the exhibition. Poznan, Poland (9 March) The second EMUNI regional day was hosted by the Adam Mickiewicz University from Poznan. The speakers at the forum were Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud, EMUNI President, Prof. Dr. Ewa Osnecka, Vice Rector of the College of Europe from Natolin and Prof Dr. Rafal Witkowski, Institute of History, Adam Mickiewicz University. The event gathered students, experts and other interested individuals from Poland and broader region. Koper, Slovenia (16 March) The Slovenian regional day was prepared by the EMUNI University, University of Primorska and the European Commission. It was organized under a title: “Contribution of Universities to the Development of Cultural and Social Area in the Euro-Mediterranean Region.” The event took place at the University of Primorska in Koper. Among the speakers were Prof. Dr. Rado Bohinc, University of Primorska rector, Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud, EMUNI University President, Dr. Deodato Ettore, European Commission, Prof. Dr. Nehale Fariid Mostapha, EMUNI University, Senior Lecturer Dr. Aleksander Panjek, University of Primorska and Students from the Euro-Mediterranean Region. Beirut, Lebanon (3 May) The EMUNI Regional day was attended by Mr. Elie Assaf, Economic Counsellor to the Lebanese President, BAU staff and students, Rectors of Lebanese Universities and Ambassadors of Mediterranean Countries. The President of EMUNI introduced the audience to the important role EMUNI is playing for the Union for the Mediterranean, Prof El Adawi, the president of BAU highlighted the cooperation between North and South Universities and Prof. Nehale Mostapha, team Leader of the ENPI project at EMUNI, discussed the project and its importance for Higher Education and North-South and South-South Cooperation.

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Report 2010

2.6.6. Thematic Discussions – Round Tables Round-table thematic discussions are prepared at EMUNI on various occasions to increase the participation of professors and invited experts and students in EMUNI’s activities and introduce them to the specific Euro-Mediterranean issues. In the Academic Year 2009/2010 several discussions were organized in co-operation with partner institutions, relating to Euro-Mediterranean Topics, gathering a number of professors, theme-related experts and students to deliver presentations and have discussions. The following discussions took place at the seat of EMUNI in the Academic Year 2009/2010: • Challenges of Tourism in the Euro-Mediterranean Region (23 February); • Intercultural dialogue in HE: future of the Union for the Mediterranean? (29 March); • Cultural Diversity (14 May); • Are Civil Service Systems a Hurdle for the Modernisation of Public Administration (28 May).

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2.7. EMUNI Publications 2.7.1. Academic publications International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies (IJEMS) The International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies is a joint project of EMUNI and the University of Nova Gorica. It was first published in 2008 and promotes intercultural dialogue and exchanges between societies, develops human resources, and helps building bridges in the Euro-Mediterranean region. To accomplish these objectives, the journal seeks to publish high quality research papers and case studies. The journal focuses on the field of social science, while special thematic issues are also prepared. Announcement of special issues: • Seeking Business and Economic Stability within Euro-Mediterranean Countries; • Freight Transport and Logistics in the Mediterranean Region; • Environmental Issues of the Mediterranean Region; • Tourism and Culture in the Mediterranean. Conference proceedings (ReSouk, HE&R, MedPri) All EMUNI Conferences achieve high academic standards, double-blind review of papers and conference proceedings are issued. The proceedings include information about the authors of contributions, programme details, photos and other information. The proceedings are issued in a form of a CD and can be obtained also on the internet page of EMUNI.

Euro-Mediterranean T: +386 5 671 36 University • Sončna pot 20, SI-6320 Portorož, E: ReS@emuni.si,00; F: +386 5 671 36 05 Slovenia W: ReS.emuni.si

pot 20, University•Sončna 36 05 ; F: +386 5 671 W: he-r.emuni.si

SI-6320 Portorož,

EMUNI is a University and a network with 141 member institutions from 37 countries, headquartered in Slovenia. It was established in 2008 – the European Year of Intercultura l Dialogue and Euro-Mediterranean Year of Dialogue Between Cultures. EMUNI is a project of the Union for the Mediterrane an.

Call for papers


EMUNI is a University and 141 a network with member institutions from 37 countries, headquartered in Slovenia. in It was established 2008 – the Europeanl Year of Intercultura Dialogue and Euro-Mediterranean Year of Dialogue Between Cultures. EMUNI is a project of the Union for an. the Mediterrane

ference on 3rd EMUNI Conon and Research Higher Educati

by the European Union




Locations: • Alexandria Univer Bibliotheca Alexansity and drina, Egypt • EMUNI Univer • other EMUN sity, Slovenia I (will be announc partners

y 2010)

January 2010

With the Resea rch Souk confer ence EMUNI University is celebrating its nd 2 anniversary

Published by EMUNI,

of languages European day (26 September)



14 June 2010

ed by 10 Februar

mber 2010 23 – 25 Septe nia Portorož, Slove

f Slovenia

and papers


RNINg EURIal lEa This project is ENtREPREN co-funded by SItIES the Republic of Slovenia E Of UNIvER This project is aNd tHE ROl co-funded


call for co-organ isers

2nd EMUNI Rese

arch Souk The Euro-Med iterranean Stud Research Mult ent i-conference

3 Res 2010.indd

Ministry of Higher Education of Egypt


18.1.10 13:13

18.1.10 13:14

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Report 2010

• Other publications EMUNI is also included into various publications of EMUNI partner institutions, such as University of Bari, Polo Euromediterraneo, Jean Monnet and Community of Mediterranean Universities, EMUNI members, who are very engaged with EMUNI’s activities. EMUNI appears in the following publications edited by the Polo Euromediterraneo, Jean Monnet: • Student Reference Guide for the Euro-Mediterranean Master in Culture and Tourism; • Leader, from Initiative to Method. Learning from the past, looking at the present, moving into the future; • Intercultural Dialogue on European Awareness. Learning from the past, looking at the present, moving into the future; • Le processus de Barcelone: du partenariat euro-méditerranén au dialogue intercultural.

Community of Mediterranean Universities 2.7.2. Other publications

Repo rt 2008

Repo rt 2010

Report 2009

Annual yearly report EMUNI report contains the most relevant data about the work, activities and plans of EMUNI in the previous academic year. It is an informative publication with a detailed description of the operation of EMUNI and also serves as a more comprehensive promotional publication. EMUNI Reports for 2008 and 2009 are also available at the EMUNI internet page.

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Euro-Mediterrane an University Portorož-Piran Report 2009 Slovenia Academic Year 2008/2009 www.emuni.si

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Report COVER.ind

Euro-Mediterranean University

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Academic Year 2009/2010





Report 2010

• Annual academic year brochure; containing summarized information about EMUNI and introduction to all EMUNI activities;

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2010 / 2011

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• Monthly EMUNI e-News, issued around the 15th day in the month and distributed to approximately 3000 recipients from the Euro-Mediterranean region. It includes brief summary of EMUNI news and activities in the preceding month, together with the announcements of upcoming events and activities of EMUNI. • Flyer and/or posters for each programme, projects, events;

EMUNI in Lithuania Vilnius, Lithuania, 26 June The President of EMUNI, Joseph Mifsud, attended a Conference organised by the International Association ofPublic Universities at 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Mykolas Romeris University, a member of Dialogue Management Public EMUNI. The conference wasand entitled Development Sustainable Portorož, Slovenia, 16 June “Ethics More than 20 representatives of Actionand Values in Higher Education in an the era of globalization: what role for the diplomatic corps in Slovenia attended IJEMS – e-version / download 7 – 8 October, Tunis, Tunisia the disciplines?” It was opened by HE Ms. excursion organised in the frame of Thematic Issues Announcements [More] event Stability Dalia Grybauskaite, President of  Seeking Business and Economic Spanish Presidency to the EU. The Dr. Joseph Lithuania. President Mifsud delivered a within Euro-Mediterranean Countries with Prof. included a meeting hosted the He  Environmental Issues of the Mediterranean presentation on EMUNI - Intercultural EMUNI President in Koper. Mifsud,Alexandrina rence Bibliotheca Region multi-confe latest the EMUNI with Dialogue in the UfM, a higher education Ambassadors student updated the second  Tourism and Culture in the Mediterranean "marketplace", a student experience. Souk, and plans. [More] events EMUNI Research usly at 19 higher- from held simultaneo institutions research education and Initiative gathering more th from 11th Management International 14 different countries, 13 Central European and researchers IJEMS 21 May Conference than 2000 students event EMUNI New Edition of a Dubrovnik, Croatia, Eurothe the Journal of ent. of EMUNI delivered Social Responsibility and Ethics of the region. With New edition of The President which years of its establishm Studies was published. at a Seminar, the celebrated two Management Mediterranean keynote speech "Seeking the students got Public Diplomacy. new edition is of UfM At the conference the Special sessions on the priorities and discuss their The title of the 3rd EMUNI Higher Education & Research focuses on Strategic Economic Stability of EMUNI explained possibility to introduce [More] of the Priority 24 – 27 Nov, Ankara, Turkey Business and The President Slovenia, Conference work in the field erranean Countries". the project in ean. Summer research Role of [More] within within Euro-Medit 6 articles of authors 3rd Euro-Mediterranean objectives behind for the Mediterran Entrepreneurial Learning and the was networking Areas of the Union year’s conference EUA and EMUNI Slovenia The journal contains and how EMUNI priority projects. this Spain, Serbia, Universities ral six topic of the2010 TheSemester Joseph Mifsud held a meeting with Prof. from Egypt, Italy, the UfM on the in the multi-cultu They focus on together Slovenia Portorož, Sep – Authority. Sep, Jun "Living 25 – to Dates: 23 was goal 2010 Souk crisis, Giuseppe Silvestri, EUA Board Member, and Palestinian [More] its main 2nd Research value highlighting es of the economic 7 courses with ECTS Conference Subject Area: Courses: society," and in to discuss the participation of EMUNI at the consequenc to interact and Education in technology the students in Highernew dor at EMUNI • University/Enterprise Cooperation  Management enable ideas in the EUA annual conference to be held in the role of progress t, financial services and Italian Ambassa Projects EU creative Education and Higher the of Raising Fund and • University Internationalisation introduce be accessible economic developmen promotion. [More] inPalermo in October 2010, which will be of research to tourism Talks • The Role of Entrepreneurial Education organised at one of the EMUNI partners, (postponed) in the the field and trade and broader public 27 May to the Policies and Proposals on the Development of Priorities of the introduced  Identities, Portorož, Slovenia, prepared the second the University of Palermo. Board ent erranean. Territories rs' Euro-Mediterranean Euro-Medit Euromed EMUNI Foundation The discussion with Prof. Silvestri focused Senate and Managem June Talks: the Ambassado • Lifelong Learning, Training and event,  Migrants’ Life Stories and Cinema 11-12 event of EMUNI on the response to the multiple demands of honour at the Alexandria, Egypt, Education Series. The guest  Science and Technology: Knowledge of knowledge societies. [More] Pietromarchi, • Increasing Employability of Graduates to H.E. Alessandro and Cultural Aggregation in the Italian Republic of • Recognition of Knowledge, Gained Ambassador of  Changes in Geographical Organisation EMUNI at Klaipeda University a lecture on Practice Slovenia, delivered Society (Central Eastern Europe: Two Mobility. The • Learning Entrepreneurship in Different Klaipeda, Lithuania, 28 June "Mediterranean Decades After) and The University of Klaipeda hosted the Infrastructure through Cultural Environments the Mediterranean  Mediterranean Depollution was In his speech, on President of EMUNI, who had follow-up of the conference l System President • National Higher Education Policy Transport Policy." joint partCriminal European The the institutiona the of EMUNI discussions on the proposal made by the Entrepreneurial Learning International by Joseph Mifsud, ambassador introducedpresented the role At the 8th session and the 5th session  Euro Mediterranean opened Executive of and rector Prof. Dr. Habil. Vladas Žulkus to Claret, Board Business language Andreu Mediterranean a as The • Arabic , issues of the UfM in the frame of the and Management discussed EMUNI, of Relations Foundation the members send the Brabander, a Baltic Tall Ship, Italy Anna Lindh in the Development Initiative of the dialogue and projects of of EMUNI Senate intercultural Director of EMUNI the need for creating from the maritime city of Klaipeda to the President of Alexandria Call for Papers – 15 Jul Union. He stressed the work programme financing the Hind Hanafy, Mediterranean integration and of higherItaly, for tives economic Mediterranean on a journey of criteria regional Greece, [More] areas of Czech Republic,the University, of University. Locations: Representa majority of and intercultural dialogue, stopping in the possibilities for a shared regional institutions Tunisia and the need university and educationSlovenia, Portugal, , Ministry maritime ports of the Mediterranean, with scholarships and approach. [More] participation [More] internships and call for Universities project. the Egyptian Open from ENPI the student sailors coming from EMUNI and diplomacy presentation about of EMUNI Senate and representatives, institutions. A contact person has been Tunisia and other in on Public Apart of members the sessions were Slovenia, Egypt, Round Table appointed to define this proposal further. nt Board, countries participated an Manageme from Mediterrane Further meetings were also held with the Administration by the guests also attended 28 May the event. and rectors of vice-rectors of the Klaipeda University and Portorož, Slovenia, and professors of Slovenian ministries the president of the student council. International students members. "Public EMUNI l course on EMUNI professiona and Sustainable Management ean" the Mediterran in t developmen table. Dr. Alain prepared a round professor at EMUNI Tobelem, visiting Stare, Janez Dr. Events & Meetings Place from France and Date stimulated a Summer 2010) (EMUNI Italy, [More] 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Summer Semester – Jul – Aug – Czech Republic, Greece, University in Ljubljana, the question Jun [More] to answer Portugal, Slovenia, Tunisia a Sep and the Role of Universities are debate, trying Learning [More] 3rd EMUNI HE&R 2010: Entrepreneurial service systems Portorož, Slovenia and Innovation 23 – 25 Sep whether the civil of public Conference on Higher Education, Research modernisation 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial hurdle for the Slovenia Sep or Oct (TBC) [More] and Public Action administration. MED 3: Sustainable Development Tunisia

5 May Beirut, Lebanon the purpose agreement for was A cooperation ng the ENPI Project of implementi President Prof. El Adawi, signed between EMUNI University and its of Beirut Arab Dr. Mostapha President, appointingwhich also hosted an BAU, will give Team Leader. day in Lebanon, the EMUNI regional EMUNI regarding the support to project. [More]

Environmental Conference on Forum Risks and UfM May

France, 27-28 Nice, Marseille, a Antipoliset, l University Nice-Sophi hosted an internationa EMUNI member, "Prevention of an: Conference on risks in the Mediterrane environmental EMUNI was routes and territories".Dr. Touhami Abdouli Prof. represented by Mostapha, Nehale Fariid Union and Prof. Dr. a Forum of the who also attended and ean: “Human for the Mediterran in Marseiile. [More] nt” Social Developme

a Souk in Alexandri 2nd Research Egypt, 14 June Alexandria, Ambassadors’ Meeting with EMUNI

7 – 8 Oct


24 – 27 Nov

Ankara, Turkey

25 – 27 Nov

Ankara, Turkey

on the Priorities of UfM Ethics of Management; Special Sessions MIC 2010: Social Responsibility and EMUNI General Assembly EMUNI Management Board Meeting EMUNI Student Forum EMUNI Senate Meeting

Rectors Conference of UfM Barcelona, Spain, 29 June The UfM rectors conference was attended by Prof. Dr. Mifsud, who participated in the keynote panel, discussing the presentation that the Euro-Mediterranean University Permanent Forum intends to deliver to the 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education and Research Ministerial Meeting to be held later this year in Slovenia. President Mifsud explained the specific role of EMUNI and argued the importance of finding synergy in the actions of Universities. [More]

the ENPIBoard service contract with DG Meeting IEMSR EuropeAid. Other meetings of in Brussels Paris, focused on the France, support 7toJuly EMUNI and Joseph Mifsud application of EU funds.chaired the advisory strategic council of the At the commission of ARLEM, EuroMediterranesessions an one Institute President Mifsud was of theofspeakers. Risk Science, held under [More] Gendreau-Mthe patronage of Michele assaloux, Presidency Republic of the

Topic: Contempo 3 Euro-Medit rary Challenges erranean Public the Middle East facing Management Dialogue Date and location: Sustainable Developme August, Ljubljana (TBC) nt and Public Action Guest Speaker: Amre Moussa, training and research 7 – 8 October, Secretary General of the Porto, field Portugal, July Tunis, Tunisia in the of risk6taken League of Arab in the broadest [More] States [More] The University joined sense. [More] Fernando Pessoa efforts with EMUNI to launch an EMUNI summer course with a title “Identities, UNIMED Publicati Policies and Proposals on Euromed on Presentation Rome, Italy 8 Territories.” The summer July course aims at President of EMUNI creating common spirits and attitudes Meeting with the UfM Secretary official presentatio was invited to the rd about territories and landscapes in the 3 EMUNI Higher n of the latest 11 th Manageme General publication Education & Research nt Internation EuroMed for theby new field professionals. UNIMED, Conference al a key partner Conference EMUNI, of Barcelona, Spain, 29 June the state The summer on school is one of the five Social Responsibi Entrepreneurial Transport services of the art of The Secretary General of the Union for the summer lity and Ethics Learning and courses whichinside EMUNI to theplans the Role of of Union Management Mediterranean. Universities Mediterranean, H.E. Ahmad Masa'deh organise this summer Portugal, Italy, for the Theinpresentatio n was made at a one 23 – 25 Sep, invited the President of EMUNI to be one Czech Republic and Tunisia. day Portorož, Slovenia by 300 academics, conference, attended Conference Subject of his first official guests of at the seat of Area: directors of public diplomats, and • University/E the Union for the Mediterranean. The andNetwork nterprise Cooperation Euro-Mediterranean at private services from UfM, at • University Fund Secretary General and President Mifsud Special sessions which five EuroMed Raising and EU on the priorities Paris University some8coming experts, • The Role of had a discussion on the current situation Projects 24 – 27 Nov, of UfM from EMUNI, Entrepreneurial Ankara, Turkey discussed different Education in the Developme Paris, France, 6 Julyin within the UfM, and on the various scenarios [More] Maritime nt of Priorities and Highways. of the Euro-Mediterranean University Paris 8, member of EMUNI,Land activities that EMUNI is conducting and [More] • Lifelong Learning, welcomed dignitaries from the Euroorganising the field of higher education Training and Education Mediterranean Network of cooperation in and research. The Secretary General 3 rdarea • Increasing Employabil the of Higheriterranea Education and applauded the efforts of EMUNI in the Euro-Med ity of Graduates n Summer • Recognition Research. Several personalities from the field of higher education and Semester of Knowledge, 2010 Gained in Practice Mediterranean area took part in the event: demonstrated his support and Dates: Jun – Sep • Learning Entreprene the President of EMUNI, Pascal Binczak, commitment to EMUNI as the key player Courses: 5 courses Cultural Environmenurship in Different Rector of University ParisECTS 8, Michéle in the field of intercultural dialogue with value  Identities, Policies ts IJEMS – e-version • National Higher Gendreau-Massaloux, in charge of the amongst citizens. and / download Proposals Education Policy Euromed on Thematic Issues Entrepreneurial UfM in the Territories office of the French President, on Announcements Learning  Science and  Freight Transport • The Mediterrane Enric Olivié Serret, Secretary General of Technology and Logistics : Knowledge an Business andEuro-Mediterranean Mediterranean in the Cultural Aggregation Development the University Forum Region Initiative  Environmenta (EPUF) Changes l Issues of the Call for Papers in Professor and Franco Rizzi, Geographic Mediterranean Region al Organisatio – 15 Jul Society (Central n of [More] Secretary GeneralEastern of the Union of  Tourism and Europe: Two Culture in the Decades After) Universities Mediterranean Mediterranean (UNIMED).  Mediterrane Michéle Gendreau-Massaloux expressed an Depollution through European Criminal her appreciation forSystem the efforts of EMUNI [More]  Euro Mediterran in promoting Higher Education in the ean Internationa l to Relations Mediterranean as anas essential tool and Arabic EMUNI in Brussels a language of intercultura foster dialogue between the two shores of l dialogue in the Brussels, Belgium, 5 July Mediterrane the Mediterranean, while rector Pascal an Locations: On the margins of the Commission for Binczak Czech confirmed their contribution Republic, Greece, Portugal, Economic, Social and Territorial withinTunisia EMUNI. On the margins ofItaly, the Open Affairs (ECOTER) of the Eurocall forEMUNI meeting and UNIMED participatio n [More] signed a Mediterranean Regional and Local Memorandum of Understanding. Assembly, ARLEM, the President of EMUNI held a number of meetings. He had a meeting with the Vice President of the European Parliament and Chair of the EMPA group for EMUNI, Ms. Rodi Kratsa Date Place on joint efforts to financially reinforce the Jun – Jul – Aug – Czech Republic, Events & Meetings position of EMUNI. President Mifsud alsoSep Greece, Italy, Portugal, Tunisia 3rd Euro-Mediterr had a cordial meeting at the European 23 – 25 [More] Sep anean Summer Portorož, Slovenia Semester (EMUNI Commission with Jose Jimez Sanchez onSep Summer 2010) 3rd rd

of France. The EMUNI 2010develops andSummer promotes SemesterIEMSR

or Oct (TBC)

7 – 8 Oct 24 – 27 Nov 25 – 27 Nov


Tunis, Tunisia Ankara, Turkey Ankara, Turkey



Portorož – Piran, Slovenia/Slovénie

Portorož – Piran, Slovenia 2008/20 09

t on ENPI Cooperation Agreemen


EMUNI HE&R 2010: Entrepreneuri al Learning and 2nd Euro-Mediterr the Role of Universities anean Ministerial Conference on Higher Education, MED 3: Sustainable Research and Development Innovation and Public Action MIC 2010: Social Responsibility and Ethics of EMUNI Management Management; Special Sessions Board Meeting EMUNI Senate on the Priorities Meeting of UfM EMUNI General Assembly EMUNI Student Forum

• EMUNI magazine (3 per year, the first “pilot” issue in 2010/2011).

Euro-Mediterranean University





3. IMPORTANT EVENTS FOR EMUNI In order to be acquainted with the recent developments, new trends and guidances in the field of higher education, research and other topics that EMUNI prioritises, it is important to be present at international events in the Euro-Mediterranean area, such as conferences, seminars and similar. Therefore EMUNI devotes a lot of attention to the promotion and efficient presentation of EMUNI at various events, which also help to set up a valuable network of contacts for the future work and development of the university.


Report 2010

Luouaize, 4 November 2009 IAU International Conference International Conference 2009 of the International Association of Universities (IAU) was held in Lebanon. It was organised by IAU and the Notre Dame University – Louaize. The conference focused on the role of higher education in fostering the culture of dialogue and understanding. The representative of EMUNI at the event was Prof. Dr, Antoine Hokayem, Vice-President for International Relations, the Saint-Joseph University. Barcelona, 5 November 2009 EuroMed Forum - Union for the Mediterranean: project for the future The President of EMUNI attended the second phase of Senior Experts Working Groups in the framework of the main economic projects of the Union for the Mediterranean. The Working Groups were coordinated by IEMED in collaboration with the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Spanish ministers. The aim of the Working Groups is to develop a common document, recommendations and conclusions for the Spanish Presidency of the European Union in 2010 as well as for the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean. Palermo, 6 November 2009 Palermo and s-Hertogenbosch Conferences Conference “The Cooperation in the Mediterranean Area. Development as Rights, Diversity as Wealth”, organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs General Direction of Cooperation for Development, Conference of the Presidents of Italian Universities, University of Palermo and Network of Italian Southern Universities was held in Palermo. Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud held a speech with a title: Higher Education and Development Cooperation. “Our European House”, the conference held in s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, was organised by the To-gather Project team. The project was initiated and organised by the School of Education, the Hanze University Groningen. Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud was a keynote speaker at the conference. Lemesos, 11 November 2009 Open Day for Lifelong Learning and International Cooperation The Cyprus University of Technology hosted an open day for Lifelong Learning and International Cooperation, organised by the European Commission (DG For Education and Research) and co-organised by the EMUNI University. The event celebrated the World Science and Development Day (UNESCO). Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud was an invited speaker at the event, where he presented a lecture, entitled “The Euro-Mediterranean University and International Cooperation in the fields of research and studies.”

Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

Podčetrtek, 13 November 2009 Conference on Private/Public Higher Education The 4th annual conference on Higher Education with a title “Public Goals - Private Rules / Private Goals - Public Rules” was initiated and organised by the Slovenian Student Union in cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung. The aim of the conference was to open a debate on current issues in Higher Education and stir development towards creating educational policies concerning the issues, debated at the conference. The conference was attended by Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud and Prof. Dr. Nada Trunk Širca, Director of Center EMUNI. Koper, Maribor, 17 November 2009 EMUNI President meets Slovenian Rectors Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud visited three of four rectors of Slovenian universities. The meeting with Prof. Dr. Rado Bohinc, rector of University of Primorska, was held in Koper on 20 October 2009. Mifsud met Prof. Dr. Ivan Rozman, the rector of University of Maribor, and Prof. Dr. in Maribor on 21 October 2009, while Prof. Dr. Danilo Zavrtanik, the President of University of Nova Gorica, hosted Prof. Dr. Mifsud in Nova Gorica on 3 September 2009. The meetings were organised mainly to discuss common issues regarding higher education and research and especially issues on the role of Slovenian universities and EMUNI. Bitola, 20 November 2009 ETF Conference on Entrepreneurship in Higher Education Conference, which took place in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, was organised in the framework of a project led by the European Training Foundation (ETF) with a focus on Entrepreneurship learning. The event was organised in cooperation with the St. Clement of Ohrid University of Bitola. EMUNI takes part in the project leading a group of four Higher Education Institutions from Slovenia, Tunisia and Morocco. The conference was attended by Prof. Abdouli Touhami, who is coordinating the project for EMUNI. The objective of the meeting was to determine viability of a set of pilot indicators to promote entrepreneurship in the third level education, based on the experience of 8 universities, which participated in the first phase of the project. Alicante, 21 November 2009 Congress on Education and Migration

The University of Alicante hosted a congress, jointly organised by the European Movement, Biblioteca Alexandrina, CasaMediterraneo and other partners. The Congress was dedicated to the north-south Mediterranean dialogue on education and migration. At the welcoming ceremony the guests and participants were among other addressed by the representatives of the organisers and Ms Benita Ferrero Waldner. Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud spoke in relation to the EMUNI University at the workshop dedicated to the 2010 Priorities.

Euro-Mediterranean University



Report 2010

Sousse, 28 November 2009 EMUNI University General Assembly and Sessions of EMUNI Bodies The second EMUNI General Assembly took place in Tunisia, where 42 founding members were present, while new 27 members got the EMUNI membership. In the days before the General Assembly the sessions of EMUNI Commissions, Senate and Management Board were held. After this year’s General Assembly the number of members increased from 115 institutions from 32 countries to 141 institutions from 37 countries. The guests at the General Assembly were among other the State Secretary at the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia Dr. József Györkös, Peter Volasko (Head of the International Cooperation and European Affairs at the Ministry of Higher Education) and Dr. Milena Šmit (Head of the EUROMED Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs). The support of the European Commission was expressed through the attendance of Dr. Ettore Deodato (DG for Education and Culture), Dr. Sohail Luka (DG Research) and Dr. Giancarlo Caratti (Joint Research Centre) while the University of Sousse, which co-organised the whole programme, was represented by its Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmed Noureddine Helal. Sousse, 28 November 2009 ACAM and MIC conferences The EMUNI University acted as a co-organiser of two international conferences. From 23 - 24 November the ACAM Conference with a title “The Union for the Mediterranean Cultural Platform and Institutional Construction” was held, whereas the MIC 2009 conference “Creativity, Innovation and Management” took place between 25 - 28 November in the common organisation of the University of Primorska, EMUNI and the Sousse University.

Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

Rome, 4 December 2009 Declaration on the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean university network In the frame of the Italian presidency of the Adriatic-Ionian initiative, an international conference MEDADRION “The Roles of Universities and Research in the Adriatic-Ionian & Mediterranean Integration” was held in Rome. The conference, organised by the University of Teramo, gathered the university representatives from the Mediterranean Area. The representatives of AARC, UniAdrion, EMUNI University and Unimed signed a joint declaration for the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean university network “MEDADRION” at the meeting. A temporary committee on the basis of the declaration was established, including Prof. Dr. Rado Bohinc, AARC president, Joseph Mifsud, President of EMUNI, Besnik Mustafay, former foreign minister of Albania, Marco Pacetti, UniAdrion president, Franco Rizzi, Unimed general secretary, Gianluca Sadun Bordoni, University of Teramo. The purpose of the operation within the initiative is to strengthen the development and security of the whole region surrounding the Ionian and Adriatic sea. Salento, 11 December 2009 University cooperation the Euro-Mediterranean Region The Seminar on the role of the European Union in the field of University cooperation the Euro-Mediterranean Region took place at the University of Salento. It was jointly organised by the University of Salento, Community of Mediterranean Universities, the Euro-Mediterranean Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, the University of Bari, EUROMED, the University of Foggia and EMUNI University. The participants of the seminar discussed different topics connected with the subject of the conference and several good practices were presented, among them also EMUNI Research Souk and EMUNI Summer School. Sarajevo, 14 December 2009 Regional Meeting of the Alliance of Civilizations The first Alliance of Civilizations’ South-East European Conference was attended also by Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud, who was a panellist at a session dedicated to intercultural dialogue and which was opened by Hans D’Orville, Deputy Director General of UNESCO.

Euro-Mediterranean University



Report 2010

Cairo, 15 December 2009 EMUNI in Egypt with the governmental delegation EMUNI representatives were part of the accompanying delegation of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Mr Borut Pahor at his official visit to the Arab Republic of Egypt. In the frame of the visit Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud and Ambassador Mohamed Rifaah (Assistant Foreign Minister, Head of the Institute for Diplomatic Studies) signed a Memorandum of Understanding, which defines the future co-operation of both institutions. EMUNI representatives also attended a business conference of Slovenian and Egyptian economists and several bilateral meetings. Brussels, 17 December 2009 Signing the contract between EMUNI and European Commission EMUNI and the Europe Aid Co-operation Office signed a contract on financing in the amount of one million Euro. The funds will be allocated to EMUNI for the development and implementation of projects in relation to the priority areas of the Union for the Mediterranean. The activities covered from this source will involve the preparation of 8 Master Study programmes, establishment of Higher Education Observatory and dissemination of results, such as conferences, EMUNI regional days and publications. Ljubljana, 17 December 2009 SEEP 2009 - South Eastern European Platform The Student conference – SEEP 09 is a traditional yearly event of the Erasmus Student Network, which Slovenia hosted for the first time. The conference gathered 84 international students from 16 European countries. Different plenary sessions and lectures were held to discuss mobility problems in the South-Eastern European countries. As a good example of a university, which gathers students from different countries and cultures of Europe and from the Mediterranean, EMUNI University was presented.  Brussels, 22 December 2009 Erasmus University Charter awarded to EMUNI University The Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission awarded an Erasmus University Charter to the EMUNI University. EMUNI applied for the Extended Erasmus University Charter in June 2009. The ERASMUS University Charter (EUC) provides the general framework for all the European cooperation activities, which a higher education institution may carry out within the ERASMUS programme. It sets out the fundamental principles and the minimum requirements, which the higher education institution must comply with, when implementing its ERASMUS activities. Beirut, 23 December 2009 Rodi Kratsa about EMUNI in Lebanon Mrs. Rodi Kratsa, Vice-President of the European Parliament and the President of the Monitoring Group of EMUNI, visited Lebanon and held a series of meetings with Lebanese high officials. With the Minister of Education and Higher Learning, Dr. Hassan Mneimneh, she discussed the active participation Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

of Lebanese Universities of the Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI). She informed Mr. Mneimneh about the recent decision of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly to establish a Working Group on EMUNI presided by herself and underlined her willingness to cooperate closely with Lebanon on this issue. In this respect she also met with the Counsellor of the President of Lebanon responsible for the Euromed Agency for Research, Dr. Elie Assaf. Lisbon, 6 January 2010 Meeting between Heads of EMUNI and AoC about common projects The President of the initiative Alliance of Civilizations Jorge Sampaio met with Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud and Andreja Viher, Director of the EMUNI Foundation. They discussed proposals for common projects to be implemented in 2010. The AoC Regional Strategy for South East Europe was approved in Sarajevo on 14th December 2009. In the frame of the visit EMUNI representatives had a meeting at the University of Lisbon, one of EMUNI Members, discussing future common plans of both institutions. Qatar, Kuwait, 9 January 2010 State visit to Qatar and Kuwait The President of the Republic of Slovenia Dr. Danilo T端rk was at the official visit in the State of Kuwait and State of Qatar with more than 80-member governmental and economy delegation, which also included Andreja Viher, Director of EMUNI Foundation. The visit offered an important opportunity for EMUNI to try to find ways to increase its presence in this region as well as find partners for the implantation of its projects. The support of the State of Kuwait to the EMUNI project was already expressed, as it donated funds to the EMUNI Foundation at the occasion of the establishment of the EMUNI University.

Euro-Mediterranean University



Report 2010

Barcelona, 14 January 2010 EuroMed2030 - first expert group meeting Prof. Nada Trunk Širca (EMUNI) is a member of the expert group, which held the first meeting on “Foresight on the long term challenges for the Mediterranean area”- EuroMed 2030. The objective of the meeting was to discuss trends in different priorities of UfM such as macro-economic and demographic, energy and climate change, water and environment, education and science, culture, geopolitics and governance perspectives in the Mediterranean countries. Cairo, 25 January 2010 The Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Exhibition and EMUNI Regional Day The Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Exhibition was held in Cairo under the patronage of H.E. Dr. Ahmed Nazif, Prime Minister of Egypt. The event is the platform for science and innovation stakeholders from European and Mediterranean countries to meet, network and further develop innovative business ideas, projects and partnerships. EMUNI was represented through a presentation of EMUNI and its members at an exhibition stand and through the participation as EMUNI president as one of the speakers at the Session “Policy Dialogue: From Barcelona to the Union for the Mediterranean”, first session of the Forum, which was held simultaneously to the exhibition. The event, attended by more than 3000 participants, was opened by Hany Helal, Minister of Higher Education of Egypt. In the frame of the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Exhibition, the first event in the series of EMUNI regional days was organised. This regional day was the opening event of the series of EMUNI regional days, which are also supported by the European Commission.

Beirut, 28 January 2010 President of EMUNI in Lebanon EMUNI President was at the working visit in Lebanon, where he met Prof. Dr. Amr Galal El Adawi, President of the Beirut Arab University, one of EMUNI member institutions, which is also very actively involved in EMUNI’s activities. EMUNI President took the occasion of the visit to Lebanon also for meetings with representatives of other higher education institutions, relevant for EMUNI, in the region.

Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

Strasbourg, 1 February 2010 EMUNI meetings at the Council of Europe EMUNI President held several meetings at the Council of Europe considering the possible inclusion of EMUNI to CoE projects and possible development and implementation of common initiatives. He met with Ms Gabriela Battaini, Director General of Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport, Mr Ralf Rene Weingartner, Director of Youth and Sport and representatives of several directorates, departments and divisions among them Cultural and Natural Heritage, Youth and History Teaching. Portorož, 4 February 2010 Working visit of the representatives of the National Assembly A working meeting of the representatives of the National Assembly and EMUNI was held at the seat of EMUNI with a topic “EMUNI and its role in the frame of the Union for the Mediterranean.” Mr. Vasja Klavora introduced the role of EMUNI within the EMPA committee (Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly), whereas Mr Miro Petek and Mr Franco Juri highlighted the role of EMUNI and common projects within the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM). The meeting was attended also by Ms Darinka Vrečko from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and Milena Šmit, National Coordinator for the Union for the Mediterranean. The visitors stressed their support to the project and spoke also about the current situation and importance of EMUNI for Slovenia and Euro-Mediterranean. Mostar, 11 February 2010 UNESCO - Second MERIC Meeting Prof. Nada Trunk Širca (EMUNI) and Alenka Lisec (MHEST) attended the 2nd MERIC Network Meeting convened by UNESCO. The main purpose of the meeting was the recognition of education in Mediterranean countries. At the end of the meeting MERIC Network Representatives issued a declaration which will be sent to the Ministers of EUROMED countries, stating that MERIC will be involved in activities with the Euro-Mediterranean University. The UNESCO Secretariat proposed to the Slovenian ministry to host the third meeting of MERIC network in 2011. Portorož, 11 February 2010 Module Euro-Mediterranean Studies Between 15 and 27 February 2010 the EMUNI University was implementing a Professional School Module Euro-Mediterranean Studies. The main aim of courses is to provide participants with a broader understanding of the EuroMediterranean region. In the frame of the module 2 courses were delivered: Euro-Mediterranean International relations and Geographical perspective and tourist regions. The Euro-Mediterranean International Relations course provided Euro-Mediterranean University



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students with the necessary knowledge of the critical theory study and practical training of the international relations and co-operation, while the course Geographical perspective and tourist regions offered the understanding of the basic factors of development and tourism in the Euro-Mediterranean area and influences of the European politics on the social and environmental changes of the countryside. The module is a part of the master study programmes ‘EMUNI label’ and was attended by the students of these programmes as well as by individuals from EMUNI partner institutions. The module was attended by 20 students from Algeria, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Croatia, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey. 9 professors were delivering lectures, coming from Belgium, Greece, Italy, Slovenia and Tunisia. The project is co-financed by European Union, through European Social Found.

Portorož, 23 February 2010 Round Table: Challenges of Tourism in the Euro-Mediterranean Region EMUNI prepared a round table on the topic “Challenges of tourism in the EuroMediterranean Region” at its seat in the frame of the EMUNI ‘label’ master study programme Euro-Mediterranean Studies.The round table was attended by the students and visiting professors and other speakers: Dr. Touhami Abdouli (Univerisity of Sousse, Tunisia), Dr. Velvet Nelson (Sam Houston State University, USA), Dr. Cosimo Notarstefano (Euro-Mediterranean Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, Italy) Dr. Živa Čeh (University in Primorska, Slovenia) and Dr. Lučka Lorber (University in Maribor, Slovenia). The participants discussed the opportunities and problems of tourism in the Euro-Mediterranean region and highlighted the issue of the Mediterranean as a brand, high prices in relation to tourist destinations in the East and focus on one type of tourism in comparison to integrated tourist offers. They also stressed the importance of environment, sustainable development, good management and quality of life as basic factors by good tourist development planning. Euro-Mediterranean University

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Brussels, 23 February 2010 EMPA: Session of the EMUNI Working Group The working group for EMUNI of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (EMPA) was summoned by the Vice President of the European Parliament Ms Rodi Kratsa. It was attended also by EMUNI President. The members elected the Vice-Chair of the Working Group, exchanged views on the scope and priorities of the EMUNI as well as on recent developments, and on the support granted to EMUNI by the European Commission. They also discussed the objectives and work programme for 2010. While in Brussels, EMUNI president also met with the Vice president of European Parliament Gianni Pittella to set up new strategic think tank of the EMPA which will pass from the Jordanian Presidency to the Italian Presidency in March 2010. Portorož, 26 February 2010 The Opening Event of EMUNI Talks The Euro-Mediterranean University Foundation launched a new series of events -”EMUNI Talks: EMUNI Ambassadors’ Series.” The guest speaker at the first event H.E. Mrs Nicole Michelangeli, the Ambassador of the French Republic to the Republic of Slovenia delivered a lecture with a title “Union for the Mediterranean: State of Play and Expectations.” She introduced the role of the Union for the Mediterranean and its Secretariat. On this day also the Module of Euro-Mediterranean Studies ended at EMUNI. Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud distributed the certificates of attendance at the end of the lecture, together with the French, Polish, Egyptian and Cypriot ambassadors. The event was attended by rectors, students and professors of EMUNI members, members of diplomatic corps, representatives of ministries, the local community and other invitees.

Portorož, 26 February 2010 EMUNI Management Board and Senate Sessions The 7th session of the Management Board of EMUNI and the 4th Session of the EMUNI Senate were held in Portorož. At the common session of the Senate and the Management Board the members discussed and adopted the Work Programme for 2010, adopted the Euro-Mediterranean Academic Charter (EMAC) and discussed the criteria for financing EMUNI programmes and EMUNI scholarship funds. The Senate session first focused on the Rules of Procedures of the Senate. The debate was also dedicated to the Study Programmes, Euro-Mediterranean University



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discussing the guidelines for EMUNI study programmes and Quality assurance, adoption of new master study programmes, and accreditation of EMUNI programmes and Higher Education Council. Members of the Management Board elected the Vice Chairperson and adopted the Annual Report for 2009. Prof. Dr. Nehale Farid Mostapha, who was confirmed a team leader for ENPI project, presented the project. Barcelona, 4 March 2010 Opening of the Union for the Mediterranean Headquarters The new Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean was officially inaugurated. This new stage in Euro-Mediterranean relations is intended to achieve a more dynamic association of EU countries and their Mediterranean partners. The Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) became HE Ahmad Masadeh. The ceremony was attended by many Foreign Ministers, the European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy, the Secretary General of the Arab League, the High Representative of the UN Alliance of Civilisations. One of the guests at the event was also Prof Dr. Joseph Mifsud, President of EMUNI University. Barcelona, 4 -7 March 2010 EMUNI at the 2010 ALF Forum The Anna Lindh Foundation gathered around 500 organizations, together with other thematic networks and ALF strategic partners in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The aim was to give new momentum to the cooperation among civil society organizations, committed to intercultural dialogue in the region and to increase its impact on the establishment of the Union for the Mediterranean. The event was built on two key pillars - the “Agora”, dedicated to plenary debate and workshops with experts on the achievements and challenges of social and cultural cooperation in this regional framework, and the “Medina”, bringing together members of the Anna Lindh Foundation and regional partners, one of which is also EMUNI. Poznan, 9 March 2010 EMUNI Regional Day in Poland The Adam Mickiewicz University from Poznan hosted an event in the frame of the the 2nd EMUNI regional day. The speakers at the forum were Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud, EMUNI President, Prof. Dr. Ewa Osnecka, Vice Rector of the College of Europe from Natolin and Prof Dr. Rafal Witkowski, Institute of History, Adam Mickiewicz University. The event gathered students, experts and other interested individuals from Poland and broader region. Rabat, 11 - 12 March GRET International Forum and EuroMed-2030 meeting Prof. Nada Trunk Širca (EMUNI) attended the 15th International Forum, organized by the GRET association which took place in Morocco. This year’s title of the forum was “Urban performance.” In the 2-day forum, summoned by Prof. Ali Sedjari, GRET President, 4 sessions took place with contributions

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of experts from different countries of the Euro-Mediterranean, among them Tunisia, France and Algeria. While in Morocco, Prof Trunk Širca also took part in the Second meeting of the Expert Group in the organisation of European Commission with a working title: “Forward looking on the long-term Challenges for the Mediterranean Area (Euro-Med 2030).” Experts from the academic sector and EU officials took part in the meeting, discussing trends, tensions, new strategies and implications in the Mediterranean Area. Aman, 12 - 14 March EMPA Meeting in Jordan At the sixth session of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (EMPA) the Slovenian delegation also spoke about EMUNI. The Presidency of the Assembly was taken over from Jordan to Italy. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) was given an observer status and vice versa - EMPA got the observer status for PAM. It was agreed that the cooperation between the both bodies will be complementary as they are active in the same area. The Slovenian delegation took part in several committees, where they successfully proposed some amendments. In the field of education and financing for the Euro-Mediterranean University EMUNI Franco Juri, also a member of the Working group for EMUNI, submitted proposals. Doha, Marseille,15 March EMUNI initiatives by Rodi Kratsa On the occasion of the participation of the Vice-President of the European Parliament Mrs. Rodi Kratsa in the meeting in Qatar’s Doha, Mrs. Kratsa visited the Qatar Foundation and met with the President of Qatar Foundation, Dr. Mohammad Fathy Saoud, Head of “Education City”, Qatar Foundation’s flagship project. Upon the proposal of Mrs. Kratsa to establish mutual cooperation with EMUNI, the President requested that the first steps for establishing cooperation with European and Arabic universities of the Mediterranean region through EMUNI be made. With regards to the newly-established Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) based in Marseille Mrs. Rodi Kratsa stressed the need to include EMUNI to the list of its partners. Furthermore, in Brussels she met with the rectors of Universities of the South of France, and suggested that they enhance their presence and their contribution to the EMUNI activities of the common interest. Koper, 16 March 2010 EMUNI Regional day in Slovenia EMUNI University, University of Primorska and the European Commission organised an EMUNI Regional Day in Slovenia with a title “Contribution of Universities to the Development of Cultural and Social Area in the Euro-Mediterranean Region” at the University of Primorska in Koper. Among the speakers were Prof. Dr. Rado Bohinc, University of Primorska rector, Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud, Euro-Mediterranean University



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EMUNI University President, Dr. Deodato Ettore, European Commission, Prof. Dr. Nehale Fariid Mostapha, EMUNI University, Senior Lecturer Dr. Aleksander Panjek, University of Primorska and Students from the Euro-Mediterranean Region. Padua, 23 - 24 March 2010 Multi-level Governance of Intercultural Dialogue The University of Padua and the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence in cooperation with the Region of Veneto prepared a workshop on Multi-level Governance of Intercultural dialogue. The workshop focused on the questions of the Premises for governance of intercultural dialogue, governance in local and regional perspectives, civil society participation in intercultural dialogue and territorial cooperation and EGTC practices. Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud participated in the workshop with his contribution on the “Intercultural dialogue in the EuroMediterranean Area.” Paris, 25 March 2010 Economic perspectives of IPEMED Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud attended the Conference on the Economic Perspectives of the Mediterranean 2030, organised by IPEMED (Institute of economic forecasting in the Mediterranean) with partners (CIHEAM, OME and others). Ministers, members of the diplomacy, UfM and other experts participated at the event. In the frame of the conference a Memorandum of Understanding on the future cooperation was signed between EMUNI and IPEMED. Portorož, 29 March 2010 Round Table: Intercultural dialogue in Higher Education: future of the Union for the Mediterranean? Students and professors of the EMUNI doctoral seminar have prepared a round table on the issues in relation to the newly established Union for the Mediterranean. Dr. Alexander Moll (University of Peruggia, Italy), who chaired the event, opened the debate, where guest professors participated: Dr. Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik from the University of Nova Gorica, Dr. Touhami Abdouli from the Sousse University (Tunisia) and Dr. Ghanem Georg from Syria. The participants shared the opinion that a major role in establishing and developing of the Union of the Mediterranean will be played by the higher education institutions and that EMUNI can be served as a good instrument how to spread awareness and affiliation to the Mediterranean. Ljubljana, 15 April 2010 Coherence of Multi- and Bilateral Development Co-operation EADI - The European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes, SLOGA, platform for development cooperation and humanitarian aid, EMUNI Foundation and EMUNI University organised a conference “Coherence of Multi- and Bilateral Development Co-operation in the Case of the EuroMediterranean Region,” which took place in the Central Hotel, Ljubljana. At the event approximately 70 EADI members, researchers and NGO experts from EU and other Mediterranean countries discussed development perspectives of the Euro-Mediterranean University

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Euro-Mediterranean, especially in the field of the Union for the Mediterranean priorities. The event was opened by Ms Dragoljuba Benčina, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia. Among the invited speakers were Paul Hoebink (Nijmegen), Mark Furness (German Development Institute - DIE), Ana Bojinovič Fenko (Faculty of Social Sciences), Gordana Berjan (North South Centre of CoE), Tobias Schumacher (CIES Lisbon) and Joseph Mifsud (EMUNI President). The speakers at the panel agreed that the Euro-Mediterranean Area still faces numerous dilemmas despite a certain progress. The insufficient progress in the economic and political fields has not lived up to expectations so new solutions for a bigger coherence and balance of partnerships will need to be found in the future.

Portorož, 16 April 2010 Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology 2030 in UfM

EMUNI University, Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean - PAM and the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia prepared a conference with a topic “Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology - 2030 in the Union For The Mediterranean: Conference on Higher Education and the Role of Universities in Supporting PAM Strategies throughout the Mediterranean,” taking place in Portorož, Slovenia. At the conference approximately 60 members of the 3rd PAM standing committee and experts from the field of higher education from the whole Mediterranean discussed challenges and opportunities of Higher Education and Science in the frame of the Union for the Mediterranean and tried to identify possibilities of incorporation and efficient collaboration of higher education institutions with PAM. The event was opened by EMUNI president and Sergio Piazzi, PAM Secretary General. The conference was attended also by Dr. Jószef Györkös, State Secretary at the Ministry of

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Higher Education, Science and Technology, who renewed the expression of Slovenian support to the EMUNI project and also spoke about the ministerial conference in the field of higher education, research and innovation of the Union for the Mediterranean member states, which will be hosted by Slovenia. Brussels, 29 April 2010 Brussels meetings The meetings at the EU institutions, attended by the EMUNI president, focused on the EMUNI student conference Research Souk, an EU Foresight Research Exercise, Erasmus Mundus and support to and from EMUNI to the DG EAC. They also included a debate of the opening of EMUNI through EU funding to the Western Balkans and candidate countries in the Union for the Mediterranean. Joseph Mifsud was hosted by the Committee of the Regions of EU through an invitation of Luc Van den Brande, Co-President of the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly (ARLEM), the Director Lucio Gussetti and Head of Cabinet, Filippo Terruso to discuss cooperation which has started between EMUNI and ARLEM and to be presented in Agadir, Morocco in July 2010. Beirut, 3 May 2010 EMUNI Regional Day in Lebanon An EMUNI Regional Day was held at the Beirut Arab University in order to introduce EMUNI to the Lebanese Society. The EMUNI Regional day was attended by Mr. Elie Assaf, Economic Counsellor to the Lebanese President, BAU staff and students, in addition to Rectors of Lebanese Universities and Ambassadors of Mediterranean Countries. The President of EMUNI introduced the audience to the important role EMUNI is playing for the Union for the Mediterranean, Prof. El Adawi, the president of BAU, highlighted the cooperation between North and South Universities and Prof. Nehale Mostapha, Dean of the Business School and team Leader of the ENPI project at EMUNI, discussed the project and its importance for Higher Education and North-South and South-South Cooperation. Beirut, 5 May 2010 Cooperation agreement for the ENPI project

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The President of EMUNI and Prof. El Adawi, President of the Beirut Arab University, signed a cooperation agreement for the purpose of implementing the ENPI Project, led by Dr. Nehale Farid Mostapha, the Dean of the Business School at BAU, who was appointed by the European Commission to be the Team Leader of the Project. BAU will be hosting the implementation of this project in cooperation with EMUNI and will give all the support needed for this task. Portorož, 5 May 2010 Visit of the Students of the Faculty of Arts As part of an excursion to the coastal institutions, a group of 37 students from the Faculty of Arts in Maribor visited EMUNI. The group was led by Prof. Dr. Lučka Lorber, who is very engaged with EMUNI activities. The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the vision of the Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education Area and the EMUNI University (get to know its purpose, partner institutions, programmes and ways of integration). Beirut, 6 May 2010 HEIC 2010 Higher Education International Conference 2010 (HEIC 2010) was held under the auspices of His Excellency Minister of Education & Higher Education Dr. Hasan Mneimneh. Prof. Joseph Mifsud, who participated at the conference as a panellist at the session “Euromed Higher Education Cooperation,” was honoured in HEIC 2010 together with Her Excellency Bahia Hariri and Professor Saleh Hachem. HEIC is a premier annual international conference dedicated to addressing emerging topics and challenges in higher education. HEIC is organized annually by the Modern University for Business & ScienceM.U.B.S (Lebanon). On the margins of the event EMUNI President visited the Notra Dame University and St. Joseph University. Portorož, 9 May 2010 Doctoral Research Seminar on Leadership for Cultural Diversity EMUNI in co-organisation with the University of Cyprus organised a Doctoral Research Seminar on “Leadership for Cultural Diversity,” which was taking place at the seat of EMUNI. The second doctoral Seminar in the organisation of EMUNI this year was held between 9 22 May and was attended by 9 students from 7 countries (Lebanon, Morocco, Slovenia, Palestinian Authority, Algeria, Hungary, Italy). The seminar examined positive contribution of multi-lingual education, demargionalisation of unprivileged groups, management of diversity, human rights and along with them, trans-cultural competences, cultural sensitivity, care of multiculturalism and preservation of the plural Euro-Mediterranean University



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society. The seminar was delivered by 5 professors from 5 different countries. The President of the University of Cyprus Dr. Stavros Zenios was also present at a part of the Seminar. Beirut, 12 May 2010 EMUNI and AAU Sign a Memorandum of Understanding The President of EMUNI, Joseph Mifsud and Dr. Saleh Hachem - Secretary General - Association of Arab Universities signed a memorandum of understanding to liaise activities in the framework of the Union for the Mediterranean between Universities, students and academic and support staff. This agreement will lead the way to a joint commission to develop practical and concrete activities of support and of internationalisation for universities wishing to cooperate on UFM projects. Both EMUNI and the Association of Arab Universities agreed on the priority areas of the UFM and will be submitting a joint plan which can be utilised as a framework of cooperation. Portorož, 14 May 2010 Round Table on Cultural Diversity International students and visiting professors of the Doctoral Research Seminar “Leadership and Cultural Diversity”, prepared a round table on Cultural Diversity which was attended also by the Rector of the Cyprus University Dr. Stavros Zenios. At the opening of the event EMUNI representative presented the welcome address of HE Mr Charalambos Panayides, Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to the Republic of Slovenia. He expressed hope that the seminar will help the students achieve the greatest possible integration while, at the same time, respect diversity in culture. The professors included into debate were Dr. Michel Nehme from the Notre Dame University (Lebanon) and Dr. Sam A. F. Alfoqaha, (An-Najah University, Palestinian Authority). Topics which were discussed involved the problem of support by national and international authorities, life in inhomogeneous societies, concluding that in the globalised world the process of multi-cultural societies can no longer be avoided, so in the future the questions how to manage them will get even more spotlight. Palermo, 17 May 2010 Meetings between the Secretary General of the UfM and the President of EMUNI Prof. Joseph Mifsud and H.E. Ahmad Ma’sadah attended the establishment of the International Jury of the Prize Al Idrisi, which constitutes a new award for the advancement and achievement of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. Both accepted to be members with academic, diplomatic and institutional personalities coming from the North and South of the Mediterranean who will sit on the jury of this prize. At the meetings Prof. Mifsud and H.E. Ma’sadah exchanged notes on pertinent issues on common initiatives being undertaken with the UFM by EMUNI. The cordial talks will continue periodically in the future to align tangibly the actions of EMUNI to the objectives that the Secretary General of the UFM intends to give to his priorities and projects.

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Portorož, 19 May 2010 Australian experience in relation to international students Prof. Dr. Lorelle Burton, Southern Queensland University, Australia, visited EMUNI. Dr. Burton, an expert in the field of excellence in teaching and learning, is a guest professor at the International School for Social and Business Studies in Celje, which is EMUNI partner institution. With EMUNI president and EMUNI Center director she discussed Australian experience with distance education and international students, considering the fact that Australia is a country with the highest mobility rate and rich experience with teaching in the international environment. Dubrovnik, 21 May 2010 EMUNI keynote speech at the CEI Dubrovnik Diplomatic Forum The President of EMUNI delivered a keynote speech at the Seminar which focuses on Strategic Public Diplomacy. Prof. Mifsud was invited by the Director of the Diplomatic Academy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Croatia, H.E. Dr. Mladen Andrlić. The President of EMUNI explained the objectives behind the project in Slovenia, and how EMUNI was networking within the Union for the Mediterranean on the six priority projects. The presentation entitled Academic diplomacy in the UFM, created a lot of interest and talks were started to open this annual international forum to focus specifically on the diplomatic efforts which relate to the priorities of the UFM.

Vienna, 22 May 2010 Slovenian Forum in Vienna The Slovenian Forum took place in Vienna, where the State Secretary at the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Dr. Györkös presented the challenges and trends in the Slovenian Research and Higher Education Area and the Euro-Mediterranean University, EMUNI in Slovenia, its current status and the future plans. Ms. Darinka Vrečko, senior official at the Ministry, presented the preparatory work for the EUROMED Ministerial Conference on Higher Education, Research and Innovation. In the discussion that followed the initial presentations, members of the Forum addressed the issues such as the specific measures that countries and universities - members of the EMUNI could take to assist EMUNI in achieving its mission and specific tasks. Euro-Mediterranean University



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Portorož, 24 May 2010 Public Management and Sustainable Development From 24 May to 5 June EMUNI University in cooperation with the Paul Cezanne University from France organised courses on Public Management and Sustainable development in the Mediterranean: Public Management and Sustainable Development and Mediterranean Geopolitics, Economy and Major Projects. The courses are attended by 16 participants from eight countries (Albania, Egypt, France, Germany, Morocco, Slovenia, Tunisia, Turkey) and conducted by 5 professors from 3 countries (France, Morocco, Slovenia). The main aim of the course is to offer participants cultural and technical competences for interpreting issues of sustainable development in the Mediterranean and the role public management can play. Portorož, 24 May 2010 Diplomatic College at EMUNI From 19 to 24 May 2010 the Center for European Perspective and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia hosted the third meeting of the German Diplomatic College of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a public-private partnership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Robert Bosch Foundation and Foreign Affairs Council. The College includes accredited diplomats with a purpose to enable young people to get a deeper insight to the life in Germany. In the frame of the meeting an excursion and receptions at Slovenian governmental, local, economic and educational institutions were organized. The programme included a visit to the Euro-Mediterranean University, where a presentation of EMUNI took place. Portorož, 27 May 2010 Italian Ambassador at EMUNI Talks EMUNI Foundation prepared the second event of EMUNI Talks: the Ambassadors’ Series. The guest of honour at the event, H.E. Alessandro Pietromarchi, Ambassador of the Italian Republic to Slovenia, delivered a lecture on “Mediterranean Mobility. The Mediterranean Infrastructure and Transport Policy.” In his speech, the ambassador first introduced the institutional issues of the Union for the Mediterranean and stressed that the former EuroMediterranean Partnership failed to meet the great expectations that had accompanied its creation, and there is wide agreement on the fact that the birth of the Union for the Mediterranean was a major opportunity to revive the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation. Pietromarchi also stressed the need for creating areas of regional economic integration as tools to tackle global competition more efficiently and the need for a shared regional approach to face this and other common major challenges. Marseille, 27 May 2010 UfM Forum in Marseilles Forum of the Union for the Mediterranean: Human and Social Development was opened Dr. Abdel Hamid EL-Zoheiry, Coordinator for Research and Cooperation in the Ministry of Higher Education, Egypt. It was attended also Euro-Mediterranean University

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by Prof. Dr. Nehale Fariid Mostapha, EMUNI. On the margins of the forum she had a meeting with Adriana Jaramillo, Center for Mediterranean Integration, The World Bank. Nice, 28 May 2010 Conference on Environmental Risks in the Mediterranean University Nice-Sophia Antipoliset, EMUNI member, hosted an international Conference on “Prevention of environmental risks in the Mediterranean: routes and territories.” The welcome address was delivered by Albert Marouani, President of the University Nice-Sophia Antipoliset and Salvano Briceño, Director of the International Strategy for the Reduction of disasters, UN. The conference was attended by Prof. Dr. Nehale Fariid Mostapha, EMUNI and Prof. Dr. Touhami Abdouli, adviser of EMUNI President. On 26 May they paid a visit to the university to hold meetings on EMUNI cooperation. Portorož, 28 May 2010 Civil Service Systems - a Hurdle for the Modernisation of Public Administration? International students and professors of EMUNI professional course “Public Management and Sustainable development in the Mediterranean” developed an interesting debate, trying to answer the question whether the civil service systems are a hurdle for the modernisation of public administration. Dr. Alain Tobelem, visiting professor at EMUNI from France, working as an International Consultant in State Reform and Public Sector Modernization, offered the »yes« arguments, while Dr. Janez Stare, University in Ljubljana, listed the reasons why this is not the case. The round table participants agreed that there are plenty parallels among the public administration systems in the Mediterranean and that similar management techniques should apply to public administration as in the private sector. Belfast, 24 May 2010 EMUNI on a Study visit at Queens University Belfast Study visit at Queens University Belfast was organised by the European Training Foundation in the framework of the project “Entrepreneurial learning.” EMUNI was represented by Valerij Dermol from the EMUNI partner institution International School for Social and Business Studies (Celje, Slovenia). The project “Entrepreneurial learning” covers 16 countries and aims to help build capacity for developing lifelong entrepreneurial learning and the creation of enterprise skills in general and higher education. EMUNI leads a group within the project including four other institutions. The main aim of the visit to Queens University Belfast was to identify good practice in entrepreneurship promotion in third-level education and to learn more about the Queens University pioneering drive for entrepreneurship education. Euro-Mediterranean University



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Alexandria, 11 June 2010 Sessions of EMUNI Management Board and EMUNI Alexandria University, one of EMUNI members, hosted the 8th session of EMUNI Management Board and the 5th session of EMUNI Senate, attended by their members - rectors and professors of EMUNI member institutions. At the sessions the members discussed the work programme of EMUNI University, criteria for financing the university, the possibilities of internships and scholarships. Prof. Nehale Mostapha, ENPI project leader, introduced the project, which assures EC financing of EMUNI for the development of programmes from the priority areas of the Union for the Mediterranean. Apart of members of EMUNI Senate and Management Board the sessions were attended by the guests from Slovenian ministries (Majda Širok, Darinko Vrečko, Milena Šmit), and heads of EMUNI members, including the President of the Beirut Arab University. Alexandria, 14 June 2010 Second Research Souk EMUNI with partner institutions prepared the second student multi-conference Research Souk, a student “marketplace”, held simultaneously at various locations of the Euro-Mediterranean Area, where the students get the possibility to introduce and discuss their research work in the field of Euro-Mediterranean topics with a focus on the priority areas of the Union for the Mediterranean. 19 higher-education and research institutions from 14 different countries participated in the event, gathering more than 2000 students and researchers from the region. The opening, joint part of the conference was held in Alexandria. The topic of the conference was “Living together in the multi-cultural society,” highlighting its main goal to enable the students to interact and introduce the creative and new ideas in the field of research to be accessible and introduced to the broader public in the Euro-Mediterranean. EMUNI plans to organise the next Research Souk in Lebanon with the co-organisation of the Beirut Arab University, one of its member institutions.

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Koper, 16 June 2010 Ambassadors’ meeting with EMUNI More than 20 representatives of diplomatic corps in Slovenia attended an excursion to the Slovenian Coast organised in the frame of the Spanish Presidency to the EU. The event included a meeting with Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud, EMUNI President in Koper. He updated the Ambassadors with the latest EMUNI events and plans. The president also attended the second part of the excursion, which was hosted by Luka Koper.

Vilnius, 26 June 2010 EMUNI in Vilnius The President of EMUNI attended the International Conference organised by the International Association of Universities, in Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius, Lithuania, a member of EMUNI. The conference was entitled Ethics and Values in Higher Education in the era of globalization: what role for the disciplines? The event was opened by HE Ms. Dalia Grybauskaite, President of Lithuania. President Mifsud delivered a presentation on EMUNI - Intercultural Dialogue in the Union for the Mediterranean, a higher education experience. During his stay in Vilnius, President Mifsud met with a number of partner institutions of EMUNI, Prof. Alvydas Pumputis, Rector of Mykolas Romeris University of Vilnius and Mr. Rimas Varkulevicius, Chairman of the Council of Kykolas Romeris (Chair of the Federation of Industry of Lithuania) on management structures inside Universities and on just in time education. Palermo, 27 June 2010 European University Association (EUA) and EMUNI The President of EMUNI held a meeting with Prof. Giuseppe Silvestri, EUA Board Member (Former Rector, University of Palermo, Italy) to discuss the participation of EMUNI in the EUA annual conference to be held in Palermo in October 2010. The conference is entitled Diversities and Commonalities the changing face of Europe’s universities and will be organised in one of the EMUNI partners, the University of Palermo, the seat of the first senate meeting of EMUNI. The discussion focused on the response to the multiple demands of to-day’s knowledge societies, universities across Europe are moving to sharpen their distinctive institutional profiles. Euro-Mediterranean University



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Klaipeda, 28 June 2010 EMUNI at Klaipeda University The President of EMUNI visited the University of Klaipeda in Lithuania, where he had follow-up discussions on the proposal made during the last General Assembly by the Rector Prof. Dr. Habil Vladas Žulkus, to send a Baltic Tall Ship from the maritime city of Klaipeda to the Mediterranean on a journey of intercultural dialogue, stopping in maritime ports in the Mediterranean basin, with student sailors coming from EMUNI institutions. A contact person has been appointed to define this proposal further with an agenda of meetings to be held later this year. Further meetings were also held with the Prorectors and President of the student council of Klaipeda University, Nora Venslovaite, Director of the International Office, Klaipeda University and her colleague Ernesta Prusaite on the proposal of hosting students from the south of the Mediterranean to a summer school in Klaipeda and to attend courses in Lithuania. Barcelona, 29 June 2010 Union for the Mediterranean: Rectors Conference The President of EMUNI attended the UfM rectors conference held at Sant Pau Historic Site, where he participated in the keynote panel, discussing the presentation that the Euro-Mediterranean University Permanent Forum intends to deliver to the 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education and Research Ministerial Meeting to be held in Slovenia. President Mifsud explained the specific role of EMUNI and argued the importance of finding synergy in the actions of Universities. Further meetings were held with Rector Grau of Tarragona, Prof. Mohamed Zaher Benebdallah, Rector of the University of Meknes and President Mohamed Marzak, President of the University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakesh, Morocco. On the margins of the conference Prof. Mifsud also met with David Constans Martigny, Director of the Universite Paris 8 and with Prof. Enric Olive, CEO of EPUF to discuss the coordination role of university networks. Barcelona, 29 June 2010 Meeting with the Secretary General of the UfM The President of EMUNI was one of the first official guests of the Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean, H.E. Ahmad Masa’deh, at the Palacio Real de Pedralbes in Barcelona, the seat of the Union for the Mediterranean. The Secretary General and President Mifsud discussed the current situation within the Union for the Mediterranean and various activities that EMUNI is conducting and organising as per its scheduled calendar for this year in the field of higher education and research. The Secretary General applauded the efforts of EMUNI in the field of higher education and demonstrated his support Euro-Mediterranean University

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and commitment to EMUNI as the key player in the field of practical and pragmatic intercultural dialogue amongst citizens. The discussion also focused on a number of initiatives for students, young researchers and academics that can be put forward to the UfM and to the EU on innovative programmes, which promote brain circulation in the region. Brussels, 5 July 2010 EMUNI in Brussels On the margins of the Commission for Economic, Social and Territorial Affairs (ECOTER) of the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly, ARLEM, which was held in Brussels on 2 July, the President of EMUNI held a number of meetings in Brussels. President Mifsud had a meeting with the Vice President of EP, Ms. Rodi Kratsa, on joint efforts to financially reinforce the position of EMUNI. President Mifsud also had a cordial meeting at the European Commission with Jose Jimez Sanchez, the EU Scientific Officer, on the ENPI service contract with DG EuropeAid. During this discussion a further amplification of the project to the Western Balkans and training for the Union for the Mediterranean officials was discussed. Other meetings in Brussels focused on the support to EMUNI on the management and application of EU funds. Paris, 6 July 2010 Euro-Mediterranean Network at Paris 8 University University Paris 8, member of EMUNI, welcomed dignitaries from the EuroMediterranean Network of cooperation in the area of Higher Education and Research. Several personalities from the Mediterranean area took part in the event: the President of EMUNI, Pascal Binczak, Rector of University Paris 8, Michéle Gendreau-Massaloux, in charge of the UfM in the office of the French President, Enric Olivié Serret, Secretary General of the Euro-Mediterranean University Forum (EPUF) and Professor Franco Rizzi, Secretary General of the Union of Mediterranean Universities (UNIMED). Michéle Gendreau-Massaloux expressed her appreciation for the efforts of EMUNI in promoting Higher Education in the Mediterranean as an essential tool to foster dialogue between the two shores of the Mediterranean, while rector Pascal Binczak confirmed their contribution within EMUNI. On the margins of the meeting EMUNI and UNIMED signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Porto, 6 July 2010 EMUNI Summer Semester 2010 The University Fernando Pessoa joined efforts with EMUNI to launch an EMUNI summer course with a title “Identities, Policies and Proposals on Euromed Territories.” The summer course aims at creating common spirits and attitudes about territories and landscapes in the EuroMed for the new field professionals, provoke new channels for the inner communications among new specialists, generate new spirits and attitudes about these subjects from a global point of view, paying attention at the same time to global and local problems and to get a general approach to the problem taking as a study case the Northern region in Portugal. Euro-Mediterranean University



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Paris, 7 July 2010 Board Meeting of IEMSR Joseph Mifsud chaired the advisory strategic council of the EuroMediterranean Institute of Science in Risk in Paris, under the high patronage of Her Excellency Michele Gendreau- Massaloux, Ambassador at the Presidency of the Republic of France within the Working Group on the Union for the Mediterranean, academic matters, scientific, research and training. The IEMSR develops and promotes training and research in the field of risk taken in the broadest sense. The board of strategic direction discussed three key subjects during this meeting: focus on the activity of the IEMSR before the academic year 2010/2011, prospects for action in the field of vocational training and proposed lines of research and calls for proposals. Rome, 8 July 2010 UNIMED Publication Presentation President of EMUNI was invited to the official presentation of the latest publication by UNIMED, a key partner of EMUNI, on the state of the art of transport services inside the Union for the Mediterranean. The presentation was made at a one day conference, attended by 300 academics, diplomats and directors of public and private services from UfM, at which five EuroMed experts, some coming from EMUNI, discussed different scenarios in Maritime and Land Highways. Sousse, 28 July 2010 EMUNI participation in CITEC 2010 EMUNI participated in the International Salon of Creativity & Technologic Innovation. The forum, organised by the University of Sousse, focused specifically on a number of issues pertaining to the Union for the Mediterranean including transport and logistics, renewable energies food safety and de-pollution of Mediterranean products. The seminar also had a number of sessions dedicated to the action programmes which are required to support the curriculum of new postgraduate programmes in the UfM. During this encounter EMUNI also held a number of meetings with current EMUNI members such as the Rectors of the University of Sousse, Ahmed Nouredienne Helal, founder member of EMUNI and Prof. Jilani Lamlumi, Euro-Mediterranean University

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member of the Senate of EMUNI. In Sousse, the President of EMUNI also had a meeting with the Prime Minister of Tunisia, Hon. Mohammed Ghanushi. At this meeting, the Prime Minister thanked the President of EMUNI for the opportunities that have been given to the Tunisian students and academics who have participated in projects of EMUNI. Paris, 2 August 2010 EMUNI receives membership in IMHE of the OECD The Governing Board of the Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has accepted the Euro-Mediterranean University as an official member of IMHE. The Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE) is a membership forum serving policy makers in national and regional authorities, managers of higher education institutions and researchers. IMHE provides strategic analysis and advice on institutional leadership, management, research and innovation in a global knowledge economy, and reform and governance in higher education. Urbino, 9 August 2010 Visit to the Urbino “Carlo Bo” University Dr. Nada Trunk Širca, EMUNI, paid a visit to the University in Urbino “Carlo Bo,” one of four formal co-founders of EMUNI and its active member. In the frame of the visit she met Dr. Laura Ferrara, didactic manager for the course of the EMUNI label master programme “Intercultural Business Communication”. Dr. Širca also had a meeting with Dr. Fabrizio Maci, Director of the Office for International Relations, on the possibilities of exchange in the frame of ERASMUS programme and Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Giliberti, EMUNI Senate member and rector’s delegate for international cooperation. Aveiro, 11 August 2010 EMUNI and AoC join forces at a summer school course

EMUNI joined forces with AOC in the development of the first UNAOC Summer School held from 15-21 August at the University of Aveiro, in Portugal. It brought together young people from various regions and different cultural and religious backgrounds, offering them opportunities to acquire knowledge and Euro-Mediterranean University



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hone their skills in communicating across cultures. EMUNI participated with students and lecturers in this joint event as part of the programme that it has with the UNAOC. At the closing ceremony of the summer school, the success of the objectives was stressed by Dr. Jorge Sampaio, the former President of the Portuguese Republic and the High Representative of the Alliance of Civilizations. Dubai, 18 August EP Vice-President promotes a wider Euro-Arab Cooperation on Education During a visit to the United Arab Emirates (Dubai and Abu Dhabi), the VicePresident of the European Parliament Mrs. Rodi Kratsa, had the opportunity to hold meetings for the promotion of the Euro-Arab cooperation on education and culture. Mrs. Kratsa had a special meeting with the Managing Director of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation Mr. Adel Al Shared. During their meeting, Mrs. Kratsa proposed the cooperation of the Foundation with EMUNI for a new impetus in higher education at the Euro-Mediterranean region. Malta, 27 August Meeting with Dr. Sergio Piazzi and Hon. Jesmond Mugliett The President of EMUNI had a meeting following up the joint PAM sessions in the Parliament of Slovenia and the conference of Rectors and Parlamentarians from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean held in Ljubljana and Portorož. The meeting concentrated on a number of issues including the request by PAM to organise courses in the PAM headquarters in Malta in a number of areas including language teaching and intercultural dialogue on issues pertaining to the agenda of the Union for the Mediterranean. Bled, 29 August Amre Moussa with EMUNI on the Margins of the Bled Forum The Bled Strategic Forum, an important annual gathering of great thinkers from the spheres of politics, industry, and academia from Europe, South Eastern Europe and beyond, was attended also by Amre Moussa, Secretary General of the League of Arab States. Mr. Moussa is also a member of the Honorary Board of the EMUNI Foundation, which organized a meeting with the Secretary General and the Members of his cabinet in Villa Bled. From the side of EMUNI it was attended by Dr. Joseph Mifsud, EMUNI president, Alenka Suhadolnik, president of the Management Board of the EMUNI Foundation, Andreja Viher, Director of the EMUNI Foundation and Simona Drenik, member of the Management Board of the EMUNI Foundation. Dr. Joszef Györkös, State Secretary in the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, also took part in the meeting. Euro-Mediterranean University

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Catania, 30 August Science and Technology Summer Course The EMUNI Summer School entitled “Science and Technology: Knowledge and Cultural Aggregation” was organized by Prof. L. Fortuna, Prof. S. Graziani and Dr. M. Frasca at the University of Catania. During the Summer School the students attended lectures on Science and Technology in EU, as well as in other Euro-Mediterranean countries, i.e. Turkey and Israel and worked on the preparation of a joint project on the topic of the School. The Summer School in the framework of the activities of Internationalization was strongly encouraged by the Rector of the University of Catania, Prof. A. Recca. It aims at favouring cooperation between young students, on the basis of the knowledge of scientific disciplines in a historical, social, economical and political contexts of the Mediterranean and European Countries. 28 students participated at the school organized by the University of Catania and EMUNI, among them a PhD Student from Vietnam and a PhD Student from Iraq and six young students. On 2 September 2010, the President of EMUNI, Prof. J. Mifsud, visited the school, illustrating to the students the main activities and aims of EMUNI. Bari, 4 September University Cooperation in the Mediterranean Area: the State of the Art EMUNI participated in the International Round Table organised by CMU (a key partner of EMUNI). Several personalities from the Mediterranean area took part in the event. Prof. L. Ambrosi (Past Rector of University of Bari) expressed her deep appreciation for the efforts of EMUNI, not only in promoting Higher Education in the Mediterranean, but as an essential tool to foster dialogue between the two shores of the Mediterranean. She confirmed their contribution within UfM process and stressed the need to develop new project in the domain of higher education and scientific research that can unify the diverse actors of the networks like Master EMCT, Mediterranean City of Sciences, Interreligious Dialogue, Food Security & Health Nutrition and Multilingualism. Paris, 15 September IMHE General Conference of OECD President of EMUNI was an invited guest at the Institutional Management of Higher Education (IMHE) General Conference 2010. The conference focused on challenges for the higher education community, economic recovery, innovation and IT. On the margins of the conference EMUNI President met Ms Michele Gendreau-Massaloux, Working Group on the Union for the Mediterranean and Ms Vesperini, IEMSR (Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Science in Risk). Portorož, 25 September Third Higher Education & Research Conference The 3rd EMUNI Conference on Higher Education and Research with a title “Entrepreneurial learning and the role of universities” was held in Portorož. The focal part of the conference was opened by Dr. Joseph Mifsud, EMUNI president. A special guest of the first day of the conference was Prof. Dr. Saleh Hashem, Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities which operates in the frame of the Arab League and aims at creating co-operation Euro-Mediterranean University



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among the universities of the Arabic world, while encompassing 230 member universities and 7.2 million students. Apart of him the guest speakers were Dr. Gregor Veselko, President of the Management Board of the Port of Koper, which is one of the most important supporters of EMUNI, Eva Jimeno Sicilia, European Training Foundation (ETF), which co-operates with EMUNI on an Entrepreneurial project and others.

At the nine paper sessions that were held paralelly after the common opening part, more than 50 papers were presented, including topics such as: Lifelong learning, innovative pedagogy, co-operation between entrepreneurship and universities, quality, recognition and employability. The conference gathered participants from 22 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region, including Slovenia, Egypt, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, BiH.

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On the following day the European day of languages was celebrated with the final panel in the frame of the conference in co-operation with the DG for Translation of the European Commission. The guests of the panel were Cristian Buchiu (DG for Translation of the EC) and Prof. Dr. Cosimo Notarstefano (Polo Euromediterraneo Jean Monnet, Bari). More than 300 viewers were watching the EU day of languages celebration that was broadcasted via internet. Portorož, 25 September 1st ENPI Key Experts Meeting Prof. Dr. Nehale Fariid Mostapha, ENPI team leader for EMUNI prepared the first key experts group meeting for the ENPI project in Portorož, Slovenia and the launching of the ENPI project in cooperation with the UfM with 50 experts from Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malta, Morocco, Netherlands, Palestine, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey and UK. Portorož, 25 September Visit under the ERASMUS Staff Mobility EMUNI University hosted 2 representatives from Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania under the Erasmus Staff Mobility Scheme and the Erasmus coordinator from “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Romania. They visited EMUNI University, met the President Prof. Dr. Mifsud and the staff of the international relation department. They also attended the Conference on Higher Education and Research. In the same period 8 representatives of the College of Enterprise and Administration from Poland had the training at EMUNI University under the LLP-Erasmus Programme. In frame of the training they met the President of EMUNI University during which they discussed possibilities of cooperation with EMUNI University. Dr. Marek Milosz, representative of ECCC and Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud, President of EMUNI University signed letter of intent in which they committed to promote the concept of European Computer Competence Certificate which is in line with the Lisbon Strategy.

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Brussels, 27 - 28 September Workshop on Higher Education and Adult Learning EMUNI was one of the keynote speakers at the Workshop organised by DG Education and Culture, EC, in the development of an Action Plan on Adult Learning, chaired by the Head of Unit B3 Marta Maria Ferriera, DGEAC. The themes discussed focused on the role of higher education for the development of a lifelong learning society, the advantages of making networks among universities that provide professionals for the adult learning sector. In the case study section, EMUNI President spoke about Adult Learning, Lifelong Learning and Permanent Education in the Euro-Mediterranean.

Slovenia, 26 - 30 September Entrepreneurial Learning - Experts in Slovenia As a part of entrepreneurial learning evaluation project EMUNI and Slovenian experts hosted colleagues from Morocco and Tunisia. Dr. Karim Moustaghfir, Al Akhawayn University Ifrane, visited the International School for Social and Business Studies in Celje, discussing opportunities to strengthen entrepreneurial learning with dr. Valerij Dermol, Associate Dean for Research. Sonia Ayachi from the University of Sousse, evaluated entrepreneurial learning at the University of Nova Gorica. Dr. Tanja Urbančič, Dean of the School of Engineering and Management, showed her some approaches to entrepreneurial learning at the university. Slovenian experts will visit their Moroccan and Tunisian colleagues to perform the evaluation at their universities.

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Amman, 2 - 3 October Conference of ENPI Experts After a successful Key Experts Meeting in Portorož, Slovenia on 25. 9., the EMUNI conference of Experts for ENPI was launched. Among the speakers were Joseph Mifsud, EMUNI President, Dr. Ahmed Masa’deh, Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean, Dr. Walid Maani, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Jordan Mr Abel Piqueras Candela, EC delegation Amman, and Prof. Nehale Fariid Mustapha, Dean, Beirut Arab University, ENPI Project team leader, EMUNI. The Conference, entitled “Multicultural environment of inter-university cooperation in the framework of the UfM, Support to the Euro-Mediterranean University” was organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education in Jordan and with a full support of the General Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean in Barcelona, represented by the guest of honour, Secretary General, who delivered a keynote speech at the conference. 55 ENPI project Experts from 25 Euro-Mediterranean states contributed to the work of the Conference. Experts dealt with areas related to the subjects identified as priorities of the UfM.

Brussels, 6 October Seminar at the Committee of the Regions EMUNI was one of the keynote speakers to the seminar organised by the Committee of the Regions. The meeting brought together Luc Van den Brande, President of the CoR CIVEX, David Sweet, DG for Regional Policy, EC, Lambert Van Nistelrooij, EP, Eleni Marianou, Conference of Peripheral&Maritime Regions and Ugo Cappellacci, President of the Region of Sardinia. President of EMUNI focused on “Cooperation with the southern shore of the Mediterranean: a step forward for a Mediterranean Macro-Region.” Tunis, 6 - 8 October Euro-Mediterranean Public Management Dialogue EMUNI was a joint partner at the Med 3 Conference. An EMUNI presentation was made at the inauguration of the course, attended by 50 Ph.D. and Postgraduate students from the Mediterranean, academics and experts from 15 Euro-Med countries. Prof. Abdouli Touhami of the University of Sousse and Euro-Mediterranean University



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President Joseph Mifsud also took part in a round table. The Med 3 was an innovative experience for many young researchers in the Mediterranean in the field of Public Management. Dubrovnik, 15 - 17 October Mediterranean Memory Project The University of Zagreb, Center for Mediterranean Studies together with the National Hellenic Commission for Unesco and the Intercultural EuroMediterranean Center of Unesco organised an International Conference on The Mediterranean Memory. Around two hundred participants from Mediterranean countries attended the sessions. The papers presented during the conference were targeting the Union for the Mediterranean. EMUNI participated at this conference through a presentation on ‘Giving Momentum to Intercultural Cooperation in the UPM’. Other themes the conference tackled, were cultural tourism, journalism, historical perspectives of towns and municipalities and their relationship with the Union for the Mediterranean.

Palermo, 20 - 23 October EUA Annual Conference The Palermo conference explored the evolving nature of Europe’s universities. It concentrated on the impact of external pressures to respond to different demands at system level and of internal developments, examining the complex interplay of factors shaping the modern university. This included discussion on the rapidly evolving legal frameworks and governance structures, partnerships as well as funding mechanisms and incentives, Quality Assurance procedures and other accountability requirements, all of which drive convergence and diversity. During the conference, EMUNI President Mifsud held several talks with representatives of EMUNI partner institutions. Morocco, 25 October - 2 November EMUNI in Morocco Professor Joseph Mifsud paid a visit to Morocco where he visited five Universities and Higher Education Institutions. The President’s visit came to consolidate the progressive cooperation between the Euro-Mediterranean University and Moroccan Universities. Professor Joseph Mifsud has conducted a meeting with HE Mohamed Kinidiry, former Minister of Education in Morocco, former Euro-Mediterranean University

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President of Caddi Ayyad University, President of Association Grand Atlas in Marrakech. HE Mohamed Knidirri is also Executive director of Daar Al-Talib (adobe of student). Professor Joseph Mifsud was warmly received by the President of Caddi Ayyad University, one of the most reputable Universities of Morocco Founded in 1978 in Marrakech. Presidents of the two universities discussed different issues of mutual interest, most notably international cooperation between the two institutions. Mekness, 26 - 28 October Meknes University joined EMUNI Network of Universities President Joseph Mifsud carried out a series of Meetings at Moulay Ismail University of Meknes in Morocco where he met Professor Mohamed Zaher Ben-Abdellah, President of Meknes University, accompanied by the council of Deans of the University. University of Meknes organized a ceremony in the honour of EMUNI. At the end of the Ceremony the two Presidents signed a cooperation agreement by which University Moulay Ismail became an EMUNI member and the two Presidents agreed on full cooperation at different levels. University Moulay Ismail of Meknes is one of the largest Universities of Morocco with some 35,000 Students including a growing number of overseas students. Rabat, 28 - 30 October EMUNI at the Parliament of the Kingdom of Morocco EMUNI University participated in the 5th plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) which took place in the Parliament of Morocco. Professor Joseph Mifsud conducted an intense series of meetings with different delegations of Parliaments of Slovenia, Croatia, and Morocco, where he discussed cooperation with EMUNI. Professor Joseph Mifsud has also met with the delegation of the Euro-Mediterranean Youth organisation.

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4. EMUNI PLANS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2010/2011 In the academic year 2010/2011 EMUNI aims at continuing its work in the field of developing programmes with the biggest focus on the priority areas of the Union for the Mediterranean. After the successful implementation and positive feedbacks from the international community, EMUNI will also keep on working on its annual events that are becoming traditional and well-established in the international higher-education sphere, such as doctoral research seminars, professional school, summer semester and conferences.


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4.1. Meetings of EMUNI Bodies Sessions of EMUNI Bodies 2010-2011 25–27 Nov 2010 Ankara, Turkey 25–26 Feb 2011 Paris, France (TBC) 3–4 Jun 2011 Fez, Morocco (TBC) 17–19 Nov 2011 Lisbon, Portugal (TBC)

Management Board Management Board Management Board Management Board

Senate Senate Senate Senate

General Assembly / / General Assembly

Student Council / / Student Council

4.2. Postgraduate Study Programmes EMUNI University is contributing to building up a network of specialised postgraduate study programmes among Euro-Mediterranean universities. International comparability will be ensured with respect to credits, courses, as well as awarded scientific and professional titles. Complete study programmes (or parts of them) will be carried out at several universities, partners of the Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI). Area of the new EMUNI Master The Coordinating Study Programme University:

Other partners (EMUNI is a partner in all programmes:

Development Studies and Intercultural Dialogue1

University of Ljubljana, University of Pavia (Italy), University of Lisbon (Portugal), Al Akhawayn Slovenia University (Morocco), Al Najah University (Palestinian Authority)

Future Infrastructures and Landscape in EuroMed1

University of Fernando Pessoa, Portugal

Environment1 Security1 Maritime Cultural Heritage2 Migration, Culture and Human Rights2 Systems Dynamics to Manage Sustainable Business Development2 Executive MA in Higher Education Management2 Euromed Master Study Programme in development communication (COMDEV) for regional integration and sustainable development in the Mediterranean3 Euro-Mediterranean master in interreligious dialogue and tourism (EMIDT)3 1 3

University of Sousse (Tunisia), Foggia University (Italy), Saxion University of Aplied Sciences (the Netherlands), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Birtzet University (Palestinian Authority), University of Calabria (Italy) University of Nova Alexandria University (Egypt), Hacettepe University (Turkey), University Gorica, Slovenia of Sousse (Tunisia), University of Trieste (Italy) CESMO, Lebanon (TBC) CREMO/ the University of Aegean (Greece), CESMO (Lebanon), University of Maribor (Slovenia), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) University of Alexandria, University of Southampton (United Kingdom), Facultè des Lettres, des Egypt Arts et des Humanites (Tunisia), Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology (Turkey), University of Zadar (Croatia) University of Maribor, Hacettepe University (Turkey), University of the Aegean (Greece), Haifa Slovenia University (Israel), Fernando Pessoa University (Portugal) University of Palermo, Alexandria University (Egypt), University of Maribor (Slovenia), Nyenrode Italy Business University (the Netherlands), Ruppin Academic Center (Israel) Compostela Group of Universities, Spain (TBC) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Partners will be proposed by the Compostela Group of Universities, Spain Akdeniz University (Turkey), University of Maribor (Slovenia), Rovira i Virgili University (URV) and the UNESCO Chair of Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean (Spain), Mediterranean Universities Union – UNIMED (Italy)

University of Salento and Community of Mediterranean Universities, Italy

University of Sousse (Tunisia), University of Bari (Italy), University of Bergamo (Italy), University of Aegean – CREMO (Greece), University of Maribor, (Slovenia), University of Samsun (Turkey), University of “Nostra Signora Buon Consiglio” (Albania), C.I.R.E.T. (France)

2 Approved at the Senate meeting, Sousse, Nov 2009 Approved at the Senate meeting, Portorož, Feb 2010 Approvement is expected at the Senate meeting, Ankara, Nov 2010

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EMUNI “LABEL” study programmes EMUNI “LABEL” degree is issued by EMUNI partner University. In the frame of study programmes, EMUNI implements the module Euro-Mediterranean studies (10 ECTS), which is held in Slovenia as blended learning and where multicultural learning environment is assured. In the Academic Year 2010/11, 6 master study programmes will be delivered under the EMUNI “label” scheme. EMUNI “Label” Study Programme (2010/2011) Public Management; Euro-Mediterranean Management – Sustainable Development Euro-Mediterranean Master in Culture and Tourism Landscape, Territory and Patrimony Environmental Analysis and Management Environmental and Engineering Geology Intercultural Business Communication

Level, ECTS Degree issued by Location of delivery* Master, 60 Paul Cézanne University Aix-Marseille III, France Aix-en-Provence, France Master, 60 University of Bari/ Community of Mediterranean Universities, Italy Master, 120 University of Sousse, Tunisia Master, 120 University of Palermo, Italy Master, 120 University of Urbino, Italy Master, 120 University of Urbino, Italy

Bari, Italy Sousse, Tunisia Palermo, Italy Urbino, Italy Urbino, Italy

* Note: module Euro-Mediterranean Studies (10 ECTS, the module is in the process of accreditation), delivered in Slovenia (2-3 weeks)

4.3. Professional School EMUNI Professional School is perceived as an opportunity for participants to broaden their knowledge of the Euro-Mediterranean topics and build valuable ties among their colleagues and respective professors. The participants obtain an official certificate with ECTS credits and gain international and intercultural experience. In the frame of the Professional School, EMUNI Summer Semester and Doctoral Research Seminars are organised. One of the most important modules of the Professional School is the module Euro-Mediterranean Studies, which provides participants with a broad understanding of the Euro-Mediterranean region from the political, cultural, economic and environmental perspectives. EMUNI Professional School in 2010/2011*

Course* Power and Dynamics of Civil Resistance Euro-Mediterranean International Relations Marine Environment of the Mediterranean Sea Sustainable Use and Conservation of the Mediterranean Flora

Date and location of delivery 8 - 12 Nov 2010; EMUNI, Slovenia 21 Feb – 12 Mar 2011; EMUNI, Slovenia 21 Feb – 12 Mar 2011; EMUNI, Slovenia 21 Feb – 12 Mar 2011; EMUNI, Slovenia

Geographical Perspectives and Tourist Regions Euro-Mediterranean International Relations External Cooperation and EUROMED



Organising Institutions International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC), Washington (USA)









21 Feb – 12 Mar 2011; EMUNI, Slovenia



4 -16 Apr, EMUNI, Slovenia



EMUNI University

4 -16 Apr, EMUNI, Slovenia



CMU/University of Bari (Italy) and EMUNI University

EMUNI University University of Alexandria (Egypt) and EMUNI University University of Lisbon (Portugal) and EMUNI University University of Maribor ( Slovenia), CMU/University of Bari (Italy) and EMUNI University

* Additional courses will be announced at www.emuni.si

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Summer Semester The traditional summer semester is organised by EMUNI University with partner institutions. Courses that promote diversity and equal opportunities and aim at involving participants from various countries, take place from June to September and focus mainly on the areas of the Union for the Mediterranean. EMUNI will continue with the implementation of the summer semester also in the academic year 2010/2011 for a fourth year in a row. As part of the summer semester courses, various additional activities will be organized, such as thematic panels, sight-seeing, cultural and social events and gatherings. Doctoral Research Seminars EMUNI Doctoral Research seminars gather respective professors/researchers and young researchers (PHD candidates). They examine topics of focal importance in the region, resulting in an important contribution to developing their field of expertise. EMUNI plans to implement the doctoral seminars also in the academic year 2010/2011.

4.4. Conferences, regional days and EMUNI Talks EMUNI organizes annual conferences each year in a different country of the Euro-Mediterranean, aiming at disseminating results in the field of research, and gather the expertise in the Euro-Mediterranean. The plans for the academic year 2010/2011 involve: Third EMUNI HE&R: Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Higher Education and Research, a research conference, focusing on significant issues in higher education. It is planned to be organized in June 2011 (Fez, Morocco).

HE&R 2011

EMUNI Higher Education & Research Conference

Third EMUNI ReSouk (Research Souk): The Euro-Mediterranean Student Research Multi-conference, which gathers researchers at the same time at different locations in the Euro-Mediterranean and providing a platform for young researchers to introduce their work outside their institution. ReSouk 2011 is planned to be held in Beirut, Lebanon on 21 March 2011.

ReSouk 2011 EMUNI Student Research Multi-conference

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EMUNI MedPri Sessions + MIC 2010 11th Management International Conference with a title »Social Responsibility, Professional Ethics, and Management«, organised by the Faculty of Management Koper, University of Primorska, Slovenia, Euro-Mediterranean University, Slovenia, and Hacettepe University, Turkey, will be held 24–27 November 2010 in Ankara, Turkey. Sessions on the Priorities of the Union for the Mediterranean will be organised in addition to the conference.

MedPri 2010

EMUNI Sessions on the Priorities of the Union for the Mediterranean

EMUNI MedPri: Conference on the Priorities of the Mediterranean is a research conference, where topics important for the region from different perspectives in the framework of UfM priorities are discussed.

MedPri 2011

EMUNI Conference on the Priorities of the Union for the Mediterranean

EMUNI regional days, intended to introduce EMUNI to the EMUNI members, students and other interested participants in selected countries will be continued in 2010/2011.

EMUNI round tables - thematic panels will be organised on various occasions in Slovenia and at member universities in 2010/2011.

EMUNI Talks help spreading the awareness of the Euro-Mediterranean issues among the general public and at involving prominent members of international community, academia and the diplomatic corps in a greater extent into the activities of EMUNI. They will be organised by the EMUNI Foundation also in 2010/2011 and focus mainly on the Union for the Mediterranean issues.


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Report 2010

4.5. EMUNI Publications The following Academic publications will still be issued in 2010/2011: • IJEMS – International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies; • Conference proceedings (ReSouk, HE&R, MedPri); • EMUNI Projects Publications, Handbooks.

4.6. ENPI Project ENPI project for EMUNI is one of the most important projects for EMUNI in 2010 – 2011. The project is financed through the European Commission. The leader of the project is Prof. Dr. Nehale Fariid Mostapha, an Egyptian expert working at the Beirut Arab University in Lebanon. The Project is a service contract aiming to deliver innovative postgraduate programmes tailor-made for the priority areas of the Union for the Mediterranean. It also includes the establishment of policies highlighting issues of e-learning, quality assurance and PH.D policies of the region. Other publications that will be issued in 2010/2011 involve: • Annual yearly report; • Annual academic year brochure; • EMUNI magazine (3 per year, the first “pilot” issue in 2010/2011); • Monthly editions of EMUNI e-News; • Flyer and/or posters for each programme. MAIN ACTIVITIES Main Organisational Tasks Leader of the Project Developing new EMUNI Master study programmes EMUNI Observatory on HE&R politics in UfM Dissemination of achievements and visibility events

2010 Call for EMUNI experts

Planning the activities

2011 Reports on each activity intermediate and final reports on sub-projects

Final report on the project

6 to 8 master programmes in the area of the Union for the Mediterranean Priority projects: De-Pollution of the Mediterranean, Higher Education and Research, Maritime and Land Highways, Civil Protection, Mediterranean Business Development, Alternative Energies and others 4 Handbooks/politics: master study programmes, doctoral study programmes, quality assurance and e-learning 6 Regional days: Egypt (Jan), Poland (Mar), Slovenia (Mar), Lebanon (May) and other locations 4 issues of IJEMS (International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies) ReSouk


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MIC & MedPri




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5. EMUNI FOUNDATION The Euro-Mediterranean University Foundation - EMUNI Foundation seeks financial and wider international support for the EMUNI University. Established in August 2008, it raises financial resources for the development and operation of the EMUNI University and supports the university by promoting it in the international community.


Report 2010

The Foundation has already been recognised and supported on the governmental level, as well as by prominent individuals and companies, such as Telekom and Luka Koper. Generous support was expressed from the State of Kuwait. Bigger donors have a seat in the Management Board of the Foundation, depending on the scope and the stability of financing. In the academic year 2009/2010 EMUNI Foundation supported the implementation of the EMUNI University study programmes, development of new study programmes and other activities, which help by increasing the recognition of the EMUNI University in the Euro-Mediterranean. Since September 2008, the EMUNI Foundation has provided 0.5 million EUR for University’s activities, through financing scholarships and grants, development of study programmes, research projects and other activities. An important priority of the operation of the EMUNI Foundation is also the promotion of EMUNI project at the local, national and international level. Employees of the EMUNI Foundation therefore offer support to the EMUNI University by the co-operation with the economic, academic and governmental sphere and help in organising international visits, conferences, round tables and other promotional events at home and abroad and by activities from the field of PR and international relations. In 2010 EMUNI Foundation started also with the organisation of EMUNI Talks, a series of events aimed at spreading the awareness of Euro-Mediterranean issues among the general public and at involving members of the diplomatic corps, academia and other prominent members of the international society in a greater extent into the EMUNI activities. The foundation is governed by the Management Board, led by Ms Alenka Suhadolnik, President. Ms Andreja Viher is the Executive Director of the EMUNI Foundation.

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Report 2010

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6. Center EMUNI Center EMUNI was established in October 2007 by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia as a public institution to act as a secretariat of the EMUNI University and to perform organizational, administrative and expert tasks. It offers support to all activities of EMUNI and organized sessions of EMUNI bodies.


Report 2010

In 2008 the Center successfully implemented the inauguration of the University. In 2009 it ensured the formal registration of the university, obtained the ERASMUS Charter EUC and co-operated by the arrangements for the ENPI Project. One of the most important activities in the initial period was the establishment of the university bodies, achievement of greater visibility of the university, mainly through the formation and implementation of international activities which have been already recognised as traditional. In 2010 the Center seized to perform some secretariat tasks as the university started to gradually establish the fundamental functions of the secretariat at the University. It is envisaged that in 2011 the Center seizes functioning and all the secretariat tasks are taken over by the University. The Center is led by the Management Board. The members of the Management Board are currently (as of September 2010): • Simona Jerman (Chairman) • Darinka Vrečko (Deputy Chairman of the Board) • Dr. Aleksander Panjek • Dr. Boštjan Brumen • Romana Žigon • Milena Šmit Academic Board: • Dr. Mladen Franko (Chairman) • Ddr. Igor Grdina • Dr. Livio Jakomin • Dr. Lučka Lorber (Deputy Chairman of the Board) • Dr. Alenka Malej • Dr. Gorazd Meško • Dr. Aleksander Panjek • Dr. Janez Šušteršič • Dr. Danica Železnik The first Director of the Center EMUNI was Dr. Nada Trunk Širca (from until 30 September 2010). Since 1 October 2010 the Director is Ms Janja Piano Žlogar.

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Report 2010

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7. APPENDICES A List of members of the EMUNI General Assembly 2009 B List of institutions to become members of EMUNI in 2010


Report 2010

Appendix A List of members of the EMUNI General Assembly 2009 142 Institutions from 37 countries • Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, ASRT, Egypt • ACAM- Association pour la culture et les arts méditerraneans, Tunisia • Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland • Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco • Al al-Bayt University, Jordan • Al-Azhar University, Palestinian Authority • Alexandria University, Egypt • Al-Quds University, Palestinian Authority • Andrássy Gyula German Speaking University, Hungary • An-Najah National University, Palestinian Authority • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece • Beirut Arab Universitry, Lebanon • Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel • Birzeit University, Palestinian Authority • CEEUN - Transition Studies World Research Network, Italy • CESMO - Center for Middle-Estern Strategic Studies, Lebanon • CMU - Community of Mediterranean Universities, Italy • College of Enterprise and Administration, Poland • College of Nursing Jesenice, Slovenia • Compostela Group of Universities, Spain • Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary • Çukurova University, Turkey • Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus • Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Romania • Ege University, Turkey • ENSA - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture (Ex.EPAU), Algeria • Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary • Erasmus Hogeschool Brussel, Belgium • ESU - European Students’ Union, Belgium • EURASHE - European Association of Institutions in Higher Education, Belgium • European Forest Institute, Finland • European Forum at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel • European Institute of the Mediterranean, Spain • European University Cyprus, Cyprus • Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management (University Business Academy), Serbia • Galillee College, Israel • GSG - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies, Slovenia • Hacettepe University, Turkey • Hanze University Groningen, University of applied Sciences, Netherlands • IEP - Institut d’études politiques de Lille, France • IMRI - Moroccan Institute for International Relations, Morocco Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

• Institut d’études politiques d’Aix-en-Provence, France • Institute of Strategic Studies and International Affairs (IEEI), Portugal • Institute of the Middle East and Far East Studies, Poland • Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples (University of Padua), Italy • International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia • International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Italy • ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute, Portugal • Islamic University of Gaza, Palestinian Authority • ISM - International School of Management, Germany • John Cabot University, Italy • Jordan University of Science and Tecnology - JUST, Jordan • Klaipèda University, Lithuania • Kore University of Enna, Italy • Maria Sklodowska-Curie University, Poland • Masaryk University, Czech Republic • Mediterranean University of Albania, Albania • MED-NET (The Mediterranean Network of Student Representatives), Malta • Middle East Technical University, Turkey • Modern University for Business & Science (M.U.B.S.), Lebanon • MOPS - Mediterranean Organization for Promotion and Science, Norway • MRP- Mediterranean Renaissance Program (IGU- International Geographical Union), Italy • Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania • North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, Portugal • Nyenrode Business Universiteit, Netherlands • Odysseus Academic Network, Belgium • Open University of Catalonia, Spain • Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania • Peace Institute, Slovenia • PEACE Programme (Programme for Palestinian European Academic Cooperation in Education), France • Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Spain • RMEI (Réseau Méditerranéen des Ecoles d’Ingénieurs), France • Rovira i Virgili University, Spain • Ruppin Academic Center, Israel • Saint Joseph University, Lebanon • School of Advanced Studies in Nova Gorica, Slovenia • Scientific Research Centre - SASA, Slovenia • SEDEIC Consortium, Malta • Senghor Univeristy, Egypt • SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies, Italy • Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria • Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland • UHI Millennium Institute, UK • ULB- Université Libre De Bruxelles, Belgium • UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union, Italy • Univeristy Institute of European Studies, Spain • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain Euro-Mediterranean University



Report 2010

• Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France • Université de la Méditerranée-Aix Marseille-II, France • Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France • Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD), France • Université de Poitiers, France • Université Montpellier I, France • Université Paris-Est, France • Université Paris 8 Vincennés-Saint-Dénis, France • Université Paul Cézanne - Aix - Marseille 3, France • University Center for Euro-Mediterranean Studies (Center EMUNI), Slovenia • University Fernando Pessoa, Portugal • University of Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Morocco • University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Romania • University of Aleppo, Syria • University of Cadiz, Spain • University of Calabria, Italy • University of Catania, Italy • University of Cyprus, Cyprus • University of Foggia, Italy • University of Gabès, Tunisia • University of Girona, Spain • University of Graz, Austria • University of Haifa, Israel • University of Lisbon, Portugal • University of Maribor, Slovenia • University of Mohammed V - Agdal - Rabat, Morocco • University of Montenegro, Montenegro • University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Italy • University of Nicosia, Cyprus • University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia • University of Palermo, Italy • University of Pécs, Hungary • University of Perugia, Italy • University of Porto, Portugal • University of Prešov, Slovak Republic • University of Primorska, Slovenia • University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Program SGS-School of Global Studies), Italy • University of Salerno - Faculty of Political Science, Italy • University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina • University of Sousse, Tunisia • University of Szeged, Hungary • University of Teramo, Italy • University of the Aegean, Greece • University of the Algarve, Portugal • University of Trieste, Italy • University of Tunis, Tunisia • University of Udine, Italy • University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Italy Euro-Mediterranean University

Report 2010

• University of Westminster, UK • University of Zadar, Croatia • Virtual University of Tunis, Tunisia • Wadi International University, Syria • Western Galilee College, Israel • Zefat Academic College, Israel • Zrinyi Miklos National Defence University, Hungary

Appendix B List of institutions to become members of EMUNI in 2010 • Academic Unit for Scientific Researches - Tishreen University, Syria, • Al-Manar University, Lebanon, • Club Scientifique de la Faculté des Sciences Médicales (Faculté de Médecine de Sétif), Algeria, • Euro-Arabic Educational Network Zenith, France, • Faculty for Media, Slovenia, • Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, • Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Greece, • Heliopolis University, Egypt, • Institute and Academy for Multimedia, Slovenia, • Institute for Policy Studies in Education (London Metropolitan University), United Kingdom, • Institute of International Relations (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Athens), Greece, • Lebanese International University, Lebanon, • Libera Universita’ di lingue e comunicazione IULM, Italy, • Manouba University, Tunisia, • Notre Dame University – Louaize, Lebanon, • Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic, • Petre Andrei University of Iaşi, Romania, • Pharos University in Alexandria, Egypt, • Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, • Roma Tre University, Italy, • State University of Novi Pazar, Serbia, • University Mediterranean Podgorica, Montenegro, • University for foreigners of Perugia, Italy, • University of Genova, Italy, • University of Murcia, Spain, • University of Pannonia, Hungary, • Centre for Maritime Archaeology, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, • University of Szczecin, Poland

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Report 2010

Evro-sredozemska univerza Università Euro-Mediterranea Euro-Mediterranean University Université Euro-Méditerranéenne Sončna pot 20 6320 Portorož Slovenia +386 (0) 5 671 36 00 +386 (0) 5 671 36 05 www.emuni.si university@emuni.si

Evro-sredozemska univerzitetna ustanova Fondazione universitaria Euro-Mediterranea Euro-Mediterranean University Foundation Fondation universitaire Euro- Méditerranéenne foundation.emuni.si

Union for the Mediterranean All included information is of informative nature. We hold the right to changes. The most recent information can be found at www.emuni.si.

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Report 2010

Euro-Mediterranean University Portoro탑-Piran Slovenia www.emuni.si Euro-Mediterranean University

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