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The Future of Façade Consultancy is “Engineering” provides solution…

What is Façade Engineering Solutions?
Over the years Conventional façade consultancy in India provides conceptual design details, typical connections, tentative budget and typical BoQ and Run of the mill technical specifications while heavily relying on façade contractor to propose “Inspired Bespoke façade system” and execution. Thus, paving a way for Façade Contractor to dominate the execution by compromising the quality and performance requirement.
Façade “Engineering” offer solutions to Client & Architect to own the Engineered Façade to pass on to Contractor for execution.
The complete design of every typical and critical junctions, connections, structural stability, thermal performance, finalization of Façade system, detailed estimate takes place before contractor coming on board.
“EFS” owns the full responsibility of the façade design and produces the “Final Shop Drawings” for Façade contractor’s execution. Thus saving the time for “Design Reviews”
“EFS” offers easy to understand Performance based Technical specification based on international standards.
➢ Façade Concept Development:

As the nature of building façades takes on ever greater importance, the pressure for change is probably greater than for any other element of a building; change not only for higher performance but also in aesthetic and in legislation demands, which require expert contribution.
EFS provide Façade Concept Development and design assistance for complete or complex areas of a building. EFS get involved in the design and development process working directly on the development of the design details that the subcontractor will use as the basis of their design.

Façade Design Engineering:

The development of both bespoke and standard products is a highly specialised discipline requiring knowledge of materials, manufacturing technology, methods of assembly, application and commercial issues, to achieve a costeffective product and bespoke façade system design solutions.
EFS can design of a range of systems. The service substitutes the subcontractor’s design responsibilities. Actions include the completion of working drawings showing building interfaces, brackets, structural components , etc. The overall benefits with this approach that save costs; reduces the programme.

➢ Façade Structural Analysis & Engineering:

The structural engineering of building façade design is an important skill in delivering the best value for clients and ensuring a high standard of façade performance. Structural analysis is integrated into the design philosophy.
EFS have skill and experience of specialist structural engineering of modern façade design.
The design relies upon knowledge and experience to achieve a cost-effective product and bespoke façade system solutions.
By analysing past solutions, and sharing experiences and skills, our structural engineers refine their ability to design stable, durable, elegant and economic buildings in all conditions
➢ Façade BOQ, Specification & Estimate

Accurate, concise and fitting specifications are a fundamentally important aspect of the façade engineering process. They are necessary in order to communicate the exact project requirements, the forms of constructions and the constraints under which materials should perform in order for a building to achieve the required levels performance and durability for the lifetime the building. This allows projects to benefit and Clients with the certainty that all subcontractors will bidding for the project on an equal footing. The façade specification is an essential rulebook and underpins the delivery of any major project.

Services Offered by EFS
3D Design & Analysis of Design Feasibility