IUAV fall 2010

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Post graduate European master in Urbanism_EMU TU Delft UPC Barcelona KU Leuven IUAV Venezia

Department of Urbanism, UniversitĂ IUAV Venezia

Department of Urbanism, UniversitĂ IUAV Venezia

Fall Semester, UniversitĂ IUAV Venezia

Fall semester 2010-2011 Situations and scenarios

Key issue Approach

Territories of Dispersion research/design through description and scenarios

Site: European territories of dispersion Studio guidance: Bernardo Secchi, Paola Viganò The design studio will reflect on research/design through description and scenarios for the European territories of dispersion and metropolitan conditions taken as reference to define more general scenarios for future territories.

design studio

situations, scenarios 15 ECTS Bernardo Secchi, Paola Viganò teaching assistant Emanuel Giannotti seminar The GIS in the territorial project and 3D design Silvia della Costa, Lorenzo Fabian

knowledge fields

forms of knowledge, forms of rationality: the scenario construction 3 ECTS Paola Pellegrini

instruments of design

the project as knowledge producer 3 ECTS Paola Viganò

techniques of production of cities and territories mobility and territories of dispersion 3 ECTS Agostino Cappelli

landscape ecology and urban systems 3 ECTS Sybrand Tjallingii, Giambattista Zaccariotto

tools of representation

intensified visions: technique and the art of photography 3 ECTS Guido Guidi Department of Urbanism - EMU Badoer, room B II floor/ room D III floor, Venice end September 2010 - January 2011

design studio situations, scenarios 15 ECTS Bernardo Secchi Paola Viganò teaching assistant Emanuel Giannotti

In the contemporary city and territory it is possible to recognize many different and new situations in which two main tendencies are represented: the transformation of the modern city on one side, and a true innovation on the other. Exploring these situations by means of an analytical “elementaristic� approach to the design is a way to have a deep knowledge of those situations and of the territories of the new modernity; building scenarios for the same situations is a way to explore the potentialities eventually embedded in each of them and finally in the contemporary city. The Italian territories of dispersion, deeply investigated in the last years, are taken as a reference for comparison with other cases. The hypothesis that leads the studio is that these territories are today facing a strong mutation. We can recognize signals of what is happening in a series of paradoxes that are appearing on the surface affecting the physical space.

design studio situations, scenarios

5 paradoxes how the territories of dispersion are changing

1 the paradox water 2 the paradox of isotropy they show the difficulty to go back to some common choices, mainly related to the theme of infrastructure, after decades of individual decisions. 3 the paradox of agriculture it shows the banalisation of the still biggest part of the dispersion. 4 the paradox of mixitĂŠ it shows the resistance against the mixed use model of the diffused economy. 5 the paradox of the public space These and other paradoxes will be inquired through descriptions and scenarios, not considering the continuity of the actual trends, but making the hypothesis of a point of fracture. The emerging paradoxes reveal a crises of the idea of the territory as infrastructure. Through the water network and the road system we can read different processes of rationalization, occurred in different periods and following different ideologies. We can also understand the shifts between their structure and the actual use of the territory. Descriptions and scenarios will look at the water network and the road system to understand the ways in which they have been, will and might be shared or conflictual resources; looking for new representations of the territory as infrastructure.

design studio situations, scenarios

lectures Three histories for the XXth century city Bernardo Secchi

The first history is the history of a double anguish: of a city that is growing without any control, of a metropolis that is becoming a megalopolis, missing its measure, outside any individual and collective experience and of the anguish of the dissolution of the city and of the concept of the city. The anguish for the disappearance of this magic place, dispersed in territories of an unusual dimension, taking forms that it is difficult to recognize and understand. The second history is one of a great intellectual generation, a part of which did the experience of the IWW and was dominated by the idea that the project of the city is a part of a broader design of a new society. An idea rooted in the different utopias that since the antiquity accompany the western culture, but specifically rooted in the horrible experience of the first world war and in the expectations of a radical change of the European and western society after the same war. The third is the history of a patient research of the physical and practical dimensions of the individual and collective welfare; firstly by the “moralization” of the XVIIIth and XIXth century city and after trying to build a new living space in which the main individual and collective needs and wishes had the possibility to be represented. It is the history of the slow modification of the indoor living space and of its equipments, of a slow modification of its relations with the outdoor space; of the modification of the many devices that build the space “in between”, between the public space and the private one; it is the history of nurseries, schools, hospitals, sport fields and everything entered since the thirties, but especially after the second world war, in every political program for the social welfare.

design studio situations, scenarios

seminar New scenarios for the postcommunism diffused territory: Saint Petersburg October 2010

Nowadays Saint-Petersburg undergoes intricate and rather uncontrolled process of transformation from its socialist past to the capitalist future. This process besides the opportunities it has to offer has generated number of inevitable challenges: both at the scale of urban environment and at the level of urban consciousness. Structured and efficient, yet totally artificial urban system that the city has inherited from its imperial and soviet past once exposed to the capitalist mode of production immediately revealed contradictions that exist between the two systems. Contemporary city nowadays faces problems ranging from deterioration of urban infrastructure, ecological degradation and scarce public transportation to the issues of urban sprawl, preservation of cultural heritage and budget deficit, to name the few. These problems, however, when addressed by subjects of urban process, are considered as isolated elements resulting in misunderstandings of their nature and in general failure of strategising an approach to the city as to the coherent whole. The workshop offers a complex and global vision of a territory with a very rich and complicated historical, natural and cultural subtext. The organizers aim to start a comparative discussion on such questions as ecology, territorial dispersion, natural resources, public spaces, infrastructure, soviet architecture, sustainability, through scenarios and multi disciplinary approach for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region.

design studio situations, scenarios

seminar Silvia della Costa, Lorenzo Fabian The GIS in the territorial project and 3D design

The aim of the seminar is to give the basic knowledge to manage and process plans and territorial maps. The aim will be pursued through a practical seminar where some graphic exercises and statistic analysis will be developed and some geographically referenced data will be managed. The program is focused on practical exercises of mapping, monitoring, modeling and visualization using geographic information technologies such as GIS, image processing tools, simulation tools and spatial multimedia to manipulate and analyze geographically referenced data. In addition to these excercises some knowledge of 3D design will be given.

knowledge fields forms of knowledge, forms of rationality 3 ECTS Paola Pellegrini

The module is conceived in the form of short seminars held by different lecturers. The forms of rationality that support and legitimize the production of urban-spatial plans and projects is the focus of the program in an international historical perspective, from the scientific rationality to the communicative rationality. The discussion of each form of rationality implies a reflection not only about the epistemic properties of the plan (and of the survey for/in/about the plan, and, more generally, about the argumentative or demonstrative analytical and interpretative “materials” that, in an implicit or explicit way, frame plans and projects), but also on the pragmatic rationality (uses of plans, meanings of the intentionality, process management, etc.) and social rationality (images of the society, the urban, the territory, the “modernity”). Each form of rationality is obviously strongly affected by the perception of what is knowledge, who is legitimate to produce it and how. Some lectures will discuss the connection between forms of rationality and forms of knowledge (expert, technical, ordinary, interactive), and the relationship with different typologies of public choice. All this points will be mainly discussed with reference to the question and practice of production of scenarios and, more generally, to the question of the “future” in urban planning.

instruments of design the project as knowledge producer 3 ECTS Paola Viganò

- a space of description: the project as a reading tool of contemporary cities and territories. An analytic and elementaristic approach. - a space of hypothesis: the project as a collection of hypothesis on the future of contemporary cities and territories. The technique of scenarios.

techniques of production of cities and territories mobility and territories of diffusion 3 ECTS Agostino Cappelli

The aim of the course is to introduce to the mobility problem in strong relation with the studio issues. How the “città diffusa” can be an experimental filed for new mobility techniques? What may be the role of public transport in a diffuse urban condition? Which models and pardigms structure the current debate about mobiity?

techniques of production of cities and territories

landscape ecology and urban systems 3 ECTS Sybrand Tjallingii, Giambattista Zaccariotto

The aim of the course is to introduce to the theories and the applications of the landscape ecology in strong relation with the studio issues. Among them: 1.Theories in landscape ecology (ecotones, percolation, metapopulation, source-sink systems). 2. Methods to evaluate and manage the urban systems by using the methods of landscape ecology. 3. Information theory, biosemiotics and eco-field as tools to approach the dynamics of the urban systems. 4. Metrics in landscape ecology. 5. Interactions between social systems and the spatial organization of urban systems.

tools of representation intensified visions: technique and the art of photography 3 ECTS Guido Guidi

Since its very beginning, photography has established a close relationship with the built environment and has actived a new manner of looking at the “intractable reality” of our world (to quote Roland Barthes’ words). The course will explore this evolving relationship over the 19th and 20th centuries promoting hand-on work in the field and the analysis of visual texts related to the modern city and its landscapes. The aim of the course is to overcome the traditional dichotomy between the technique and the art of photography, in search of the medium’s deeper ethos – what Laszlò Moholy-Nagy has called the “intensified vision” of the camera as a democratic and enriching tool of observation. The course will be held in the form of a workshop mainly on site, using the tool of photography to enrich and modify the traditional eye of th architect and urbanist. The students will be asked to produce and discuss their own photos work.

AfterKyoto Great Paris

Bernardo Secchi, Paola vigano’ IUAV, Doctorat en Urbanisme EMU European Master in Urbanism Michael Hadjistyllis, Birgit Hausleitner,Tiffiny Fleur Ellen Hodgson, Kuanchung Huang, Samira Khorram Shahy, Hamed Khosravi Al Hosseini,Takumi Kimura, Eleni Anna Kotsikou, Dong Won Lim, Ana Alejandra Rafful Hernandez, Kaveh Rashidzadeh, Makarand Salunke, Ivan Dario Solano Doncel, Karen Patricia Spezini Stanley, Evelyn van Houtte, Bruna Vendemmia, Wim Wambecq, Alexander Wandl, Qinyi Zhang

Fall Semester 2008-2009


les coupes sur le support topographique

coupes et mode d’utilisation du sol

cas d’étude en région parisienne

L’île de Lucifer

les propriétés de Lucifer


2.3 La métropole du XXI siècle de l’après-kyoto : scénario 2 vivre avec l’eau




jardin potagers




NoAuto CO2Neutral in the cittĂ diffusa

Fall Semester 2009-2010


CO2 Neutral Pipes and sponges as support for new woods

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