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16 | yourstoryyourstage Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed is such a cute and sweet story! If you ever read the book by Mo Willems, you will see the story follows the book very well. The story, without spoiling the show, is about Wilbur the naked mole rat. He is a normal rat until clothes fall from the sky and he sees that the clothes are nice. His friends, on the other hand, think it’s disgraceful for a naked mole rat to get dressed. They go to the leader and the leader thinks if it doesn’t hurt anyone, why would it be bad? It’s definitely a show that kids can follow along with and parents will be kept amused and delightfully entertained. Finnian Sandifer, Alliance Theatre Education Student

The songs are very catchy. After you leave the show, you will most likely be humming the melody as you walk out. The songs are all different – some are rock but others are jazzy. They make you want to jump out of your seat and start dancing. The songs also have rhythms and rhymes that make them fun to hear. Also, kids will get them stuck in their heads which is half good, half a burden. This show is a good thing for adults to watch with kids because it also has an interesting message for everybody. There was one point in the story where the mole rats told the leader they didn’t like that Wilbur wore clothes. The leader thought and thought and said, “Hey, this doesn’t bother us!” So everyone accepted him. So what does this say? Well, I feel it says we should accept each other. Think about it: as the leader said, if something doesn’t hurt us, why should it be considered disgraceful? This is very relevant today with LGBTQ+ rights, as well as race and gender equality. None of these things hurt people yet many still harass people who are different than them. Whether you agree with me or not, it’s a spectacular way to pass the time. Do you have a different message to get from this? Does it affect the world differently? Who knows but you.

alliancetheatre.org | @alliancetheatre

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