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Jemez Mountains Electric Cooperative, Inc.
2023 JMEC Annual Meeting - Prizes, Prizes, Prizes!
Story continued from page 5.
2010 Retired Jmec Chevrolet Malibu
Well maintained by JMEC mechanics, this four-door cream puff could be yours – just come, register for the Annual Meeting and see if your name is called!
Imagine yourself working and/or playing astride one of the two amazing 2023 Polaris Sportsman 579 ATVs JMEC members will have a chance to win at the 2023 Annual Meeting! Come and register at the JMEC 2023 Annual Meeting and you could be taking home one of these bad boys!

Do you know how big 75 inches is? More than 6 feet! Come and register at the JMEC 2023 Annual Meeting and you could add a smooth six and one-quarter feet of colorful TV entertainment to your viewing spot of choice!
JMEC’s James Smith Receives the Long Rope Safety Attitude Program Award
In its 17th year, the Long Rope Safety Attitude Program award was given to JMEC’s James Smith, who is in his 38th year as a lineman (pictured left, with Travis Sullivan, Southwestern Electric Cooperative GM). Presented at New Mexico Rural Electric Self-Insurer’s Fund Annual Meeting in June, the award recognizes a person at the state level who is a leader in safety and walks-the-walk.

“(James’) outlook on safety is exceptional,” said remarks in the materials nominating Smith for the award. “He understands that safety is our number one priority. He follows safety rules to a tee and never takes short cuts. His safety culture never alters, whether he is performing an everyday task or working a major outage.”
The safety program was initiated in 2006 by the Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives (OAEC) and was presented to all cooperatives in New Mexico and Oklahoma. It is co-sponsored by the New Mexico Rural Electric Self-Insurer’s Fund.
The safety program’s award sets a high bar for nominees’ behavior and attitude. Standards include:

. Safety is part of the job, a priority.
. Never takes shortcuts.
. Is a good listener.
. Leads by example.
. Is a good teacher.
. Is open to change.
. Is not affected by peer pressure.
. Always looks for safer ways to do things.
“Our cooperative is impressed with how deep he and his crew work the job briefing which is three pages long and intense,” the nomination remarks continued. “(James) has a positive influence on and is highly respected by other linemen and apprentices. He takes pride in accomplishing tasks in a professional and safe manner and has a fantastic attitude overall.” Congratulations James!
Annual Meeting: We Need Your Support to Update These By-laws!
The Jemez Mountains Electric Cooperative, Inc., board of trustees will propose eight by-laws to be considered by member vote at the Sunday, August 20, 2023, annual meeting. We need a quorum for this to be possible so please come, register and vote in support of these updates!
While you will have the full detail of the proposed amendments to each by-law, we present here only their plain-language explanation:
1. Proposed Amendment to JMEC Bylaw ARTICLE I
MEMBERSHIP SECTION 2. Membership Certificates
This bylaw amendment eliminates the $5.00 membership fee. It provides that taking electricity or other services from the Cooperative makes the individual, joint users or other entities members of the Cooperative.

2. Proposed Amendment to JMEC Bylaw ARTICLE I
MEMBERSHIP SECTION 3. Joint Membership
This bylaw amendment expands the definition of joint membership to two member/owners rather than just a husband and wife.
3. Proposed Amendment to ARTICLE III MEETINGS OF MEMBERS, SECTION 1. Annual Meeting

This bylaw amendment allows the Co-op Annual Meeting of Members to be held on Saturdays or Sundays, not just Sundays.
4. Proposed 2023 Bylaw Amendment, Redefine the Trustee-at-Large Position. New bylaw language at ARTICLE IV SECTION 11.

This bylaw amendment eliminates the current Trusteeat-Large position in 2025 that is currently elected by the members of the Co-op’s Board of Trustees every two years. Beginning in 2025, the position becomes an at-large Trustee position elected by and from the Co-op’s members in District 6.
5. Proposed Amendment to ARTICLE IV TRUSTEES
SECTION 1. General Powers adding a new section 2. This bylaw amendment requires the Co-op’s Board of Trustees to adopt a Code of Conduct with the minimum requirements set out in the amendment.
6. Proposed Amendment to ARTICLE IV TRUSTEES
SECTION 4 Nomination and Election of Trustees (a). This bylaw amendment expands the notice period of Co-op Board of Trustees elections so that members are notified sooner regarding Co-op Board of Trustees elections. Further, this bylaw provision makes it clearer regarding what must be included in the notice.
7. Proposed Amendment to ARTICLE VI OFFICERS
SECTION 1. Number

This bylaw amendment adds the Secretary/Treasurer Board officer position to the Co-op’s bylaws.

This bylaw amendment adds term limits to those elected or appointed to the Co-op’s Board of Trustees on or after July 1, 2023.