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Your Electric Co-op

General Manager

Denise Barrera


610 Highway 195 • P.O. Box 290 Elephant Butte, NM 87935


575-744-5231 Outages








Office Hours

8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (M-F)

Board of Trustees President

John Bokich, Elephant Butte, District 2

Vice President

Thomas Stroup, Elephant Butte, District 2


Charles McMath, Elephant Butte, District 2


George Biel, Monticello, District 3

Dennis Franklin

Williamsburg, District 1

Tami Garrett

Las Palomas ,District 3

Judy Smith

Caballo, District 1

Darryl Sullivan

Monticello, District 3

Oscar Lee Wood

Elephant Butte, District 2

Board Meeting

The Board of Trustees meets the third Friday of the month at 8:30 a.m. in the Cooperative boardroom.

NOTICE: Advice Notice No. 68

Sierra Electric Cooperative Inc. (“Sierra” or “Cooperative”) hereby provides notice of its filing with the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (“Commission”) on or around June 1, 2020 of proposed rate schedules, under Advice Notice No. 68, to modify its Third Revised Rate No. 6—Fees and Charges—to update fees and charges to reflect the costs incurred by Sierra for service calls and other charges incurred to serve the members. Sierra’s tariffs governing fees and charges to members for services are being updated and consolidated into fewer rates to recover the costs incurred by Sierra to provide service. Several outdated fees are being replaced or consolidated into a new set of fees that are reflective of the costs to provide services to Sierra members. As Sierra has switched to an AMI system for reading meters it is no longer necessary to be at the customer premises for disconnect, intermittent service disconnect and reconnect of service. Accordingly, the current $50 charge for these services are being removed from the tariff and replaced by a new charge of $40 for any service order. Additionally, Sierra is proposing a single Trip Charge fee of $50 for all service orders, instead of different fees based upon the service being provided. An additional fee of $25 will be charged if the service call is to address an outage caused by the member’s side of the meter and not through the fault of Sierra or its facilities. Finally, a fee of $35 will be charged for any payments that are returned to Sierra by the member’s bank or financial institution for non-sufficient funds. This update to Sierra’s Third Revised Rate No. 6 is being proposed solely to allow the Cooperative to recover costs incurred by the Cooperative to provide services to the members and to avoid having any member subsidize other members causing the Cooperative to incur the costs.

I. Amount of Increase

The requested rate change will modify the rates of Sierra to more accurately reflect the costs to serve members. The costs for disconnect and reconnect of service are decreasing, while other costs for a returned check are increasing to reflect standard business practices and costs in such circumstances. In lieu of a variety of specific costs Sierra will have a standard Trip Charge for service during business hours and a surcharge for service trips after business hours.

II. Customer Classes to Which the New Rates Apply

The proposed rate changes will affect Sierra Third Revised Rate No. 6.

The present and proposed rates that are being changed or modified are: Current Rate No. 6 Proposed Rate No. 6

Connect Fee $50.00 Service Order (business hours) $40.00 Collection Fee $50.00 Trip Charge (business hours) $50.00 Reconnect Fee (business hours) $50.00 Trip Charge (non-business hours) $75.00 Reconnect Fee (non-business hours) $70.00 Service Customer-Owned Facilities $25.00 Intermittent Service Disconnect Fee $50.00 Office Transfer Charge $10.00 Returned Check Charge $15.00 Returned Check Fee $35.00 Meter Test Fee $25.00 Meter Tampering Charge $150.00 first offense/ Meter Tampering Charge $150.00 first offense/ $300.00 thereafter $300.00 thereafter

III. The Impact on Residential Customers

Sierra does not anticipate any significant change in the cost impact to customers. The proposed fee schedule is simpler and easier for members to understand. Some charges are increasing and others decreasing to reflect the change in cost for Sierra to provide services.

IV. Date of Filing

Sierra intends to file the proposed rates with the Commission on or around June 1, 2020 to be effective on July 1, 2020.

V. Member Notification

Upon the request of a member, Sierra will promptly notify said member of the actual filing date of the rate schedules.

VI. Automatic Effect of Rates

The Schedules will go into effect automatically and without hearing, unless at least one percent or twenty-five (25) members of a customer class, whichever is fewer, file a protest with the Commission setting forth grounds for review of the proposed rates. The Commission will determine if the protest has provided just cause for review of the schedule. Such protest must be filed within twenty (20) days after Sierra files said schedules with the Commission. IF A HEARING IS HELD BY THE PUBLIC REGULATION COMMISSION, ANY COSTS INCURRED BY THE UTILITY MAY BE INCLUDED IN THE UTILITY’S FUTURE RATES, FOLLOWING THE UTILITY’S NEXT RATE CASE.

VII. Procedure for Filing a Protest

The procedures for protesting a proposed rate are set forth in the NMPRC Rule 17.9.540, a copy of which can be obtained upon request from or inspected at Sierra’s office at PO Box 290, 610 Hwy 195, Elephant Butte, NM 87935; telephone number 575-744-5231. A copy can also be obtained at the offices of the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission located at P.E.R.A. Building, 1120 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504; telephone number 800-947-4722 or 505-827-4500 or on the web at www.nmprc.state.nm.us

VIII. Resolution of Protest

Prior to filing a protest with the Commission, a member of Sierra should attempt to resolve any grievance by presenting objections to Sierra in writing and allowing Sierra at least seven (7) days in which to attempt to resolve the objections or otherwise respond.

IX. Examination of Filings

Any interested party can examine the rate filings together with any exhibits and related papers filed with the Commission at Sierra’s office at PO Box 290, 610 Hwy 195, Elephant Butte, NM 87935; telephone number 575-744- 5231 or at the Commission’s office located at P.E.R.A. Building, 1120 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504; telephone number 800-947-4722 or 505-827-4500 after the date of filing.

X. Further Information

Further information about this matter can be obtained by contacting Sierra at its main office at PO Box 290, 610 Hwy 195, Elephant Butte, NM 87935; telephone number 575-744-5231 or at the Commission’s office located at P.E.R.A. Building, 1120 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504; telephone number 800-947-4722 or 505-827-4500 in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Payment Services

Sierra Electric Cooperative, Inc., accepts cash, money orders, checks (savings or checking not post dated), and credit/debit cards. ❑ Mail Payment: Send to PO Box 290, Elephant Butte, NM 87935. ❑ Drop Box: Drop payment in secure drop box in co-op parking lot, 610 Hwy. 195, Elephant Butte, NM 87935 ❑ Payment by Phone: Call 575-744-5231, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding Cooperative holidays. ❑ Online: Visit www.sierraelectric.org—SmartHub registered account or Pay Now—also available on Mobile iOS and Android. ❑ Auto Payments: Sign up in SmartHub (paper applications available). ❑ Third Party: We accept electronic and paper check delivery from your online bank pay service. Payments must be made separately for each account. Be aware of outside businesses that offer to make our electric payment for you. They will often charge additional fees and your payment may take 7 to 10 business days to arrive at our office.

A Common Culprit of Electrical Fires

Overloaded cords and outlets: Extension cords are not permanent solutions. If your bigscreen TV, home theater system and other electronics are plugged into one extension cord, it’s time to call an electrician and install additional outlets.

Sierra Electric is closed Monday,

May 25th in observance of Memorial Day.

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