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NMRECA Safety Poster Coloring Contest Winners
To recognize Electrical Safety Month, NMRECA invited youth to color this important safety message. The winners’ artwork is shown at right.

The first place winner is 9-year-old Angel Rico, of Columbus Elementary and Columbus Electric Cooperative. Angel won $250.
“They took advantage of the space given and made it original,” said the contest judge.
Second place was awarded to 9-year-old Aubrianna Barnes, Cloudcroft Elementary and Otero County Electric. Aubrianna won $200.
“The shading is very well done and the falling picture frame is a nice touch,” the judge said.
Eight-year-old Emry Montoya, from Cottonwood Valley Charter and Socoro Electric, won third place. Emry won $150.
“Nice attention to detail around the TV,” the judge said. “Also, really like the color and pattern on the floor.”
Thanks to all young artists for sharing!
Enchanted Journeys
August 12 and 13
Questa Art Tour
The Questa Art Tour is now in its 8th year, with over 50 artists in their studios in the wild beautiful landscape of northern Taos County.
The event is the weekend of August 12 and 13, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.
Maps and brochures available at QuestaCreative.org. Free and open to all.
More info at QuestaCreativeCouncil@gmail.com