Point Of Hope - Issue #34 - October 2016

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Esther's Example



Overcoming Fear

Spoken W ord

STAFF Founder/ President Rev. Melissa D. Pearce

Copy Editor Barbara Watts

Contributing Writers Bryan McCabe, Dr.

Ron Pearce

Mary Beth Pecora

Shelly Hess

Rev. Melissa D. Pearce

William R. Glaze, Dr.

WANTMORE? Cant Get Enough? Checkout more articles and happenings at: www.EnduringHopeMinistries.com



Point of Hope is published by Enduring Hope Ministries, a non-profit organization, Murrysville, PA Š USA 2014 Enduring Hope Ministries, all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited by federal law. Point of Hope has no subscription price and is supported through the contributions of our supporters. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies) For more information: please www.enduringhopeministries.com





04 MELISSA'S HEART Position your heart in the Lord and have great expectations in Him!

08 NOTHING FROM NOTHING All things will eventually be destroyed; if not by man, certainly by God.


CELEBRATION We are never too far gone to celebrate God?s redemptive work in our lives.

20 SET FORTH YOUR WORDS The word changes things when inserted into people and situations.




In those moments of fear, it seems impossible to overcome, let alone eliminate.

Magazine Layout & Designs created by: L ogicWebDesigns | contact@logicwebdesigns.com Point of Hope is a publication dedicated to encouraging and equipping people of all ages with the Word of God. Our Goal is to provide readers with life applicable articles that will edify and strengthen their personal walks.

03 His Word, Your Hope EnduringHopeMinistries.com


For the past several months, many of you have been in a season of preparation for the Lord. Although overwhelming at times, God?s work has been prevailing within and through you. As I sat down to write this month?s article, I felt compelled to encourage your hearts and spirits in the Lord. God does not want you to lose HOPE during this season. You are about to embark on a new journey with Him, and the enemy wants nothing more than to instill fear and doubt into your heart and soul. Reading the account of Esther?s life, I am reminded of the various seasons God has us endure to ensure we are able to fulfill His Kingdom mission here on earth: ?Each young woman?s turn came to go in to King Ahasuerus after she had completed twelve months?preparations, according to the regulations for the women, for thus were the days of their preparation apportioned: six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with perfumes and 04 October 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

preparations for beautifying women? (NKJV ? Esther 2:12). Each concubine was summoned to go through a season of preparation prior to meeting with the king. Notice, the first six months the ladies were apportioned with six months of myrrh. There is great symbolism associated with the fragrance of myrrh. Myrrh is one of the three gifts the wise men brought to Jesus: ?? And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh? (NKJV ? Matthew 2:11b). The myrrh symbolized the suffering and death the Messiah would endure. The Bible clearly reveals how Esther went through six months of preparation apportioned with the oil of myrrh. Remember, myrrh?s symbolism is associated with suffering and death. Could it be God allowed circumstances to prevail within her life to further define her character? ?My brethren, count it all joy


when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing? (NKJV ? James 1:2-4). The trials we endure are used by God to further perfect our character in Him. God desires we lack nothing within our character. He wants us to be complete, which means mature, in Him. Maturity in Christ is always believing God?s plan for your life is for good and not to harm. It is removing your selfish ambitions and pursuing God?s agenda. It is trusting God even when you cannot see the end result. Jesus, our Great Teacher, allows us to endure various tests to reveal what is deep within our hearts. What is truly there, and what is not. Are you in a season where God is allowing various tests to arise around you? Do not fret, and do not become remorseful! God is not punishing you! He wants to disclose what is hidden deep within your heart. How will you ever learn to mature in Him, if you never know the truth about yourself? It is often stated the true character of a soul is revealed when under pressure. God wants to see how you will respond to the circumstance and pressure? Will you cave, or will you endure? Esther endured six months of myrrh but the end result became a life hidden in Christ: ?For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God? (NKJV ? Colossians 3:3). Do you realize, if God had called Esther to immediately go before King Ahasuerus to save the people of Israel, she would not have succeeded in her commission? God used those seasons

06 October 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

of preparation to allow her to die to self and for Christ to rise within her. This enabled her to step into her rightful position when summoned. With her greatest challenge before her, Esther?s attitude was secure in God: ?? And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!? (NKJV ? Esther 4:16b). Esther no longer lived for herself but for Christ. Her passion and devotion was to fulfill the will of God within her life, no matter the cost. This must be our attitude and approach but only comes when we die to self and live our lives hidden in Christ. It is no longer our agenda and motives but His will to be done. Our passion is to complete the mission before us, bringing glory and honor to God. Can I encourage you? If you are in the season of various trials, hold steadfastly to Jesus! Don?t waver from the truths that you know about Him! Don?t let the enemy make you believe otherwise about the magnificent God you serve. He has proven faithful to you in the past and will continue to do so moving forward. Remember, when a teacher gives a test, He is always silent. Ask God to reveal what you must know about yourself to be mature in Him. God is positioning you for advancement; embrace all He has for you in this season of preparation. Position your heart in the Lord and have great expectations in Him! He is about to do great exploits!! In Him, Rev. Melissa Pearce


FROM NOTHI NG LeavesNot hing


?Vanit y of vanit ies, sait h t he Preacher, vanit y of vanit ies; al l is vanit y? Eccl esiast es 1:2, KJV. Back in the 1970?s, there was a hit song by Billy Preston titled, 'Nothing from Nothing Leaves Nothing'. I am unsure how he came up with the title, but it could very easily have been taken from Ecclesiastes, Chapter One. In the first two verses of this chapter, Solomon proclaims that ?all is vanity.? The word 'vanity' (in Hebrew, hebel) referred to a: vapor, the wind, or one?s breath. To say that all is vanity seems a rather extreme statement but, when studied in light of Scripture, it has profound implications. All material things will be destroyed and cease to occupy time and space (2 Peter 3:10-14). Furthermore, material things have no spiritual value and will not help a person gain entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 16:26).

08 October 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

In verse 3, the preacher (Solomon) says, ?What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?? The word profit comes from the Hebrew word yitron and refers to: that which is left over. When we come to the end of our lives, there will be no material possessions left over to carry into the next life. All men will cry out like Job, ?Naked came I out of my mother?s womb, and naked I shall return thither? (Job 1:21, KJV). I remember the first car I purchased after graduating from college. It was a Ford Granada (the year is not important, because to give it would be telling my age [LOL]). I put a lot of time into taking care of it. I was constantly washing, polishing and detailing it. It was my

pride and joy. When God called me to go to seminary, I began to fall on hard times. The car was in an accident, and I never went to a body shop to have it repaired. It also started to have several mechanical issues and eventually died on me. I clearly remember the day the tow truck came and hauled it off to the junkyard. My mind went back over all the time I spent caring for the car and a bit of sadness entered into my heart. Truly, the word of Solomon ?all is vanity? became a reality in my life that day. As we reflect on the devotion for today, let us meditate on the fact that no material possession lasts forever. All things will eventually be destroyed; if not by man, certainly by God (2 Peter 3:10-14). With this in mind, we should

give our lives to things that are meaningful and eternal. In Psalm 90:17, Moses prays for God to give permanence to the work of his hands. He was praying for God to allow him to do something that would be beneficial to others after his existence on this earth came to an end. His desire was to do something that would outlast him. Prayer: Lord, in the midst of being overwhelmed with the temporary vanities of life, please let me accomplish things that will have eternal significance. Help me to build a foundation on things eternal. ~William R. Glaze, Dr.

09 His Word, Your Hope EnduringHopeMinistries.com


SATURDAY NOVEMBER12TH! Sh eep In c H eal th Car e Cen ter is a faith -based, fr ee m edical cl in ic sh owin g Ch r ist's l ove an d com passion by pr ovidin g qu al ity h eal th -car e for in dividu al s an d fam il ies with ou t in su r an ce. W e ar e a n on -pr ofit or gan ization th at is r u n com pl etel y on th e don ation s of in dividu al s, ch u r ch es, bu sin esses, an d or gan ization s.

VISIT: h ttp:/ / Sh eepIn cCl in ic.or g

EVENTINFORMATION: Location: Gateway Fire Hall - 4370 Northern Pike Monroeville, PA 15146 Doors open: 11:00am Drawing Times: 12-3pm | Handbag drawings every 15mins Grand Prize Drawing at 3pm

Cost: $35.00 donation/ $40.00 at the door | Cash or check only Must have ticket to enter event - No outside food or drink permitted Please note: *Winner do not need to present at drawing.

Monroevil l e Locat ion:

Turt l e Creek Locat ion:

Hours of Operat ion When: Every Thursday / 5:45pm-8:30pm Locat ion: 561 Old William Penn Hwy, Monroeville, PA 15146 (Monroeville Assembly of God) Phone: 412.856.7900 ext. 36

Hours of Operat ion: When: Every 1st Saturday / 3:00pm-5:30pm Locat ion: 305 McMasters Avenue, Turtle Creek, PA 15145 (Valley Chiropractic Center) Phone: 412.856.7900 ext. 36


ecently, I was involved in pulling off a surprise birthday party for my thirteen-year-old daughter. I loved the look that was on her face when we arrived at the location of the party and many of her closest friends and family members yelled, ?Surprise!? Even though she was shocked, her amazement quickly turned to joy as we all celebrated her life with her over the next few hours. She knew that she was highly regarded and deeply loved because we had taken the time to celebrate her life. Birthday parties are just one example of how

we celebrate life in our culture. We have celebrations for holidays, anniversaries, and other special events. I think that celebration is an important part of what it means to be human. We live in a present evil age where we face tremendous challenges. And, yet, in the midst of difficult circumstances Christians can celebrate because the kingdom of God is at hand and we have victory in Christ. What does celebration really mean for Christians, though? What does celebration look like in a world filled with broken people who are searching for answers? I would suggest that

followers of Jesus Christ should be setting the standard for celebration as a discipline. We have much to find joy in, and we can passionately display the goodness of God for the entire world. Cel ebrat e Your Lif e! Just as my daughter was reminded that she was deeply loved by such a simple gesture as a surprise party, our Heavenly Father desires to remind us of how truly treasured we really are in His eyes. God celebrates your life! There are many examples of this concept throughout the

Bible, including this wonderful passage from Psalm 139:13-16: You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother?s womb. 14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous? how well I know it. 15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. 16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. ? Psalm 139:13-16 NLT

""Wearenever toofar gonetoexperience andcelebrateGod?s redemptiveworkin our lives. "" 14 October 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

Praise God! You are highly regarded and your life is cause for celebration! Not only that, but your life is not a set of meaningless circumstances. God has purposes set up for your life that only you can do because you are intimately and wonderfully made by the Most High God. Cel ebrat e Your Lif e Purpose! You have a relationship with God. God has uniquely created you, and only you can be you. Only you can do what God has called you to do as part of God?s redemptive mission. The purpose of your life is to bear witness to God. In order to bear witness to God, you have to learn to orient yourself in God?s Story. God knows everything about you. He knows how many breaths you will take in your life. He knows what your childhood will be like. He knows what college you will or will not go to. He knows what jobs you will have throughout the course of your lifetime. He knows where you will live and what you will do. Every moment of your life is filled

with God-given purpose. Life is filled with opportunities to bear witness. Some bear witness to God in the business world. Others go into vocational ministry or nonprofit leadership. Our world is filled with artists, politicians, athletes, musicians, doctors, lawyers, teachers, filmmakers, and scientists. We can bear witness to God as single or married, as children or as older adults, and as rich or as poor. We can celebrate the fact that God has created us for so many amazing purposes. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. ? Ephesians 2:10 ESV Are you giving your life purpose to God? There is so much freedom to be experienced in our Lord! Becoming a Christian is like joining a party. Our lives become shaped by God?s glory during the relatively short amount of time we are given, and then all of eternity with our Lord is going to be a huge celebration.

Cel ebrat e Your New Lif e in Christ ! If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, I hope that you are celebrating your life in Christ. You have been set free. The gospel is good news! It is not a set of rules that you have to live by that lead to boring outcomes. Following Jesus leads to participation in an epic adventure. You have a new life in Christ. When you became a believer in Jesus, everything about you changed. You can celebrate that God has done an amazing work through your transformation. So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. 2 And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death? 9 ? you are not

controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. (And remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them do not belong to him at all.) 10 And Christ lives within you, so even though your body will die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life because you have been made right with God. ? Romans 8:1-2; 9-10 NLT We are never too far gone to experience and celebrate God?s redemptive work in our lives. John Newton is just one example.

16 October 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

He lived from 1725 to 1807, and during that time his life had many twists and turns. He was a slave trader and he was quite successful at it. As a young man he had a dramatic conversion experience where he dedicated his life to God. His life was spared, and he grew closer to the Lord. He eventually stopped his involvement in the slave trade, and he became a key supporter of the movement to end human slavery. Through an amazing redemptive act of transformation, God led him to become a preacher and church leader. He went on to live an amazing life in service of the Lord Jesus Christ. John Newton knew in a profound way that he had left his old life behind and that he was a new creation in Christ. He celebrated by writing the words to a song called Amazing Grace. That song of great appreciation for the work of God in his life has been sung millions of different times throughout the world over the past couple of hundred years. Most of us will not write a famous song to celebrate our new life in Christ. Still, we can join together to celebrate all that God has done for us. We pause to celebrate our own lives, we celebrate the purposes that God gives us, and we celebrate our new life in Christ. -Dr. Bryan McCabe


Sh e l l y He s s

107:20, ?You sent forth your Sendingforth thespoken Psalm word, and your word healed me; you wordheals, rescues, causes rescued me from the grave.? 1:1-3, ?In the beginning, God andcreates, accordingto Genesis the heavens and the earth. theseScriptures. created Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, ?Let there be light,?and there was light.? Romans 4:17, ?Call forth those things which be not, a though they were.? Sending forth the spoken word heals, rescues, causes and creates, according to these Scriptures. Continued........

According to Merriam-Webster.com, 'SEND' means, -

To cause to go To propel or throw in a particular direction To deliver

According to Merriam-Webster.com, 'FORTH' means, -

Out into notice or view Onward or forward in time, place or order

If I use those definitions (remembering that the word heals, rescues, causes and creates), I understand sending forth the spoken word as.... 1. Causing your word to go into a situation by speaking about the situation. Putting something into food changes it. Putting your word into a situation changes it. 2. Intentionally propelling your word ahead of a situation in a chosen direction. 3. Delivering your word to a person or situation by saying it to them, as if it belongs to the person or the situation. This is a word FOR this person or FOR this situation. 4. Speaking your word aloud. 5. Sending your word forward, prior to something happening; speaking of the time or place something is to happen; bringing order and alignment to the will of God. St art t al king!!! Send forth your word aligned with God?s Word to other people and their circumstances or to yourself and your circumstances. In the 1995 movie, The American President, Andrew Shepherd is the incumbent President of the United States running for re-election and 22 October 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

challenged by Senator Bob Rumson. Bob Rumson launches a character assassination of Andrew Shepherd, to influence the perspective of the public and lower his public approval rating. It begins to work; people follow the words spoken by Bob Rumson. In response, Andrew Shepherd?s Assistant for Domestic Policy, Lewis Rothschild, says to him, ?You have a deeper love of this country than any man I?ve ever known. And I want to know what it says to you that in the past seven weeks, 59% of Americans have begun to question your patriotism.? Because President Shepherd has decided not to respond, Rothschild goes on to say, ?BOB RUMSON IS THE ONLY ONE DOING THE TALKING!...?

PROCLAIM: TOSAYORSTATE(SOMETHING)INAPUBLIC, OFFICIAL,ORDEFINITEWAY: TODECLAREORANNOUNCE (SOMETHING): TOSHOW(SOMETHING)CLEARLY MERRIAM-WEBSTERDICTIONARY Satan happily takes any opportunity to speak into people or situations to direct the situation or affect the perspective of the person. Don?t let him (AKA Bob Rumsfeld) be the only one doing the talking to you, to others and into situations. You have the authority, in the name of Jesus, to speak. So, start talking! Send forth your word! The power of life is in your tongue (Proverbs 18:21)! So, speak up! Set the direction of the situation, set perspectives and bring health and change. Hebrews 4:12, ?For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow? ? Take the opportunity to insert God?s Word into people?s lives and circumstances (including your own) [penetrate] and change them. This makes me think of the song, ?We?re following the leader, the leader, the leader. We?re following the leader wherever he may go!? (Following the Leader, from Disney?s Peter Pan). The word is the leader! Which way do you want it to go? Or follow it into what? In what direction do you want others to follow it? Rise up, lead and send forth the word ahead of you. Isaiah 6:8, ?Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ?Whom shall I send? And who will go for us??And I said, ?Here am I. Send me!?? Likewise, ask the Lord for opportunities to speak. When you find those opportunities, take them! Send forth the word! The Bible says (Matthew 5:6), ?Let your light shine before others? ?

The Gospels talk about John the Baptist coming before Jesus, preparing the hearts of the people to receive Him as their Savior by preaching the Word. His words prepared the way. Mark 1:3 says of John, ?A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ?Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.?? He was to make a way for the Lord, as are you. Don?t use your tongue to agree with the enemy, making a way for him to move on behalf of yourself and others. Use your tongue to agree with the Lord, making a way for Him to move on behalf of yourself and others, even in the wilderness. We are co-heirs with Christ. So, like Jesus, you can say of yourself, ?The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord?s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion ? to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair? ? (Isaiah 61:1-3).

Instead of you, others or a situation using the word of the enemy ? ashes, mourning and despair ? make the exchange to the Word of the Lord ? beauty, joy and praise. Remember, the word changes things when inserted into people and situations. According to Isaiah 61, you are sent to deliver the good news of giving the Lord your ashes (the wounded parts of your life ? regrets, sorrows, mistakes, hopelessness, etc.) in exchange for His beauty (hope; all things work together for your good; a good future). This is good news! Normally, people share good news! Tell yourself! Tell others! Tell the situation! As you do, the Word will heal, rescue, cause and create ? because it is living and active! -Shelly Hess

The word 'proclaim' is used repeatedly. According to Merriam-Webster.com, 'PROCLAIM' means :to say or state something in a public, official or definite way; to show something clearly. In other words, you have lots to say, either encouraging or to lovingly correct someone. In verse 3, there are exchanges: 1. A crown of beauty instead of ashes 2. The oil of joy instead of mourning 3. A garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair

25 His Word, Your Hope EnduringHopeMinistries.com

Called To... Eliminate Fear A Year of Calling : Devotional Study Series - Part X Mary Beth Pecora

Have you ever been paralyzed by fear? I have... It is a real emotion that can immobilize you. In those moments of fear, it seems impossible to overcome, let alone eliminate. We have heard Franklin D. Roosevelt?s ?First?Inaugural Address: ?So first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing to fear is fear itself.? He went on to say that ?nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.? As he began his message, he declared and upheld what his firm belief was. He wanted to eliminate fear in mankind, for he understood that it paralyzes and causes people to retreat (withdraw) instead of advancing. I think we all have something to learn from FDR when he talked about his firm belief. Let's ask ourselves these questions.... What is our firm beliefs? What do we believe God?s role is in our life regarding fear? Does He understand this human emotion ? fear? Continued........

27 His Word, Your Hope EnduringHopeMinistries.com

Here are some facts about HOW fear debilitates us: -



Fear generates a chain of biological events in the body, which engulf the mind. Persistent attacks of fear lead to many health issues. Fear is caused by historically harmful events, pain experiences and the unknown. Fear leads to many subconscious behaviors.

So, how do we conquer our f ears?

SELF-AWARENESS First, by self-awareness ? having a clear perception of your personality, including strengths and weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivations and emotions. Just admit and realize we have fears. Fear is defined as: Conscious knowledge of one?s own character, feelings, motives and desires. This process can be painful, but it leads to greater self-awareness. No more denying the fear! We all have it at differing levels. PRAYER/ SEEKING Second. Let?s ask God to help us. I love the best Self-Help book I know ? the Bible! Everything we deal with in life is at our fingertips to learn HOW to attain victory over an issue. Let's look at Psalm 34:1-4 .. He begins by saying: ?I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips? (Psalm 34:1, NIV). Praise God at all times ? whatever 28 October 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

season you are in; no matter what you fear! Then he says: ?I will glory in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice? (Psalm 34:2, NIV). If you are afflicted with fear, hear what the Psalmist is saying and rejoice! He continues, ?Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together? (Psalm 34:3, NIV). While afflicted, rejoice together with the Psalmist! ?I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears? (Psalm 34:4, NIV). Go straight to the Lord. That?s what David did! If any man exhibited fear, it was King David. He was being tracked and stalked. He feared for his life! That?s the height of fear! Here?s what happens when we do: We get answers ? ?Yes?to our prayers! How did God answer David? By delivering him from his fears ? ALL his fears! The key to conquering our fears is seeking the Lord. To seek is to search for, to find, to ask for. In other words, talk to God about your fears. Trust God in your situation. Trust God when you are fearful. He shall deliver. ?When I was in distress, I sought the Lord; at night I stretched out untiring hands, and I would not be comforted? (Psalm 77:2, NIV). When our soul is in anguish, it asks: ?How long, Lord, how long?? (Psalm 6:3, NIV).

Here?s the firm belief we must assert: ?Then I thought, ?To this I will appeal: the years when the Most High stretched out his right hand. I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.?Your ways, God, are holy. What god is as great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples. With your mighty arm you redeemed your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.The waters saw you, God, the waters saw you and writhed; the very depths were convulsed. The clouds poured down water, the heavens resounded with thunder; your arrows flashed back and forth. Your thunder was heard in the whirlwind, your lightening lit up the world; the earth trembled and quaked. Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters,though your footprints were not seen. You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron? (Psalm 77:10-20, NIV). A firm belief is established with a thought! Believe God can deliver you from all your fears! Believe what He said as truth! Believe what He said will be accomplished! Believe, ?For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind? (2 Timothy 1:7, KJV). Thoughts and beliefs are in our mind! Don?t let fear engulf your mind. Change the way you think! Ouch! I felt that, too! Believe and trust what God has said! His Word is alive and active! Let it be active in your life! Activate your faith! Apply His Word! He shall deliver!!

Activating with you, Mary Beth Pecora

31 His Word, Your Hope EnduringHopeMinistries.com

Pet er Disowns Jesus

Luke 22:54-62

Then seizing him, they led him away and took him into the house of the high priest. Peter followed at a distance. 55 And when some there had kindled a fire in the middle of the courtyard and had sat down together, Peter sat down with them. 56 A servant girl saw him seated there in the firelight. She looked closely at him and said, ?This man was with him.? 57 But he denied it. ?Woman, I don?t know him,? he said. 58 A little later someone else saw him and said, ?You also are one of them.? ?Man, I am not!? Peter replied. 59 About an hour later another asserted, ?Certainly this fellow was with him, for he is a Galilean.? 60 Peter replied, ?Man, I don?t know what you?re talking about!? Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed. 61 The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: ?Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times.? 62 And he went outside and wept bitterly. As Jesus was taken to the house of the high priest, Peter followed at a distance. When those in the crowd recognized Peter as a follower of Jesus, they began to interrogate him. ?Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers? (Luke 22:31-32 - NIV). But he replied, ?Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.? Jesus answered, ?I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me? (Luke 22:33-34 - NIV). Peter, succumbing to fear, denied Jesus not once, but three times. Jesus aware of the situation knew Peter would deny Him at this very hour. Yet, Jesus never stopped 32 October 2016 Point of Hope Magazine

interceding for Peter. Jesus knew Peter would have to face his fear in order for God to use Him mightily for the Kingdom of God. Just as Peter had to face the fear that was demanding his allegiance, we too will need to do the same. We will not be able to have a lukewarm, indecisive relationship with God. We will either be fully committed to Him or we will not. Sifting can be difficult because it reveals our true character within. Yet, while you go through the sifting process, you need to realize Jesus is interceding in prayer for you. Why? God wants you to overcome those things that are being sifted out of you so He can use you powerfully for Him. Are you going through a sifting season with God?


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