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111-1 Academic Year



01 - VOYAGE 綠洲 青灣山城 VILLA國際競圖 02 - AM‧PM 紙上住宅建築國際競圖 多功能永續與健康宅 03 - 「引」水思源

#Fishing Village #Sails

A quiet boat beside a mountain on Penghu Island provides a home for travelers.

Penghu was a historic fishing village; thus, sails play a vital role in Penghu and symbolize peace, rest, and growth. A quiet boat took the images, good-natured spirits and far away from the hustle and bustle, of the sails as its design concept.

When the sails unfurl, the rising sun, a perfect mixture of ocean and mountain, and the sea breeze create a cozy place for travelers.


漁村起家的澎湖,船帆扮演舉足輕重的角色,泊靠的船隻象徵歇息, 象徵醞釀,更象徵平安。

綠舟以泊靠的船帆為設計意象,它遠離塵囂,清新而脫俗,大帆一張 ,整個澎湖的山海精華盡納入麾下,朝日,山嵐,海風與沙,構築成樸 實而穩固的避風港。

Landscape Plan 景觀配置圖 各層平面圖 S= 1:100
駛 過 青 灣 綠 舟 v o
v o
y a g e
y a g e
Sail 船帆 Deck 甲板 Boat Lookout眺望臺 Boat 船 Cabin 船艙 Linden Hibiscus 黃槿 Crab Cactus 仙人掌 1.3~7 公尺 150~600cm 60~100cm 130~700cm 5~30 cm Blanket flower 天人菊 Glehnia littoralis Fr.Schmidt 濱防風 600~800 cm Fragrant Pittosporum 臺灣海棗

國際藝術村 金琥仙人掌花坊


大山砲臺古蹟地 青灣仙人掌區域 資料來源: 澎湖縣定古蹟馬公大山堡壘砲台調查研究

Historical Evolution Of The Site 基地歷史演變

201縣道 汽車 電動接駁車 人、電動車共用動線 停車場 資料來源: 民間參與澎湖青灣整建興建營運轉移 環境影響說明書 作者:專案小組 出版: 2022


1.全年的降雨日約95天 2.平均年降雨量僅約1000mm 3.年蒸發量可高達1600多毫米 4.供水系統:馬公白沙、西嶼、望安、七美 、吉貝等五大系統。

統計資料:1991-2021 S= 1/18000

台灣海峽 蒔里海域

風櫃(西、東)漁港 蒔里沙灘

澎湖海洋生物研究中心 (行政院農業委員會水產試驗所 澎湖海洋生物研究中心)

國小 漁港

仙人掌產業產銷中心 DIY教室、 大仙人掌花坊
作者: 楊仁江建築師事務所 出版: 2014 S= 1/18000 (2)小門遊憩 (1)北海遊客中心 (3)北寮奎壁山 地質公園 澎湖機場 馬公南海碼頭 鎖港碼頭 (7)澎湖遊客中心 (4)西嶼西臺 (6)澎湖 生活博物館 (8)望安 (10)七美遊憩區 (9)望安綠蠵龜觀光保育中心 七美鄉 望安鄉 60000 70000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 西嶼鄉 澎湖縣 桶盤嶼 湖西鄉 望安機場 七美南滬港 吉貝碼頭 後寮碼頭 赤崁碼頭 岐頭碼頭 白沙 吉貝嶼 目斗嶼 資料來源:臺灣百年地圖
S= 1/20000 (1868-1912年) S= 1/400000 (1868-1912年) S= 1/200000 (1868-1912年) S= 1/200000
客用(44) 大客車(10) 後勤 (11) 客用(41)
Master Entrance Circulation 主要出入口動線 Service Circulation 服務動線 Namespace 空間名稱 Living Room 客廳 Kitchen 廚房 Shower 淋浴間 Swimming Pool 泳池 Bedroom 臥室 Multipurpose Room 多用途室 Sunlight platform 日光平台 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2F Plan 二樓平面圖 S= 1:100 +0 -50 -150 +0 +0 -50 -150 +0 First Floor Plan 一樓平面圖 S= 1:100 Canvas tent material 帆布帳材料 RECASENS(綠卡森) service circulation pavement 服務動線鋪面 1. Basalt flagstones 玄武岩踏板 2. gravel paving 碎石鋪面 Pedestrian pavement 人行鋪面 1. Wood chips, sawdust 碎木塊、木屑
White Popinac
銀合歡碎木 3 1 2 1 2 4 3 4 Form development 量體發展 Rainwater Harvesting System 雨水收集系統 Canvas Shed 帆布棚 S= 1:1500 Canvas Shed 帆布棚 S= 1:1500 Structural Features 細部構造 Resource reuse 資源再應用
wood chips
Balcony 陽台
Bathroom 浴室
Section 剖面圖 S= 1:100 Sunlight platform 日光平台 Kitchen 廚房 & Swimming Pool 泳池
Main entrance主入口
Bedroom 臥室
Multipurpose Room 多用途室

Live on the roof, sleep in the cabin. AM

#Elderly #Food delivery

#Being with sunrise and sunset.

Eating is a language that everyone can communicate with. In Taiwan, whether it is a night market or an old street, different times and types of spaces are integrated. The gaps in the city will be filled by Taiwanese, just like living on rooftops and balconies. All of them are diverse and multifunctional.

With the beginning of the epidemic, the diet tends to be at home and delivery, and more and more young people are drifting north to the north for delivery work, but they lack a space for rest and transition in the field work, and they can properly keep their own means of transportation , while the other type of living tends to be aging and living alone, and this design tries to combine two different living habits with a base as a node, and combines Liaoning Old Street and night market.


It is a small night market in Taipei. It started in 1986 between Chang'an East Road and Zhulun Street. The entire night market is only about a few hundred meters long. It is famous for its Taiwan-style stir-fry and has many time-honored shops.

Nanjing Road 3 (Liaoning Street)

There are many old shops not seen on the map, such as shoe repair shops, buffets, beauty studios, etc., which are the main activity areas for residents in the area.

Liaoning residential area

The houses in this area are about 28-35 years old and mainly residential, but there are many small companies among them, and there are many different types of expatriates here.

Liaoning Street Night Market

Nanjing Road 3 (Liaoning Street)

Luzhou Night Market Sanhe Night Market Shi-Da Night Market Lehua Night Market Ximending Night Market Bangka Night Market Ningxia Road Night Market Raohe Street Tourist Night Market Linjiang Street Night Market Shilin Night Market Night Market Resident Delivery Person Delivery Area Bustling Area Stir Fry Dry Cleaners temple Temple Beauty Studio Barber Shop Church
Night Market

Being with sunrise and sunset

The living habits and time of delivery personnel and middle-aged and elderly people are completely different, and the rest time for delivery personnel is only in the fragmented time between orders, and the rest is used for work, so for the convenience of quick repair and waiting for orders , often only in the surrounding area of the residence, what if there is a space that can give them conversion and transition?

The life of the middle-aged and the elderly is simple. The daily itinerary is mostly stretching, eating three meals, communicating with neighbors, playing chess and dancing, and other social activities. The rest is waiting, and some people do handwork and snacks to share with those around them people, but most of them are waiting for time to pass, and what if there is a place that can provide them with better communication and support each other?

Food Delivery Person


Someone’s breakfast. Pricot kernel drink & Pork belly

Someone’s brunch. (Beef soup)

Someone’s snack. (pig’s blood rice pudding)

This is midnight snack. (Chinese omelette)

Someone’s Night snack. (Bubble tea & Stinky tofu)

Someone’s dinner. (Beef noodles)

Someone’s snack. (Oyster omelet)

On the street. (Taiwanese Bento Buffet)


Older Population Only 79% 91% 51% 50% An Elderly Population Resides Two elderly People Live Three or more Senior Citizens Live 66 37 50 2021 unit: % 2012 26 15 10 1 0.5 Average Working Hours Average age 26 years old Average Number Of Jobs unit: % unit: % 44% 10-19hr 28% 1-9hr 14% 20-29hr Only one 69% TWO 27% 9%-40hr+ 5%-35hr+ Three 4% MAN Female 84% 15% 15 45 Age
Your AM is my PM. AM+PM=ONE DAY
their own. Community dietary care for the elderly (boxed lunch)
5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00

About Living

Let′s eat on the roof!

Sharded Eat Multifunctional

With the epidemic and changes in social patterns, the trend of living alone and food delivery is increasing. In order to improve the dietary problems of the elderly living alone, the society originally used the elderly to share meals, but there is no space for them to use them. They can only deliver meals to each household. However, it consumes a lot of manpower and there is no space conversion for food delivery and food delivery personnel. Therefore, two people with different lifestyles are used to make up for it at the base.

After registering on the system, you can get one bed and one parking space as a personal space to rest. In addition, you can also enjoy spaces such as public bathrooms and shared kitchens.

There are also dry cleaners and storage areas on the first floor.

Two rooms are used as a module, and the space is focused on the lower size suitable for middle-aged and elderly people. There are four groups on the first floor. From the 3rd floor to the 6th floor is the living space for middle-aged and elderly people, and there are vegetable ladders on each floor Can be used as a meal delivery.


There are shared kitchens, small farms, and public toilets on the roof. In addition to residents and delivery personnel, there are also services such as local social welfare organiza tions providing meals for the elderly, and delivering meals to the elderly living alone around the local area. The sidewalk space on the ground floor is mostly used by cars and motorcycles, so the roof floor is provided to give people another open area for activities and communication.

LIVE Rest Park Delivery Cabin Park 1F Plan (18 bed)
delivery note & Storage area
How to redeem break hours by delivery person? Covid-19 Before & After EAT IN OUT unit: % 36 EAT 54 39 41 33 36 # Delivery Cabin Park # Eldery Living Space # Dumb Waiter # Shared Roof Assist social welfare behavior : Elderly meal delivery Assisted Environment : Clean, Adopt-a-Grow Eldery & Delivery Person When we live together! Stairlift Dumb waiter & Elevator Dry cleaners Dumb waiter & Elevator Dry cleaners Public parking area S=1:300 Eldery Living Space 4F Plan S=1:300 S=1:100 Part modulus diagram S=1:100 Part modulus diagram S=1:100





Elderly Living



Delivery cabin Park


特殊節日: 水道祭-3月22日的世界水資源日 當日會全區開放且會有學生所作的海報展覽進行水的介紹,主要會有中英語呈現,除了草山步道的全區步行運動外,戶外舞台還會幼兒園的學生表演,另外還會開放 小型放映區進行介紹。

(行程—三玉宮祈福→三角埔發電所介紹→草山步道→(回到三角埔發電所) →舞台表演)

全區配置圖 S=1:100 主要出入口 次要出入口 主要區域 次要區域 (地面層)參觀動線 (地表下)參觀動線




◎導覽—周遭學校學生 (會以不同語言進行介紹)




◎主要開放區域—六日的早上8:00-17:00開放 (以展覽及教育為主,為三角埔水力發電所及展覽空間,並提供小型停車 場和導覽行程。)

◎次要開放區域—一到日的早上8:00-17:00開放 (以服務性公共空間為主,裝水區、公共廁所及置物櫃,提供登山者及當 地居民使用)

D-D’剖面圖 S=1:100 A-A’剖面圖 S=1:100 E-E’剖面圖 S=1:100 F-F’剖面圖 S=1:100

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