Endeis Segura Gelink - Jewelry Design
How´s this for muchness?
Season 1
You used to be much more...muchier...
Flower Rings Large: € 95 Medium: € 85
Flower rings Medium: € 85 Small: € 75 Droplet ring: € 75
Flower ring: € 95 Droplet ring: € 85
Flower earrings: â‚Ź 65
Flower ring Medium: € 85 Small: € 75 Bird ring; € 75
Bird earrings: â‚Ź 55
Bird Brooch: â‚Ź 95
Charm bracelet: â‚Ź 75
Necklace: â‚Ź 115
Brooch: €115
Birdcage necklace: â‚Ź 145
Dear everyone, Since I just graduated at the academy of fine arts and am trying to set up my own business this year, I thought it would be an interesting idea to open up this process to the public. The different steps I take, to become a professional and independent jewelry designer, will be translated in to small collections of wearable pieces. All under the title, How´s this for muchness? Muchness, is a term used to describe the innocence and imagination of young children. As you grow up and gain responsibilities in life, you lose your muchness. My objective on this concept is not to lose my muchness, but to use this lightheartedness and playfulness as I’m trying to gain new responsibilities that occur during this process. Season 1 is made to kickoff this journey and to create an ambiance that I can pursue during this year. I hope you will follow me on this adventure! Sincerely,
Endeis Segura Gelink
ps: for more information on this subject, you can visit my website www.endeis.nl
28 pages in full color
cover art - How’s this for muchness? Season 1 (2012) endeis segura gelink - jewelry endeis segura gelink - photography printed in the hague