ENA Connection May 2013

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the Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association


May 2013 Volume 37, Issue 5

Built to Last Future-Shaping and Inspiration from Leadership Conference in Fort Lauderdale Pages 26-47

Remembering Judith C. Kelleher: In Her Own Words Pages 6-7

ENA ELECTION SECTION Instructions and Candidate Profiles,  Pages 13-23



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Dates to Remember April 30, 2013 Deadline for mentor and mentee applications for the 2013-2014 Academy of Emergency Nursing EMINENCE Mentoring Program. Deadline to apply for 2014 Annual Conference Committee, International Delegate Review Committee and Resolutions Committee. May 14-15, 2013 “Day on the Hill” emergency nursing advocacy event, Washington, D.C.

ENA Exclusive Content PAGE 6 Remembering Judith C. Kelleher: In Her Own Words PAGE 9 Board Writes: Use Your ENA Lifelines PAGE 10 When to Use a Single Dose of Doxycycline After a Tick Bite PAGES 13 - 23 ENA Election Section with Candidate Profiles PAGES 26 - 47 Leadership Conference 2013 26 - 29   State and Chapter     Leaders Conference


Servant Leadership: It’s Our Obligation What is leadership? It is a process of influence. Any time you try to influence the thoughts and actions of others in either their personal or professional lives, you are engaging in leadership. I recently read a quote from Herb Kelleher, former CEO of Southwest Airlines, who said, ‘‘To be an excellent leader, you have to be a superb follower.’’ This is the definition of servant leadership. A servant leader is someone who serves by example, who listens to others and works to help others become successful. We may not all be formal leaders; however, all of us take on leadership roles at some point in our careers. Robert K. Greenleaf, a consultant, teacher and author, coined the term servant leader in an essay published in 1970. The following characteristics are viewed by Larry Spears, CEO of the Greenleaf Center for ServantLeadership, to be at the core of the servant-leadership approach:

38 - 39   IENR’s LC13    Poster Award Winners

1. A ctive listening: Pays attention to the needs of others and supports their decision-making.

40 - 45   Concurrent Sessions

2. E mpathy: Prioritizes understanding the needs of others and empathizing with them.

46 - 47   Leadership Conference   in Photos

Monthly Features PAGE 4 Free CE of the Month PAGE 4 Ask ENA PAGE 12 ENA Foundation PAGE 24 From the Academy of Emergency Nursing PAGE 25 Ready or Not?

JoAnn Lazarus, MSN, RN, CEN

3. H ealing: Works to help others resolve their problems, helps negotiate any conflicts that arise and develops a healing environment. 4. A wareness: Exercises a high level of emotional intelligence and self-awareness; views situations from an integrated holistic viewpoint.

8. S tewardship: Uses resources and staff wisely, helping and serving others with no focus on their own rewards. 9. C ommitment to the growth of others: Views others equally, sees value in everyone and attempts to maximize the strengths of each staff member. 10. B uilding community: Recognizes the value of staff experiencing a sense of community. Servant leaders lead through their active concern for the betterment of others. They have the courage to take bold steps and break new ground and invite others to join in. They are honest and humble and recognize their limitations and their need for others’ input and contributions. They care more about the fulfillment of the outcomes than about personal comfort, gain or glory. We as nursing professionals have an obligation to practice servant leadership. We can do this by sharing our own experiences and ideas with others to help them advance in their career and by reaching out to newer nurses with mentorship and encouragement. Servant leadership is not about the title; it is a reflection of values, motives, vision and focus. ENA is the perfect vehicle to help you accomplish servant leadership by providing you with leadership, mentoring, education and networking opportunities. Resources

5. P ersuasion: Uses firm, personal persuasion rather than coercive power to influence others.

Greenleaf, R.K. & Spears, L.C. (2002). Service leadership: A journey into the nature of legitimate power and greatness (25th anniversary ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press.

6. C onceptualization: Sees the big picture — beyond daily operations of the individual unit or department — to help others build a personal vision for long-term goals.

Hall, C. (2010, May 3). Southwest Airlines chief is flying high. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from http://articles.latimes.com/2010/ may/03/business/la-fi-southwest20100503-20

7. F oresight: Envisions the likely outcome of any situation and proactively endeavors to generate the best consequences.

Robert K. Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership. (n.d.). Home page. Retrieved from http://www.greenleaf.org/

Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association


Shift your attention to life-threatening allergic emergencies in the latest free continuing education course from ENA to you. William D. Hampton, DO, MA, BA, AS, presents ‘‘Anaphylaxis and Other Allergic Emergencies,’’ an interactive, care-based lecture from the 2012 ENA Annual Conference that’s worth 1.0 contact hour and offered free to you as an ENA member beginning May 1. Hampton covers the pathophysiology of allergic reactions, with a focus on the causes, epidemiology and treatment of anaphylaxis. It’s essential information to know as you work toward improving patient care and outcomes in your emergency department. To take this and other free CE courses available in Center for eLearning catalog: • Go to www.ena.org/freeCE, where you’ll log in as a member (or create an account). • Add desired courses to your cart and ‘‘check out’’ (courses are free for members only). • Proceed to your Personal Learning Page to start or complete any course for which you have registered or to print a certificate when you’re done. • To return to your Personal Learning Page at a later time, go to www.ena.org and find ‘‘Personal Learning Page’’ under the Courses & Education tab. Please be sure you are using the e-mail address associated with your membership when logging in. If you have questions about any free e-learning course or the checkout process, e-mail elearning@ena.org.

ENA Connection is published 11 times per year from January to December by: The Emergency Nurses Association 915 Lee Street Des Plaines, IL 60016-6569 and is distributed to members of the association as a direct benefit of membership. Copyright© 2013 by the Emergency Nurses Association. Printed in the U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at the Des Plaines, IL, Post Office and additional mailing offices.

Q: There is a rumor that ENPC is going to be phased out and PALS will be the only pediatric certification course in the future? Is this true? And a follow-up: Are those online courses for TNCC and others endorsed by ENA? — Linda from Michigan A: Thank you for the question. The Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course was revised in 2012. It is a comprehensive pediatric course which focuses on pediatric care and emergencies. ENPC and Trauma Nursing Core Course are courses that provide an overall depth that other courses do not. These courses are considered core content for the emergency nurse, as they cover many more illnesses than the scenarios of advanced life support. ENA intends to move forward

with these courses, enhancing their depth with online interactive, didactic material as well as face-toface skills testing and student discussion. The information provided by ENA courses is important to enhance the knowledge, skill and

Do you have a recent professional or educational success story you want to share about yourself or an ENA member colleague? Have you or another ENA member received a new degree, promotion or award? Tell us! Send an e-mail to connection@ena.org with the subject line “Members in Motion” so that we might share your exciting news with all 41,000-plus ENA members in ENA Connection. Be sure to include names, credentials and, if applicable, highresolution photos of the nurse(s) being recognized.

POSTMASTER: ­Send address changes to ENA Connection 915 Lee Street Des Plaines, IL 60016-6569 ISSN: 1534-2565 Fax: 847-460-4002 Website: www.ena.org E-mail: connection@ena.org

Member Services: 800-900-9659 Non-member subscriptions are available for $50 (USA) and $60 (foreign).

Editor in Chief: Amy Carpenter Aquino Assistant Editor: Josh Gaby Writer: Kendra Y. Mims Editorial Assistant: Renee Herrmann BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers: President: JoAnn Lazarus, MSN, RN, CEN President-elect: Deena Brecher, MSN, RN, APRN, ACNS-BC, CEN, CPEN

Secretary/Treasurer: Matthew F. Powers, MS, BSN, RN, MICP, CEN Immediate Past President: Gail Lenehan, EdD, MSN, RN, FAEN, FAAN Directors: Kathleen E. Carlson, MSN, RN, CEN, FAEN Ellen (Ellie) H. Encapera, RN, CEN Marylou Killian, DNP, RN, FNP-BC, CEN Michael D. Moon, MSN, RN, CNS-CC, CEN, FAEN Sally K. Snow, BSN, RN, CPEN, FAEN Joan Somes, PhD, MSN, RN, CEN, CPEN, FAEN Karen K. Wiley, MSN, RN, CEN Executive Director: Susan M. Hohenhaus, LPD, RN, CEN, FAEN

ability of nurses everywhere. ENA’s mission is to provide quality education globally to ensure safe practice and safe care. With regard to the second question, the only courses endorsed by ENA are products that come directly from ENA. ENA has not approved any online courses. Beware of courses you see on the Internet. These courses are not written by or approved by ENA. These courses give testimonials and easy ways to test for your verification card. It behooves one to ask some questions before buying: What are the requirements for the course? How does one test? How was the content developed? In all cases, if it looks too

What’s Your Question? Members are encouraged to use ‘‘Ask ENA’’ to ask questions about the organization and emergency nursing in general. Questions should be no longer than 200 words and will be referred to the appropriate ENA staff or department. Submission of a question does not guarantee publication. Questions may be edited for clarity or shortened for space. E-mail questions to connection@ena.org, fax to 847-4604005 or mail to ENA Connection, 915 Lee St., Des Plaines, IL 60016.

easy, it probably is not the comprehensive course that ENA has written. Do some investigating before you purchase. Many times, these sites offer a 100 percent money-back guarantee, but once they have your money, you may never receive the material or see your money again.

If you have questions regarding these courses, please call ENA at 800-900-9659 so we can help you find the right information to fit your needs. – Paula Karnick, Ph.D, ANP-BC, DPNP, Director of the Institute for

Board Activity Now Online Highlights from ENA Board of Directors meetings are published exclusively in the members-only section of the ENA website. Log on to www.ena.org each month to keep up with the latest happenings.

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Remembering Judith C. Kelleher, 1923-2013

In Judy’s Words


n a 1995 video interview conducted for ENA’s 25th anniversary, co-founder Judith C. Kelleher, MSN, RN, CEN, FAEN, who died Jan. 24 at age 89, shared her thoughts on the start of the organization and how far it has come. Looking back over the year you were president (1973-74), what stands out the most? The thing that stands out the most for me was helping to get the organization going. We had very little money. Our dues were $5 a year, and we wanted to get educational programs going, we wanted to communicate better, we wanted to network, we wanted to know what was going on in other areas of the country. What was going on with emergency nursing at that time? At the time, emergency nursing, or the emergency department, was considered a stepchild in the hospital organization. They referred to us as a losing department, or they didn’t even call us a department. The emergency room was a losing matter. They ignored us if they could. What did you learn during your year as president that ENA members might not know? I learned during my year as president that it takes a lot of dedication and work on all the nurses’ part to form an organization. It can’t be done by one person or two persons, you have to have the cooperation of a lot of nurses and we had that.

by a physician, and that didn’t set too well with me. So I met the doctor who had written the book at the door when he came out of his lecture, and I told him I was very unhappy with it. And he said, ‘Oh, well,

, CEN, ara Baldwin, RN Kelleher with Barb the 20th at , ter ap Ch io ENA of the San Anton 90. 19 g in Chicago in anniversary meetin

Do you have any early memories of what typifies the spirit of ENA? I think the thing that typifies ENA in those early years is that we began to speak out and speak up for emergency nursing, for emergency nursing education, for emergency nursing recognition, and educating some of the doctors that we were here and we were here to stay. I recall one incident when we were at a conference and I discovered that there had been a new book written, and the chapter in the book on emergency nursing was written by a physician who said that — and he should be nameless — he said emergency nurses should be interviewed, hired, oriented, evaluated and



we will change it.’ And I said, ‘Well, you can’t because it is written in stone, but when you have anything to say about

emergency nurses, ask emergency nurses.’ And I went home and I wrote the doctor who had written the chapter on emergency nursing, and it was a very short letter. It said, ‘Dear Ron, look what some S.O.B. wrote and signed your name to. Sincerely, Judy. P.S. I can’t believe you would think such as this.’ I sent that to the national office — by that time we were sharing with ACEP — and I got some very funny replies from them. They said everybody in the office was laughing like mad, and when the doctor I had written this to came in and read it, he said only Judy could say something like that and get away with it.

May 2013

Remembering Judith C. Kelleher

Kelleher (fourth from left) gathers with the other regional representatives of EDNA (later ENA) and Johnson & Johnson representatives at the first regional representatives’ meeting in New Brunswick, N.J., in January 1972. ENA’s other co-founder, Anita Dorr, is sixth from right. What made you want to start an organization for emergency nurses? Nurses had no voice, really, in health care. … I went to a course in San Diego that was presented for emergency medical technicians, and at that meeting I met Dr. Bill Striker and I said to him, ‘You know, this is a good course, but we need something director towards emergency nurses,’ and he said, ‘Well, I think maybe we can work that out. Dr. George Anist is coming out there tomorrow and he just had a course in Chicago for emergency nurses,’ and I found out later that [ENA co-founder] Anita Dorr had spoken at that course. ... The next year, Dr. Striker asked me to speak at the course in San Diego, and I did. I spoke on the emergency nurse and the nurse in the emergency department. That was published in RN magazine, I believe in October of 1970. Then there was an article about Anita and me in that journal, and the

floodgates opened after that. So we had to get something started. Where do you feel this organization will be in the future? I think there are no bounds as to where we can go. We have accomplished so much in these 25 years. We have come from obscurity to being right out in the front line. It always thrilled me and still does to see the nurses who are appointed to national committees, to state committees of all different kinds and who are asked to visit the White House to give input on health care bills in the states and nationally. It is just thrilling to see all these things, and I think this is going to continue even more in the future because emergency nurses are not known for being afraid to step in, for being shy. I think it takes a certain kind of person to work in the emergency department. It takes a lot of courage, and it takes knowledge.

ENA 2013 President-elect Deena Brecher, MSN, RN, APRN, ACNS-BC, CEN, CPEN (foreground) and Secretary/Treasurer Matthew F. Powers, MS, BSN, RN, MICP, CEN, join other members of the ENA Board of Directors in placing roses on Kelleher’s casket during the “Nightingale Tribute” at her funeral services.

Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association

ENA Call for…

International Delegates for 2013 General Assembly ENA will seat five international delegates and one alternate international delegate at the 2013 ENA General Assembly in Nashville, Tenn., on Sept.  18-19. The ENA General Assembly meets annually before the start of the ENA Annual Conference. The ENA General Assembly determines official association policy and positions by reviewing, debating and voting on proposed bylaws amendments and resolutions. In mid-May, the international delegate application, criteria and instructions will be posted at www.ena.org in the Member’s Only section within the General Assembly link. As international members, this is your opportunity to provide direction and stewardship on important emergency nursing issues to ENA. For questions or assistance, contact the ENA Component Relations Department at componentrelations@ena. org or call 847-460-4095.


t io a c u d E

The Goal is Simple Help emergency nurses get the education they need. Shout out for the future of your profession by making a donation to the ENA Foundation. Your donation will help your state council’s chances towards the following awards.

Challenge Awards Largest percentage increase per capita: 1st Place - $250 ENA Marketplace gift certificate 2nd Place - $100 ENA Marketplace gift certificate

Largest number of individual donations per state: 1st Place - $250 ENA Marketplace gift certificate 2nd Place - $100 ENA Marketplace gift certificate

Donate Now Visit www.ENAFoundation.org for more detailed information on the State Challenge campaign and for updates on where your state stands in the challenge race.

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ENA Foundation 2013 State Challenge


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BOARD WRITES | Gail Lenehan, EdD, MSN, RN, FAEN, FAAN, Immediate Past President

Use Your ENA Lifelines If the contestants on ‘‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?’’ don’t know the answer to a question, they can use a lifeline. ENA members can use lifelines, too. In fact, you have three lifelines: your national ENA board liaison, the ENA website and the online Journal of Emergency Nursing (JENonline.org).

Call Your Board Liaison Every year, each of the members of the national ENA Board of Directors is assigned to be the liaison to five states. They stay in touch with their five state presidents, may visit their states and are available to help chapter presidents and individual members. During the recent ENA State and Chapter Leaders Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where so much information was discussed, I found BOARD MEMBER


Gail Lenehan

Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia

Deena Brecher

Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada

Matthew Powers

Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania

Michael Moon

Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Wisconsin

Marylou Killian

Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia

Kathleen Carlson

Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee

Ellen Encapera

Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island

Karen Wiley

Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington

Sally Snow

Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah

Joan Somes

Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming

myself urging state leaders to remember above all else the number and e-mail address of their board liaison. If liaisons cannot directly address your question, problem or suggestion, they will always know exactly whom to contact. The list of liaisons is below, but you can always find your state’s liaison by e-mailing or calling ENA (ComponentRelations@ ena.org or 800-900-9659) or searching your state council’s website under the State Councils and Chapters section of www.ena.org. Your ENA board liaison is a good support for states when difficult issues arise. Several years ago, one of my states felt overwhelmed with an IRS problem and needed someone to make sure they had the right resources and support to resolve it. State leaders and board members are an impressive group, and the connections that are forged between them are collegial, meaningful and long-lasting.

‘Call’ ENA.org The ENA website is a gold mine of helpful information, from the ENA Public Policy Agenda to position statements and toolkits on such topics as workplace violence, to the latest news and Facebook conversations. The Calls and Opportunities section is the best-kept secret. It appears in the right-hand column of the home page announcing scholarships and grants, calls for national speakers, mentoring opportunities, award nominations and more. Some members mistakenly believe that the response for a national call will always be too competitive. While that’s sometimes true, in other cases, it’s just the opposite and deadlines are

Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association

extended to encourage more applicants. Ask your board liaison to help you find what you need on the ENA website and to coach you on making your applications and proposals more successful. The ENA website is so valuable that some state and chapter leaders review it regularly and share the news and opportunities with their state members.

‘Call’ JENonline.org The Journal of Emergency Nursing’s website is free to all ENA members. You can search back to 1995 for great answers to all your clinical and professional questions. Before you begin your department’s new clinical and process initiatives about orientation for new nurses, bedside shift report, sepsis, strokes, urinary tract infections, crowding and throughput, hourly rounding, blood specimen errors, reducing waiting times or family presence, quickly search JEN. If you have new orientees, pull case reviews to bring home a point, as well as articles on precepting for mentors. Your lifeline is also ENA’s lifeline. It works both ways. When members share experiences and challenges at emergency departments across the country with their board liaisons, when they write an article or a letter to the JEN editor and when they post to the ENA Facebook page, ENA is better able to be their voice at meetings with regulators, federal agencies and professional associations and to spread the word at podiums across the country and beyond. The more connected and united we are, the better we are. So use your lifelines and be a lifeline!


Prophylactic Tactics

When to Use a Single Dose of Doxycycline After a Tick Bite By Anna Perea, Health Communications Fellow, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases


patient comes to the emergency department in Missouri. She pulled an attached tick off her leg a few hours ago and threw it away. She’s worried that she might get a tick-borne disease. Should she be given prophylactic antibiotics? Scenarios like this occur in EDs and urgent care centers across the country throughout the warm weather months. Health care providers are often uncertain about the best way to manage such cases, especially when dealing with an anxious patient who demands antibiotics. Under certain circumstances, tick-bite prophylaxis with doxycycline can prevent Lyme disease, an infection transmitted by blacklegged ticks and caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. A one-time dose of doxycycline should be considered to prevent Lyme disease when all of the following conditions are met: 1) Doxycycline is not contraindicated (due to pregnancy, allergy, etc.). 2) Lyme disease is common in the county or state where the patient lives or has recently traveled. 3) The tick was likely attached for 36 hours or longer. This can be determined by patient history or presence of tick engorgement. A tick that is not engorged at all has been attached only for a short time and is very unlikely to transmit B. burgdorferi.


4) P rophylaxis can be started within 72 hours of the time that the tick was removed. 5) The tick is likely an adult or nymph Ixodes scapularis (aka deer tick or blacklegged tick). Of course, providers must use clinical judgment and balance the risks and benefits when prescribing any medication. Doxycycline can cause photosensitivity, nausea, vomiting and rash, even after a single dose. States that are highly endemic for Lyme disease and where prophylaxis would be indicated include Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia and Wisconsin. Lyme disease may occur in other states, but the risk is generally not high enough to warrant routine prophylaxis for tick bites. In this example, the patient does not live in an area at risk for Lyme disease, so prophylaxis is not

indicated. Patients who do not receive antibiotic prophylaxis can be counseled that Lyme disease is a treatable condition, and those who take appropriate antibiotics in the early stages of infection usually recover rapidly and completely. For children under 8, tick-bite prophylaxis is not recommended. Amoxicillin is used to treat Lyme disease in young children, but due to its short half-life, a full 10-day course would be necessary for proper prophylaxis. For a full course of amoxicillin, the risks appear to outweigh the benefits: An estimated eight adverse reactions to the medication occur (including one serious event) for every 10 cases of early Lyme disease prevented. What about other tick-borne diseases? Insufficient clinical data exist to show the efficacy of antibiotic prophylaxis for Rocky Mountain spotted fever, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, tularemia and babesiosis.

Left to right: Adult female, adult male, nymphal and larval Ixodes scapularis ticks.

May 2013

Therefore, antibiotic scapularis tick bite. New Reported Lyme Disease Cases — U.S., 2011 England Journal of prophylaxis after a tick Medicine, 345(2), 79–84. bite is not generally recommended to prevent Wormser, G. P., Dattwyler, these diseases. R. J., Shapiro, E. D., Halperin, J. J., Steere, A. Remember that it is C., Klempner, M. S., ... important to counsel all Nadelman, R. B. (2006). patients about return The clinical assessment, precautions after a tick treatment, and prevention bite. Patients who develop of lyme disease, human fever, rash or other granulocytic concerning symptoms days anaplasmosis, and to weeks of a tick bite babesiosis: Clinical should see their health practice guidelines of the care provider as soon as Infectious Diseases possible. Patients with One dot placed randomly within the county of residence for each Society of America. signs or symptoms of confirmed case, not the county where patient was infected. Clinical Infectious Rocky Mountain spotted Diseases, 43(9)1089–1134. fever should be treated Resources Chapman, A. S., Murphy, with a full course of doxycycline, S. M., Demma, L. J., Holman, R. C., Nadelman, R. B., Nowakowski, J., Fish, regardless of age. Curns, A. T., McQuiston, J. H., ... D., Falco, R. C., Freeman, K., Look for more on this in the next Swerdlow, D. L. (2006). Rocky McKenna, D., ... Wormser, G. P. issue of ENA Connection. For more Mountain spotted fever in the United (2001). Prophylaxis with single-dose information about ticks and tick-borne States, 1997–2002. Vector Borne and doxycycline for the prevention of diseases, see www.cdc.gov/ticks. Lyme disease after an Ixodes Zoonotic Diseases, 6(2), 170–178.

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Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association


ENA FOUNDATION | Julie Jones, BS, RN, CEN, 2013 ENA Foundation Chairperson

Home Stretch for State Challenge; Where Is Your Money Going? ‘‘Shout out for emergency nursing education.’’ needs. Your donation will help to further Have you heard that phrase or seen the educate more emergency nurses and indirectly megaphones at your state or chapter meeting? help improve trauma outcomes. It is the theme of the ENA Foundation’s 2013 Research is a fundamental part of State Challenge campaign. The goal is simple: emergency nursing, and changes made within Help emergency nurses get the education they need. The our practice are based on evidence-based practice. A research results are simple: The more funds that we raise today, the grant gives emergency nurses the opportunity to make more scholarships and grants can be given to your fellow emergency nursing a stronger discipline. These grants are emergency nurses tomorrow. made possible because of foundation contributions and The challenge ends May 31. The State Challenge kicked collaborations with industry supporters and other nursing off Feb. 1 and is in full swing toward the goal of raising associations. Your donation can impact new technologies and $117,000. Have you given a shout-out for the future of your methodologies to enhance our practice and the profession. profession by making a donation? Time is running out to If you ever wonder what the outcomes are from making a help increase your state’s chances of winning a State donation to the ENA Foundation, just ask one of the 384 Challenge award. academic scholarship, 234 professional development or 78 When giving your hard-earned money to any charity, research grant recipients. Every recipient’s name is listed at one should always ask, ‘‘Where does my money go?’’ This www.ENAFoundation.org. is a very easy question to answer in respect to the ENA You can influence the future of emergency nursing Foundation — the money is returned to the membership in and advance the practice by making a donation to the ENA the form of scholarships and research grants in the discipline Foundation. Shout out for emergency nursing education by of emergency nursing. donating, and trust that your contribution is making a Last month, the ENA Foundation shared the story of Lori difference in the lives of your fellow emergency nurses. Carlen, BSN, RN, CEN. Carlen was the recipient of a 2012 State For more information on how you can support your Challenge scholarship and soon will be the first clinical nurse profession and join the campaign to shout out for emergency specialist in her emergency department because of the support nursing education, please visit www.ENAFoundation.org. she received from her fellow emergency nurses. ‘‘Being able to receive a scholarship from the ENA Foundation has been phenomenal,’’ Carlen said. ‘‘I can’t stress how much it has helped me. You never know how much the money that you’re donating is going to help somebody else, whether you directly receive something or not from the ENA Foundation. Know that the money you contribute is going to make better emergency nurses and make things better for all of us.’’ Academic and professional scholarships are available annually from the ENA Foundation. Academic scholarships are available in four categories: non-RN, undergraduate, graduate/masters and post-graduate/doctoral. The ENA Foundation is here Members of the ENA Foundation Board of Trustees (from left) Chris to help emergency nurses who are obtaining higher Gisness, MSN, RN, APRN, FNP, CEN, FAEN; Laura Giles, BS, RN and education. Professional development scholarships Seleem Choudhury, MSN, MBA, RN, CEN, helped shout out for emergency nursing education at the State Challenge kickoff. provide support for short-term, continuing educational


May 2013

Vote in the ENA National Election:

May 14 to June 12 The 2013 election for national ENA Board of Director and Nominations Committee positions begins May 14. The following 10 pages feature candidates’ biographical information, photographs and replies to the position statement question. Only active ENA members as of May 1 are eligible to vote in the 2013 election. ENA members will be able to vote for president-elect, secretary/treasurer, two director positions and four openings on the Nominations Committee.

Your Right to Vote To keep our association strong, we need as much member involvement as possible. ENA provides many resources to help us in our daily work and gives us a national voice. Voting is your opportunity to ensure that the association remains strong. State and chapter leaders can help encourage their members to vote by sending e-mail reminders to all chapter and state members telling them to expect the ballot e-mail and to call 800-900-9659, ext. 4095, if they do not receive it. Getting the vote out is your call to action.

Voting ENA members may only cast their votes online. On May 14, ENA’s election vendor will send a broadcast e-mail with voting instructions to all members who have an e-mail address on file with the ENA national office. Members will be able to access the online ballot directly via the e-mail. Due to the large number of e-mails to be sent out, it may take 24 to 48 hours to receive your e-mail. If you have not received an electronic ballot by May 20, please contact the Executive Services office at 800-900-9659, ext. 4095, or elections@ena.org. Completed online 2013 election ballots must be received by noon Central time June 12. There will be no exceptions.

Meet the Candidates To meet your national election candidates, visit www.ena. org and click on 2013 Elections located on the rotating banner. They appear in the random order by balloting category determined before the Candidates Election Forum. This candidate order will remain the same whenever it is included in any ENA publication, on the election ballot and on the ENA website. All candidates have submitted biographical information and a statement to the membership and responded to a position statement question. Candidates for the board of directors also

participated in the Candidates Election Forum at the ENA Leadership Conference 2013 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. If you were unable to attend this event, videos are available online.

Candidates on ENA’s Facebook Page ENA encourages candidates to use the Elections Event Page on ENA’s Facebook page for campaigning activity. This dedicated event page for the ENA Election is strictly related to the elections, allowing individuals to easily start conversations and respond to previously posted comments. To access the event page, simply visit ENA’s Facebook page and click on the Events box (second box from the right), which lists all upcoming ENA events. From there, the 2013 ENA Election link will take you to the targeted content. This forum provides a neutral environment for the candidates to campaign and for members to ask questions and provide support of the candidates.

Candidate Publicity and Campaigning ENA believes the candidates for ENA national office must have equal opportunity to access the entire membership. In order to maintain a professional atmosphere and in fairness to all candidates, as well as to prevent disparity during the campaigning process, ENA will promote the integrity of the elections process by providing an environment of neutrality which is intended to inhibit any real or perceived impropriety regarding elections. Refer to Policy 3.12, National Candidate Publicity and Campaigning, at www.ena.org, in the Members Only section, under Policies and Procedures, Governance.

Election Results The results of the election will be published on the ENA Members Only website and in the August issue of ENA Connection and announced at the 2013 General Assembly at the formal installation ceremony. Contact Nominations Committee members by visiting www.ena.org/about/elections/NomComm/Pages/ default_roster.aspx.

Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association


MEET THE CANDIDATES President-elect Matthew F. Powers, MS, BSN, RN, MICP, CEN

Michael D. Moon, MSN, RN, CNS-CC, CEN, FAEN



Pleasant Hill, California

San Antonio, Texas

Emergency Department-Department Nursing Supervisor Kaiser Permanente, Vacaville, California Battalion Chief-EMS North County Fire Authority, Daly City, CA


MS, 2007 California State University, Long Beach, California BSN, 1995 San Jose State University, San Jose, California


CEN, TNCC Provider, ACLS Instructor, PALS Instructor, Paramedic-California State Licensed, Approved Nursing Faculty by California Board of Registered Nurses

NATIONAL: 2010-2013 2008 2007 2007 2004-2009 2003

ENA Board of Directors (Secretary/Treasurer, 2013) Leadership Conference Speaker Contributing Author, Journal of Emergency Nursing ENA Foundation Scholarship Review Committee General Assembly Delegate ENA Rising Star Award Recipient


2007-Present ENA Representative to the Emergency Medical Services Commission by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (Chairperson-elect 2012) 2007-2008 President California ENA State Council 2006 President-elect California ENA State Council 2005 Treasurer California ENA State Council 2004 Treasurer-elect California ENA State Council


2007-Present 2004-2006 2003


2007-2008 2007 1994

San Mateo County Medical Advisory Committee (Chairperson) Contra Costa County Emergency Medical Care Committee President ENA East Bay Chapter Nursing Director-California ENA State Council Statewide Conference California State University-Long Beach Academic Achievement Award Paramedic of the Year Award San Mateo County


What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA? The attribute essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA is Vision. A clear vision is planning a roadmap of who we want to be to our members, partners and organization. Understanding a vision carries ideas into action through teamwork. Having this vision, we will develop our membership and staff driving our energy to successful completion of tasks and responding to what our members have asked for. Without vision, members and energy, we will not succeed together. A focused vision and teamwork will accomplish our success recognized inside and outside our organization.

Instructor University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas


MSN, 1995, University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas BSN, 1987, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas



2012-Present, 2002-2006 Director, ENA Board of Directors 2012, 2002 ENA/ENA Foundation Taskforce 2012-Present ENA Representative, ACEP Quality and Performance Committee 2010-2011, 2000-2001 Member, Resolutions Committee 2010, 2007-2008, 1995-2001, 1990-1993 Delegate, General Assembly 2009-Present Item Writer, BCEN 2007-Present Fellow, Academy of Emergency Nursing 2004 ENA Representative, ACEP Clinical Policies Committee


2011 Member, Delegate Selection Committee 2010, 2000 President, Texas ENA 2007-Present, 1995-1996, 1990-1992 Delegate, Texas ENA State Council 1997-1999 Chairperson, Resolutions Committee 1997-1998 Treasurer, Texas ENA


2011-Present 1991 1990 1989-Present


1998-Present 1988-Present 1988-Present

Parliamentarian, San Antonio ENA President, Austin ENA Treasurer, Austin ENA Member, Austin/Hi-Plains/San Antonio ENA Member, American Association of Critical Care Nurses Member, Sigma Theta Tau Member, American Nurses Association


What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA? As leaders, we all have strengths that contribute to the effectiveness of ENA. My strengths lie in my ability to be open-minded and respectful of others when considering differing points of view and asking questions to make informed decisions for the betterment of ENA. I am comfortable with change and try to be proactive in looking at innovations that will enhance the services ENA provides to its members. I respect the decisions of the majority but I also want to make sure that the voice of the minority is heard. As your next president, informed decision-making is what I bring to the table. I ask for your vote.

All information contained within each candidate bio is published exactly as submitted by the candidate.


May 2013

MEET THE CANDIDATES Secretary/Treasurer Kathleen E. Carlson, MSN, RN, CEN, FAEN

Marylou Killian, DNP,RN,FNP-bc, CEN



Hampton, Virginia

LaGrangeville, New York

Staff Nurse Emergency Department, Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital, Virginia Beach, VA


MSN,1987 Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT BSN,1983 Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT Diploma,1972 Stamford Hospital School of Nursing, Stamford, CT

PROFESSIONAL CREDENTIALS/CERTIFICATIONS CEN TNCC Instructor-Trainer; ENPC Instructor-Trainer ACLS Instructor-Trainer; PALS Instructor-Trainer


2011-2013 ENA Board of Directors 2010 Contributor Emergency Nursing Orientation (ENO) 2.0 2009-present Fellow, Academy of Emergency Nursing 2008-2009 Co-Editor, Emergency Nursing Certification Review (ENCR) 2008 Judith C. Kelleher Award 1999-2009 Journal of Emergency Nursing, Contributing Editor, Emergency Nursing Review Column 1990-2009 Co-editor, CEN Review Manual Task Force (all 4 editions) 2004-2006 Leadership Conference Committee 1997-1999 Annual Conference Committee 1989-1993 Member, National Standing Committee on Education (Chairperson 1992-1993)


2001-present 1999-2001 1999-2001 1981-1999 1989-1991 1991


2001-Present 2004-2009 2003


2007-present 1987-1995 1994-1995

Virginia ENA New York ENA New York State Conference Committee (Chairperson 2001) Connecticut ENA (President 1995) Connecticut State Conference Committee (Chairperson 1990) Chairperson, New England Regional Symposium Tidewater Chapter (Virginia) Tidewater Chapter, State Representative New York State Council, Special Recognition Award Rater, McMaster Online Rating of Evidence System Member, Sigma Theta Tau (Research Chairperson, 1989-1991) Connecticut State EMS Advisory Board


What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA? While a combination of positive leadership attributes is important to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA, listening to members is key. A leader must listen to new ideas and ways of doing things with an open mind; ask pertinent questions to clearly identify issues, concerns, and opinions; set objective and realistic goals; and stay focused on what is best for our organization. All information contained within each candidate bio is published exactly as submitted by the candidate.

Nurse Practitioner Team Health / Saint Francis Hospital Emergency Department


DNP, 2011 MGH Institute of Health Professions, Boston, Massachusetts FNP Post Masters, 1995 Russell Sage College, Troy, NY MS (Nursing), 1991 Russell Sage College, Troy, NY BSN 1985 University of the State of New York Regents External Degree), Albany, New York RN , 1975 - Albany Medical Center School of Nursing, Albany, NY



2011-2013 ENA Board of Directors 2010: Course Administration Faculty 2003: State Issues Work group 2000: Chairperson Ethics Committee 1997-1998: Lead Editor- Standards of Emergency Nursing Practice Revision Task Force 1986,1992-1994,1996 -2010 General Assembly Delegate


New York State Council 2009- 2010, 1997 Member,- Conference Committee 2006-2007,1998 -Chairperson- Conference Committee 2004-2005 - Chairperson-Professional Development Committee 2003: Chairperson- Professional Issues Committee 2003: Immediate Past – President 2002: President 2001: President –Elect 1998-2000: Treasurer 1995: Pediatric Chairperson


Mid- Hudson Chapter 2009-2010 Secretary 2002-2008: Treasurer 2001: President 2000: President – elect Adirondack Chapter 1993-1994: President 1992: President – Elect - Berkshire Chapter 1986-2000 Education Committee


2009 -2012 Sigma Theta Tau 2003 New York State ENA Anita Dorr Award 2001-2004, 2011-2013 Nurse Practitioner Association of New York State 1998 New York State ENA Special Recognition Award


What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA? Thomas Edison said “Minds are like parachutes, they only function when open. “ Leaders who consider new ideas, are willing to assimilate opposing views, and learn from constructive criticism are essential for ENA to meet our future challenges and form new alliances.

Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association






Macomb, Oklahoma

Indianapolis, Indiana

RN to BSN Coordinator/Instructor East Central University, Ada, Oklahoma

EDUCATION: MS, 2010 MBA, 2006 BSN, 1997 AASN, 1990

Southern Nazarene University, School of Nursing, Bethany, OK University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ Texas Woman’s University, School of Nursing, Denton, TX Oklahoma State University, Nursing Department, Oklahoma City, OK


NATIONAL: 2009-2012 2010-2012 2006-2008 2004 2004 2001-2004


2011-2013 2010-2011 2003-Present 2000 1999 1998

LOCAL: 1998 1997 1996


2007–Present 2008–Present 2008–Present

Chairperson, Resolutions Committee General Assembly Delegate ENA Board of Directors Secretary/Treasurer BCEN Management Board Secretary/Treasurer ENAF Management Board ENA Board of Directors (Secretary/Treasurer, 2004) Immediate Past President, Oklahoma State Council President, Oklahoma State Council Member, Oklahoma State Council Past President, Texas State Council President/CEO, Texas State Council President-Elect, Texas State Council Past President, Dallas Co. Chapter, Texas President, Dallas Co. Chapter, Texas President-Elect, Dallas Co. Chapter, Texas

Clinical Nurse Specialist Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital, Emergency Medicine and Trauma Center Indianapolis, Indiana


MSN, 2009 Indiana University, School of Nursing, Indianapolis, Indiana BSN, 1996 Indiana University, School of Nursing, Indianapolis, Indiana


NATIONAL: 2013 2011 2010-2012 2007-2009


2012-Current 2011-2012 2004-Current 2007-Current

LOCAL: 2005 2004


1996-Current 2009-Current 1988-Current

ENA Board Mentoring Program Participant Co-author resolution Site Selection Committee General Assembly Delegate Membership and Components Relations Work Team President, Indiana State Council President-elect, Indiana State Council Chairperson, Membership Committee Indiana State Council Member, Trauma Committee. Indiana State Council President, Indy Roadrunners Chapter President-elect, Indy Roadrunners Chapter Emergency Nurses Association National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists National Eagle Scout Association – Life Member


What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA? Sigma Theta Tau Fraternity International American Nurses Association/Oklahoma Nurses Association American Association of Critical Care Nurses


What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA? ENA’s image is directly correlated to our leadership’s effectiveness. In order to be effective, our leaders should set high standards for themselves and the organization. Leaders should live those standards and mentor them in others, sharing the vision of ENA and our strategic plan. Leaders should be ready to make the hard choices when needed and be upfront with the reasons for those decisions. Leaders should be honest and transparent with the membership and instill in those members the confidence that their leaders are working for them in all decisions. ENA deserves the very best from our leaders.

Insight- Insightful leaders inspire others to seek the connection between themselves and the ENA’s mission and vision leading to increased membership engagement. Trust and Integrity- A leader must maintain trust and integrity to foster an atmosphere that allows individuals to feel welcome to express their views. Advocacy- Not everyone has the ability or opportunity to have their views or thoughts heard so advocacy is an important trait of a leader. The advocate attribute allows for a more transparent and open organization. Positive attitude- A leader of ENA is many times the “face” of the entire organization and may be the only “face” individuals may see in order to form an opinion of the association. The great leader General Colin Powell once said “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier”. Enthusiasm- A leader must possess enthusiasm for the people he or she leads. An enthusiastic leader that is positive, trustful and insightful will far exceed any goal or mission they set out to obtain.

All information contained within each candidate bio is published exactly as submitted by the candidate.


May 2013

MEET THE CANDIDATES Director Margaret (Marge) C. Letitia

Jeff Solheim MSN, RN-BC, CEN, CFRN, FAEN

Manchester, Connecticut

West Linn, Oregon


Trauma Performance Improvement Nurse Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center Hartford, Connecticut Staff Per Diem Nurse Manchester Memorial Hospital Emergency Department Manchester, Connecticut


BSN - 2005 University of Hartford West Hartford, Connecticut RN Diploma - 1975 St. Francis Hospital School of Nursing Hartford, Connecticut


CEN, EMT-P, ACLS Instructor, ENPC Instructor, PALS Instructor, TNCC Instructor,


2011-2012, 1986-2008 General Assembly Delegate 2009-2011 Member Annual Conference Committee 2005-2006 Member Emergency Management and Disaster Committee 2001-2002 Member Government Affairs Committee 1997-Present Contributing Editor / Abstract Reviewer Journal of Emergency Nursing 1998-1999 Member Membership Recruitment and Retention Work Group 1991 National ENA Nursing Practice Award


2012 2011, 1990 2009-2010 2008 2001-2005 2000-2012 1997 1994-1999 1987-2004


2003 2003 2001-Present

Immediate Past President Connecticut ENA State Council President Connecticut ENA State Council Connecticut ENA State Council Newsletter Editor New England Regional Symposium Chairperson Connecticut ENA State Council Government Affairs Chairperson Connecticut ENA State Council Annual Conference Committee Connecticut ENA State Council Excellence in Education Award Connecticut ENA State Council Fund Raising and Marketing Chairperson Connecticut ENA State Council State Trauma Committee Karen O’Neill Professionalism Award New England Regional NDMS Response Team Distinguished Member of the Year CT-1 DMAT Member Connecticut-1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team (CT-1 DMAT)


President Solheim Enterprises-West Linn, Oregon Founder/Executive Director Project Helping Hands, West Linn, Oregon


MSN, 2011 – Western Governor’s University, Salt Lake City Utah BSN, 2011 – Western Governor’s University, Salt Lake City Utah RN, 1989 – Medicine Hat College, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada


CEN, CFRN, Certification in Nursing Professional Development, TNCC Faculty, ENPC Faculty


2012 Chairperson, 2013 Leadership Conference Planning Committee 2011 Committee member, 2012 Leadership Conference Planning Committee 2009 TNCC Dissemination Team to Western Australia 2009 Author and Editor, ENA online CEN review course 2007 Editor and Project Leader, ENA online triage course 2006-Present Co-Editor of the Manager’s Forum/Experience Talks, Journal of Emergency Nursing 2006 TNCC Dissemination Team to The United Arab Emirates 2003–2006 Member, International Faculty Committee 2003–2004 Member, Awards Committee 2001-Present General Assembly Delegate 1999–2001 Member, Manager’s Committee


2007–2009, 2012 Chairperson, Trauma and Pediatric Committee 2006 Chairperson, Membership Committee 2005, 2011 President, Oregon State Council 2004, 2010 President-Elect, Oregon State Council 2000–2001 Chairperson, Governmental Affairs Committee


1999–2001 Founder/President South Central ENA chapter



One of John Di Frances Leadership Attributes is to “Live your Standards and Mentor those who follow.” It is fitting for ENA Leaders to illuminate those ENA Standards created over the years in their daily work and decisions. By upholding this image those who come behind us will have a goal to achieve.


What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA?

All information contained within each candidate bio is published exactly as submitted by the candidate.

2008-Present Fellow, Academy of Emergency Nursing 2007 Nursing Education Award What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA? Because ENA is a professional organization whose members join voluntarily, one of the most essential leadership attributes a leader can bring to the organization is the ability to motivate and inspire. This attribute enhances the ability to influence forces both internal and external to the Association as we seek to advance the causes of emergency nursing. It also encourages current members to become engaged in the activities of the organization as well as stimulates interest in non-members to join the Association. In the ENA Leadership Conference 2013 Onsite Program Guide, within the Faculty Listing, Jeff Solheim’s employer was incorrectly listed. His correct employment information is listed in his candidate’s bio listed above.

Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association



Nicholas Chmielewski, MSN, RN, CEN, NE-BC

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Columbus, Ohio


Chief Nurse Executive Blue Jay Consulting, LLC, Orlando, Florida


MBA, 1992 – Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania MS (major in nursing), 1984 – Pace University, Lienhard School of Nursing, Pleasantville, New York BA (major in Natural Science), 1981 – Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland



2013 2008 – 2012 2009 – present 2008 – 2009 1998 1992 – 1995

Emergency Department Operations Committee (Chairperson) General Assembly Delegate Reviewer, Journal of Emergency Nursing Member, Annual Conference Committee Member, Leadership Conference Committee Member, Resolutions Committee (Chairperson 1994-1995)


2011-2013 Chairperson, Emergency Care Conference 2009-2013 Chairperson, Finance Committee 1997 Treasurer, New Jersey State Council 1992 President, New Jersey State Council 1991 President-Elect, New Jersey State Council 1990-2002 Member, Emergency Care Conference (Chairperson 1996,1997, 2001, 2002)

LOCAL: 1991 1990


2007 – present 2007 – present 2007 – present 1984

President, Southern Chapter President-Elect, Southern Chapter American Organization of Nurse Executives Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders American College of Healthcare Executives Completed Family Nurse Practitioner certification


What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA? I believe the most essential leadership attribute to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA is courage. As we face a more complex healthcare environment, we will need courage to think outside of the box, to come up with new programs and new solutions to meet the needs of our members. It will take courage to be an inclusive organization – to make sure that the voice of every member is heard. It will take courage to be a transparent organization – to make sure that leadership decisions have member input and to make sure rationale for decisions is communicated. I have that courage.


Clinical Manager Mount Carmel West Emergency Department, Columbus, Ohio


MSN, 2007 Capital University, School of Nursing, Columbus, Ohio BSN, 2007 Mount Carmel College of Nursing, Columbus, Ohio


NATIONAL: 2013-Present 2007-Present 2011-2012 2011


2011-2012 2010-Present

LOCAL: 2011

Member, Informatics Work Team General Assembly Delegate, Ohio ENA State Council Member, Resolutions Committee Recipient, State Council Government Affairs Award Director-at-Large, Ohio ENA State Council Government Affairs Liaison, Ohio ENA State Council Recipient, President’s Award, Greater Cincinnati ENA Chapter


2012 Member, AONE Health Care Reform Task Force 2008-Present Member, American Organization of Nurse Executives 2004-Present Member, Rho Omicron Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau 2010 Member, Strategic Planning Committee, American Organization of Nurse Executives 2009 AONE Nurse Manager Fellow


What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA? Now is the time for ENA to take the opportunity to leverage the knowledge and passion of our members into actions that improve our professional practice, the care we provide, and the health of our patients. ENA leaders must possess business savvy skills that are coupled with a superior emergency nursing knowledge-base. We must also possess strength in interpersonal skills, the most essential being emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize and understand our own feelings and the feelings of others. Emotional intelligent leaders use this knowledge for motivation and team-building. We are effective in dealing with the complexity involved in an ever-evolving environment and are more likely to achieve results by building relationships that result in highly-engaging organizational cultures.

All information contained within each candidate bio is published exactly as submitted by the candidate.


May 2013


Normal, Illinois

Stephen J. Stapleton, PhD, RN, CEN


Assistant Professor Mennonite College of Nursing at Illinois State University

Stevensville, MD


Nurse Manager Shore Health System-Queens Anne’s Emergency Center


MSN, 2005- University of Phoenix, School of Nursing, Phoenix, AZ BSN, 1995-University of Maryland, School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD BS, 1982-Guilford College, Biology/Chemistry, Greensboro, NC ADN,1979-Forsyth Technical College, Nursing, Winston-Salem, NC



1991-2000, 2004, 2006-2012 General Assembly Delegate 2011-Present Member, ENA Leadership Conference Committee 2009-2011 Member, ENA Scope of Practice Workgroup 2008 ENA Professionalism Award 2008-Present CPEN Item Writer


1997,2008, 2011,2013 President, Maryland State Council 2005-Present Maryland EMS Board-Emergency Nurse 2001 Maryland Emergency Nurse of the Year 1991-Present Trauma /Pediatric Committee (Chairperson, 2012) 1991-Present Education Committee (Chairperson 2005,2007,2010,2012)


2012 Public Service Award, Queen Anne’s County 1994-1996,1999-2001,2005-2007 President, Eastern Shore Chapter



Member, Sigma Theta Tau


PhD, 2010 University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing MSN, 1994 Aurora University BSN, 1982 Saint Louis University MS, 1980 Western Illinois University BS, 1979 Western Illinois University


NATIONAL: 2013 2010-2011 2010-Present 2009-2012 2008-2009 2007-2009 2007-2012


2011-2012 2009-2010 2009 2005-2007

ENA Board Mentoring Program Participant RN Core Competencies in Emergency Care Work Team BCEN CEN Exam Construction and Review Committee Leadership Conference Institute for Emergency Nursing Research BCEN CEN Item Writer General Assembly Delegate President, Illinois State Council President-elect, Illinois State Council Communications Committee Evidence Based Practice Committee


American Assembly for Men in Nursing American Nurses Association Midwest Nursing Research Society Oncology Nursing Society



As a membership-driven organization, ENA must address the leadership attribute of motivation as a means of enhancing its image and effectiveness. Motivation encompasses the ability to energize people to take an active role in defining their organization. With this energy comes creativity and commitment not only to ENA but to the profession of emergency nursing. Creativity and commitment supported by empowerment and inclusion provide the foundation for sustainability and growth. As the organization representing emergency nurses in all areas of practice from out-of-hospital, in-hospital or in a freestanding setting, each member must feel like they are valued personally. It is only then that they will see how not only what ENA can do for them but what they can do for ENA.

When thinking about a leadership attribute that is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA I cannot name just one. I believe a leader should possess a number of attributes including a vision for the organization, excellent written and verbal communication skills, the capacity to motivate and strong interpersonal skills. Visionary leaders are capable of achieving specific goals based on current and future organizational needs. Leaders possess the communication and motivational skills necessary to achieve these goals while at the same time are extremely organized. When a leader possesses these attributes and is capable of leading in an environment of honesty and transparency, the organization will be successful. I believe I possess these attributes and I will enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA. This is why I am placing my name in nomination for a position on the board of directors.

What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA?

What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA?

All information contained within each candidate bio is published exactly as submitted by the candidate.

Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association


MEET THE CANDIDATES Director Matthew A. Choate, MBA, BSN, BS, RN, CEN

Mitch Jewett AA, RN, CEN, CPEN


Emergency Department Staff Nurse Galichia Heart Hospital, a campus of Wesley Medical Center, Wichita, Kansas Emergency Department Per Diem Nurse Newton Medical Center, Newton, Kansas

Halstead, Kansas

West Hartford, CT


Director of Emergency Services Connecticut Children’s Medical Center


MBA, 2012 – Northeastern University, D’Amore/McKim School of Business, Boston, MA BSN, 1997 – University of Vermont, School of Nursing, Burlington, VT BS, 1992 – University of Vermont, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Burlington, VT



2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 General Assembly Delegate 2007, 2008 ENA Government Affairs Workshop


2010-2011 2009-2010 2005-2009

President, Vermont State Council President-elect, Vermont State Council Chairperson, Government Affairs Committee, Vermont State Council


New England Regional Symposium Planning Committee


2005-2008 President, Upper Valley Chapter, American Association of Critical Care Nurses 1997-Present Member, American Association of Critical Care Nurses


What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA? I believe the most important attribute is integrity. The ability to “walk the walk” as well as “talk the talk” is an essential characteristic that leaders must possess. Integrity leads to trust, as colleagues and customers alike understand that one’s words and actions are congruent. Trust inspires collaboration which leads directly to positive outcomes for the organization. I see leaders of high integrity being able to advance the mission of ENA to be the voice of emergency nurses around the nation and globe while advocating for safe, high quality, effective patient care. Our image as a professional organization dedicated to the highest standards for emergency nursing is promoted and improved by the presence of leaders with high integrity. Our relationship with our members is further enhanced when our Board members demonstrate integrity and a commitment to our organization’s long term success, something I will bring as a Director.


Associate of Arts, 1985, Johnson County Community College, Nursing, Overland Park, Kansas Associate of Arts, 1981, Johnson County Community College, Administration of Justice, Overland Park, Kansas



2013 Member, Geriatric Committee 2007-2012 ENA Board of Directors 2012 Board Liaison, Geriatric Committee 2011-2012 Board Liaison, Awards Advisory Committee 2012 Board Liaison, Site Selection Committee 2010-2011 Board Liaison, Psychiatric Care Committee 2010 Board Liaison, Violence Work Team 2010 Board Liaison, Psychiatric Patient Education Product Development Work Team 2007-2009, 2011 Board Liaison, Journal of Emergency Nursing Editorial Board 2008 Board Liaison, Resolutions Committee


2013 2005 2004 2003 2002 2002-2006

LOCAL: 2006


2008-2009 2006-2008 2007 2006

President-elect, Kansas State Council President, Kansas State Council President-elect, Kansas State Council President, Kansas State Council President-elect, Kansas State Council Government Affairs Chairperson President, Central Kansas Chapter Vice President, District Four, Kansas State Nurses Association Member, Resolutions Committee, Kansas State Nurses Association Chairperson, Resolutions Committee, Kansas State Nurses Association Member, Driving Force Task Force, Kansas Department of Transportation


What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA? Authentic. To be authentic is to be honest and trustworthy. Our members want to know that they have a board that not only runs the business of the association, but they also want to be assured that those is positions of leadership are real, genuine and approachable. Our leaders need to understand and appreciate what our members go through on a day to day basis and I do.

All information contained within each candidate bio is published exactly as submitted by the candidate.


May 2013

MEET THE CANDIDATES Nominations Committee REGION 2


Scott E. Stover, MSN, MBA, RN, CEN, ACNS-BC

Cathy C Fox RN CEN CPEN Virginia Beach, Virginia

Katy, Texas


ED Staff RN/Educational Consultant Sentara Leigh Hospital, Norfolk, Virginia


Director, Emergency Services Methodist Sugar Land Hospital, Sugar Land, Texas


RN Diploma 1984 Sentara Norfolk General School of Nursing, Norfolk, Virginia


MSN, 1996 – University of Texas Health Science Center, School of Nursing, Houston, Texas MBA, 2003 – University of Houston Clear Lake, School of Business, Houston, Texas BSN, 1991 – Marshall University, School of Nursing, Huntington, West Virginia Certificate of Public Health, 2008–University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston, Texas


NATIONAL: 2011-2012 2009-2012 2006-2007


2012-2013 2011-2014 2010 2009-2012 2009-2012

LOCAL: 2012 2011 2010 2009

Member, Nominations Committee General Assembly Delegate ED Technology Special Interest Group Facilitator Director, Texas State Council Chairperson, Resolutions Committee, Texas State Council Chairperson-Elect, Resolutions Committee, Texas State Council Member, Delegate Selection Committee, Texas State Council Member, Emergency Preparedness Committee, Texas State Council Immediate Past President, Texas 10-59 Chapter President, Texas 10-59 Chapter Immediate Past President, Texas 10-59 Chapter President, Texas 10-59 Chapter


1992-Current 2010-Current

Member, Sigma Theta Tau Member, Society of Cardiovascular Patient Care


What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA? Creativity. As the face of healthcare changes over these next several years, our profession and our specialty will have to change with it. ENA should help its members to find new creative ways to do more with less. We need to continue to provide high quality emergency nursing care and outstanding service while dealing with ever increasing demands from the government, the insurance industry and the public, all while facing decreased profit margins.


CEN; CPEN; TNCC IT; ENPC IT; CATN II Course Director; ACLS & PALS Instructor

NATIONAL: 2012 2011-present 2011 2009-2010 2009 2007-2009 2007 2005-2007 2002-2003 2001-2002 2001 2000-2001 2000 1998-Present


2011-Present 2009-Present 2003-4/2012 2001,2007


2011 2002-present 2002-4/2012 2007 2000

National EMSC for Children Award Nominations Committee Region IV ENA Barbara Foley Injury Prevention Award Member, ENA Course Operations ENA Nurse Education Award ENA Leadership Conference Committee ENA Team Award-SESS ENA Awards Committee Chairperson, ENA Membership Committee ENA Elections Process Committee ENA CEN Distinguished Award ENA Membership Committee ENA ENCARE Volunteer Award General Assembly Delegate Governors EMS Advisory Board EMSC for Children representative Chairperson, Virginia ENA Education, SESS, and Fundraising President, Virginia ENA Tidewater EMSC for Children Award Tidewater ENA CEN, SESS, ENCARE Chairperson Tidewater ENA ENPC, Education Chairperson Tidewater EMS Outstanding Emergency Nurse Tidewater ENA President


What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA? As a leader, I feel the most important attribute to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA is honesty and integrity. A leader in our organization must remain fair, non-biased, and be an effective listener. Our members need to know that they can count on their leaders to have their voices and concerns heard. ENA is the leading worldwide organization for emergency nursing and our leaders must always be prepared at any given moment to represent our organization in a positive manner. I will continue to insure the election rules are upheld and we have well informed members to lead our organization.

All information contained within each candidate bio is published exactly as submitted by the candidate.

Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association


MEET THE CANDIDATES Nominations Committee REGION 6

Ryan Oglesby, PhD, MHA, RN, CEN, NEA-BC Winston-Salem, North Carolina

CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: Emergency Service Line Coach Studer Group, Gulf Breeze, Florida


PhD, 2012 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, North Carolina MSN/MHA, 2006 The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina BSN, 1998 The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina



2008-2011 General Assembly Delegate 2007-Present Reviewer, Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

STATE: 2012 2011 2010 2009

LOCAL: 2008 2007


2003-Present 2006-Present 2006-Present 2011 2009 2008 2006 2001, 2005

Immediate Past President, North Carolina State Council President, North Carolina State Council President-elect, North Carolina State Council Secretary, North Carolina State Council President, Eastern Piedmont Chapter President-elect, Eastern Piedmont Chapter American Association of Critical Care Nurses American Organization of Nurse Executives North Carolina Organization of Nurse Leaders Distinguished Nurse Leader Award, Emergency Nurses Association Remarkable 45 Nurse, Novant Health Triad Region President’s Award, North Carolina Emergency Nurses Association Sigma Theta Tau International Nurse Excellence Award, Wake Forest Baptist Health


What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA? The leadership attribute essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA is the ability to create team alignment. Leaders’ actions toward aligning teams allows for rapid and precise incorporation of best practices throughout an organization. By aligning individual behaviors towards organizational goals, I have succeeded in connecting nurses’ passion with purpose to create consistent outcomes. Aligned teams have systems and processes in place to hold people accountable for superior execution. As a transformational leader, I have been able to motivate, stimulate, engage and encourage followers to promote optimal organizational performance. Creating team alignment requires communicating with impact, answering the tough questions, facilitating change and motivating others towards a common goal.

All information contained within each candidate bio is published exactly as submitted by the candidate.


May 2013



Mary Ellen “Mel” Wilson, MS, RN, FNP, CEN, COHN-S, FAEN

Jason Moretz, BSN, RN, CEN, CTRN Maiden, North Carolina

Brunswick, Ohio

CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: Senior Consultant Blue Jay Consulting

CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: Regional Health Services Manager Avery Dennison, Strongsville, Ohio


MS, 2000-University of Rochester, School of Nursing, Rochester, New York BS, 1987-Nazareth College of Rochester, Rochester, New York BA, 1971-Nazareth College of Rochester, Rochester, New York AAS, 1982-Monroe Community College, Rochester, New York



2011 Member, Education Committee 2000-2005 ENA Board of Directors (Secretary/Treasurer, 2002; President-Elect, 2003; President, 2004; Past President, 2005) 2005 Chairperson, Elections Process Committee 1999 Member, Emergency Nursing Practice Work Group 1998 Member, State Issues Work Group 1994-1997 Member, Annual Meeting Committee 1994 Member, Managers Committee 1987-2000 General Assembly Delegate


1997-1999 1993 1992 1991, 1995


2006-Present 2001-2005 1988 1984-2000


2006-Present 2001-Present 1999-Present 1995

Chairperson, Finance Committee President, New York State Council President-Elect, New York State Council Chairperson, Conference Committee Member, Cleveland Chapter Member, Coastal Carolina Chapter President, Genesee Valley Chapter Member, Genesee Valley Chapter American Association of Occupational Health Nurses American Association of Nurse Practitioners Sigma Theta Tau Anita Dorr Award, New York State Council


What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA? The leadership attribute essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA is integrity. A leader with integrity is a role model and sets the standard for others to follow. This attribute is especially essential for a member of ENA’s Nominating Committee.


BSN, 2007-Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina ADN, 2002-Caldwell Community College, Hudson, North Carolina


NATIONAL: 2012 2009-11 2007-08 2007-08 2005

Member, Site Selection Committee ENA Board of Directors (Secretary/Treasurer, 2011) Member, State Council Compliance Workgroup ENA Resolutions Committee (Chairperson, 2008) Member, Web Communications Workgroup


2008 President-Elect, North Carolina State Council 2006-07 President, North Carolina State Council 2005 Secretary, North Carolina State Council 2004-05 Editor, “The Artery” 2004-05 Chairperson, Bylaw Committee 2003-08 Webmaster

LOCAL: 2004

OTHER: 2011-12 2008-12

President, Metrolina Chapter Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Appalachian State University Nursing Honor Society


What leadership attribute is essential to enhance the image and effectiveness of ENA? In a sense ENA is a team. A team with the common goal of advocating for emergency nursing across the globe. Patrick Lencioni in The Five Dysfunctions of the Team characterizes the foundation of teamwork as trust. ENA must be seen as a trusted organization. As a organization, we exhibit this attribute by exhibiting trusting qualities in all we do. As leaders, we must trust the ENA staff to perform the daily operations of the organization, and trust each other to challenge our opinion without fear of demoralization. As members, we must trust our elected leaders to perform the duties of their role, and that their actions are in the best interest of the organization. Without trust, there is no team. There are only individuals.

All information contained within each candidate bio is published exactly as submitted by the candidate.

Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association


Sit It Out or Dance

Needless to say, not one of these pieces of information could pinpoint the exact location of the Scorpion, but by building a composite picture of how the Scorpion By Maureen Curtis Cooper, BSN, RN, CPEN, CEN, FAEN, AEN Board Chairperson-elect died, Craven ended up with a pretty good idea of where it was. The collective wisdom of this seemingly diverse group Since the induction of selected a spot 220 yards from the first class in 2005, where the Scorpion was the Academy of eventually found. What is Emergency Nursing has amazing about this is that the grown to 101 group had almost no evidence. extraordinary emergency Yet even though no one in the nurses who proudly list group knew why the submarine FAEN as one of their sank, how fast it was going or professional credentials. The AEN has how steeply it fell, the group as a successfully established the EMINENCE whole knew all the answers. program to mentor other emergency nurses in Are we current and future a variety of projects. fellows similar to that team? Don’t We are now at a crossroads as we look to we have an equally important develop value for the entire organization and mission? What novel approach for current and future fellows. How can our can we develop in our quest to premier group of outstanding emergency nurses add value to AEN? We have the establish a future framework that will provide ENA mission of safe practice, safe ‘‘visionary leadership to ENA and AEN’’? care and the ENA strategic plan Each Academy application includes a section as our compass. Don’t we all for future contributions. The enduring and have expert pieces of knowledge substantial work of our fellows does not stop to help us provide visionary cold on induction day. Each fellow has leadership, involvement and continued to contribute to emergency nursing value? with his or her individual work. Some have Add your piece of knowledge and bet on the future of even sought greater involvement in ENA as evidenced by the AEN. Seriously consider running for the AEN Board. Let your presence of fellows on ENA committees, the executive board AEN Board know of your ideas for added value of and even on the ENA national office staff. membership in the Academy. As a group we have the All fellows need to consider how they will contribute to answers. the growth of the Academy. Will they run for the AEN board, Contact Kathleen Flarity, PhD, ARNP, CFRN, CEN, FAEN, mentor in the EMINENCE program or sponsor new fellows AEN Board chairperson, at academy@ena.org so we can through a mentoring process? Will they provide expert use our collective wisdom to add value and visionary advice to ENA? Are they still involved on the regional, state leadership to ENA and the AEN. or local level? What value does each fellow add to all of As Lee Ann Womack sings, ‘‘When you get the chance to these areas? What value can we add that will make future sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.’’ fellows eager to join AEN activities? In the book The Wisdom of Crowds, author James Surowiecki relates the story of the search for the Scorpion, a U.S. Navy submarine that disappeared after a tour of duty in 1968. Naval officer John Craven developed a novel approach to solving the mystery of what happened to this submarine. He assembled a team of men with a wide range of knowledge, including mathematicians, submarine specialists and salvage experts. Instead of asking the team members to consult with each other and come up with an answer, he asked them to place wagers on why the submarine ran into trouble, its speed as it headed to the ocean bottom, the steepness of its descent and so forth.



he Academy of Emergency Nursing was established by the Emergency Nurses Association on Sept. 28, 2004, to: • Honor emergency nurses who have made enduring, substantial contributions to emergency nursing; • Advance the profession of emergency nursing, including the health care system in which emergency nursing is delivered; and • Provide visionary leadership to ENA and AEN. The body of work left by AEN fellows goes well beyond being an outstanding nurse and a devoted ENA member.

May 2013


Knox Andress, BA, RN, AD, FAEN

An MCI in the ED: What You Can Do to Plan Recently a question was posed on the ENA Manager’s Listserv seeking disaster plans or a disaster planning checklist for the emergency department. I’ve summarized basic mass casualty incident considerations to be made for the ED. Disasters for the emergency department can come from multiple sources. These can be natural, human-related or technological. Consider that disasters evolve external to the ED, such as in an MCI, a contagious disease outbreak, hazardous material incident or hurricane. Disasters also can evolve internally resulting from a flood, earthquake or building collapse, fire, hazardous materials, power outage, water, or technology or other infrastructure failure. In this case I’ve narrowed ‘‘disaster’’ down to an MCI. A mass casualty is proportional to the resources available for the response. Mass-casualty metrics for my ED at LSU Health-Shreveport, a trauma center and teaching hospital, would not be the same as for a critical access hospital, but management goals and principles would be very similar.

Recent ED Incidents History can be a great teacher and is replete with reasons why emergency departments should plan for their role in an MCI. There are many recent incidents in which ED resources were called into extraordinary action. 1. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 28, 2012 – At 7:24 a.m., three adults and 48 children from Frost Middle School were transported to area EDs after a school bus collision. 2. Aurora, Colo., July 20, 2012 – At approximately 1 a.m., 12 people died and at least 58 were injured when a gunman shot into the audience during the screening of ‘‘The Dark Knight Rises.’’ The injured were treated in seven area emergency departments and hospitals. 3. Jefferson County, Texas; Nov. 22, 2012 – At 8:45 a.m. on Thanksgiving, a 140-car pile-up on Interstate 10 in rural southeast Texas caused the deaths of two individuals and sent more than 90 people to emergency departments. 4. Atlanta, Dec. 2, 2012 – At approximately 8 a.m. 42 children and six adults were transported to area hospitals from Finch Elementary School with symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Considerations for MCI Planning in the Emergency Department 1. Preparation – Review the hospital emergency operations plan. How does the EOP engage the emergency

department? What threats or hazards are identified in the hospital hazard vulnerability analysis that represents issues for the emergency department? 2. Communication – Plan for notifications, including situational awareness and updates to hospital leadership, ED associates, staff within the ED and outside the hospital. How are notifications made to first-responder organizations transporting casualties, family members and loved ones? 3. Coordination – Establish the ED organizationally within the larger hospital incident command system by activating the casualty care unit leader and related positions if appropriate. 4. Triage – Establish triage areas considering immediate, delayed, minor and expectant acuities. Include appropriate equipment and directional signage. 5. Registration – Activate the emergency patient registration process. Many times this may be comprised of pre-assembled, numbered packages. 6. Discharge – Conduct early discharge of ED patients who meet criteria for same. 7. Patient tracking – Activate the hospital patient tracking system for casualties coming into and moving out of the hospital. 8. Treatment areas – Establish surge patient treatment areas including appropriate equipment and supplies. 9. Staffing – Plan for staffing and augmenting ED triage and treatment areas incorporating ancillary support staffing with resources from the hospital labor pool. 10. Supplies and equipment – Plan for processes to quickly stock and resupply treatment-related supplies and equipment from materials management. 11. Ancillary needs – Plan for communicating radiology and laboratory needs, blood products and test results. 12. Pharmaceuticals – Plan for processes to rapidly request and deploy pharmaceuticals including antidotes. Consider a pharmacy liaison. 13. Security – Plan for additional ED security needs related to traffic and access control.

Call for Nominations: 2014 ENA Foundation Board of Trustees Application deadline is June 1. Visit www.enafoundation.org for more information.

Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association



Change No Obstacle For ‘The Pulse of Our Profession’

2013 ENA President JoAnn Lazarus, MSN, RN, CEN

Association Health: We Can Sing as One The ‘‘Association Health’’ closing session of the State and Chapter Leaders Conference focused on the fundamentals of creating and maintaining best-practice policies and procedures addressing corporate obligations, corporate governance, financial responsibilities, communications and more. Kimberly Pendo, ENA legal counsel, and Ed Rylko, ENA deputy executive director, led an interactive session that allowed attendees to ask questions and learn more about recognizing financial and legal best practices. While providing an overview of the organization’s legal status, Rylko addressed how state bylaws relate to national bylaws. ‘‘There are often questions when


A moving tribute to ENA co-founder Judith C. Kelleher opened the State and Chapter Leaders Conference, held Feb.  28 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. ENA 2013 President JoAnn Lazarus, MSN, RN, CEN, read the eulogy she was unable to deliver at Kelleher’s Feb. 1 service because of flight delays. Lazarus recalled the first time she met Kelleher at an ENA conference and the impression made by that encounter with a true leader and visionary. When Lazarus was elected ENA president, Kelleher sent her a letter brimming with encouragement. ‘‘She had faith in me … she had faith in all of us when she pursued her dream and co-founded the Emergency Nurses Association,’’ Lazarus said to the 261 association leaders gathered.

people make changes in their bylaws if those changes have to be reviewed and approved by the national organization,’’ he said. ‘‘They do not need to be approved by the national organization, but we are happy to review them if you’re going to make changes because we want your purposes to be consistent with the national organization’s purposes. It’s important that your bylaws reflect that we’re all operating in the same way and toward the same goals.’’ Pendo and Rylko used song titles to break down key legal concepts: • ‘‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’’  – Understand ENA’s legal status and the hierarchy of governance documents. • “Ain’t Misbehavin’” – Ensure all of your annual corporate obligations are being met. • ‘‘Getting Better’’  – Periodically review bylaws, policies and articles and modernize and streamline them. • ‘‘Someone to Watch Over Me’’    –

Maintain appropriate division of authority. Understand ENA’s organizational structure. • ‘‘Don’t Let It Bring You Down’’  – Understand the statutory requirements for board and member meetings and voting procedures. • ‘‘Ain’t Wastin’ Time No More’’  – Create and maintain accurate records. Implement policy for appropriate record retention. • ‘‘E-mail My Heart’’ – Adopt e-mail policies and procedures. Attendees asked questions and shared information about fundraising, name changes, virtual record-keeping, bylaw and policy compliance and more. ‘‘It’s really important that you understand the responsibilities and obligations that you have to ENA, that you have to board members and that you have to each other and the members that you all serve,’’ Pendo said. — Kendra Y. Mims

May 2013

STATE AND CHAPTER LEADERS CONFERENCE In her president’s address, Lazarus said her vision for 2013 includes a focus on her passions of leadership development, association mentoring and board member communications. Specific initiatives are ENA’s ‘‘Day on the Hill’’ scheduled for May 14-15, a new board mentoring program aimed at developing future ENA leaders, Lazarus’ weekly president’s blog and monthly updates to state council presidents. ‘‘I really look forward to hearing from all of you and what your needs are,’’ she said. ‘‘You are the pulse of our profession.’’ Lazarus encouraged state and chapter leaders to be open to change and taking chances in order to move the organization forward. ‘‘All change and innovation involves some sort of risk and challenge,’’ she said. ‘‘We have to do that to become more

innovative. ‘‘I want you to know that as your president, I’m committed to this organization and I’m committed to you,’’ she said. Dean Wilkerson, MBA, JD, CAE, executive director of the American College of Emergency Physicians, praised ENA leaders for their credibility. ‘‘I have often been in a room like this with state and chapter leaders making things happen,’’ he said. ‘‘If you say something and push hard, you can get things done.’’ Susan M. Hohenhaus, LPD, RN, CEN, FAEN, ENA’s executive director, presented an update on the ENA national office. She praised association staff who work behind the scenes to provide products and services that support the 40,000-plus ENA members around the world. — Amy Carpenter Aquino


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Host Terry Foster introduces ENA President JoAnn Lazarus, MSN, RN, CEN, and her ‘‘family’’ before a round of ‘‘ENA Feud.’’

Who Wants to Play ‘ENA Feud’? Twenty randomly selected contestants at the State and Chapter Leaders Conference participated in ‘‘ENA Feud,’’ a ‘‘Family Feud’’-inspired game hosted by Terry Foster, MSN, RN, CEN, CCRN, FAEN. The game was broken into four categories: membership trauma and pediatrics; research; digital media, Web and Facebook; and the ENA Foundation. The contestants were broken into four ‘‘family’’ teams of five. The first two teams to kick off “ENA Feud” were the ‘‘Kelleher Family’’ and the ‘‘Dorr Family.’’ Among the challenges were ‘‘Name a way the ENA Foundation raises funds’’ and ‘‘Name a best practice currently being used for Twitter.’’ Round 2 consisted of the ‘‘Lazarus Family’’ and ‘‘Brecher Family’’ teams. The Kelleher and Lazarus teams advanced to a final round consisting of three bonus questions, which Team Lazarus won. Prizes awarded throughout the game Top: The ‘‘Brecher Family’’ comes up with answers during the four-team included the new ENA navy blue scrub competition. Bottom: Lazarus’ team emerged as the victors after the final round. top, a wellness jump rope, a Leadership Conference 2013 T-shirt and ENA Foundation thumb drives. At the end of the game, several ENA staff members from the national office gave brief overviews of their departments based on the game’s categories, and attendees learned more about how research, membership, fundraising and social media work from behind the scenes at ENA. — Kendra Y. Mims


May 2013


‘Permission to Do Less’ State and Chapter Leaders Conference keynote speaker Mary Byers, CAE, shared the six challenges all associations face today. The author of Race for Relevance: 5 Radical Changes for Associations put the time famine at the top of the list. ‘‘Any organization that’s depending on volunteers for its heart and soul is being affected by this,’’ she said. ‘‘How many of you have asked somebody to volunteer and heard them say, ‘I’d love to, but I just don’t have the time?’ ’’ She shared one way associations are dealing with members’ time crunch, which is to move away from committees and the committee structure and implement task forces or strike teams. ‘‘They come in, do the work and move on,’’ she said. She also encouraged state and chapter leaders to be more selective about the activities and tasks they take on themselves. ‘‘I’m giving you permission to do less,’’ Byers said. ‘‘Lots of times we come in as a leader with 42 things that have always been done.’’ Leaders should ask if all the items ‘‘that have always been done’’ are still relevant. Associations are competing with members’ leisure time,

family time and other volunteer activities, since highly passionate people often serve multiple organizations. The most effective way to guarantee that members will spend their time on ENA is to make the activities meaningful, relevant and fun, she said. Other challenges facing associations today include increased scrutiny on return on investment; generational values; for-profit competition and technology. ‘‘My challenge to you as a leader is to go back and ask other leaders, ‘Who do I need to know that I don’t know yet?’” Byers said. ‘‘I challenge you to put someone on a committee or board that you don’t know yet. That person might be your biggest star. It takes courage to put someone in a leadership position that you don’t know yet, who has not been tested.’’ ‘‘You have what it takes,’’ she concluded. ‘‘Start asking different questions today because that is how you change the future tomorrow.’’ Each state council received a copy of Byers’ book, courtesy of ENA, to share among its leaders. — Amy Carpenter Aquino

Outstanding Emergency Department Nurse Leader of the Year Award

years ago, the department had a goal of changing its culture. ‘‘We really focused on building the team — the physician team and the nursing team,” she said. ‘‘I thank them. I love them. They are a great group to work with … I really believe in that group and that team, and I love that they feel the same about me.’’ Hoelz said the award ‘‘recognizes a leader’s accomplishments in operational ENA 2013 President JoAnn Lazarus, effectiveness, education, community MSN, RN, CEN, presented the Blue Jay service and leadership. Additionally, the Consulting/Emergency Nurses two most significant criteria for this Association Outstanding Emergency award are quality patient care and Department Nurse Leader of the year collaboration with emergency medicine.’’ Award to Denise Abernethy, MSN, RN, Feinberg explained that the winner director of emergency services at the was chosen by a selection committee University of Pittsburgh Medical Center comprised of Blue Jay leaders and Shadyside. Lazarus presented the ENA Award Committee members who award with Mark Feinberg and Jim reviewed many nominations. Hoelz of Blue Jay Consulting at a Denise Abernethy, MSN, RN (seated with ‘‘The final decision for the award special networking luncheon during award) and members of her team. was difficult, as there were many the State and Chapter Leaders examples of tremendous teamwork and outstanding care Conference on Feb. 28. throughout the country,’’ he said. ‘‘This year’s awardee ‘‘It’s amazing to be honored like this,” said Abernethy, a should be proud to know that this recognition is a testament member of the Western Pennsylvania ENA Chapter. She said to their exemplary work.’’ the award was really ‘‘about the whole team of nurses’’ at UPMC. When she became the emergency services director six — Amy Carpenter Aquino

Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association



Lights, Camera, Action! Charles Kunkle, MSN, CEN, CCRN, and Jeff as sharing behind-the-scene tips about the selection and scoring process. Solheim, MSN, RN-BC, CEN, CFRN, FAEN, led Attendees had the opportunity to score an entertaining presession on how to submit presentation proposals in a group an ENA conference session proposal and exercise. deliver a presentation that stands out from the The presession left them with a competition. better understanding of what it takes Both speakers stressed that choosing the to deliver an unforgettable national right title is one of the most important factors presentation and command the stage, of the selection process. Kunkle discussed his from attire to effective body language. numerous attempts to present at ENA national Elizabeth Stone Griffin, BS, RN, conferences. The proposal that finally broke CPEN, of North Carolina, said the through the barrier of rejections aligned with presession was worth arriving at ENA’s focus on violence in emergency conference a day early. departments. ‘‘I loved this presession because it ‘‘I always tell people to look at what ENA’s took us from the application process to goals are for the upcoming year,’’ Kunkle said. carrying out a national conference ‘‘Every president sets certain goals. If the presentation,’’ she said. ‘‘It gave us tips priority of the goal is emergency department on how to have our applications violence and you have something that aligns Charles Kunkle, MSN, CEN, CCRN recognized, how to take good content with that goal, then find that unique and make it great and how to customize our presentation to perspective.’’ entertain the audience. They’re a great team, and they did an Kunkle and Solheim discussed the importance of creating a excellent job.’’ well-written measurable objective, the ‘‘dos and don’ts” of — Kendra Y. Mims PowerPoint presentations and how to own the stage, as well

Teamwork Skills for Charge Nurses Attendees of the presession “Charge Nurse: Putting the Team Back into Teamwork: Skills to Energize and Synergize Your ED Team” earned 6.5 contact hours as they learned essential leadership, team-building and conflict management strategy skills. Presenters Nancy Bonalumi, MSN, RN, CEN, FAEN, and Cindy Lefton, PhD, RN, led attendees through several skill-building exercises, including: • Developing a personal mission statement • Assessing your emotional intelligence and how it enhances your leadership practice • Identifying how to create and


sustain a healthy ED work environment • Using conflict management strategies to improve team performance In one activity, Lefton led participants through a tool that can be used to size up staff and colleague behaviors. “You can boil any behavior down to two dimensions,” the task dimension and the concern-for-others dimension, she said. ‘‘When you combine the two dimensions, you get four quadrants that explain any behavior.’’ ‘‘Meaningful recognition is one of the most powerful tools you have in your toolbox,’’ she said. She encouraged attendees to ask themselves the following questions: How tolerant am I of disagreement and conflict? How strongly do I support candor and openness? Do I strive for

sound or acceptable decisions? Do I value my coworkers’ ideas? “Nurses excel at workarounds in the moment,” she said, “but they never fix the bigger issue.” Bonalumi said she hoped attendees left the session with “an increased knowledge of themselves, who they are, how they respond to situations and how to use emotional intelligence as a mechanism for being a strong leader.’’ Lefton added that knowledge of strategies nurse leaders can use to create and sustain healthy work environments “is critical not only to the well-being of the staff, but to patient outcomes. There is evidence supporting both of those, and ENA endorses healthy work environments.” — Amy Carpenter Aquino

May 2013


ENA Board Holds Town Hall Meeting Among the issues addressed by the ENA Board of Directors at the town hall meeting Feb. 27 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., were the ENA Government Affairs Committee, a workplace violence narrative study and selling only made-in-America products at ENA Marketplace. ‘‘The Government Affairs Committee is alive and well,’’ said 2013 President-elect Deena Brecher, MSN, RN, APRN, ACNS-BC, CEN, CPEN, in response to a member’s question about the committee’s status. The committee was integral to the planning of the Advocacy Intensive held in Chicago in January, Brecher added. ENA’s advocacy efforts are being led in Washington, D.C., by Richard Mereu, JD, MBA, the organization’s new chief government relations officer. Mereu was joined in March by Ken Steinhardt, director of government relations, who will focus on advocacy at the state level. They share office space with the American College of Emergency Physicians. Diane St. Denis, RN, California ENA State Council press secretary, asked what support was available for state press secretaries for projects such as writing press releases. She also said it would be beneficial to have conference calls with people in her position from other state councils. ENA Executive Director Susan M. Hohenhaus, LPD, RN, CEN, FAEN

said staff at ENA headquarters continue to develop resources for states to use to advocate for the profession of emergency nursing. JoAnn Lazarus, MSN, RN, CEN, 2013 president, recommended following up with state board liaisons. ‘‘Any questions you have, I always recommend you go to your board liaison first,’’ Lazarus said. ‘‘Your board liaison is your one-stop call. Please use them.’’ Lisa Wolf, PhD, RN, CEN, FAEN, director of the ENA Institute for Emergency Nursing Research, updated members on the status of a study of workplace violence narratives. The IENR is analyzing 46 narratives submitted by emergency nurses who experienced violence in the ED; Wolf anticipates that a manuscript will be completed this summer. Two clinical components of the study may become clinical articles, she said. Judith A. Scott, MHA, BSN, RN, FAEN, of California, asked whether the ENA Marketplace could focus on selling products, especially clothing, made in the United States. Lazarus said the board would bring the request back to the ENA office for investigation. She further encouraged members to submit additional questions to their board liaisons and to her weekly president’s blog at www.enajoann.wordpress.com. — Amy Carpenter Aquino


ENA STAFFING GUIDELINES Determining a safe level of staffing in your Emergency Department is challenging. ENA’s revised Staffing Guidelines may help in preparing your annual staffing budget. 1. www.ENA.org 2. Go to Courses & Education 3. Select Center for e-Learning Catalog to purchase today.

LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2013 2012 State Council Achievement Awards

ENA 2013 President JoAnn Lazarus, MSN, RN, CEN, presented the ENA State Council Achievement Awards in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on March 2. ‘‘This is a program designed to assist ENA state organizations to develop best practices and to recognize the states that have met or exceeded the necessary requirements,’’ Lazarus said. ‘‘The scope of the program includes recognition of the state’s efforts to more effectively network among members, promote professional development of members and conduct its affairs in a sound business manner. ‘‘This year, we have an amazing 25 recipients for the State Council Achievement Awards,” she said. Those recipients are as follows:

Alabama State Council

New Jersey State Council

Arizona State Council

New York State Council

California State Council

Ohio State Council

Connecticut State Council

Pennsylvania State Council

Florida State Council

Tennessee State Council

Georgia State Council

Texas State Council

Illinois State Council

Virginia State Council

Indiana State Council

Washington State Council

Kansas State Council

‘‘Without the solid efforts of our states, ENA would never be where it is today,’’ Lazarus said. ‘‘We are proud of all of our states, but want to thank you for a job particularly well done. Congratulations to all the award winners.’’ The call for 2013 State Council Achievement Awards will be launched in late spring.

Kentucky State Council Louisiana State Council Massachusetts State Council Maryland State Council Minnesota State Council Missouri State Council Nebraska State Council North Carolina State Council

Thank you to ... Florida ENA State Council, State Host Ambassadors in appreciation for your time and assistance during ENA Leadership Conference 2013.


May 2013

Workplace Violence Prevention Online Courses LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2013

FREE 4.75 Contact Hours for ENA Members

Go to ENA’s Center for e-Learning for these three online courses that discuss violence in the workplace and mitigation strategies. Nonmember price of $140.00

Working Together to Mitigate Workplace Violence by Dan Hartley, EdD, Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator, NIOSH Division of Safety Research

Current Trends & Risk Management for Health Care and ED Violence by Bonnie Michelman, Director of Police, Security and Outside Services at Massachusetts General Hospital

Safe Approach for Managing & Preventing Workplace Violence by Roland Ouellette, Director of Training and Co-founder of SAM Training Each of the online courses is interactive and includes stop and think activities, knowledge checks, enhanced graphics, as well as links to additional information. The Emergency Nurses Association is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

These online courses are brought to you by In collaboration with

Thank you to our sponsor

Mark you calendars for the Safe Work Environment Intensive which will be held Official Magazine of the Emergency Association June 5-6 in Arlington Heights, IL.Nurses Look for registration information soon.



Kelleher’s Vision, Impact Honored During the Leadership Conference 2013 Opening Session, ENA President JoAnn Lazarus, MSN, RN, CEN, called the ENA family together to mourn the loss of co-founder and visionary Judith Kelleher, MSN, RN, CEN, FAEN, who died Jan. 24 at age 89. ‘‘Although it is a sad time for all of us who knew Judy, it is also a time to celebrate the life of someone we all cherished,’’ Lazarus said. In a moving tribute, Lazarus noted how she and many ENA members felt like they already knew Kelleher, even if they were meeting her for the first time. Her impact on the organization and the lives of emergency nurses will

be felt for generations. ‘‘Judy will be a part of ENA for eternity, and therefore a part of us,’’ Lazarus said. ‘‘As a tribute to her and to ensure that she continues to inspire emergency nurses, the ENA Foundation has created the Judith C. Kelleher Memorial Endowment to help spread her vision by making it possible for an ENA member to pursue his or her higher-education goals.’’ Lazarus announced that the ENA Board of Directors voted to have ENA donate $75,000 to the endowment and will match up to an additional $25,000 in donations in 2013. Following a respectful moment of

silence, a video paid further tribute to Kelleher, including footage from a recent interview in which she expressed her delight in ENA members and where they have taken the organization. ‘‘I am so proud of each and every one of you,’’ she said in the video. ‘‘It’s unthinkable that we have progressed so far, and it’s because of each and every one of you.’’

Developing Future Leaders ‘‘I am thrilled to see so many of my leader colleagues here at this conference,’’ Lazarus said. With a commitment to developing future

National Staff Supporting ENA’s Leaders ‘‘I bring you greetings from your fabulous national ENA staff,’’ said ENA Executive Director Susan M. Hohenhaus, LPD, RN, CEN, FAEN, who provided a behind-the-scenes update on how ENA staff are supporting members and accomplishing the work of the organization. ‘‘You may remember that last year at General Assembly I talked about the focus of our IT infrastructure and building a lean, productive team of talent,’’ she said. ‘‘By investing the resources of the organization in these two key areas, we’ve been able to do things like provide a conference app for you, managing and refining the membership database and working with a technology consulting company, redesigning and rebuilding a website that should be deployed midyear 2013.” Taking full advantage of social


media and technology tools has improvement processes and course improved how the national office correction repair issues as they are communicates with uncovered,’’ Hohenhaus said. members, remote staff ‘‘By investing our resources and some national in these areas, we not only are committee members. able to accomplish these ‘‘This investment by things, we were able to do it the ENA Board of in a fiscally responsible way. Directors allows us to Instead of ending 2012 as work quickly and planned with a deficit budget efficiently,’’ she said. of about $777,000, we actually Among other recent and finished in the black with a Susan M. Hohenhaus, ongoing accomplishments: bottom line of $92,000.’’ LPD, RN, CEN, FAEN • ENPC revision has ‘‘So I thank the ENA Board launched of Directors for trusting the treasure of • TNCC and GENE revisions are the association operations to our on track to deploy in 2013 incredible national office team. And • CATN revision is under way we thank you for your continued • ENA Staffing Guideline tool feedback and support. is scheduled to be available ‘‘And yes, JoAnn, you’re right. It’s next month showtime.’’ ‘‘We are not perfect, but we continue the big dig through rapid-cycle

— Amy Carpenter Aquino

May 2013


at Opening Session leaders, association mentoring and board member communications, Lazarus shared her goal of focusing her presidential year on areas vital to sustaining and growing ENA. ‘‘These are tumultuous times in our nation, especially in health care,’’ Lazarus said. ‘‘There are several leadership skills that are critical to the success of your role as ENA leaders and as leaders of this environment.’’ Advocating for emergency nurses, the profession and patients is an essential leadership skill, Lazarus said. She pointed to ENA’s strong showing in this area with the first Advocacy Intensive, held in January, and the ENA

‘‘Day on the Hill,’’ scheduled for May 15. Succession planning — growing new leaders who will take members’ places both in ENA and at the bedside — is being addressed this year with a new ENA Board of Directors mentoring program, Lazarus said. The board mentoring program will pair an emerging leader with a board member, and the two will spend the year developing leadership goals and an action plan for the mentee. Progress is also under way in the third critical area of communication. Lazarus launched an interactive weekly president’s blog Jan. 1 and has been sending monthly updates to state council

Judith C. Kelleher, MSN, RN, CEN, FAEN presidents to summarize ‘‘what’s happening at ENA’’ from her perspective. She encourages all members to provide feedback on her blog site. Quoting Laura Schwartz, former White House director of events and a speaker at ENA’s Advocacy Intensive, Lazarus said, ‘‘It’s showtime!’’ — Amy Carpenter Aquino

ENA Foundation Gives a Big Shout-Out to Education Julie Jones, BS, RN, CEN, the 2013 ENA Foundation chairperson, delivered some exciting news during her report at the Leadership Conference Opening Session. The donations received in 2012 from ENA members, friends of emergency nursing and corporate partners added up to more than $240,000 in scholarships and research grant opportunities to offer ENA members this year. ‘‘What does that mean to you?’’ Jones said. ‘‘The ENA Foundation is here to support you. We offer professional development scholarships to attend this fabulous Leadership Conference and the upcoming Annual Conference in the fall, academic scholarships to advance your education and professional career and research grants to advance the overall profession. We are here for you.’’ Jones held a megaphone representing the 2013 State Challenge campaign’s theme, ‘‘Shout Out for Emergency

Julie Jones, BS, RN, CEN (left) presents a leadership and service award to Laura Giles, BS, RN. Nursing Education.’’ The ENA Foundation launched the State Challenge campaign during the State and Chapter Leaders Conference on Feb. 28. ‘‘That is our theme, and our goal is to raise more funds so that we can support more education and emergency nursing research,’’ Jones said. ‘‘You can help your state meet the challenge by making a donation to the ENA Foundation today. No amount is too small. One

Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association

hundred percent of every penny donated to the State Challenge directly supports scholarships and research grants in 2014. Your donation matters. It matters to our fellow emergency nurses and to our profession.’’ Jones presented Laura Giles, BS, RN, the ENA Foundation’s immediate past chairperson, with an award for her leadership and service to the foundation. She also thanked everyone who made a difference by donating to the ENA Foundation. ‘‘Most of all, I want to thank you, the ENA member,’’ Jones said. ‘‘You, your friends and families and our corporate partners are the reason behind our success and our ability to support education, the professional development of emergency nurses and the implementation of evidencebased research. I give a shout-out to all of you!’’ — Kendra Y. Mims



What Makes Your Heart Sing? Opening Session speaker Carmine Gallo kicked off Leadership Conference 2013 with an empowering message designed specifically for leaders. Gallo focused on passion, communicating a bold vision, connecting things, creating ‘‘insanely great’’ experiences, being a great communicator and being empowering and engaging. The author and communications coach shared the success stories of inspiring visionaries such as Steve Jobs, Howard Schultz and Wendy Kopp and challenged attendees to see beyond their job titles to be more innovative and creative and to connect ideas from fields outside of emergency nursing. ‘‘As leaders, we all have to be innovative,’’ he said. ‘‘Learn from people who are some of the most innovative people of our time. What can inspiring, innovative leaders teach us?’’ Gallo noted that inspiring leaders are also great

communicators who invite feedback, communicate it to others and state the actions they are going to take. They also empower and encourage their staff and help their team members achieve their goals. Gallo challenged the audience members to define their passion. ‘‘Ask yourself, what am I passionate about and how am I going to express it?’’ he said. ‘‘What makes my heart sing? That should be what you express to your staff and department as much as you can on a daily basis, because passion is contagious.’’ In fact, passion is everything, Gallo said — a necessary trait that every leader must possess. He identified ENA’s co-founder Judith Kelleher, MSN, RN, CEN, FAEN, as an inspiring leader who exuded passion about emergency nursing that is evident throughout her legacy. ‘‘Judy left you a legacy that is worth preserving and growing,’’ Gallo said. ‘‘When you start with a vision of enriching lives, magical things start to happen.’’ — Kendra Y. Mims

Nurses advocate for nurses at ENA’s upcoming

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State Leaders, Government Affairs Chairs, and any engaged member who would like to join your state advocacy team will have the opportunity to advocate for the profession of Emergency Nursing on Capitol Hill. Interested in being an advocate for your profession? Reach out to your State President, or for questions email gov@ena.org. Sponsored by ENA 2013 Strategic Sponsor


May 2013

LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2013 Invitation to Ride ‘The Energy Bus’ Leadership Conference General Session speaker Jon Gordon believes in the power of words. One word, in fact, is all it takes to make a difference in this world, if the word is one that inspires a person to spread positivity. As a character in his book The Energy Bus had to learn how to overcome overwhelming negativity to define himself and ultimately achieve success, Gordon said, ‘‘I believe that is a journey that we are all on, to overcome all the negativity and adversity. Being positive does make a difference. ‘‘We know that positive teams will outperform negative teams … The culture we create in hospitals is so

important. Nine out of 10 people say they work better in a positive environment. One of the ways to get improvements in our emergency rooms and our hospitals is to create more positive emotions.’’ Gordon encouraged everyone in the audience to think of a word — one word — that would inspire them to be positive and spread positive energy to others. One audience member said

‘‘passion’’ would be his word. ‘‘I love that,’’ Gordon said. ‘‘He believed he can be more passionate about certain things, and the ‘why’ behind the word will give it the power. The purpose behind my word made all the difference for me.’’ Gordon encouraged attendees to share their words with him. ‘‘I really want to know your word, and I also want to know one thing you’re going to do to make a difference, one thing you’re going to leave here with,’’ he said. ‘‘Because as Edison said, ‘Vision without execution is hallucination.’ ” ‘‘I hope you will live your word,’’ he added. ‘‘And that word is not allowed to be ‘retirement.’ That will not refuel you.’’ — Amy Carpenter Aquino

Closing Session

Change the Things You Can: Life After Trauma Marcus Engel’s life changed forever his freshman year of college when a drunk driver hit the car in which he was riding and nearly killed him. The closing session’s keynote speaker took the stage at Leadership Conference 2013 with his seeing-eye dog. Garrett, and shared about the night he went from riding home with friends after a hockey game to waking up and finding himself missing nearly all of his senses, except for a feeling of ‘‘earth-shattering pain.’’ Eventually Engel regained all senses except for one; the accident left him permanently blind, with an unrecognizable face that would eventually endure more than 300 hours of reconstructive surgery. Today the professional speaker and best-selling author shares his powerful story and inspires audiences nationwide to overcome adversity, embrace challenges, learn from obstacles and make the most out of every experience. As the author of The Other End of the Stethoscope delivered his captivating and emotional life-changing experience to the audience, he intertwined his first-hand perspective as a

trauma patient. He discussed ways health care professionals, from a patient care tech to an emergency nurse, made a difference during the ‘‘most vulnerable moment’’ in his life by treating him like a person and not just a patient and by holding his hand to let him know he wasn’t alone. Engel inspired the audience to focus on the positive in unexpected situations and urged attendees to contact him when they experience compassion fatigue and burnout. ‘‘One of the things I can do is to try to pay it forward to you and to the entire world of health care,’’ Engel told the audience. ‘‘I want to hear your story. I want to know what I can do to help keep you in this profession.’’ — Kendra Y. Mims To contact Marcus Engel to share your story, please visit www.marcusengel.com.

Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association



IENR’s 2013 Poster Award Winners By Kendra Y. Mims, ENA Connection The Institute for Emergency Nursing Research presented the 2013 Research and Evidence-Based Practice Poster Awards on March 2 at the ENA Leadership Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Recipients were chosen from 19 evidence-based practice topics and four research topics.

Evidence-Based Practice Poster Award Winner Diana Tarone, MSN, MBA, RN, coordinator of clinical quality improvement, and Melinda Shoemaker, RN, director of the chest pain program of St. Luke’s University Health Network in Bethlehem, Pa., were receipients of the Evidence-Based Practice Poster Award for ‘‘Door-toBalloon Success 24/7,” along with St.  Luke’s colleagues Gerald Pytlewski, DO, and Ray Durkin, MD. Although their hospital had good outcomes and an excellent process for managing door-to-balloon times, Shoemaker said they recognized the occasional outlier would miss the guideline recommendation time of less than or equal to 90 minutes. A clinical focus group was developed to review every outlier case that had occurred in the previous 12 months. The group identified some common denominators for this patient population. ‘‘Once we had our focus group and we knew where our opportunities were with the group of patients who were outliers, we brainstormed a lot of ideas and conducted research on how we could improve that patient type and become 100 percent compliant with all patients 24/7,’’ Shoemaker said. One of the common factors the focus group discovered was that outlier


Diana Tarone, MSN, MBA, RN, of St. Luke’s University Heath Network in Bethlehem, Pa., stands with the winning poster ‘‘Door-to-Balloon Success 24/7,’’ which she authored with Melinda Shoemaker, RN, Gerald Pytlewski, DO, and Ray Durkin, MD. patients’ arrival times were during off hours. Although a majority of those patients did not miss the goal by more than 10 minutes, it was still necessary to figure out a way to make care more efficient to be 100 percent successful. The focus group identified an opportunity to make this happen: By using their ED residents and their rapid response team, they could move patients to the cath lab faster. ‘‘Our top priority is providing quality patient care and having the best possible patient outcomes,’’ Shoemaker said. ‘‘Once we established where we would change the process, we revised all the documents, updated our electronic documentation, educated the ED team and cath lab care providers and implemented some rapid-cycle improvement. We started our pilot, and it was immediately successful. The feedback during off hours was remarkable.’’ The success rate for the off-hours population improved by 17.4 percent,

Tarone said, and the overall door-toballoon rate improved by 11 percent. The process was implemented at three of the campuses, which vary by size and volume and perform primary PCI. ‘‘Speaking as an ER nurse, we’re competitive by nature, so we want to be the best at what we do,’’ Tarone said. ‘‘We have this healthy competition with our local competitors, and I think we just wanted to be at our goal 100 percent of the time.’’ Tarone, who presented the poster, said attendees addressed their concerns about resources and the difficulty of getting buy-in from various stakeholders. Tarone and Shoemaker hope their poster inspired attendees to replicate the same care process at their hospitals, regardless of the size. ‘‘I definitely think the overall message was that we all face challenges and that we all have different resources available to us, so we need to collaborate, work with multi-disciplinary teams and figure out how to use our

May 2013

LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2013 resources to the best of our ability to achieve the best possible outcome,’’ Shoemaker said.

Research Poster Award Winner Marie Williams, BSN, RN, emergency department clinical educator specialist at New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, N.C., and Casey Burney, RN, nurse manager at Cape Fear Emergency Department, accepted the Research Poster Award for ‘‘A Journey to Emergency Department Safety — Using the ENA Violence in the Workplace Toolkit.’’ Their poster team also included Christy Spivey, MBA, BSN, RN, CEN, NE-BC; Ruth White, BS-HCM, RN; Terri Dewees, MSN, RN, CEN, NE-BC; Kristen Ludwig, BSN, RN; Gail McGirt, RN; Amie Ellis, BSN, RN; Sonya Mohn, RN, and Dorey Johnson, BSN, RN. After discovering the ENA Workplace Violence Toolkit, Williams and Burney became inspired to implement changes to increase staff safety and create a healthy work environment. Although there had not been a violent incident in their ED, some staff expressed concern about their safety. Williams and Burney said they decided to use the Workplace Violence toolkit as a guide to be proactive instead of reactive regarding emergency department violence. ‘‘I think the biggest thing is just to create awareness,’’ Burney said. “A lot of this [toolkit] can be used for prevention so that patient situations don’t escalate to the point where you have a violent event. We also wanted to have the staff recognize that violence in the workplace isn’t necessarily someone coming in with a gun.’’ Williams describes the toolkit as ‘‘a recipe that tells you exactly how to make your ED safer.’’ ‘‘It gives you guidelines and research articles,’’ she said. ‘‘We took the survey from the toolkit and adapted it to survey our nurses. We got 73 surveys back, and 57 percent of the nurses we surveyed

Casey Burney, RN (left) and Marie Williams, BSN, RN, stand with the winning research poster developed by a team of 10 colleagues at the New Hanover Regional Medical Center and Cape Fear Emergency Department in Wilmington, N.C.

Thanks to the Poster Judges The Institute for Emergency Nursing Research acknowledges the following individuals for serving as poster judges for the 2013 ENA Poster Awards Program: Janet Abbott-Eckhart, EdD, MSN, RN Jodie Lane, EdD, MSN, RN Elizabeth LaVelle, PhD, RN, CEN Meghan LaVelle, DNP, RN, CEN, ACNS-BC Cindy Lefton, PhD, RN Anne Manton, PhD, RN, APRN, FAEN, FAAN Mary Naccarato, PhD, MSN, RN, CEN, CCNS Katie (Mary) Sigler, EdD, RN, CRNP Stephen Stapleton, PhD, MSN, MS, BSN, BS, RN, CEN Nancy Stevens, DNP, MSN, MS, RN, APRN, CEN, ACNP-BC, FAEN thought that violence was a part of the job. We knew that’s where we needed to start and educate our nurses to tell them it’s not part of the job and not something that should be expected of an ED nurse, doctor or tech.’’ The study included both emergency

Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association

departments within New Hanover Regional Medical Center network. Williams and Burney eventually expanded the project’s focus beyond nurses to include everyone, from doctors to onsite campus police. They also enlisted help from managers on both campuses and staff on the day and night shifts to get a perspective from all levels. As a result, the hospital has changed the access entry to one of the smaller emergency departments and installed a camera by the triage area. They also are preparing a care management guideline, ordering personal alert devices for their entire department, working with their facilities department to install panic buttons throughout the ED and developing a code and overhead page for an active shooter. Burney said presenting the poster at Leadership Conference was an opportunity to encourage attendees to take advantage of the ENA Workplace Violence Toolkit, as many attendees seemed unaware of the toolkit. ‘‘It was a really good opportunity for us to gain an understanding as to what staff perceived as violence in the workplace and what they feel is a normal part of their workday in the ED,’’ Burney said.



Concurrent Sessions Confidently Resolving Conflict Attendees of the ‘‘Confidently Dissolving Conflict’’ session presented by Suzanne O’Connor, MSN, RN, APN, learned how to identify their conflict styles, improve communication and solutions, strengthen relationships and manage conflict with different personalities in the emergency department. O’Connor urged attendees to take charge of conflict and use it as a learning opportunity. ‘‘Conflict is inevitable,’’ she said. ‘‘One of the things I would love for you to walk away with today is to embrace the conflict. I challenge you to not see conflict as scary. When you’re in a conflict, one great idea is to ask yourself is what’s right for the patient. What’s right for our staff and our safety? Not the popular or easy decision, but the right one. ED nurses and leaders really do

stand up for what is right. That’s what they’re made of.’’ O’Connor pointed out the differences between successful emergency nurses and successful conflict managers. ‘‘The nurses you work with are successful because they’re great ED nurses,’’ she said, ‘‘but they may not be so good on conflict style because they’re using the same style to handle conflict as they handle their clinical work. It is two separate people you need. Conflict is different and almost opposite to what the ED nurses do really well, which is fast and moving on quickly.’’ O’Connor encourages emergency nurse leaders not to resolve every conflict among their staff. ‘‘ED nurses feel good solving other people’s problems,’’ she said. ‘‘Ask them

Suzanne O’Connor, MSN, RN, APN what they think they should do. Encourage them to have their own ideas.’’ As a nursing leader, you are a lighthouse, O’Connor told attendees. ‘‘A lighthouse lasts for years and never crumbles,’’ she said. ‘‘They are

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May 2013

LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2013 looking for your light to stay on solid ground, so your light has to be shining strong. The energy, fervor and passion you have to run your organization have to stay strong. You cannot burn out. ‘‘My hope is that you feed yourself throughout your day so that your light by the end of the day is not completely out. Make sure you know that you’re on solid ground and you’re going to last and endure every storm. You’re going to survive and help your staff survive and bring them the energy and light that they desperately need from you.’’ — Kendra Y. Mims

Lateral Violence: It Goes Much Further Than Those Who ‘Eat Their Young’ Nearly every attendee raised a hand when presenter Melinda Stibal, MSN, MBA, RN, asked how many had been a victim of lateral violence. Stibal defined lateral violence (also called horizontal violence) as nurse-on-nurse aggression that occurs between peers at the same level — destructive behavior of nurses against other nurses. ‘‘Lateral violence is so much of our culture,’’ Stibal said. ‘‘It’s ingrained, and I think we don’t even recognize it sometimes. Just the fact that everyone in this room has either been a victim or knows someone who has been a victim tells us that it’s part of what we socialized in nursing. ‘‘We all know what it is, and it doesn’t feel very good. It’s sad that we as a profession do wonderful things and impact hundreds of thousands of people and their families’ lives every single year, [and we] have to spend our time being snarky with each other or doing things that are non-supportive.’’ Some of the consequences of lateral violence in nursing are decreased productivity and patient safety, high turnover rates and an unhealthy work environment, Stibal said. High levels of intimidating and threatening behavior are also associated with an increase in patient injuries such as falls and medication errors. ‘‘There are a lot of consequences for this in nursing, and most importantly, it is the quality of patient care and patient safety,’’ she said. ‘‘Novice and targeted nurses who oftentimes receive unprofessional feedback and criticism may not ask questions because they may be scared.’’ Stibal said many factors are contributing to this phenomenon in nursing, including the unique health care environment in which nurses work, where the stressors are very different than in other areas. She identified several behaviors associated with lateral violence: rude and humiliating comments, ignoring or belittling others, bragging about giving new RNs and interns a hard time, developing nicknames, gossiping and refusing to help. Stibal shared findings from studies of how nurses felt lateral violence impacted patients’ health care and the retention rates of new nurses. She also shared that 50 to 80 percent of lateral

Thank you to the following organizations for their generous support. Strategic SponSorS

Strategic SUpporterS

The ENA Strategic Sponsorship Program was designed to create partnerships with leading organizations whose objectives include supporting the emergency nursing profession.

Continued on page 42

Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association


LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2013 Continued from page 41 violence incidents go unreported and 40 percent of clinicians remain silent while witnessing events. ‘‘There are some enabling behaviors out there,’’ she said. ‘‘We may snicker at a mean joke, which means we support it. There is a fear of retaliation so we just tolerate it. Silence while witnessing an episode increases the risk, because if no one stands up for it, then it must be okay and it reinforces that behavior time and time again,” she said. “We have to look at ourselves and make ourselves

Thank you! ENA Leadership Conference 2013 Planning Committee Chairperson Jeff Solheim, MSN, RN-BC, CEN, CFRN, FAEN Linda Arapian, MSN, RN, EMT-B, CEN, CPEN Alicia R. Dean, MSN, RN, APRN, CNS Benjamin E. Marrett, MSN, RN, CEN, CCRN, FAEN Mary Alice Vanhoy, MSN, RN, CEN, CPEN, NREMT-P Onsite Liaison Mari L. Hoover-McGarry, RN, CEN 2013 President JoAnn Lazarus, MSN, RN, CEN


vulnerable with other nurses to be able to call other nurses on it and we have to be genuine.” — Kendra Y. Mims

and Mental Health Services Administration budget. ‘‘At the federal level, we do not have jurisdiction over criminal law issues like violence in the workplace,’’ Mereu said. ‘‘Those felony laws are done state by Enhancing Your Leadership Role state. But we certainly can be an Through Advocacy important player in terms of providing Attendees learned about the impact better mental health coverage and of advocacy involvement on nursing mental health services to people. We’re leadership during the ‘‘Enhancing also supporting the work of the CDC. It Leadership Skills Through Advocacy’’ provides many programs dealing with session led by Richard Mereu, JD, MBA, violence prevention, injury control, ENA’s chief government relations officer. mental health conditions and public This session focused on major health health research. We are working with care issues facing Congress HRSA to support the in 2013 and ways emergency medical services emergency nurses can get for children program to involved in advocacy. enhance better treatment for Mereu discussed the pediatric emergencies.’’ goals of ENA’s new Mereu urged attendees to advocacy department, which find ways to get involved include updating emergency through their state councils nurses on issues that impact and chapters and by the profession, lobbying attending town hall meetings, Congress to pass legislation, Richard Mereu, writing letters to local JD, MBA stopping harmful legislation newspapers and attending from being passed and fundraisers. He explained the legislative coordinating grassroots advocacy efforts. process and how attendees can contact ENA’s other advocacy initiatives include their senators and representatives. supporting specific legislation to Mereu said the most important thing eliminate the 190-day lifetime limit on one can do to become an effective inpatient psychiatric hospital services advocate is to stay informed on issues under the Medicare program and affecting emergency nursing. opposing cuts to the Substance Abuse ‘‘Know what is happening in your

Offering educational and networking opportunities for professionals caring for emergency patients. For more information, visit www.ena.org.

May 2013

LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2013 state in terms of mental health, violence in the workplace, ACA, and get active and become involved with your elected representatives — federal and state,’’ he said. ‘‘It’s really important to develop an ongoing relationship before a crisis hits.’’ — Kendra Y. Mims

Lisa Wolf, PhD, RN, CEN, FAEN

’Hi, I’m Dr. Wolf, and I’ll Be Your Nurse Today’: Research and Practice Benefits of a PhD ‘‘People ask questions all the time: Are you a doctor or are you a nurse? And I say, ‘Yes.’ ” Lisa Wolf, PhD, RN, CEN, FAEN, sees these encounters as opportunities to enlighten colleagues and patients about doctoral education in nursing. ‘‘I think there are a lot of interesting twists in dealing with both patients and colleagues when you hold a doctorate, whether it’s a DNP or a PhD,’’ she said. Wolf, director of ENA’s Institute for Emergency Nursing Research, shared considerations for emergency nurses who are pursuing PhDs, including types of programs, time commitment and the benefits of research on clinical practice. ‘‘There are three reasons people decide to not go back to school: it’s too hard, too much time and too much money. I’m going to disabuse you of all three of those things,’’ she said. Wolf shared how she managed to complete her PhD in three years while maintaining a teaching schedule and a

part-time position at the bedside. One of the main benefits of pursuing her PhD while continuing to work in the ED was seeing first-hand the connection between her research and her practice, she said. ‘‘In terms of a PhD, you need to think about whether you can bridge the practice/theory gap,’’ Wolf said. ‘‘This is a big controversy where people think when you get a doctoral education, when you get a doctorate in philosophy, there is so much theory that you forget how to practice.’’ In fact, Wolf found that her research made her a better nurse and that working at the bedside made her research more relevant. ‘‘I know about theory, but I also know that what I do is going to work in the ED,’’ she said. ‘‘I don’t tell people to do stuff I know is impossible … like ‘fill out this 18-page assessment on your patients,’ when you know it’s just not going to happen.’’ ‘‘I thought it was a great session. It was very informative,” said Denise Rhew, MSN, RN, CEN, of North Carolina. ‘‘Especially in the emergency department, we don’t have a lot of PhDs, and I think that sometimes is our drawback. We get great ideas, but we’re not able to sustain it because we don’t have leadership in the PhD world to help us further our paperwork and what our question was to get it published. We have the hardest time closing that loop. I think we really have to push for more people to go back and get their PhD, and this speaker was just awesome in

Official Magazine of the Emergency Nurses Association

sharing the steps she went through … and how research can truly impact your practice and how to make sure your patient outcomes are the best.” — Amy Carpenter Aquino


Workplace Violence: Prevent, Respond and Report Could Implementing SBIRT Help to Improve Safety in Your ED? In these hand-off sessions, ENA staff presented tools that members can implement in their emergency departments to address workplace violence. In the first session, Altair Delao, MPH, senior research associate, discussed the impact of violence in the workplace and how to use the ENA Workplace Violence Toolkit to help prevent it. Evidence shows that between 35 and 80 percent of hospital staff experience physical assaults, and 46 percent of all non-fatal assaults and acts of violence were committed against nurses, she said. Addressing violence in the workplace takes commitment from all staff levels, from managers supporting staff who report incidents to staff complying with safety policies and procedures. ‘‘Organizations that are successful embrace a culture of safety and a

Continued on page 44


LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2013 Continued from page 43 healthy work environment,’’ she said. The ENA Workplace Violence Toolkit focuses on three main areas: Prevent, Respond and Report. Delao led attendees through the toolkit’s information and features, including a staff assessment tool and an ED workplace violence project plan template, and explained how to evaluate their progress. She cautioned attendees to focus on a few short- and long-term action plan goals and to resist the urge to ‘‘fix everything.’’ Delao concluded with an invitation to a special workplace violence training opportunity funded by an Occupational Health and Safety Administration grant, which was held on-site the next day. In the second hand-off session, Cydne Perhats, MPH, senior research associate, explained how the use of screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment, with workplace violence prevention efforts, could improve safe practice, safe care in emergency departments. Of the estimated 22.1 million people who have a substance-abuse disorder, only 10 percent receive treatment, Perhats said. Substance abuse can lead to repeat injuries and hospitalizations, suicide and more than 50 diseases. In 2006, excessive alcohol consumption alone led to more than 1.2 million ED visits, she said. Research shows an association between excessive alcohol use and aggressive or violent behavior, but the link is not well understood. An ENA Violence Surveillance Study showed that emergency nurses who experienced violent acts in the ED reported that the perpetrators were under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs approximately half the time. SBIRT focuses on early intervention and harm reduction, Perhats said. She led attendees through the facts supporting the effectiveness of SBIRT, the challenges of implementing it in the ED and methods to address those challenges. SBIRT’s many potential benefits include an ability to reduce alcoholrelated morbidity and mortality, including those resulting from workplace violence, Perhats said. Use of the SBIRT procedure also has the potential to improve patient satisfaction and quality of care because ED patients who are unhealthy drinkers are provided strategies to help reduce harm from excessive alcohol use. ENA members can find more about the ENA Workplace Violence Toolkit and SBIRT at www.ena.org. — Amy Carpenter Aquino

Educating and Supporting New Graduate Nurses In this closing-day session, Mary Kay Silverman, BSN, RN, CEN, compared the graduate orientation programs of the emergency departments at two Magnet hospitals —


Hahnemann University Hospital in Philadelphia and Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, N.J. — that have decidedly different needs. ‘‘New grads and new grad orientation is a passion of mine, and I highly promote hiring new grads in the ED, if it’s done right,’’ Silverman said in ‘‘New Graduate Emergency Department Orientation: Are We Giving Them the Right Tools?’’ Silverman shared how a structured orientation program allowed for the successful hiring of 32 new-grad emergency nurses at Hahnemann in 2008 when the ED experienced an unprecedented turnover. ‘‘This program made that very successful, to the point where some nurses stayed for years later,’’ she said. When Silverman moved to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, she was surprised to find a less structured orientation program for new graduates in the ED. However, the ED had a .03 percent turnover rate. ‘‘Nurses there stay 20, 30, 40 years — there is no turnover,” she said. After delving into the ED’s orientation program, Silverman found that some things were working quite well, such as the use of the ENA Emergency Nursing Orientation Online Course, and a very strong support system for new graduates. Other areas needed refinement, and the program has undergone multiple changes since 2008 and is a constant work in progress, she said. Nurse feedback is critical to any orientation program. ‘‘We all want to retain all of our nurses, and nurses want to retain nurses,’’ she said. ‘‘It’s very difficult for them when they get used to their team, and then to have a member of that team leave.’’ Silverman shared several key components of a successful new graduate orientation program. ‘‘If you have all of those things, you will have a really great nurse for your department,’’ she said. — Amy Carpenter Aquino

May 2013

LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2013 CAUTI: Getting Your Staff on Board for Prevention of Catheter-Aquired UTI In this session, Marlene Bokholdt, MS, RN, CPEN, CCRN, ENA nursing education editor, shared resources for preventing catheter-acquired urinary tract infections in the ED, including guidelines for appropriate catheter placement. ‘‘When we talk about indications and contraindications for putting in a catheter, it’s not as clear-cut as it could be,’’ Bokholdt said. ‘‘We still have to go through and make those clinical decisions and use that critical thinking to determine whether or not the patient assessment leads us toward a catheter or away from it.’’ She reviewed patients who are at risk for inappropriate catheter placement, based on results of a 2010 study that found that women were twice as likely as men and the elderly (more than age 80) were three times as likely as younger patients to receive inappropriate catheter placement. ‘‘When we think about the population that is at risk, they are also at the highest risk for urosepsis,’’ she added. Bokholdt shared guidelines for appropriate use of catheters in the hospital setting from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee. ‘‘These are the appropriate guidelines you should use — you’ll find some of them are very clear and obvious, and some require a little bit more definition,’’ she said as she reviewed guidelines of particular significance to emergency nurses, such as ‘‘The patient is critically ill and will require accurate intake and output measurement.’’ ‘‘There are three points where we can impact this,’’ Bokholdt said. ‘‘First of all is the decision to insert, and we’ve touched on some appropriate indications and contraindications and the importance of knowing why. We will also discuss the decision-making process, communication surrounding the decision and ways to make your staff think about this decision before they insert the catheter. The other two are the aseptic technique and the decision to remove.’’ Bokholdt also stressed the importance of making sure people who insert catheters are properly trained, use sterile technique and follow good hand hygiene practices. ‘‘I know we’ve all heard about hand hygiene over and over again, but it really does make a difference,’’ she said. Attendee Julie Mount, MSN, BSN, RN, CEN, CPEN, FNP-BC, a clinical nurse specialist from New York, said her hospital is already taking several measures to prevent CAUTI. ‘‘I thought [the session] was excellent,’’ Mount said. ‘‘I think it’s always good to get new ideas.” — Amy Carpenter Aquino

Leaders of the Future Attendees learned how to formulate a plan for successful mentorship for the frontline nurse manager in AnnMarie Papa’s ‘‘Leaders of the Future: Plan Your Success’’ session. Papa, DNP, RN, CEN, NE-BC, FAEN, identified approaches to enhance mentoring of nurse managers and discussed important mentor/mentee qualities and how to identify toxic mentors/mentees and still learn from them. She said it’s a manager’s and leader’s job to train someone in his or her department to be better than they are, and it’s a staff nurse’s job to find a leader who will mentor him or her. ‘‘So in your role as a mentor … you don’t want to make them a carbon copy of you,’’ Papa said. ‘‘Your success as a mentor means that the mentee you have should be better than you. I always think you have to prepare the future to be better than we are. Those nurses that you’re training today will be the ones taking care of us tomorrow.” Papa also stressed the importance of passing the torch. ‘‘It’s your future, so whether you are mentoring somebody as a leader or whether you’re the mentee the leader is mentoring, I hope I gave you some food for thought. I hope it helps you to grow and to build our future.’’ — Kendra Y. Mims



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