Employee Manual

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Employee Manual

5409 Gateway Centre Suit F Flint, MI 48507 810-235-0100

Employee Welcome Welcome to our office. Your decision to join our professional dental team is a welcome one. We look forward to getting to know you and to working with you. All of us are committed to serving the patients of our practice by providing the highest quality of dental care possible. Manual Description This employee manual has been prepared as your guide to our office and our employee policies. Review it once a year and whenever you have a question about such office policies as vacations, medical benefits, and the like. We welcome any questions you may have about our policies. Please feel free to share your questions or comments with the dentist. This manual is not an express or implied contract of employment. The procedures, guidelines and benefits set forth in this manual can be changed at any time (with or without notice) by the owner of the practice. Either the practice or any of its employees may terminate the employment relationship at any time with or without cause or notice. Employee Training The first 90 days of employment is a training period for new employees. This is a chance for you to get to know our practice, patients and professional colleagues. It is also an opportunity for us to get to know you. During the training period, your work performance and attendance record will be reviewed by the dentist. At the successful conclusion of your 90-day training period, you will receive a formal performance evaluation session with the dentist. (A copy of our performance evaluation form can be found in the chapter titled "Employee Performance.") Please note that the atwill status of the employees of this practice does not change following a successful completion of the training period. ("At-will" employment status means that either you or the practice is free to end the work relationship without cause or notice at any time during the course of employment.) To help ensure the prompt provision of care to our patients, we request employees who plan to resign to submit letters of resignation with a minimum of two weeks notice. Mission Statement The practice of Dr. Kinra at Diwakar Kinra, DDS MS provides quality dentistry for people of all ages. We offer a narrow range of dental services, including endodontic treatment, endodontic retreatment, and certain surgical procedures. We pride ourselves on our patient-centered practice. We do everything possible to make dental visits pleasant for our patients.

Employee Attendance Definition of full-time and part-time employees At this practice a full-time employee is one who is scheduled to work 29 hours each week in an established position. A part-time employee is one who is scheduled to work less than 29 hours a week in an established position. A temporary employee is one who is hired for a specific purpose or job for a period of not more than 90 days. This temporary employment may be extended for limited periods. Non-exempt full-time, parttime and temporary employees are not paid for a hour lunch break each working day. Please feel free to use the staff lounge for lunch and breaks. Office Schedule All office staff is expected to be in the office on weekdays between no later than 8:45 a.m. and 5:15 p.m., except for our lunch period. The dentist schedules patients during the following times: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:

9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Attendance We think of our employees as our most important practice resource. Your contribution every working day is essential to providing quality dental care to our patients. Our practice places a high value on regular attendance. Excessive absence or tardiness will be reflected in performance evaluations. It can result in disciplinary action and eventual termination. If an employee is absent for three consecutive scheduled work days without notifying the dentist or the office manager, this will be treated as a voluntary resignation, and a letter will be sent to the employee as notification. Vacation Our team enjoys a generous vacation schedule. After the first full year of employment, the employee shall receive 1 week of paid vacation. After 2 full years of employment you will be entitled to 2 weeks of paid vacation. After 5 full years of employment you will be entitled to 3 weeks of paid vacation.

Holidays After 90 days the employee shall receive paid holidays consisting of the following days off: New Year’s Eve (1/2 day) New Year’s Day Memorial Day Independence Day

Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Eve (1/2 day), Christmas Day

The day after Thanksgiving the office will be closed as an unpaid day off. Part-time employees, after their first calendar year of employment, receive the number of vacation days each year that they work in an average two-week period. For example, if you work an average of two days a week, you would receive four paid vacation days at the beginning of your second year with our practice. You may schedule your vacation time with the approval of the dentist. In the case of vacation schedule conflicts, the employee with the longest period of service will be given preference. Please notify the dentist or office manager about your vacation request two months in advance. We encourage you to take your vacation in one-week blocks. Vacation time may not be taken in blocks of less than one day. What if you wish to be absent on other holidays for which our practice is not closed? Full-time employees may be granted up to three days of paid time off with advance notice and approval from the dentist or office manager. These absences will be charged to your personal and sick leave. You may take unpaid leave upon approval if no further sick or personal time is available. Sick/emergency leave A full-time employee is eligible for 2 days of paid sick/emergency leave each year after 1 year of employment. A part-time employee is eligible for two days of paid sick/emergency leave each year after one year of employment. This practice offers a "wellness bonus." At the end of the year, each employee will receive straight full day pay for unused sick day for which he or she is eligible. Emergency leave will be approved for such reasons as a funeral or a critical illness of a family member. Please report your absence by 9:00 a.m. Personal days All full-time employees with at least one year of service are eligible to take one personal day with pay each year at a time agreed upon by the dentist. It must be approved a week in advance of the day off.

Inclement weather We may need to close the office because of inclement weather. The dentist will make this decision. We will make every attempt to contact you at home by telephone. Or, you can contact the dentist by telephone at home after 7:00 a.m. Full-time employees are paid for up to two "snow days" each calendar year. Election Day Since polling hours in our community have been extended to meet the needs of working voters, employees should make arrangements to vote before or after working hours. Jury and witness duty Our office recognizes the importance of jury service. We encourage our employees to exercise this civic responsibility. When you are called for jury or witness service, present the summons to the dentist on the workday after you receive it. Employees are given time off without pay for jury and witness duty. Following your jury duty, you must provide an official proof of service. Military leave Military leave of absence without pay will comply with applicable state, federal and local laws, and will be granted upon receipt if written request from the employee to the dentist. Request should be made at least 3 weeks prior to the scheduled military leave. Medical and family leave Full-time employees of this practice with at least 12 months of service are entitled to a total of 6 unpaid work weeks of leave during any 12-month period for one of the following reasons: * * * *

the birth of a child of the employee the placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care the care of a spouse, child or parent of the employee with a serious health condition (Wellness care, such as routine check-ups or immunizations, is not included.) the employee's own serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform his or her job duties

You are required to take any accrued paid time off (except sick days) before you take unpaid family and medical leave. Your accrued paid time off will be deducted from the total of 6 weeks leave. You may take the leave of absence on nonconsecutive days or weeks, or on a reduced schedule, if medically necessary. You must give notice of your intention to take leave at least one month in advance whenever possible. In addition, the

leave request must be supported by a physician's statement for the ill individual. When you return from your leave of absence, you will be reinstated in the same or a similar position. Your benefits will be reinstated as well. If you receive medical benefits under our practice policies, your health insurance benefits will continue during your leave. Maternity leave Our employees may continue to work during pregnancy as long as they are able to perform their work responsibilities. We provide a maternity leave of absence under our medical and family leave policy. Workers' compensation All employees are covered by Worker's Compensation insurance. It provides payment for medical care and income replacement if an employee is disabled due to on-the-job injury. Professional liability (malpractice) insurance This practice protects its employees against the risk of financial losses in the event of a malpractice suit relating to acts or omissions by employees when under the supervision of the dentist. We cover the cost of malpractice liability insurance for all full-time employees of the practice. Professional dues Because we recognize the value of professional dental associations to your expertise, this practice will pay 100 percent of dues for one dental-related professional association each year for full-time employees. Please submit your request in writing to the office manager or dentist. You will be encouraged to provide an update of your association's activities at our team meetings. Continuing education This practice holds a strong interest in your professional advancement. Therefore, we attend continuing education programs as a team. Full-time employees are expected to attend the educational programs selected by the dentist. They will receive their average daily wage on these education days. Tuition will be paid by the practice. Part-time employees will have their tuition paid for the selected educational programs. Their attendance is not required nor will they be paid for the time. Tuition reimbursement This practice allows up to $150 each year for tuition reimbursement or continuing education programs for each full-time employee. If you are interested in furthering your professional education in addition to attending the continuing education programs for the

entire team, submit your request in writing to the dentist or office manager at least one month in advance. These additional educational opportunities are subject to the approval of the owner dentist, based upon their relevance to your job responsibilities. You will not be paid for time spent in programs. You will be advised of the tax status of the course at the time it is approved for tuition assistance. Uniform allowance This dental practice requires all employees to wear uniforms to enhance the image of the practice and to communicate the message of a team approach to quality dental treatment. After the completion of three months of employment, full-time employees will be reimbursed up to 2 sets of scrubs and part time up to 1 sets of scrubs each year. The uniform includes a top and bottom. You must receive approval for the amount of the purchase from the dentist. You will be reimbursed for the approved purchase when you submit the receipt. Uniforms will remain the property of the practice.

Employee Compensation Payday Paychecks are distributed by the business manager every other Friday. If the office is scheduled to be closed on payday, checks will be distributed the preceding day. If you lose a paycheck, notify the practice immediately. You will be asked to assume the cost of a "stop payment" on the check.

Deductions This practice is required by law to deduct federal and state taxes, as well as Social Security and Medicare taxes, from every employee's earnings. By January 31 of each year, you will be provided a W-2 tax form showing your earnings and withholdings during the previous year. Additional deductions may be found on your paycheck, depending upon your selected benefit package. Here is a description of the deductions: Federal Income Tax. The amount withheld for federal income tax is determined by rates established by the government. The amounts vary according to your salary and number of dependents. The office manager maintains these records and should be contacted for information on the withholding process. At the end of the year, every employee receives a W-2 statement reporting earnings and the amount of taxes withheld during the year. This information is needed to complete federal and state income tax returns. State Income Tax. The amount withheld for state income tax is determined by the rates established by our state government. As with federal income tax, the amounts vary according to your salary and number of dependents. Please talk to

our office manager if you have questions about the withholding or reporting process. Social Security. The amount withheld for Old Age Survivors Disability Insurance (OASDI) or Social Security (FICA) is 6.2 percent, based upon the amount of earnings. This dental practice matches the employee's contribution to OASDI. The amount withheld may change with revisions in the Social Security law. Medicare Tax. Medicare is a federal insurance program enacted in 1965 under Title XVIII of the Social Security Amendments. The amount withheld for Medicare, also known as Medical Health Insurance (MHI), is 1.45 percent. This dental practice matches the employee's contribution to Medicare. It provides certain in-patient hospital services and physician services for all persons age 65 and older and eligible disabled individuals. The program is administered by the Health Care Financing Administration.

Employee Evaluation Performance evaluation process: It is the policy of this practice to provide employees with regular evaluations of work performance. The performance evaluation is a formal opportunity for the dentist and the employee to discuss job performance and career objectives. Performance reviews are based on the responsibilities detailed in the job descriptions, as well as on adherence to the standards of conduct expected by the practice. They are the basis for such important personnel decisions as merit raises, promotions and termination of employment. Each new employee receives a formal performance review after three months of employment. Every employee receives a formal appraisal at least once each year, based on the job description and the performance evaluation form. The dentist or supervisor reviews the employee's job description and completes the evaluation form for supervisors. The employee reviews his or her own job description and completes the evaluation form for employees. Then, the employee and the dentist/supervisor meet to discuss the employee's strengths and deficiencies. Together we set objectives for the coming year. You have the opportunity to evaluate your own performance and to share your perceptions with the dentist/supervisor. Both sign the evaluation form. A copy is placed in the practice personnel files. Performance and raises: We base pay increases in this practice upon merit. We determine raises by the performance level of the individual employee, as documented through the performance evaluation process. An employee whose performance is rated as meeting or exceeding

job standards will be eligible to receive a merit raise once a year. The amount of money available for merit raises varies from year to year due to business conditions.

Team Meetings Meeting Guidelines Meeting Guidelines This dental practice takes pride in its team meetings. The meetings give us an opportunity to share our views, discuss practice goals, learn new skills and solve practice problems. The guidelines for our meetings are: 1.

The responsibility for chairing team meetings rotates throughout our staff, so you will have the opportunity to conduct meetings. The office manager keeps the schedule for who is responsible for each meeting. She also has reference materials for conducting staff meetings.


The designated chair will distribute an agenda before each meeting, or will post it on the staff bulletin board. Please contact the chair a few days in advance if you have a topic for the staff meeting. Or, place your meeting comment in the staff suggestion box.


Team meetings are held the first Friday of every month at 8 a.m. They typically last one to two hours. All full-time and part-time employees are expected to attend.


Because you are expected to work as diligently in our team meetings as you do in patient care, all hourly employees are paid for team meeting time.


Employees should come prepared to discuss the subjects on the agenda. Bring information and materials relevant to the agenda topics. We ask employees to present a brief progress report on their work activities at each meeting.


When we decide as a team to take action, we will assign specific responsibilities to team members with deadlines for the projects.


The office manager will take meeting notes, keeping a record of decisions made and projects assigned.

Environmental Workplace General Information on Workplace Safety Because this practice is concerned about the safety of its employees, we are dedicated to meeting OSHA standards for the dental workplace to the best of our abilities. Every employee is expected to contribute his or her finest efforts to making our dental practice safe for employees and patients. Employees are encouraged to bring to

the dentist's attention any concerns they may have about OSHA because safety is extremely important to this office. Employees have the right to file a complaint with the nearest OSHA office if they believe unsafe or unhealthful conditions exist in their workplace. OSHA will withhold on request the name of the employee entering a complaint. In addition, employees may not be discharged or discriminated against in any way for filing safety and health complaints. Not following our office procedures, thus violating OSHA standards, is considered in this practice as cause for disciplinary action and possible termination. Bloodborne Pathogens Standard Listed below are our office policies on the basic requirements of OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens Standard. For further information, please refer to the Exposure Control Plan of this practice. Exposure Control Plan. This office has a written Exposure Control Plan on file that is accessible to employees by contacting the OSHA compliance manager. It is reviewed and updated at least once a year or whenever changes are made in procedures that affect occupational exposure. The Exposure Control Plan covers the following topics: • • • • • • •

which employees are covered by the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard methods and schedule for implementing the standards protocol for post-exposure evaluation and follow-up procedure for evaluating an exposure incident labels and color-coding for biohazard communication employee training access and maintenance of medical and training records

Compliance Methods. During patient care, employees of this practice will use universal precautions to prevent contact with blood and saliva. The office will be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, following the written housekeeping schedule for the practice. Uniform Maintenance. Employees will use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gowns, masks, eyewear and gloves. Protective clothing and equipment will be provided, cleaned, repaired and disposed of by the practice at no cost to employees. Reusable gowns worn as PPE should be changed when they become visibly soiled or be changed immediately if they are penetrated by blood or saliva. Used gowns should be removed before employees leave the office and placed in the designated container, marked with a biohazard symbol. Hepatitis B Vaccination. The Hepatitis B vaccination is made available at no cost to all employees with risk for occupational exposure. The first dose will be

administered within 10 working days of your assignment to a job that may involve occupational exposure. If you decline to be vaccinated, you must sign a copy of our informed declination form. If you were previously vaccinated, you will be asked to document that fact. This information will be kept in your confidential medical record. Post-exposure Evaluation. Any employee who has an exposure incident, such as a needle stick, must report it immediately to the office compliance manager. The practice will arrange for a confidential post-exposure evaluation and followup services at no cost to the employee. The employee’s blood will be collected and tested as soon as feasible to determine infectivity. The employee will be offered any medically indicated prophylaxis recommended by the U.S. Public Health Service. Within 15 days after the evaluation, the licensed health care professional who provides post-exposure evaluation and follow-up services will give the employer a written opinion stating that the exposed employee has been informed of the results of the evaluation and any medical conditions that may require further evaluation or treatment. The employee will be given a copy of the opinion, and the original will be kept in the confidential medical record. Training. This practice provides training during work hours and at no cost to employees with risk of occupational exposure, when the employee starts work and annually thereafter. The training will cover such topics as the Bloodborne Pathogen Standards, symptoms of bloodborne diseases, modes of transmission, and use of universal precautions and personal protective equipment. Records. This practice maintains accurate employee medical records. Records include the name and Social Security number of the employee, a copy of the employee’s hepatitis B vaccination status, including the dates of all hepatitis B vaccinations and medical records relative to the employee’s ability to receive vaccination. Records will also contain the results of examinations, medical testing and follow-up procedures relating to exposures. Records will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed or reported without the employee’s expressed written consent to any person within or outside the workplace except as required by law. Records will be kept for the duration of employment plus 30 years. Hazard Communication Standard Listed below are our office policies on the basic requirements of OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard. For further information, please refer to the written Hazard Communication Program of this practice. Hazard Communication Program. A written Hazard Communication Program is on file in this practice and is available to employees upon request. Please contact the OSHA compliance manager when you wish to review it.

Labeling. Products used in this practice have been labeled by the manufacturer to alert employees to hazardous chemicals in those products. Labels on covered products include the manufacturer's name and address, the identity of the hazardous chemical(s) and the appropriate hazard warning. If the product is transferred from the original container to a secondary one, and is to be used at a later time or by other workers, the secondary container must be labeled with information about the identity of the hazardous chemical(s). The appropriate hazard warnings must be transferred to the secondary container. Drugs and devices with FDA-approved labels are exempt from all requirements under this standard. Consumer products and drugs in solid, final form are exempt from OSHA requirements. Training. Employees with occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals receive training and information when they start employment and when changes in tasks or procedures occur or new hazardous chemicals are introduced to the practice. The training covers such topics as the Hazard Communication Standard, work operations involving hazardous chemicals, detection and health hazards associated with chemicals in the workplace, and how employees can protect themselves against chemical hazards. Emergencies Because we value employee safety, this practice has a written emergency action plan and a fire prevention plan on file. Please contact our OSHA compliance manager to review them. Here is a summary of the procedures we use to protect employees and patients in case of an emergency: Building Safety. Building exits should remain unobstructed, easily unlocked and clearly marked. The owner/dentist will be responsible for keeping the fire detection and alarm systems and fire extinguishers in proper working order. This practice has fire/smoke alarms and fire extinguishers mounted throughout the building. Evacuation. If a fire breaks out in the building, employees should immediately notify the lobby security guard or pull the fire alarm located next to the stairway. The lobby personnel will set off the building alarm and notify the fire department. When the alarm sounds, all employees should exit the building quickly and safely. Once employees have evacuated the building, you should gather at the north entrance of the parking lot. The office manager will be responsible for making sure that all employees are accounted for as well as reporting anyone missing to the fire officials. You will be allowed to return to the building as soon as the fire department has given permission to do so. Emergency evacuations for other reasons should follow the same procedure. Medical Emergency. In the case of serious medical emergency, employees should contact the dentist immediately and call the paramedics. Until trained

medical personnel arrive, staff members should do what is necessary to make the person comfortable. Administer CPR or first aid if you are certified. First aid supplies are available in the staff lounge for use by employees, patients or visitors.

Patient Contact Confidentiality As dental care professionals, we often have access to personal information about our patients. For example, when reviewing a patient's medical history form, we may discover HIV status, pregnancy or a recent bout with cancer. We respect our patients' rights to privacy. Information about patients, their treatment or their personal lives must be kept completely confidential. Here are guidelines to confidentiality: •

Speak softly or privately with patients so other patients do not overhear.

Keep in mind that even a well intended expression of sympathy over a medical diagnosis or sharing joy with a patient who has had a difficult time conceiving could be breaches of confidential information if overheard by others.

Keep the appointment book, case histories, health history forms and other confidential papers where patients cannot easily see them.

Do not give advice to patients on personal matters, even if they ask for it.

Do not discuss the dental treatments or personal information of patients outside the practice.

Do not reveal information about a patient even to family members, unless you are speaking to the parents of a patient under age 18. While the patient should inform the dentist of his or her current medical status, the patient may not have informed or even want other family members to know this information.

Provide pertinent patient information to other health care professionals involved in care or treatment of the patient using only a medical information letter or form and as authorized by the patient and directed by the dentist.

Only release a copy of patient records when a patient submits a written request specifying whether a portion of or all of the records are needed, including x-rays. That request showing the date, where and to whom a copy of the record was sent should be added to the patient’s record.

Patient Communication Patient Communication The image of this practice depends upon its employees. You speak for the dentist

and your team members whenever you come in contact with patients. Further, this practice values patient communication skills as much as clinical skills in its employees. Please use the following guidelines in your patient contact: Telephone Communication •

Answer before the third ring.

Smile as you speak to the caller.

Begin with "Dr. Chen's office. (Your first name) speaking."

Find out the reason for the call without interrupting.

Offer to help the caller.

Speak pleasantly despite pressures.

Speak professionally; avoid slang and dental jargon.

Use the caller's name.

Gather the necessary information -- name, phone number, reason for the call -- when taking calls for other staff members.

Record phone messages accurately and completely.

Ask for permission before placing callers "on hold."

Thank the patient for calling; end without sounding abrupt.

Check the answering machine for messages at the beginning, middle and end of each working day.

Revise the answering machine message once a month, or as needed.

Reception Communication •

Smile and greet patients by name as soon as they enter the practice.

Use patients' surnames until invited to use first names.

Sit or stand erectly and use good eye contact.

Listen to the patient's point of view and paraphrase it to his or her satisfaction.

Answer questions concisely but completely.

Explain the reason for appointment delays and offer the patient the choice of a refreshment or a rescheduled appointment.

Speak pleasantly despite pressures.

Avoid the use of slang and dental jargon.

Explain clearly the financial policies of the practice.

Let patients know they are welcome in the practice.

Treatment Communication •

Know each patient's name and reason for the visit before greeting him or her.

Smile and greet patients by name as they are escorted to the treatment area.

Use patients' surnames until invited to use first names.

Sit or stand erectly and use good eye contact.

Listen to the patient's point of view and paraphrase it to his or her satisfaction.

Answer questions concisely but completely.

Check on the patient's comfort during the treatment.

Support the doctor's comments to the patient.

Compliment the doctor's treatment to the patient.

Speak pleasantly despite pressures.

Use short sentences and simple language when giving instructions.

Convey confidence in the quality of your work.

Let patients know they are welcome in the practice.

Practice Challenges Drug-free Workplace This practice is committed to providing a drug-free workplace for our patients and employees. All employees are prohibited from being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs during working hours. The unlawful sale, possession or use of a controlled substance is strictly prohibited, and violators may be subject to immediate termination. All employees must notify the dentist of any drug conviction within five days after the conviction. This practice recognizes drug dependency and alcoholism as health problems. As members of the health care team, we are committed to providing help to any chemically dependent employee who seeks it. We will assist the employee in meeting his or her responsibility to recover from substance abuse by treating him or her as any other employee with a health problem. The employee would be covered by health, sick leave, disability and other benefits according to office policy for medical problems. If any employee refuses or does not attempt to correct a substance abuse problem, the employee will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, even for a first offense. Harassment This dental office absolutely prohibits sexual harassment and harassment on the basis of race, color religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, or status with respect to public assistance. Harassment includes verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion to an individual because of any of the characteristics mentioned above, that has the purpose or effect of creating a hostile work environment, or that unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or opportunities. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual acts or favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is used as a basis for an employment decision, otherwise interferes with an individual's work performance or advancement, or creates an offensive or hostile work environment. As our employee, you have a role in keeping our practice free of all such harassment. If you feel you have been harassed, or if you become aware of an incident of harassment, whether by an employee or agent of the practice or a patient, report it immediately to the office manager or the dentist. Complaints will be handled within our disciplinary process. Any employee found to have violated our harassment policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge. Patients violating our policy will be asked to discontinue such behavior. A continued lack of compliance may be grounds for terminating the patient relationship except for immediate emergency care.

Disciplinary Process We are an at-will employer. However, the following disciplinary process may be used: 1.

The employee may receive a verbal warning of the specific performance or work behavior problem.


The employee may receive a written warning of a 60-day probation period. The warning details the exact nature of the problem, the measures the employee is expected to take to resolve it, and the time frame within which improvement is expected.


If the performance problem continues without resolution, or any further problems arise by the end of the 60-day probation, the employee may face suspension without pay or termination.

This practice reserves the right to deviate from this disciplinary process as circumstances require and the procedures are subordinate to the at-will employment relationship. In very serious cases, such as, but not limited to, insubordination, verbal or physical threat, abuse of a patient or coworker, substance abuse on practice property, theft, destruction of property, or falsification of practice records, termination may be immediate and all benefits will be forfeited. Termination In this practice either the employer or the employee is free to end the work relationship at any time. This practice reserves the right to discharge an employee with or without cause and with or without notice. Employees terminated after use of the disciplinary process will receive a final paycheck within 10 working days of discharge. All terminated employees will receive payment for any earned but unused vacation time. (Employees discharged for cause may forfeit certain benefits. Discharge for cause includes violence, theft, falsifying records, release of confidential information, sexual harassment, drug or alcohol abuse at work, and other serious reasons.) Terminated employees will be allowed to gather personal belongings. The return of office keys and other practice property will be required. Resignation An employee may resign with or without notice. To help ensure the prompt provision of care to our patients, we request employees who plan to resign to submit letters of resignation with a minimum of two weeks notice. Employees who resign will be given a final paycheck with earned salary to date and accrued vacation pay on their last day of work, or within 10 days if the minimum notice is not given of the resignation. (Note: check with your state laws for final pay requirements and deadlines.) Employees who

participate in a retirement plan through the office should complete a request for pay out or transfer of retirements as provided by our plan administrator. Exit Interviews Employees who resign will be asked to participate in an exit interview with the dentist. The purpose of this discussion is to allow the employee a chance to talk freely about the reasons for leaving. The information is strictly confidential and is used to help this practice improve its patient services and working conditions. The exit interview also will include an explanation of our employee policies on such topics as medical coverage, disability coverage, unemployment compensation and arrangements for any transfer of funds from pension plans. Personnel Records To protect our employee's rights to privacy, the personnel records of this practice are kept in a safe place under lock and key. The records must be kept on practice premises. Employees have the right to inspect their own personnel records. In keeping with OSHA standards, this practice maintains a medical record for each employee with occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. The medical records contain such information as the employee's name, social security number, hepatitis B vaccination status, exposure incident reports and any written opinions of health care professionals. Employee medical records are kept for the length of employment plus 30 years.


Reception/Front Desk

GENERAL OBJECTIVES Responsible for administering the day-to-day activities of the business office, including maintenance of records, patients, and staff; scheduling of patients; staff interviewing/ dismissal; accounts receivable and payable; inventory control; and recall. Responsible for maintaining appearance and order of dental office, patient scheduling and patient management.


Arrange patient charts and radiographs for the next day’s appointments Assist in the treatment rooms as needed

Insurance • Submit treatment plans for predetermination of benefits • Prepare claim forms for patients with dental insurance • Organize supporting materials for claim forms, such as radiographs or written narratives • Mail claim forms from our office • Assist in the resolution of problems with third-party payers Billing • Prepare billing statements promptly and accurately mail billing statements on the 25th of each month • Prepare and mail overdue account letters on the 25th of each month • Telephone patients with accounts overdue • Post checks received each day Correspondence • Sort, organize and distribute mail • Prepare and send out new patient and referral thank-you letters • Prepare and send out continuing care notices on the 15th of each month Office Participation • Be an active participant in staff meetings • Perform other tasks as assigned by the dentist

Maintain patient records • Maintain a financial record for each patient • Complete insurance claim forms as needed for each patient • Establish and maintain a recall system Maintain an accounts receivable system using the pegboard or computer • Enter patient activity in computer • Maintain accounts receivable activity • Prepare bank deposits • Prepare statements • Follow-up insurance claims • Follow-up delinquent accounts • Arrange payment schedule with patients Perform accounts payable duties • Verify invoices with monthly statements • Write checks as directed • Balance the bank statement • Prepare materials for the accountant Supervise staff personnel • Help prepare ads for new staff • Help interview job candidates • Determine staff schedules • Prepare for staff meeting • Monitor staff performance • Aid in staff management • Orient new staff • Help resolve personnel issues Perform support duties • Order supplies • Review advertising that runs on a regular basis to confirm accuracy • Establish equipment maintenance program • Help support staff as needed • Implement state and federal regulations, as directed by dentist Reception Management • Open the office and turn on the lights at least 15 minutes before the first scheduled appointment of the day • Review the office for a neat, professional appearance and make necessary changes • Check the daily schedule for accuracy and post it in all treatment rooms • Answer and respond to telephone calls with professionalism

• •

Review supplies for reception and provide order to business manager Maintain petty cash

Patient Management • Manage recall system • Confirm the next day’s appointments by telephone • Welcome patients and visitors to the practice • Gather and accurately record dental, medical and insurance information from patients • Accurately file patient information • Schedule patients for efficient use of doctor and staff time • Collect money from patients at time of treatment PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS Educational • Dental experience preferred • Knowledge of automated equipment used in the office • Business course work • Working knowledge of computers for word processing, insurance claims processing and records management (list specific software experience needed) • Knowledge or experience in management Interpersonal • Able to work with any employee and be able to resolve conflicts between employees • Able to discuss all dental needs with patients, be objective and be pleasant • Able to cooperate with other dental office staff personnel • Able to work with the doctor and convey needs to staff in a participatory manner • Good interpersonal skills to maintain effective rapport with patients, dentists, other staff members and community • Effective verbal skills to communicate with patients and staff

Job title: Dental Assistant

GENERAL OBJECTIVES Responsible for assisting the dentist in the clinical treatment of patients. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Office Management • Check to ensure that units are ready, stocked and clean at the beginning of each appointment • Oversee cleanliness of operatory • Help in other areas of the office when necessary (phones, unpacking supplies, moving dismissed patient records) Patient Management • Greet patients when they sign in and monitor arrival time • Seat patients and have proper setup for procedures • At all times show care and concern for patients • Try not to leave the patient unattended in the chair • Anticipate and assist dentist’s needs at all times • Chart all patients and record date, service rendered, and any charges • Escort patients from the treatment room • Complete patient’s chart indicating procedure done today and what procedure is to be completed at the next visit • Perform clinical procedures as delegated by the dentist • Give patient instruction and provide a demonstrate where necessary, as directed by the dentist • Monitor patient flow • Update patient’s health history and patient information semiannually • Notify Treatment Coordinator if a patient should be called in the evening after a difficult appointment • Perform other tasks as assigned by the dentist Office Participation • Be an active participant in staff meetings • Promote team concept by interacting with others in the office PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS Education/Experience • High school diploma • Graduation from an ADA-accredited dental assisting program or dental assisting experience preferred • Coursework in dental instruments and procedures

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Compliance with state dental practice requirements (e.g., x-ray certification, OSHA training) Legible handwriting for notations in patient chart; computer skills desired (list specific skills desired)

Interpersonal • Good interpersonal skills to maintain effective rapport with patients, dentists, other staff members and community. • Effective verbal skills to communicate with patients and staff

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