3 minute read

Registration Event Timings P. 4/5 Transition Area P. 5/6

**FOR THE ADULT & CHILDRENS RACES – The Registration will be near the Transition area in front of the Hall**

Saturday Registration: 2-3pm Sunday’s Registration: See Event Timings below.


- Before registering, please find your race number on the start entry list (available on www.endorphinsport.com ) and on entering the registration area.

- If you are a BTF member, please show your BTF License with photo or you will be asked to pay the day license fee (£6 – adults and £1 - under 15-19 years). If you are not a BTF member, then your race entry will have included your day license within the entry fee.

- All competitors will receive two race numbers (to be pinned at least all 4 corners back and front of your race top, or back-to-back on a race belt). Please bring your own safety pins.

- Adult competitors will also receive 2 number stickers, one for your bike frame and one for your helmet.

- Timing chips will be used; these will be issued when you register- please don’t forget to secure on your left ankle before going to the lake. If you lose your chip, you will be charged - £60!!

- Please ensure your race number is visible at all times & do not fold your numbers! You may receive a 2minute penalty if you do!

- You are advised to register on Saturday 15 October between 2-3pm.

- This is the ideal opportunity to familiarise yourself with the venue, in/outs etc. Sections of the course will be in place giving you a feel for how the event will look on Sunday.

Event Timings –

***You will collect your timing chip at the registration tent on Saturday & Sunday***

- Please familiarise yourself with the timings and the run & bike routes. Respect the helpers/marshals and one way systems and barriers in place to ensure everyone’s safety – thank you.

- Please be mindful this venue is on a working estate so timings may change slightly to ensure everyone is safe and marshals are in place. Some on these timings may change – on the day – please be patient and kind and thankful the event is still going ahead - thank you

***As always, we will aim to keep to schedule, however things happen, and our focus is ensuring everyone is safe in each race. Please keep your ears open to the commentator who will keep you in the loop with timings and any delays. Please be patient, be courteous. We are only human after all. ***

Race name

Sprint Duathlon

Run Cycle Run

5km (2 x 2.5km laps) 26km 2.5km – 1 lap Sat 2-3pm or Sun 7.308am 8.10am 8.30am

Registration Briefing Start Time

Super Sprint Duathlon

2.5km 13km 2.5km – 1 lap Sat 2-3pm or Sun 7.308am 8.10am 8.30am

XC Sprint Duathlon 2.5km 10km 2.5km – 1 lap

XC Super Sprint Duathlon

1.5km 5km 1.5km Sat 2-3pm or Sun 7.308am Sat 2-3pm or Sun 7.308am TBC TBC


Event Reset Kids Duathlon

(Age as 31 Dec)

Tri Start – 8yrs Tri Star 1 (TS1) 910yrs Tri Star 2 (TS2) 1112yrs Tri Star 3 (TS3) 1314yrs Presentation approx. 11.30am

Kids race will commence approx. 12pm when we have all marshals in place.

Run Cycle Run Registration Briefing

400m 1km 200m Sat 2-3pm or Sun 10.3011:15am 11.30a m 1:30pm

1200m 2km 400m Sat 2-3pm or Sun 10.3011:15am

1600m 4km 600m Sat 2-3pm or Sun 10.3011:15am 11.30a m 12.30p m

2000m 5km 800m Sat 2-3pm or Sun 10.3011:15am 11.30a m 12pm

11.30a m

Start Time


Presentation approx. 2:00pm

Transition Area Opens…

Sunday 17 October Sprint & Super Sprint 7.30 - 8am.

Kids Duathlon 11.15am -12.15pm.

Please be patient as these times may change  - This will be lake side by the mansion and registration.

- Entry to the transition area will require you to show your race number, helmet and bike frame number.

Should you wish to take your bike out (this is for security reasons) there will be one main entrance to the transition area.

- The transition area will only be open to competitors and will remain open throughout the duration of the event so if you are preparing to race or have finished racing, please be aware of competitors who are still racing, they will have right of way!

- It is important that you understand where all the entrances and exits are and where your bike is in relation to these!

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