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Central Valley Electric Cooperative NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS


Charles T. Pinson, Jr.


1403 N. 13th Street

P.O. Box 230

Artesia, NM 88211







Website www.cvecoop.org

Office Hours

8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (M-F)

Se habla español

Board of Trustees


Charles G. Wagner, Jr.

North of Roswell, District 6

Vice President

Michael Bennett, Hope, District 7


Wesley R. Pilley

Dexter/Hagerman, District 4

Larry Benedict

South of Roswell, District 5

Jason Ciempa

Loco Hills, District 2

Rusty Gwynne

Artesia/Lakewood, District 1

Steve Spence

Cottonwood, District 3

Board Meeting

The Board of Trustees meets the fourth Wednesday of the month at 9 a.m. at CVE.

CVE is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. ("CVEC" or "Cooperative") will file its Advice Notice No. 58 on or around May 1, 2023, with the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (Commission) to be effective on June 1, 2023. Advice Notice No. 58 consists of proposed tariff changes necessary to implement the Western Farmers Electric Cooperative ("WFEC") Short Term Contract Rate Schedule STC-22 and the Standby/Back-Up Service Rider to the WFEC Rate Schedule R-16 as filed with the Commission in the WFEC Advice Notice No. 23.

The proposed tariff changes do not increase the rates to any of the Cooperative's existing members. Nor are the proposed changes expected to increase CVEC's margins. The proposed rates affect only Cooperative customers that in the future are: 1) consumers of CVEC with a connected load greater than 1,000 kW and served under the WFEC STC-22 Rate Schedule; and 2)are able to self-generate fifty (50) kW or greater and capable of receiving a portion of their requirements from CVEC pursuant to the requirements of WFEC's Standby/Back-Up Service Rider.

CVEC is also proposing to update its standard Forms for Service Agreements to reflect these changes.

Pursuant to Rule 17.9.540 NMAC of the Commission, CVEC's consumers are notified that:

Rates to Be Modified

CVEC is proposing to update the following rates, rules and forms to implement WFEC's Short Term Contract Rate Schedule STC-22 and its Standby/Back-Up Service Rider to WFEC Rate Schedule R-16: a. Sixth Revised Rate No. 1 -Residential Service (3,954 customers) b. Sixth Revised Rate No. 4 -Small Commercial Service ( 374 customers) c. Fourth Revised Rate No. 5 -Cotton Gin Service (1 customers) d. Sixth Revised Rate No. 6- Irrigation Pumping Service ( 161 customers) e. Fifth Revised Rate No. 7 -Large Commercial Service (214 customers) f. Second Revised Rate No. 7A -Large Commercial Service Greater Than 1,000 kW (22 customers) g. Fifth Revised Rate No. 8 -Oil Well Pumping Service (100 customers) h. Fifth Revised Rule and Regulation No. 15 -Extension Policy i. Original Form No. 17 -Residential Service Agreement j. Original Form No. 18- Small Commercial Service Agreement k. Original Form No. 19- Cotton Gin Service Agreement l. Original Form No. 20- Irrigation Pumping Service Agreement m. Original Form No. 21 - Large Commercial Service Agreement n. Original Form No. 22- Large Commercial Service Greater Than 1,000 kW Agreement o. Original Form No. 23 - Oil Well Pumping Agreement

Amount of Increase or Decrease in Revenues to CVEC

The tariff adjustments proposed in this Advice Notice No. 58 are not anticipated to increase or decrease CVEC's operating margins. No existing customer of the Cooperative will be subject to an increase in costs under the proposed rates. The proposed tariff changes are designed solely to adopt and implement WFEC's Short Term Contract Rate Schedule STC-22 and its Standby/Back-Up Service Rider to WFEC Rate Schedule R-16 and to update CVEC's standard Forms for Service Agreements to properly reflect these modifications.

Present and proposed rates

None of the present CVEC rates charged to members will be changed. Each of the tariffs being updated will now include language that states that members subject to WFEC's Standby/Back-Up Service Rider shall be subject to a pass-through of the Reservation Demand Charge billed by WFEC to the Cooperative.

Additionally, CVEC's Second Revised Rate No. 7 A, Large Commercial Service Greater than 1,000 kW, is being updated to add language necessary to implement WFEC's Short Term Contract Rate Schedule, STC-22. The proposed change will only affect Cooperative customers that in the future are served under WFEC's STC-22 Rate Schedule. No existing Cooperative member is impacted by this change.

Date of Filing

CVEC intends to file Advice Notice No. 58 with the Commission on or around May 1, 2023.

Member Notification

The Cooperative will promptly notify a member, who so requests, of the date on which the schedule proposing the new rates is actually filed with the Commission.

Automatic Effect of Rates

The proposed new rates will go into effect without a hearing by the Commission unless protests are filed with the Commission setting forth grounds for review of the proposed rates signed by the lesser of one percent of or twenty five (25) members of any rate class no later than twenty (20) days after CVEC has filed the schedules with the Commission proposing the new rates and the Commission determines there is just cause for reviewing the proposed rates on one or more of the grounds of the protest.


Procedure for Filing a Protest

Procedures for protesting a proposed rate or rates is set forth in NMPRC Rule 17.9.540 NMAC, a copy of which can be obtained upon request from or inspected at either the office of Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc., 1403 N. 13th Street, PO Box 230, Artesia, NM 88211 (telephone 575.746.3571) or the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, 142 W Palace Ave # 300 Santa Fe, NM 87501 (telephone: (888) 427-5772. Forms for protest are available from the Cooperative and by accessing the Commission's Rule 540 Electric Coop Protest Form at: https://www.nm-prc.org/rate-increase-protest-forms/.

Resolution of Protest

Prior to filing a protest with the Commission, a Cooperative member should attempt to resolve any grievance by presenting your objections to the new rates, in writing, and allow CVEC seven (7) days in which to attempt a resolution of your objections or otherwise respond.

Examination of Filing

Any interested person may examine the rate filing together with any exhibits and related papers that may be filed at any time at the office of Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc., 1403 N. 13th Street, PO Box 230, Artesia, NM 88211 (telephone 575.746.3571) or the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, 142 W Palace Ave # 300 Santa Fe, NM 87501(telephone:(888) 427-5772). The rate filings may be viewed after the date of filing via the Commission's E-Docket System at https://Edocket.nmprc.state.nm.us/ (username: webguest / password: webguest#l).

Further Information

Further information concerning this filing or the protest procedure may be obtained by contacting CVEC, located at 1403 N. 13th Street, PO Box 230, Artesia, NM 88211 (telephone 575. 746.3571) or on or after the date of the filing at the offices of the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, 142 W Palace Ave # 300 Santa Fe, NM 87501 (telephone:(888) 427-5772).

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