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Your Voice Matters
enchantment Readers,
The New Mexico Electric Cooperative Association and your local cooperative are conducting a digital survey with GreatBlue Research to gather opinions about this magazine. Our goal is to make sure the enchantment serves the needs of our electric cooperative members across our great state, and we would love to hear from you!

Please scan the QR Code below or visit surveys.greatblueresearch.com/ s3/NMRECA-Readership-Survey-2023, to access the survey and tell us what you think about the enchantment magazine’s content and format.

As required by the Code of Ethics of the National Council on Public Polls and the United States Privacy Act of 1974, GreatBlue Research, Inc. maintains the anonymity of respondents to surveys the firm conducts. No information will be released that might, in any way, reveal the identity of the respondent.
If you have any questions or need assistance with the survey, please call 1-888-969-7956 or send an email to info@nmelectric.coop. We thank you for your assistance and hope that you participate in this important survey.