Report 2011
Euro-Mediterranean University
REpoRt 2011 Academic Year 2010/2011 Euro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011
Evro-sredozemska univerza Università Euro-Mediterranea Euro-Mediterranean University Université Euro-Méditerranéenne Sončna pot 20 6320 Portorož Slovenia +386 59 25 00 50 +386 59 25 00 54
Euro-Mediterranean University, Report, 2011 Editors: Denis Čurčić, Katja Kustec Texts: Denis Čurčić, Katja Kustec Design: Peter Florjančič – Studio Refleks Printing: PIGRAF Photo: Alen Ježovnik, Peter Florjančič, Denis Čurčić
© PRESS EMUNI ISSN: 1855-5489
Euro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011 Academic Year 2010/2011
Report 2011
1.1 EMUNI – background of the project
1.2 EMUNI and the Union for the Mediterranean
1.3 Organisation of EMUNI
1.5 ENPI Project
SWIM Project
1.7 Operation of EMUNI
Funding of the University
International dimension of EMUNI
2 EMUNI University Departments
2.1 President’s Office
2.2 Education Department
Research and International Department
Financial Department
Legal and Human Resources Department
IT Department
Master study programmes - Call for enrolment
New EMUNI Master Study Programmes
New Master Study Programmes in the framework of ENPI
3.4 EMUNI new proposal for Already Accredited Master Study Programmes
3.5 EMUNI Label Study Programmes
3.6 Professional School: Euro-Mediterranean Studies 2011
3.7 Other EMUNI calls
Curriculum development, mobility and e-learning
Quality assessment and assurance
3.10 Conferences and other events
3.11 EMUNI Publications
3.12 Other publications
Euro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011
November 2010
4.2 December 2010
Januay 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
4.10 August 2011
4.11 September 2011
Euro-Mediterranean University
1. THE EURO-MEDITERRANEAN UNIVERSITY The Euro-Mediterranean University, one of the priority projects of the Union for the Mediterranean, is an international institution, gathering knowledge from the Euromed countries and through this contributing to the creation of a unified, integrated EuroMediterranean Higher Education and Research Area. Through cooperation with its 179 institutions from 38 countries in the Euro-Mediterranean region, EMUNI provides study, research and training programmes, organises seminars, conferences and other activities.
Report 2011
"EMUNI is one of the most important projects within the context of the Union for the Mediterranean. What we have been trying to do within EMUNI is to bring together universities, research institutions, research centres, centres of excellence to work together in the development of new projects, bridging the South and the North, the North and the South, the East and the West of the Mediterranean. In these times of change I would say that EMUNI is a project which tries to build just-intime projects and just-in-time education. We have been concentrating on the six priority areas as established by the Paris Summit of 2008. And we have also worked on other areas which colleagues and I feel are extremely important in the development of the EMUNI concept, such as good governance, the idea of training, human capacity building, specifically tied to municipalities, regions and also national governments and national institutions. Our priorities have ranged from maritime and land highways to alternative energies, from civil protection to higher education and research. But we have also focused on such important areas like the development of Mediterranean business, especially small and medium enterprise and cottage industries. We have developed professional developEuro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011
ment schools, summer schools, research seminars, European projects, intensive programmes, where we bring together young people, young graduates from all over the region, to work together and to speak together the same language, the language of research, the language of excellence. This is the quality education that we are trying to push forward at EMUNI. We need the support and we have been working closely with what we call EMUNI partners. EMUNI partners share with us the road, the trip of intercultural dialogue, not just by words or by speaking about intercultural dialogue; we actually do things, focusing specifically on themes and thematic approaches. This would be the work of EMUNI in the future and specifically linking it to the European agenda and to the agenda of countries coming from the South and which are on the neighbourhood of the European Union. This is not just a European institution, we are a Euro-Mediterranean institution, and the focus, the scholars, the professors, the academics or, as we call them, the experts, come from all walks of life within the framework, within the Mediterranean basin. I hope, sincerely hope that EMUNI could be one instrument of change for the region". Joseph Mifsud, President of EMUNI University
Euro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011
1. 1 EMUNI – background of the project The idea about EMUNI was initiated in the Barcelona Process (1995). The concept of a Euro- Mediterranean University gained wide political support and was extended in the Tarragona Forum (2005) and Alexandria and Cairo Declaration (2007). In 2006 Prof. Dr. Marko Pavliha initiated a project team for EMUNI, formed by the government of Slovenia, which was composed of the following members: Dr. Dušan Lesjak, Prof. Dr. Marko Pavliha, Dr. Romana Jordan Cizelj, Dr. Nada Trunk Širca, Prof. Dr. Lucija Čok, Romana Kofler, Eda Okretič Salmič, Mitja Grbec, Prof. Dr. Miha Pogačnik, Dr. Martina Skok and Dr. Andrej Rahten. EMUNI was established in June 2008, in the time of the Republic of Slovenia’s EU Council Presidency and in the year when the Joint Declaration of the Paris Summit for the Mediterranean was adopted. Until 2010 179 institutions from 38 countries joined EMUNI as co-founding institutions. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia established the Center EMUNI (October 2007) to act as the secretariat of the EMUNI University. The EMUNI Foundation, established in 2008, facilitates the financial resources for the university. The first EMUNI General Assembly took place on 26 November 2008, where the founding members adopted the university statute and elected the university bodies. Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud became the first President of EMUNI. The official date of the establishment of EMUNI is 13 February 2009, when EMUNI was registered as a legal entity. 17 July 2009 marks the date when EMUNI entered into the Register of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Slovenia. The Erasmus University Charter was awarded to the EMUNI University on 22 December 2009. EMUNI’s thematic focus is on the Priority Areas of the Union for the Mediterranean and related issues, such as: Maritime and Land Highways, Civil Protection, Use of Alternative Energies, Higher-Education and Research, Business Development and Economic Studies, Maritime Issues, Culture and Tourism, Human Rights and Migration, Euro-Mediterranean Studies, Gender Issues, Development Studies, Water Management, Performing Arts and Regional Integration. The establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean University marks an important step towards creating a unified, integrated Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education, Science and Research Area..
Euro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011
1.2 EMUNI and the Union for the Mediterranean The Union for the Mediterranean is a partnership forum for dialogue between the member states of the European Union and countries of Africa and Middle East countries in the Mediterranean Basin, with the aim of strengthening relations among them. It was created as a re-launched Euro-Mediterranean Partnership in 2008. The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean was created by the 43 Euro-Mediterranean Heads of State and Government in Paris on 13 July 2008. Foreign Affairs Ministers in their meeting in Marseille on 4 November 2008 decided that the headquarters of the Secretariat would be in Barcelona. The Statutes of the Secretariat were adopted on the 3 March 2010 by the Senior Officials of the Member States of the UfM. A headquarters agreement was concluded between the UfMS and the Government of Spain on 4 May 2010, granting the Secretariat the privileges and inmmunities of an international organisation under the Spanish law. The headquarters of the Union is in Barcelona in the former Royal Palace of Pedralbes. The Union for the Mediterranean is a multilateral partnership with a view to increasing the potential for regional integration and cohesion among EuroMediterranan partners. The Union for the Mediterranean is inspired by the shared political will to revitalize efforts to transform the Mediterranean into an area of peace, democracy, cooperation and prosperity. The creation of a joint secretariat is a key stone in this partnership. The Secretariat will contribute to reinforcing co ownership of new Mediterranean relations and achieving visibility through economic projects The Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean is H. E. Amb. Youssef Amrani. The Union for the Mediterranean has identified six priorities: • De-pollution of the Mediterranean; • Maritime and land highways; • Civil protection; • Alternative energies: Mediterranean solar plan; • Higher education and research, Euro-Mediterranean University; • The Mediterranean Business Initiative. The UfM and the EMUNI University are working together in order to establish an excellent educational culture within the region as a key to addressing challenges in other sectors and formulating a professional and accommodating way of thinking in the minds of youth in the region. During the Union for the Mediterranean Senior Officials' meeting which represents formally the 43 member states of the Union, Prof. Ilan Chet, Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean in charge of Higher EduEuro-Mediterranean University
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cation, Science and Technology, with the support of the President of EMUNI, Joseph Mifsud, presented the agreed agenda of EMUNI projects after the EMUNI Senate held in Barcellona. The SOM approved the following Study Programmes: Master Study programmes: • Maritime and Land Highways; • Mediterranean Business Development Initiatives; • De-pollution of the Mediterranean. And the following PhD programmes: • Good Governance and Public Policy Development; • Educational Administration Leadership and Organisational Development; • Human rights, Institution Building and Democratization
1.3 Organisation of EMUNI Organization structure General Assembly
Management Board
Student Council
President The Office of the President
ICT Unit and Library
Education Unit
Research Unit
International Cooperation Unit
EMUNI is organised as an international university with a seat in Portorož, Slovenia. It has the following bodies: the General Assembly, the Management Board, the Senate, the President and the Student Council.
Euro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011
The General Assembly is summoned every year to discuss general policies and guidelines of the work of the university. The members of the General Assembly are 179 member institutions from 38 countries (Appendix 1). Co-Chairs of the Assembly in 2010 are Prof. Dr. Ugur Erdener and Prof. Dr. Ahmed Noureddine Helal. In 2010 the session of the General Assembly was held on 27 November in Ankara, Turkey, where 37 new members got the membership in EMUNI. The fourth General Assembly 2011 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal on 25 November. The President of the university is since the first General Assembly in Barcelona 2008 Dr. Joseph Mifsud. The Senate of the university is composed of 19 professors from 19 different partner universities and 17 countries: • Prof. Albert Marouani, France; • Prof. Alejandro del Valle Galvez, Spain; • Prof. Anasse Bouhlal, Finland; • Prof. Antoine Hokayem, Lebanon; • Prof. David Faraggi, Israel; • Prof. Giuseppe Giliberti, Italy; • Prof. Hind M. M. Hanafy, Egypt; • Prof. Jacek Ireneusz Witkos´, Poland; • Prof. Jilani Lamloumi, Tunisia; • Prof. Joseph Mifsud, Slovenia; • Prof. Labib M. M. Arafeh, Palestinian Authority; • Prof. Maria Amélia Martins-Loução, Portugal; • Prof. Dr. Maurits Van Rooijen, Netherlands • Prof. Mladen Franko, Slovenia; • Prof. Mohammed Dahbi, Morroco; • Prof. Panagiotis Grigoriou, Greece; • Prof. Pantelis C. Kelires, Cyprus; • Prof. Rowaida Maaitah, Jordan; • Prof. Ugur Erdener, Turkey. The president of the Senate is Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud. The Senate is the body responsible for the study programme activities and consecutes its work mainly through its commissions.
Euro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011
The Senate of the University had 3 sessions in the Academic year 2010/11: • 25 – 26 November, Ankara, Turkey; • 20 – 22 March 2011, Beirut, Lebanon; • 15 June 2011, Barcelona, Spain. The Senate nominated the following commissions: Commission for study affairs (responsible for study affairs and quality assessments and assurance): • Prof. Dr. Maria Amelia Martins-Loução, Portugal – chairperson; • Prof. Dr. Mohammed Dahbi, Morocco; • Prof. Dr. Mladen Franko, Slovenia; • Prof. Dr. Panagiotis Grigoriou, Greece; • Prof. Dr. Hind M.M. Hanafy, Egypt; • Prof. Dr. Rowaida Maaitah, Jordan; • Prof. Dr. Jilani Lamloumi, Tunisia; • Prof. Dr. Juan Maria Vazquez Rojas, Spain; • Prof. Dr. Nehale Farid Mostafa, Lebanon; • Prof. Dr. Vladus Žulkus, Lithuania; • Prof. Dr. Rado Bohnic, Slovenia; • Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Cataldi Italy and • Prof. Dr. Mohammed Zaher Benabdallah, Morocco. Commission for the Statute (responsible for matters related to the Statute of the EMUNI University): • Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Giliberti, Italy – chairperson; • Prof. Dr. Labib M. M. Arafeh, Palestinian Authority; • Prof. Dr. Ugur Erdener, Turkey; • Dr. Justin Fenech, Malta; • Prof. Dr. Panagiotis Grigoriou, Greece and • Prof. Dr. Danijel Rebolj, Slovenia. Commission for preparing a policy document on the admission of new members (responsible for preparing a policy document on the admission of new members and proposing new members to the General Assembly): • Prof. Dr. Touhami Abdouli, Tunisia; • Prof. Dr. Yossi Ben-Artzi, Israel; • Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Giliberti, Italy; Euro-Mediterranean University
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• Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud, Malta; • Prof. Dr. Maurits van Rooijen, Netherlands; • Prof. Dr. Danijel Rebolj, Slovenia and • Andreja Viher, Slovenia. Commission for developing the EMUNI Projects Award (responsible for developing the EMUNI Projects Award): • Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Giliberti, Italy – chairperson; • Prof. Dr. Labib M. M. Arafeh, Palestinian Authority; • Prof. Pantelis C. Kelires, Cyprus; • Prof. Dr. Alejandro del Valle Galvez, Spain and • Andreja Viher, Slovenia. Commission for Innovative Pedagogy within the EuroMed Higher Education and Research Area: • Prof. Dr. Maria Amata Garito, Italy – chairperson; • Prof. Dr. Ahmed Galal Helmy, Egypt; • Prof. Dr. Maria Lluïsa Perez Cabani, Spain; • Prof. Dr. Nada Trunk Širca, Slovenia; • Prof. Dr. Jimmy Weinblatt, Israel and • Prof. Dr. Bogusłav Zielinski, Poland. Commission for Universities and Communities in the EuroMed Region: • Prof. Dr. Pascal Binczak, France – chairperson; • Prof. Dr. Rami Hamdallah, Palestinian Authority; • Prof. Dr. Hristo Lukov Matanov, Bulgaria; • Prof. Dr. Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes, Portugal; • Prof. Dr. Agniezska Sitko-Lutek, Poland and • Prof. Dr. Mustapha A. A. Wahed, Lebanon. Commission for University Networks and Research Potential in the EuroMed Area: • Prof. Dr. Franco Rizzi, Italy – Chairperson; • Prof. Dr. Abderraouf Mahbouli, Tunisia; • Dr. Justin Fenech, Malta; • Prof. Dr. Cosimo Notarstefano, Italy; • Prof. Dr. Philippe De Bruycker, Belgium and • Prof. Dr. Léo Vìncent, France. The Management Board of the university is composed of 8 members from 6 countries: • Prof. Dr. Anton Grizold, Slovenia; • Prof. Dr. Hassan Nadir Kheirallah, Egypt; • Prof. Dr. Danijel Rebolj, Slovenia; • Prof. IIan Chet, Spain; • Prof. Dr. Francesco Paolo La Mantia, Italy; • Prof. Dr. Maurits Van Rooijen, Spain; • Prof. Ugur Erdener, Turkey; • Prof. Dr. Anasse Bouhlal, Finland and • mag. Alenka Suhadolnik, Slovenia. Euro-Mediterranean University
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The chairman of the Management Board is currently Prof. Dr. Maurits Van Rooijen (from 24. 11. 2009). The Management Board of the University had 3 sessions in the Academic year 2010/11: • 25 – 26 November, Ankara, Turkey; • 20 – 22 March 2011, Beirut, Lebanon; • 2 July 2011, Nyenrode, Netherlands. The Management Board, among other tasks, adopts the Work Programme with the financial plan for the University.
The Student Council of the University will be constituted when the University has its own students. Dr. Justin Fenech, ESU, already prepared a policy statement of the students’ participation in the operation of the EMUNI University.
1.4 Funding of the University The main channels of funding of EMUNI are the Government of Slovenia, the European Commission and the EMUNI Foundation. • The Government of Slovenia provides premises and funds for enabling the operation of the university. From 2007 - 2011[k1] , the Government of Slovenia allocated 2.8 mil EUR to EMUNI. The allocation was made mainly through EMUNI Center in period 2007-2010 and directly to EMUNI University in 2011. • The European Commission funds the activities of EMUNI University through the ENPI project. 1 million EUR in 2010 and 2011 will be allocated to EMUNI. • EMUNI University is funded by donations as well, channelled also through the EMUNI Foundation. Since September 2008, the EMUNI Foundation has provided more than 0.5 mil EUR for University’s activities, through financing scholarships and grants, development of study programmes, research projects and other activities.
Euro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011
On the long term, EMUNI plans to acquire funding also through other countries’ contributions, EMUNI members’ contributions, tuition and registration fees and through other projects. The five Master Study Programmes, to be launched in November 2011, should bring in additional funds.
1.5 ENPI Project ENPI project for EMUNI is a focal project of EMUNI in 2010 – 2011. The project is financed through the European Commission. The leader of the project is Prof. Dr. Nehale Fariid Mostapha, an Egyptian expert working at the Beirut Arab University in Lebanon. The main activities of the project are: • Development of new EMUNI postgraduate study programmes in the area of the Union for the Mediterranean, which are planned to be implemented in 2011/2012 and later; • Development and preparation of the policies for the EMUNI Observatory for the important areas of HE, such as master and doctoral study programmes, quality assurance and e-learning; • Dissemination of project achievements through different education and research activities, mainly through EMUNI conferences, regional days and publications. With the ENPI Project EMUNI University seeks to establish an excellent network of specialised study programmes among the Euro-Mediterranean universities. The study programmes intend to be internationally comparable from the duration, credit points, and content and acquired scientific and professional titles points of view. It is planed that they will cover themes and fields which are important for the Euro-Mediterranean space. The study programmes or parts of them will be set to be conducted in various universities, cofounders of the EMUNI University. In year 2011, EMUNI strengthened it’s administrative structure to ensure efficient and effective management of the ENPI Project. With new organization, EMUNI University has dealt successfully with some administrative delays. First interim report for period from January to December 2010 was sent to European Commission (EC), who approved the reported progress of the project. The second report is currently in the submission process. In August, EMUNI issued a call for enrolment of students in the ENPI Master Study Programmes: Mediterranean Business Development Initiative, De-pollution of the Mediterranean, Maritime and Land Highways and Civil Protection.
This project is funded by the European Union. Euro-Mediterranean University
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1.6 SWIM Project Following the Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conferences on Environment (Cairo, 2006) and on Water (Dead Sea, 2008), the European Commission launched a new Regional Programme on Water called Sustainable Water Integrated Management (SWIM) to be implemented under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). The SWIM programme had been planned to be implemented through SWIM – Support mechanism and SWIMDemonstration Projects.project . EMUNI had intended to apply for the SWIM Demonstration Project and had launched an open call for experts to prepare a project idea and an open call for institutions to cooperate as a partner in the project.s were launched.
1.7 Operation of EMUNI EMUNI University’s work focuses on the Education and Research Activities. The main goals of its operation are: • promoting the priorities of the Union for the Mediterranean; • fostering cooperation among higher education and research institutions throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region; • strengthening student mobility; • strengthening academic mobility; • enabling diverse educational and research study programmes at various locations throughout the whole Euro-Mediterranean region; • transferring knowledge and the direct application thereof; • raising awareness of multiethnic, multicultural and multi-religious diversity of the Euro-Mediterranean. Since its official establishment in 2009, the EMUNI University has successfully developed activities in the field in education and research, which already became traditional activities. EMUNI’s activities involve: • master and doctoral study programmes; • doctoral research seminars; • professional school courses, summer semester courses and free standing courses; • research and development projects; • conferences and other events; • issuing different publications.
Euro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011
Thematic areas of EMUNI activities Thematically EMUNI focuses on the Priority Areas of the Union for the Mediterranean and related areas. The priority thematic areas of the University are: • Maritime and Land Highways; • Civil Protection; • Use of Alternative Energies; • Higher-Education and Research; • Business Development and Economic Studies; • Maritime Issues; • Culture and Tourism; • Human Rights and Migration; • Euro-Mediterranean Studies; • Gender Issues; • Development Studies; • Water Management; • Performing Arts and • Regional Integration.
Euro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011
1.8 International dimension of EMUNI EMUNI collaborates with several international institutions and networks and takes an active role in political bodies of the Euro-Mediterranean Area in order to be present and recognised also outside the academic sphere and improve the international dimension and cooperation. Agreements and memorandums were signed with many international institutions, which are committed to similar missions as EMUNI: • ALF - Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the dialogue between Cultures • Association of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Koper - Center of Experiments Koper • Campus Mare Nostrum • Centre for Maritime Archaeology, University of Southampton • CIHEAM - Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes • Club Scientifique de la Faculté des Sciences Médicales (Faculté de Médecine de Sétif) • CREMO - Center of Studies and Research for East Mediterranean • Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian federation • Diplomatic Institute to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the R of Bulgaria • ECCC Foundation • ESCA, School of Management • EURAS • Faculty for Media • Foro Jávea de Vecindad • Foundation Campania dei Festival • Foundation for a Culture of Peace • Gembloux Agricultural University • Hellenic Centre for Marine Research • Institute and Academy for Multimedia • Institute for International Relations and Comparative Law (Comenius Uni., Law) • Institute for Policy Studies in Education (London Metropolitan University) • Institute of International Relations (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Athens) • Institute of Tourism Studies • International Center on Nonviolent Conflict • International University of Monaco • IPEMED - Institut de Prospective Economique du Monde Mediterraneen • Israeli Center for Mediterranean Sea Research • Loisiana State University in Shreveport • Mediterranean Center for Arts and Sciences • MHEST of Tunisia • Minister of Higher Education and State for Scientific research of the Arab Republic of Egypt • Minister of National Education, Higher Education Staff Training and Scientific Research of the Kingdom of Morocco • Pan-European University Euro-Mediterranean University
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• Peoples' Friendship University of Russia • SmartCare • The Association of Arab Universities • The Council of Higher Education • The Government of the Republic of the Turkey • The Institute for Diplomatic Studies (IDS) • Tyre Foundation • UNAoC - United Nations Alliance of Civilizations • UNIMED - The Mediterranean Universities Union • United Nations Alliance of Civilizations • Université Ibn Zohr • University "1 Decembrie 1918" of Alba Iulia • University of Bologna • University of Jan Evangelista Purkyne˘ • University of Ljubljana • University of Oradea • University of Piraeus EMUNI is involved in parliamentarian bodies of the Euro-Mediterranean, such as the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (EMPA) and Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM).
Euro-Mediterranean University
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EMPA - Working Group for EMUNI EMPA - Working Group EMUNI is by the decision of the EMPA Bureau of 20 November (Cairo). It consists of: • 6 members from the European Parliament: • Ms. Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, European Parliment, Chair • Ms. Carmen Romero Lopez, • Mr. Ivo Vajgl, Slovenia • Mr. Stefan Schenach, Austria • Mr.Milenko Ziherl, Slovenia • Mr. Eduardo Cabrit, Portugal • 6 members from the European National Parliaments (Mr. Eduardo Cabrita (Portugal), Mr. Gennaro Malgieri (Italy), Mr. Franco Juri (Slovenia), Mr. Xavier Bettel (Luxenbourg), Mr. Eero Akaan-Penttila (Finland), Mr. Jordi Xucla Costa (Spain); • 10 members from the Mediterranean Partners (Mr. Mohammad Zreikat (Jordan), Mr. Mohammad Abul-Enein (Egypt), Mr. Hamid Narjisse (Morocco), Ms. Zeynep Dagy (Turkey), Dr. Walid Khoury (Lebanon), Mr. Joseph Maalouf (Lebanon), Mr. Abdelaziz Chebil (Tunisia), Dr. Bernard Sabel (Palestinian Leg. Council), 2 more are in the process of nomination. EMPA-Working Group EMUNI is chaired by Ms Rodi Kratsa - Tsagaropoulou, Vice-President of the European Parliament. Ms Kratsa contributes in a great extent to the visibility and development of EMUNI, being an initiator of numerous activities and co-operation, doing so also through meetings on the highest levels in different Mediterranean countries. 14th CEI Dubrovnik Diplomatic Forum EMUNI worked along with the Crotian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to organise the 14th CEI Dubrovnik diplomatic forum under the theme – “EU and Its Neighbours: Prospects and Challenges.” The event focused on relations with the Mediterranean, Russia and Eastern Partnership, including different aspects Euro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011
of regional and inter-regional co-operation, as well as to pinpoint possible contributions in the fields of diplomacy and diplomatic training. The theme is also topical to the EU priorities and challenges, so it will address the topics such as: Regional and inter-regional aspects of deepening and widening the EU policies; Six axes of priority co-operation within the Union for Mediterranean; Russia, EU and its neighbourhood; Three or four freedoms for EU Eastern Partners? The forum of this year was marked by the attendance of a high Egyptian delegation, headed by H.E. Ambassador Osama Tawfeek Badr, Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Egypt along with 6 diplomats thanks to the efforts of the department. Other members of EMUNI, notably, the London Diplomatic Academy of the University of East Anglia was given the opportunity to participate both at the students and professors levels.
Euro-Mediterranean University
2. EMUNI University Departments • President’s Office • Education Department • Research and International Department • Financial Department • Legal and Human Resources Department • IT Department
Report 2011
2.1 President’s Office 2.1.1 Activities The President’s Office is primarily in charge of the organization of the President’s meetings and activities as well as coordination among the departments. With its work on different levels, the President’s Office provides support for the education, financial, legal and ICT departments. The President’s Office takes care of maintaining contact with prominent institutions in Slovenia and abroad, such as the Slovenian National Assembly, the Ministry of Education and Sport of Slovenia, European Parliament, several EU institutions and institutes, the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, higher education institutions in the EU and non-EU countries, and many others. One of its tasks is the logistic arrangements of the President’s travel missions which are crucial in building the connections among the current and future partner institutions. The President’s Office is also active in providing support in maintaining and establishing new connections with different institutes and other institutions which can contribute to building new partner relationships. In the past months, President’s Office staff participated in different conferences and seminars abroad, such as the RESouk conference in Beirut, Lebanon, staff mobility seminar in Cadiz, Spain, where President’s Office staff attended the international week at the University of Cadiz. Multi partner activities, such as the possible joint master degrees between the EMUNI University and UCA were discussed, as well as the possibility of the expansion of the Erasmus Mobility agreement. The meetings also represented an opportunity to exchange experience on international university activities at all levels. At the meeting with the IEMSR Institute in Paris, France, a member of the President’s Office met with the Institute’s director and discussed future cooperation. The President’s Office is also in charge of administrative tasks as well as the calculation of travel reimbursements for all the employees. It takes care of orders and purchases of administrative material and other supplies. In the framework of the EMS module, the President’s Office provides technical and logistic support for the participants, professors and students. It also arranges the matters regarding the arrangements of the interns who come to EMUNI from EU and non-EU countries. Public relations (PR) are an important factor of international recognisability. EMUNI University communicates by regularly informing the media and the public about the events and activities of EMUNI University (round tables, EMS module, visiting guests, etc.). The public relations are especially intensive in the time of execution of EMUNI projects, in the time of meetings of the bodies of EMUNI University, at the time of EMUNI events, and at the beginning of the academic year.
Euro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011
2.1.2 Achievements EMUNI Events The President’s Office is in charge of participating in the organization of different events in Slovenia and abroad. Among such are the Mediterranean Day at the National Assembly of Slovenia, round tables and EMUNI Days. 2.1.3 Results In the past seven months, The President’s Office has been contributing towards maintaining and establishing good and fruitful relations between EMUNI University, its partner institutions and institutions from the EU and non-EU countries. Its logistic support to the events, Professional School taking place in Portorož, and individual missions of the President and the employees has enabled successful implementation of the EMUNI activities and as such acted as one of the crucial elements in good operation of the university.
2.2 Education Department The role of the education department is to enhance the cooperation between higher education institutions, stimulate the mobility of professors and students, build a challenging and innovative teaching and learning environment and work on the accreditation process of the study programmes and applications for the entry into the register of HE Slovenia. 2.2.1 Main activities The education department is in charge of different study programmes development and organization of: • New EMUNI Master Study Programmes; • Development of New EMUNI Master Study Programmes; • Notification of Already Acredited Master Study Programmes; • New Master Study Programmes in the framework of ENPI; • New proposal for EMUNI Already Accredited Master Study Programmes; • Master study programmes - Call for enrolment; • EMUNI Label Study Programmes; • Professional School: Summer School, Doctoral Research Seminar, Free standing Courses, Euro-Mediterranan Studies; • Other EMUNI calls. (more details in chapter 3)
2.2.2 Other activities The education department is also in charge of the organisation of the meeting of the EMUNI bodies: • General Assembly; • Senate; • Management Board; • Commission for Study Affairs. Euro-Mediterranean University
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2.3 Research and International Department EMUNI considers research and international project as an important priority of its co-operation activities with the neighbouring partners within its wider vicinity. Together with inevitable cooperation with other departments, it maintains sustainable university partnerships and contributes to mutual understanding between academic worlds of the Mediterranean basin. 2.3.1 Activities With its cross-department cooperation, the work of this sector is multidisciplinary, being involved in several university activities. The primary goal of the research unit is to stimulate international cooperation through projects and events, bringing together partners from all shores of the Mediterranean basin. The department enhances cooperation in particular in those areas of higher education and research that involves priorities of the Union for the Mediterranean. Apart from direct internal cross-department cooperation, the research department is directly linked with Slovenian national agency CMEPIUS for international education mobility programmes. Other duties of the office involve planning, organizing and communicating with partner institutions through international programmes, exchanges, conferences and meetings. The office contributed to recognition and promotion of EMUNI for the public by organizing different public events within and outside of Slovenian borders. 2.3.2 Achievements Being a network of universities, project cooperation brings partner institution of EMUNI to actively work together in common areas and enables them to meet regularly to exchange knowledge and expertise. EMUNI University was invited to participate in a number of international projects. The main project belonged to different international and Slovenian funding structures. Being a young higher education institution, our University was entitled to apply only as a partner to 8 TEMPUS Programmes, which is the longest-standing EU programme in this sector with a strong focus on institutional co-operation. Additionally EMUNI was taking part as a partner in 9 Erasmus Mundus projects. The university participated also in other project applications, such as the project “BRABANDER,” INTERREG IV C Programme. However, as an applicant EMUNI applied and was granted for other extensive projects such as Erasmus Mobility, Youth in Action, FP7, Marie Curie Programmes. Starting already in 2010, EMUNI signed the agreement with the national coordinating body for EURAXESS network, to promote the network and to actively involve in activities, organized by this programme. Successfully implemented The EMUNI University promoted the network on several occasions: EMUNI Resouk in March, Beirut, Lebanon; International Round Table Discussion, April, Portorož; EMIR course, April, Portorož. The department participated as well on several meetings for EURAXESS and contributed to the promotion of the research network of EC. Further on, implementing the Erasmus Mobility agreement from 2010
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(see the next chapter), the office applied for the next Erasmus Mobility grant for the coming year and was granted with the new agreement being signed in May this year. Under this programme, employees and researchers of EMUNI will have the possibility to apply for the grant and attend exchange programmes abroad in the coming year. In the second half of the year, the department has been engaged in working on proposals for several regional and international projects. Among them is the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) in the areas of Environment, Research and Marie Currie programmes. 2.3.3 Erasmus office and Internship programme The research department holds the office for Erasmus programme, which directly corresponds with the national agency of Slovenia, CMEPIUS. This year the department managed to established several new Erasmus bilateral agreements with the following Universities: Pan-European University, Slovakia; University of Cadiz, Spain; Institute of Tourism Studies, Malta; Aristotele University of Thessaloniki, Greece; University of Lisbon, Portugal; Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece; Fachhochschule Bingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Momentarily, several other are in the process of signing the agreement. The above mentioned agreements will enable students, researcheres and members of the staff to experience international mobility for a given period of time. Apart from establishing bilateral agreements, the office took care of the incoming and outgoing Erasmus mobility. This year, 4 outgoing mobilities have been implemented under the Erasmus Staff Mobility. The process is currently ongoing and will finish this autumn; therefore several mobilities are to be implemented in the coming months. Additionally, the department hosted and coordinated incoming Erasmus mobilities from partner universities, hosting 3 Students under the Erasmus Placement programme for the period of 3 months from Slovakia and Italy. The department also coordinated and hosted an Erasmus Staff week, which was attended by a representative from the partner institution, the University of Foggia. The research department in cooperation with the president’s office organizes Internship programmes for experts coming from other EU, Balkan and Arab countries. So far, EMUNI has hosted 1 member from Spain for the period of 6 months, to work on the research projects, education department and international cooperation. EMUNI signed several internship agreements with Tunisia and Jordan, for which we expect to receive 3-4 experts for the minimum period of 3 months at the headquarters of EMUNI University this autumn. 2.3.4 Other international activities The research department mainly performs its activities at the headquarters. However, important tasks are implemented at the international meetings and conferences abroad. At the headquarters the department received a delegation of rectors from University of Novi Pazar, Serbia and held several discussions for the future collaboration in a joint project, mainly in TEMPUS programme.
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Locally and nationally, the department co-organized several events this year. In cooperation with CMEPIUS and University of Primorska, the Erasmus Mundus Info day was organized in February, where experts from EC were invited to hold a workshop together with EMUNI advisor professor dr. Arafeh Labib. In June the office co-organized a Regional Round Table discussion on Involvement of Civil Society in the Area of Immigrant Integration in the Region of Primorska. As part of the common action of the national network of the Anna Lindh Foundation and together with the Slovene Philanthropy and ZRC SAZU, EMUNI was hosting the event at their premises. The research department of the EMUNI University was also invited by the University of Maribor to give a presentation and lecture at the Media Day presenting the lecture on Intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean as well as to present EMUNI as a hub where dialogue between regions happens. The lecture was held within the auspices of the Media Day that the university is organizing every year. Further on, the department members attended several national workshops organized by CMEPIUS, the conference on Internationalization of HE in Slovenia, and the UNESCO conference on Climate Change in Bled, which enhanced the cooperation with the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO. Important international meetings that department was involved in abroad, were held in various partner countries throughout the year. A TEMPUS partner meeting in Novi Sad, Serbia produced positive results in established new relationship with the partner university as well as obtained new methods in forming application for the project. One of the important priorities for the international part of the research office throughout the year was organizing and coordinating an EMUNI Regional day, which was organized with the purpose to promote EMUNI and priorities of UfM in different regions of EUROMED. For detailed information please see the chapter 3.10.7. The department also accompanied and assisted the president of the EMUNI University at several international meetings in Finland, Greece, Germany and Slovakia. An important contribution was the Preparatory meeting in Slovakia and organization of the EMUNI regional day in Bratislava. Furthermore, the department assisted the president at the official visit in Helsinki at the Ministry of Education and Culture to discuss future cooperation between Finnish HEI and the EMUNI University. An important international event that EMUNI University attened and was represented by the research department was held in Greece at the international ERACON 2011- Erasmus Conference of all the EU HEI. Among several activities and workshops, EMUNI presented its institution at the Go-Exchange Erasmus Education Fair. The university provided information to other universities on the programmes offered and arrangements for teacher and the programme for student and staff mobility. Internationally, members of the department held first official visit to the new partner of EMUNI, the Institute for Tourism studies in Malta. Important event for EMUNI was participation at the German Meets Slovenia Forum in Berlin, organized by Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) and Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The event brought
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together Young Leaders from both countries to discuss common visions and active projects to stimulate mutual relations between the nations in various areas. Members of the department were among the keynote speakers and contributed to several meetings between the directors of both institutions. The outcome of the Forum was the establishment of relationship between the institutions and signing of a Memorandum of Understanding. Furtheron, both institutions jointly work on an international forthcoming event in autumn, which will be organized in Barcelona. Throughout the year the office also supported EMUNI at the general level from organizing logistic matters, coordinating meetings, drafting proposals, letters for the president, drafting and coordinating Annual reports and Work plan of the university and other administrative support to several departments. 2.3.5 Results The Erasmus Programme is currently ongoing and will finish in autumn, therefore several mobilities are to be implemented in the coming months. The university was also granted a new agreements of the Erasmus mobility for the next study year 2011/2012. In relation to the University Internship programme, by signing several internship agreements with Tunisia and Jordan, the university expects to receive 3-4 experts for a minimum period of 3 months at the headquarters of EMUNI University in autumn this year. In the process there is also the development of FP7 Calls for proposal in the area of Environment, working together with German and Russian partners. Several international conferences and new Calls for Proposals are in the process of organization and implementation.
2.4 Financial Department 2.4.1 Activities EMUNI University Finance and Accounting Department takes responsibility for organising the financial and accounting affairs of the University, including the basis for accounts preparation. One of the department’s main objectives is the provision of financial information to the President and the Management Board. The Finance and Accounting Department of the EMUNI University is also acting as a key liaison between the University and external institutions and professionals linked to the University’s operations and financial matters, such as suppliers, co-operators, lecturers, accountancy firm, bank, students as well as the funding institutions (Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology - MHEST, EMUNI Foundation, European Commission etc.). The main activities can be summarised in the following 6 areas: Book keeping procedures Keeping records of the revenues and expenses plus the preparation of data for the external accountancy firm book keeping activities and VAT processing.
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Financial Statements planning and forecast The department is in charge of preparing the financial statements plan as well as quarterly forecasting. It assists the accountancy firm in the preparation of the balance sheet, showing University’s assets and liabilities and it reviews the records of revenues and expenses totalled up to create the P&L account. Financial data is gathered and reported in line with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The variance between plan and actual figures is constantly monitored by the department. Salaries management The department is responsible for calculating the salaries and work-related expenses of the employees. It provides all the salary related data to the external accountancy firm for contributions processing. Funding activities The finance department is assisting the top management as well as other departments in raising the finance for University’s developmental, operational and study activities. The department is in charge of the technical details for raising funds and loans as well as the repayment of interest. In addition, it supervises the budgetary side of the EU calls for proposals that the University applies to. Providing management information University and its bodies require ongoing financial information. The finance department takes responsibility for providing the financial, financial performance & position information as well as cash flow projections. Financial reporting The department is in charge of the report concerning financial and other data for the funding institutions, for example final project costs reports and reports concerning funds, used in course implementation. It also prepares the monthly expenditure report for MHEST. 2.4.2 Achievements One of the key achievements of 2011 was the adoption of the new Strategic Development Plan of the University for 2011. The Finance Department played a key role in the preparation of the new Development Plan, particularly in preparing the revised 2011 budget and funding, arising from the launch of the five new Master programmes. The plan was adopted by University’s Management Board and Senate. The revised plan formed the basis for the 2011 contract with MHEST. The Finance Department managed to continually monitor costs, maintaining a stable cost structure for EMUNI University and keeping up its financial stability. Despite the limited funds, the University achieved its main objectives set out in its 2011 Development Plan.
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During the Euro-Mediterranean study courses (EMS), held at EMUNI University in March and April, the department was supervising all finance matters linked to the 2 implemented modules, including cost control, collection of financial information from students and professors, as well as record keeping activities. After the completion of the EMS modules a report has been prepared along with the Education Department for one of the main funding institutions – EMUNI Foundation. All the expenditure linked with the modules was recognised as eligible by the Foundation and recovered by the University. The second main funding institution – IP has been advised about the approximate expenditure of the first EMS module, which they have co-financed. A final report is in preparation and should be submitted to CMEPIUS by October 2011. In 2011 the department put in place new internal financial controls and started taking the necessary steps to review its internal acts and legislation. 2.4.3 Projects The Finance Department has been involved in the financial aspects of all EMUNI University projects as well as budgetary sections of the calls. It worked hand in hand with the Research and Education Departments in establishing the cost structure for various proposals. Moreover, it was in charge of supervising all financial data provided in the calls for proposals as well as applications to the EU calls. The department prepared the budget section for Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme for the project Management of Sustainable Business Development (System Dynamics Approach). It also supported other departments in the calculation of tuition fees for the upcoming Master and PhD programmes. The department has been working closely with ENPI finance specialist on reviewing the overhead costs arising from activities linked to the ENPI project. The team was continually evaluating operational costs of the project and its experts and successfully recovered part of the costs from the European Commission. There is more work required in this area, particularly in terms of financing the payments to the ENPI experts; however 2011 brought a big step ahead in ENPI cost reporting and recovery. All financial claims for the financing of study programmes and summer schools were prepared within the department and forwarded to the funding institutions. 2.4.4 Development The Finance and Accounting Department was reviewing its internal procedures and brought in some improvements. The process of invoice approving has been simplified and is now done electronically as agreed with the President and the external accountancy firm.
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The University undertook also a review of its suppliers and spread its network of vendors that applied to various calls for services. In line with the 2011 contract, a new reporting procedure was put in place with the Ministry of Higher Education. A monthly report is prepared in conjunction with the Research Department, showing all the activities done in the month, providing the link with the University’s Development Plan objectives as well as the cost report. On this basis, the University receives its monthly tranches from the Ministry, as stated in the 2011 contract. It is worth noting that in 2011 the department put in place new internal financial controls and started taking the necessary steps to review its internal acts and legislation. 2.4.5 Results All the financial requests sent to EMUNI Foundation have been reviewed by the Financial and Accounting Department, including the request to co-finance the two recently accredited Master programmes and EMUNI Summer Schools. On top of this, new funding requests related to the implementation of ENPI Master and PHD programmes are in its preparatory phase. EMUNI University will put through a request for a short-term crediting for covering the costs of ENPI programmes development. These expenses will later be recovered by the European Commission. The department aims to develop a quarterly rolling forecast. With this tool the University cash inflows and outflows will be easily monitored and projected. The department attended several courses, workshops and project presentations linked to the financial management of the projects, in which EMUNI University is involved. In this manner, it strengthened their technical knowledge of financially demanding and specialised areas. The Finance Department attended the Erasmus Staff Training week on the theme Internationalisation at Lisbon University in Portugal. This was an opportunity to share best practices among other finance professionals coming from various European universities. A presentation of the EMUNI University was delivered to other participants and staff and as a result the University received various proposals to set up bilateral agreements with other participating universities.
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2.5 Legal and Human Resources Department 2.5.1 Activities Legal and Human Resources department is closely linked with the work of all other departments at the EMUNI University and the President’s Office. It supports the work of all colleagues, who are provided with legal advice on any pending matter. All contracts and other legal documents are reviewed by the Legal department prior to signature or any form of acceptance. In addition this department also works on enhancement international co-operation of EMUNI University and on preparation of several very promising international projects, one of them being a new ENPI project. The Human Resources part of the work of the department focused primarily on the employment of new colleagues. The majority of current staff was employed in 2011, therefore renewed employment and single-task contracts were necessary. In addition to that, personal folders of all employees were reviewed and updated and an application for the extension of work permits of foreign staff was prepared and issued. An analysis on the presence and effectiveness of staff in the workplace is being prepared. Based on the decision of the General Assembly in November 2010, a call was issued for the employment of two Vice Presidents. EMUNI received several applications to the call, which are first reviewed at the department and those that meet the criteria of the call are regularly presented to the Management Board. The legal and HR department also provided support to the Education department in preparing several projects and contracts, which were successfully signed. Agreements for new EMUNI study programmes were signed between the University, EMUNI Foundation and coordinating universities. A new EMUNI Master Label contract to be signed with partner institutions is also in preparation. This department’s task is also providing support to EMUNI bodies, therefore documents and agenda items are regularly prepared for the Management Board, Senate and Study Commission meetings. Based on the decision of the Senate and the Study Commission, it started to renew the accreditation process of the Development Studies and Intercultural Dialogue study programme that was approved by the Study Commission. The premises, where EMUNI University is currently located, are owned by the Republic of Slovenia. The Legal department currently works with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology towards preparing the best possible contract for these premises. Among the most important domestic co-operations with higher education institutions, the EMUNI University would like to emphasize its co-operation with the University of Primorska. In this year we are in the process of renewing of the co-operation agreement and are at the same time working together on the project of MIC Conference to be held in PortoroŞ in November 2011.
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The EMUNI University tries to be as connecting and inclusive as possible, thus, in 2011 we were able to help establish several links between member institutions, a signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between SudgestAid and BAU is one of the examples. A contact toward signing a Letter of intent has been initiated with the following institutions: • Arab States Research and Education Network; • Queen’s University Belfast; • l’Université Ibn Zohr d’Agadir; • Qatar University; • Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. The EMUNI University is working towards becoming the think tank of ARLEM, therefore a Memorandum of Understanding is currently in the process of preparation. The ARLEM ECOTER meeting, which we attended and contributed to, was held in Poreč in July 2011. 2.5.2 Achievements As mentioned before, one of the tasks of the Legal and HR department is also establishing co-operation and support of international activities of the University. Therefore the department helped with the: • Establishing co-operation with IUC Dubrovnik (MoU); • Establishing co-operation with MFA of the Republic of Macedonia; • Establishing co-operation with MFA of Serbia (MoU); • Follow up on co-operation with the University of Zagreb; • Establishing co-operation with EURAS, Turkey (MoU) • Establishing co-operation with ARLEM; • Establishing co-operation with ESCA, Morocco (MoU); • Establishing co-operation with ICMPD (MoU); • Establishing co-operation with SmartCare (MoU); • Signed MoU with Albanian Diplomatic Academy. As part of the support to the Education department, the department helped issuing calls for students, host institutions and professors for 2011/2012 Master and Phd programmes and finalised the contract for new EMUNI study programme with the Autonomous University of Barcelona, which is currently being signed. 2.5.3 Projects The legal and HR department took upon the application to a new ENPI project, called EuroMed Migration III, in which the EMUNI University is a member of a consortium led by the International Center for Migration Policy and Development (ICMPD). In order to prepare the best possible project, several meetings were held among the consortium members. The EMUNI University in co-operation with the Union for the Mediterranean, European Student Union and the European Institute of the Mediterranean is Euro-Mediterranean University
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preparing a so-called “Student Unions” project, which will offer student leaders of the south of the Mediterranean to attend a seminar on the work of democratic student unions. They will be able to follow the work of some of the best student unions in Europe and share their own experiences among themselves and with their European counterparts. The aim of the project is to equip the participants with the necessary know-how and basic experience on the work of a democratic student union, and thus will enable them to implement the knowledge in their own university structures. The Legal and HR department works together with the Research department in preparation of the “East meets West” project. 2.5.4 Results The EMUNI University as a part of the consortium (with ICMPD – leader, International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization and FIIAP) has been successfully short listed to prepare an ENPI EuroMed Migration III project, where EMUNI will be able to offer training, study programmes, seminars, vast experience and expertise. A part of the international work of the department, was also attending the 14th CEI Diplomatic Forum in Dubrovnik, reporting on it and the follow-up to the Forum, which resulted in many new established contacts and preparation of several Memorandums of Understanding. The department managed to successfully register the two Master study programmes into the official registry of study programmes at the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology: “Environmental analysis and management” and “Business communication in intercultural environment”. The two programmes will be organized in co-operation with the Universities of Urbino and Palermo. Statute Amendments, adopted at the General Assembly on 29 November 2010, were included into the new updated version of the Statute of EMUNI University and published on the EMUNI web site.
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2.6 IT Department 2.6.1 Activities IT department goals/tasks The main tasks and goals of the IT department are determined by direct purposes of the EMUNI University - to ensure operational state and high working efficiency of computer-supported systems. Support services are provided in different fields: • Maintenance and support of the computers and peripherals – IT department does periodical operations, which are needed for normal computer functionality: hardware testing, monitoring, upgrading, making daily data back-ups. • Communication technical services - maintaining the informational infrastructure: Local Area Networks and Wide Area Networks (LAN/WAN), ensuring data communications and telephone systems. • Software solutions - development, procurement, installation, maintenance and support of the various software applications. • Office and enterprise systems - development, procurement, installation, maintenance and support of the main business software systems – data, documents, internet web site and so on. • Informational security - establishing informational security policy, installing, setting and maintenance of anti-malware and anti-intrusion systems (firewalls, anti-viruses, etc.). • Graphical designing - conveying information through visual solutions that promote or enhance a service, product, philosophy or entity. IT department in EMUNI’s structure IT technologies are the indispensable and critically important factor and instrument of business activity. The IT department plays strategic part within any EMUNI structure, because it ensures proper functionality and competitive advantages of the university. Successful operating of all departments depends on the work of IT department. IT department responsibilities/tasks Administration (Database, Windows System, Network) – these activities have a number of periodical procedures to perform. These procedures are required for ensuring effective work of computer hardware and software and include technological configuration, monitoring, testing, analyzing, reporting, making database and software backups, updates, archiving data and so on. System administrators perform a number of periodical tasks, which are required for stable and effective work of IT systems and for informational security. This includes ensuring that the network infrastructure is up and running, applying operating system updates, patches, and configuration changes, performing backups and restores, hardware monitoring and troubleshooting etc.
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Installing and configuring new hardware and software are performed not often, but they are very important. The new hardware and software are the instruments, which can gain a great competition advantages for the university, so the IT department approaches to this activity thoroughly. It is necessary to make a comprehensive technical and financial analysis of the expediency of improvement before buying and installing an IT product. This function requires from IT department learning of a big number of technical documentation - manuals, tutorials, instructions etc. Development (Programming, Web Developing, Analysis) – these activities usually get involved into tasks within certain projects. These projects can be related to application, system, web and maintenance programming. Generally, the IT department performs tasks that are related to designing/modifying/maintenance of the software - coding, debugging, testing, analyzing and documenting software systems. Graphical Designing At EMUNI main duties of graphical designing are designing flyers, informational pamphlets, reports and advertisements. When needed, we also commonly consult with printers or publishers to identify the best choice of paper, cover stocks, and printing processes. 2.6.2 Achievements and results Use of social media In 2010 EMUNI entered the field of social networking by posting information on Facebook and Twitter. Facebook EMUNI Facebook page acts as addition to the existing EMUNI website. Most of the information that is available on EMUNI website is also available on the Facebook site. This way information is delivered to the members of EMUNI Facebook site as soon as they are posted. At EMUNI, we are sending updates mainly through links or news feeds. We don’t use discussions yet, but they will play important role in the future in adding value to the events we will organise. EMUNI Facebook page is available at: Twitter The Twitter page acts also as addition to the existing EMUNI website. We use twitter to send updates to our followers through posted links. The EMUNI Twitter page is available at:!/emuni Redesigned newsletter Monthly EMUNI e-News, issued around the 15th day in the month and distributed to approximately 8000 recipients from the Euro-Mediterranean region. Euro-Mediterranean University
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The newsletter includes a brief summary of EMUNI and EMUNI partner’s news and activities in the past month, together with the announcements of upcoming events and activities of EMUNI and EMUNI partner’s. In 2011 EMUNI Newsletter got a partial makeover. Previously, the newsletter was being issued in PDF format. This year we decided to convert and redesign it into HTML format. We made this change to make it more compatible with different platforms and software (computer, mobile etc.) that our subscribers use. The EMUNI Newsletter is also available at the EMUNI website. Google Apps for Education As part of reducing IT costs and insuring better security and stability of the IT system, we transferred some of the IT services to Google Apps cloud platform. Google Apps Education Edition is a free suite of hosted communication and collaboration applications designed for schools and universities. Google Apps includes Google Mail (webmail services), Google Calendar (shared calendaring), Google Docs (online document, spreadsheet, presentation, and form creation and sharing) and Google Sites (team website creation with videos, images, gadgets and documents integration), as well as administrative tools, and access to APIs to integrate Google Apps with existing IT systems. In 2010, we started to look into systems that would offer staff a better and easier experience in using IT tools. After a careful evaluation and consultation with different experts in the field, we decided to roll-out the free service from Google - Google Apps Education Edition in 2011. This gives staff across the organisation, access to free communications tools including email, shared calendars, instant messaging and collaborative word processing all delivered and managed under the institution’s identity and management. By moving to the cloud with Google Apps we cut expenditure on new hardware and software upgrades. An additional benefit has been the reduced time spent in systems and user support with a minimal number of calls for support for such a significant system. In addition, staff at the university has already exploited the potential of Google Apps and are enjoying the benefits of the 25 GB storage quota liberated from the smaller storage limits of the previous solution. Currently Google Apps are being used by staff only, but it has the option and potential to spread it into use with students, teachers and online classes. Research Souk IT department is in charge of the complete technical and marketing aspect of the conference (live broadcasting, website, promotional material, coordination among co-organisers etc.) For the purposes of the conference, a website was developed and deployed (
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2.6.3 Projects and development Development of new website EMUNI University is growing rapidly with it its activities and services. The current EMUNI website was developed in the beginning of 2008. Since web is changing rapidly and the role of user is not just reading information anymore, we believe that a new website with better information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design and collaboration of users is crucial for EMUNI. Development of Student Information Database System In 2011/2012 we plan to develop and deploy a student information database system in order to support EMUNI’s activities in running the study programmes. The system will be used to collect and manage student and staff information, analyze data, produce reports, generate correspondence and labels etc. EMUNI Webinars In order to make better awareness of EMUNI and its contribution to the EuroMediterranean area, we plan to start with monthly series of webinars. Webinar will be a web-based seminar/round table that will be transmitted over the Web. A key feature of a Webinar will be its interactive elements - the ability to give, receive and discuss information. On webinars people from all over the world will be able to take an active part in discussion with keynote speakers. Keynote speakers will be experts coming from different areas and they will be discussing topics on priorities of the Union for the Mediterranean and/or current situations in Euro-Mediterranean area. e-Library In 2011/2012 EMUNI University plans to be included in library consortiums of the partner institutions. By doing this the access to various databases and electronic sources would be achieved. Virtual Campus with University of Murcia In 2012 EMUNI University plans to create a virtual campus between University of Murcia and EMUNI, which will in one spot connect students and universities to different resources online.
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3. EMUNI university IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2010/2011 The EMUNI University has been successfully implementing and developing activities in the field in education and research since its beginnings. Many of its activities have become traditional and well established in the international higher education area. EMUNI’s study programmes, professional school and summer school courses, doctoral seminars, conferences and other activities aim at deepening knowledge of Euro-Mediterranean topics, with a particular focus on the priority projects of the Union for the Mediterranean.
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3.1 Master Study Programmes EMUNI University issued calls for enrolment of students in the Master Study Programmes: Environmental Analysis and Management - the students will deepen their knowledge in two foreign languages, chosen among English, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Chinese. They will improve and further develop their communication skills and the ability to communicate effectively in complex business contexts, for example within international companies or small medium-sized enterprises planning an internationalisation process. They will also familiarize themselves with the cultural characteristics of the countries, where the languages they have studied, are spoken. Intercultural Business Communication provides the students with an insight into the environmental processes as well as the possible modifications and perturbations of the system at macro and micro levels. The study program aims at understanding the bio-geo-chemical processes in aquatic and terrestrial environment with particular reference to marine environment, where most of the natural processes occur. The postgraduates will gain an in-depth knowledge of ecosystems and the competences to programme the suitable management of resources in relation to safeguarding of the environment and the specific requirements of the territory. Mediterranean Business Development Initiative – The Master will provide training to students to face the obstacles and enhance the solutions that Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises face in the Euromed Region. It will have as a result, a clear professional orientation materialized thorough the undertaking of professional internships in partner institutions, research projects and case studies that will study real situations. The program also aims at being innovative and flexible providing two tracks: The Research Track and the Professional Track. De-pollution of the Mediterranean - the purpose of the De-Pollution of Mediterranean (DM) Master’s Degree Programme at the EuroMediterranean University (EMUNI) is to provide students with a scientific understanding of ecological and social systems that can be applied in a common environmental policy or management context of the Mediterranean region. Maritime and Land Highways - Transports and infrastructures are one of the most important strategic problems, in direct effects over Land Management and Regional Planning. This EuroMed MSc Program will help to create real specialists, able to recognize identity aspects to be joined to the initial personal formation and able to be competitive into the labor market for future actions in third countries.
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3.2 New EMUNI Master Study Programmes In accordance with the EMUNI University Work Programme 2009 and the decisions adopted at the 2nd Senate session on 26 and 27 June 2009, EMUNI University launched a Call for Development of New Master Study Programmes. The agreement on the cooperation in the development of the new EMUNI study programme will be concluded for each programme by the EMUNI University, the EMUNI Foundation and the responsible higher education institution. Study programme: Development Studies and Intercultural Dialogue The application for acquiring consent for the study programme Development Studies and Intercultural Dialogue was sent to experts on 6 October 2010. Until now the EMUNI University received two expert opinions. At the 6th session the Senate adopted the study programme Development Studies and Intercultural Dialogue and proposed to send the application for acquiring consent for the study programme to the SQAA according to the new criteria. Study programme: Future Infrastructures and Landscapes in EuroMed The application for acquiring consent for the study programme Future Infrastructures and Landscapes in EuroMed was sent to independent experts on 8 November 2010. The EMUNI University received the expert opinions by 22 November 2010. At the 6th session Senate adopted the study programme Future Infrastructures and Landscapes in EuroMed and proposed to send the application for acquiring consent for the study programme to the SQAA according to the new criteria. The EMUNI University has to start the procedure of accreditation. Study programme in the field of Security The EMUNI University received the expert’s detailed report for the study programme EU and International Law, Security and Social Order in the Euro-Mediterranean Area. The Senate adopted the study programme EU and International Law, Security and Social Order in the Euro-Mediterranean Area and proposed to send the application for acquiring consent for the study programme to the SQAA according to the new criteria. The EMUNI University has to start the procedure of accreditation. Study programme in the field of Environment The EMUNI University received the proposal of the Study programme Environment on 24 November 2009 and the proposal was approved by the Senate on 27 February 2010. During the 6th Session of the Senate and the Commission of Study Affairs in Ankara, the EMUNI Foundation undertook to allocate funds to the New EMUNI Master Study Programme Environment, University of Nova Gorica, selected by the Center EMUNI. The University was unable to deliver Euro-Mediterranean University
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the documents to the EMUNI University as requested. The EMUNI University Senate will compose a new team for the Environment area. Euromed master study programme in development communication (COMDEV) for regional integration and sustainable development in the Mediterranean The proposal was adopted by the Senate on 22 November 2010. During the meeting in Beirut in March 2011, the Senate decided to send a formal request to the EMUNI Foundation asking to give funds to this Study programme instead of the Study Programme in the field of Environment. The EMUNI Foundation accepted the request of the EMUNI University. The EMUNI University has to start the procedure of accreditation. Study programme Maritime Cultural Heritage The proposal idea was adopted by the Senate on 27. 02. 2010. The University did not send the detailed report for the deadline required. The EMUNI University has to start the procedure of accreditation. Study programme Migration Culture and Human Rights The proposal idea was adopted by the Senate on 27. 02. 2010. The University did not send the detailed report for the deadline required. Study programme Systems Dynamics to Manage Sustainable Business Development The proposal idea was adopted by the Senate on 27. 02. 2010, the EMUNI University received a detailed report on 20 January 2011. The EMUNI University has to start the procedure of accreditation. Study programme Executive MA in HE Management revenue and Quality Enhancement The proposal idea was adopted by the Senate on 27. 02. 2010, EMUNI University received several documents on 3 March 2011 and on 7 March 2011. Some other documents need to be sent to start the procedure of accreditation. Study programme Euro-Mediterranean master in interreligious dialogue and tourism (EMIDT) The proposal idea was adopted by the Senate on 26. 11. 2011, EMUNI University received the detailed report on 7 March 2011. The Senate approved the Master study Programme on 21 March 2011. The EMUNI University has to start the procedure of accreditation. Notification of already accredited study programmes.
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EMUNI University has two tracks of accreditation of study programmes: 1st track: notification of study programmes, already accredited in Member States of the European Union and other countries if the diplomas issued in the accreditation country have the nature of a public document, provide a verified level of education in this country and a verified title, and are performed in the accreditation country by verified organisations. 2nd track: accreditation of new study programmes. The procedure is the same as for other Slovenian new study programmes. According to the 1st track, the Senate of EMUNI University adopted 15 study programmes (14 programmes – Senate session in April 2009; 1 programme – Senate session in November 2009). For already accredited study programmes, the application for notification must be supplemented by a positive opinion of at least one higher education institution that has its seat in the Republic of Slovenia and conducts a comparable study program as requested by the Law of the Republic of Slovenia. Notified study programmes need to enter into the directory at the ministry responsible for higher education. The EMUNI University submitted 8 study programmes to the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (SQAA) for notification. The EMUNI University would not be able to submit 6 study programmes to the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (SQAA) for notification, because the HE institution, where the programme is accredited, had not delivered the required documents.
3.3 New Master Study Programmes in the framework of ENPI The ENPI project is focusing on: the development of new EMUNI postgraduate study programmes in the area of the Union for the Mediterranean, which are planned to be implemented in 2011/2012; the development and preparation of the policies for the EMUNI Observatory for the important areas of HE, such as master and doctoral study programmes, quality assurance and e-learning; and the dissemination of project achievements through different education and research activities, mainly through EMUNI conferences, regional days and publications. The EMUNI Senate adopted the following Master study programme in the framework of ENPI: • Maritime and Land Highways; • Mediterranean Business Development Initiatives; • De-pollution of the Mediterranean. And the following PhD programmes: • Good Governance and Public Policy Development; • Educational Administration Leadership and Organisational Development; • Human rights, Institution Building and Democratization
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3.4 EMUNI new proposal for Already Accredited Master Study Programmes The EMUNI Senate adopted the Master Study programme listed below. The Senate also decided that the Institution has to add the EMIR module in English, French or Spanish language (20 ECTS) into their own study programme. The EMUNI University will provide the “Supplement Diploma” for the EMS module that will be held in Slovenia at EMUNI University. The study programme will be implemented under the EMUNI label. 3.4.1 Already Accredited Master Study Programmes
Name of the course
Euro-Mediterranean Master in Interreligious Dialogue and Tourism EMIDT
Euro-Mediterranean Master in Cultures and tourism EMCT
Business Administration1
Master of Science Study Programme in International Relation2
Master of Science Study Programme in Political Science3
Master in Bilingual Master in International Relations and Immigration Policies
MA programme in Peace and Conflict Management Studies
Multi-Disciplinary Master’s programme (M.A.) in Holocaust Studies
3 sem. for A 5 sem. for B
Global Law Programme (GLP)
International Executive MBA Programme
Maritime Civilization in Light of Enviromental Changes
MA Programme in Creative Arts Therapies
Master Programme in BIO-law: Law, Ethics and Science
Master of Science in Journalism and New Media
Science in Tourism Management
Master of Science in Corporate Business
Management and Quality in Education
The University has to provide the Study Programme using the EMUNI application form for the Already Accredited Master Study Programme. The University has to provide the Study Programme using the EMUNI application form for the Already Accredited Master Study Programme. The University has to provide the Study Programme using the EMUNI application form for the Already Accredited Master Study Programme.
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3.4.2 New Master Study Programmes No.
Name of the course
Project de Mastère International en Etudes Euro-méditerranéennes & Développement durable
Master in Risk Science
3.4.3 Other Study Programmes No.
Name of the course
Faculty of Architecture and Design: Architecture, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Furniture Design, Industrial Design, Photography, and Studio Arts
Faculty of Arts & Human Sciences: English Language & Literature, Arabic Language & Literature, French Language & Literature, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Education, Translation, and Freshman Level.
Faculty of Business Administration: Management, Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Economics, Islamic Banking & Finance, Management Information Systems (MIS), Hospitality/Tourism Management, and Flight Attendant Management.
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology: Electronics & Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Communication & Network Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology, Marine Transport & Technology and Marine Engineering & Technology.
Faculty of Public Health: Nursing and Nutrition
Faculty of Science: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics.
Faculty of Agriculture: Agricultural Engineering. Special Programmes: Intensive English Programme (IEP) Certifications: Cisco, IATA Foundation Course and Sabre Reservation System (GDS).
The contribution from the EMUNI University will be: • Promotion (website, leaflets and other promotion activities); • Certificates of attendance for all participants; • Evaluation of the project and preparation of final report.
3.5 EMUNI Label Study Programmes The EMUNI University co-organises 6 masters study programmes as “EMUNI label” accredited at the partner universities. Call for enrolment has been issued by the responsible University (the University that will issue a degree). Programmes were delivered at the responsible university while part of the programme - module Euro-Mediterranean Studies was delivered at the EMUNI University over the period of two to three weeks in English and French languages. Upon the conclusion of the study programme the students received the EMUNI label certificate issued by the EMUNI University. For students that Euro-Mediterranean University
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successfully completed their study obligations in frame of the module EuroMediterranean Studies, the EMUNI University issued the Transcript of records or the Certificate on equivalency. Programmes under EMUNI label scheme in 2010/11: Environmental Analysis and Management responsible university: University of Palermo, Italy, duration 2 years, 120 ECTS The main goal of the study programme is the Environmental Protection, which can be achieved only if the environmental processes are well known as well as the possible modifications and perturbations of the system at macro and micro levels. For this reason the study programme is planned to achieve the understanding of the bio-geo-chemical processes in aquatic and terrestrial environment with particular reference to marine environment, where most of the natural processes occur. The study programme also includes the knowledge of pollution phenomena, with the aim to prevent them and/or to adopt the adequate tools for the remediation. Environmental and Engineering Geology responsible university: University of Urbino, Italy, duration 2 years, 120 ECTS The study programme is practice-oriented, dealing with the interaction between our society and the geological environment, in which we live. Students learn to understand, characterize and predict the behavior of rocks and soils in surface excavations, tunnels, dams, and below roads, buildings and bridges. In addition, they will learn how to identify, characterize and devise remedial measures to cope with natural slope instabilities (landslides, rock falls, mud flows, etc.), and become familiar with fundamental and applied issues of geological waste disposal and management of geo-resources both on land and marine environment. The key competency the students will gain during this programme is the ability to develop a comprehensive environmental geological and geotechnical model of a site using information from a site investigation programme. Intercultural Business Communication responsible university: University of Urbino, Italy, duration 2 years, 120 ECTS The students will get an insight into the environmental processes as well as the possible modifications and perturbations of the system at macro and micro levels. The study programme aims at understanding the bio-geo-chemical processes in aquatic and terrestrial environment with particular reference to marine environment, where most of the natural processes occur. The postgraduates will gain in-depth knowledge of ecosystems and the competences
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to programme the suitable management of resources in relation to safeguarding of the environment and the specific requirements of the territory. Euro-Mediterranean Master in Culture and Tourism responsible university: University of Bari/CMU, Italy, duration 1 year, 60 ECTS The main objectives of the course are to provide students with an integrated knowledge of culture and heritage in the Euro-Mediterranean region, tourism management and tourism development. Master’s degree courses are open to anybody with an official university qualification (foreign degree must enable you to be admitted to postgraduate studies in the country where you obtained it). Landscape, territory and patrimony responsible university: University of Sousse, Tunisia, duration 2 years, 120 ECTS The main aim of the programme is the design of outdoor and public space to achieve environmental, socioeconomic and aesthetic development of the EuroMediterranean region. The master study programme provides a degree of training for specific skills including space planning, territorial decision support, design and use of urban, suburban and rural areas, management and development of outdoor spaces, recovery and rehabilitation of sensitive areas at risk. Public Management, speciality: Euro-Mediterranean Management - Sustainable Development responsible university: Paul CÊzanne University Aix-Marseille III, France, duration 1 year, 60 ECTS The study programme focuses on the Mediterranean area and on sustainable development. It aims to deliver the multidisciplinary programme with knowledge on Mediterranean Public Management. The network of professionals and faculties around this programme is based on a common reflection about cultural contexts convergence and ability to implement a sustainable development with public and private partners.
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3.6 Professional School: Euro-Mediterranean Studies 2011 The main aim of the module Euro-Mediterranean Studies (EMS) is to provide participants with a broad understanding of the Euro-Mediterranean region from different perspectives (economical, social, political, cultural, environmental, etc). The module will be delivered in two terms at the EMUNI University in Slovenia. The module was adopted at the Senate of EMUNI University and is in the accreditation procedure at SQAA (Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education). In the next Academic Year the Euro-Med will be provided in 3 differents languages: English, French and Spanish. The duration of the module will be 3 weeks for each language.
Target group Postgraduate students and others, interested in the Euro-Mediterranean Studies. Applicants must have completed study obligations in the amount of 180 ECTS at the bachelor level.
Descriptions of the courses: • Euro-Mediterranean International Relations; • Geographical Perspectives and Tourist Regions; • Marine Environment of the Mediterranean Sea; • Sustainable Use and Conservation of the Mediterranean Flora; • External Cooperation and EUROMED. Euro-Mediterranean University
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Euro-Mediterranean International Relations The main aim of this course is to broaden the students’ understanding of EuroMediterranean relations and cooperation. With this course, the students will gain the necessary knowledge and understanding to be able to critically examine international relations theory and practice, incorporating interdisciplinary perspectives from economy, law, history, culture and policy. Geographical Perspectives and Tourist Regions The basic aim of the course is to deepen the understanding of the processes and factors which form the rural landscape. The focus is placed on the understanding of the influence of the EU policy on the functional, social, environmental changes in rural areas. Special emphasis is put on the tourism as activity, which contributes to preservation and revitalization of rural areas (case study: Mediterranean area). Students will be introduced with the main characteristics of tourist development in EU, factors of development, connections between landscape’s potentials and new trends in tourist regions industry, especially in the Mediterranean and in the Alps. Marine Environment of the Mediterranean Sea The course will deal with the following topics: factors affecting phytoplankton productivity, vertical distribution and migration of zooplankton, classification of marine benthic plants, biogeography, aquatic-vegetation and ecosystems, ecological factors, light energy, commercial cultivation and utilisation, life in the intertidal zone, classification of benthos, biotic and a-biotic factors controlling life in the intertidal zone, muddy and rocky shores, estuarine habitat, dune ecosystems, ecology of sandy beaches, microorganisms and meiofauna. Sustainable Use and Conservation of the Mediterranean Flora In the frame of the course, the following topics will be presented and analyzed: the Mediterranean climate and plant diversity, plant adaptations to Mediterranean ecosystems, diversity of plant-microorganism and plant-animal interactions, plant evolutionary adaptations, germination strategies of Mediterranean plant species, medicinal and aromatic plants, botanical Identification and Authentication, the ethno botany and the role of plants in the new pharmaceutical, ex situ Conservation of Mediterranean plants in Botanical Gardens and in seed banks, the role of scientific promotion to achieve sustainability, exploring environmental education alternatives for sustainable use of native resources, ecotourism and society, Mediterranean site visits.
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External Cooperation and EUROMED In the frame of the course the participants will be introduced to the EU policies and with financial instruments moving from different EU programme approaches to a project development strategy in the Mediterranean and Adriatic regions. The course will mainly focus on: rethinking previous and future strategies of the EU External Cooperation programmes; moving from a programme approach to a project development perspective, creating and generating a group of young researchers able to set up projects and follow new opportunities. The EMUNI University has already organized the 1st module of the study programme Euro-Mediterranean Studies (EMS) for the the Academic Year 20102011. It was attended by 50 students from Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Turkey and 15 professors from Portugal, Tunisia, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Slovenia and Egypt. The 2nd module started on 4th of April and lasted for two weeks. The EMUNI University hosted 25 students from France, Egypt, Italy, Algeria, Morocco, Cyprus and Jordan and six professors from Malta, Italy, Greece and Tunisia. The two courses of the module were held in French language: Euro Mediterranean International Relations and the External Cooperation and EUROMED. 3.6.1 Summer School EMUNI University organized the 4th EMUNI Summer Semester - Professional School 2011. The main aim of the summer schools is to enhance the cooperation among Euro-Mediterranean universities, to stimulate mobility and to contribute to the understanding among people and cultures. EMUNI partner institutions offer postgraduate courses under the umbrella of EMUNI University. Experience gained from 2008 to 2011 is very positive - courses provided the participants with the opportunity to study issues relevant for the Union for the Mediterranean, improve knowledge and gain international and intercultural experience.
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Characteristics • Location: in different countries around the Mediterranean, at EMUNI partner institutions; • Language: English, French or one of the languages of the Union for the Mediterranean; • Term of delivery: June - September 2011; • During the delivery of the course social events and trips are organized; • Multicultural learning environment; • Courses focus mainly on areas of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM); • All participants receive a Certificate of Attendance issued by EMUNI University; • Participants who successfully complete their study obligations receive the Transcript of records with obtained ECTS credits from the responsible University. The EMUNI Foundation supported 1 summer school per applying institution in the following manner: to reimburse the costs for up to 2 students per institution implementing summer school courses, in the amount of 600 EUR per student and 1 professor per institution, implementing summer school courses, in the amount up to 1800 EUR. Alternatively, the funds allocated to the professor may have been used for further 3 students from the above mentioned countries. The students as well as the professor, who received EMUNI funds, needed to be citizens of the countries of the Southern Mediterranean rim (i.e.: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Israel, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey).
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Name of HE institution
University of Foggia, Italy
Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
Summer School Courses Name of the course Transnational Restructuring of Debts - Le operazioni transazionali di ristrutturazione dei debiti
Summer school on Social Technologies in Business Development, Developing real business project with entrepreneurs
Gender Economics
Fondazione Link Campus University of Malta, Italy
Energy and Environmental Sciences: The Global Climate and Energy Project Electricity and Distribution Infrastructure Green Mobility Energy efficiency and clean energy Fostering Small and Medium – sized Enterprises for a Mediterranean Business Development Initiative: Regional Territorial Partnerships Theories, Policies and Tools. Part 1 Regional Territorial Partnerships Theories, Policies and Tools. Part 2 Regional Territorial Partnership Methods for planning Regional Territorial Partnership Methods for monitoring and Evaluation Migrants’ Life Stories and Cinema
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, Serbia
Building Capacities for Regional Development – From Theory to Practice
International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia
Rovira i Virgili University, Spain
Domestic and Occupational Accidents: Prevention and Treatment
Entrepreneurship and Leadership Human Resources and Psychosocial Health Protein Biotechnology and Chromatography Advanced Laboratory Techniques
Jordan University of Science Environmental Pollution and Technology, Jordan Soil Behaviour in Civil and Environmental Engineering Renewable Energy, advantages and disadvantages (For non-Engineering Students)
University of Catania, Italy
Books as Knowledge transmission tool: gender literature and history observed by the sea in the Mediterranean Area
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Location of delivery
University of Foggia, Italy
29 August – 10 September
Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
6 June – 17 June
Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania or EMUNI University, Slovenia
30 May – 12 June
8 8 8 8
Language IT, EN
EN Link Campus University, Italy
June – July
Link Campus University, Italy
June – July
8 8 10
10 3 1
University Camping, Kalandra Chalkidiki, Greece
4 July – 15 July
17 August – 8 August
22 August – 29 August
Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, Serbia
International School for Social and Business Studies, 4 July – 15 July Slovenia
Rovira i Virgili University, Spain
July – August
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
4 September – 13 September
University of Catania, Italy
4 July – 16 July
3 3 6 6 6 6 6 3
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EMUNI University also co-organized the following summer schools with the Partner Institution: 1 Caesarea Coastal Archaeological Project (C-CAP) Underwater Geoarchaeology Summer Field School 24 July – 12 August, 2011 – University of Haifa. The C-CAP Field School provided training and practical experience in underwater archaeological and geoarchaeological techniques, including excavating, surveying, drawing, sampling, and recording. 2 Political Science and Middle East Studies took place at Centre of Middle East and Religious Studies, Galilee International Management Institute, Israel from 4 – 28 July 2011. Students, who are familiar with Middle Eastern studies, spent 5 weeks in the area, studying the relationship and interactions between the various political, ethnic and religious groups and how these peoples fit into the political, social and cultural frameworks of Israel and the neighbouring lands. 3 EMUNI professional school modules at the 10th Fulbright International Summer Institute -2011, Bansko, Bulgaria, 7 – 21 August 2011. The course was designed to help students become better negotiators. Among the topics covered were negotiation strategies, a legal and ethical framework for negotiation, traps that arise during negotiation, and cross-cultural negotiation. 4 1st Middle East Friendship Camp 10 – 20 August Thessaloniki, Greece, organized by Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece. 68 students from the Mediterranean countries (Tunisia, Iraq, Turkey, Spain, Israel and Greece) had the opportunity to meet, share ideas and engage in workshops with the aim of creating and presenting thematic projects in Arts and Sciences. 5 UNIMAR Summer Courses. UNIMAR summer school provided a single and coordinated program put together by the two CMN universities. Its wide range of courses involved a large number of locations in different towns of the Region of Murcia and other communities. UNIMAR summer courses are an excellent example of what can be done when the universities bring their efforts together in offering a comprehensive selection of training initiatives. 3.6.2 Doctoral Research Seminars Doctoral Research Seminars are a form of active discussion on selected topic related to the Union for the Mediterranean priority areas. During the seminars students have an opportunity to elaborate their doctoral thesis and write research papers. In addition, they can develop an interdisciplinary approach in an intercultural environment. Seminars were organised by EMUNI partner institutions in frame of the Professional School 2011. Outputs • Improvement/enrichment of doctoral thesis; • Elaboration of research work in a multicultural environment; • Certificates of Attendance, issued by EMUNI University and/or responsible University. For courses with ECTS value the responsible HE institution issued the Transcript of Records with the course specification (ECTS, grade). Euro-Mediterranean University
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Name of HE institution
University of Foggia, Italy
University of Genoa, Italy
Mykolar Romeris University, Lithuania
Proposed Doctoral Research Seminars Name of the course The PhD thesis writing: comparison between models and experiences Civil Rights protection and rights of migrants in the framework of Mediterranean cooperation
ECTS Location of delivery
University of Foggia, Italy 24 -25 June
University of Genova, Italy
18 – 23 July
Ethnicity, Multiculturalism and Globalization
Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
4 – 15 April
Increasing Competitiveness of Mediterranean Region I. Cluster Management II. Case writing week
Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
11 – 24 April EN
Gender economics
Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania or EMUNI University
16 – 29 May EN
The contribution from the EMUNI University was: • Promotion (website, leaflets and other promotion activities); • Certificates of attendance for all participants; • Evaluation of the project and preparation of final report.
3.7 Other EMUNI Calls The Education department launched the following calls for the Academic Year 2011-2012: • Call for Enrolment of Professors for the EMS Module; • Call for Hosting Institution for the EMUNI Study Programmes. EMUNI Master Study Programmes: 1. De-pollution of the Mediterranean; 2. Mediterranean Business Development; 3. Maritime and Land Highways. and the following EMUNI PhD Study Programmes: 1. Good Governance and Public Policy Development; 2. Human Rights, Institution Building and Democratization; 3. Education Administration, Leadership and Organizational Development. • Call for EMUNI Summer Semester, EMUNI Doctoral Research Seminars and Free Standing Courses - Professional School 2012.
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3.8 Curriculum Development, Mobility and E-learning With the aim to stimulate the curriculum development, increase institutional cooperation and contribute to the mobility of students and professors, the EMUNI University is applying to different calls. In December 2009, the University was awarded the Extended Erasmus University Charter, which is the basis for students, teachers and staff exchange, curriculum development and internship program. This year the university was granted a new Erasmus Mobility agreement from the national agency CMEPIUS for the next study period 2011/2012. E-learning A special attention is paid to the way of delivery. All courses are being carried out in the blended learning form (combination of face to face and on-line activities). On-line activities are being supported by Moodle.
3.9 Quality assessment and assurance The EMUNI University is paying special attention to quality assurance procedures. Academic staff have to meet high academic standards, according to the appointment criteria, adopted by the Senate of the EMUNI University and the senate of partner universities. The EMUNI University will also strive to recruit diverse and outstanding students. The following principles will be taken into consideration (extracts from the EMUNI policy for study programmes): The performance of the appointed teaching staff shall be continuously monitored through indicators, such as students’ attendance at lectures, success rate at examinations and the number of graduates per year. In addition, each teaching staff shall be evaluated through student’s questionnaires, which need to be completed before the examination for the course is carried out. • For each study programme, a scientific committee will be set up. Each involved HEI will nominate one expert, who will monitor the curriculum and academic standards – the programme scientific committee will report to the Senate Commission for QAA; • Once a year, the Senate shall confirm an annual report of the University Commission for QAA; • EMUNI University needs to establish an internationally comparable system of quality, comprising the self-evaluating procedures as well as external evaluation. The EMUNI University is implementing these principles also when delivering all short activities, especially professional schools. In the Academic Year 2010/11, the University prepared the following reports/evaluations: • EMUNI professional school 2010/11; • EMUNI label master study programmes 2010/11; • All reports include information about delivery, analysis of students, professors and institutional questionnaires. Euro-Mediterranean University
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3.10 Conferences and Other Events EMUNI conferences offer a valuable platform for the participants to network, exchange their expertise and gain additional knowledge on the selected topics. They are also aimed at disseminating research results. 3.10.1 ReSouk 2011 3rd EMUNI Research Souk Conference was held on 21 March 2011. The main organiser of the conference was the Beirut Arab University in Lebanon. This year’s topic was: Innovation and Employability - the Universities Challenge. Co-organising institutions were: • Al-Quds University, Palestinian Authority; • An-Najah National University, Palestinian Authority; • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; • Çukurova University, Turkey; • Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, University Business Academy, Serbia; • Gabes University, Tunisia; • International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia; • Mediterranean center for arts and sciences, Italy; • Politecnico di Studi Aziendali universita privata a distanza, Switzerland; • Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Portugal; • Università di Palermo, Italy; • Universitatea “Petre Andrei” din Iaşi, Romania; • University of Murcia - Campus Mare Nostrum, Spain; • University of Primorska, Slovenia. Students and researchers from Europe and the South Mediterranean gathered at the Arab University of Beirut and other co-organising institutions across the Euro-Mediterranean Area to exchange personal and professional experiences as well as visions on what role the universities can play to deliver innovative programmes and the necessary skills to graduates seeking a placement in the job market. This year’s conference was opened by a video of H.E. Dr. Danilo Türk, President of the Republic of Slovenia, H.E. Gianni Pittella, First Vice President of the European parliament, Honourable Rodi Kratsa, Vice President of the European Parliament and H.E. Ilan Chet, Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean. Several dignitaries have, however, physically assisted in the opening of the Conference, notably, H.E Bahia Al-Hariry, President of the Education Committee at the Parliament of Lebanon.
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In his address to the participants, Professor Joseph Mifsud extended EMUNI’s gratitude to Professor Amr Galal Al-Adawi, who has »as a distinguished friend of the Euro Mediterranean University always supported EMUNI since its very humble beginnings.« The EMUNI Research Souk that this year addressed Innovation and employability, is an innovative idea, proved in its 3rd anniversary that in spite political and social hurdles, it is becoming a true tool of intercultural dialogue between students and researchers of both shores of the Mediterranean. Professor Mifsud also overtly announced that the next version of the Research Souk will be more reachable to Participants that could not attend it this year. Besides the live happening at all institutions, the conference was also broadcasted live over the internet and was open to public. IT department was in charge of the complete technical aspect of the conference. For the purposes of the conference, a website was developed and deployed ( 3.10.2 MIC 2010 Last year’s four-day international scientific conference MIC 2010 (Management International Conference) took place in Ankara, Turkey. It was organized by the University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, together with the Hacettepe University and the EMUNI University. The conference entitled ‘Social Responsibility, Professional Ethics and Management’ hosted more than 100 participants and saw the presentation of 70 articles from 28 countries from all over the world, mostly from Europe and Asia.
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Among the notable speakers were experts from the fields of social responsibility and management ethics. Alejo JosĂŠ G. Sison, philosophy professor from the University of Navarra and president of the European Business Ethics Network, presented the basic concepts of business ethics from the point of view of modern neo-Aristotelian philosophy and examined the concept of efficiency and excellence in management. Abdelhamid El-Zoheiry, coordinator of EU cooperation at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Egypt, discussed the specifics of social responsibility awareness in the developing countries. He emphasized the role of the innovative approach to a more acceptable development and presented some of the successful projects currently being implemented in Africa. A. Amanthi R. Perera from Sri Lanka introduced the project to education about sustainable development, which is being implemented in the rural part of the island under her governance and where the customary approaches had to be adjusted to the actual environment and its specifics. The project is also an example of successful cooperation with the economy as it is sponsored by a local private company.
The articles presented at the conference dealt with legal, economic, ethical and business aspects of the social responsibility of the companies and the effect of this responsibility on business success. Other issues, related to management, were also discussed, such as management of human resources, corporate management, finances, technology management, and e-business. The discussions that followed, resulted in several agreements on cooperation between individuals and institutions.
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In the past years, the MIC scientific conference has become an international event on the Slovenian as well as global scale. This will continue in 2011, which marks the 12th anniversary of its inception and its return to Slovenia.
3.10.3 Other Conferences Apart from several international conferences EMUNI has organized during the year, the institution was invited to co-organize several events in cooperation with organizations, institutes, national agency CMEPIUS. With a large network and good cooperation with partner countries the EMUNI University is able to contribute to the event with its network of experts, which gives an added value to all kinds of events. 3.10.4 Specialists International Meeting Regarding Master Programmes in the UfM On 11 May 2011 The Specialists International Meeting was held in the headquarters of the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat in Barcelona, Spain and started with a welcome greeting by Prof. Ilan Chet, Deputy Secretary General for Higher Education and Research, UfM, followed by an opening session, presented by the President of EMUNI University, who highlighted the importance of the role EMUNI is playing within the framework of the UfM and the commitment of EMUNI to achieve the objectives of the UfM and reinforce north/south and south/south cooperation. Prof. Nehale Fariid Mostapha, key coordinator and team leader of the ENPI project for EMUNI gave an overview of the project, followed by a briefing about the achievements of the project since its start, the developments of this project and the efficient and successful progress to date. The key leaders/coordinators of the new masters programmes presented their work and highlighted how these programmes were matching with the objectives of EMUNI and the objectives of the UfM at the same time. The Specialists to the DSG of the UfM Secretariat, Ambassador Yigit Alpogan, Deputy Secretary General for Transport and Urban Development, Ms. Cecilia Attard Pirotta, Deputy Secretary General for Social and Civil Affairs, Dr. Rafiq Husseini, Deputy Secretary General for Environment and Water, Mr. Marc Strauss, Expert in Energy and Mr. Fernando de la Fuente, Expert in Funding, explained the objectives of the UfM in every field of specialization and discussed with EMUNI experts all possible areas of cooperation and future plans. Euro-Mediterranean University
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The meeting ended with a warm speech from Prof. Ilan Chet, Deputy Secretary General for Higher Education and Research. Prof Mifsud stressed the importance of this meeting and how EMUNI appreciated the support provided by the UFM to reinforce the role of the university. 3.10.5 The Role of the Mediterranean Universities in Connection of the Changes: Innovation and Cooperation On 20 May 2011, a meeting entitled “The role of the Mediterranean Universities in connection of the changes: Innovation and Cooperation”, was organized in Rome, Italy. The meeting was organized following a call of Prof. Vincenzo Scotti, President of Link the Campus, and Italian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs with a full support of Prof. Joseph Mifsud. Participants stressed the need to concretizing Euro-Mediterranean cooperation at the University level, focusing on the importance of creating a unified policy within the universities. Prof. Scotti pointed out the idea that the cooperation between the Universities is the only way to have solid relation as well as concrete and sustainable projects. The event was marked by the intervention of H.E. Franco Fratini, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, who gave his full support to “fresh and energetic EuroMediterranean initiative, such as EMUNI,” highlighting the difficulties that encompass the Euro-Mediterranean region and encouraging EMUNI to continue its mission in favour of the higher education components in the Mediterranean. The Minister of Foreign Affairs then announced that Italy started new educative policies on different levels, and these policies are considered a priority in relation to big social, cultural and demographic changes.
Academic, Higher Education experts and EMUNI network representatives all emphasized the fundamental role of research and training for young people and the principal objectives: to insure jobs for the new generation, to guarantee a good quality of life for all and to promote new economical initiative and cooperation coming from the South of the Mediterranean area. The event that was described as “successful” was concluded by social activity, where participants agreed to repeat such meeting under the auspices of EMUNI in one of the Southern Mediterranean Countries.
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3.10.6 EMUNI Regional Days EMUNI regional days are a series of events, intended to introduce EMUNI to the EMUNI members, students and other interested participants in selected countries and regions.
They involve lectures of EMUNI members and invited experts and presentation of EMUNI through different publications and other activities. In 2011 several EMUNI regional days were implemented: at An-Najah University, Palestinian Terriories; Pan-European University in Bratislava, Slovakia; Sofia University, Bulgaria; and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. 3.10.7 Thematic Discussions – Round Tables Round-table thematic discussions are prepared at EMUNI on various occasions to increase the participation of professors and invited experts and students in EMUNI’s activities and introduce them to the specific Euro-Mediterranean issues. In April 2011, a round table on ‘The New Euromed: The Future of the EuroMediterranean’ was organized in Portorož within the framework of the EuroMediterranean Studies module. Among the participants were several notable guests, such as the President of EMUNI University, Director of Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Ambassador Hans Winkler, Dr. Cosimo Notarstefano, Professor from the University of BARI/CMU, Italy, and Professor Giorgio Dominese, Rector’s Delegate and Coordinator Rome Tor Vergata World University-TVWU and Chair of Geopolitics at LUISS Master of Science in International Relations, Rome. In June, together with the Slovene Philanthropy and ZRC SAZU, the President’s Office organized a round table entitled ‘How to Develop Successful Cooperation of Local Authorities, Public Institutions and the Civil Society in the Area of Immigrant Integration in the Region of Primorska’. The round table was attended by experts in the field and contributed towards trying to find practical and systematic solutions for the development of an efficient support system and opportunities for immigrants’ inclusion in the local community.
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3.10.8 Mediterranean Day EMUNI University acted as a co-organiser of the 3rd Mediterranean Day that took place on 22 March the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. The ceremony was coordinated by Mr Miro Petek, Head of the National Assembly delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean. It was opened by a video address of the President of the EMUNI University, Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud, followed by the speeches of the President of the National Assembly Dr. Pavel Gantar, Mr. Miro Petek and Prof. Dr. Selim Sanin from the Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey. Prof. Sanin addressed the audience on behalf of the EMUNI University and stressed its importance for the Mediterranean region in terms of knowledge accumulation and academic research that it provides. Both Dr. Gantar and Mr. Petek also emphasised the invaluable contribution which EMUNI University has for the positive developments in the Mediterranean. The event marked the opening of the exhibition about the EMUNI University, which was opened to the visitors of the National Assembly.
3.11 EMUNI Publications 3.11.1 Academic Publications International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies (IJEMS) The International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies was first published in 2008 and promotes intercultural dialogue and exchanges between societies, develops human resources, and helps building bridges in the Euro-Mediterranean region. To accomplish these objectives, the journal seeks to publish high quality research papers and case studies. The topics of papers include, but are not limited to: Politics, Sociology, Economics, Human Geography and Environment, Business and Management, Education, International Relations, and History. Thematic issues are published on: Civil Protection, De-Pollution of the Mediterranean, Alternative Energies, Maritime and Land Highways, Higher Education and Research, and Business Development in the Mediterranean. In 2011 the International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies was included into the IBSS and DOAJ databases.
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The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS, www.proquest. is an essential online resource for social science and interdisciplinary research. IBSS includes over two million bibliographic references to journal articles and to books, reviews and selected chapters. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ, is developed and maintained by Lund University Libraries since 2003. The service aims to give users a one-stop-shop to quality controlled, scientifically open access to journals in full text. DOAJ is the authoritative source for open access journals with over 8 million monthly hits. Conference proceedings (ReSouk, MIC) All EMUNI Conferences meet high academic standards, double-blind review of papers and conference proceedings are issued. The proceedings include information about the authors of contributions, programme details, photos and other information. The proceedings are issued in a form of a CD and can be obtained also on the internet page of EMUNI.
3.12 Other publications Annual yearly report EMUNI report contains the most relevant information about the activities, operation and plans of EMUNI in the previous academic year. It is an informative publication with a detailed description of the operation of EMUNI and also serves as a more comprehensive promotional publication.
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EMUNI Reports for 2008, 2009 and 2010 are also available at the EMUNI web page. • Annual academic brochure; containing summarized information about EMUNI and introduction to all EMUNI’s activities; • Monthly EMUNI e-News, issued once a month and distributed to approximately 8000 recipients from the Euro-Mediterranean region. The newsletter includes a brief summary of EMUNI news and activities in the preceding month, together with the announcements of upcoming events and activities of EMUNI. • Flyer and/or posters for each programme, projects, events. 169
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4. IMPORTANT EVENTS FOR EMUNI EMUNI puts a lot of attention to the promotion and efficient presentation of EMUNI at various events, which also help to set up a valuable network of contacts for the future work and development of the university.
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4.1 November 2010 EMUNI in Morocco Morocco, 25 October - 2 November Professor Joseph Mifsud paid a visit to Morocco, where he visited 5 Universities and Higher Education Institutions. The President’s visit came to consolidate the progressive cooperation between the Euro-Mediterranean University and Moroccan Universities. University Caddi Ayyad, Marrakech, 25 October Professor Joseph Mifsud was warmly received by the President of Caddi Ayyad University in Marrakech. Presidents of the two universities discussed different issues of mutual interest, most notably international cooperation between the two institutions. President Mohamed Merzak, President of the University Caddi Ayyad, emphasised the importance of the role that EMUNI is playing towards enriching intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean through effective academic diplomacy and expressed a genuine intention to engage in a fruitful cooperation with the Euro-Mediterranean University. Caddi Ayyad University of Marrakech is one of the most reputable Universities of Morocco. Founded in 1978, UCA has efficiently dedicated the last thirty years to meet the joint challenges of massive increase in student numbers and transformations on social need for education and research. Association Grand Atlas, Marrakech, 2 November Professor Joseph Mifsud conducted a meeting with HE Mohamed Kinidiry, former Minister of Education in Morocco, former President of Caddi Ayyad University and the President of Association Grand Atlas in Marrakech. HE Mohamed Knidirri is also Executive director of Daar Al-Talib (adobe of student). Professor Mifsud discussed relevant issues in the Higher Education field with HE Knidirri and stressed clearly that EMUNI is willing to cooperate with civil society institutions such as Grand Atlas and Dar Al-Taleb. HE Knidirri praised EMUNI’s mission and expressed interest in contributing to EMUNI Projects in Morocco. Dar-Al-Taleb (Adobe of Students) is a unique civil society association that fully supports bright Moroccan Students from underprivileged families. Power and Dynamics of Civil Resistance Portorož, Slovenia, 8 - 12 November EMUNI hosted a course on Power and Dynamics of Civil Resistance, organised in the frame of the EMUNI Professional School ,in cooperation with the EMUNI Foundation and the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC) from the United States. This course, led by prominent experts in the field (Kurt Schock, Maciej Bartkowski in Howard Clark) was designed to provide an in-depth and multidisciplinary perspective on the dynamic of civilian-based movements and campaigns that defend and obtain basic rights and justice, halt political oppression
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and facilitate democratic transitions and accountable governance. In addition to the presentation of the main concepts, the course also included game exercise, documentary viewing, case studies and class discussions. EMUNI Foundation awarded grants for students that came from 10 different countries (Albania, Cyprus, Italy, Egypt, Nigeria, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Pakistan, Romania, Turkey, Slovenia).
Countries put Intercultural Dialogue and Cooperation first in the Mediterranean Region La Valetta, Malta, 9 November In a unique demonstration of commitment at the highest level to enhance regional cooperation, aimed at strengthening bridges between peoples and communities across the Mediterranean by promoting intercultural dialogue, countries of this region came together under the banner of the UN Alliance of Civilizations to discuss and agree on a Regional Strategy on Intercultural Dialogue and Cooperation for the Mediterranean. Ministers, Secretaries of States of Foreign Affairs and representatives of governments from around 40 countries as well as representatives of international and regional organizations - such as UNESCO, EMUNI, the International Organization of Migration (IOM), the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the Council of Europe, the European Union, the League of Arab States and the Anna Lindh Foundation - met to agree on the Alliance of Civilizations Regional Strategy on Intercultural Dialogue and Cooperation for the Mediterranean and on its Action Plan. The UNAOC Regional Strategy for the Mediterranean that was adopted in Malta aims at contributing to the general ongoing efforts to bring closer all relevant cultural, economic, social and political stakeholders, promote mutual understanding and improve perceptions of each other, defuse tensions and bridge divides, enhance security, human development and intercultural dialogue among societies, institutions and individuals in the Mediterranean region. The Malta meeting also brought together a number of representatives of civil society organizations, universities, foundations, the corporate sector, youth and the media to exchange good practices in the field of intercultural dialogue and share ideas for future joint actions. These debates will provide partnership-building opportunities for participants with shared interests and offer approaches for best practices. President Joseph Mifsud was identified to chair the high level debate with panellists from UNESCO, the European Commission, the Organisation of Islamic Countries, the Council of Europe, the International Organisation for Migrations, Euro-Mediterranean University
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the League of Arab States and Isesco. In his presentation, which drew the conclusions of the international organisations, President Mifsud appealed for synergy in the action plans, funding for concrete actions and a concerted effort in identifying real issues to be undertaken within the action plan. EMUNI also made a presentation in the parallel workshops intended for civil society. The Government of Slovenia was also represented for the meeting and made reference to EMUNI as its instrument of support to the Alliance. Careers and Mobility of Researchers Brussels, Belgium, 9-10 November EMUNI participated in the Conference organised by the Belgian EU Presidency and DG Research on Careers and Mobility of Researchers held in Brussels. Two concluding sessions were chaired by the President of EMUNI who also spoke about the major aims of EMUNI. During the session it was agreed that a presentation booth of the Mobile Researchers in Europe - EURAXESS Turkish Network would be invited to the General Assembly in Ankara and that with Dr. Endre Horvath, State Secretary of the Hungarian Ministry for National Economy, EMUNI would plan two events in Hungary during the EU Presidency in 2011. EMUNI Participation in Medays Tangier, Morocco, 11 November EMUNI was invited to speak in a prestigious panel on the development project for southern countries. The discussion questioned the role that education, professional training, and employment play in shaping a country and its citizens, in alleviating poverty, and in going about to create welfare. EMUNI made a presentation of the aims and answered a number of questions from the journalists present for the event. MEDAYS is a top exclusive event in North Africa bringing more than 80 personalities and Ministers to the forum. EU Vice President Rodi Kratsa also received a top award for her support of the Fez ‘lighthouse’ of EMUNI in Morocco. In bilateral meetings held with the Under-Secretary for Education of Kuwait, it was agreed that an invitation to the General Assembly in Ankara would be forwarded to Ms. Rasha Al Sabah and that quality assurance and the external dimension of the Bologna Process would also be targeted as possible projects to be developed together. Further meetings were held with Dr. Janos Hovari, Deputy State Secretary from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary in support of EMUNI events during the EU presidency of Hungary in 2011. Further meetings were held with Energy and Banking sector directors on possible research collaboration in the EuroMed region. Euromed Plus 15: New Paths of Cooperation across the Mediterranean Barcelona, Spain, 17 - 18 November EMUNI was invited to take part in the Euromesco Conference organised at the secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean. At one of the sessions, there was a major discussion on EMUNI in a plenary session, which focused on The Union for Mediterranean as a “union of projects” to structure the EuroMed region.
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Besides the continuation of the EU’s long-standing programmes aimed at fostering development, liberalization and reforms, the UfM launched a programme of common projects with regards to infrastructures and key developmental sectors, such as education and the role of the SMEs in the Southern Mediterranean economies. These projects respond to the need to increase regional cohesion. Prof. Bichara Khader of the Centre of Research Studies of the Contemporary Arab World (CERMAC), Louvain, Belgium discussed concretely how EMUNI is being turned into a centre of excellence, building on the strengths that institutions have within the Union for the Mediterranean. Further meetings were held with two deputy secretary generals of the UFM, Ms. Cecillia Attard Pirotta, Civil Protection expert, and with Yigit Alpogan, who supervises the brief on Transport and Urban Development. In both instances it was agreed that a formal meeting should be held between the ENPI expert groups and the Secretariat of the UFM to coordinate initiatives and support actions. Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between EMUNI and the Foundation of Abdul Aziz Al-Babtain Ankara, Turkey, 27 November As part of their on-going efforts to develop Higher Education in the Mediterranean Area and deepen cooperation between EMUNI and the civil society in the Arab world and in line with Al-Babtain Foundation principles to support educational and Cultural Projects that aim to create bridges between Arabic and western cultures, the Euro-Mediterranean University and the Foundation of Abdul Aziz Al-Babtain agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation on implementing courses in Arabic language, poetry and literature for non-Arabic Speakers. The Memorandum of Understanding that was signed on the margins of the EMUNI Annual General Assembly meetings in Ankara, stipulates that the framework of future cooperation should concentrate on enhancing intercultural dialogue and implementing courses of Arabic for intercultural dialogue within a framework of dialogue among civilizations. The Memorandum of Understanding identified four areas of cooperation between the two institutions: • Developing Study Programmes on Master and PhD level; • Preparing Professional, Master and PhD Programmes; • Organising conferences and other joint events; • Developing and implementing joint Research Projects. The Foundation of Abdul-Aziz Saud Al-Babtain Prize for Poetic Creativity now based in Kuwait was launched in Cairo in 1989 with a mission to establish a cultural body that is interested in Arabic languages and literature. Euro-Mediterranean University
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3rd EMUNI General Assembly calls for strengthening the Role of EMUNI in promoting Higher Education in the Mediterranean Ankara, Turkey, 24 - 27 November EMUNI General Assembly was opened in the premises of the Hacetteppe University in Ankara by Professor Joseph Mifsud. 140 Universities from 32 countries of the Union for the Mediterranean were represented at the General Assembly. EMUNI Commissions, Senate and Management Board meetings were held at the outset of the conference, where the Statute of the University was discussed, amendments were adopted, designating an important step towards the sustainability of the Euro-Mediterranean University under the leadership of President Mifsud.
Several Dignitaries from Euro-Mediterranean institutions marked the opening of this year’s EMUNI General Assembly; Honourable Rodi Kratsa, Vice President of European Parliament; H.E. Ilen Chet, Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean; József Györkös, Secretary of State, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology in Slovenia; Dr. Yusuf Ziya OZCAN, Chair of the National Council of Higher Education; Honourable Miro Petek, Member of Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia, and H.E. Mohamed Naciri, Ambassador Representative of the Arab League in Turkey. Guests outlined the importance of the Role that EMUNI is playing in fostering cultural dialogue in the Mediterranean despite hurdles.
József Györkös began his speech by emphasising Slovenia’s intention to continue providing support to the Euro-Mediterranean University over the next two years. Euro-Mediterranean University
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Honourable Rodi Kratsa delivered a speech where she stressed the importance of an Euro-Mediterranean entity such as EMUNI in promoting cultural dialogue among societies of the Mediterranean, providing the support that EMUNI deserves in order to be able to achieve its own goals. EMUNI ENPI 2nd Experts Meeting Ankara, Turkey, 27-28 November EMUNI organized a number of events in Ankara, Turkey, which were attended by Union for the Mediterranean Academic experts and by University rectors and Presidents from over 140 institutions. Accompanying other meetings and events, the EMUNI-ENPI Experts meeting was held at the Hacettepe University Center and chaired by Prof. Nehale Farid Mostapha, ENPI project team leader. It was attended by Prof. Joseph Mifsud, Prof. Dr. Ugur ERDENER, the President of Hacettepe university, Prof. Nehale Fariid Mostapha, and 32 ENPI experts coming from Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Netherlands, Palestine, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey and the UK.
The EMUNI-Experts meeting was opened by the speeches of two distinguished keynote speakers: Honourable Rodi Kratsa, Vice President of European Parliament and H.E. Ilen Chet, Deputy Secretary General of The Union for the Mediterranean, who expressed their support to the 10 groups of experts, working on the achievements of the ENPI PROJECT as one of the most important projects encouraging cooperation in higher education, and contributing to the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education, Science and Research Area. After a welcome to participants, Prof. Nehale Farid Mostapaha described the background and objectives of the meeting. Prof. Nehale made a presentation, explaining the guiding principles of the project, its objectives, its strategies, its role, and its guidelines. Six postgraduate programmes are being developed to be launched by the Euro-Mediterranean University following the six projects, identified by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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4.2 December 2010 Launch of the Book: The Balkans and the Mediterranean Rome, Italy, 1 December The book, edited by Prof. Gianluca Sadun Bordoni, one of the short term experts of the ENPI project of EMUNI, was launched at Villa Madam at the Diplomatic Institute of Italy with the presence of three Deputy Foreign Ministers of Italy, Stefania Craxi, Alfredo Mantica and Enzo Scotti. Present for the launch were also the President of EMUNI and the Secretary General of UNIMED, Prof. Franco Rizzi. The book contains chapters about EMUNI and about the policies linking the Mediterranean with the Balkans agenda. Present for the discussion were various ambassadors from the Mediterranean and the Balkans, including their Excellencies from Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Malta, Cyprus, Greece, France, Croatia and Morocco. The directors of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy and students and scholars of the region contributed to the discussion during the event. The book follows the setting up of MEDADRION, an initiative linking all academic networks in the region, defined in the Paris Meeting, hosted by an EMUNI member, the University of Paris 8. It is envisaged that the book will also be a reference book for the EMIR module in the Erasmus Intensive Programme to be hosted in Slovenia in 2011. Lifelong Learning as an Emerging Right Napoli, Italy, 6 December EMUNI participated in the conference, organised by the Oriental Studies University of Naples, Italy, on Lifelong Learning as an Emerging Right. Prof. Luigia Melillo, President of Lifelong Learning Center of the Oriental Studies spoke about “Lifelong Learning rights and polices: an international arena”. The pro-Rector Prof. Giuseppe Cataldi chaired the session, which also included presentations by Carolyn Medel-Añonuevo, Deputy Director of the Lifelong Learning Center of UNESCO in Hamburg Germany and Irene Psifidou, Principal Researcher of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP). Prof. Michel Feutrie, Former President of the European University Continuing Education Network, described the links between universities and lifelong learning policies. Prof. Andrea Manzo from the Lifelong Learning Center of the Oriental Studies University also showcased the portal on lifelong learning, which will be linked to the EMUNI website as from January 2011. The second session of the conference on the Rights of LLL in the Mediterranean was chaired by the President of EMUNI and it included presentations by EMUNI partners: Buket Akkoyunlu, Dean of the Faculty of Education of the Haceteppe University in Turkey and Raouf Jaziri, Director of the Center of Lifelong Learning of the University of Sousse and the Ministry of Higher Education of Tunisia.
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Two case studies on Lifelong Learning in France and Portugal were then presented by Luís Capucha, President of the National Agency for qualification framework of Portugal and Vincent Queudot, Director for Continuing Education of University Nancy 2, France. The “Lifelong Learning” Centre, which is being promoted in cooperation with EMUNI, aims at providing university level courses and schemes to validate, facilitate and support continuous learning, offering adult graduates and highschool diploma holders the opportunity for further study and training that will enable them to update their skills and qualifications. The Oriental Studies University of Naples, when it set up its Lifelong Learning Centre, was the first, and so far the only Italian university to respond to the appeal from the European Community and the Ministry for University and Research. The Lifelong Learning Study Centre has thus become the benchmark in Italy for continuous education and its work is defined as best practice in the February 2008 report to parliament on Continuous Education, compiled by ISFOL on behalf of the Ministry of Work, Health and Social Policy. At the meetings, held at the University, it was agreed that Prof. Luigia Mellilo would coordinate on behalf of EMUNI a University a Life-Long Learning Team for the Mediterranean. The University offered to host this team so that a strategic paper on how LLL can be integrated in University Education will be submitted to the next EMUNI Senate Meeting. The team will be comprised of various EMUNI member institutions from the Union for the Mediterranean. EMUNI’s Participation in the Migration and Human Rights Conference Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9 December EMUNI was present at the International Conference about Migration in the Euro Mediterranean Region through a Human Rights perspective, co-organised by the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Mediterranean United Association. The conference took place in the Ministry of Culture. Participants coming from Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Greece, Italy and Slovenia have engaged in multi-dimensional discussions on migration in the Euro Mediterranean space, notably the role that migrants can play in intercultural dialogue, migration and asylum, and the links between migration and transnational crimes and terrorism. EMUNI’s contribution focused on the centrality of migration in the academic sphere, where migration fits perfectly in into postgraduate studies and trainings that EMUNI is delivering in collaboration with its partners Universities in the region. In the afternoon session EMUNI shed a light on the issue of VISAS for Students and researchers from the Southern Mediterranean countries and proposed a multi-organisations Conference that involve governmental and non-governmental organisations , Ministries of Foreign Affairs , Ministries of Interiors, represents of different Embassies and consulates, Academics, Journalists, as well as any other entities, involved in the Field of Migrations. On the margins of the conference, EMUNI discussed future cooperation with several organisations: the representatives of the Anna Lindh Foundation, Mediterranean United, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Philosophy, Novdum Institute of Strategic Studies in Ljubljana, and Institute ROSANA for Arabs living in Slovenia. Euro-Mediterranean University
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The Role of Training in the Civil Servant Development Paris, France, 14 - 15 December EMUNI participated in the Annual Meeting of Directors of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in the Arab World that was organised at the National School of Administration in Paris in Collaboration with the Arab Administrative Development Organization (ARADO). This meeting brought together some 50 Directors of Public Administration Institutes from the Arab world. The platform was an opportunity to exchange experience and ideas about the central theme of the Meeting: “the role of training in developing civil service development.” At the opening of the meeting M. Bernard Boucault, Director of ENA, and Prof Refaat Al- Faouri, Director General of ARADO, outlined the importance of training for the development of an effective civil service. An effective training cannot be achieved without inter-institutional cooperation between institutes of public administrations on one hand and other institutes of higher education on the other. A special reference was made to the role that the Euro-Mediterranean University as a network of universities can play in fostering the rapprochement at the Euro-Mediterranean level. The second panel of the discussion, entitled „the role of training in good governance”, included EMUNI’s participation, which concentrated on the Role Lifelong Training (LLT) in sustaining quality civil services, giving examples on EMUNI’s experiences with partner universities in this regards. EMUNI also called for the next annual meeting to concentrate on building capacities of civil servants in the Mediterranean Space and offered the host the meeting of Euro-Mediterranean Public Administration Institute as well as ARADO at the premises of EMUNI. The National School of Administration (ENA) is the most prestigious higher education institute in France, specialised in Public Administration Sciences. Inaugurated in 1945 with the mission to democratise Public services in France, today ENA is the prime supplier of high ranked civil servants for the French national administration and French Embassies abroad. Visit to Israel (and Seminar for European Academics) and Meetings with Representatives of EMUNI Members and Higher Education Representatives in the Palestinian Occupied Territories The President of EMUNI with the support of Dr. Yemini Miri and of Prof. Dr. Moti Zwilling, one of the key EMUNI ENPI experts, and with Prof. Arab Larafeh, member of the EMUNI Senate and key EMUNI Expert in the ENPI project, conducted a number of meetings and visits in the region. EMUNI Day - Israel, 14 December 2010 For the first time, SCE Shamoon College of Engineering, the biggest engineering college in Israel was chosen to host an EMUNI regional day in Israel that was held at the SCE campus in Beer Sheva, through the coordination of Dr. Yemini Miri, an expert on entrepreneurial education. The EMUNI day was opened by the Minister of Science and Technology of the State of Israel, Professor Daniel Hershkowitz, the Head of the European Commission Delegation to Israel, Ambassador Andrew Standley, the Ambassador Euro-Mediterranean University
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of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Boris Sovic, Prof. Joseph Mifsud, the President of EMUNI, and other distinguished guests. More than 100 academics from 76 academic institutions from all over Israel participated in the EMUNI day. The President also had meetings with the former Rector of Ben Gurion University, Prof. Jimmy Weinblatt, and was also in touch with the former rector of the Haifa University, Prof. Yossi Ben Artzi and current Rector of Haifa University, Prof. David Faraggi, who sent their representatives to Beersheva. The President of EMUNI also visited the University in Tel Aviv and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he met Rectors, Vice Rectors, and Heads of Schools to discuss their collaboration with and within EMUNI.
In a very intensive week, a number of meetings was also held, organised and coordinated by Prof. Dr. Moti Zwilling: with the Foreign Ministry in Israel (including meetings with the Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon) and with members of different members of Knesset, who specifically focus on Higher Education, Science and Technology, including Mr. Yoel Hasson, Chair of the State Control Commission and Mr. Daniel Ben Simon, Member of the Knesset. The discussions centred mostly on how students from the UFM can contribute to the development of peace and recognition of diversity in the region through the support of joint programmes. A proposal to be submitted by EMUNI would be reviewed by Israeli counterparts in the near future for funding and realisation. This project will be coordinated in Israel by the EMUNI Expert Prof. Dr. Moti Zwilling. Other meetings were held in SCE in Beersheva, in Ruppin College with the intent of increasing EMUNI’s participation in the region. The President also had an intensive briefing and a planning meeting with Mr. Moshe Vigdor, Director General of the Council for Higher Education and the Planning and Budgeting Committee of Israeli Higher Education. Visit to Ramallah, Al Quds, and Nablus The President also made visits to Ramallah for discussion on higher Education with the Palestinian Authorities and had a briefing on current Palestinian policies in this field with top experts in this area. A meeting was also held in Nablus, with the President of An Najah University, a founder member of EMUNI, Prof. Rami Hamdallah, and with the President’s Assistant for International Relations and Strategic Affairs, Dr Kherieh Rassas. Both expressed their constant support to EMUNI and briefed the President of EMUNI about the mission of An Najah. President Rami Hamdallah outlined how An Najah features an international workforce and encourages exploration and promotes
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greater opportunity for cross-cultural understanding and diversity. Dr. Kherieh Rassas outlined how An Najah constantly seeks to expand the horizons in terms of greater cooperation of mutual benefit with other leading academics, institutions and organizations on the highest international level. Intensive meetings were also held with Prof. Dr. Arab Larafeh on new initiatives and positions to be adopted by EMUNI. These meetings were held in Jerusalem/Al Quds. The President of EMUNI is in constant touch with both Prof. Larafeh and with Prof. David Faraggi of Haifa University on conditions and forms of cooperation in the region. During the visit and for some of the meetings, the President was in the company of other eminent European Academics (some of them members of EMUNI), such as Prof. Giorgio Dominese of Tor Vergata University, Rome, Prof. Dogu Ergil, University of Ankara, Prof. Iannis Mazis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Prof. Eric Millard, University of Nanterre-Paris, Prof. Michael Rainsborough of King’s College, University of London, Dr. Esther Von Richtofen, Humboldt University of Berlin, and Prof. Wedigo de Vivanco, former President of the EAIE and a member of the Nafsa Bologna Task Force. Prof. de Vivanco and the President of EMUNI agreed to plan together an EMUNI day in Germany with the support of the DAAD and to further collaborate in the region with joint initiatives. Prof. Ilan Chet, Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean, was also briefed about the meetings in the region for further developments that can be supported by the UfM. Follow up visit to Dubai of EMUNI Dubai, United Arab Emirates, December 2010 Following the visit of the Vice President of the European Parliament, Rodi Kratsa, which brought EMUNI to the attention of the different academic and State interests of the Gulf States, the president was invited to Dubai on a familiarisation visit to a number of academic institutions in the United Arab Emirates. At the University of Dubai, President Mifsud was greeted by Prof. Ananth Rao, Chief Academic Officer of the UD. The University of Dubai is a leading University in the UAE that was established in 1997 with the support of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Since its inception, the University has a strong reputation for excellence in the field of academia, and due to its affiliation with the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and industry, has close links with the Business Community inside the Gulf Cooperation Council and its regional neighbours. Prof. Rao explained that the Gulf States in general and the UAE in particular have unique characteristics. They rely heavily on foreign expatriates, which entails cultural diversity. The President of EMUNI outlined what EMUNI has achieved during the last two years of its existence, and made a presentation of its next objectives within the Union for the Mediterranean. It was agreed that a Memorandum of Understanding would be signed to exploit the possibility of scholarships, student and staff mobility and the development of joint programmes, especially in the Mediterranean Business Development Initiative ENPI area, which are of major interest to the University of Dubai and its MBA programme. Prof. Rao congratulated EMUNI on its achievements and hoped that a concrete cooperation programme can be negotiated in the near future. Euro-Mediterranean University
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Visit to Dubai International Academic City Dubai International Academic City (DIAC) located in the Dubai Academic City is the world’s only free zone dedicated to higher education. The President of EMUNI was greeted by Dr. Chindu Mohsen, who described DIAC and the possibilities of EMUNI for DIAC. One key member of EMUNI, the University of St. Joseph in Beirut, is present inside DIAC with its prestigious Law School. Dr. Mohsen was particularly interested in the development of the new study programmes of EMUNI and how these could be housed, funded through scholarships and offered inside DIAC: A full proposal will be prepared to take this initiative forward. Meeting with the Knowledge and Human Development Authority of the Government of Dubai A meeting was held between EMUNI and the Higher Education Coordinator of the Government of Dubai, Dr. Hanan Alfardan, in which a presentation was made of EMUNI, and how EMUNI could benefit from scholarships that the Government of Dubai made available each year for its nationals in foreign countries. Under the directives of HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE, Ruler of Dubai, Knowledge and Human Development Authority a decree 30/2006 was established to develop all knowledge and human resource sectors in the Emirate of Dubai. KHDA aims to develop the education and human resource sectors and bring them on par with international standards and prevalent best practices, while keeping in mind the requirements of the job market. The areas of interest discussed matched the ones that EMUNI is taking up, particularly, Civil Protection, Mediterranean Business Development and Alternative Energies. Special focus was made on the IT component inside the courses to be offered by EMUNI as this was strategic to funding in the Gulf Area. Letters of cooperation will be exchanged to develop strengthening ties following this initial visit. Funding for this visit was possible through an official invitation that was made available by Emirates.
4.3 January 2011 Meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia Ljubljana, Slovenia, 13 January Pointing out that the Euro-Mediterranean University can play an active role in the Euro-Mediterranean Diplomacy, Professor Mifsud met at the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia with H.E Mr, Ahmed Fathalla, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for European Affairs and H.E Ahmed Farouk, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the Republic of Slovenia. Professor Mifsud presented to Ambassador Fathallah EMUNI’s yearning to the include training of Young Euro-Mediterranean diplomats in collaboration with the Euro-Mediterranean Academies of Diplomacy, including the prestigious Egyptian Academic Diplomacy. Euro-Mediterranean University
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H.E Ambassador Fathallah expressed hope for a more Egyptian cooperation with EMUNI, particularly through university cooperation and implementing Arabic language modules as part of EMUNI Masters Programmes. The meeting was attended by Mrs. Alenka Suhadolnik President of the Management Board of the EMUNI Foundation and Head of MFA Division for International Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and Mrs. Darinka Vrečko, representative of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology. Meeting at the Presidential Palace of the Republic of Slovenia Ljubljana, Slovenia, 13 January Noting with concern that EMUNI became one of the important components of the Euro-Mediterranean sphere, Professor Joseph Mifsud was received at the Presidential Palace of Republic of Slovenia, by Ms Tatjana Miškova, Diplomatic Adviser to the President of the Republic of Slovenia. The President of EMUNI University briefed Ms Miškova on the Euro-Mediterranean University activities and achievements since its inauguration in 2008. Ms Miškova expressed her appreciation of the pro-active internationalisation strategy of EMUNI, notably the University’s contributions in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), the Alliance of Civilizations (AoC), the OECD Higher Education forum and the Union for the Mediterranean. Professor Mifsud shared concerns with Ms Miškova about the issue of granting Slovenian visas to EMUNI Students and visiting lecturer coming from southern Mediterranean country, calling for a cross-ministerial debate to solve this issue. Parliamentary Diplomacy as a Tool for Cultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean Ljubljana, Slovenia, 13 January EMUNI is paying a high interest to the role that parliamentary diplomacy plays within the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue. Professor Joseph Mifsud had a meeting with the Honourable Miro Petek (MP), chairman of the Commission for Relations with Slovenes in Neighbouring and other Countries, head of the Slovenian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean. Professor Mifsud thanked Mr Petek for his support to the Mission of the Euro-Mediterranean University. The meeting was an opportunity to discuss several issues concerning cooperation in the framework of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) and the way EMUNI as a formal think-tank to PAM shall contribute to the parliamentary dialogue in the Mediterranean. The Meeting of TEMPUS Partner Institutions in Western Balkans Novi Sad, Serbia, 15 January The EMUNI University in cooperation with its large network of institutions is making preparations for several TEMPUS projects in 2011 to take an active
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part as an important partner in international cooperation in the field of higher education and research. The EMUNI University attended a preparatory meeting on the initiative of the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management (University Business Academy) in Novi Sad to develop a new TEMPUS project together with other partner institutions for the upcoming 4th Call. The meeting was hosted at the premises of the University Business Academy (UBA), who is also a member of EMUNI University. Other higher education partner institutions that attended the meeting, were representatives from the Pan- European University in Slovakia, Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management (FIMEK) in Novi Sad, the EMUNI University and the University of Bologna, Italy. Apart from the HE institutions to the project, a discussion among the present representatives also included small and medium size enterprises such as TARA International Consulting. The aim of the meeting was to have an introductory discussion with the partners, enhance its cooperation, to define the role of each partner institution to the project, and to discuss draft documents of the project for the next TEMPUS Call in February 2011. The first part of the meeting was welcoming of the partners by the president of the UBA, Prof. Dr. Marijana Carić, and the project coordinator Dr. Jelena Vapa Tankosić. The second part of the meeting focused on working together in framing a draft proposal of the project. A special guest at the meeting was Prof. Massimo Bianci from the Faculty of Economics, the University of Bologna, who is an expert in the TEMPUS projects and one of the leading partners. With his in-depth experience in the TEMPUS project, Prof. Massimo’s contribution at the meeting was of great relevance. The EMUNI University took an active part in contributing its proposals to the TEMPUS project and defining its role. Meeting of the EMUNI Chairperson of Management Board with the President and the Middle East-North Africa Trade Event Breukelen, Nederlands, 19 January Meetings were held at the Nyenrode Business University in the Netherlands between the Chair of the Management Board and the President of EMUNI. Rector Maurits Van Rooijen and President Mifsud discussed the post Ankara decisions and the implementation process, together with the new set up and staff organisation chart for EMUNI. An update on the ambitious EMUNI project were discussed and the current national situation of key members of EMUNI in their respective countries. Themes such as research, the international profile of EMUNI, the importance of setting up EMUNI alumni structures and the development of study programmes were also on the agenda. The Chair and the President also agreed to set up these management meetings after each and before every management board meeting to ensure smooth development of ideas and initiatives inside of EMUNI. Euro-Mediterranean University
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The President of EMUNI also held meetings with the Dr. Eric Melse, the programme director at Nyenrode of the Master of Science in Management, focusing on International Business Management, General Management, Marketing and Financial Management. He is working closely with Prof. Carmine Bianchi, one of the key experts in the EMUNI project from the University of Palermo. Together they have also presented a master’s programme. The President of EMUNI also attended the Middle East North Africa Trade Encounter, which was jointly organised by the Netherlands Council for Trade and Promotion (NCH) and Nyenrode Business University at the Society De Witte, The Hague. This event brought together all the Dutch accredited ambassadors to the Middle East and North Africa and their respective diplomatic colleagues together with Business and Educational institutions operating in the area. Discussions were held with various individuals and institutions on joint collaboration and further enhancement of EMUNI ideals. These included Mr. Salib Rabbani, Chair of the Middle East Business Council, Mr. Bernard Wientijes, Chair of the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers, Mr. Frans Lavooji, Chair of the United World College. Prof. Desiree M. van Gorp, who had attended the EMUNI GA in Tunisia, was also one of the keynote speakers. Present for the event were students from Jordan and Syria, who were given information about EMUNI’s operation. All participants to this event were also given the EMUNI latest publications. Present for this occasion was Prof. Nabil Ayad, Director of LAD, University of East-Anglia, and one of the key ENPI EMUNI experts, with whom discussions were made on the possibility of internships and joint development of degrees for EMUNI in the Gulf after the visits of VP of the European Parliament Rodi Kratsa and the follow-up visit of the President of EMUNI to Dubai. Prof. Ayad will also be one of the partners for the EMUNI event in Dubrovnik with student and staff mobility to the event. Meeting with the Mediterranean Observatory, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Farnesina, Italy, 21 January The President of EMUNI met with the Director General of the Observatory to discuss a possibility of a joint event, entitled the ‘The Garden of Knowledge’ to be organised together with the Italian Foreign Ministry for the Union for the Mediterranean. During this meeting, a presentation of the 2010 Report of the Observatory was discussed for complementarity purposes and for follow up activities to be defined together. Prof. Aziza and the president also defined a joint proposal, which they will be making to the Alliance of Civilisations, the secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean and other key partners, such as the IEMED to hold an annual meeting of all the professional and civil society organisations working inside the Union for the Mediterranean. It was suggested that this should be held annually preciding any summits, which may be called to define policies or strategies and also as a follow up gauge on activities within the region. The President of EMUNI will be making presentations of this idea during his meetings with the Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean and during both, the EMPA Brussels events and in the Arlem conference in Morocco. The President and Prof. Aziza concurred that so far no major civil society event has been held since the meetings two years ago under the French EU PresidenEuro-Mediterranean University
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cy and it is clearly extremely important that civil society continues to engage in intercultural dialogue at its independent levels. Universities, think thanks and research and professional centres must continue to focus on the real issues and hence the idea of an annual event would set the scene for establishing long lasting initiatives within the UfM. European Parliamentarians embraced EMUNI EU Parliament, Brussels, Belgium, 25 January The President of the Euro-Mediterranean University addressed the Members of the European Parliament at the meeting organised by the European Parliament working Group (WG) for the Euro-Mediterranean University. The meeting that was chaired by Honourable Rodi Kratsa, Vice President of the European Parliament, and chair of the EMUNI working Group of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) embodied the continuing support of WG to the efforts EMUNI towards bridging Higher Education institutions in the Mediterranean. In his presentation, the President of the EMUNI University made the voices of students, researchers and rectors of Higher Education institutions heard. He called for “a clear, just in time, concrete approach towards the Euro-Mediterranean University”. Professor Joseph Mifsud affirmed that EMUNI is now facing a challenge of concretisation of projects and it is “the responsibility of all components of the Euro-Mediterranean higher Education space to build a prosperous and productive Higher Education area to the advantage of next generations”. The President of EMUNI also affirmed that the university’s strategy in the medium and long term should focus on the theme of innovation and employability as a vital tool to build synergy between what countries can do and what countries need.
Members of the European Parliament, EU officials and delegations of Diplomatic corps accredited to the EU showed a great deal of enthusiasm for the mission of EMUNI. In this respect, Hon. Eduardo CABRITA of Portugal welcomed the President’s remarks and stressed that it is “an honour for Portugal that Lisbon will be the host of next EMUNI General Assembly,” outlining that this occasion will not be but the beginning of more prosperous cooperation. The meeting was also an opportunity to open a constructive debate about the issue of VISAS to students and researchers of EMUNI. Participants acknowledged the need the find an imminent solution to the bureaucratic hurdles that may put student and researches mobility between North and South in jeopardy. In this respect Hon. Milenko Ziherl, MP and Member of the Slovenian delegation Euro-Mediterranean University
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to PAM, pledged that steps will be shortly taken to raise awareness of the importance of the Visa issue. Alternatively, participants from Jordan called for opening a branch to EMUNI in a Southern Mediterranean country as a solution to the Visa issue. The EMUNI working Group of the PA and UfM is an official platform in the European Parliament, contributing to the sustainability of the Euro-Mediterranean University. The WG members are Members of European Parliament (MEPs) and acting in partnership with the EPP group and EuroMed and Middle East Unit of the European Commission. EMUNI Project Aims to Develop Excellency Brussels, Belgium, 26 January European Parliament, Committee on Foreign Affairs. The Committee on Foreign affairs at the EP will continue to support the mission of EMUNI under the presidency of Professor Joseph Mifsud. Hon. Rodi Kratsa, the Vice President of the EP, chair of the EMUNI WG of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, chaired a workshop on EMUNI that was organised by CFA in association with EP delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean. The workshop was attended by MEPs, EU officials, Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean in charge of Higher Education, H.E. the Ambassador of the League of Arab States to the European Union, as well as delegations of Embassies accredited to the EU. The President of EMUNI outlined how EMUNI has developed since the signature of the Founding Charter, the achievements and the the perspectives towards a network of efficient and visible University. Speakers expressed support to EMUNI as an ambitious project in the area of divergences. “EMUNI University will remain an essential tool to the construction of a prosperous Union for the Mediterranean� stressed Ms Iva Ayalla Sender, Vice President of the Committee of Social and Education at the PAM. Ivo Vajgl, Former Slovenian Foreign Minister and ALDE Member of the AFET Committee responded that EMUNI University is considered to be an important tool to Slovenian Foreign Policy. It is one of two international institutions in Slovenia.
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He then added that the “result of the work of EMUNI University is impressive. It is also impressive for a University being able to expand the Programme in its diversity and inclusiveness.” In another part, Participants insisted that a project like EMUNI would not be able to survive political and cultural divergences in the Mediterranean without member countries’ contributions. In this respect Ivo Vajgl said that “we should be at most generous to this project. This project is aimed to develop excellency.” Second Plenary Session of the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly Agadir, Morocco, 28 - 29 January 2011 EMUNI was invited to participate in the Arlem meeting in by the two copresidents of Arlem, Ms. Mercedes Bresso, and Mr. Mohammed Boudra. The meeting was dedicated to the debate on the territorial dimension of the Union for the Mediterranean and the adaption of the report on the state of the territorial dimension of the UfM. The President of EMUNIsat in a panel with Mrs. Roser Clavell, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Regional Government of Catalonia, Mrs. Camelia Suica, Head of the EU Mission to Morocco and Mr. Guido Prud’Homme, Head of the European Investment Bank. During this debate, the two hundred regional leaders from the UfM were described how EMUNI activities would help support Arlem, especially vis-a-vis the ENPI expert group, currently preparing the postgraduate programmes. During the sessions in Agadir, the President had separate meetings with the other speakers at the conference, namely a full meeting with Mr. Rafiq Husseini, Deputy Secretary General in charge of Water in the Secretariat of the UfM, with Ms. Zeynep Kaleli, Chief of Staff, Transport and Urban Development, UfM, and with Mr. Valcarcel Siso, President of the regional government of Murcia in Spain. With Mr. Husseini, it was agreed that a full meeting between the ENPI expert group and the Deputy Secretary General of the UFM should take place in Barcellona in the near future and to set up a joint task force to work together. Other discussions took place with a number of participants, including the Mayor of Haifa, Mr. Yona Yahav, where a full EMUNI day will take place in coordination with the University of Haifa during 2011, with Francesco Musotto of Sicily, Leszek Swietalski of Bogaczowie, Poland, with Michel Vauzelle of France, Mohammed Kebr Addou of Algeria, Mario Djurogić of Bosnia, Adel Alabi of Damascus, Abdel Skir, Rabat. Morocco, Ivan Jaković of Istria-Croatia, Ahmed Mansour of Aleppo, Syria. Further meetings were held with Mr. Luc Van den Brande, former Prime Minister of Belgium, now representing the region of Flanders, Belgium and envoy of the President Barroso, European Commission. It was agreed that Mr. Van den Brande, who has been a staunch supporter of EMUNI within the EU institutions, would act as liason for a number of projects to be launched in 2011 Euro-Mediterranean University
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in regional cooperation, together with the support of Lucio Gussetti, Director for Consultative Affairs, in the EU Committee of the Regions. The Regional President of Puglia, Italy, Nichi Vendola, invited EMUNI to work together on the next ARLEM meeting to be hosted by Italy, and meetings are programmed in Brussels with the two co-presidents and with Paolo Casalino, director of the Office in Brussels of the Italian coordination region for 2011. In conclusion, EMUNI will be invited to act as the official academic think tank of ARLEM in the fields pertaining to the mission of its members and to the development of professional and academic programmes in the field of regional and territorial innovation. Meseuro and Zefiro Meetings in Rome, EU Parliament Rome, Italy, 31 January 2011 A meeting of the Management Board of the European Parliament’s foundation Meseuro and Zefiro was held in Rome, chaired by the First Deputy President of the European Parliament, Gianni Pittella. Joseph Mifsud, as President of EMUNI, is one of the members, selected by the European Parliament Presidency, to sit on the board of this academic think tank which is planning a number of events in Europe for 2011 and 2012. The meeting illustrated a communications and activities plan, developed by Mr. G. Filibeck, Director General of Meseuro, and by Mr. M. De Longis, Executive Director of DuIt. The plans include a participation of EMUNI academics and students in professional development schools, courses in project management, and also collaborative research in Parliamentary issues on the themes, which are being focused on by EMUNI through its service contract with the Commission. The President of EMUNI illustrated the state of the art in this field and also indicated possible new scenarios for the VP Pittella. It was agreed that further meetings would be held between Gianni Pittella and President Mifsud to define these targets and to produce a number of events in the near future inside Europe and within the ENPI. A Particular attention was devoted to the possibility of organising a ‘BARCAMP’ event in Europe with EMUNI.
4.4 February 2011 London Academy of Diplomacy and the University of East Anglia-Into London London, United Kingdom, 2 February 2011 EMUNI was invited by the Vice Chancellor of the University of East Anglia to visit the LAD and discuss the possible collaboration with the University, which is a member of EMUNI. In an event hosted by UEA, at the Athenaem Club, Pall Mall, senior opinion leaders from the Middle East and promoters of academic diplomacy were invited to discuss various initiatives and roles that can be undertaken and set up in London in pursuit of a joint collaboration of academic titles and professional diplomas. In London, the President of EMUNI met with students, staff and scholars of the University of East Anglia, who will be focusing on studies incorporating the themes, developed by EMUNI. Further initiatives were discussed following the President’s previous meetings in Brussels with Ms. Olga Cosmidou, Director Euro-Mediterranean University
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General in the DG for Interpretation and Conferences of the European Parliament on the possibility of developing a degree in this area with sites in London, Rome, Ljubljana, Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia. The President of EMUNI had direct talks with a VC Prof. Edward Acton, and with Dr. Richard Harvey, Director of Admissions, Dean UEA amongst others on the development of joint degrees with EMUNI and the Into UEA London Campus. Further meetings were conducted with other UK Vice Chancellors and with HE Sami Khiyami, Ambassador of the Syrian Arab Republic in the UK and Doyen of Ambassadors in the UK. National Consultation on Higher Education, the Internationalization of Higher Education Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia, 2 February Recognition of internationalization of Higher Education (HE) in Slovenia is one of the important steps for Slovenian education system. The conference brought together rectors of Slovenian Universities and experts from abroad. The latter were highly experiences professors with good practices of internationalized programs of education in their own universities. The event was organized by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MVZT) and the National Agency CMEPIUS, and inaugurated by the minister of MVZT, Mr. Gregor Golobič. The conference continued with several parallel workshops with the following key note speakers: Dr. Hans J.A. Ginkel, Dr. Rolf Peter, the German Rectors’ Conference, Dr. Jakub Dürr, Vice President of the University Palacky, Dr. Mohamed Loutfi, Dean for International Development, the University of Wales, Michael Gaebel, EUA. Workshops The workshops presented good practices from abroad on institutional strategies and activities for internationalization. The first parallel workshop was conducted by the German expert Dr. Rolf Peter from the German Rectors’ Conference. His main topic was a presentation of the institutionalized support for the internationalization of higher education. Another workshop was held by dr. Rado Bohinc, Rector of the University Primorska with the guest speaker dr. Michael Gaebel, Head of the Higher Education Policy Unit EUA (European Universities Association). Dr. Gaebel spoke about EUA as a centre of expertise in higher education and research, in particular he focused him presentation in relation to how much EUA can support universities. One of the workshops was held by Dr. Mladen Franko from the University of Nova Gorica with a guest speaker Prof. Dr. Loutfi Mohamed, the Dean of International Development at the University of Wales Institute (UWIC) from Cardiff. Dr. Loutfi’s focus was on presenting the international mobility of UWIC, the challenges they are facing and also the good practices in use at their International Office. The EMUNI University is an associate partner of UWIC with the Erasmus Mundus project. Euro-Mediterranean University
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The second part of the conference was followed by a panel debate among the rectors, representatives of the ministry, student council representatives and a moderator from the National Agency for Quality in Higher Education. The discussion focused on the national approach and strategy for improving internationalization of Slovenian Higher Education. Meetings at the Slovenian National Assembly Ljubljana, Slovenia, 3 February The President of EMUNI had a meeting with Mr. Franco Juri, the Member of Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia, who is the head of the Zares Group in the Slovenian National Assembly and an elected representative of the Koper community. Mr. Juri, a journalist by profession, is a skilled diplomat having been Slovenia’s ambassador in Spain and Cuba and State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who has also been one of the key supporters of EMUNI and its activities on the Slovenian coast. The discussion with Mr. Juri focused on the current developments of EMUNI within Slovenia, and its role in the Western Balkans, especially the event, which EMUNI will co-organise with the Croatia Diplomatic Academic, the London Academy of Diplomacy, the EU Parliament, the Central European Initiative and MGIMO, the Russian Academy of Diplomacy. Mr. Juri pledged is continued support to EMUNI initiatives, which will see further presence of students and staff from the Euromed in the Koper region. EMUNI University was also received at the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, where Professor Joseph Mifsud conducted several meetings with of Slovenian MPs, Head of Parliamentary delegations and Chairmans of Parliamentarian Committees. The meetings were chaired by Honourable Miro Petek (MP), Head of the Slovenian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean. The President of EMUNI University thanked Honourable Members of Parliament for the sustainable and solid support that EMUNI is enjoying, both nationally and regionally in the framework of Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM). The President of EMUNI briefed Parliamentarians on recent activities of the University, most notably, the two day workshops on EMUNI, organised by the European Parliament. The meeting was also an opportunity to discuss cooperation issues of Parliamentary groups at the Slovenian National Assembly. In this regards, Hon Branko Grims (MP), Chairman of Higher Education Committee, pledged to organise a workshop on EMUNI challenges and perspectives to be organised by the Committee of Higher Education at the National Assembly of Slovenia. During this meeting, parliamentarians showed a great deal of support to the mission of EMUNI and called for more courageous steps towards supporting the Euro-Mediterranean University. The meetings were attended by Hon. Miro Petek, (MP) Head of Slovenian Parliamentary delegation to the ParEuro-Mediterranean University
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liamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, Hon. Branko Grims, (MP) Chairman of the Higher Education Committee and Hon. Jožef Jerovšek, Chairman of the Defence Committee at the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, and Ms Tatjana Pandev, Head of the Protocol Department at the Parliament of Slovenia. Erasmus Mundus Information Day Brussels, Belgium, 7 - 8 February EMUNI participated in the Erasmus Mundus Information Day, organised by the European Commission in Brussels. This event was devoted to the development of ideas on how to participate in Erasmus Mundus applications. Panel discussions on Erasmus Mundus Action 1, Masters Courses and Erasmus Mundus Action 2 were defined as were Erasmus Mundus joint doctoral studies and the Erasmus Mundus Action Three. Various meetings were also held with focal persons working with Alfa III programme, the Bilateral Cooperation with industrialised countries, Edulink, Jean Monnet Actions, Eurydice, the Intra-Acp academic mobility scheme, Marie Curie, and the Starting Independent Researcher Grand and Advanced Investigator Grant of the ERC. The President was accompanied by Mohamed Chatuni for this event. Further meetings were held on the day with Ms. Olga Cosmidou, Director General, DG Interpretation and Conferences of the EU Parliament, on the definition with her services, namely Christine Ganh, Head of Unit, IT Services and Martin Wooding, Head of Interpretation, for a joint EMUNI Training Programme to be launched jointly by February 2011. Furthermore, stagier training to EMUNI candidates will be offered in the DG Interpretation and Conferencing with immediate effect. The President also held a briefing meeting with John Dalli, EU Commissioner on Health and Consumer Policy. This meeting was held to define the possibility of two master programmes which the EU Commission has interest in developing in E-Health and in Health Management in support of the Neighbourhood Policy. Further meetings were planned, and EU Commissioner John Dalli was invited to attend the November EMUNI General Assembly to formally launch the programmes with the EMUNI support. Further meetings were held with the Rector of the College of Europe in Bruges, Prof. Paul Demaret, about collaboration of EMUNI with the College, especially regarding the teaching of Arabic in the College, and the exploring of ideas of joint initiatives to be undertaken together. It was agreed that a wider exploratory meeting would be held to take this ideas further. EMUNI will also support the granting of scholarships to the Non-EU UfM candidates to Master Programmes, organised by the College of Europe through direct contact and dissemination. During this visit to Brussels, meetings were also held with one of the key EMUNI partners in Belgium, Prof. Philippe De Bruycker, the Free University of Brussels, Institute of European Studies and Law Faculty, chief expert on migration and director of the Réseau Odysseus Network. Prof. De Bruycker agreed to support EMUNI in the development of the new study programmes from the technical point of view on visa and mobility issues for students and staff. Further points of discussion centred on the projects that EMUNI intends to take Euro-Mediterranean University
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forward with Arlem and the Committee of the Regions and with EMUNI joining an important call for tender on migration issues, funded by the EU. OECD, IMHE Conference: Higher Education in Cities and Regions - for Stronger, Cleaner and Fairer Regions Seville, Spain, 10 - 11 February EMUNI participated in the OECD IMHE conference with a presentation on building international networks in higher education. The theme focused on the possibilities of the contribution of international networks to the OECD and be mobile for regional and local development. The session chaired by Prof. John Howard, Vice Chancellor, University of Canberra, Australia, included Tracey Wilen-Daugenti, President, University of Phoenix Research Institute, USA, Joseph Mifsud, President, EMUNI, Saran Gill, Vice Chancellor, University Kebangsaan, Malaysia, and Prof. Julio Terrados, Vice Chancellor, International University of Andalusia, Spain. The conference brought together a diverse group of policy makers and practitioners, public and private bodies concerned with economic and social development, leaders and managers of universities and other HEIs and those responsible for knowledge transfer, community liaison and regional development of HEI’s. The major focus was on issues of human capital and innovation and identification of the ways of transforming universities. During the conference a discussion was made with Richard Yelland, Head of the Education, Management and Infrastructure Division in the OECD Directorate for Education, which is responsible for the work of the IMHE Programme and the Centre for Effective Learning to hold a joint conference with EMUNI (in a Non-EU UfM) member institution focusing on Employment and University Strategic Missions. 1st Plenary Session of the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO Park Škocjanske jame, Slovenia, 11 February EMUNI participated in the 1st plenary session of the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO in 2011. The meeting was chaired by the President Prof. Dr. Radovan Stanislav Pejovnik and was attended by Vice Chairs Magdalena Tovornik and Prof. Dr. Darko Štrajn and the Secretary-General of the Slovenian National Commission Marjutka Hafner. The conference brought together experts and representatives from several institutions, such as the national boards of the intergovernmental and international UNESCO programmes, the Ministry of Education and Sport, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Arts etc. In the first part of the meeting, the activities of the national boards of the intergovernmental and international UNESCO programs were presented by their presidents, Prof. Dr. Alenka Malej from the the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Prof. Dr. Mitja Brilly from the International Hydrological Programme, Dr. Marko Komac from the International Geoscience Programme and Martin Šolar from the Man and Biosphere. After the presentations the voting on the reports took place. The Day of Philosophy and Day of Cultural Diversity were presented. A discussion was held on
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the procedures regarding the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. A proposal was made by the EMUNI University to the Secretary-General Marjutka Hafner that a meeting on intercultural dialogue between the Western Balkans and Mediterranean universities should be organised in Slovenia under the auspices of UNESCO. Sincere interest for such a meeting was expressed and plans were made to organize it in the near future. After the formal part of the meeting, a visit to the Škocjan Caves which are on the UNESCO’s list of natural and cultural world heritage sites was organized. Regional Workshop: Erasmus Mundus Info day for Projects of Action 2: Partnership for Mobility Koper, Slovenia, 15 February The EMUNI University organized an Erasmus Mundus II Info Day in cooperation with the national agency CMEPIUS and the University of Primorska. Erasmus Mundus II is a centralized programme that is being coordinated and led by the executive agency EACEA of the European Commission. The Info day is a great opportunity for all institutions applying for the Erasmus Mundus projects for partnership for mobility.
The event was inaugurated by the President of the EMUNI University Joseph Mifsud, Rector of University of Primorska Dr. Rado Bohinc and the director of the national agency Cmepius, Ms. Maja Mihelic Debeljak. The central part of the event was a lecture by an expert Ms. Rita Szcettele from the Executive Agency EACEA, Brussels, who is a specialist working in the department for Action 2 Team-Erasmus Mundus II, Partnership for Mobility. She provided the participants with an insight into procedural and application matters. With her in-depth knowledge and experience she gave concrete answers and practical tips. One of the important contributions from the EMUNI University was an invitation of prof. Labib Arafeh from the Al-Quds University in Jerusalem. Prof. Arafeh held a presentation about the international partnership and cooperation of Al-Quds University and gave good examples of past international projects between higher education institutions (HEI) across the Mediterranean region. In addition, he emphasised the importance of internationalization of HE in Palestine and in other regions.
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The target participants were the representatives from HEI in Slovenia as well as from the neighbouring regions. Among such was Prof. Palumbo from the University of Trieste. The outcome of the event was providing the participants with technical knowledge of the Erasmus Mundus programme and establishing new partnerships and cooperation for joint programmes and projects. Erasmus Mundus Active Participation Riga, Latvia, 18 February EMAP (Erasmus Mundus Active Participation) is a common project of the Erasmus Mundus National Structure, which aims to enhance the participation of higher education institutions from countries, which so far have been less well represented in the Erasmus Mundus Action 1. In order to achieve this aim, the project partners identify and select consortia of higher education institutions as potential applicants for the new Erasmus Mundus Joint Programmes, and organize training seminars in order to help them to prepare good quality applications. EMUNI was identified as a partner for the participation.
EMUNI’s participation was done with the financial contribution of the National Structure for Erasmus Mundus in Slovenia, CMEPIUS. EMUNI was represented by Joseph Mifsud, Prof. Carmine Bianchi, ENPI EMUNI Project expert, and Shai Rozenes, of Ruppin Academic Center, member of EMUNI. During the meeting the role of EMUNI was explained to the national structures coming from Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Estonia, Austria, France, Norway and Poland, together with eleven prospective consortia representatives. The participation should lead to the presentation of the ENPI masters programme to the Erasmus Mundus in 2011-2012. Professional School (Euro-Mediterranean Studies) Portorož, Slovenia, 21 February Between 22 February and 12 March, the Euro-Mediterranean Studies Professional School was held at the EMUNI University in Portorož. The courses were attended by 55 students from Italy, Turkey, Spain, Portugal and Greece. The lectures were led by professors from several universities in the Mediterranean area, such as the University of Bari/CMU and the University of Urbino in Italy, the University of Aegean in Greece, the University of Sousse in
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Tunisia, the University of Hacettepe in Turkey, the University of Alexandria in Egypt, the University of Lisbon in Portugal and the University of Maribor in Slovenia. Lectures on Euro-Mediterranean International Relations, Marine Environment of the Mediterranean Sea, Geographical Perspectives and Tourist Regions, Sustainable Use and Conservation of the Mediterranean Flora were given.
The Euro-Mediterranean Studies provide participants with an excellent opportunity to gain knowledge on several aspects of the Mediterranean area as well as exchange valuable opinions with other students and experts on this subject. Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean Barcelona, Spain, 22 February The President of EMUNI was invited to address the Cabinet of the Union for the Mediterranean in Barcelona on current issues and EMUNI’s positioning within the Mediterranean agenda. The meeting was chaired by the Senior Deputy Secretary General, Mr. Lino Caldarelli, and attended by the Deputy Secretary General team and by all expert advisors at the Union for the Mediterranean. This was a specific meeting where the only item on the agenda was the role of EMUNI in the UfM after the progress sessions in the European Parliament earlier in February. The President made a presentation of the achievements and also had a direct link with the students in Slovenia, attending the Intensive Programme, Erasmus. During the presentation to the Cabinet of the Secretariat, a questions and answers session focused on the possible links between the EMUNI expert ENPI group and the UfM and for a key major role of the President and EMUNI with the secretariat of the UfM. Further meetings are being envisaged and a proposal to share expertise will be explored in these encounters. In the follow-up meetings with the Deputy Secretary General of the UfM, Prof. Ilan Chet, it was agreed that EMUNI would be the key instrument, by which the UfM would launch two new Ph.D. Programmes. Discussion on the themes and the development of the ideas will be presented at the Beirut Senate Session, programmed for March 2011. Euro-Mediterranean University
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EMUNI Day in Murcia and Cartagena Cartagena and Murcia, Spain, 24 - 25 February The President of EMUNI was invited for meetings and for the signature of the Campus Mare Nostrum, an initiative of the University of Murcia and the Polytechnic University of Cartegena. The idea is to set up a centre of Excellence for Mediterranean cooperation in a number of areas, but in particular on the study of desertification and water management and resources for the Mediterranean. The centre would be established with the support of the President of the Region, Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso, President of Murcia, and President Elect of the Regions. At the Agadir Meeting of Arlem President Valcarcel presented a document, prepared by the Mediterranean Institute for Water, which was approved in Morocco. President Mifsud, President Valcarcel, the Rector of Murcia, José Antonio Cobacho, and the Rector of the Polytechnic University of Cartegena, D. Félix Faura Mateu, signed a memorandum of understanding in Murcia, establishing the Campus Mare Nostrum after the EMUNI meetings in Ankara and the meetings, held on the margins of the Arlem meeting in Agadir. This MoU will result in the setting up of a number of academic opportunities for students and staff to study in the Murcia region and for the two Spanish universities to link closer to EMUNI in the Euro-Med region. It was agreed that staff from the two Universities would be seconded to EMUNI to establish a closer link and to work on the development of project ideas. During the stay in Murcia and Cartegena, President Mifsud gave a keynote address to academic staff and postgraduate students on EMUNI in the Campus Mare Nostrum.
He was invited to become a board member of the Foundation of the Mediterranean Institute for Water in Murcia. At Cartegena, the President of EMUNI and the President of the Polytechnic University of Cartegena spoke to the Rector of the University of Klaipeda, Lithuania (member of EMUNI) on the Brabander Tall Ship project, which aims to bring students and staff from around Europe to the Mediterranean shores expanding the EMUNI ideals. It was agreed that Cartagena will host a stay of the Brabander in the Mediterranean and organise an EMUNI day in the port. Teaching Arabic Language, Poetry and Cultures as a Tool for Intercultural Dialogue Valleta, Malta, February EMUNI took part in a series of courses in Arabic language and culture, designated for non Arabic Speakers in Malta. The courses that were organised in cooperation with Al-Babtain Foundation (EMUNI Partner in Kuwait) and Aldenti Euro-Mediterranean University
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Association in la Valetta were designated to give some 20 non Arabic students and professionals an insight to the Arabic language as a tool for intercultural dialogue. The courses were also an opportunity to introduce the mission and activities of EMUNI to Students and professionals, residing in Malta. This initiative was widely appreciated by the participants and EMUNI was committed to organise a similar event in the future. Promoting languages as a necessary tool for political and social dialogue in the Mediterranean has always been an essential part of EMUNI’s mission. Along with its members EMUNI will be keen to take part in similar activities with different languages. The event was an opportunity to update EMUNI friends in Malta with activities. In this regards, several meetings were conducted, notably with Hon. Michael Frendo, Speaker of the Parliament of Malta, and Hon. George Vella, Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs, Head of Maltese delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM). Several issues were discussed and a considerable event will be organised for EMUNI at the Parliament of Malta in the near future. EMUNI was represented by Mr Mohamed Chatouani from the External Affairs and Cooperation department.
4.5 March 2011 Memorandum of Understanding and EMUNI presentations in Russia Russia, March 2011 EMUNI was invited to give presentations in Russia to the MGIMO, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, at the Peoples Friendship University of Russia, and the State University of St. Petersburg, Institute of International Relations. These are considered to be the think tanks of International relations in Russia. President Mifsud signed a memorandum of understanding with MGIMO. Previous agreements had been signed with the two other institutions. President Mifsud gave a number of lectures at MGIMO focusing on the establishment of EMUNI, the ENPI project and the professional development schools in Slovenia and in the EuroMed region. The invited guests included Ambassadors (e.g. the Ambassador of Malta, HE Charles Inguanez), Deputy Ministers, career diplomats, journalists and students. The keynote speech focused on EUROMED Relations. In the talks with the Rector of the MGIMO, Prof. Victor Laptev, it was discussed how further cooperation could also be extended to the Interpreting and Conferencing initiatives that EMUNI is planning with the European Parliament. Separate meetings were held with Prof. Alexandre Kovalev, Head of International Law of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia to send a group of young Russian diplomats to study EuroMed relations at EMUNI. Other meetings in Moscow were with the Slovenian Ambassador to the Russian Federation, H.E. Ada Filip - Slivnik, in which the President of EMUNI updated her with the latest details regarding EMUNI and about the initiatives with MGIMO, PFUR and the University of St. Petersburg.
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Further meetings were also held with the Russian Academy of Sciences and with the Solzhenitsyn Foundation in Moscow and with the Russkij Mir Foundation in Russia. A session was held at the People’s Friendship University of Russia under the Rectorship of Former Minister of Higher Education, and current chair of the UNESCO Higher Education Committee on the development of joint initiatives in the Euro-Med Region. In St. Petersburg, the President met and discussed a joint project under the EU representation patronage of a joint Masters’ Programme with a Bologna Process qualification with Prof. Irina Novikova, Dean of the St. Petersburg State University, School of International Relations. Cross-Parties Parliamentarians Reiterated Their Concerns about Challenges to EMUNI Ljubljana, Slovenia, 10 March The Parliamentary Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technology Development reiterated its concerns about the work of the Euro-Mediterranean University and acknowledged the progress of the institution in projecting the image of Slovenia abroad. The meeting that was attended by Members of Higher Education Committee as well as the State Secretary at the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology József Györkös and representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs followed up on two areas of major concerns to the Committee with the work of EMUNI: the position of EMUNI in the Government Strategy and the possibility of upgrading support to the Project, which the Committee reported should be “imminent”. While acknowledging the challenges to EMUNI, the committee voted with consensus in favour of the need for more support to EMUNI. Euro-Mediterranean University
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EMUNI Participated in the European Diplomatic Programme (EDP) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 10 March The EMUNI University addressed participating diplomats in the European Diplomatic Programme (EDP). The Programme is run under the theme “New Systemic Challenges for the EU external action coherence”. EMUNI presentation focused on the Role that the University is currently playing in terms of providing training to Young diplomats in the Euro-Mediterranean Region using its wide network of International Relations schools and Diplomatic Academies in the Mediterranean area. The meeting was also an opportunity to inform young diplomats on the Project of EMUNI as a multilateral example for EU External policy in the Mediterranean. Diplomatic training to Students of International Relations and Young diplomats in the Euro-med Region is an important part of EMUNI strategy in 2011-2013; the University, however, is currently studying the possibility of joining the International Association of Diplomatic Academies. The European Diplomatic Programme that is now entering its 11th Year was first established in November 1999 by former Political Committee to create personal networks among European diplomats. EMUNI was represented at this event by Mohamed Chatouani from the External and Cooperation Department. International Conference on Human Capital and Employment in the European and Mediterranean Area Aula Magna Santa Lucia - University of Bologna, Italy, 10 - 11 March EMUNI was invited to participate and chair the working session of this conference at the University of Bologna. The session featured the following speakers: Yossi SHAVIT, University of Tel Aviv (ISRAEL); Rosalia CASTELLANO, Gennaro PUNZO, University of Naples “Parthenope” (ITALY); Ayal KIMHI, Moran SANDEL, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (ISRAEL); Saleh AL-KAFRI, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PALESTINE); Hans-Peter BLOSSFELD, Institute of Longitudinal Studies in Education, Bamberg INBIL (GERMANY). The aim of this Conference was to foster the exchange of inter-disciplinary knowledge, information, experience and best practices among young graduates and researchers, transnational firms, cluster of small and medium sized companies, the Euro-Mediterranean University and the governments of the regions of the Mediterranean Sea. The Conference presented and discussed the 13th yearly AlmaLaurea Survey on Italian Graduates’ Employment Conditions. On the margins of the conference, the President of EMUNI had bilateral meetings with Mr. Robert Manchin of Gallup, with Prof. Enric Olive of Epuf on new initiatives to be undertaken with EMUNI in 2011 and with Recteur Michèle Gendreau-Massaloux, French Mission, Union for the Mediterranean (FRANCE) on joint collaboration with France in this field. Further meetings were held with the Rector of Bologna, Prof. Dionigi and with Prof. Andrea Cammelli of Alma Laurea for new bids in the European and Mediterranean training programmes with EMUNI.
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EMUNI Establishing New Cooperation with Eastern Europe Bratislava, Slovakia, 16 March The Pan-European University and the EMUNI University held its first initial talks establishing new relations between universities held in Bratislava under the project approved to the EMUNI University called Preparatory visit under the action Erasmus Programme. The meeting was attended by the Rector of the Pan-European University Prof. JUDr. Jan Svak, Dean of Faculty of Economic and Business Dr. Ladislav Kabat, Chancellor and International Relations officer Slavomik Rudenko, Mrs. Radka Sabova, Erasmus coordinator and EMUNI Representatives.
EMUNI was warmly welcomed at the premises of PEU in Bratislava by its Rector Prof. JUDr. Jan Svak, an expert in common and constitutional law in Slovakia. The University is among the several private universities in Slovakia and one of the top leading higher education institutions, consisting of several faculties, the most famous of which is the faculty for Mass Media, with the only existing top Media studio in the country. EMUNI University proposed several areas for future cooperation in the field of providing its large network of partnerships to the disposal and cooperation in the HE field in areas around all shores of the Mediterranean. Universities will also exchange under the Erasmus Mobility their academic experts and students for particular courses. Further proposals have been made by establishing Join Master degrees in two common fields, Human Rights and Business development, holding a Professional Summer School in the field of Mass Media by inviting students and journalists from the south Mediterranean countries for a professional training with the use of Mass Media Studio of Pan-European University. The third concrete proposal was made by both sides, agreeing on working together on the training of Southern Judges at the proposed Judicial Academy in the Mediterranean region. The outcome of the successful meetings between the President of EMUNI Prof. Joseph Mifsud and the Rector of PEU Prof. Jan Svak were very successful as two bilateral agreements between the universities, the Erasmus Mobility Agreement and The Letter of Intent were signed. The activity has been supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission.
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EMUNI Regional Day in Slovakia Pan-European University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 7 March EMUNI Regional day, organized by the Euro-Mediterranean University and hosted by the Pan-European University, gathered participants and guests to the event. The event focused on the neighbourhood policy and higher education: Cooperation between EUROMED and Eastern Europe.
The official opening and warm welcome to the event was delivered by Prof. Jan Svak, Rector of the Pan-European University and prof. Peter Hulla, the Director of the Judicial Academy in Slovakia. Further on, two presentations were given by the President Joseph Mifsud; introducing EMUNI Project to the participants and speaking about European Neighbourhood Policy Instrument. Professor Dr. Vlasta Kunova, who is an expert on European Law in Slovakia, held the presentation on Neighbourhood policy and its impact on Slovakia. The event was concluded by Chancellor Slavomir Rudenko summarising the importance of this first joint event - Regional Day, that established fruitful ground for future cooperation. President Joseph Mifsud expressed special gratitude to PAN - European University and guest key-note speakers. Meetings in Helsinki Helsinki, Finland, 18 March The President of the EMUNI University held several meeting in Helsinki with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education and Culture. The purpose of the meeting with the Director of the Unit for the Middle East and North Africa, Mrs. Helena Turri and assistant to the Euro-Mediterranean Coordinator Mrs. Rae Lumes was to discuss future cooperation between EMUNI University and higher education institutions in Finland and to organize joint future events with the assistance and collaboration of both ministries. Based on this cooperation several joint projects, seminars and meeting would be organized, such as a think tank meeting that would produce a concrete document on recommendations linking East with South. Euro-Mediterranean University
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Subsequently, the meeting with the Counsellor for Education Mr. Reijo Aholainen from the Division for Higher Education and Science and Mrs. Sari Wessman from the international relations office of the Ministry was held. Presenting HE and Research in Finland, Mr. Aholainen outlined the Finnish Higher Education System, introducing a reform of HI in Finland and Structural Development of HE System. In Addition, the president expressed an interest for more Finnish Institutions to be involved in EMUNI University’s activities as well as a support for individuals/ expert in Finland contributing its expertise to EMUNI activities. Meetings were organized by Prof. Anasse Bouhlal, who is a lecturer at the Tampere University of Applied Sciences. Students and Researchers gathered at 3rd EMUNI Research Souk Euro-Mediterranean, 21 March Students and researchers from Europe and the South Mediterranean gathered at the outstanding campuses of the Arab University of Beirut to exchange personal and professional experiences as well as visions on what role universities can play to deliver innovative programmes and the necessary skills to graduates seeking a placement on the job market. This year’s conference that enjoyed the full support of the Arab University of Beirut (BAU) was opened by a video address of H.E. Dr. Danilo Türk, President of the Republic of Slovenia, H.E. Gianni Pettella, First Vice President of the European Parliament, Honourable Rodi Kratsa, Vice President of the European Parliament and H.E. Ilan Chet, Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean. Several dignitaries have, however, physically assisted in the opening of the Conference, e.g. H.E. Bahia Al-Hariry, President of the Education Committee at the Parliament of Lebanon. In his address to the participants, Professor Joseph Mifsud, extended EMUNI’s gratitude to Professor Amr Galal Al-Adawi who has »as a distinguished friend of the Euro Mediterranean University always supported EMUNI since its very humble beginnings.« The EMUNI Research Souk that was addressing “Innovation and employability” is an Innovative idea, proving in its 3rd anniversary that inspite political and social hurdles it is becoming a true tool of intercultural dialogue between students and researchers from both shores of the Mediterranean. Professor Mifsud has also overtly announced that the next version of the Research Souk will be more reachable to Participants that could not attend it this year. Participants from Lebanon, Italy, Palestine, Poland, France, Jordan, Morocco, Spain and Portugal presented their research projects in the areas of competencies to UfM. BAU is a private institution for higher education, founded by the Lebanese in 1960 supported by Alexandria University.
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EMUNI University co-organiser of the Mediterranean Day at the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22 March The EMUNI University acted as a co-organiser of the 3rd Mediterranean Day that took place in the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. The ceremony was coordinated by Mr Miro Petek, Head of the National Assembly delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean. It was opened by a video address of the President of the EMUNI University. The audience which included several MPs and foreign ambassadors to Slovenia, had the pleasure of listening to the speeches by the President of the National Assembly Dr. Pavel Gantar, Mr. Miro Petek and Prof. Dr. Selim Sanin from the Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey. Prof. Sanin addressed the audience on behalf of the EMUNI University and stressed its importance for the Mediterranean region in terms of knowledge accumulation and academic research that it provides. Both Dr. Gantar and Mr. Petek also emphasised the invaluable contribution which EMUNI University has for the positive developments in the Mediterranean. The event was concluded by the cultural programme, prepared by the Rozana Association, which included traditional dance and singing acts. The event marked the opening of the exhibition about the EMUNI University, which was opened to the visitors of the National Assembly.
Mediterranean and Middle East Crisis: Meeting Meseuro Brussels, Belgium, 24 March The European Parliament hosted a meeting between MEPs Mario Mauro and Gianni Pittella, the presidents of Meseuro – Center of the Foundations for Mediterranean Europe, Mr. Abdel Bari Atwan, Editor in Chief Al-Quds Al-Arabi, independent Arab daily newspaper. The debate was moderated by Professor Dr Joseph Mifsud. The meeting, organized by Meseuro Center, was an important occasion of confrontation and analysis upon the current issues, such as the crises in North Africa and in the Middle-East area. The eminent analyst Mr. Abdel Bari Atwan shared with the guests of Meseuro Center his opinion about the events which are shocking the south bank of the Mediterranean Sea. In the presence of MEPs Mario Mauro, Gianni Pittella, Vittorio Prodi and Antonio Panzeri, the importance of the European role of supporting the “Arab Resurgence” was emphesized.
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Meeting of the "Conseil d'orientation strategique" of the IEMSR Paris, France, 28 March The second Strategic Council of the Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Risk Science was chaired by the President of EMUNI in the presence of the President of the Institute, Prof. Catherin Vesperini and brought together a number of key experts from the Mediterranean on Risk Management and Prevention. The meeting was attended by Madam Michele Gendreau-Massaloux, Prof. Ilan Chet, by Salvano Briceno, Director, United Nations International Strategy for Disuster Reduction and Badaoui Rouhban, Director of the Disaster Prevention Unit of Unesco. The discussion centred on the new programmes to be adopted for 2011 and 2012. Other representatives from both, the French public and private institutions were also present. Representatives from the Union for the Mediterranean Embassies were all present, including the Ambassador of Slovenia, H.E. Veronika Stabej.
The meeting gave details of the current partnership of the IEMSR and the Master programmes currently under way in the Science of Risque. It was agreed that a further specialisation would be set in this field as from next year and also the organisation of an annual conference to focus on this area with the partner institutions. EMUNI Invited to the Tempus Conference in Belgrade Belgrade, Serbia, 29 - 30 March A two-day conference, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the EU-funded Tempus programme, was held in Belgrade, Serbia. The President of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Boris Tadić, European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Mr. Štefan Füle and Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia Dr. Žarko Obradović opened the conference, which was attended by some 250 high representatives from the 27 EU Member States and 28 Partner Countries and Territories. The Tempus programme was initiated in 1990 as an aid programme to the countries of Central and Eastern European
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countries, helping them to restructure their universities during the transition process and to prepare for EU accession. EU Commissioner Štefan Füle said, ‘the Tempus Programme has played a major role in supporting the development of higher education in the EU’s neighbouring countries. It has been one of the foundation stones of the EU Enlargement process and helped prepare Candidate Countries for the transition to EU membership. Today it has a key role to play in creating an open space for enhanced cooperation with the EU, promoting bilateral cooperation between individual countries and co-operation at regional level’. The President of EMUNI was in Belgrade together with the Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean, Prof. Ilan Chet. During this meeting, President Mifsud and Prof. Chet discussed the next steps of collaboration in terms of the ENPI funded Master Programmes and their relevance to the UfM agenda. Prof. Chet confirmed that the Secretariart of the UfM would be presenting the EMUNI masters’ programmes to the Senior Officials Meeting of the UfM. EMUNI also held talks with a number of participants attending the conference, including experts and Tempus National Contact Persons from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Austria, Morocco, Jordan, Tunisia, Lebanon, France, Bulgaria, Israel, Egypt (including former Minister of Higher Education, Prof. Hany Hellal), EPUF – Prof. Enric Olive, the European Commission - DG EAC and DG EuropeAid and Serbia.
4.6 April 2011 UNESCO Forum: Writing, Publishing, Translating: Building Cultural Diversity in Southeast Europe Ljubljana, Slovenia, 31 March - 1 April UNESCO Regional Forum was organized by UNESCO Venice Office, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO, within the celebrations of “Ljubljana - 2010 World Book Capital City” and as an integral part of 2011 Ljubljana World Book Summit. The EMUNI University was present at the two-day discussion of several representatives from Ministries of Culture, international experts from UNESCO and the European Commission, translators, writers, publishers and other experts from the South-East European region, who discussed the implementation status of the 2005 Convention in the area of the book industry, the development of strong and innovative publishing and translating policies, the promotion of sustainable strategies and policies for improving access to books and linguistic diversity in Europe. Among them were Hana Stojic, network Traduki from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jose Pessoa from UNESCO statistic office, Sylvain Pasqua from the DG for Education and Culture and several other speakers from the West Balkan. Two sessions chaired by the translator and author Marjan Strojan were organized. “Promoting the diversity of cultural expressions: perspectives and challenges for Southeast Europe” discussed modalities for an effective implementation of the 2005 UNESCO Convention and identifyied ways and means for the creation of a stimulating creative environment for the book industry in the Euro-Mediterranean University
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Southeast Europe. The session “Translating to, from and within Southeast Europe: building new opportunities” focused on the development of multilingualism through translation, the promotion of European translation networks and beyond, specific actions for encouraging the mobility of writers, translators and publishers to promote cultural diversity. The presence of EMUNI University at the forum was connected to the course of Interpretation and Conferences that the University is developing in cooperation with the European Commission. The emphasis of the course will be on several languages, among them Arabic, Russian, Turkish, French, Croatian and Serbian with a number of experts involved in the programme. The April Session of the Euro-Mediterranean Study Course at EMUNI Portorož, Slovenia, 5 - 15 April The Euro-Mediterranean Studies Professional School was held at the EMUNI University in Portorož. The module was delivered in two terms at the EMUNI University. The courses were attended by 20 students from France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Lithuania. The lecturers include lecturers and experts from the United Nations and the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean, professors from universities in the Mediterranean area, such as the University of Bari/CMU and the University of Urbino in Italy and also a Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malta. Lectures were given on the subjects of Euro-Mediterranean International Relations and External Cooperation and EUROMED. Apart from the courses, a roundtable was organised in the second week, the subject of the discussion being the New EUROMED.
The Euro-Mediterranean Studies provide participants with an excellent opportunity to gain knowledge on several aspects of the Mediterranean area as well as exchange valuable opinions with other students and experts on this subject. Euro-Mediterranean University
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Guest Lecturer at EMUNI: Prof. Dr. Abdallah Gaaya Portoro탑, Slovenia, 5 and 6 April 2011 Prof. Gaaya gave lectures on European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI): Regional Indicative Programme (2011-2013) for the EuroMediterranean Partnership and Capacity building and Euro-Mediterranean Programmes. The lectures provided participants with a broad overview of the Euro-Mediterranean region, its heritage, European neighbourhood policy (ENP), human resources development and capacity building in ENP, as well as a detailed presentation of the Regional Indicative Programme. Lectures were part of the 2nd module of EMUNI Professional School: Euro-Mediterranean Studies 2011. Prof. Dr. Abdallah Gaaya has been an FAO consultant and specialist in Extension and Training Methodologies in different countries (Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, Ethiopia, Morocco, Tunisia) since 2004. He has taught at the Agricultural Education Department at the Oklahoma State University, the Livestock Institute in Mateur and Horticulture Institute in Chott Mariem and the EMUNI University. Guest Lecturer at EMUNI: Dr. Sohail Luka Portoro탑, Slovenia, 7 and 8 April Dr. Sohail Luka gave lectures on External Cooperation and EUROMED. They were entitled: How does Europe work?, Focus on EU policies for research and innovation, The 7th Framework Programme: How can it help your career as a researcher? They provided the participants with an insight into the policies and procedures of the EU. Lectures were part of the 2nd module of EMUNI Professional School: Euro-Mediterranean Studies 2011. During his visit, professor Sohail held an hour presentation on the EURAXESS network and provided the answers in the discussion that followed after the course. Participants were well introduced into the benefits and opportunities of the network by the expert prof. Sohail, who is directly involved in promoting and implementing the policy of this research network. Additionally, promotion material was available to the students and researchers that followed the presentation. Dr. Sohail Luka is the Scientific Officer in the International Scientific Cooperation unit, Research Directorate General, European Commission. A New Era for Arab-West Relations League of Arab States Headquarters Cairo, 6 April In a joint initiative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, The League of Arab States and Anna Lindh Foundation, Leaders, Experts and Civil Society practitioners have gathered to discuss Regional Strategy for Intercultural dialogue and Cooperation for the Mediterranean in light of the Current development in the region. Chaired by Secretary General of the League of Arab States, Amr Moussa and with high level participation of Alliance of Civilization and Anna Lindh Foundation, the day-long event brought together a wide range of non-governmental organizations, journalists, as well as diplomatic corps, accredited to the Arab
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League to contribute to the UN AoC Strategy on Respect of Cultural Diversity, religious freedom and pluralism. Among the priority domains of actions for the 2011–2015, the UN AoC set five priorities in its strategy for intercultural dialogue: • human rights and fundamental freedoms, social cohesion, citizenship and participation; • gender equality, equal enjoyment of human rights and equal opportunities for women and men; • Intercultural and interreligious dialogue as a tool to promote tolerance, pluralism and flight against extremism and radicalisation; • Independence of the press, media literacy and respect for plurality of views and fundamental rights. Acting as a formal think-tank to UN AoC, EMUNI has been actively taking part in the all plenary session in order to study how to contribute to UNAOC Strategy, Reaffirming at the informal hearing. Professor Joseph Mifsud, President of EMUNI conducted series of bilateral meetings with Mr Amr Moussa, Secretary General of Arab league and Mr, Andre Azzoulay, President of Anna Lindh Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures and President Jorge Sampaio, High Representative for the Alliance of Civilization. Professor Mifsud briefed high dignitaries on development regarding EMUNI activities in promoting intercultural dialogue through its extensive Network of Universities and Civil Society Associations. In discussion, EMUNI called for more inclusion of the universities in the new era of the dialogue between Europe and the Arab World. Academics and students can play a vital role to build bridges between people and to address the gap in mutual perceptions between the two shores of the Mediterranean. EMUNI was represented in this event by Professor Joseph Mifsud and Mohamed Chatouani. EMUNI President’s Activities in Cairo Cairo, Egypt, 6 - 8 April Ministry of Higher Education, Egypt The President of EMUNI held a meeting with Dr Amr Salama, Minister of Higher Education of Egypt. He discussed the situation of Higher Education institutions in Egypt and the cooperation development between the Ministry and EMUNI. Professor Mifsud stressed to the Minister of Higher Education EMUNI’s Commitment to continue cooperation within its university networks in Egypt. Several issues were discussed, e.g. student and professor mobility and future cooperation with EMUNI. Diplomatic Academy of Cairo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs In an effort to coordinate communication between the diplomatic academies in the Euro-Mediterranean Area, the president of EMUNI chaired a meeting with Ambassador Osama Tewfik Badr, Director of the Institute for Diplomatic Studies. The president of EMUNI thanked the Ambassador Badr and formally invited him to participate in Dubrovnik meetings for Directors of Diplomatic Academies. The objective of the meeting was to brief the Ambassador Badr on Euro-Mediterranean University
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EMUNI’s activities, bring together diplomatic academies in the Euro-Med Area and offer young diplomats and students of international relations culturally oriented courses on diplomacy with a practical insight in Euro-Mediterranean relations. Ambassador Bar highly valued the work of EMUNI in promoting the work of diplomatic Institutes and pledged an active participation of his institute in EMUNI events. A Memorandum of Understanding is expected to be signed between the two institutions. Promoting diplomatic training has become an important component of EMUNI’s Strategy 2011-2013 through contribution in different activities, notably the European Diplomatic Programme (EDP) in cooperation the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia. Guest Lecturer at EMUNI: Kamal El Mahdaoui Portorož, Slovenia Kamal El Mahdaoui lectured on “Euro-Mediterranean Relations: Opportunities, Limitations and Perspectives”. The lecture provided the participants with a broad understanding of the current situation in the Euro-Mediterranean, as well as prospects for the future. As part of another lecture of Mr El Mahdaoui, a simulation of the Senior Officials meeting took place. The lectures were part of the 2nd module of the EMUNI Professional School: Euro-Mediterranean Studies 2011. Mr Kamal El Mahdaoui is the Senior Advisor at the Secretariat of the Union of the Mediterranean. Visit of the State University of Novi Pazar Rector Portorož, Slovenia, 11 April
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The EMUNI University hosted a visit of Rector Dr. Cemal Dolicanin and his advisor Dr. Bozidar Stanić from the State University of Novi Pazar, Serbia. The meeting was held at the premises of the University, where the EMUNI University gave presentation of its current activities. Prof. Stanić presented the activities of the State University, providing several suggestions for mutual cooperation. Presentations, held by both universities, were available to a larger audience of students currently enrolled in the EMUNI Label Master Courses. The State University of Novi Pazar became a member of EMUNI in 2010. Being young, but highly experienced, the University has proven itself in implementing several TEMPUS Projects. The latter will enhance the cooperation with EMUNI and its partners in launching a future Tempus project and joined projects in higher education. Visit to the I.S.S.E.A. Politecnico di Studi Aziendali di Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland, 4 - 5 of April A meeting was held between the President of EMUNI and one of the Swiss partners of EMUNI, which also participated in the Research Souk in Lebanon 2011. The meeting was focused on the possibility for Switzerland and the Canton Ticino (Department of Tourism and Conferences) under the patronage of an EMUNI member and the Alliance of Civilisation would organise an intercultural dialogue seminar on ‘Economy, Finance and Culture in the new Mediterranean reality’. This would also be an opportunity for a meeting of potential donors for EMUNI from the three areas under discussion. The talks with Rector Massimo Maria Silvestri also centred on the possibility of holding the EMUNI senate and management board on the same occasion. The New EUROMED: The Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Area Portorož, Slovenia, 13 April EMUNI hosted a roundtable in Portorož, Slovenia. The topic was ‘The New EUROMED: The Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Area’. The notable speakers were H.E. Dr. Hans Winkler, Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud, Prof. Giorgio Dominese, Rector’s Delegate and Coordinator, Rome Tor Vergata World University-TVWU; Chair of Geopolitics at LUISS Master of Science in International Relations and Prof. Cosimo Notarstefano from the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence / CMU, Italy. The guests discussed the issue of the current situation in the Middle-East. They examined the recent happenings in this area and looked into the possible causes for such events. They emphasised the need for young people to get involved in the actions. Euro-Mediterranean University
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After the speeches from each of the speakers, a discussion with the audience followed, which also offered various perspectives on the issues of the EuroMediterranean. Third Event of EMUNI Talks with H.E. Mr Ahmed Farouk Ljubljana, Slovenia, 14 April HE. Mr Ahmed Farouk, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Slovenia, was the main speaker at the third event in the series of lectures “EMUNI TALKS”, organised by the EMUNI Foundation in Ljubljana. Numerous diplomats were present at the event, along with more than 20 international students of the module Euro-Mediterranean International Relations. The guests were also addressed by Joseph Mifsud, EMUNI president and Alenka Suhadolnik, President of the EMUNI Foundation Management Board. In H.E. Farouk’s lecture entitled “Vision on the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation” he spoke about issues which are holding back the best potential of common future endeavours in the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation: security and migration, combined with integration and tolerance. As common security threats he specified terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, organized crime, human trafficking, illegal migration, intolerance, environmental degradation, poverty and the ever- increasing gap between the north and south. H.E. Farouk also commented on the current situation in the countries of the Arab world. He compared different situations in the world as the occurrence of three revolutions: the economic revolution, reflected as the world economic crisis, the revolution of nature, manifested in numerous natural disasters, and the political revolution that escalated in the countries of the Arab world. He explained the latter was a result of more protest waves, initiated by the so called “digital generation” of youth and followed by Islamists and other demonstrators, until it finally reached the masses. The ambassador’s comment to the happenings in Libya was that the world should have learned the lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan, where a perfect military plan was imposed, but unfortunately without a good strategic plan that would follow. He stressed that the balance of power is not clear, but the world should be aware of the real balance to act accordingly.
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Guest Lecturers at EMUNI: Prof. Cosimo Notarstefano and Prof. Yasser Elshayeb Portorož, Slovenia Prof. Cosimo Notarstefano gave lectures on two subjects: the Euro-Mediterranean International Relations and the External Cooperation and EUROMED. Lectures were given with the main aim of broadening the students’ understanding of Euro-Mediterranean relations and cooperation. The last day lecturer of the Euro-Mediterranean Studieswas prof. Yasser Elshayeb, coming from the Cairo University and holding a position at the Ministry for Higher Education and State for Scientific Research in Egypt. Prof. Elshayeb gave a lecture on the subject of the EuroMed Cooperation from a Southern Country Perspective. The Closing Ceremony of the April Session with Dr. Michael Frendo Portorož, Slovenia, 15 April The Euro-Mediterranean Studies course hosted the honourable closing lecturer - Dr Michael Frendo, currently the President of the Parliament of Malta. Mr Frendo’s lecture focused on the subject of: The Mediterranean - A Mosaic of Multilateral Groupings.
Following the afternoon lectures was the closing ceremony, where the students, attending the intensive two week course, received their attendance certificates. Present were the president of the EMUNI University and the other lecturing professors: Prof. Notarstefano, Prof. Elshayeb and Dr. Michael Frendo, who presented the certificates to the students. Frendo was first elected to the House of Representatives of Malta in 1987 and has been re-elected in four elections. In April 2010 he was nominated as Speaker of the House of Representatives. Taranto Meets the Young of the Mediterranean Taranto, Italy, 18 April Referring to the current situation in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, EMUNI is trying to set up listening conferences and activities which could sup-
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port the open governance and clear goals that Universities and Ministries of Higher Education can develop to promote transparency, good governance and brain circulation within the Union for the Mediterranean. IJEMS Presentation at the First EuroMed Forum for Young Researchers Istanbul, Turkey, 13 - 15 April Chios Institute for Mediterranean Affairs (CIMA) in cooperation with the Hellenic Centre for European Studies (EKEM), the Kadir Has University (KHU) and the Global Political Trends Center (GPoT) of the Istanbul Kültür University organised the first Euro-Mediterranean Forum for Young Researchers in Istanbul. The Forum was aimed at fostering an interdisciplinary approach to scientific research on Euro-Mediterranean issues. Participants were selected from a variety of different backgrounds, including: anthropology, sociology, history, geography, economics, law, international relations, political science, communication and media studies, migration, security and cultural studies. Selected participants had the opportunity to present their current research (PhD thesis, academic articles, policy briefs, research notes, etc.) and received feedback, allowing them to improve their drafts. In addition, they met with peers engaged in research activities throughout the Mediterranean and with representatives from leading academic journals, specialised in Mediterranean affairs. In the framework of this Forum Dr. Lučka Lorber, editor-in-chief of the International Journal of the Euro-Mediterranean Studies participated as an invited speaker at the session on “Getting published in the Mediterranean”, in which representatives from academic journals, specialising in Euro-Mediterranean affairs, came to present their journals to young PhD students and researchers. An-Najah University Organizes an EMUNI Day: Universities and Communities: One Challenge and Multiple Horizons An-Najah National University, Palestinian Authority, 20 April An-Najah National University organized an EMUNI Day with the theme “Universities and Communities: One Challenge and Multiple Horizons”. The attendees of the event included EMUNI University President and His Excellency Mr. Igor Pogačar, Representative Office to the Republic of Slovenia, along with other Palestinian university presidents, representatives, academics and Directors of Scientific Centers. The event started with an opening speech by Prof. Maher Natsheh, Vice President for Academic Affairs on behalf of An-Najah National University’s president Prof. Rami Hamdallah, who discussed briefly the Bologna process and its significance in higher education and stated that there is a gap between both shores of the Mediterranean. Prof. Joseph Mifsud introduced EMUNI University and the many joint programs and activities it is currently undertaking. discussed ENPI (European Neighborhood Policy Initiative) and EU Service Project and its outcomes including developing innovations within the Union for the Mediterranean. Following Prof. Mifsud’s speech, the representative of the Republic of Slovenia to the Palestinian Authority, His Excellency, Mr. Igor Pogacar expressed his office’s continued support in easing the obstacles that the students face, in terms of visas and mobility. Among the participants, the university’s esteemed academics delivered a presEuro-Mediterranean University
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entation in their field of expertise. Nanotechnology and its uses, was presented by Prof. Hikmat Hilal, Chair of the Steering Committee, Center of Excellence in Materials Science and Nanotechnology. Water and environment and its efficient use of resources, was delivered by Prof. Marwan Haddad, Professor and Director of the Water and Environmental Studies Institute. Reconstruction of old buildings and cultural heritage was conducted by Dr. Ali Abdel Hamid, Director of the Center for Urban and Regional Planning. The use of clean and renewable energy in the community was delivered by Dr. Imad Ibrik, Director of Energy Research Center and Associate Professor in the Electrical Department in the Faculty of Engineering. Furthermore, Dr. Jalal Dabeek, Associate Professor and Director of Earth Sciences and Seismic Engineering Center discussed disaster and risk reduction and public awareness. Following the presentations, the University’s academics answered questions addressed by EMUNI president, the representative of the Republic of Slovenia, and others and discussed joint projects in addition to possible collaboration initiatives with An-Najah National University.
4.6 May 2011 Conference of ERACON 2011 and CAREER - EU 2011 Erasmus Coordinators conference and Go Exchange Education Fair Athens, Greece, 27 April-1 May Athens brought together the experts and coordinators of Erasmus Programmes and EU projects in a four-day conference with several sessions taking place at the Athens Imperial Hotel. The opening speech was addressed by the chair of the ERACON Dr Gregory MAKRIDES, who is the President of the European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators and the President of the European Association of CAREER Guidance. Other participants were the representative from the European Commission Brian HOLMES, who is the head of LLP Department in EACEA, and several other high representatives from ministers, ambassadors and rectors of universities. EMUNI University attended the opening ceremony and participated at the panel discussions and round tables as well as having its own stand at the GOExchange fair. The President of EMUNI was invited to give a presentation on the EUROMED Mobility and EMUNI good practices at the Career EU session, chaired by Roger Hessel (an expert in simulation trainings and international projects) from the Lombardy Regional Institute for Research. The president held several side meetings and was also invited to the meeting with the Chair of ERACON Dr. Makrides, where they enhanced the ideas in organizing future joined events and inviting EMUNI to collabourate for the event East-MeetsWest conference held in Cyprus next year. The conference was concluded with a two stage GO-Exchange ERASMUS Education Fair through which each participating university provided information to other universities on the programmes offered and arrangements for teacher and student mobility as well as ERASMUS student placements and staff training opportunities. EMUNI University presented its activities with promotion materials on the disposal with exchanging the contacts for several bilateral Euro-Mediterranean University
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agreements to be sign in the near future between the Universities, such as the University of Algarve from Portugal, the Institute of Tourism Studies from Malta and the Ankara University. First EMUNI Think-Tank Meeting Antalya, Turkey, 6 - 7 May The purpose of establishing a think tank related to EMUNI is to discuss the performance of the Network in a constructive manner, identify the challenges of the organisation and provide professional recommendations to the governing body on how to tackle hurdles and concretise projects. Participation at the meeting followed an initiative of the prestigious Hacetteppe Univeristy, a proactive member of the EMUNI Network.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the universities, members of the think tank, notably, Professor Maria Amelia Martin Loucao, Vice Rector, the University of Lisbon, Professor David Faragi,Rector of the University of Haifa, Israel, Prof. Loannis Mylopoulos, Rector of the University of Aristotle, Thessaloniki, Professor Ugur Erdener, Rector of the University of Hacettepe, Professor Giuseppe Gelliberti, the University of Urbino, Dr, Labib Arafeh, Al Quds University and Dr. Juan Maria Vazquez Rojas, Vice Rector, the University of Murcia, Spain. The meeting was inspired by an idea of Professor Joseph Mifsud, creating an independent think-tank for EMUNI, composed of rectors of interested universities, members of the EMUNI Network, to provide reports and recommendations on several issues, related to the work of the organisation, and the performance of its activities, in light of the recommendations. The President of EMUNI after consulting with the governing body shall take the necessary measures to implement the think tank recommendations. Professor Joseph Mifsud addressed the audience and made a presentation on EMUNI’s activities up to date, several issues related to EMUNI were touched on, notably implementing EMUNI Masters Programmes that will be launched soon, the cooperation with the European Union and the Union for the Mediterranean. Participants have contributed actively in the discussions; numerous ideas were introduced and discussed: introducing new programmes by EMUNI Network of Universities under the auspices of EMUNI and establishing an EMUNI Research Centre and EMUNI Research Committee to be working along with the Euro-Mediterranean University
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Study Affairs Committee as part of EMUNI efforts to promote scientific research and researchers in the Mediterranean. Participants also emphasised the need to think about an “SECRATES-ERASMUS - like” project for the Mediterranean Area, supporting Students and Researchers wishing to read on the Six Priorities of the Union for the Mediterranean. The think tank recommendations were adopted by all its members and call for another meeting to be held in Murcia. Specialists International Meeting Regarding Master Programmes in the UfM Barcelona, Spain, 11 May The specialists international meeting was held in the headquarters of the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat and started with a welcome address by Prof. Ilan Chet, followed by an opening session, presented by Prof. Joseph Mifsud, who highlighted the importance of the role EMUNI is playing within the framework of the UfM and the commitment of EMUNI to achieve the objectives of the UfM and reinforce north/south and south/south cooperation. Prof. Nehale Fariid Mostapha gave an overview of the project, followed by a briefing about the achievements of the project since its start, the developments of this project and the efficient and successful progress to date. The key leaders/coordinators of the new masters programmes presented their work and highlighted how these programmes were matching with the objectives of EMUNI and the objectives of the UfM at the same time. The Specialists to the DSG of the UfM Secretariat, Ambassador Yigit Alpogan, Deputy Secretary General for Transport and Urban Development, Ms. Cecilia Attard Pirotta, Deputy Secretary General for Social and Civil Affairs, Dr. Rafiq Husseini, Deputy Secretary General for Environment and Water, Mr. Marc Strauss, Expert in Energy and Mr. Fernando de la Fuente, Expert in Funding, explained the objectives of the UfM in every field of specialization and discussed all possible areas of cooperation and future plans with EMUNI experts. The meeting ended with a warm speech from the Deputy Secretary General for Higher Education and Research. Prof Mifsud stressed the importance of this meeting and how EMUNI appreciated the support provided by the UFM to reinforce the role of the university. Lifelong Learning and the Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Urbino, Italy, 12 May A workshop on lifelong learning took place at the University of Urbino, with a purpose of establishing a “Special Interest Group of Universities” on lifelong learning, co-ordinated by the Orientale. Among the participants were: Joseph Mifsud, Giuseppe Giliberti (Delegate for International Relations of Urbino and member of the Senate of the EMUNI), Buket Akkoyunlu (Dean of the Faculty of Education, Hacettepe University), Gina Melillo (Director of the LLL Centre, University Orientale of Naples), Laura Baratin (Co-ordinator of the courses on Art Protection and Restoration, Urbino University), Giancarlo Fatigati (Director of the Labouratories of Restoration, University Suor Orsola Benincasa of Naples). The meeting was also attended by the Councillor for Tourism of Urbino (Lucia Pretelli), the Councillor for Culture of the Province (Alessia Morani), as well as by directors of regional and provincial administrative services. Euro-Mediterranean University
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B. Akkoyunlu illustrated the Strategic Document on Lifelong Learning in Turkey and explained the role of universities in the protection of Turkish cultural heritage. G. Melillo proposed that the aims of the LLL Group would have been to study the best practices in the sector, to diffuse them by means of a Portal, to participate in European project, to define standards needed to implement LLL for cultural patrimony. L. Baratin proposed that Urbino, that is particularly skilled in courses and professional promotion in the field of heritage protection both in the Mediterranean and in the Balkans, take care of this sector inside the Naples-based LLL Group, by means of an “Urbino Team on Cultural Heritage and Science”. Mifsud also met the Rector of the Urbino University, Stefano Pivato. Mifsud praised the strong support of Urbino to the EMUNI experience and proposed to have in Urbino a Euro-Mediterranean congress on “Cultural Heritage and Science” and a meeting of the rectors of Urbino, Haifa, Maribor and Sousse. Al Idrissi International Prize Palermo, Sicily, 13 - 14 May The meeting of the Al Idrissi International Prize Jury met under the chairpersonship of Mr. Raffaele Lombardo, President of the Sicilian Region and the Director of the Mediterranean Observatory, Professor Mohamed Aziza. On the suggestion of the President of EMUNI, who is a member of the Jury, the nominee of EMUNI, Andre Azoulay, President of the Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures was awarded the prize together with Sana Ben Achour, President of the Tunisian Women Democrats Association of Tunisia, Jordi Pujol, former President of the Catalonia Region, and Michel Vauzelle, President of the Provence-Alpes Cote d’Azur Region, France. Present at this occasion together with the President of EMUNI, was Nobel Prize Winner, Lech Walesa and Leila Bouazouzi, sister of the young Tunisian man whose self-sacrifice sparked off the so-called Arab Spring and the ‘Jasmine Revolution’. During the international Institutional Forum with more than 200 participants, including the Acting Secretary of the Union for the Mediterranean Prof. Lino Caldarelli, various ministers from the Union for the Mediterranean, presidents of regions, rectors and mayors of the Mediterranean. President Mifsud made a formal proposal for the holding of an annual forum for youths in the Euro-Mediterranean region to be held together with the Union for the Mediterranean, the European Parliament, the Union of Maghreb States, the Arab League, the Anna Lindh Foundation and Arlem. This proposal was taken up as the sole decision for the forum. The region of Sicily will take this initiative with effect from next year. During the meeting EMUNI also held talks with a number of guests who mentioned EMUNI in their presentations: These included Prof. Dr. Adib Saad of Tishreen University in Syria (a member of EMUNI), HE Hassan Abouyoub, Ambassador of Morocco to Italy and former Director of the Programme for Regional Policy of Morocco, Zouheir Merchaoui, Minister and Director of Cabinet of the Union of Maghreb States, Mohamed Sadiki, President of the Regional Council of Rabat-Sake-Zammour-Zaer, Avi Rabinovitch, Ministry of Regional Cooperation of Israel, Prof. Mustafa Aydin, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Istanbul Aydn University, and Spyros Elenodorou, President of the Union of Communities of Larnaka, Cyprus. Another meeting was held with Muzaffer Euro-Mediterranean University
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Baca, Secretary General of the Eurasian Universities Union (EURAS). EMUNI was invited to join this organisation and EURAS was invited to the EMUNI General Assembly in Portugal. Teaching Intercultural Dialogue and Religious Diversity Lisbon, Portugal, 16 - 17 May EMUNI participated in the exploratory workshop on co-operation opportunities: Teaching intercultural dialogue and religious diversity in the Euro-Mediterranean. The workshop was organised by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe and the Swedish Institute in Alexandria in cooperation with the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Aga Khan foundation in Portugal. Several organisations and institutes gathered to exchange information and experience in teaching intercultural dialogue and religious diversity. Presentations focused on answering questions on where we stand on mapping the current situation of institutions possibilities to support and strengthen education for intercultural dialogue and religious diversity. EMUNI’s intervention focused on more inclusion of the Universities in teaching intercultural dialogue, religious diversity and democratic citizenship, calling for more concrete in terms of capacity building, collaborative work and cross-border cooperation between the institutions of the European Union and universities in the southern rim of the Mediterranean. On the margins of the workshop, EMUNI conducted several meetings in order to explore cooperation horizons with representatives of North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, the Anna Lindh Foundation, the Aga Khan Development Network delegation of the Islamili centre, the European Wergeland Centre and the Swedish Institute of Alexandria and UNESCO national commission of several Arab countries. EMUNI was represented at this event by Mohamed Chatouani. Internationalisation Week at the University of Cadiz Cadiz, Spain, 16 - 20 May The University of Cadiz (UCA) hosted the UCA internationalisation week, organized by the Department for International Relations and Cooperation through the office of International Relations and Cooperation (ORI). The seminars included lectures and presentations on several subject fields, such as the international projects and integrated actions in the UCA, social and solidarity action at the UCA, and management of quality in the international office of the UCA and doctorate and master programmes at the UCA. Also presented were the language teaching at the UCA, its library and the development of virtual campus. The seminars provided the participants with an insight into the organization of the internationalization procedures at the UCA, the overview of their activities in this field and an example of good management in all areas. Within the seminar, EMUNI discussed the possible joint MA programmes between UCA and EMUNI, as well as the possibility of the expansion of the Erasmus Mobility agreement. The meetings also provided the opportunity to exchange experience on international university activities at all levels.
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The Time of Speaking is Over; the Time of Doing is Waiting for us Rome, Italy, 20 May The meeting was organized following a call from Prof. Vincenzo Scotti, President of the Link Campus and Italian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs with a full support of Prof. Joseph Mifsud. Present at the meeting were also H.E. Mr. Franko Frattini, Minister of Italian Foreign Affairs, Samir Riyadh, Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education and Minister of State for Science and Technology (Egypt), Wajih M. Owais, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research (Jordan), Prof. Amr Jalal Al Adawi, President of the Beirut Arab University, Prof. Nehale Farid Mustafa, Dean of the Business Faculty at the Beirut Arab University and a number of selective rectors and professors from different universities of the Mediterranean, such as the Hacettepe University, Turkey, the Jordan University of Science and Technology, Al Quds University, Palestine, Diplomatic Academy of London, UK, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus, and more. Participants stressed the need to concretizing Euro-Mediterranean cooperation at the University level, focusing on the importance of creating a unified policy within the universities. Prof. Scotti pointed out the idea that the cooperation between the Universities is the only way to have solid relation as well as concrete and sustainable projects. The President Mifsud said: “... the time of speaking is over, the time of doing is waiting for us ...” The event was marked by the intervention of H.E. Franco Fratini, Italian Minster of Foreign Affairs whom gave his full support to “fresh and energetic EuroMediterranean initiative, such as EMUNI” highlighting the difficulties that encompass the Euro-Mediterranean region, and encouraging EMUNI to continue its mission in favour of the higher education components in the Mediterranean. Academic, Higher education experts and EMUNI network representatives all emphasized the fundamental role of research and training for young people, the principal objectives of which are: to insure jobs for the new generation, to guarantee good quality of life for all and to promote new economical initiative and cooperation coming from the South of the Mediterranean area. Elisabetta Belloni from MFA Italy said “Europe needs to start new policies and new actions that are related to the South. In particular Europe has to be ready to make good and integrated investments in the South of the Mediterranean, capital and human investments .... This is the only way to generate a new development
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for all the Mediterranean area ...� Maurizio Melani (DG for Country Promotion), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy, concentrated on the idea that the cooperation between the universities is an important platform to project the youth toward Europe and all over the World. Dr. Samir Riad, Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research (Egypt) highlighted the importance of the circulation of knowledge. He continued to say that the knowledge and best practices are the best guarantee for the realization of efficient processes of Euro-Mediterranean integration, not only at the economic level. Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research from Jordan Wajih M. Owais expressed the idea that universities are the only the ones that can promote the knowledge related to the social and cultural process. The event was concluded by a social activity where participants agreed to repeat such meeting under the auspices of EMUNI in one of the Southern Mediterranean Countries.
4.7 June Media Day at the University of Maribor: Tracing Intercultural Dialogue through Mobility in Euromed Maribor, Slovenia, 2 June Intercultural dialogue and communication play an important role in the world of global connectivity, being especially necessary in the Mediterranean region. The EMUNI University was born under the auspices of the UfM along side of EU proclaimed European Year of Intercultural Dialogue in 2008. The university was invited to hold a lecture at the University of Maribor in the frame of the Media day by providing good practices of European programmes of exchange and mobility and presenting a documentary film on national projects of Malta, FIVE and Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue Night. The event was prepared by the Faculty for electrical engineering and computer science (FERI) with the main organizer Assistant professor Jaka Polutnik. Several side events and meetings were organized alongside the Media day, where students from the University of Maribor presented their projects and works. The lecture was prepared and held by Urska Cehner who is employed at the EMUNI University and is a young researcher in several Mediterranean Issues, among them intercultural dialogue. She was accompanied by Ms. Elena Vidal Garcia from University of Murcia, who joined the EMUNI team under the 3 month exchange programme. Both held side meetings with prof. Dr. Tatjana Waltzer DruĹžovec, the coordinator of all the international offices of the University of Maribor and the head of international office at the FERI.In the fruitful discussions between Ms. Garcia Vidal and prof. Waltzer, an interest of signing a Bilateral Agreement for Erasmus Mobility was expressed. Several proposals were put on the table for the future cooperation between the universities and this event marked reviving relationship and cooperation between the University of Maribor and the EMUNI University. The Media Day was marked with great success and universities agreed on the second meeting to be held in Bonn, Germany and to have Rectors meetings in the near future.
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14th CEI Dubrovnik Diplomatic Forum on EU and its Neighbours: Prospects and Challenges Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1 - 4 June The Annual Dubrovnik Diplomatic Forum started as an international conference in the field of diplomacy and diplomatic training and over the years the forum has grown into an annual CEI Feature event. Gathering high-state officials and other experts, both practitioners and academics, as well as young diplomats, this year’s 14th edition aimed at highlighting particular regional and interregional aspects of a broader European and EU setting, where knowledge, research and education stand at the very centre of strengthening regional cooperation.
EMUNI Meeting in Athens Athens, Greece, 5 June The Vice-President of the European Parliament Mrs. Rodi Kratsa hosted the President of EMUNI in Athens. They had a discussion and exchange of ideas on issues of EMUNI. Among those issues was the cooperation with the Francophonic University Agency and the development of a Master’s and PhD on Euro-Mediterranean Studies. Dr. Joseph Mifsud: the New Role of the European Union 6 June 2011 The cultural gap and the absence of the democracy in Europe can make us forget that “democracy means prosperity,” was stressed by Prof. Joseph Mifsud as he analyzed the current difficult situation in Europe considering the economic crisis, in particular the crisis in Europe, the migration issue and also the future of Euro-Atlantic relations. He stressed that “in all these years Europe created a rich and important economy with the exportation of goods. Now it is the time to become rich in a spiritual way with the exportation of new ideas”.
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President of the EMUNI University in Israel Israel, 11 June President of the EMUNI University visited Israel. Many academic institutions in Israel and in the Palestinian territories are members of EMUNI. Ambassador Sovič met with Dr. Mifsud at the premises of the Embassy. Mr. Igor Pogačar, Head of Slovenian Representative Office in Ramallah participated at the meeting. International Academic Colloquium organised by the European Chair Jean Monnet, University of the Aegean Mytilene, Greece, 11 - 12 June The Jean Monnet European Chair of the Aegean University prepared the colloquium in partnership with the Hellenic University Association for European Studies (SWORDS) and with the Support of the General Secretariat of Aegean and Island Policy, the French Institute of Athens & the French Embassy in Greece, the European Commission Representation in Athens, the Region of North Aegean and the European Parliament Information Office in Athens. An Internationally organized scientific meeting focused on “The dilemma: enlargement or deepening of the U.S. in the Era of the Treaty of Lisbon.” EMUNI in Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria, 7 - 10 June During his first day in Sofia, the President of EMUNI had a meeting with Mrs Tania Mihailova, Director of the Diplomatic Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, and with other Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials. During their meeting, the two sides examined different ways of developing institutional cooperation, including training of young diplomats and promoting regional co-operation between the Black Sea and Mediterranean countries, as well as between non-EU Balkan and Black Sea countries and the EU. EMUNI and the Diplomatic Institute of the Bulgarian MFA signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.
Later on Prof. Mifsud gave a public lecture organized by the U.S. Embassy in Sofia, the “Dialogue Europe Center of Excellence” (University of Sofia), The Fulbright Commission in Bulgaria, and the Bulgarian Association for American and Transatlantic Studies. The topic of the lecture was: “The European Neighbourhood Policy: the South and East Dimensions”. This was attended by intellectuals, academics, scholars and visiting journalists and diplomats.
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The second day began with a visit of Prof. Mifsud at the Sofia University, where an EMUNI Day was organized. The President of EMUNI was welcomed by the Vice Rector of the University, Prof. Anastas Gerdzikov, while a welcoming address sent by the Minister of Education, Youth and Science, Prof. Sergei Ignatov, was also read. Prof. Mifsud gave a lecture on the work and values of EMUNI, attended by university officials, deans of Faculties, a series of ambassadors (with the Ambassadors of Italy, Croatia and Turkey displaying a particularly active interest on the work of EMUNI), as well as students coming from the different Union for the Mediterranean countries. At the Sofia University, Prof. Mifsud also had a discussion with Prof. Christo Matanov, EMUNI Contact Point, Prof. Rumiana Marinova, who coordinated the visit to Bulgaria, and Dr. Rumen Grigorov, Director of the International Relations, and Prof. Kostadin Grozev Director of the Dialogue Europe Center of Excellence at the Sofia University on developing collaborative research and educational projects of mutual interest. Prof. Mifsud had a working lunch with Sergei Ignatov, Minister of Education, Science and Technology, with whom they discussed issues concerning higher education in Bulgaria. Prof. Mifsud expressed his support for the Ministry’s reform policies, and his readiness to provide expert advice to the Ministry, based on the extensive experience and institutional capabilities of EMUNI; other ways of developing institutional cooperation between the Ministry and EMUNI were also examined. Dr. Evelina Christova from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Bulgaria was also present throughout the visit in Sofia. Later on Prof. Mifsud had a meeting with Prof. Andrei Pantev, member of the Bulgaria’s parliamentary commission on education and science, and a distinguished Bulgarian intellectual. Prof. Mifsud commented upon those good parliamentary practices needed in the area of educational reforms, known by the experience of other national parliaments in Europe as well as by the European Parliament. Prof. Mifsud’s last day began with a visit to the Sofia Synagogue, where he was invited by the organisation of Bulgarian Jews, SHALOM. Prof. Mifsud was welcomed by Mr. Maxim Benvenisti, President of SHALOM, and other Bulgarian Jewish dignitaries. Later on Prof. Mifsud held a meeting with Assoc. Prof. Julia Stefanova, Director of the Fulbright Commission in Bulgaria, to discuss ways of promoting co-operation and organizing common events between EMUNI and the Fulbright Commission in Bulgaria. A common understanding was reached on sending EMUNI students and teachers for this year event, on granting EMUNI ECTS credits to the courses in FISI-2011 and developing an EMUNI module in FISI-2012 with at least 3 courses on themes, relevant to EMUNI’s subject area. Prof. Mifsud also paid a visit to the New Bulgarian University, where he was welcomed by Assoc. Prof. Liudmil Georgiev, Rector of the New Bulgarian University, and Prof. Bogdan Bogdanov, Head of the University Committee of Trustees, who expressed the New Bulgarian University’s desire to join EMUNI and develop common activities. EMUNI Day: Management Crisis in the Mediterranean Thessaloniki, Greece, 6 June Given the current developments that unfold in the broader Mediterranean region, the timely topic of “Crisis Management in the Mediterranean” was the theme of the EMUNI Day, which was successfully organized by the Euro-MedEuro-Mediterranean University
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iterranean University and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. EMUNI Day’s agenda included the following topics: • The Orthodox Church in the broader Mediterranean area (Assoc. Prof. El. Labriniadis- Metropolite of Proussa); • Water crisis in the Mediterranean (Assist. Prof. E. Kolokytha); • Environmental and human security under climate change in the Mediterranean (Prof. I. Ganoulis); • Tourism development in crisis in the Mediterranean (Assist. Prof. S. Kostopoulou); • Environmental translation (Prof. E. Kasapi). EMUNI day in Thessaloniki covered a very timely topic, “Management crisis in the Mediterranean” which discussed the major challenges of the region, giving emphasis on water, environment, tourism and the role of the orthodox church in the area. The need to manage the impact, evaluate the results and open a new way to promote dialogue based on cooperation on knowledge on excellence on research was highly revealed. Joint actions of bringing together different institutions with common specialties and provide synergies are strengths of EMUNI, which was highly emphasized at the conference.
Interregional Roundtable Portorož, Slovenia, 21 June As part of the common action of the national network of the Anna Lindh Foundation and together with the Slovene Philanthropy and ZRC SAZU, the EMUNI University organized an interregional roundtable on the development of successful cooperation of local authorities, public institutions and the civil society in the area of immigrant integration in the region of Primorska. Representatives of the Slovene Philanthropy, ZRC SAZU, local organizations and schools were participating. The discussion offered an insight into the issue of the integration of immigrants, examined the ways, in which the civil society can contribute to Euro-Mediterranean University
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the integration and provided good practical examples. The experience, shared by the participants, contributed to trying to find practical and systematic solutions for the development of an efficient support system and opportunities for immigrants’ inclusion into the local community. The insightful conclusions proved the need for more of such discussions in the future.
Dissolving Hurdles towards the Internationalisation of Higher Education in Slovenia Maribor, Slovenia, 23 June The Rector of the Maribor University in Slovenia received Professor Joseph Mifsud at the premises of the University of Maribor to discuss the possibilities of stimulating activities of Slovene Universities, notably Maribor, in the activities of EMUNI. The President of EMUNI emphasised the importance for EMUNI to work together with all Slovenian Universities with the aim to give the latter an international dimension at its Euro-Mediterranean regional settings. Professor Danijel Rebolj, Rector of the Maribor University, accompanied with Vice-Rector Professor Lučka Lorber and other members of Faculty, stressed the need to “concretise” partnership between the two institutions. In this regards, several initiative of common interests were suggested in order to stimulate Maribor University ‘s cooperation with Southern Mediterranean Universities by creating Masters degree and Doctorate Programmes under the auspices of EMUNI in study areas within the Union for the Mediterranean framework. The Maribor University is one of the leading Universities in Slovenia, with some 30 000 Students. It is the second largest University in Slovenia, aiming to provide an internationally recognised high quality higher education for its Slovene and overseas students.
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MakeLearn International Conference 2011 Celje, Slovenia, 24 June Professor Joseph Mifsud addressed the participants of the “Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference”, organised by the International School for Social and Business Studies in Celje, Slovenia. Professor Mifsud emphasised the importance of the conference, outlining EMUNI readiness to give its full support to such initiatives. On the margins of the conference, a meeting was conducted with Professor Dušan Lesjak, the Former State Secretary for Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Republic of Slovenia. Prof. Lesjak stressed a need to revive EMUNI’s cooperation with the Slovenian Universities towards building stronger bonds between Slovenian Universities and members of the EMUNI Network.
The International School for Social and Business Studies in Celje is a young but perspective faculty, which offers contemporary and internationally comparable study programmes, interesting for students as well as its wider social-economic environment. Despite its short existence the faculty has already achieved local, national and international recognition. Morocco meets Slovenia Ljubljana, Slovenia, 23 June EMUNI was invited to the 1st Moroccan open day in Slovenia. The event was organised by the Moroccan Embassy in Vienna and Honorary Consul in Ljubljana, who gave an opportunity to the Slovene society to learn not only about the investments capabilities, but to have a taste of the diversified culture, ancient history and potentials of Morocco. The open day was attended by members of the Slovene Government, parliamentarians, and representatives of Slovene companies and members of the diplomatic corps. EMUNI is contributing to establish a Euro-Mediterranean University in the medieval city of Fez and can play a significant role in linking Moroccan Universities to their Slovene counterparts as a partner of several universities and Higher Education institutions in Morocco. Professor Mifsud discussed cooperation possibilities between Morocco and EMUNI. Other meetings were conducted, notably with Dr. Peter Novak from the Institute for Higher Technologies and Systems and Prof. Mohamed Benhammou, President of the African Federation for Strategic Studies.
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EMUNI Commission for Study Affairs & EMUNI Senate Session Barcelona, Spain, 15 June The Headquarters of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) hosted the 7th Session of the EMUNI Commission for Study Affairs and the 8th Session of the EMUNI Senate. Prof. Ilan Chet from the Union for Mediterranean Secretariat, welcomed the EMUNI members and presented the Division of Higher Education and Research of the UfM. Prof. Mifsud highlighted the important role that EMUNI is playing within the framework of the UfM and the commitment of EMUNI to achieve the objectives of the UfM and to reinforce the cooperation between both institutions. The two institutions are working together in order to establish an excellent educational culture within the Euro-Mediterranean region. This is the key to addressing challenges in other sectors and formulating a professional and accommodating way of thinking. During the session of the Senate and the Commission for Study Affairs, the attendees, rectors and professors of EMUNI member institutions discussed the activities of the Education Department of the EMUNI University. In particular, they were discussing the EMUNI master study programmes that EMUNI University will launch in the academic Year 2011-2012.
In the Heart of the Mediterranean Malta, 24 June EMUNI University held a first official meeting with the Institute of Tourism Studies, Malta’s only professional and higher education institution that meets the changing need for the tourism industry in the Maltese islands. The university and the institute established first contact at the ERACON conference in Greece and soon after they signed the bilateral Erasmus agreement and the agreement for cooperation in various common fields. The meeting was attended by the Head of the International Office and the editor of the Institute’s Journal Mr. Raymond Vassalo, the coordinator of the Centre for Cultural and HeritEuro-Mediterranean University
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age Studies and lecturer Dr. Vincent Zammit, Prof. Dr. David Pace, a lecturer in Environmental Management and others. The following discussions were raised: to develop cultural heritage around the Mediterranean, especially in relation to the UNESCO world heritage sites; exchange of good practices through cultural routes with innovation and diffusion of knowledge and a training seminar for tourist guides and researches in tourism sector. In autumn, the first common event shall be organized as a focal meeting on peace tourism, inviting experts and researches that are specialists in various interdisciplinary fields related to tourism and political studies in the Mediterranean region. The focal meeting should be a brainstorming session of the new concept of peace tourism and shall produce recommendations for future study related programmes. The EMUNI University and the Institute will exchange the articles of experts from both institutions for the WELCOME Journal of the Institute of Tourism Studies and the Journal IJEMS of the University. Debate at Tunis Exchange Forum on Facebook and Twitter 27 June 2011 Civil society players acting for democracy and freedoms from the Euro-Mediterranean region held discussions at the Tunis Exchange Forum, a region-wide meeting held in Tunis to exchange experiences, best practices and project ideas as well as to build partnerships. The Forum, organised by the Anna Lindh Foundation, discussed three main themes: • Creativity for Change: Culture and Artistic Expression; • Spreading Ideas: Global and Social Media for Social Expression • Spaces for Participation: Civil Society Development, Dialogue and Tools for Citizenship “The Tunis Exchange Forum” is organised as part of the Anna Lindh initiative “Believe in Dialogue, Act for Citizenship - Exchanging Practices on Participation and Democracy”, which aims at exchanging good practices and debate about citizenship and democracy among cultural operators, non-governmental organizations, media and young activists at the Euro-Med level as well as empowering and building the capacities of member organizations of the Anna Lindh civil society networks. EMUNI’s Role in bringing together Universities on Both Sides of the Mediterranean Republic of Tunisia, Tunis, 25 June Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific research, Dr Refaat Chaabouni, received Professor Joseph Mifsud at the Premises of the ministry. Talks with the Minister focused on opening a new chapter in EMUNI’s cooperation with the republic of Tunisia in the Higher Education field. Professor Joseph Mifsud, listened with great deal of interest to the Minister’s significant assessment on how Republic of Tunisia is currently perceiving the efforts of EMUNI in bridging the division of various components of the Euro-Mediterranean space at the level of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
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Professor Joseph Mifsud, accompanied by Professor Jilani Lamloumi, member of the EMUNI Senate and Professor Touhami Andouli, Senior Adviser to the President, assured the Tunisian Minister that EMUNI as an official institution of the Union for the Mediterranean has a role to play in light of the democratic changes in Tunisia; through intensifying EMUNI cooperation with Tunisian Universities and Civil Society associations, Tunisia can become the hub of EMUNI South-South Cooperation strategy, by establishing an observatory of EuroMediterranean Studies to be opened in Tunisia. A Framework convention of cooperation was signed by both parties at the end of the meeting.
The Republic of Tunisia is one of the most active countries in the framework of the Union for the Mediterranean, notably in cooperation in Higher Education. Universities, such as Sousse and Ghabess University, were founders of EMUNI. Germany Meets Slovenia: EMUNI Participation at the Forum for Young Leaders Berlin, Germany, 22 - 28 June The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy established the program “Germany Meets Slovenia� to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries and secure their positions. For these objectives, it organized a one-week forum in Berlin for young leaders of both countries. Consequently, the event was among the other aims dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the independency of the Republic of Slovenia. Several speakers gave their speech on various topics, however in the highlight there were Slovenian and German cultural, political and economic relations. Euro-Mediterranean University
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The opening of the event was made by the founder and executive director of the ICD Mark Donfried, who spoke about the role of cultural diplomacy in the EU and between Slovenia and Germany. Apart from the knowledge and information based approach, the programme also invited participants to visit organizations and institutions, who work in Germany enhancing cooperation between countries. Among them was the visit to the Embassy of Slovenia, where the participants were welcomed by the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to Germany H.E. Mitja Drobnič, who gave a speech on the general relations and activities of the Embassy. A visit and lectures have been also organized at the Berlin Philharmonic where Ms. Larissa Israel provided speech on the cultural relations. Furthermore, the Slovenian young artist Katja Sudec presented her work and gave analytical presentation on the relations between the countries as well as pointed out difficulties in finding a dialogue on the ground in Slovenia. The event was adjourned with a reception at the Foreign Ministry with the State minister H.E. Cordelia Pieper and Ambassador to Slovenia delivering a speech on the 20 anniversary of Slovenian independency and highlighting relations between the countries. German Meets Slovenia was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, represented by Ms. Anja Fabiani. The EMUNI University played an active role and participated at the number of the events during the Forum. As a young leader and participant to the event, Urska Cehner held a speech on bilateral relations between both countries on joint projects in climate change, cultural and education exchange programmes. Additionally, president of EMUNI University was invited to present the future opportunities for the cooperation between Germany and Slovenia through the Euro-Mediterranean University. Several meetings have taken place and discussion on future cooperation. The president of the EMUNI University and Executive director Mark Donfried had the first official meeting, which has revealed in successful outcomes of the initiatives put forward: • EMUNI invited to participate as a partner at the September ICD event on Peace keeping; • EMIR Course of EMUNI University to be held at the premises of ICD in Berlin; • Establishment of the portal for the Exchange of Interns; • Joint collaboration for the follow up meeting on Germany meets Slovenia in Autumn 2011. The forum “Germany Meets Slovenia” has to the great extent succeeded in its objectives by establishing good interdisciplinary network of students and young professionals in both countries.
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4.8 July 2011 Erasmus Conference: Annual meeting of German HEI, DAAD Bonn, Germany, 29 June - 2 July 2011 The German national agency DAAD is the academic exchange organization, dealing with international programmes, exchanges and project work all around the world. It supports several ways of education, such as vocational training, development projects, exchange of researchers and students and volunteer work. DAAD held their annual conference of HDI in Germany, inviting Erasmus coordinators from other EU countries and Turkey. The aim of HEI in Germany and DAAD is to increase the Erasmus Mobility. Therefore they have launched several programmes and conducted various research projects to foster mobility. In general there was about 69 000 active incoming and outgoing Erasmus mobility individuals in Germany in 2009/2010, stated Dr. Siegbert Wuttig, Director of the national agency for EU programmes for HEI at DAAD. Since the programme was launched in 1987, there were only 3000 Erasmus students. The number incresed to 200 000 in 2009/10. Erasmus is the world’s most successful student exchange programme and, on current trends, the aim of the Commission is to reach the target of 3 000 000 Erasmus students until 2012/13. The event in Bonn was an overview of the DAAD activities and the issues raised by German universities on the problems and challenges they face with the programme. The conference also invited representatives from the European Commission, Adam Tyson, and Johannes Gehringer, who gave a presentation on the improvements and upgraded Erasmus programme that is going to be launched in the next period 2014-2020. The EMUNI University attended the conference in order to enlarge its Erasmus network and sign future bilateral agreement with German institutions. At a meeting with Dr. Markus Symmank from the DAAD for Erasmus Programmes, he provided EMUNI with the instructions on how to approach the German system. The EMUNI University invited the representatives of DAAD to the future event held in Autumn in Germany in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy. EMUNI Management Board Session Nyenrode Business University, Netherlands, 2 July The Nyenrode Business University, Netherlands, hosted the 11th Session of the EMUNI Management Board. Prof. Maurits Van Rooijen, Rector of the Nyenrode Business University and Chairman of the EMUNI Management Board, welcomed the EMUNI members. He presented the main activities of the Nyenrode University, which hosts students from all over the world. He also took the opportunity to support EMUNI University, outlining the important and crucial mission that EMUNI University has to enhance the cooperation within the region, reinforcing north-south and south-south mobility of ideas and expertise. Furthermore, Prof. Mifsud highlighted the important role that all the universities involved in the EMUNI network are playing in this particular moment. The EMUNI network is establishing an environment that will stimulate new connection with different nations and cultures in an academic sphere. He stressed the Euro-Mediterranean University
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importance of an Euro-Mediterranean cooperation at the academic level focusing on the importance of creating a unified policy within the universities. During the session of the EMUNI Management Board the activities of the EMUNI University were discussed. In particular the future activities that the EMUNI University will launch in the Academic Year 2011–2012. Chairman of the EMUNI Management Board attends the Arab and European Universities President’s Meeting University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 3 - 6 July 2011 Maurits Von Rooijen, Chairman of the Management Board of EMUNI attended the AEUA meeting to discuss the possible role of EMUNI in this organisation and to foster new links for EMUNI with the Presidents of Arab Universities. AEUA was founded in 1998 for the purpose of advancing, facilitating and stimulating collaboration between universities in European and Arab countries. AEUA welcomed approximately 75 Arab and European University Presidents at the AEUA Presidents’ Meeting. They discussed topics of mutual interest, involvement and the possibilities of closer cooperation. The meeting offerered high level networking opportunities to meet counterparts and other important stakeholders and focused on: Quality Assurance, Accreditation and Governance; Internationalisation of Higher Education and Linking Higher Education and the Labour Market effectively. A significant number of EMUNI members attended this meeting. Erasmus Staff Training Week: Internationalisation at the University of Lisbon Lisbon, Portugal, 27 June - 1 July The University of Lisbon hosted the 2nd Erasmus Staff Mobility week. The theme of the seminar was internationalisation and it was organised by the rectorate’s External Relations Unit. The training week included seminars and workshops with a focus on the university’s international cooperation. The topics included cooperation with China, Africa and USA, quality assurance and research support. In addition, Erasmus and Leonardo Da Vinci programmes were
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presented along with the University’s newly established shared services office. In the frame of the seminar a roundtable was organised, in which the participants presented their universities and how they operate internationally. The EMUNI University gave a presentation to other participants and the university staff. During the presentation, EMUNI’s unique position was showed in terms of its network of universities in the Euro-Mediterranean area as well as its aim to increase the international mobility of researchers and students. EMUNI met with the Finance office as well as the International Relations Unit, where common experiences were shared with the Lisbon University staff.
48th Commencement Ceremony at Beirut Arab University Beirut, Lebanon, 30 June Professor Joseph Mifsud was invited by the President of Beirut Arab University to attend the graduation ceremony of BAU. The ceremony was attended by representatives of all political personalities in Beirut, members of parliament and presidents of Lebanese universities. In his speech Dr Amr El Adawi mentioned the strong collaboration between EMUNI and BAU. Brussels: The Seventh Framework Programme Meeting Brussels, Belgium, 6 - 7 July EMUNI was invited to participate as a possible consortium builder and as a consortium partner to a seminar on Conflict and peace in a changing international context: Funding opportunities, matchmaking, networking in FP7. Ms. Angela Liberatore, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, and Angela Schindler - Daniels, PT-DLR, SSH NCP and Coordinator of NET4SOCIETY, Germany, made a presentation of how new consortia and calls can be developed for the 7th Framework programme. In particular research and funding opportunities in FP7 and Policy context, funding opportunities/schemes and the forthcoming calls for proposals were defined by Angela Liberatore and by Eva-Maria Engdahl, European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, Security Research and Development. The sessions also included a foresight session: Peace and Security as Evolving Concepts with distinguished panel members: • Andrea Ricci, European External Action Service; • Carlo Sessa, Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems (ISIS), Italy; • Martina Weitsch, Quaker Council for European Affairs;
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• Ben Hayes, Statewatch, UK; • Karin Aggestam, Lund University, Sweden; • Stephan Kampelmann / Ton van Naersen, Internationalist Foundation; • Therese Rosenfeld, Project Manager, United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security. EMUNI also attended a parallel session entitled: Regions and regionalization and their impact on stability, democracy, security and peace. The panel included also Ghia Nodia, Ilia State University, Georgia, Ademola Abass, UNUCRIS, Head of the Peace and Security programme Wolfgang Zellner, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, Germany and Barbara Nicoletti, CDG Labouratory - Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy. Meeting at the London Academy of Diplomacy London, United Kingdom, 4 - 5 July A strategic meeting with the participation of EMUNI was held in London, chaired by Prof. Edward Acton, Vice Chancellor of one of the EMUNI members (the University of East Anglia, UK). The meeting, which was attended by a number of UK and Foreign Experts, was aimed at developing a global strategy for the institution. EMUNI contributed with a number of proposals focusing on the Mediterranean, including the ‘Arab Spring’, joint accreditation, studentscholars exchanges, and quality education with joint certification. The London Academy of Diplomacy at UEA London developed a number of postgraduate qualifications to meet the needs of members of the London Diplomatic Corps, staff of various ministries, staff of multinational corporations, non-governmental organisations, media and graduates aspiring to an international career. The diplomacy programmes distinguish themselves by responding to the professional learning needs of governments, organisations and multinational corporations, who need better trained officials to help them achieve their objectives in promoting business and trade. Thus, the teaching of economic diplomacy, management, intercultural bilingual communication, protocol and etiquette as well as ethics are essential to the training of diplomats and managers in the corporate sector. EMUNI will also provide a number of key experts to these courses. ARLEM ECOTER Meeting Poreč, Croatia, 8 July The EMUNI University attended the third meeting of the ARLEM’s Commission for Economic, Social and Territorial Affairs with an intervention of Dr. Mifsud on: “The role of small and medium enterprises in the Mediterranean” and “The preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage in the Mediterranean”. The two topics fall into the frame of the priorities of the Union for the Mediterranean and are especially acute at the present moment. The panellists discussed the possibilities for enhancement of development of small and medium enterprises in the Mediterranean, since SME can and will be a catalyst for quality development of economies of the area. The discussion was also directed at the possibilities of providing of funding of SME’s and some good practices were presented. Both topics were especially interesting to EMUNI University representatives. Euro-Mediterranean University
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Prof. Dr. Joseph Mifsud gave an insight into the work of EMUNI and its member institutions, which can provide not only academic knowledge, but also quality expertise in a number of fields, covered in the discussions. Dr. Mifsud as a panellist on the topic of preservation of cultural heritage also informed the ARLEM ECOTER members about a team composed of several EMUNI member institutions’ experts, that is in the process of developing a shared curriculum on Cultural Heritage, which is especially important in the Mediterranean area, well described by the ECOTER Co-Chair Mr. Jakovčić as “the home of the world”. Eastern dimension of Mobility Warsaw, Poland, 6 - 7 July The European Commission and the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union organised a conference on the Eastern dimension of mobility. EMUNI participated in this conference that was organised as a part of the Eastern Partnership and dedicated to the issue of the mobility of students, professors, researchers, youth, and cultural actors. The EMUNI intervention highlighted its experience in the student mobility in the Mediterranean in the last three years, calling for unified efforts for more inclusive mobility flows in higher education field between the European Union and non-EU states under a set of policy that bring together the east and west, the north and the south. EMUNI conducted several meetings on the margins of the conference, notably with representatives of the Ministry of Education, Republic of Moldova, the European Policies for researchers EURAXESS, the Academic Cooperation Association and the German Academic Exchange Service. Meeting with the Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Risk Science in Paris Paris, France, 7 July EMUNI University met with Prof Catherine Vesperini, President of the EuroMediterranean Institute of Risk Science (IEMSR), to discuss the Master Programme the two institutions are developing together. Euro-Mediterranean University
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IEMSR is the first higher education establishment to train risk managers, professionals, who specialise in identification, prevention and management of risks in industry and for local authorities. Such actions are of crucial importance in the Euro-Mediterranean area, which is currently facing extreme changes. With IEMSR, the EMUNI University is developing a Master Study Programme in Risk Science, which will educate Euro-Mediterranean students as well as private and public employees in risk management. The two institutions discussed the details and prospects of the common Master, as well as the possibilities for further cooperation. The Geopolitical and Strategic Consequences of the Arab Revolts Marrakesh, Morocco, 13 July EMUNI participated at a forum in the Moroccan Centre for Strategic Studies and the African Federation for Strategic Studies, organised by the President of CMES, Prof. Mohamed Benhammou. It was aimed at discussing the ‘Arab Spring’ repercussions on socio-economic and educational issues of the Union for the Mediterranean and throughout the Maghreb and Mashreq regions. Present for this select seminar amongst others, were the Director General of the Royal Institute of International Relations (Egmont) of Belgium, Ambassador Marc Trenteseau, President of the Strategic Research Institute Emanuel Dupuy, Director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies Dr. Adam Ward (UK), Prof. Gustavo Gagliardi, President of the Study Centre for Infrastructure Clusters in the Mediterranean, Jochen Hippler, Institute for Development and Peace of Germany and Jose Maria Gil, a top expert in Mediterranean policies from Spain. The themes discussed centred on the issues of security, mobility, education, and the six priorities of the Union for the Mediterranean. A joint communiqué was issued at the end of the seminar, which will be presented in the near future at the European Parliament. EMUNI also signed a memorandum of understanding with the Moroccan Centre for Strategic Studies to conduct a joint research in the EMIR modules and to define a number of joint seminars in the next year.
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African Education Summit Rabat, Morocco, 12 – 13 July EMUNI attended the African Education Summit, which is a landmark event aimed at directly improving the quality of education with a particular focus on increasing investment and access to technology. The event was held under the patronage of the Moroccan Ministry of Education. The debate at the conference focused on the way the educational institutions can accelerate economic and social development in Africa by strengthening investment in education from teaching and research to ICT and institutional development (libraries, laboratories, information systems) to infrastructure and capacity building.
Ministers and Deputy Ministers of Education from across Africa evaluated their government’s strategy for investment in improving the quality of and access to education. They also shared with the audience the opportunities for partnership and cooperation with the private sector and the development community. During the event the president of EMUNI met with H.E. Ahmed Akhchichine Minister of Education, Morocco, with the Hon. Mr David Coltart - Minister for Education, Sports, Arts & Culture, Zimbabwe, with Hon. Mariama Sarr - Ceesay - Minister for Higher Education & Scientific Research, The Gambia, with Dr Jean Pierre Ezin - Commissioner for Human Resources, Science & Technology, African Union, with Dr Cheick Diarra -Chairman, Microsoft Africa, with Dr Driss Ouaouicha - President of Al Akhawayn University, a member of the EMUNI senate and with Prof. Olugbemiro Jegede –Secretary - General, Association of African Universities. Present for the event were: African ministries of education and ministries of science & technology, African universities, research institutes and technology networks, inter-governmental organisations and multilateral financial institutions, private sector companies, ICT leaders and investors, international foundations dedicated to African education programmes and development agencies, On the margins of the Summit, the President of EMUNI and the President of the University of Fes met to discuss a number of joint activities that they will be taking together with the Union for the Mediterranean. A joint meeting was
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also held with Mr. Abdelhafid Debbarh, Secretary General of the Ministry of National Education, of Higher Education, Training and of Scientific Research of the Kingdom of Morocco. It was agreed that President Mifsud and Mr. Debbarh will meet again to discuss EMUNI activities in the Maghreb. President Farissi of Fez and President of the University Ibn Zohr of Agadir also met with President Mifsud to discuss joint programmes in the Union for the Mediterranean which will be presented to the UfM secretariat in Barcelona. Successful Completion of the Second International Summer School: Learn to innovate in Global Business Celje, Slovenia, 8 July The International School of Social and Business Studies (ISSBS) successfully completed the second International Summer School titled ‘Learn to Innovate and Global Business” within the 4th Euro-Mediterranean Summer Semester of the EMUNI University. Thirty-three students from ten countries left the summer school enriched with new knowledge and unique international experience. During the Summer School, held from 27 June to 8 July, the students were listening to professors from Morocco, Germany, Slovenia and Poland, and learned about various aspects of entrepreneurship and international business. One of the aims of the Summer School was to create an interactive and dynamic learning environment that was practical and problem-oriented. By actively participating in the teamwork and creativity workshop and the simulation of market developments workshop they developed their own entrepreneurship skills, innovation and creativity. A key focus of the Summer School was to develop participants’ innovation and creativity in order to be able to better identify and develop international business opportunities. Innovative business ideas are the basis for the successful launch and continued growth of new businesses.
In addition to Slovenian students, summer school participants were students from partner higher education institutions in Portugal, Denmark, Germany, Poland and Morocco. Organisation and implementation of an international Summer School is a part of ISSBS’ aim for a greater internationalization in its activities.
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Mediterranean Prize for EMUNI Lauria, Italy, 16 - 17 July The first Vice President of the European Parliament Gianni Pittella honoured EMUNI and its president with the Mediterranean Prize on Intercultural Dialogue, Higher Education and Research. Amongst those, who received the award this year, was also Abdouli Touhami, advisor to EMUNI and an academic of the University of Sousse in Tunisia, for his role in the Jasmin Revolt in Tunisia, H.E. Wacir Owaijs, the Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology of Jordan, and Magdi C. Allam, MEP and international journalist. A public debate was also held, in which the opportunities and challenges of the Arab Spring were discussed with ambassadors, authorities and the general public, who attended the event in Lauria. A pact of Lauria on the development of real partnership in the Union for the Mediterranean was also launched on this occasion. First Official Meeting between EMUNI President and the New Secretary General of the UfM, Youssef Amrani 18 July 2011 Joseph Mifsud had the first official meeting with Mr. Youssef Amrani, the new Secretary General of the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean. Mr. Amrani is the outgoing Secretary General of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation at the Ministry of Morocco. In his diplomatic career he was a Consul in Barcelona (Spain) from and Ambassador to Colombia, Chile and Mexico. The new Secretary General of the UfM has participated actively in the creation of the Union for the Mediterranean, having been a member of the SOM.
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At the first meeting, the President of EMUNI presented the work of EMUNI and the challenges and initiatives, which are taking place at the moment within the UfM. President Mifsud invited H.E. Amrani to attend the next EMUNI meeting in Brussels and in Lisbon. The Secretary General pledged his full support to EMUNI and asked EMUNI to help him come forward with initiatives for a better understanding and better knowledge of what is required from the UfM. Present for the meeting was Prof. Ilan Chet, Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean in charge of Higher Education, Science and Technology. EMUNI Meeting with the Jordanian Minister for Higher Education 18 July 2011 H.E. Dr. Wajih Owais, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research met with the President of EMUNI on the margins of the Mediterranean Prize in Lauria. In a joint meeting, also attended by the Vice President of the European Parliament Gianni Pittella, it was decided that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Jordan would take a more active part in EMUNI’s activities and that an EMUNI office would be hosted in Jordan, so that initiatives could be better served and followed in the region. An official visit of EMUNI to Jordan is being planned to coincide with the signing of an MOU which would consolidate this partnership. OECD - Union for the Mediterranean Conference Barcelona, Spain, 18 July The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) programme, in collaboration with the City of Barcelona, co-organised an expert meeting to discuss pathways for employment and skills strategies in the Mediterranean region. The expert meeting aimed at bringing together Ministries of Labour, Ministries of Higher Education and Training, and local practitioners to discuss skills development and its link to the local job creation, SMEs development, entrepreneurship and sustainable growth. Countries in the UfM region were given the opportunity to join forces to discuss skills availability, skills upgrading, skills mismatch, skills for new areas of employment growth and the integration of skills and employment plans for solid youth employment strategies and SME’s growth. The meeting also discussed operational pathways to address the large youth unemployment as well as skills development for women integration on local labour markets. In a panel, chaired by the European Investment Bank representative within the UfM, Fernando de la Fuente, Joseph Mifsud made a presentation on two proposals that EMUNI has concretely put forward. The first was on the launching of a foresight exercise throughout the UfM on skills needs and matching training re-skilling programme needed and secondly the launching of the new ENPI funded post-graduate UfM programme in Mediterranean Business development Initiative training. In the panel, Prof. Dominique Chesnaeu from the Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Risk, IEMSR of France, and a partner of EMUNI made a presentation of the new EMUNI master in Risk Science, adopted Euro-Mediterranean University
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in the last senate meeting. Tatjana Krylova, Head of Division of UNCTAD and Rashid Bibars from the BDC in Jordan also made case study presentations. On the margins of the meeting, the President of EMUNI also held discussions with other members of the Secretary General Secretariat in line with EMUNI objectives for the coming year. Official Visit of the President of EMUNI and the Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean to the European Investment Bank Luxembourg, 19 July President Joseph Mifsud and Deputy Secretary General of the UfM, Prof. Ilan Chet visited the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg for a discussion of the role and vision of the EIB towards the Mediterranean. The EIB is the Mediterranean region’s main financial partner, with more than EUR 10 Billion invested since 2002. The facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership (Femip) is its financial arm in the region. The meeting was held with Ioannis Kaltsas, Head of Division, Policy and Trust Funds Division, Directorate for Operations outside the EU and with Julien Serre, FEMIP Trust Fund Management Officer, Policy and Trust Funds Division.
In the discussions, it was noted that both EMUNI and the EIB have the same objectives i.e. cleaning the Mediterranean, renewable energy, land and sea motorways, SMEs, as drivers of growth in the Mediterranean. It was agreed to work hand in hand with the secretariat of the UfM to develop training programmes, share experts and define internships which would bring EMUNI closer to the EIB.
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Doctoral Research Seminar: Civil Rights Protection and the Rights of Migrants in the Framework of the Mediterranean Cooperation Genoa, Italy, 18 - 23 July The University of Genoa, Faculty of Political Sciences. This seminar was organised in line with the EMUNI calls made during the last General Assembly in Ankara. A number of academics and doctoral students from the Mediterranean convened in Genoa for this research seminar, which was opened by Prof.G. Deferrari, Rector of the University of Genoa, and by the EMUNI delegate to the University, Prof. M. Marsonet, Vice - Rector for International Relations and attended also by Prof. M. A. Falchi, Faculty of Political Sciences – DISPOS. Prof. G. Giliberti (University of Urbino, Member of EMUNI University’s Senate) delivered a speech about the EMUNI University and Euro-Mediterranean Relations and Prof. P. CELLE (University of Genoa) spoke about the Right of Asylum - Towards a Common European System - Impact on the Mediterranean Area. Other speakers apart from the doctoral students that came from Italy, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Poland and Austria, amongst others included Prof. F. Munari (University of Genoa), who spoke about the Directive 2004/38 on Movement of EU Citizens as applied by the EU Courts.
Another interesting presentation was made by Dr. M. Palma (President of the Council of Europe’s Committee on the Prevention of Torture). Prof. A. Siniscalco made a presentation on Asylum, Immigration and Integration of Migrants, and Visa/border Control in the EU. Prof. S. Spiga (University of Annaba - Algeria) spoke about Migrants (University of Genoa), while another contribution was made by the well-known Moroccan Academic and a keynote speaker at a number of EMUNI events, Prof. A. Sedjari (University of Rabat - Morocco). The President of EMUNI spoke about the European Neighbourhood; the Mediterranean Perspective. President Mifsud also had meetings with Prof. Palumbo and with the Rector of the University of Genoa and it was agreed to hold a joint event on the Middle East issues in Genoa in the near future. President Mifsud also invited the Rector of Genoa to attend the General Assembly of EMUNI in Lisbon in November. The President also met with all the doctoral students with a general discussion about future initiatives that can be taken by EMUNI in their regard. Euro-Mediterranean University
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Prof. Mifsud attends a Reception in Honour of the Palestinian President at the Secretariat of the UfM Barcelona, Spain, 20 July Prof. Joseph Mifsud attended a visit of the President of the National Palestinian Authority, H.E. Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, to the headquarters of the Union for the Mediterranean’s Secretariat in Barcelona. The Secretary General of the UfM, H.E. Mr. Youssef Amrani, welcomed the Palestinian President and introduced the five Deputies Secretaries Generals and the Egyptian Co-President to him and to his delegation. After that, a briefing meeting took place between the UfM Staff and its partnership -among them, the EMUNI University - and the Palestinian delegation. The Secretary General took this opportunity to brief the President on UfM Secretariat, its different divisions and the projects which are being currently developed. Especially, he highlighted the building of a Desalination Facility for the Gaza Strip, the first project to be “labeled” by the UfM last June which will have a direct impact on the lives of millions in the middle east and not only in Gaza. The President gave a short speech to reiterate the support of the Palestinian Authority to the Union for the Mediterranean’s ideals and partnership and its continued efforts to promote joint projects in the region. Furthermore, he showed the support and engagement of the Palestinian Government for the implementation of the Gaza Desalination Project.
Prof. Ilan Chet, Deputy Secretary General for Higher Education and Research, explained the projects studied by the division, such as several Master and Ph.D. programmes, promoted together with the EMUNI University. EMUNI invited Ms. Núria Jové, Professional Assistant in the UfMs Division of Higher Education and Research Portorož, Slovenia, 25 July EMUNI invited Ms. Núria Jové, professional assistant in the secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean, to visit its premises in Portorož, to meet its staff members and to learn more about its daily functioning and developed programmes. From her side, Ms. Jové, who is working in the Division of Higher Education and Research, currently headed by Prof. Ilan Chet, delivered a lecture about the aims, the creation and the evolution of the Union for the Mediterranean
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and, particularly, about establishment of the Secretariat located in Barcelona. She clarified its structure according to the six UfM priority areas and explained its central mission based in the identification, promotion and coordination of regional, sub-regional and transnational projects within the UfM countries.
Furthermore, she gave details about the submission of several concrete projects, such as the Desalination Facility for the Gaza Strip recently approved by the Seniors Officials Meeting, stressing the Master and PhD study programmes, which are nowadays promoted by EMUNI together with the Higher Education and Research Division. Successful completion of the first international summer school: “Books as knowledge transmission tool: gender literature and history observed from the sea in the Mediterranean area” Catania, Italy, 25 July The University of Catania took part in the EMUNI call for the second edition of the EMUNI Research Souk on the topic “Living together in a multicultural society”. The specific theme chosen was Literature as one of the most important elements in order to reach a mutual cultural exchange among the Mediterranean countries, which are geographically near but far apart from an intellectual point of view. Therefore ‘dialogue’ is a key word in order to assure a real cultural development and overcome the gender and national frontiers in a multicultural society. The title of the International Summer school was “Books as knowledge transmission tool: gender literature and history observed from the sea in the Mediterranean area”. Eighteen students from Tunisia and Italy took part in the two weeks of lectures, round tables and social activities, benefiting both, academically and culturally. The lectures and round tables were held by fourteen professors from France, Portugal, Italy, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia and Palestine. After an initial analysis of the historical evolution of the Mediterranean Basin, the focus was on the intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean area, examining also the political and economic relations among the various countries. The first round table’s focus was on ‘Global History’ and the relevant topic was the Mediterranean literature, the second one on ‘Gender Literature’ analyzed the feminine point of view. The students were involved in all the activities in a dynamic way and worked in teams. Euro-Mediterranean University
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4.6 August 2011 Visit to the University of Haifa, Israel Haifa, Israel, 2 August The President of EMUNI had an intensive trip to Israel between the 26th and 30th of July to discuss bilateral issues between EMUNI and one of the founder members of EMUNI, the University of Haifa. During his visit President Mifsud had the opportunity of meeting with Aaran Ben-Ze-Ev, his host, the Rector David Faraggi, a senate member of EMUNI, and the Vice President of Haifa University, Prof. Batia Laufer. The meetings were also attended by Prof. Juan Maria Vazquez Rojas, a member of the Study Affairs Commission of EMUNI and Vice President of the University of Murcia. Together they had meetings at the School of Marine Sciences, the Department of Neurobiology and Ethology, the Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences. Further meetings were also held with Prof. Avram Ben Zvi, Head of the Executive Programme for Negotiations and Decision Making, Prof. Eran Vigoda Gadt, Head of School of Political Sciences, Prof. Benny Miller, Division of International Relations. In Israel, the President of EMUNI and the Rector of the University of Haifa also presented certificates to the participants of the Underwater Geoarcheology School, taking place in Caeserea, under the leadership of Dr. Beverly Goodman. Other important meetings were organised with the Graduate School of Creative Arts therapies at the Hechts Arts Centre and in the center for learning disabilities programme. President Mifsud and Prof. Vazquez also met with Mr. Yona Yahav, the Mayor of Haifa, who is also a key member of ARLEM, to which EMUNI acts as a keynote partner. A possibility of an EMUNI site in Israel was discussed with both the Mayor and Prof. Faraggi. Amongst the initiatives taken during this visit were those on the idea of joint degrees and also of setting up a course in Regional Diplomacy in Haifa. EMUNI also subscribed to the Centre of Excellence, which the University of Haifa is setting up in the Galilee.
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EMUNI in the 1st Middle East Friendship Camp in Greece Thessaloniki, Greece, 10 - 20 August EMUNI participated in the 1st Middle East Friendship Camp from 10 to 20 of August organized by Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece. 68 students from the Mediterranean countries (Tunisia, Iraq, Turkey, Spain, Israel and Greece) had the opportunity to meet, share ideas and engage in workshops with the aim of creating and presenting a thematic projects in Arts and Sciences. Each university was represented by 8 students and accompanied by one faculty member. All groups took part in the following workshops: Architecture, Fine Arts, Archeology, Environmental Sciences and Political Sciences. Prof. Dr Touhami Abdouli represented EMUNI and supervised the students team.
Meeting at the Parliament of Malta on EuroMed Relations Malta, 24 August A meeting was held at the Parliament in Malta between Hon. Michael Frendo, speaker of the House of Representatives of Malta, Gianni Pittella, the First Vice President of the EU Parliament, Joseph Mifsud, President of EMUNI, and Dr. Julian Vassallo, Head of the EU Parliament Office in Valletta. The themes of discussion centred on the Arab Spring, the evolving situation in Libya and a number of initiatives that can be taken by the three institutions together in capacity building and the democratic reconstruction of Mediterranean societies. The President of EMUNI offered the support of academic institutions for the immediate inclusion of Libyan academics and institutions in the rebuilding of countries after the Arab Spring. Other themes developed focused on seminars and courses to be offered by EMUNI in 2012.
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September 2011 2nd UNAOC Summer School: Bridging Hearts, Opening Minds and Doing Things Together Lisbon, Portugal, 28 August - 3 September The 2nd Summer School of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations was held at the University of Lisbon between 28 August and 3 September. About 100 young people from 43 countries, such as Afghanistan, USA, Spain, Bulgaria, Egypt, India, Israel and Peru, attended a week-long course. The participants were mostly students, representatives or members of youth organizations and young people engaged in community, social, civic or political activities.
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The Summer School provided the participants with knowledge in the strengthening of individual and organisational capacities and skills for youth participation in intercultural dialogue and cooperation and youth leadership in promoting peace and defusing tensions, acquaintance with the framework of the UNAOC initiative, and reinforcement of the possibilities for co-operation and dialogue between societies of the UNAOC member countries. The course also represented a practical follow-up and the implementation of some of the outcomes of the Forums of the AOC held in 2008, 2009 and 2010, in particular of its Youth Programming. It aimed to facilitate the development of concrete projects contributing to the objectives of the UNAOC. President Joseph Mifsud was a speaker in a discussion entitled “The role of education in shaping the leaders of the future”. He also awarded the certificates in the closing ceremony. Several other issues, such as further cooperation and involvement of EMUNI in future projects, were also discussed. EMUNI Meets the University of Foggia Portorož, Slovenia, 6 September The EMUNI University hosted Ms. Maria Civarella, an officer from the Department of International Relations at the University of Foggia (Italy) under the Erasmus Mobility programme. During Ms. Civarella’s visit several inter department meetings have been held at EMUNI premises. Ms. Civarella presented the University of Foggia and introduced possibilities for cooperation between the universities. The University of Foggia has been established in 1999. The University is managed by Rector Prof. Giuliano Volpe, together with the Academic Senate and the Board of Administration. Despite being the youngest university in Italy, it consists of 6 Faculties and 12 Departments, such as the Faculty of Agriculture, Medicine and Surgery, Economics, Law, Humanities, Science of Education. XVII General Council of the Compostela Group of Universities Braga, Portugal, 9 - 11 September The President of EMUNI participated in the XVII General Council of the Compostela Group, which was held at the University of Minho. During this general conference, EMUNI was admitted as a full member at the meeting of the General Council. EMUNI was given the platform during the meeting to explain various activities, in which it is involved. In particular a presentation was made of the EMUNI ENPI project to all delegates present for the conference. A specific session was also held on EMUNI – Compostela’s Group of Universities joint collaboration in the Mediterranean. At the seminar, held during the General Assembly, two specific presentations were made on ‘Quality Assessment and Quality Enhancement’ by Prof. Alberto Manuel Castro Amaral, Director of the Centre for Research in Higher Educational Policies of Portugal, and on Cost Efficiency and Quality assurance by Prof. Ron Tuninga, Honorary Chair Faculty Assessors at the AMBA. During the conference the President of EMUNI had the opportunity to discuss bilateral projects with the Rectors and Vice Rectors of the University of Minho, the University of Santiago de Compostela, the University of Oulu, Finland, where the next CGU meeting will be organised. Other
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meetings were held with University representatives of Cadiz, Poznan, Karlstadt, and other EU Universities, interested in joining EMUNI. This year the Compostela Prize was awarded to Mrs. Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the EU Commission and European Digital Agenda Commissioner. Rector Maurits Van Rooijen of Nyenrode University was elected for the second term as president of the Compostela Group. EMUNI Postgraduate Programme approved by the UfM and formally given UfM Label Barcelona, Spain, 14 – 15 September During the Union for the Mediterranean Senior Officials' meeting which represents formally the 43 member states of the Union, together with other representatives, such as those coming from the European Commission, ARLEM, the European Investment Bank and others, Prof. Ilan Chet, Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean in charge of Higher Education, Science and Technology, with the support of the President of EMUNI, Joseph Mifsud, presented the agreed agenda of EMUNI projects after the EMUNI Senate held in Barcellona earlier this year. EMUNI Master Programmes and Ph.D. Programmes were approved as UfM official projects after an intensive debate amongst the SOM representatives.
Secretary General of the UfM, Youssef Amrani and the senior Deputy Secretary General, Lino Caldarelli took a strong supporting position alongside the President of EMUNI and Prof. Ilan Chet. This support also came from a number of UfM countries such as Jordan, Tunisia, Croatia, the Netherlands, Turkey, Finland, Israel, Spain and of course, the EMUNI host country, Slovenia. Particular support was also given by the outgoing EU Presidency of Hungary and the current EU Presidency of Poland who referred to having checked with their Ministries of Higher Education who fully support EMUNI in its quests and its Euro-Mediterranean University
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objectives. The Rectors' Conference of Poland has specifically requested a presentation on these objectives during its annual meeting to be held in Poznan (at the site of one of the EMUNI members of Senate). With the UfM label, EMUNI with the support of Prof. Chet, the European Parliament and the partner institutions will also be looking for National and corporate financing to fulfil its academic and student obligations. Monitoring of the projects will take place every semester to discuss progress and challenges to the awarding of the label. EMUNI would like to thank everybody for its support to this great achievement, as the University which has launched its first programme in aid of the changes taking place both within Europe and beyond in the sphere of the Union for the Mediterranean. International Forum on Democratic Transitions and Constitutional Processes in the Arab World Rabat, Morocco, 16 – 17 September EMUNI was invited to partecipate in the forum organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development of the Kingdom of Morocco to discuss democratic transitions and constitutional processes. Around one hundred participants coming from Libya, Portugal Morocco, the EU Parliament, France, Tunisia, Spain, Jordan, Germany, the USA, Hungary, Mauritania and Austria. Speakers included Mr. Taib Fassi Fihri, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco, Mr. Bernardino Leon, EU Special Representative for the Southern Mediterranean Region, Mr. Louiz Amado, former Foreign Minister of Portugal, and Mr. Gilles Pargneaux, Member of the EU Parliament. A particular strong presentation was made by the Libyan academic, Fouzia Salem El Ghait on development and reform. The think tank event discussed various issues ranging from security to constitutional reforms. Debate also centred around higher education, science and technology. EMUNI had a number of meetings on the margins of the conference with the delegations from Tunisia, Jordan and from the National Transition Council of Libya. Present for the meeting was also the Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean, Youssef Amrani who shared his vision of how human development should be at the basis of all reform within the ‘Arab Spring' concept.
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Various journalists from around the Arab World were present for the event, who also took the opinion of EMUNI on the current situation and the challenges present for a young and evolving IT literate student population. Le Monde, in its International section, on the 20th September (page 7) carried a full report on the event authored by Isabelle Mandraud with the title: A deux mois des legislatives, le Maroc se pose en ‘modele' pur le monde arabe'. Present and Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Bari, Italy, 20 – 25 September Festa Nazionale dell'Economia e del Lavoro - Mediterraneo: Mare di svilippo per il lavoro, per la crescita The President of EMUNI, Joseph Mifsud participated in this well attended open air event in Bari together with Prof. Virgilio Dastoli, (President of the council of the Italian European Movement, Dr. Cosimo Lacirignola, the director of the Agronomic Institute of the Mediterranean (Ciheam), with Giacomo Filibeck, International Secretary of the Democratic Party in Italy and in Europe. The debate was chaired by Prof. Patrizia Calafato of the University of Bari, another partner member of EMUNI.
The debate centred around initiatives that European member states can take within the Euro-Med region and on the role that EMUNi and the proposal of an ‘Erasmus' style programme can have on the north-south, south-north and south-south mobility that can be constructed. The speakers in particular focused on the role that Emuni can have in this field. A special presentation of the ENPI project was made during this event, with details of how students, academics, institutions and corporate partners can be involved in the strategic mission of EMUNI within the UfM. Euro-Mediterranean University
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EMUNI at the CAMPUS MARE NOSTRUM Official Academic Year Opening Cartagena, Spain, 22 September Prof. Josef Mifsud, President of EMUNI, took part in the 2011 official academic year opening event at Campus Mare Nostrum. This ceremony opens the academic year for the two public universities in the Region of Murcia: the Polytechnic University of Cartagena and the University of Murcia. The event was attended by 600 + guests and was chaired by Mr. Ramón Luis Valcárcel, President of the Regional Government of Murcia.
The event featured an inaugural lecture given by Mr. Edelmiro Rúa Álvarez entitled Civil Engineering: past and future. Mr. Rúa Ávarez is the President of the Spanish Board of Practising Civil Engineers. The Rectors of the University of Murcia, Prof. José Antonio Cobacho, and the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, which hosted the event, Prof. Félix Faura, took the floor and went through some of the achievements of the past academic year and the challenges for the new 2011-2012 year.
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Researchers' Night 2011: Science Dissemination Target the Youth Murcia, Spain, 23 September The Researchers' night took place September 23 at the Cuartel de Artillería de Murcia, a former army headquarters downtown, now premises of the University of Murcia. The Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide event bringing together the public at large and researchers once a year on the fourth Friday of September. This year it took place in over 800 venues of 320 European cities in 32 countries. This year CAMPUS MARE NOSTRUM held a wide array of events, including workshops, science projects and interactive exhibitions. EMUNI played an important role in this event by disseminating information on its activities and fostering an in-depth understanding of Higher Education across the Mediterranean. At the event EMUNI was represented by Denis Čurčić who had the opportunity to present the range of actions that EMUNI has been implementing.
Virtual Campus with University of Murcia In 2012 EMUNI University plans to create a virtual campus between University of Murcia and EMUNI, which will in one spot connect students and universities to different resources online.
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5. EMUNI FOUNDATION The Euro-Mediterranean University Foundation - EMUNI Foundation seeks financial and wider international support for the EMUNI University. Established in August 2008, it raises financial resources for the development and operation of the EMUNI University and supports the university by promoting it in the international community.
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EMUNI Foundation was founded in 2008 with a main objective to obtain funds for the operation of the EMUNI University, alongside the aim of promoting dialogues on art, society, and politics in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
EMUNI Foundation mainly provides support to the implementation of study programmes and scholarships for students and seeks support for the EMUNI project on the local and international level. Support for the Foundation was received from the State of Kuwait and several companies based in Slovenia. Between 2008-2011 the Foundation has provided an approximate amount of 500 000,00 EUR for the activities of the EMUNI University. The Foundation is governed by the Management Board. It also has an Honorary Board, currently composed of Tayyip Recep Erdogan, the Prime Minister of Turkey, Hans Gert Pöttering, former President of the European Parliament and Mr Amre Moussa, the former Secretary General of the Arab League. In the academic year 2010/2011 EMUNI Foundation finances the development of new EMUNI University study programmes, EMUNI “label” study programmes and supports the mobility of students and professors in the EuroMediterranean within the EMUNI Summer School courses.
EMUNI Foundation projects EMUNI Talks In 2010 EMUNI Foundation started with the organisation of EMUNI Talks, a series of lectures and conferences on the most pertinent topics in the region. The series aims to offer a space for discussing the social, political and cultural concerns that affect the different communities and states in this region.
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7. APPENDIX A List of members of the EMUNI General Assembly 2010
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Members of the General Assembly 2010 Co-Chair: Prof. Dr. Ugur Erdener Co-Chair: Prof. Dr. Ahmed Noureddine Helal 179 Institutions from 38 countries • Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, ASRT, Egypt • ACAM- Association pour la culture et les arts méditerraneans, Tunisia • Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland • Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco • Al al-Bayt University, Jordan • Al-Azhar University, Palestinian Authority • Al-Balqà Applied University, Jordan • Alexandria University, Egypt • Al-Manar University, Lebanon • Al-Quds University, Palestinian Authority • Andrássy Gyula German Speaking University, Hungary • An-Najah National University, Palestinian Authority • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece • Beirut Arab University, Lebanon • Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel • Birzeit University, Palestinian Authority • CEEUN - Transition Studies World Research Network, Italy • CESMO - Center for Middle-Estern Strategic Studies , Lebanon • CMU - Community of Mediterranean Universities, Italy • College of Enterprise and Administration, Poland • College of Nursing Jesenice, Slovenia • Compostela Group of Universities, Spain • Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary • Çukurova University, Turkey • Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus • Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Romania • Ege University, Turkey • ENSA - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture (Ex.EPAU), Algeria • Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary • Erasmus Hogeschool Brussel, Belgium • ESU - European Students' Union, Belgium • EURASHE - European Association of Institutions in Higher Education, Belgium • Euro-Arabic Educational Network Zenith, France • European Forest Institute, Finland • European Forum at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel • European Institute of the Mediterranean, Spain • European University Cyprus, Cyprus • Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management (University Business Academy), Serbia • Galilee International Management Institute, Israel • Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations, Switzerland Euro-Mediterranean University
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• "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania • Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany • GSG - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies, Slovenia • Hacettepe University, Turkey • Hanze University Groningen, University of applied Sciences, Netherlands • Hashemite University, Jordan • Heliopolis University, Egypt • IEP - Institut d'études politiques de Lille , France • IMRI - Moroccan Institute for International Relations, Morocco • Institut d'études politiques d'Aix-en-Provence, France • Institute of Strategic Studies and International Affairs (IEEI), Portugal • Institute of the Middle East and Far East Studies, Poland • Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples (University of Padua), Italy • International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia • International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Italy • ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute , Portugal • Islamic University of Gaza, Palestinian Authority • ISM - International School of Management , Germany • ISSEA - Politecnico di studi aziendali, Universita' privata a distanza, Switzerland • Istanbul Technical University, Turkey • IULM - Libera Universita' di lingue e comunicazione, Italy • John Cabot University, Italy • Jordan University of Science and Technology - JUST, Jordan • Klaipèda University, Lithuania • Kore University of Enna, Italy • Lebanese International University, Lebanon • Manouba University, Tunisia • Maria Sklodowska-Curie University, Poland • Masaryk University, Czech Republic • Mediterranean University of Albania, Albania • MED-NET (The Mediterranean Network of Student Representatives), Malta • Middle East Technical University , Turkey • Modern University for Business & Science (M.U.B.S.), Lebanon • MOPS - Mediterranean Organization for Promotion and Science, Norway • Moulay Ismail University in Mekness, Morocco • MRP- Mediterranean Renaissance Program (IGU- International Geographical Union), Italy • Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania • North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, Portugal • Notre Dame University - Louaize, Lebanon • Nyenrode Business Universiteit, Netherlands • Odysseus Academic Network, Belgium • Open University of Catalonia, Spain • Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania • Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic • Peace Institute, Slovenia • PEACE Programme (Programme for Palestinian European Academic Cooperation in Education), France Euro-Mediterranean University
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• Petre Andrei University of Iaşi, Romania • Pharos University in Alexandria, Egypt • Philadelphia University, Jordan • Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Spain • Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan • RMEI (Réseau Méditerranéen des Ecoles d'Ingénieurs), France • Roma Tre University, Italy • Rovira i Virgili University, Spain • Ruppin Academic Center, Israel • Saint Joseph University, Lebanon • SCE, Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel • School of Advanced Studies in Nova Gorica, Slovenia • Scientific Research Centre - SASA, Slovenia • SEDEIC Consortium, Malta • Senghor Univeristy, Egypt • SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies, Italy • Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria • State University of Novi Pazar, Serbia • Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland • UHI Millennium Institute, Uk • ULB- Université Libre De Bruxelles, Belgium • UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union, Italy • Univeristy Institute of European Studies, Spain • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain • Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France • Université de la Méditerranée-Aix Marseille-II, France • Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France • Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD), France • Université de Poitiers, France • Université Montpellier I, France • Université Paris 8 Vincennés-Saint-Dénis, France • Université Paris-Est, France • Université Paul Cézanne - Aix - Marseille 3, France • University Cadi Ayyad, Morocco • University Center for Euro-Mediterranean Studies (Center EMUNI), Slovenia • University Fernando Pessoa, Portugal • University for foreigners of Perugia, Italy • University Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France • University Mediterranean Podgorica, Montenegro • University of Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Morocco • University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Romania • University of Aleppo, Syria • University of Aveiro, Portugal • University of Cadiz, Spain • University of Calabria, Italy • University of Catania, Italy • University of Coimbra, Portugal • University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Euro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011
• University of East Anglia, United Kingdom • University of Foggia, Italy • University of Gabès , Tunisia • University of Genoa, Italy • University of Girona, Spain • University of Graz, Austria • University of Haifa, Israel • University of Kavala, Institute of Technology, Greece • University of Lisbon, Portugal • University of Maribor , Slovenia • University of Mohammed V - Agdal - Rabat, Morocco • University of Montenegro, Montenegro • University of Murcia, Spain • University of Naples "L'Orientale", Italy • University of Nicosia, Cyprus • University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia • University of Palermo, Italy • University of Pannonia, Hungary • University of Pavia, Italy • University of Pécs, Hungary • University of Perugia, Italy • University of Porto, Portugal • University of Prešov, Slovak Republic • University of Primorska, Slovenia • University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (Program SGS-School of Global Studies), Italy • University of Salerno - Faculty of Political Science, Italy • University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina • University of Sousse, Tunisia • University of Szczecin, Poland • University of Szeged, Hungary • University of Teramo, Italy • University of the Aegean, Greece • University of the Algarve, Portugal • University of Trieste, Italy • University of Tunis, Tunisia • University of Udine, Italy • University of Urbino "Carlo Bo", Italy • University of Westminster, Uk • University of Zadar, Croatia • University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah , Morocco • Virtual University of Tunis, Tunisia • Wadi International University, Syria • Western Galilee College, Israel • Zefat Academic College, Israel • Zrinyi Miklos National Defence University, Hungary
Euro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011
Euro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011
Euro-Mediterranean University
Evro-sredozemska univerza Università Euro-Mediterranea Euro-Mediterranean University Université Euro-Méditerranéenne Sončna pot 20 6320 Portorož Slovenia +386 59 25 00 50 +386 59 25 00 54
Evro-sredozemska univerzitetna ustanova Fondazione universitaria Euro-Mediterranea Euro-Mediterranean University Foundation Fondation universitaire Euro- Méditerranéenne +386 5 671 36 07
Union for the Mediterranean All included information is of informative nature. We hold the right to changes. The most recent information can be found at
Euro-Mediterranean University
Report 2011
Euro-Mediterranean University portoro탑-piran Slovenia Euro-Mediterranean University